Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-04, Page 3'77" �T � �T- 7 0-OFF-W-PRIUM 7-7 77�­C-� �, I , , - m7l. � � !I AF y Opp _0 /has, A6 A!.' A J.P., ft timp x rip oo, �aiich� a PAre V tbb 'vernate _44, lave VVQ-; UZO -W -M !,Ito p4ttly4tio 6 11, 'Imp _t0lon, In 04 'of a- under very I %.p up wwr"Wel for 444 OPPIR PPP4 . . _ _ 014 tb in 'or co� A oelv&� Wh Vuela-010 urd6ra.in'thet-ast. and "%,Vpqt'-1nd1eq 7��dlearly; piatlined Jimpanw In, hq d 04. "4 W�ik'ot thici a0111169 A.40,981ah. His of, "Volls? illvve,wq, tr NUA4V t R� iriat_ vlosa'. 'S be too I' for rierp�,PIPAIII h In . 1,,6 1 Jolt baiptlom, W-4 I I effect W ot, Is nevo� ampked A a,, Not� I rthy�*Sohll Wheii. .4n.; orleptat F100A AP vp Isure V44 Premblilig qtjouli og zp�,Olotv oWorleme to, d ',q sb w i*I rpetrai4, pq cruel, or, Vollp'tit) n.: oayloi, A call tQ reavI '' qwq him,$ pe .11 1 @, , 0.1 1, . OPONLAVO, �. uAcixAmpIe hVIIIII, wo oug" ly 1, Mont, Ull - 1 -0 lfoTtably,for bre.*k- dco, from w4ch ba li.14, A#r1d)F T ce I IL g W#y e 1� 1,1 -0 ' is, "VY nt O�La"Rpr of Ives; 0OIx "N rtlt,- (Va. ..,IIIA). NX. lail eat t, o, -e;, -.%vh;eA­.p 5.Alls 4POn ot To r ak atop, that they IWO It* 'rjlb�.flgllt wii teirtbly Oetined. W�Liikck 'from Me ficst 10, ll,,im toto �emf� .0bor or Vane, bP P INV, t J�D k'� whiCh aboQ4 "UrOwl to 'th 694, 130 thip ad itilo arouse, vrltb)n, bl his over e �tiMe of, M( t b�,er sqpredW.Y,� a I p4rat 0140d most ot t1ile'. TPIATC010 we., )jai 46aitbC.A.11 Was, n -Were 'Y� pro tr% J othel t and of, 0ouroje flark4Q,,t pusliOul jrorgaillah baoL forgot -*Uder �Jts '60 Ales MAN an gry. �%natIOR0,401cl lancepl ten 'Xt-, �L ­' I .. nL arms teipp;)rary barrea 'is, T64 It mxW, emplero -das- ""�aubo­ 11104' ant# And we._ And- rd i.o taught inle4lillty *a atura ,Qr . , pirld' r -wag is �eeokoiizeo so-'supreme'l, "., 4, pro routed, rhen. be W Ulas.'Perfo e kilo, grea, ate to xnml� VV greater' th4n. ..target.' 0- g�rqclty- N1 'laln �to -Per-P ['St. , �a4pd bo, W" t, , ee-folifths- cit" WilI,6ovgT pie he 4ty Q"V�r li� t f ea, tAqk reI., of 'Yeddo UUtitL t 4uA -criie And, Pit a lessorf., ley Ifiri6emantmorire, to A;iL,, emblem Of 't F f b 6111 L -10P, 'n 9"r �f LY4 t wA*j, �jbzorr 'd d ch , , uk raeft" an U .11" b -4j, but .9 quiring, greorl and Those 'till 43 Irlest*601 n I des( t4ht, rengift, an tl�en �rt but :11011 kaOnt they bad joilill j��mo. difficult task leje, little 6ptte�,']�'o I It. the, RQ Y ed ,vl! 10 Of llri6st helploroi 'agaliplct iiitfut a's i powera god _p I her, ooemiQs'. 1. q b�,e -61, endbr4ilce ood,. be . thi�n Japal):� has" 'T son _hb* eata no' t :, Was,' t the 004 j4gty; .i. ed� �Ju t h' on. a, the `,high priest, table4L weic.tutiled ano, tilic, j'� r. 11" energy And, life, Q _ d via NY . e �)Joaa� n-J.,orl the InI. 'PV -no. w Ap,, bu, Smokes g4P ip, the `�Osltli$P 0VOP"i SuCU 'load- vp new at oarluko:, ,ors 'an- P L f bei _ L %VA1, 1% V 4n %Ag � I ": , . I" , er _Jilave., I A1.11 "eWPQP011 ttotr oWp;. J Uevea' It Imparts' PP7 ui� Van ile, qo! d Jle #Ip4. it 6 g_ g been not it'alfort It, IMIalies. an, J, I'lle, t )low-, auV-409raded .,their t , , ansIPY AU ;4 WMI IWPMMUMV-,(� tstmora war r Inu alsit, e":At Ue V, g L h i th T to -,AV,0A k - jr Men, fout""IM3 IN v,4,- Vmw P, tba l,W 40-, 1 .A -,ftik"a - MY TLOUIM D '311 vorgQrf warkidrq ppo 4.114TVAY41VIVI grace, her"el 01VV1 'tho, beg. Irg "am or, UPOP di yrop#01P) WArI11:0914W�AWWA- !114 ft4i lit. pe he :Appear# .40d of w ouddoula .4 04Z Unquonaable Oth Ing L. e WR!U�- o . V fire�NL I to, vranco, L1jM;, S" -Irew 'p6ty we,_'Ilensi, the b the sit gar); *aftlib, �Qaolg':$r _'XIL evier,ataep It I n.. ill� 0 e ' of tl!o It t, fifti bon, 4 t6*'b 'tingulaii.the -� -ful loudly their * , , , _tq, till Da Abj aw L It uwb*�- Jqperlmo, whb, JUVII the,' feet, iitA OL, pIun4eIrP4(aIAd..Jiuo;4o- 91, a hel r pative � beat Mill .6 that 'Will- J it &round Imvalx* QVor, tw.6. I -.4ta j,�fi4*L oil As, VO -11 Al qf n -a -I'm �,W. ll,,� V +11� OtIlet. b �ICJ, 'ti _a�'Y 'Tt 1,11al ion, ('15 a 'r IK to Hear At U I(JIltlit. ua L t�iv IlIysk- Put jiit Jig t Tr"O PuTO ­00ilfi P*' Slj�A#IV _t -ew Xroprisr, rK WiOqYrom' itilb of Jo 'hA4 gwoomm TO. b over tbid.. WW her;seamen. HIth-qI.,' RteOPIR Tho,ppppa; T. �r a to koclima r -of thiff.,triumP. the., Vat ruar#a .4 rt- thl6ir 0 4 a, they 4 11 qrhigega� was V f w- 93eeii oel)ending" upon-', occipses, �q : cons ruc2I. great' rot IM jr, 'L, an, . .. , g5res Ing po 1116 first. of a. Orlo- an,4 epoe _at, or, dlj6 I -ly denion- ties for 'thli t hlg� - J04,4 wall ,h.lil the gre nOe And bee erto she 119 lot 81, 191 _autg"_VV1llC, . I ­ - - �' L, . 1. ".'- "� � " L '. lit ing'Icadilig a,barr a World's redemptiom-�tII6­001nt Of. '0a,u i1gry, man op 44e. e A 7 is or.."'.x0o the, roaw trqit�d tb4t VIA", pQQPIC �ar.c 11164.1.1k '41 -pssels,, Vitt"'the bo '4'0�ff . .. - ics--ior, tlia.. -V I., It ligropilitlin at to "Oke" .11 AC . xid w lung- �vltbt nb. ;acterl�t x-Atrefikth Apid-In-p011u, tl�ii�' her, tlon' .1 was Supp of., 1hei .jl�ct . L Ou Ion th' , oaInog, Ot laiid, of plenty� " '. , I S , ea. She, WA "a _,�Hlmselr be.; tfik) Ilood-to t nl�j 'At hand niff6elliz diapenoatida P,� to �oBcd that t&T vte WAs, stern,�' h 94o very solu he �ot a 0 V t a e u act, 'IeF eat- toij (f&Uptle� t eltli�r and twenty won, . r-thp - ore ablo�' -f Th r it ivais 0.01, the f _VP Ivan, entdrinll� I Ad ffier'� i�rqonaIEL:, AX0 to _ 4 p, w Showp remtaxk&bl� '111141ght in III 19,0,toty..sts -tho,, loAng *619;U& 0 FI-eneV -Carl vide .0 �ot.L every Class, ltii food, and. waiijoij, :but tiliff.. Was a PUY an t 'of ti'le Vf e Pq A" - -eady capable c bei;ald of �ily laden: W: if building p pip ai art was, -hica P I tee Id,the error. The r ed tiiiiaor6 tand, t6'rpeA6, d'' 00. cone. F eii&i iiiiay 1,11PY, were ,nael,. ; - 1 1 wol ihe gr ale anq ber� griiit6r and final, U -that the T1141799" 'd. Was. Inte V t decelvecT by. the fact kIRU- trith of the lesolin is, "Tho'00%,millig own %vith, Z,inunitIQ4 ajt4CkS rather Toprointo Fatrwe"', X factory An, armor platti fa' r1rophipatep Pat -'th4, 1APP411Y IiIAO t -Plf a . ovinced, th . e to aq.Nsl - being �guaw fjor defence - agai f tho,oawn 4jkt jvelgWed d 16 -now pff�rlazs oil on are, 9 Klnvdow.,�, i, . od of Christ.., B-10 MOO x and to th or; la Thq 1�,e force., They are, YDu q_ Thie. OC :6visiolli. the I �.nd pr:�,ceo ! soon 16al of ,Von Thie is,` spiritual. T.eous W be, r&a4' Vile, ITIM how joI_ of.:the d day Were r 00d. by pilate Oe� , es -01 'Chu loned IrfthiteFe be Lamb neat 910 1,11 of their, Wheat w4rk at, bobbld, I riot I go(rei-x, y arc d natuie of, p0q1Qpq.;.*here.T6rc,W, 'Pre ilimiyes inustered. near Y I iTeacled In. ,of lateill" 'an _Sea are. IPM In, thel,W pos the oliting atrength. ' 'Lieut. iata4dy.,.with sAllea Of "d lorQ, 'On. Ildera 'on,. he art. TUc a) iI;eucef rpsPurce'and �-,zea, hi@ U d t 500 War_ 11d: thinly lubalitted rev dpm pion, y in his light M,6 -t only, abou at 6(IC.,, 200 uo Jo�s of yed ;1041 IV-� wh Be tile Dead tip, � ot of, -this world." That, xielle 'L d, " rq b of th1O SiallAra, ftild h 7 of. quidilY aq�q�ilring ''suffi- faAnd the' IrIXIVd. a Ad_�60 qR olate4L�tfto_& :0, ere,, off two' r1ors. at. 79c, skilt, to � 'bu.�ble I lee. J�Xfa � oAtl:arund jutk6l iAck wo.;Ithir 8 lt�'C'Diatelall ataran�co th-a- F i6ch haVe clebt mec a. sea .-Be far north, o von, t orwith 1,1101pr TO� all i1ppe, p4irlay dulh them to control the c6MPqX.,mech-- 9. . _I_X_ V-Epw aprpose. With at 78� to Way t6 the Beni: Of a it I tal -and' ijid .6 eit42 aldcoL of', war or- 0, 'urrr AW. aYV �of -the t accomplialied their i0d 1*111:09, at Oats L _ I . els.af, a b thd 10 questiouabil but this -0. t- 1dad-p bt�'Jloillid. or unlisp !i� I ' Tli�y are tbcireloio� 'low thc;ir itiodiirxi�' W. the �sl!4 Reh Could it . -touch tle f1glit ng,' Sales 4� 800 bush waW triumph by"Alealiallag' -he, --re urr iffteadY, t and th�ir attention o`1011i' JO btlabel' xPlorgItion in, ering, an piemacV. of thii.� Will tur19 ato.182C. Ry d the�, dVA?4.#V Va, tiny, more thal an j4 Mary. PONV oenieimq. 1jucludee no Va epplIa glinp 2 nt ne.141 or. It, .(2) ;ddntVltI0n,,.(3) t1itoulgh tP:0_p;owcr Of purifliod'AffA& boaf: could Catew the &e�ji)e has for one loa4. (1) conviatid Tnarcll-, ­ C lest, To nWa t(i. I r . gom. P .,been'to. the A I moubtal-no It. Ineyl quimandant Le I t� R he r oeliven,tla within YOui Jghtly� eas er,,.w Ir: now tlon.:Andliad t P(Inittll i!la 119' 9, Butter to ol but in the Some, e the 141 dal 181 air, apd,, inL anere outward. ldyal'�Y or a .0. 11 -an& to- WOR m. Devotion Christ -wor io' 01 tell, acialroirto, an rL 'thi6.'e t h iiiie -Jae W, Liy, at '16 to,,21C. Egs; conbrgibn, Jollb, ig �rder,' the Pur��s -of e�30,.drmqon at �81 I rQ -h� if' tlli�y W peat&, grew ce. 'iza n this SY . mo, raul all preached repent call! answer K�bditlqns Uie Tu fig ant for' + S-4. a. the I.; to bel Totill from tha�doop6olt in� [see,. or -fail, of 'it tur "@ and truth mUst gan dull on, - 'not'la �f,heaven"As Jesus I lr6ficl%`,U�Vo but-thel l3a1lV,6s 'were as,pida0fir Ijid. PJQU1t.r M 4 Y.geinerally 'PUI th a 0 �Ilq nd�-. of -plrlt iSh -men wp T ese a llorw. Edidil that is,* the'Anointe.1, III* Arte far Lnt deZri alai ao.1ambe. in have, riPt ept demg; -of, r, h' t,:thii P -Lor- -in -fair-wup a as they. it, oout Its mission; and ce 30 Daada.g find: them, With aIn -a. ton,foi, ion. ol�ilrempnt., oasis's, 3,t o*L;'J0,, p6iman 'in ca the Inhabita�bts of n !It This 'Ic Or7_j__:E:.7 -miXed. par ',C6ttoneatls­v ey -face7da-Ilgisiwit _The. kin III to n_I.Mt 0-Floureau, t at' went mean pea 0a1nolio.;A0 alany' A m -Jjurney Was iricide. last same Spirit L" Nvitt.l. Which of add, In Ab their pleiieure,. a , U tilidL mto the., sc)4thWcijt �stra. r d e,New Te, a 6 liiallne'mak, and,w,",11bturp I 00o onderful Ight ''tin at hing An frfianlis �t Spring a or ert ae, they., tual h spite of the''kapid StrIdea ially'Vavo referdnce*-�W`thei all�irl ed 'and. . propheisted - >Y, Y heart.6f tbe�des $6."n to, th-l'after for rball' the,�,,, d, Hea-� domitilible, �nerg 7 .6-iide in '.their clou"a- eof, eni jwt up anoth - er kin o ased the cdvatky under ox w binishL E00; gooiaer' IUXU -in" -p t `,kt ban-Tte v gd 'And terrible' wdffer Laperine Aarted� on APIAI Is' -last ties try,, their b av 'Eat ed Arid h a I) PY -ar.- I. . c,%vs expe um& and -matte to 1 7.9,- to, 71 7.3' -3 antent that lishied without. bi 9.1 are c jimple Sp&rt§,.:tQ 'fenc- to break ng. 83 to to, I mealling bere'. Is? of'.Sabaira. The3 'Abl' aV 61>1 wlt* i�,tacrolss w stined d idb i to OQ; one. can ever. 66 -to' On -; 0' AA 'ell, L 4, eit,L,tbe M t In the,3jcqe%ahL:to begin k4100all �Offlccr. In the..*@ )atal liupI.L.' III Plices, and -'ponatime '11. Othe .9. h, .4 a. Ma T, Ain Opt the" Aig t doms' mid 'It' 81101 I'st" foreVer;�­, willpr6-tfiere was nolt ha,y His dominl4n '(in I artIN,"un er trAW oout6 paff urAge lj'�At band-' r, . eliensive. th ;td"q Ilea; "�-000n as, thpy_.'reahed p6ilton,''glo to 010,5041, �lovpir;' japanege ne--. -war,, who, has.'L C%irlattan. economyp (YJ a or been omathee Sahara W. days. w, t $10 for I' bin rp- they, 0.6al. rbma n or eever d 11' )d to Wit](1069 d' 8.',.FaIAs-Th6 Greek ot.Z U.p't or !q Wil 10 ed''tbey r gitti; PrkV eg( d elmdry on 0Me 0. them, were, the` h, tereL­ t _a-Rinc 'thoL,'�.Uuo . , L', ." t6, I*iresh,_tb tilbi $5.1 oran tbt0W4'.' Saluda to L aUlkeJ 4 !�O 'the, m ope'ed on,i Dtq It nMOO I among t )n 6. thege. 'ships when' �est-marb Lmd th-p uttermost parts the earti won"! $2,25 to $' pp. anta-tibiiyet and the next- oago,* 7�ielr swift The voice '-"The v 61i'all �',qtuaying the. and had" -.coxirad.iot� twentyqiIne .021. 'cherry, V 'somq.ap 'bon t dil;qspa -h cig rLvt.b6r t , IAJW.,,. see .4% so Eph. bell9ved MA40 :in th *14L,., $ 1 . 5 tell'itom to tlIJ6 wol hL t wjtlt 'for% hills' tl*; Include& of - iinulbef of typ Ica . 1, of' a be. prop a reed. hand 40 to her b 00MO. 10'. -Which .1�0. but woulid,.60 vo, halto� as isevent:� miles; Tror tj�r t V6,60 PCs, evolved 'a, , V an 6u r,6iI " whic h 00W,' pier. .0 the t I the, difficlt is $7.95 e%&, Trtijitire Ye�,, Of - a6d avejildg for Ci 50C� bdtte!r,!, d'alryI, &n tr amelo. 2, 2L J �,Th6i are eOti In It 0 l6ud-and disti 'the achome, kabl� 'Joist : docka:. Uc Is take' from 4he o�iah Man, - enti i`al6sea it. o unfolded., n n Tne �ira-v�I;064�tlie ilibiteaus er, 4 a ma 31%oiamor:l a I -am� '00 lb 9 to. 100;.'I awhen. agalfist,: his own � goul.�, Thei Qnal bon- ry time piiXty': buleW." p&r-Ilb,L'.1ij of. linitatilon, Ir It t1co 4 and- , -imad'a 'per of Eaot.4iira- monarchs, who, reswe le. tils, to i0e; �tuk�' [lich. go hAf- pg6om John:'be*�' Isald' ltita-ae. whlilih; ho, mo interesting. iscoveries, . �'.TIICY- tO 1-20" 9_0er�*, itref �Ifat' a i -aver the Tq;;' 14 to 1%C., of.,_13 fit' held_wh�_tla po�t :tili.� prpa �e �aui I I . _ T or; (51 A-11, -one, Ch wad., man --oA vi�lth our, .,a -W,95ia­.Vabb no man cbUla d IWAU repre- 'pe cot pra: The Jew ilp 'at Sea, 11P. 611ff.Laojr�ered "I g,,. d pe tes, An 901120, Of W and kindricido, an irlibigged S11. wit4' pain lug 41bh can to -.500; caldittlo*eir., deise t Y.: rt coun r iInd -SIM-06t stati011ary- -6enting: Alaillibilk: o xv... t --before t e­ilt iOne I In 5.- cefteiry tlt'� figurative. la agus her' ougues,� ;0to0d h lot attabka .6. found aaa 7 'wb tO,88". ns ad- r M, ; L . . : OPINI lit n- St beef b no longer.� b !Ici , to .,45.6 t lit In Wild beforb 'this. is I trat 0, Wilitc re7aelig. beet;. fqrequ'j�jtorL3, *4t t A -of thei, tell 0 VNIC. ft rolR, 18 & Wt 'rer bin Ma: for so. in.,'a crooked politi WW, come V Pireve t:.t, on"diflons. of the kinkdo tactics 0 out ea. afe' we'. Inn fliey�. began:'the.returft ti preparation be re� f 7,dacml 'Mlloy had 'travelled 7W modlitin. a&rMt;qs. vo-so 'to. $T la, adop aLo1de_0&IrCaigj, $6,50 is, as hard for our King 0 11 a brief: -t einphatle , and.: com 443VF* in ow a &IIIIiI,JThe a raimen It. tes,. d' e, half uo I no i id� just What Xansen did 0trads"t . e. weep -an bu tioli . way. al�h 0 tirned'- %and,"wex, t a straig t A6 rit is, for nq� Vo.do a t J&ci that' vbid, epustitu a A t1b reg an., hensive N Ar6se, like' thai famjousi�fbwh 4pd their ty bag�tO stand.-oi� a starting to $6. emp John was loIn thp, a pin al d t- to t*e nr, in 'a n have, a t in >r re- irlid '.Po h in'.suai aL tivii time g� ' to be,edin n aea atlan oil bit quiet,. ties 'tll via de Carr- 31 war ust + 'the or year. holesale, tra nd X6� ;t el'beat, to 9 r pr f ej;1 raLn... 0 ema -brough- _alau� Iies- -in--po I Ies 6rd-' - nat d' in L, n liffioUlld bi Oiligh 1 Arctic r,O �d��41 goc 'cal n gII4 `gdodF I- it dip1qmaCj.' Ii a led Ith Z� le The do -t t or under a. ohd' I oa. h thin d scid lild h to, (if it P: -Cc or Stele rices oi, :,glrdle of, un rpiq r resem- aples couiililu is, in Par� I1019ted of loaustai, -closely and- 6treng.'th 'of., the lat- an:1 foreign tit, .6 rhon! ii'p'olii. myk1bg'for bog 6w, the t r-iradtically, elecI- Y oneriL. 'Beasons rae is Tij sales arid..of Wild died b 'A canie"ili. lar Pir hands! with,. th ter It P,'� Iliment be. sbakes thlo, wsg! natural as the Tlipy�l _41inle C of Sorrow. e. a&,, cover htee whVelit unliko -rid" o er no* at - Tlor6utoi': fa; after he,is elected hie Shakea:b4dS. of � living! In ard - .11 ' i 'for buit - sitio- Lhel'soll plojlt�s in. rhen -be de sori#T..0f fbel world,P' Ilea re i d go6de have L' dn with hiniself.' silVolo, mo g t1mWG as -much groun ar. 'Ektail bdelpis alkl one t She twujnff trom q'ipalr' v ry a tIV6 Loc -n0.atiQn"'.It' dIW4V I -nmViii-differeim To 'heax' soi th-61 - I . cam thofio days -in.. entLve, the ordi"ry pack douth America the Y. to the character' ".rather �,ihaii the' 4e forIRT say 0 Wl s"T'llee politiciau� oil te Un i, St. -to, eat' 10 T I Lisery,frouk Rheu af --P.Tli!,L- .10&ve permhei to. -x,s, ren u "t won en eIt . racell ie dld,.miD noL!f;o d-tq�o %a repentance: unto sOVA... fast, S r repress be- Trimvel-I.Ill 'were,. divided into. iiiIilifs-, a PerchiDrion f ere,,a 0 OYM the� t: com tied,* to* f:- atte ere.!not 1h,ealry. ment, s of 'to tionj nctL,-tb,"be repented Its e K V hey do they are:,00 . . d thAt th sinn C -.v oicsalo [Ing, -tits 'ate' 91 o ourmi dfier the first -few `U QU nets, an e bo 'h' eb6c re iVre�.chei§, aCcCl eso6iftlal' elemL lieutiocilves'' down 1 11 OU .,Iiel �t of the House. r.. Or:- sackcloth,' the; Wbigh 'tl sc;r.tifig Orions tlie other side. ot,thul "Let Vicl I raiI .1 . /-p - a a Itotno The 'hini 'OrhoY leniigh their t re th 'Us 01jea. ry, t traders., nile d -W ead:. the lait atory er an oll gbt too, watdr 111101114'El a irie mas :a`m dds Show -his Y, . , . . V - i sis dild. 00 Irom Iting. and the _a6lltuitP, and the . iq.L , sue 1) oVhen we,'r e on' iinarr f 6indiddt a On I , orr - from hav 15 r br age to -ac-, their Jill a to jet, Owes nwe wonder 11OW �so, m4uY, atisame. quarters ebilectIO11B, he stumpi 11 *0 ooIn anxi.aii nce tradl� i1actoraw, -a I in t In meet for th ayears. 'J'file� ducks aet to Tar ta en,. c6infessidl mado (vs, '43 javbL-L. 069"'faht'aB 'they he reporter� r illett- tion;'ritutaism" 'alb' r e6ent,`�!,sdid t.. t where' old. can An all rorkiag -notch a poll,- ladinlosion L -'t� d are rcrlor e. -the went, the kiu�d iijals, we all utlook you OpUg 110h I�Ild 17. 61n�lia ."d went.:to tile desert tmeMan Tile, takii has a meei 'little lis, Av�oli-Ald. very Hearty, reinuixelMlon of, pin' and co�u­b�eat -thom verZ -P'�qal hc' Coaat.� us reI, an the faddist' Y hP but t and. usuall 0 ugll:�.Ihoar y. ""cc' ��Jrh*Idba W as tirrect y -novel', WILY ddwAi,.3frs.: opry Peak ties t 4n 'ttoif thgL USInea a7a -tu­39radr,+reets'r-Ia­- b t , 11 ; "" saviour And, Lora, �ipan i. ed ptirred. Even of Chrl0t, I ' . .1 ' ! tbe,of nod huoa not on .'waA' Iy%aPvir6i7cd by oil nd.1' C-li . I fL ' 0 8 The most �su the. KIII'lm fi"16.d -him'- �jal wa�s Ado tied and "you nle�au� ll��rvicnt politi is not -a . gouty the dititenshipi :bKoig thlearti 9 gladly' !alone, seeure,�,. nd I Mrs, vI 20). rbaptim- of the' Holy, alidst. and, quiry. or 'SeflRonuble StAr16 th ttIhl6sa flee -e taken, to test Its' ef.; don't yon an ho. crow must transform, wo 1 plle� ll�Lq'becn,,�'Iarglt "the mosi 11191117 e,Bt - eel did many"thingsi" (U(Ltk mcjjaures� wei inb.811 ne eve All. 'as s6on,-as PiOssib ��ould, i*ecir th&tj! ­ e re ..Th oiltloolr om, be'. ser*CS. - tho, region. 3d to, u; thiag of.1110 hud alub fic, e r'ey, Jpr.1116. sholilto ng Nvh eniorlmojis.'­ John as deatibi ianil I P.- a furilvaglanceov 0 at month is Millet have; 66011 'Pe 'in- ir; thoo �caj�s of Wargia esc'4 w �t , tor. _g iTery Pop la'rify -had no' .�Wmi b 00 SV L, no 6, indignation "eLlistod -a -large dud 0 (]OP ular',but PoPu ed lie _Onft fa *Ing Partyi6iii is, �iat f '11- as 116., say I ga-ve it to i6it that way., -t 'Winnipeg a f o best'caiiiel drivers brI011, ' 114tly I desigi �.Taio cold., w6ather a many for tI16 gain ffect , 000111 $he 6 -of, the ad I . ii dTfess,o -e the afts. Fb I . 1 g_f�Collf�aslorl. 'Of. Oni r4tglOno,'-8xr, Aladolphis 'Pr tli� dealAil imec I,tiried to fierds or�O, I,iolidav in BA:tl �ho sa.Ui lind the a place t CS SE 'a r1gaCkod­aI1 - th6_ camel. Ud�T MONDERF61; DhIiG eVer isti6ve how the 1, (1 ,lin , 111HIE biisifiesii�.j-ab been better than n. pre- if. as, I In co' gtOL - irties a hate it.L 12 bii Well iotluce I owin of'lin(MAIS: b1hation '*ith the edrative yeibrs. :)u.gb do-, �Algetar.­ SaharA,,an j6r nuYing PO4 IR-JbPallese M01i ks'ln wfiole-86,16 '11D) 7. ft6ft 1)0b, raw, d" Are' tl�e, W Ouch he e knows 1,Che;Vomeii 6rkers. x t *dri3',built, for -nl�dieinal,guxns w; in �'.The e tba lbalave s e I Ati. And. fbarless �Ililiked, out thio Ptaster, W14 pbeftive Ape tiemand'. tbr­ When q gti t.d. [to V pblitician imagines i objeet.'but,bra.viln st ies kj,tid that are Use and nerfouxi Pikillif and goo oil, evil ays. gic dtl.' s6rvl&� between thil PiI.6vi'lice to I at H it all, he alien' 1,&gt. nds., i livu cou or tto .110b, 8t n n Ifiatitet; day io' th We -Inaies all oppo& 11 6 These aitins %A� io are ref'hirded as "Oases I,thht, they liever. t I but the 'ttousitinda bf. peasant, and girls., DANGEIZOOLS WE for. Alany poll Vc red, tl-Ang ieso �kis a uedemand an �h000lzm. iouie, sre, ca th i in tile, fittle'rCid st� ijill SIONVL at Pis Aike ;Mn itd't' adis,16 pIO(I a,long .a not slV0 11- wa�� in -a olig c ro goo( s. pollyivogs when PArDa, t atiflt�S Gep�. dot. 014 1. u a .0 till gn It Ira' w th6l. '1101d­Leflacloslily, to f A'L 16p 'es rtra, n e; soil e; soil th a rlv1460'��Allllsl'-Sei 801) 'An, r 6t of tf.b NeNv york'Ls t1ire one W,4 are it s:Iiiiin 1180' 6 -ad n' t t, lies- *llcll�,tllc "Pol ui�arqd -W)tll, ,,hitting, tO'Alle Cecil. thd Wicing, end. Milan 11 . . , ..'p6ker'by --T Mitains, j^sis sit -axle the syanis it - pa . W "'a liarin Le L SAM- almuse has -b- an good deat''al; to the tramp stpamcr_* refused 'to -eral.bau'( rlpi� 'of.gianja I lie best polic 1a gbLr"lzp un n, g I OOd illcroh�vi nd brown sit,- or tobcco,, d ' "der it.'is ihd-,sn6kIAg I' bit �to* tradil troopts, were , oil heft is i6 of Inil6s all, hour with of 1�llltc� 6friebro aINVa much V�Ag and- i6'r acted -)n! a at. mof, thO.ICIAnese vegetabl. d,illed' in,tbo use 61 :in D16tt, 1)&I' nd- yor A princess.. 6P, sShid uto tflem' 01� gait 0 they., d I a is bee gives L-1 a d )G in Th'o t One leadl Aigl6il istan Cal 1h16, best filouern rifles, We kitiTots this'-wCed, Pol �O�,%Isis' to call '11' 7. 'rei Ilort.; to Slid,' They. Wil tit tot, ready 1�r them a splendid; Ciki- In a foi' �4�ac,64i -and Esfel thef Phr! or JIO,IL g ' a t to sell '30 t P11 rs wlio at he 0 g'i.otliter, all(, byallst,dit tllc li, walk fort to Often they- of, hil' n eger P Of gh iiic The t gr, oil ".Se a bAter: lor 6�illlll b I lnIPr0v0I1l('IIt by Ole "Politl 0 -!-rood" tillf -for hbeen it ati011 Of 11POr Milo i I 1110L bairg994' td TAiere' Is price Ch ixt� hicy enjo, p h6nLds biit� tl inceeso. 6 111M Of ifip, Sa� filr4agors' llv.N,.t t SI I "ollop -y ally oil 6q, roitlil and tr'lf� It,: tlld r< -.p he'P- Me fitaira. 'The: 1 or8dirs 01 11cnkt4 to larket, p) M40 jultic 0 the n rttly.where, ney 4jollit" V6111illfl, ol v C14, 'a. tj -'0 heir-_ I Y trade 'lit vfi� trallip t. I k. tro I 0 Inutill: to g i Y-74 tea I hatT been n k I 11"tt Most roolf otholn ev6n6g, s ttl 1, Ilk j 11,. kNvo, to illrNy wee 0, 4 the., Al C*61to, H1116ke fr picill lio r.r , ilk,, they regn,M It-. MI I I,- - no 0 n tnotlititain tind It . 'I ni or [is C1 vor . . 11 flin yon"ir, 4.0 111161lity. ofi h4�. Triii -i�ferE ctlioll� Mini in ll to ior(Illi,i si,vift', i "lVe Olit ll. ttigging ar,3,L� s0, ; -Tal lve jv(, to tll,6 o n lit, It 4h' ti'o's Ckoul tn'eL016Ify of, Ii, .ov(, I fl . ibir 1ropontanco. Allottl(l o colill(t tlit)160 ig aJill, I ghtfil� r Lv)�, c o n I o, �o OMSY f fi 61TE droi) IIQ,1Ong*,,r klivl,rji�o into tllo.el., 0 the fdt flist"N o'bir so�v­ or of colostial Is fil jort of b, bn�n Ip of light V!l adl . il(�lt in the Th- TUI nted is moin, P,4t,0'63 $Old' a"i ttILII: alt amthe iii tw, a, isUtflit e-,. 1t,4 �1,127 j,I,J,oIwi1 9 s whonf tb In 66 eV iLlISL, littlier it. Is fIrt(.,P 'IltV ;I'l'o pa in- -ded d hill t Vitylorca Ild Of Fr(,.,nc ribm China, bu 't, �ol, in 'this CItV till b ior' U6 wid I, IuAt a edffiv, plikiltel! L6, Alih,gar Moaii- 14011 Inv -estato illIeSo, J-Ob�JCTB 0 tjo6d� 'in ndla, And �ot Ic,r I to bo r�.L.f,,, �J L CI,, to olu is practioallY tiiii-ilet' AiiIeI,j(,ftJI plo, abont' of' to T ned In (inn, or 'ties is' t6 inr,�Abrq r;r6 4�g(,R- 01, ri. -lid im flip, ilitly thCI ,sml�b as Poll I 19, '0 Tho, Avollielf otit" the, SbPOYS GPIA- ('s t lipoil t In . ftle 0 to 300 O'o Seg., Dnt. cotteir.6st Ilvai :rll, t I IS t1l ojII$bI:vpg 14I)II'tch cour. t gc allbolt -oo( tillin �6VO to in6l io IgiN iliq 11 6�1, by thollgh thcy� ntit by, 111 Vi R onfar to�t6ach`tllem agc" durfi* tho 111614n In Iny. weeks t Ills ew,11110 110 IaYM 660i, itat fly 'Pii�(l IS cents, it, day, a, rdor erIn6il!'s' 94, 6jitA. 'Iles 0 teinidad and otho craftsvien that 06 lim a. hwq been biVe'-ni Io, �c at KV r(A The lli�jct Th&­dif- party -dot 00*114"'bl" ()ff Me out(io g.trIllontL, ill' 0 dboej�t to th,L lMst of h" rA or ny met, 'and the �61i�ician e6 lq;Imos�tjinfait but ii fell moRt tiMkIxpeat. nimay %V1401d Illote ferefice, t feretice, Cool nteded.14� It.oWb6fta 'Ou 40111 tkr.,tl ore morning brought., m to elirwt ( ii . . V6 e Pat t eil r6bbers, who'.h&d oieAto r pebt"ce pr dig" �, -7, tea - ail 11E `7 X�;, 7 II somm" is