Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-21, Page 37' 91r. —7 -7. -7 _7 _17 7 44, A 4 A 14 till Q' snQW 1 0 0 JX -4R-fl-V.TW1Il1 pv�vratii 6 hanilioute, kledgail fo� 104 Affiged all real Mr. )OUITr 1.9pigiale. 'PI OCf 'rew' rua, Olt. , jils)*t, cowl. Is'' L �, ii - M r J -i 'Go W", _*_4nm_W4tjT__ An, ApPI I 0A _glrLI _Ilko� that el"gagowl . o. marry I li at .1 76oq Itidkeli yP*, ek-M.-90o oll thfoI V Tultea-liron-4 "a lot aUd I re is: , 1) im a Ce 9 1 eau. men, It, thA ioa 01, a "wa _0 0 6y �X`Qni' paxOmOnt, WIN' I t PC -Iowa, for perlury,, e und Ir, the, 'Lt " -of- � I . i : V- L , ' " ' ' 'ar a QW111 ' ltur6,, ' &a. lip 'e.lpa, Or Kotgeryi, Ly li, libIter Qfrp� I;artulent Agticu 4 Will not"be, . . 1. 1 - QLf fill U p i love vlolet NO fi, -QJ314 geo tit I d At "' , '.� �tha llpvt of the 13,17.1�1104-. aco, r -eller 0XI.) W OYMPS OV 1�o hO( jpoj�J'Low , ' 6 jo, talig 1 ppo:' lU to�'_ 7 vro� Witli, her, Ca 111ML 6,n the A $eOL ecder�'* 'Or' live 4tQ k t I 're ly nise v dartin —0 our not at, ju, fl-ogveo. posse,sp IT to., 110 y by: the diVidling, Ora f me (1, with, Jealoos, 'Q njibil Ws, eosl� that I Itin; lin1r, ". . 'L I L, boilr t a g�re4j ,, re" W 1, Apimals'; bu , Ina y' f] 'out'., - 'it I IL the' jillao trl;;xnp_h j y ILI, go fb�, term '.feeliqg Of cof 1,vould, g1t, th on! do, -riot 'I ais. iiot SO bad.. as --n kpeNV :jjja't f Ore n7 a prom Ise th he"victory wor 5jrT LciplAdUlp, Was 314 it t realily- , good: pedi that. Pool*, gielij you 'boind" lorpIg call." JVI­lt�t pocent enough6i; bpt.glle ts.'to. Pf4rry, :by Fp,.4r Slolie;� to (Ili "'Clofl� NvA '6aLp gr. . t he jvo -ng dayl is fiXed you'r ti :bIA Son think t Yel"Y' 'fully by INIr. 'Hodson", and will, be a, Vie ry lijifidpo I.. sh 6,U jfj $]too I t' blip) ght I" L 1. 1 i . '. '. 4! `13413110� , 1 41- % tboyj,- 1 to-ul ;$t0p]; cop�issioxie�,; Fj Pa r, felix, Iybpt At -1 thI619 I Oarry2 b)m,,,j,,jipar I n 00,711 gt -t e lih the- aprInW." 11 'ere f6a Of I �Inl), C Qftr aq h.(Ipr.- ukt!4rp P. ol" Q01oul g No baby, 10.o for, a -re-, I or for- ItIII, be. aalid. fire d"tipyR., ic _A , pr., -.1. � 1 , - ­ Tit .#L 0e eare Iaway� rom, Qp �"Tb4 �Sgiqn I)f varlidniQla, F.0r. -.the ththg.. ISO. It *� a got r, -Ma; wa pe bili moaq - I I ­ L ., , " . I , d'' ;�jvoi;14�giiner;illy Its: litt 0 00211404, 10 "tut am foolish aft littrigs, e isajol Ibe--real.y. g an, a My N of that I 04jr I-- Why. fr9m all' tho" and the 'beavy, CA tag ere iq, tA& 'Yov. Orris, to, be ea.ij)uu; . .�( , a-vO, all tattl I j, I . - . 'I . t. n diown-, tl _V 6eeij. on.; P(,WgPKte0'. Its 1541pi Ilia" Ai r 'i;�IA is4r ei em - f�. U jt� . :"i� " � o "h4t., 1%, _Uj _M --1 ; _"L � _VIko Oil' .2'j- L., � 'L � _0 ca 'im4 , P. -Fo to" ".you'-, wJ t!A ul t t ctert 8.4t p 'lied _ji TjiOy ',Iiulked. slj:)wly� dowa th;e. Aye- Aid iralgeol it at nlg t.. mW;.t�-A9t re -t' jqea�pola 'ji ­L.PI dboerVe, little one..'apdF I ZVog;, "Ali. nebd6pit-V or, 'breeder.s., ul it Wilt Sleep., h o' you Now, If' j&uL the,$o� rittfi, tba.'hup notbing-, lji;-I:p.artIcuI r t� �B tyj)� of .a,rj­ al L: the' indtlier got her 1268 0.1. �jiest .1 1 .1. . A d dedL deleno. �oo Iiuo Med't , 0, go'n Felix., ;till a a ad i9l hie j� got eill, U.'air:1404, IV e -,�p -4, iig frag; -0 AlIg,* klid In Id. 4oll d i older. t,b At i6clionw- to, oil .. . . I ­ ' I . , �­ __ ­ L b, AIM . . 1 1 f" ­ ... , , I I.. li"'i anei�i,� to j. I h to pa rpo No 14 Tab,!ra­.-Qwn, YVA jo ;4,0 lat" :<kMi­ M4,i., 'JI, .1 _4U10, la tv, .4 *­ ­ �L I . - I . I, L -A - - ­, .. , �a:*. - -V_-0,dAV, 1w9aw6d,ca 44 F.-Ureativo �;Alb!Tat 'cls it -3 Cjjre4 Lilt, the,' of' a"Y0.1109 oW.e rtboi ffidre. mp Ot li4 -I 1. 11. .. I Rolfg. _Isair a.- �telrh, Cruel". SOIV 11 ve, ji eyer Is ;m- '116- Once toyer "'It' peo a e "will.1w. lievos, nol'.'promptlY t _t ear '.;0. , hiiii, " ` ' I ' *9k Minor, al.j�mdn At e oid .or 'it -of A-Ife* Sir still talk Inc that prloialpp: :Settle',6w his Tao c yov, :Millit .1&ve- dimmed -of iS-ii VQA1 'kb6 Successful, bi eeidet..�_of tljliS'-.t iapi,6 yo�i'r bealaf 'So p1j'on ts yout: Y( 'they- a t6,'b6" initriied'.1 hera. W � , � " Apd' ljia� admIr4,tion or Ays grea Ill e.x. 1). e r c ure l&cajjp.oV'.b,e, s hd� proved the truth Of m it a-. poj�Lo,dQum air �killsl, qo�ljca. . to Sorting, alicI'theyl?" le,agic j0jj know, ni p- t -4 of mot f beautifilil ttlin ofi,tillouoandis OQ & Me you. ly.' I stjpj�osei t1jis "Young;, sa:14 A "'jinlOS& IleL .4 IS, Mrs, James," M LonF Howler, Let Viclot. n4to. Tiolet, jiad� a q littlo,!at iiloljje�;� Ishe. jiad t9til 4Q. - S .1 1 - . ' ­­ d"* I We. fre Among Ile J" Ili fh tt, fa t ;is OL Vy PrQU 6f Whrrel j3Aj t d4r1lag �Ve . I L'th'at tile vexcellen, Appear- aist " hb 0 and.."tood 'baronet. intendole. aqei libe"ry, It t" Who ' - 'says----' 91; me: %r _to_-oee­h1iu,­ b a 9 . P-ftbllik NO I to -w-IiOtTuyou:aAi Ioi�.k- IIII I, 4ue6t!QT1 psi,; w me opea Rt' -held 'er _A6 'It I -'Francis ood' y's 0*p Tablets tiI6 b -t 'What th, n , d* -en. yj�:)7 Is coo eL that leelt tOt y I ng.,! o9ho rcpl OIL ", r a. yory -Indir fle I a 'the. "atill he is7one�,of It , Watchinig d an( be anct, has b lag�-: at , er, -n� 'a man an ff-IMI-fooked fqrq�� r":djol woildloi little On 0 -fl(14. I ltav 'o.rd," such, love. his: (,I Y e R,� ShbUld ..not tfiLdk, It '_'VoULId ff,la e up to 1�11 ' der- stre, 'but. 'out' oJ ano gave, 113116'. ClIleii, IS In Lila tupe wIth, dam slany �df ', this' sort' Are. Y(FPt �fy baby ' IV",, crosis Ill must I blav6 -liad k at 11110 t luNt that' a worall I io� o.ves e mpposia.11 S,.Lid t 11-6, MA -0 it e ble to:to winuch I r, h6 C�rto. 1`6 Is country. to tile good' deal of trouble, but fat "Coming Ito!'Se.w. me r' sires ".ill thl t M I C, , d ljonii;0ale's. so.n� hill.,giries.. himself �a, marble heart' to toll "Does".611e, care for lit be . �usk at for 9" OfL: ther,. live, s ock, thoi' talblets I out 'not wish jor -a. 4' .. I tt itletriment. of '(Ilko -are )list' th. �W.114� U gre'lL . ' 6 tured, child.."' v -Ari- bAndsouie nu6i_ 'That kind qulokly� 6vo -greatly. lleed IS, healt.hier'or bettefr. na 1-rei-did bot-ligei the'll'ot' flu!911 On. Indus try., What A S., UR ks 'Al -untor -my ID .6are $Or f same. you lmust, U a. Does, glie great OL .0, mep Ye $It know W 4, � tacludozl St'ronger'pralse could qiot be, g veIU, 'It ka a, . I .. . . , I I I %say -ch !in his- datijitter'si face.. 0 ell I line :bkeedlingi.i. The -hat enough wb,y le 'ml�ng'. in -a ped of t I ca,. Vlolet.� Does not some one h ove love I I a . aerpi-madiiiess'.'.' Why'. -w-as co be I e Same tirril the mother hasIL guatapte ur 'L I'Mo you not. th --hands Ikre4t nol ligreo Should -an the Abblets corita. or ink f1m, oweT' that simple.. ishecares. very Mile if. In 110 opiate ... U"Or in abouf .that, right" of bj��ding quality 4nd st�rle.,, Jul' drug, ..Sold by Medicine Aeal- jII;&t It. j0L t you, inuat, a to[, ]1,11C j6r no one.; else be,-. "If it' is, a4sked. ATIolet. who'kikew, wel! rue and I a fi rm '' I aw e,*... Stand, hetb;Aetth Ina] z"t � post paj, IT lover haill tjle�$gfatu qu6 beaxit.* f, he con nued.' *Ih�d ma,Y gave- hni , las, -I ad �bad. sire, or Or Ancie's, 0 t, koaid ff a d at 25 cents. ball, grand-sirie.' 'or dam.- or grand-' eXA or F t cool :breeze blow, dvqr�,�. 11,6- li:aked nq--mcift� questions, -but f 'thIe: krouble.' 1writing the -Dr. Wlllia�ma' 'tile peou 14"ItIPP 9r­'theseIvi4 & box by t; 111 never w:aSite-,ono; thoug is ever give 'in_ da yc,:7 r Wt 11 ITIMS, 94 a purify you from evEll hltlg�, him- In;- idicfpe� iCo., Bi-ockvillei on UL W r f4 Lady Riolfc,� still, *Atcl "You i�lll See' cOml'Ig out in -the offspring, betaus -ME ' _0 d r I" - I ��� ­�— - rep, anill e aaw, that'the. set, flynt jioqk� IT. a; W,ally But Ile' ai lwv� tramulo Y. io plr6js. only Maillip facei" he ilia ro 1 1. . b , L , L 4 'i Vlom!k's (it I- Instinct, told Site. cilo 0 irs. lfayei;- la 4ed �Wheil ale Ie.omeff'� said,3 _�l 11 toll doip��iied­ever nibinerlt on, his face. S ilia obly file ug th "tile. wo t tgree, and I ln(lu war lit.ecord of a Do.9 hoprAlio awkwaiid,,*baroneLt_'wuis. jeal- bu, t �,e words cited, her. rb is Inothitig a surd a She Fit ei)uld -n-: tell. whether 6he hlud� ainst, "him, iq FM 0. quite- SUR, and Ahe:west- -ight or-wrolig. She� liddL' sslig. I sliall . riciV pelleve,1 u g bod L . . I r 'told, go e entpo,-of, one. Ujjiiisu�4, iriter&,t cepfied in M6 Iquadrille, -who ibivett'L but he wind,, kissed bet , face, played 'the Dublin polift court' era dolfe of t'l r. do -Roe 'hini." thot - in fluence of eaell Of, t he a,ri I case, -beard in. him that thb,.Igirl w4s engaged,, up Continued.). Z 1 .. als,in his' anco: 1,lair, -slidiveried the (To be in ?Ary, all tenoll.1g. wiiich. the leading ig� - woll-fd go I recent Y. in I L , . .1 a iiQt leave.. hpr. She MuIst wi 1hat it, sy, t It him to Ila aliment' tk her golden isQ1essjQr him 0 It - is .,Orl wit -er asi qultj. I Leb bet. - me ripfro' Ski v olviardor rariatlion �uro twuI4 that'formerly, be chestnut bid onis ov Lt W�iat:dld that look,. at inferio; ho thihk of ]her'-,, bi. -a a b %.'fic eo� PAINS, t golnewill ,ille, -was oto even. liny 16pgod �to Gen. Philip, Botha; , and sure She. felt t1t6d. If h Very one efse who' ACIIINS ANDL, ter 'o chooffe-a ,Only known -ho. wottild, Ila ivoian, An mal of good- breklirig, than, tion, of thei... ve siont not an.'s'. _w9r.40-111,builging cl, I � . went tbilough -a' gou& Pot tlie� of. l".-vid- "Now I any,parL in nan ase and. JM Won Llla-. :-6- but how * u lie, , r a n It air away." be. Wreateid Th i C Be in elic o", cen ninnul ol_jjeep�_�"r fist-th, - W-,. - Watami ired _ffOcfOtY . it'i " , -1 . . I " k a _ftW]_110od ling! vio'x t Hayer to s of IDIse _j)_&d eedin inid" a elli(ifee, fruit, 6,,Or.for _Q[_ -Tftdff) -V-r _.%_rUW�43h tif w-umi -StYatlY 'A 0 -Er 00, ij, ease tildre is the in- t ger for It he -4mrse I k-_waa - t6- uelli, :,of pnimal--agitil' ill lie 4- _y. ou-I ove- ac 'kin 0tv y� it -V --mig �. -re , or, him. o:t "Pain _.ep toned for� so Lk , 'in mLjj Ili it t.. ancestlIr t a -whol -- I -has,-- - UJ�- Mille; 0 qk mr op a . . oU nee y Jual, which-, ILa Lt Qr,y:., D.Ut, try �plcas- or I require( mi. nd flint, pAb me W1119114if'i , - (lone lta 'ilidt hi; 1, (ani time - P046 flatt M4 ' ni, left. b r I ound 0. an tL Top I 'front Ilia seil't awi4* Tic— 'but a symptom, 110t,tlI diSea , Se that Vill,. not olb to Writ ifleS at ]Rlcb­� orv.'witten offered by a .#1 6 not, ubdenist4nd' it 0 lie rose wifb."tbe Rolval Irimb R th6usand,pbi'anniii-m�* It ejj:�In . A tallyslilp:,with"a' bolv. What -you must fight i's riot tit d Itil. a gqdd peOtgr0e.. pedi. roe w d Up, -lit h6l'­­ lie rented. . I- � rra&44 - " __ttS4�CAUS er an in ivitif long, pi , ees "T e was� lookifig. a, ter,, 10 _f_ _' terrial.. piplibation. a ab QL 0 ex 14 orov! ot every�. t r everyon She coulrt�-:n t 1 oy�� na tfib, juall -To-mvervowe o Eliew 711" abotit a�4t et eoiutejy our, - "0110 wa6' thin I king ;,Ind. talking, Haye.", ccommitidatied. -wA kit 0 Rilt Id 'ifid. mot*. tiInb,:ON;er W! useless. e -Stock. Whyll th, - cestdrs,lw�a not be6n of uniformly wao la 9'h 6 COILIM IT ielp, cOntraisting po lljtj� 'In cause of.,.p.jin ain'tornal,-1:16'atmen't' Is" her V bearl�l ixitn-bsa� from, which, eve v, ip V a lie r.. 111 nj did ? who .'But* La 'Ihia a eat In'tbe i , lrvk6fit which no MnAter wliere� 1g, nor have-th'by been Of fi on. ItIth, that fic costume, -in a -all in -necessary. PAirl 'Ildn . *oil heir I tos tu�, &-Ungeiild in- (Anyt be oeerniod, chtt tbo*:fgjjtL0 bf, u%re silk' a" _tpL 'eXCPp1A;' ier�. t�� 46eated,i will! clisal"p 'peat blood arid: animals Imporfe'd lht&_C�;aaa; are of. ';i], Ieoaf I wIt ver -:beeTi 8 ' n o'Ve the game type, to --m-C P1 -pr ,I .. v OUSI. 11 j I hitil file: 'f Ills'' words. tes4- how. Tho,moroejit� se'emed tQ Pllrlti�%and enrish. IT r;oe� faclUgS.- The, 6111 ji, rid 7dr i;dl�rl L med liglol' bire bu stre-bgthe , tiie`n6rVk . iclicia. and 'p,06j -quality 'a I. not':bred to tYi;lp; F t Cold r Iiiitirgod .,the _iIII hinj 1lQurs, T�Oforc -Ile 'Sholl.if tie joar -it . - LIT., Afr !Uedj, -wil�n - Iseveral Soul 'tio�forgot� 0aillfs d a g ­ L :digap�or-aa"if-by�L inaV16' 'pI xanee..-buf, t1w f jiI L,:'; ___­_, jejIt flfi L 0 t her so jriolpf _M[kyt) uEfed., 19, With, clalsps.� 'otbers-'hAve apItpa . a is, 13 t "i;1 Dr. Willams P-IbIr-plis 'are f II&A n fe riot' because a that lie Ivao that son 11--t-or-ltis-.,popularity.-th.itt h, t ""o he ,I flieIr of sprit ber,-�­tbliro­. -]handsome,:-,'.. irmijilarfcord-A -do 4 -e -A atu­ajly� in it keg- 11 M ""I iave. cem, 111,yety hoiart, 11-16 o.n,c,sa*­jh6 0o.wering; angry ex- disease fiom jity and breedIng.,'If a -Bo ca yr; �jjj4;" tifivir ances ors ;vlxIg 'cap��jriji(][ b fh1jr,.num 'who-lidarken L' IT ki er -war lie, ted . Tile,. .0JU:e' had',. .11 D crossod to b gwj; which -drives .,,ty.pe,, qua PMES,oll .OfL his L.' sebin-ed/ wraip,'�64 -4p. in ra:co as Ili tilt- _'y�t'e 'and X.rioll . Rif lets, MAIM . -but ht, life, d of, good Second :Rjb�yal' klildly. I ., I . '�ommaijdant ree wn IL .in -to sho anfry_ fpom Phillpi ei ved' ver la, usa rids of! gratdfu I pi?OIT 'cattle or. �'a d horses Inif him,, her. the croquet, man withijs had- paival'A hdm ailds-itrid 11to st:We of 9-00 those thingiii She, Wa.ntod' u1i Tarfirla� thoAhoorlibl&r.2.. in. E Oi� felt -PI6 have gjV 0 IT of up Both Wltlj a'bow M -ria. rro�vngon bad bold' ven,.a'3 4 -it their testimo.nY T t I jfiust'havq 1lieI Iforill ty�pe L . . elp noticing_�� diff r- lio sald 'self, "if. e 1, J �ptcynLjer,, 119W�, Frow bat time 'h,ot � George' Cary. I- forlifin (i !c6i,.1d. ilot. it to' hipi. O,��e Alils. Ur 't''them S6.he must Se to ishak Pi to' gL iirossi5� tlie., man-,ob. 4.Ii�Vtiv ima 'Cidl tit. t& ]let-, arid bury .-Por it IVhole'suni- nd.' ordex actii6-e line -breedin as �mijftbe , end,: of the w h6� trekked IT 1311C � I . . had"oli'lown. thern back.vrpy! wlicc'kl�N f i, . 11 ._t. st u d y apol pr , L I Sir Intl: to.� ff m0an AfLivaw1fir glit, t 1�* ;ain F..cla Zi, �' : . . I h9iii � all." . ' * -iui'fcl Q. So 'is withjIlo, Uffles' it. �Iie had: nothink: \If, i'li W;U It - .9 'front, it -d �L fair t V pF" a-61iliquAlity"g i. St tat. , Or:.,u( MTr_ Tia -11fieJowleiziliBlYrdone, '12e. le P, a"in, V''Its, ill and- 1,11. ejaA&eS 'ut bows, Ladly. ]Rolfe PI I, �,omefblngl the we of OZI 1) IT a dNff w 611C 0 1 C01111ol sclarcely-.0eatr1w: �\L:��Uj!.Y, '0 a or n ',quickly to St-0-jr,-.ahyo0c had observ6d, ati011-All-ic �cpv J,�or. lie. ll[W,�jjotL bee fettle _YpIe, aliol'cullLng u a theecar 61.-a w ind receli�ved, lit ad - t 11 ' Z� dbr..', r liat'-bilo) , a-,-4 0 r, again pose. Tlle'i6ct IvIlich to k, t�6 t lf a, wlib'Gi6n:: Fren 0 'hato eii.rollitedly iiricls-ki,�6�t`bo hil'i I red to,�Lnj�ther Man Lot doetors, and tried it num-. t p'to t116 Aj6n'. Lat er ll�, v that d1w. no .". Come 11 -For, hhr'iser' .0 . but 10. beb -COUBT roGeived, Anil `91iripiy. br&41 liliworn' It ' ould'bor'a III? Ca j�&­Colijony% t�:Jtad:I -it walp, IV mad-I'lalet E= 1i I it Ile SIT .keenly t It eede vie 6L tll,D Wag'- "a"' 'the Viole 1�6 Ida nr� well illustrated in the Then 1. prit-Ish #ep bi �,cam-- pledal', �,Wltilli_ _rI triumpli"to' Win licli"bamuce.iso'Jilih olri, io-,"ribw , ."M ft --even ill 0 rb, a. n Y_ no,, ib�,-nvfitlii.- ad otlrn-rs aduffl-&i ea to: try Dr. . Williams' I'Tik'11IAIq,, cage -of t rs, _dt,00d, ta I 111 ISIJ? owerl"'had �jr "� SM to, hard-Illm';0f. NNi k are iarga [ti good, and -Que.EN t Ta -re AT 'o double ti1timp If, 03116, Iras eliga me' ilillyos it �tbe King.s to.. 111 In f lig. ,IT' �*Itol this Iiind t The ,tljre* cI9:S'Plq. 'I." !e 0 it; licirle: help6d er mAu­­.-Zli,-0 �cll.Oftojft.�cqn-: st a in it6 f��iipd_A '11"0. k"', tIMA44jon, r CO3 ill P q% an- modal' Strung ceii creq -d "r a bi v ie. 11 to ulicit 11m,ge d in; regard Attic' .-Wit I two 61111,609: 1 r.; .-o uis �th'oilgll 'q le-'Vlorij sQtne-id --fakei-C qhd 1 -6 gre; -exercise t lr6rn tjio'-ird rhlf 660dLnQ;y yf,rormar is Drur k -ed; *11.6n . tbe.case'*iis t Do frlflo�;oiu rom wing 01 UL-.- called, 00. W101 -o' under dc1pild 61, rl is I IT e, Aff te'a n a neb had ILL N". ,,t Hat till 'jitiqw.—M t 6 as 14 re,rrcc f -quittity-, 1; U ��ciatic:t. I-liellinatigin tr6clitted�'thfiLin. .6UI. I" ki on ly , -1inger and 'jr� I4,Dihe,Vto bo. Peflbdt6d 611 lle�r in 4.'riever rho NVIIIIams In Call grc (14 W nin " ,I L , "r n bwe, r rA are o. uniform u1shed, dog ih�i.tbe oo-ijntr.r.�, ol siellse" liald IT(,. ro tit,, -.ff"jLjj�- 'do, pit iple"'iV1. o "d noi��t lie' wou ally t 11,§ 1-sit"ek &-ifillilik 118 a OL ft "Mer rp�o his. methods by' gl7a pif V �otllfl'adol -to 6re, I ittteriftob' L to the aniia a, III ills (III I'lie"ie cither aelles :an( 'Payl.flg. tit ij�lves r, beforo "now c, f6r, k Vo 1p, Li I I r. froitnt- lie- ii�este itt 4 cejtor�: -of�_7f 1ie'-raiaIs_Ii.qLl�_uVg 36lds- --wa-s- 'Deli boni-tletelyl It 4t 4�Lp ji-Tiotlikr,. it r6uj_�h a,, ;,if, u e, &Ms- S6 Ile ffoW� uses, IS good" L of Dr.-�-.Wil+! Oro- Vat ropectJoil, jlor�,L 0110' klleW,"; Stlil', ai-t'i0idbMth -oil fire. opiagemIi tit f -arin. , . cause. of colds 1115,he .. . TJe. AnN. * ble "Ariding- Iv the kk-i:ifa�t of ll�& P: IF rays"takeL' file' Id b Ink Pills.' 'Doh't t,.Ake any. p.`.nk-:col- s �110 a,v JIL- saw ier at" last, s iI.cd..,SUljSt'IijItP 15iIt he rLt L ' 15,'not.wit-hout. 'No' i it .,war; t, Itif * ;L ! - v I . - -om with . , 'I, "- . . -1 . U to, rith 'ure .1418 C ONVk,111 1119isteil -on taking ']ter. hig t1l.6 p, Liblt L Aie,� f 11 s0e, that t thel -1 Ila ' r t 'elloug I be.'' o o4ually- good ell in 4 Avat.oifti iaye�,j a"f a ikes cold TV -11L 0 IT 4-'Ahf� lg'bntlutl�u, 'to T 1) ur, V, r IT I t —im S - ;,I I niti, * Pills for or gra dums Nro gtafO il'6 -Xvait.&A upori, ment li'e �.VaS L ' . parne- t -,with' pilre, bleod. L [a 1c.1, "and I 'I -lit a. on 'hewr, .90( and ere, 4 and the. n .. takutt - I I " - . ., . a t I�rljjS, 6C.66aith, all r6fro, Pilent . . 1 11 6- t Nvould �Iiale,ppop ej l.g pi t , v 6 iy rtun tjody,L' tit hei Viol Ill] )d -.- b3 'her to illipo cours IT III lavry el. around I f'.in bt Send' _U6tOmL the' Aou wk' thoug �,Sho� liud, be -6n a� PI Ilad vldc Lady '11,0110i ers. frigkiell, 1�e. tjir6uc�lt the' JIPLO ood rollsoil �;'ibc IT s.'. : the.. bo,, , , , -I --c to, NO 11antel to ')r. L' fatlue.� The u -sit, I7.11V'L any one,,I.n .911'e,00ultl Ot tbll, how'It W 'as, is no Medicine jd� -,,I -vith, tofty. It Xrmer,As to�.go ca'rPful,I.*.v over fattia L b,' t ev lit V1. e, ( . . �e Proo bx6r-' c 'k ivctrld 0 sorro-w-, Vice f ave le I Tt "Si ablei to do it(" I it -w-9. If :11nol he and br�diiiagly 1 alt,fi sh b�it.',d-jo mee'16"f Sudd61lIy.A&, 11 111 owi . o r . I sedim;. to ;b&'in eil ..ni li yie 00 a pit., Ve 111,, 930 tL Iraye. Siorh . P114 Ild ol�iigjl't'to -ca I ar, r6J-ct Wit Yvn W. 't Mail at .5a ef�n % a. -c I come .'from I Y Ito c.anifot- is, UW uso.0 t may 'D Mone TI. L . .:1 j ;t mind gayip'fp t ill or for $2M. lam s And rlima, 'n' yeacr, ig, oweis" 6. the excAss bf'4bOd; I 1. Me Z lixt g4i.o had -*e' Iftiliter, NVouk1yoill ; %-to a it il, 1, e. - of, Ivh I �. I . . l- lor��.Mo.fo" 1 " . frow, ng so ong. d etc., "Here tj :Lyour - Qjj,­§jatjSfIe "Smile Wit g. i A 10. f, d 11ke to4peak -him T, An. that "are, 'Indt 13 .1 1 ol t - one ie �to . let, -d.- (juaIr I I tell d Iii,x", ',stan�lii by,,hor` -isiote; longed to 1,13 ot�'. at bl� 'jjIWay6 14.4id 'Sir Thiin e Lit ity" w, t IT IT If "a, 'he 0110 61r. Or bavo;, jriot,�'pj?6v V V1.61 ofi,.Of,� e throw, )JIM. 0. to to breIoderig. �,TItIS'eulli roce *111P e'' 1' 9, or, .'up, suddenl.v,,s . , I pl�� aws 0 so Dots lirt him lip Ini his of p :aj I ' 4 ID 'looking 11!:she gaw,tlie'vfbarls. wl(e 'de -er fli,6 brift Tlilnke�s ,is 1 11 , � This culli be of fite or a 1- ve, 'bo rollfl jgiior�: gen my'carefullY, Isis. Q . 'Itere, jit 'i he :entrance. 1 c 4.r ri il I More Itcr mesi,;age. Into. r ri no Mo OLP lip A 4;1 on Idl ll�6 said, olulf td at � 110 tile mind tendsjo. at of usua �a, ah 'highly-.. a adon A, firsr''Ornothilig . like -JUiPitft-­� Rolfe -died LAM I :,Buyers rom the clause 'or! coijis, th. y �rr .1 rodching, LIP ongovity, Herbert Spencer has So ect.sheep I the Sfy�:Oiwdll, a , - . , y - ed 16ods,, AS woll,us Trepe 't IV Ott her� iff, Liaord 21' I as 1huelt a -Ith at%, ceq(xl.. impatl.6'. it-th r :)f the ivelf, e�tabllssli r,:t ,mb L Ice: vexed.-, her., �a. r ill --,on half tell -in Ills 'eighity'-foi q. ot an i ree ing.I, ThO96 gVvelhoL time' f agnificbnt tril fc&': Ir She appeared frigh ed- n -- nel 6­ inij r, lie' te' -ep 'tblrd,� e c pat a. r" 'M Ile i6f the flock I resery ffip .jjW.S6-I ty- -81r� i "' L,", ­- pC I* -&its' -to' 1 Stf)ke8 Ills ejgi)ty_l,()Itrt 1" -Cl -kIL Ali e eA o e 1, o' A e hi .tu r owa.. use; 50 t, her" ''"' " ", ;I o nno.ye r d le x flow, - if the i aft -saw'.1 I'll, 'Ile, 'an, 4riereased 1 010 ,ilor ve wai feW,` J LteS.' 1t;'WaS Id"vorite 1,111,tues." y-sixth;-Tylidal Nvas: aceidontim- eat, - to Bob reeding pu u ninel, had' rocciiinle 'to hiCsr,, c1glit. I J. _f6i�/ _; [ s6tr� thus -11 at'ger, a tltl6ff'. goes to -ti6ns. ,iver.� 41 �y day Allat,*011`6: Ni - fwait-.- Jl,igL 'fa&p 0110.1 red.. .,ally poisotied At- S�Xllty_, 11'ree, e It We, L. OL t., , -but� lto� I; 'at d t e third grade of,, nouilshinient L Are absorb _' lh�n A4 1 "It is L .�ye ed, I left btironet alid 66- [4'L t III-,' kn �Ivl it Ilia wont-oll'. is earofut sqlqc ion,, A r ifl ".1 r' it severa.1 I's the butch er. Tit .A, .'h - ". Ir"", - ___._t-ot. can, , -e propertv ittilizedi. an&the, re-,!,.' ot I ly, It - 0� . 'nil elder Y, . . . . . . b * i prmi_t r -- -v - IT n,zy A , e fab­ _obstilic- IaKly I -ave of I' -tile suprom.- W.Ijj@hL is , slinolk an fievpr agaill -Tit I it friends. ford. 10 L IT -jils elg ied'apol",niiiniaiiIia 111c;6 jhyi��61r­t"ciel-jedlo , t -_ ­&nd� - tjoin�.i ommon see 811". 0%V ell . I u "I_eet�l_ I)o,s Lill - fell.. he.1 0jf,.r,v, amj6iiiloifi, We are ',,otj­�, fltt.l�Cr' I Me, W t�p=,,rffiir,d� It (lied" �Gl , adstoi ' I 'litY-111fith I fil id !Or a.&L to be 8 t� Withi y e t. It til. JIN sevbrity-seve6th.' a,&y o'f the Eri�lish 116cke. British. �Slijj'eiy ho., inig. of niiarly, two months,, gtandffig, r WIT �ffitj.'t, Of��tile.''Sygt6ui_ O�Le e t -xpel. the IvAi , t -L i -a is qui e . I ro-1, ye. ''a IT of farniers ara .1 any_ bet.--' spea t 0 11 gcr; 0, 't, t g pro -i, W I hai 116t. Newton jii:ed, to - bo _�Spii JI've,'julnute's, *!tit lot. bre�dj lig.'L -it, Pr�ol f6,V, pery od ilIsejcl§�'�.jrniWF , Pei* a Auiliu,U'S., glIr e - inib. your piled. Ta -.Sir- orous III 0-'Jter �plie-e]�' than bilfadlaps could, l, . V0 lie. ilie iC fig I me. L -o rd Ke ;ielf;polsouLng, duo to. fin Inm he .1rifta Sit dbi�� .0 iduce., jr,w,,oi-were,to devo same copitag to lier, ai I -the fe,LUi WO 1) would lef I*, and'Afalf 01-. To w' gr&f 00*9- . I., ' .§earch. in: capabi .77�If_ P __ .. - . ..Ilfg. tlje� t dts _)0; r about 1119" iiigiltletli. lity br,flte orginism: 'to re 4-, rolO n'. rl- a' to '.6m. 1601C s R el. a. a -tain oLlection for' so�irom . I. ie of Aim- bi�ougli't-� �Villlam -Gull ..of breeflihip stock has �.!I looked at [her. 06at b on turbance. Iier at. .'h Wit Fle.r. Ile onlIvol 'tile th.61.6iigilly,cartied f. h, 11% IT IT invalid I -or ce traf Xittery".and, its �b 'AL (lie icient, r, ry e ei a 'al ui:iii1y of 'ptire ,air - Lit t!Ma 7,0111ell ut., , . , \,of, aillIc t 0 often?. gtimti tat toil IT ldbl) teoll i's a g9norationi . - S' d 1 11 - - itic 1. U go": trengthen a C 0. lea�,-p t116 � lung6l's not o;iilY a trdIng.pre- %kfe S of the goill e,j in all part -couil - a pro.- Yoll g re ull;e.:' r "it.t k, 11 'to hull I c rees 'if at: ifiaki-,'I`6r� vital�ty. rPL bo'p c��e'bf, colds, but. -vorld. Tlte�y iine oil ce � Of IN. . r>�jd .giy wi It I. -ine face.� b')dy, Ol' C(IlliVi'o -favors Ifni Mile graver. wr)( I tit tu�.I� to, itsk I c I a d'afig, "No--iiot o �ht 0 -1 g "I'll'ttv.0-Tio vwws, fton,", replied, -the g1r," He, �.Xera�e ziiiji,ol '6e, o 0_ 0 ot you I y 'j'Ith .10 avorted jjj`,,6,r days go, 131-Ampr6vii r" Ivy., ItlVa 'Soule I'llada W �ions. pure, ji:r4. 6,P Q` oking Nr IoN i*'s:' tries r.or p, air - 'and 6xorcls;& 4�a rb , ."'I an' Lilto 11 0 0 at Ill ocit.-In C: VICN ill . 'Ile gj,�k t"). 'S�p Iiiiij. S 11 b It rb-1 n 11111 er�and tive �st -e-- ell -on_ alra tlie syst6in'tor 60 the Ir as rep. fl6wers rily' o f il: 01( ".)Ill (I n 110CL �ary' ;0 r f, ,I( In L ,I( In q L A� b, tiln .,Vol 'ILa:tjOn. I6r nutrI.IIII for: 1143,ki-v , . L It Ma "ro, Ilovilas no, wpiler 'are U -EIrrilp.F. rIU. All is I -s, look(Al 4ol to I,',Gfcv-er ntan, a 0 liol are awbuill b.,l I c Ilies'SlY. 661W, 611� op 1, r6 --bred flock mal 91 1 , ' * itliollf,1hem ti", lllcalt!�, , who), L )u. in -lied lady's),iifi, a,nd his. I bint Ou to vicitorg*, "I I311110P 0... .. y p. I'm , I ore call . o i,otjn... -illf" 'k I her 0. at '0 �Pifod vaolet" "'.110 )10'awo 1, - , - ' �,n , fc- by tjle,�.kh rIcaifg,' or., jverO�� VIC., t i nis, 'T wrlY If 'tile. 4t�� t6.,Ariil)I'(A-v their floe prota4, 11PAItfi., 'Tile tn:d t Rottened. rO ttl' (jay,i," ji 1 7 . S 11 S A., ates all 'o l".0celVe �ij6llg ay e -L vNeVeNod wb' flip oeiooro, t IjjtV�-'Ija,d lt J�eajjtiful 11,e� 1.-� I, . 'L and. IN ti �tt ITT 45 .. � g. Vi�l 1, iiq O� I, ­_. I j 01 all ja� �. 'fill �jlw.do_ (%xe ..I �,, , .- I'll __ 13 171 lit- NVOII Id bq-� thy 9 e t pnt IN L4 Alk& h 13 .1 'Err -gvipal -Is �,01177;. % ist, vi, 0. '1 TI.� . �,\-.1'(0t, , X 1,01 X Y Liblip 1 1 LISO" L . . 11 1�1.)tll 'T b q t ,,, �i a" L ve llow 0110 . ., 1 .. 1 1. 1 L" ' , ., , , . " - al: 14, . s:1111 0, 110 luall Vi0j, Site cotitinued it ell"n, of' rip* ill i IT ko, It III go l"In P Pit 0 it I Boom- til.- fit f Intal 't-i.s6ar�iili i 611 'ClIorkii tr Twig riulo t Mi all' ii I IT ci�Lv 11:1,6r! filet youil 110111 n,a,,J� n lie. Rho, frJ-gj)t0, jl*,�T A.It. jj, W rio, . iki 0 6.ta- DinpLer.' b 1)o yi�m­flk-� th(irn of' lie r1ovef";; fi-I'Lot Ptll�! sr e 'Ji. all ve'irY, sma'r r if-jl�hj'and'dln�ner'ig t4 to' "Tfieyn;�,r� v4wy 11111 '(10 not. t I, t I ti a'r, ITI'S ;,ch Eke Other peb 'iV:li 411" loll S"' A. , I"$, �.. , a.. il tigii 0 .1s. allkl'. ono, tliat' 1.14 if'over keen fle. I, bo 11 iirr'loquid, a(`U:1c4,:j till bat ro) lid al'O, I`40X(`a,8 'Wr U 19 0) flll� 110,11-1:4 1 L'i i 11, t, 11 Olilth of ill(,' 11 I(irtle wid I f flio i's til(V' 011e dr`61; 11 it , S., ­ "' I I L .( I i, -Y 'niglif .eiiInt,41,3 Aj le, kilt', Pivot liml 'i.� 'gi, _CNr l, I IllemNvIiiLd I ad v sh I P. I m b1i'' I IT,,, recover, .11, V " , 11. V to "-1an thca. ilt Olt, otilt li%.1111 A (I Nvith atly Malm , ­ , I 'ji(Iiiji'�II.,N , . L L L, L 420111p, 11 o' NN-Poing'. ob, § wl; . ifio", 'it) ii t C, I nil N- L 11 1 Ilo', fl-ry L t3l' I'ItAN`�, 1�-itlly­ildnro sareaf t a t o n Aliero 1, L - i - A. phnll sOo. voll. "jis �rew; she "'Lill - olvit, 'ixot just Lt Ill In 1 a f)"4 1 .0 * f to Mol 4 )t� "ITO 4)*�j ji" t aj,(' aroiuh,&� t I IV -t a Tilij(�rj, if t& t'll b ", ifie snoIN' -kia's t.,001110" of To _r tile aut, Pit- -wi Llir�, I 'i,i)A i1:1 'I!' Ic L rbll r -u 1110 bto,olle njl,,j)ii1 tho stoo 'v s�.eem n Ill Ii k trojiblo for' (JOorl'' a,'A 10 11.11 hivAintl 0" nouvo, ; 1 111 Od o r TOM 1.1evairill"n ll�zv f0l litilm, lti� nil ill t;"filid- rl Lim ri�aino,�` ti 'Ill -11,611 1, oi'� 1 1 tlri,011 'I g it J�o III I to) (o) d. j3 1 1�' i 6V e I bltifidl Lit IjlSP1I1I(1gL be(.'a orn of of Nvolit tov h. IT -'.ad �6 rii g N! a r ,III: - '.4 Or� sfiOtIti'll t 1-0, 'o ve',, lipo hill, (h�tlldtlt P -n ri Lfli� 0 1 . t tfi�,, 1,60, Nit 116011.11, to pro.lm IV j1p: ally fila.l�jl1g. aIjl(j'j;Cjl!Tjrjjl.'- Q�r, �f tivs."Crarl). pbdestriaPis f.1 ed tit) don, A, kilt . r_ I ... I I L to. lit] 1. , 0-1.11orraw -IT till ill(' 'Mo . I'll 11 .9-A that. Ilk, (Vok'- be, At, 11oftle 11 ge it li; ',a d r, v e;oincjs�. I do not Ilka Jiii Ll " ol fa(lo, alid t li " r(, 1L 190(lel, . [it, Vlolm tools,L'IA: ninfi (I Ily " 'rtit iiliv q1I sa tj(5 IT, belong"s IT u� or (,fy thly nwro n,r0'r,6ilT* Aild girtag here,!" n '1 -1, ib, 'flie dritcend 411"1 11 1 " . L I r6ti �del both 11 1 ter la(I _ , I .(� L 511,11 ilafq A Ito 'IT �S. pap,tlni�lit or ti3O qorkk:.Tti�, 0 t1l'tt' I Is. file Diik� ellij .1 lie' Ljfg'IIlajl( oi -Settlef- jojiqL,,j 1aye toi il a h(*. I,'.&n 43Y11,11glif �jl Ill- "I (I "'j) (�t I I ho", a. glTllg olr Ill( I ivilfild.l. rho i In-nd We -1 If-,; ' ft 'It NN - 0 ' 1, Y t 106 1) g, tlfter t Irlr j' j6_:'brj gbtL6p("�(I_.. S bj('jola� roall�' -itg6fld, in NIS 101 bol jla�q . Ill M mvoet tpp t)icir Ora. nT*(jjjou8 jaili'oe * ' IV 1, ljfl� I " ;lit Du�i�6bln, Itliml allIZ17,(Iluv�lt In �:, . Stand I, .1tritirloil's I I'N It'll ri It. hiltpp.,/ tlign wOTj4;(-,I­ w tf�ie gri'lldst liciAriavo goil4-4Ar, III, n, t�tL li,re , 11 1141d AfOnt� '. 'I io at la , st,: t tp ful plaits, .'tit( for 1, to I ti T vIll IN Ith 1101i, 'I, � finj go. b1ton"futiTo I)ukes of: A fjtt�(" 'J I if)ib IsdAil of - , 11"I'vin tile., I0 ectl )TI,611 a' r tOol �_ 11 ev�l.s_ jutL I . p6rt, Iva iolk .1noofel,ij, g1lopo tile 6g6 fill. Iv-enr their .6.rped, k -1-16,41.y Iled I t,* r1i e 'tllio jOoIAopa!,L-, of I Ontlitnued'. fig. -to 4() ti� 4 TL� Ily ill or, tI7 te P 1,111ditigAt 1�. tho, b(.1116fits It (11'ri Z� lij . it a* ONO- FrIl-sr. jv.4;s Ldo rer iiIc,jl.t,,ajld it I, e 14 110, �o. Ot ft)VIX�1� re " �, I -it, -1i h f - 4 - fott!05 hag 0`111V -to, 0 i j 'i IT 1611ail Im fe, t,411. q to :110 Ig. coull s6,1 oJotirpiato r, 'hovol fk-, u i0y. who Van ivl4sto to, anst vttflytj&t� i "I 'It mr ii' rintitt III It IV 101 � IT o r.'! illat illirstl6TI., ''lle 0111"Y' 011,qli tbe use �n,t 81w6, e6nibriijilation' of - thi- XltY'R 411110t-`Alps�l to­,�ve I8.11,1fall ctlidi(� I kilt I'd is cb�tjj�jfi Ili Ili )(,I* hillf"(t flo�ell %iills. :nioti "h -P, gt�llf; and, lit.ttLy b,aft(jff- I!f, Ilti; olvii., to filmAllii - It_ cal, ns' gonij, Of n "�MM'0 1-9'. Y` f,) go, iow, nil flit., W:rlltom 9ti-QLA'4 Oi 614111S. tho"I ari'O.iol.d �Oljjfeai Suiel'I "ai 1116.t1jo)(I I$ jot, tile asi)Wt, Whol) 0 1 liartall its INN'll to girl, ln lirr bwiui­,V� 'Arld. tilt] Or!"ilcol, coo 11000M 1110j, , t i 1.11, drt N)r' 1�dyshflip 'ifisliked _ I I (IN) 10 WAO Ind. AT 6rilald , You it, Onolq., IV � ", I rie iltlol�, br.,t( kiplit ill th�,� &<1fliary wli", the, o, o I i e'at Ilin or iq W itttlo.Wrs do flo, jap1q,you 'at 0 rich, Ali T.ly" 4'.t4 dros,4: kilt it I ill 111F, t Tells 111, 1 1, 1 IvIlo J11 it fr,. I JPI[V(� vi'(Ililt- it pa te, Is, Is liall,ti; ZIT of 11141� jKl, L r V IN, 111 t:, (I ?v I 10 oft ii Inv ottre 00 itri,, d 1. .1 j;Tirp Zltlf -0t IJO0 lig, air 1 1-1 .1 no, at o n:P0, it I no' liv JOAN-,(", III i llakld� 'a not " IN a Till)" Fi Of jo'j."o" Till" fill. i It (to notl kno hoi 6 newet )311nd Min we , .1, C A toy L !fig else as lloi 011;tke� to I lip be t M r 1,v, 1: S t MkIII01101170, 0 e; like hov. lao 'mo . titat Ito In V - arly niftol)l nior(t. (it_,jj('rt til"itl fit(%' �nri'( IIII 'jj� pi t1lati. jo I ljo� 111"ll it. d: t li 'Is 14'."111110. 11.1, ojild 1)6" L 11fle 11101,41, (11:1, 011%, lit I` q( I All Ii nl'Oq no grea, foitt, 11 , ­ 0 An IV Of �N�oll ri, bd'i jOOkq f. 1) I TY t4a IJT�'jr " ' , , 8 (16 W I jjjK ept�' 'k L (At �r Ili it workillan W st;'Illotilifows, it I, *t- lb,�Crrfoll no -otji4r.t,' bi,ui ti). .yod . with t�4�1'ng, #1 IT to, tic 1, g I YO I '1910TI, od, flat there, 1,4 ovoll, pl�Ore tha.11 *l"afutilde thap, In ntiv e and oit "will, I . , , , turn at tflo r, 01 lid toil v. —Uas A" no 6110, 01,11Y a[ co paiMlos" itti, 11tillyottliv 0�evgro�vll all -ti I "(J� fj)()Lt, I, (If' oullii,,G 0 TIS'. Vo tlnlijtN Ii6*l:, VOSS ioli. Tile aill iso ro, 1, 1 rls IT lir to- Amkuls! VI,rd III I ticvr_.H.;td ire t juej, illp ill it 110plellk IN, 0(ii. It 61� Sk time, Wpm nything?, Of' ill'o Ift,flo-0.1,41s,"orp, vC, had st-nd t &.reti(q,� tili ,%I &gqi%t & j-ljI`fji'(%r-�'_ "Nto, bit t,',X bitoilg1l, t 1111blit jjlj� to I j§jT it ji�' I I g"l vio t;, lw )'I li�, I till I to�� P -p it! uldn, lit 0 :NVOr9l, 0 9 jij 16c dirtiot fi�nl'utl- It rot 111' �J"C� tillbodtalt plTill ll� 8`1101r, I' t.' 1.116, OoTith it �16 *� lit&, � % dog4 baiek q4al, a 1AS FEN Q"i,- ­4fi MAI e_07