Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-12-24, Page 1Vif INK, 4OV; 7- 7 A 4, 0 ot V- -TR Ath: - 1*100 V0 OLE OWs �'Q .. T '0 0 car i. Mr. 'J6bu 0� i e amor 0." of, his, 0.4 ; 4..''�Mitohpllj fot" p0l. jt�6 b ave ies HTON K . .. .......... ............... t g. frien( hib t pp, ofC Th I *Ii6g befib" riO hwakt h log 'ot, vast.., log, MAO OF:' -RIB TORS idil, bt eldi0t- 4,11�h7ii h*;'joy,-'0�8 te, X1 'Atli . bqq + A 7 hd o a ye.aj,., atid-tue, Nort d gr� Gen A . e'w in her 27t year.: e a frien 4-9bets t d'h T frie . n itovi, oi - '. h onthi with fiepos'in alurii h 1 .1 .11'.. ­, , fl ah 4ill,raceive r Atten- r up Ats ek Pago T XAmit . - . , -in -death -,was &mat oin 04j;4se, of :her; geR nadas: fie Ron 6tes isputf�ed 4:44i lu,�,gqv - 4 -W.ATS0N, Ids 13 .. r I ns.g�es eartoopia.l.,is I 0yo, , I I I _, �llege, � - IP,. . .1!� ­ . .1 iq y qateemp yo -J['Ioau 'to farm6ro owdpible--ior a aitin. the I) Globd. Yhb'mai 1�60 wi k,, apepins4nied by h in d:l y Wi gh-f& d6h 6 ih er"4,f pane 1ree, jug !gie,p&es erpieces, o i his eLe wh6, f I months' i And the'township �f'Ftamos� 13 aily we are,, e., wou rom one to, two v4 -will' vote of randqn,' Manitoba to! farmers de t�alrhig to eed cattle, h6l IPuneral set- -you. our gree 0. Wbo, *rill -end..,to te).Svpeerei during 'sum or the adoo�lq� of lodal probibiti pend the Christins, id ext A GimicMRAL BAxXING: Bt$I�EiB wipter and grass m '4th� at the -16 'o. 'r. n. ' i A� — n and, wi.,�h you, all, wer cond'eted se ber't thWs TPLANO.AOTi.b. At I ow. ratieq.,' interment the VA.unidiP4jP!QQHons on,Jan, f q d' Famera' Notes'dicoollut0d suf I lo�zi,small�ok -.1aige amounts,. on gerpond residence on' Monday, th f mq or other, real eatiLte a, -A Bisiell c Wee make a. Jqynt R,.)as street. per 9013, .0 11, b t4i6cla. 34%d6 to bz=QTB fQ04 �rpeb ad secui fiis'Aaftel'niortga 0 crops. ri beautiful' fiifb 'for -.wife. or f PR Tqesd evenin Pocember1fth taking pla6e im, t o.- Teeswater dpo ery. t I PlqmQntB and,'' t Doug ail in - Gone to 'Platod is week. fr dti u the, - Mr Ale n of �Xinloss, ine, wi '(in first Mortgages at. i.owiest'rates lleete&, '. I have, a larie;dinounf'of,-fuiidq- to, advance. ev. jojqph-;Phi1 i J�; P. La ietic.fi §ells them. . A p MI. raids mo.der'ate. X, : 1�10 di 611y6i than Dlf!PTS Fire Insurance Companies, And, CF s u vp ect re nC 'di -A' 11 1 sea of property In Pr W. Lit Armitage. ljj�l, �ppint6 in an& "XIA 1113; effect inourAnce op. 46 c as ine stock 1 0 9i d:.' H46d I q 9 ines d of- 100 tine" in Zion Metb6dist church,. As Rev. u, hli� ileed "aie ted. to, Succeed rinixtualcompanieP.As,46 e thoTalep i h6 p:p the-alibpices�of th6W.-M_ FjcE, uouA 4 the'Oth fi Id, und r 4.m,, to.q p.m. ',,acgefl on conoesq,on. e e a as rector c 0 &Z oi ea the�.* A ld One. of,'the IfFamous"' H ters ;Auxjji%Xy of ene icton, the latter 11 , T gh�e Savings 1101AA8,13" REID: Jun. in a&upwards, re�eived C Was r'se t Ppoh atr 7 o'clock. - Ad is MANA 9 1 . . . allowed at current rates G, U.. ..w uld Ida fe L 10 CtS. for Deposits'of $t.00'al E ke 4hice. firist . pe a alid inteiest ogentleinail being ifjc�paciiaie4, 6h ess datt� of withdrawhi. for,:'yoitr mother,, w if e or friend., sion*A tilts 15otlx., child n A 'may 3a t aty b� son of Advanced d, it 'o U or them'At',T., Lawrence. eason "find o' hp 1pke lqj)(yait,)r is not subject to v �1 wit ta k�. V -9 of 401fki a - e 1�0564- Not'as ge.: —Rev. - 4 PerouS aay� of thA deposlt�- io A ITE plejm a Ma� Xat'a;nd M ular in Tete'rboro,'Ana is' at pre,- a.fi e Ih t*remt oonip0jillCie Harr' Xoidted dolls;.kid bod The Po riers, has author L ih� jo.�rli do fftd the: i§S notes.' 'sent 'Secretary -,of the 1)eadOry, of, 30th 11i each- Ills a Ajj�: �toa -pos I pop nd a V.- onie hard ue 0 athWa Ido ;-,'At,t ew o -N -6j thumb riabd aud.'Secre, LUC The cortimission cn,the4e post.%I.. notes the Y ur . -mr-timieN�. k r b 'Ardh&;60bniry of Poterbo o.i e': is-. picture'. 00 0, oya own Ci is 6bly five cents, audit will, e -Have you b k B! 411111la :poem, U. and u your Xmqs.1 ora AX rAnd I,6dge�of Deli tb6 Past.�'Q, nd- Cbaplain, of. �tbe B a, .'a thors bibleW'- v6nienti iand:,safe: way: of send.jing.. a ra _monery; a piplu beling, giveii. R- y h' '-was, dei aide ­ i -1894 "n'; nbooks, y a full' ato b, -d' Mac 0 T E- di app 0 0-0 Wwo *IWO-AqqW00 0 0 6. �and t ork �(10t y t4ievubljc� ofmauy, -c n'b pop4la..writbrg a e had' For' Bibis; book a, i bte., cilli-bri Mrs. Muntollint NomInatto Sidith'a a ver low. 0i9e: at' E. OU 'SE th y . T'w", P P . I . Tiie',muziicipil omillationd i a, milliner' t -thank bi offi& r'-Uouti re; w �ve a nice lim'e'bf f 6 Amps. ye y a ore. Xrni$ night,' hockey �V.P, w t -We h' 6f,� Reeve and - f6u 6o... heir very liberal.p'a'tfdna�e kietid4 teids,,. or., three Schco hard V�. tiick Ver Div the'lear 1903 slid ai. the itablib cutlery 61 , "k, q's, fork6 'ati and f he r friend', In xib6dJs �w ;friend you, 't 71 age'o ;spoong,.p &ei_�utlery,- shouh N. -wee ates, .0 10-ok"a'ffer! thi -k b th,60 � that, *6 1�5p'. n orne rin-k-, -trr er, swFepee., "we wil be in a- -bet.: t,;28th:at 7 o,'c c retiring gham. VS L4c von' 9 tuoknoli wil ta ihe iowdl 11all ti o ition: to.meet"the requirements ter p ssrs. T.� at, tees, its ear ar Fus y toy bopk4i for S�ndo arge­at6ek :7-9 , .. . -of-thiY_trad0i��, e-manu ac. uiers__6i -at & ryou. in 3 at,. 11ar an a we rees, �.ec.,, t 2.sny� inesi,we 0 drug., is. ore Twentyi, e. m or 'Appi 10061i, t Sale. ti� -coming w—airdqn, meet ,,the a".,Now idthe. time'to, renew,your su hes stomers-waiting a --- to jas, F ififief. �. - ..1. . . . . I I . liavd.bberi- Qbli d V on equeot . we ig IS en6r�llv conceded, in Q dun7: -rho-. -bon dii5 idarta Council circles that,Mr.. clad, Me- A�l b upplked., b' a'Mr -E- J'Cbllini*;,*.6f. -Wi nippg .;ki� ii y an ee papers. of a n We hbpe,to .6djpy, d y 0 PuDilc generally, by"* fair �de4ling ombar­ (,Ahe county - coub-c-il 6 Bruce. Count 0�11 add 6xatlii e ur`st6A!of, Bi6lds -th et books',,at . c-.� $07; T in0 A we. Sa,lnta 'diaus where ...:to. g' �nd ''Close bii, basis, -enlitl d 'by: e -parr foi. yiarsi:lapois I e f their: p jcI ar,outtt Is -'of our 'stou i. we, a- co :fecti�dery.i -e�,' h _­ b;D as -a'contiduan as, on ld" ik 4!goo III i *.1, . , � 1, 1 . I I., ! r, h the position of,phieL damni of se iic� 4. A buy are 'selling, ihe ina less Than, coat, pg a , e - ub ron b th� H e of W plea ad J., Smith. you':see;n,, tho Pi�qdora.,Axogei that, on t I r, this county, xl�6r. 2 Re�d La;wr ce's ad;,, it Aishfield e ra. a. now - ted In en ya-7500.0,09 feet, of., Aih,.E lm,J b iblili to 4ive Be , h. Soft, ,.an i to our busto'm'e 44a13 . I . pi 'Thei'many -friefida 'of" �the fa the Id'L So Coing we wLA Miss Mbmurcby� of Ki1%tail..wW* 16- lgs:,or,t mbe' 'on -the- - , , -, . ! d h 'tham y h 't ' * 'es' aid.' �X.orj'this,section.w�il regret to Ibirn of D'.thia Us prke -of Miss, -Hele! n. M bappiy'and prospprous ewi-Yeai. As P G. John: �Butto rvi r. of this. Vi1lAie;''yVhi,-fi ur y Pat 41 htor,,,: Are irge weL d A 0 ca en ars. pP pikit' rasid t 6�r'tohava The pivailir,el of hrisimas��Gl tibil goilds nre varie y., p1difty, !,pre3edtiog, For C B�au I 'nA%v g,3 at.th-ehome o�h6ifer'wighing 1$, 00se. 1,11em, to -�some.adqlt. membbr,.-..of- the and wen elec. ald' t G neph -the- h 'la Mr.�Tbonfas St , oth 7, o 3 so a of 18son-in avW,. �fimili. Yours tait'litally' goodsine luding. eof tbw,,�: Olt R ?rade it'7 ceitts a pound., iNdS --- �Qpald on, coneession.,q ing w d Ay or.. ith her:fr.en .9 �t I 'f th tonear "Mild ras raised was 'T I SC PEARL C ear. y a. the mitni�,� ec ion, w LINKS, ]�AOC 9_,__k0 -Q -XT N1. year6 M in e. ed, a'l (1-11 ic a inS—Ladies',!a G6 Isi 0Pe of: ost 6fijoyable co WAT ae'ttlIat no� Ou.bli&-� school CHE nd iz AU erson dl -fkjoulen s an ,Christmaw, ee en er d ..lio b peqidlqt, tr usliflibd: to a: a� �ca d date* mpme Hunite o' -her acation ar, " ee horno in. ToroxPn,­ for. a lojjg� tfibe . , IV on Dee'28., M Wm4� given inthe, V I age Medijd Oa ena s,:bau6fqj�4qo4s. d of DIANONDS0 ar d d' y e aning last"und �.6f 7iecured :46� tllil'� Sent,61 ats,iRobert Hunter, c1le at the home a v .0 G ARM-STRO.. I unte nidther of - 'r..' --,now. ;-deqignar_�­ 0 .0 0 a a .' f i -daugh n Sun -4i �the Chure JEWELEJ ai� det h,,; WAT(;HES,. Aklother c�aii,load'&sAitjust -re r a week] The hall wds' well I led -by: an app. e,- -At th4 ripe\ o Ai of 83 y Id day lastt od b —a piece on at.',tbe H.0 , g.rocerY e. a, , every f 'boys, add g iris,,., do,1 ed tiny friend 'at a distance, I )rogrb�m wa we) nd were amang' th 6-- earl y settlers 4. the longL race v' bi n 6W that-$14ift Send the years. .,Decmea ative audime a, riage.4, ro hiolkboards F 6 rt a:nd. 'and'heartily enchbre'81'. The diffek'O'lli Wnab'bbter Christmas, the to -%fid v _kT116%Vn a 8 r of wnabip reIN well anies.,,, e at OnL.Seh& t65th jbi SY 111 tag; 8016st PhOruseij Auet% recii­. 6steekue4.,':, Thiq.furier� I �t�,dk plice ()E'k .-o . 41 b tigers will coinfir h, tba,� adve ter a�u MoITM y,..and d ��-lly -goOd, -and -refleetd, x from, n,ot only ofi';tbib X Mrida'' lec`i*;dhr1Amas g1f t a great de'al'of -chants; ilivitatidas:, to;.. the jl3ity. You't L as au& thomsdive, Cliri0m LNev, a iftle folk D 6rg tl6VL%t MOFQ,, cor . I , ' , 1. .: I L ., - Clie odds. pgeiit'�6a�.. 12�.ihe' own vt' Mf�.dicai LV6 that., qTig. thotithe, N 13, but',o I t,, q S ays,� wb'o tj idedthbm�'fpv. The wifitee term well' JUL6ineSiL (16116ge �7 16 uit6blb,x eh�ad?a.01'.d, :_ 'S ii f ell ral 13 'ril, ion. The chair, as':vory! ably filletl 19 onguv very 0. y $boUl nspee d pp.ned otj ,c:. ont.j oppns,j L 'A valuable'dr ay, �crse b Wll§ pot, 0 id 'by, M�,. Moolifill6us itchell, anct in' 0 1 L' anuary 4 th. Many �tgra Mr Isaac o 0.ahFon�e� of. Mini o6k. hri latge st of.,C S 7he h the rough. �eather' ;iwh we, �0%t�8 ofithis'ich6ol-ate now tpaj a hill You'' thig week. Rev. Me:,,, Millyardo condix-44 the m . fact' -that e oo6ds whioll af-e, 6n' in, oth ir, �uqness �colleges, it iT of' 'gboWs ill .�li ining are an &I Y. �tnsg$ L -servical 60 gave aof ing, a e courles"di tr i a show now pul a und teadilm,of pr. inadb 0. t 1, sla Y, expreso, e e to, hdie 'on tio to. -00 G61V WM011 'b Id -d., of ixcel, 68 u W,i, th vienio& Dec: 'I . 6 . . 'the Child' ond* 'Mrs ID Arott. thti, since kg to rei MEDIC us fliott, .41 tid 0 �r ci. E ids whd so kindly asfsisi� I yj OTT at- le on aibibent, -ail 88, lan Of th -fert * d mawi, �Motfiri POW80 d" t-Lunder the .0 e I at Con,� oi 1�-' 1rhe Lf�c�jo e.toys allSPICog -h hail -,aVV c6r- 1j, SOC14 owing pa agral "tldna T 'CATTLO, VOODS' ND' 'teagde will be, given, Theifoll has n,.L ex ph, 7, e'ting :Up CL 0 Deer,, is -A ngt you may, od in i y F tell i oap6rs f r6ni' 1 01�'bmolx Wall OW1 ye. 1�6' for,, T pfal oY' tit 11 TP1, B E I 60,00i ek owe6d Yea" k3,_,jry tail ways th o �'s oce a "tot t A 11 ey-I in et t A rgajjjLZajion ly wal6ome., 4A. 1 11 e - " I -to 1,6 ugedfor - 'y and �.Stat R raL ing.. the f 4tn6u )w, gl(self tl too ­01�,a t epoyss year bl Ay 1,(y gtiarid4 6064iotl lot the� �tjdt One labd ko n to get M kc 'teetbri do your 91, , , I :� (or a, ch'art"et 'to operdt`6:4 roth W. E L L l& in,west�erft, Ofitafid, baidjou� guit NIA dolitii, or ma )a compress e ir,.,e e must should see Millerj of tive poii�ef bb loo- ils;­ JEWELER -4 x of 86hool, e v. t. MAAfillb, of tlbuih,Kin� �j , i * - 'o C., ot or, an is re C for d J� af,6A�J'L T116 spito.m. will IpUcli, 0 , , pulpiis;Wdit v. I �OJ4EgL : , , I R, , , . 'hl 8TAT I to' t to.' , AE& I 11� floe; led in I a, 01411, pq06ts 6q, Frid-, W h e� u bottip of `Seidor li,,'Mit6he OPTILO. the �opiilj�' Pt, 1, and L Q youi, doug I 1�giv A�A"j -,ug by inoipa Clintoll,, Vingli�m,L ckno tuetj foli, d