Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-21, Page 2M 4 7Z7 Ur 41 -4- T V. Al f A PI 11-1 t At 0 11.011. Car tilis VV . . . . . . t�le IT �p I. ov ihi, lk6� 'bro dot Ili "'00 t6ber". 104.al If, t�,w 110I jot Q , i4t'llmilting, to 'P,F0§91 W � 1 11 . " . 1.11 b 3 , `Q REP We! I We luipfilog two, '41 The, eotives. Sa '111"A tor e nit WS I Tile roe la, - -V 091a pla ion wKelf tile,, alyQ begAtk rece many Teur$., Ao� 'h �n MQ d currs-��Wll�r XQU out. w, UP111, i -4e, okypiticip oil sta r 'the to Al m, e a tallti t spvi44A Pei C lgli4 41 A "N le ' ae 4. wow. noit. 40 g ot A" e . IS 'the hot f p not. fi-rd Yest r Y.I., .:i" ­Tl10.,P plinstown;. �4i" Y. Ila nr, 0. Or U"' 1, CPU -Vo , z*:­&U,00t,�', 3. 'Otte, I 'M t n Gootesa, T�, hurit an& 4 a 'A tw� 04d 7� J all t . , b [�;, I flub t'bei thia opillies fro StaiteL ITIf Top of are �s J,nsane; t lie cltpr� L 4 to Abat t x�pe nt - — Ire thfrt' ami-noailly, W;10�000, p";, Jail, a�jrtyro. 11'p. d , )i WWI;. tOId. nis a 4. of,.-fi to! follo 'Jive -1 he wUR _M0 age A -fiaWer .I:,,..; - I t 'd All ".0p 3.10ages, unit. lior:B013'41�Q- rM - ajrg 'thl;t'th. "" , - ': a tiervleW , but. to our L AT. f a . V Up'tI �jh r T St C t tilt , OYPAJ! resolut%. Ju A ti for them. old' nlotr Jearw Wod ateln-­ 00-114t, Include, military I I y 4 e �, �"witb,'F*u"P' A -but that�-J �W.�PXI FC9, -ittineiiiho plothe's; hA41, t e'. It*' is sail, ''ta . 1 1. . - 6y. Iii,106 -ai�j I)q;aW, --L tak '01" d to. �bq -n terven. 011AD t1lie � 41 A, Job bt ear't ettripmely-Lunl'.ke 7 eve )t'. to�dqy; Pe the' 'Act 'Jet., DOW' �t 'ell" A�� u' t J no"Stelog' to retur clula -be bblikex! dentallLY 'Alit( m V r , � ­�Ar � � �, �L "- _ -,, ­ I - . a n -off Antftq -.d', isPillil titcolfilne,­ ei, their, -ne "Bar -nev e, �:-Avl 4W: jc� help­XA'pL tit tbiiin "'OAU'M ]Dr.lt q t oil t d afloat WPIE IS tod'' lie a4xised. 716t to ellIgagemplIta, _ 1 0 -this Mitt odd his JuXaul nat 'be it, "OtTO1191Y Ing. b ThW", ord 'nianil, .. e mpril old take, mopasor -ovtfe- -ar y �Ibiur­� ei -e nuj;�ial wo iiii.-O 1! ,full Par,-, 6i L r 11anc itirl.o., pow fel I �,-Yie iri?*L' �Iga 6 Ila Proceedings#, 31ri, F.,6biu tt& a4tedJor'; ai.61116w� V utid-911). Vorce nt. uteiesto as proxi&d. by. ,oluk'Anorder t, isited, eile, rd thleiri; inrso Ister)K6miura v, thet depth Of, In mile :in arqh, Jr. U to Y, 'ar d MdrquLv k t failing, tIMIAre Of'" Ithe AINg-roo, PrIV. tile. �cont ilgneA. an, 04 Iva or the 1111'a Nloti.to, do s p ii't 0 to , t to, Chief- ;f :Kqa" Veil da; d I Pt night to. ne, -anwhUei he, -,be a, d, no;w reacli' hettl Antil, J- - and, IS a paid 1§tuarTi, .-W`J�D' Efigil, all! . 101% ate tII IS onfit 'lot had So"fluch 8 at'Olt, ivas,bl`0119 oblall bq� lot blot bn ball.', flujotiat, tit' oi Council. Premier katsulrti And �11`o :i1D0'-- t, ilakowned V Mi4giotrato ',Decnison-�-It 'is nonsiensei , � I I called bill rit y I , - I 1�knqston lla� eq Ila e JODI) cour ubsplitiel fox- iseveraf Woe 81 ifilei ' fir it Leon. AV4100 -ee� e AnJ lodg`;;!� for' jl�6 - Wised youra. cown,'fi�d tfiel',clen- I. ma" pilii -,EwT.crpr- Re I'S Ian q' ntillpfu U aer ol'ide stEttiOO I of W1131am. 13: Do. -11ppen,, t japittslepe, Cr I kept ppen to tile local l. Age in , the'Polleat otcurt tb 141 ch� 13aron on .11 , all. t�IIQ IS J11,1111 i IV be irwot'.sloro ties n litere Ili chat' t;rp qt. t4o si, r1of ILI, 0 e VW bat Ili belleYed' Thu. 1plolmell Alod, h Minii6ter., .11 1 beiieve6 po�vt Said, 48.�- 1 ar, -ning. h 09, Iry that nesp eis *Athoat catber I�u��43411' 0" W48 k iii lersou -tbe'JaPA anesto Abou,,,, - �eed7, tma,, Ing molley, by frall livaded Ilial -I cruiser ijs-004gai w )3kirfulor, NX� of telplij"te; Jail' L�u g Suei rorto the;-, Vda, "'Jure :I 'riveA at --POrt-';.SaId;ye9t reiolq�,�;Upd tude. :PT9! . --1. ­­: ­ , -­-­­ -1 :- qrday... fr r'ULJI'Jjf t Ve she I L at bi�i Ielt to re orp. follovied With. th, closest t4thw ul'ift6oleg to. lid I. I pi n I t V Since -Oeve4 ye4t, el L t Stun eso.-Arluored�erulee`lt 1�14,- ar,61V' ill 01S C11y'A wintl logs, nd of -ft. was 06T, "pAIVI5. Reply. , '' I way aceldealt I . '. .1'. 1 , -'The, Jap"n If in'jereirt by everyol�le*.� bEi ei I -- 4tr'ijay" M6 lillig. A illpay istreel, hill' JL $1.010001 With yes od t,he Colapany rl otu Geuioa, ba Y I Ell FO.: whloh� Salim tlii6 snow*1 dl ill utter, W -Millib L. & 1. - - this Spillill Wag, hurt. tli6� Katiago". 16WY, US that t he "Pr no' no 'Jan. V3 . . I , '�% , I L 0 WAR JA?nd0 has juat arrIved �.erd. yrevaJlAV,,5r Zji lf�l it p lrolloolleed tfi e e as -1"Lrec61ve..d�-,tltiO,=Ornillg L1iq:.:tq 'K J$Atitpof -era 61 i ll�c a �,A- .461lipng. trains Of' t go.-- Out. :.� - a- -Ili tile, off It C All, at- from one to three, Can- find. t U A' 149. .,Ni&si,r, well aL,j' tic- prqvided, Ik. ton Sal thgIit -the reports 0 rec�oov r At Or the 3 al 611,W rep, rc Y , th ship. -;hiii actiolh to pi to i'L IF114 BritiLittil *ill it" on deot gutbties- in $500 - eact 'fa ­IT-7-deckarcd Ills,; 'a' re entirely BEHIND. 1-11ilif, V- aq V;C� Ise. A R IO[)ked qULLS PL os ]lot conf�in'an 'tilt I matIlm-' a: C, NADIAN PUTU and ,11CAsua. FifuSelfL in brolien. a. JOL . Japelili djl�i wast dr vM Iondciu', All. 1,3:.­TWloi`e an's. origina . a- ' - 'iti& For- tioleill I , 11" at 14ind the,, ne was idr L Vates Jay' e., pa, nolhe 91014. t fl!W", J)Ut rvite! on, JAIJ­ Is e' M n -at-xap ­er las Stai;d,,tW Steril 6,al . r . V . -try -iselililk adw-Ora T ILL vjlozr�s Jil'g tilic far east.el:n '$l L ffola"G 7- t ftlen's coilvell COW �rrtfflql IV -t,!r it pefiorr imp 1, Xr 1. ed, overcloat� with' 1� cc call dointemylate alit tile Japanese, rep -'NO. one c�tj,ll,al:on �A ._Yea a&F T,_ he" out, N J Ilili hii3O .-tfou;,Said terwo .4 m0` jI1=T-prontO—kL)Q1 1XV IIOE lity'le .so �,,,Ithoat, leeiings, th. cap, Of 41zed, COUAtr or Chinese,-, so tAke.4 it,he- orl a e, w1as: tub irk; ticuloto I L witicl ape. Ii grey 0 0 n �s a lea fig T le a Al is con-, tll�e into :)jfIbe made air, 'as told' j�hiuunp ��ing` and' 'd0PJ'0SSIQ And a bdpiefut, d rolon OXCI emolit Ilf 'Toto Jftgl L,� , � I - -migg] -eWt harih J i-9 tll,e Fioreig-tot 4 �Prqgramfaej; of thei, ' Vi . th'. v,L - "are rer -rep r ly., iltod 60 much rtuqr 0 �,dded ifiat Or oirlit)% or"ilif ounce in.C.oren. Ted � by imed lie' W plifit; �cr Premier Jrry.6eij to,L"11113117 tlli'37 ErUeriu-,., hat not A�Jei delalt'P at illat titile'.. taln.would, m thenijei too.,_ -iuede­j� to I!X. d _ent --aiid At ulill Voices, -d ON g4- d V testimony," Aterate eman A a, illslptuc uyL,,,. r fact" �. i . I YaShl. 7-JU, W'h 'At 0, �sald to did Ise, iaierare- tlieso,.An relir' �vst',ex:tellt.�AIUJiek t pa" Fl -.:the -sauttAtt,oll.R] and lie V Voi� 1L. 'apd -money 7011- tlohs-,, Minis e. ImproVeVen A :1 t1il"S'seelt. 0- -a, -�te I I . It d Secre V L6 �,a r t1lic, ASSO US811W Va'o ik id th& I bj�tod. Press., Garrison. suggestions for io�a iin the , '�Utl" , i,itq oaipe� AW&-Y:aIId St. Jobm, rOderick. to I ca,ll.' ts -lle. 'relations t b larm'. ueai or urio ' 1. Is of., tl, n at*Guldioid, ao le factor I )cc t le d to,*, ir�ntpd -­T'J* L. reati iArA ir�p.slded.: 'Last 019 ),to rece.iv'e I p6aki A': the TI�n . T-61 i- Jan-. 18`�78, re r&hers ti rdi Ir ­ P , .--;.,;,4 1 cc n It - won I U U0--1 L;tJ -eroay-i - u4m AN Rly I&Ctur-0:1-OL. Up Mrs., the ear y 'I ha to Promoltq: tt.,peacefih' FOI,11- of, tile. Says, RUFSI.136� tiVe dilte"On utmost�� its f low day �,UZi itnany- moreL are 3neii,ta. An'd' apbtl rison.. g;, Mi t hils - Iz6d­fle'r��, I' ote lik6ly to �mlee e': eXt -dif f let fr,601ui �and- sid the )N' ge b Ino.1 -NYPortl or sullp F: or. . ids effort Ila e;i of' itofiect* f L Alumber t -Phu Jflcrep.� t title' fil? -al)GUt iritg to not 9011ito ek it ries Ids n! I in E G -yederid Q I _Xefi the inobeiy , 1. ;�; - I . . Nv aq ocifil IOU. uncil,, p1ro ere, 0 lby the 01111 9 CAI$, ed, Ji. -cial' f j&jds, gua or friendi-Mr. nos,99 r&d state-, 'FL Q f fdild� clalrW EPISWE D t . r PORT commot dev:ised Lnd he.,, colon- Aroma to 0 p n::by t fit 0111" 1,,re iminary $1 8 Tn gin, 6 in . - I . .11 f -0 1 W t roatir, W it"I -swidet out. it Is c4j imation o I . Bf It Ill n In "on resfoll . 0 ag,crea, Reepil, jono, Mo6" tu t t air int tiding the.,Advange �: i,llg!u pape.xis as rMF Wk1e'fi:'UiiW- 50 On .,I*i(-s. Canada 18,nOt mentione ther,over Q.�WklLeu 1 Y0141 90 Government lect Irom tile. it turn lle Wh4T,:-UAIU tb Is': call" joa, luten 9 the intenti of r Alto 11 ro: ihoyc frier laikker ;qf� all t to% JapainJill tile IIV A f L* d to Son ii�t Easl accorill JUIL ppor date�,-: e '�Ith-lt 7 Av 'es Af-long liestion -at an e good, Ueeloing, buttei, edies. d gly fig deta; :111 -�ct F Harr'18011 cdedlg§. or- CireUmsta))Lu qree iprO ::�Aftiir the v 1lid ltrie, Ile1­11filte Y were �V, ivere -it waopl live, po-U, d A.-�-AU)u*c LX . -If been de- eit ' I lily, I oHe eE0n teepinti the -tern �ltv ten, aqys ,before, rcpf �Thibet. KaluxtiaPaig wilumbi V%snV7fta 0 ro' as r Aced under.. Until, Anen Tile, li to LidUlOnition 'upuls. for. C�Jnda­ a Itirge section' of file' Jinitel.Yi a0 or, ture, iredt: -. VAe' -na tof'o aty.,,: tie- repe tile, xist actually, or Nvife,ill-ho-ad'in t,lie:'.te I.N fl� and, d Mt Ba 76ur's Ift-Ilgill t h(Altul.11 6d. I, t, ex -1ronian, wama- e'ry delicato. . . or 5 1 'ry Soule'.. ua U. rioVS vitical. FAO -At lie he;artily..di9Jkbb9'th'%t tre Vililey. to, be did ),uu 1rhibetans. that,. matrill oial laildand unnPe rei OPP4xis tied antl NEW$ PI ic I 'c A:ad' outbi 0 --1 tr arty: e: AdL26 andition I ae I to,,. ont -aft tort isoner 'T b 'ado Congul" -ore. I J&Jl' a anaWU,[ i- - a a 13 E�rpt.­ lie, sll not ven,ture on For� Sd'I'le de 61 anadlan J claimis .3 Itw- -at 0 -b& -Volge Ii L uitl, 4,UX ltle§. t eaLe,l witil salianic r. C lo 800 ec 614j1u,.bis Ow 'Ni h,-. C :t 01 -�Xl- , a rrnerd I - oVernMen 'Gnai 9 eese XThia A 48 a en on earth' Oper foll r Ila ei ed ea fhight.,where, ted, '01 ell met j�s crisp and feLth a An!.vonnection inpi epticeiltra hocluated a,., 1, 1 �n , I .a 4d 'mitlion tacls, in or� t H -CONTRO reg,lsteKi� The',tofficers am aC.anadlan e;k- "A I Ni- i tile Igroi: LANS:GET' . ­�. ­ -bad- Q.'— AGAINST-CHAMBE aud, f tile mnii ntain gu -bad ell tens Void or under a 6 JrFO Service ting f t . Ile cito Tile,, t3i A -11 nfty 'a stic, arloort gay IN e;.w, Ybrk-.%, t t) 0 �un n tial me6 -ke,epini; qua. I tile liliprdv :19 atjk: b4ndr lec -it wias' It ndr pulled my ndr jive! driv or. It 'City. updot- r of tile repre cotfulnent Oil Sp"C -ed,. nd; 'I I on. 6!Ati6ii � . I . .:, " Is.-T,ha con rac noQ hio D a, r Aso IC lat arst, ;Wft(� I n prt W spyer ',Ka_- ulect�d Otte" ' were ra lidt sur Joer itebody ioceed. Two coal me lar -e qua" land alqew ZeA n 'he 11101 m4kI live to.:,under- -a our An bd A t r 'tL f -NO d' the cOpIng., ye,ftr. Id' not -4D P k for an an.' r hi. ref kd t -R-illu, noot J Ilts an one You', lQf ipio;ieei prolp PL, 1 _ubout Decombe, you %,V.ere a le),Ily, 4A arl lele, c lip ou 'body* '!effe of tile t Id. 40bserv�dr::. an�vs tit L t:ll ore Outilliq -ots of pr��,Uct a e n( reclud0d all at a ervir6' n th il e6. utter. Pi maiiiial w t tfie� Bris 0 To auadan. t ti t Brif a! III +h. injal :tie . I ae o' unded ro eioont.entis a tr�rf' 6s for, �q Of ti 3711Wt-Into 1110 A-0ally g a t 00 t. t �co in litan the I- Jrolu, tile 0 tir, repo fneut 0 di - 11 tvppape . a It! iiiii bcft�� 1. o�4 were-soun, Yj officer of Id teln -to U1 I . -The D C 1 where it of tit at PIG sprifig tit said represented tw6 ave on 4" 1 ir cOn of se -VO flogg., er, ma Allw. 0 if' aL se ji. , � oro I . I I Nvh�t low. OF -t says; thur,e r4 -oily, - I - clicoaL j , red-' Denis6Y, Thi p to to leerf e.- A wr:eck . . . . . of'. rreserNlx in ame -did: 6u. Ul e n 6 jmmedla�t V�Lwgan in Br hLves -oil r _ .- tbep i6 Arenipal I their 10a, UP -A to -Gay. �XA. And adilse(t -t6oked; lkft'et' added to lillLit:111- �U rV �ily; . Is Is to e ddy� in' -aft gal+ ile � 'neliv the-,, C loina Ill . �Qne �tjl:jU, out ieXtetlidl t-tiade, Apart f J 700 ePt, x6n. Ulac ire invit be ciLrefu in Eng Or--e)lt seve ed the, ra dQuiand gland or tit name, Itining, Iijark& nidrcll Joixin W not August ex and thu: conthVIS u r -. r - eu-ii-, tX r in A U- nthat. bot� you b&l.n 1). . , an Jwo per cont. ol't.11 rccel '.we r 0 , .*Lth guila, ---ax more. 4an ft the MOB I Re_ Co fit luctors 0tween Mr ii;t r r clis 1, trade its b y.�-Whero ;t: [Pa:qS;:. Alld down - tile,' tekri.blf .0 opposition I -endl-i round' or etween Liver� et the chombi t d. k t ' into te . r Gna Ttassia. .04 d,-.Qucb`0C, . b 'Ool) ..feet', d warm 6t Eva U, f t 01 an warm voloprellekli 11 for cent , if ly. to I by" uaen�, IBeN*. wai -vt -ioL '" zarionni .1k, , nrd St. Uxer-p- ivell s er ri tu�nl- 7�- Clioveland- gl,ve Scheme. of xitures. avE.i."legisk aa rteen-UnOV Is -wel"o, 1101A c 11 ag rUAT d CaPt run il supplies, an resi na ed call Vi"PY lift4d ponies an) .cOrp5r,-'O treit ' ions -of nI I ," tied i"It. fr)oo for� "Yeaf -Atien--cham, A - I tle And J�Iarrlgou,. All aCol L cre�marlus are t n beilalu,! for lie inized 6. ursobfl, Lillis so 0 r ILL UY, 7, dL ag So o, refug �en n on. p if m e d Oibeteerk money ro-mi MY, Tile advance-Ava 4 le, Denby,.: leo,tur:.I. do 6 caW or :for ra to express tbi UOVernor. n k op'llp t �-I bad rOng Soma �VO Be it in th�,Thibetain. fort oftme In we&T -re ers t n.- Ill will oott rod n d 8t "Antoi Stu I',( I valuable Jo rlin iv .'all gone t WO that' dhamberlaift'K sPe, W. I. In% aL,qanti,tY' c -t Ce, L sin er, 110T : �t`li` 113, You done `to find tbat f nearl a-1 i. loved nla tile' .:kn, of .-W 7all tile, fallITS1,0 ad intinitpl, rel c r Th 'report of th.el hsat. wor ma e gatherlog d; to N a tic Ot died. to presell 1131 since Lll.(,,. w I t'll snoers argC 'lli ng without em f , pers I ona"l--nat t Pre- teir-oon.' Mr. -t, "T POINJ died ra OF ilia ottle Speeches. It. was �9`oing be k11116d r a was f -he whole Jour -1 DEO been L 1!red orpt t, �,Ioq their. only, o.thers. were beggiliFtIle*ques !r.he -trOk of , inusi lahm 'od L hoan' A endlkit I" se buy- ployinent no 0401S -i: 'T cl I)clii ituter V C0111" irurke� . _HjV0. L CY: lai&nt b6ltng, that their d_ -a P1011 eftinsuttitiolI8. an thil butter, .16ri comment ppotsil ag �Oe� this yea e4onsuntipt of" - It ea . . ., .. d e' 'In lak, 'U W.lL LAmA. Ate"perforulLng, Weir, the erg' trot . ... .. . ... The Gaul pect' of 0 aiIng; z)f w moa.ies;.� d6 it ' af)A', vitcheral core acronau ��dd �Ilowjln t IS Murad"(11 V&lk6-Yl t -591:40 c -of. I bloct 61 Ile gell- "t -,In to H6n 'John 100 VIL, bat t le lie -at 'i S kle Ing on:. the -But, lie 'Wlilelt Ll ded the las lstape of t lborcilloals, t. twi6 icafiP edge tile' People or t8 will -e-Uxiddli ad. PI ade X. .0. fort dre 'a "Sublilit gO Me.lit Prduct,. all, tile' SA b 0 oral ImPrO'Yd U1,atilds ol AcAth.jr nr at -,T)dsv, 11kI_V,,U0 occ t I,oin * u t -money, thit -,6all, producel:tIle, a boefi rL eal will, .001111111; i to, 1 fatve ,liel is, money, eniaAlh Ilid Id not e -The veU tj I d acutep -S:a,6 ftV e .!zed; Y: le 8 R n �w I ��t rhe b00011 b6en- terribly tapid, tilt of local. ["dfite S, Or the -cullen, -,'Is ltin' -been a acoeN 0 illetli'6. too ethere hdVe li�ilit 0 of - tile 'Y' I Li., � for pul 6 �v 10 Ve is al- L I, f fat P t %ypo .10 Illem havl,fig S 1,01dr e i'Sisten 'ill e-7-7 Ah, C0111161t 1119 'N r va r V bil t L-Vbn ­%ve some, sIlia, 0 A. It is �6n alloyVance, pald T Itodyl, �oa Oat of thu P,.IQUS TR, t T f tll(� effor wilrorn), wil gK-� lilts ry . . , ill'. Ills. plifco to Lt. f4itiar d ''r ead cS, i it 4�p t d D 4P ,hundre A, Inell been 'iliBc�sq t Ithe T o Vl raIJC4( B' of ''tho. Union'r as .1,11 a t poll L .6etter t yi 01 ti ... )Lou ia( as Ilid oil ESCAPE., tilt; Vo t be a au L JAC ti.o'r 'a. ., - oor.ir -6m th f I Ott ' " 'r " - , 0- activa. 't attir(I f f t eST P leAdITIZ o rog Tit(! nt aC 'o.., I jip d p, y in ontLbl took 1) fee, at Ing corry;i y at ia In t oil y us Oil not, obsiructlftq itime coi 111!17,eg to ornvotl b 'fo C. of thait i�tlonal io sAin a pot 16 ist Boo t . fact6ti fy, N sress� of the est-. h e0n.tradt, for 0 60ttl�, X-0- d W)f.-tt iconaltioll vvi A nd John' s Ili d An 0 t'OL Cat NVOQL . V a of ell' id rOt lttayll "grou an apptpvcd by Il'S- VV unless ? t1lo fa e�t .1 waa ellgi to 'e, T 0, OVES. Ai-VIL) go 0 rnf I atlf, A it tie �C, to o" 0 CAT'EN be Oi?0 .N or R -it a ft efW Itn. feet All, I not t tile -Yow. ss U 6f be�� N YA L tilt ait. 1L Y Lux; I fsick: "OtI, it Ultl 25o'lLicuti-Ids -01- IM Arthur, PO rt, lJ1A COW tiv llt')Il K-010di t ma 11 1-. fit tile Pre Iteli etatlgtkiia or, tot, r -,JI, 0-fow fir glund r ae sJJCLI�Jrd or illo tw-6 Ili fl, 3 �X Ili A,, -Ye I a. I Illan JJl. lio to, estimilgal no'l,th k P., plibb I , e diir,6 'bat Al lid's of le 1 ,'-,'QuPbe6; 3:iotl w Jound# tog -by, fol't t, ga �­k to' to'; 06 for til�ll' ta cis 130 torp�*�XL Omit tn ioioIf 0,A 'V 9,400,'Ooo r1f tilt. it, one Y. 01 S teetY JInlro' :In( iv telit IV a.4 ;011ch rUlat"L Vo- 1)(ond an(! Itifiriliary, V - follpol 'to -Aft -i 0, 0, t tl,L�,' b&jy Or' tit tit yr 2,0() RE Ai14 ifor 6t' the v6. ry' 00,.KJJcr A(IlloolL 'it 00 alloifil t'l,,� E I., orl, tll 0 pfOV (10, It: 'to6lt, 11 1 -f' '6ERMXN'V'1S S Antil 70, id ih 'Vn)PY NV(tl' � ' f6m t 111)�I�roilt 6n tlo o th6,1 f,foi. the, tflo kit it litive bl�it.­inov, WN4 If t Soil a a I "' T 1.0 t pit o tittiar a t't 5 k11 i001111. Co ifJ64 oFaorp t It f ae Nit 4 0; to il' lit 1+ 0 ot noWh Of tilk, t ti I . t, � 8(*,o C aA Wo tak 't Yoreter, V' to 'Aily A lie, ied, wo ofho d o", the il.ddte ted 'oil fo ne" st IA(;ore ihav- to 0