Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-11-19, Page 1719WIP17 14 7' 7,T-7 I T F;; ='� : ;; " , . 4 4, v 91 7 A NTAR X 1�k d' It Q0 '00 de a. fom, a 1 10 it forlh,:by seers. ng - Mob. XA Xter4p e Y t-7 some bf tfie� B ARD OP Sijqitfi,;.Will oc�u the oob�. IRECTO 8, d Jaog-�,: W9. Gini 00 M6thodigt,t,qh' are, io4fe�.�d _'oi throughout 0. Win anh44 qpd;-, the Bt&jea. 441ilo od :0 QvE Oat Istyl 109 iB. LEV Makili, aisileptio 1�cludiiplg:7�7 T ' ' '' 1, . ..'eir 4: $Q_PAO0 T es no 't age, atidepina'And; shIst6jjr '.81)ec J in h6.eierji �'Bogi&q C zens. o T .10 -Isr ISS 'an weaf Territories, and all'oollee tons whether A OPepud song a rvi e -will ob -Holons Were. terr., It, erip, sire III J. J81 G, tUTHERF. QRD.�', W 601th Stated, and- the -Nortit-- do h UU$BIVr4L, V �h 'loda n , ames. e d, G t d ub Ima At $8! 1pand'l rank �01inowhcvw­ at. ''0 Wed d' ig tj 1� orniz -never appepire ia-p a IIIDI Ir .0 --wilFredqiVq ' ' - - , - - ri Olt *Anager. tj ��l 4ce unts, 114 F iblv 'shook a are sorry terproof do4 H T t4si hav6 -in Ra b en` h 'no-ve to regIl laq:tp ju var-, ise, in poor healthjdr r�of the .-,suOderx death; -w ich, are,- ]k Q ht 44 I . L Ja oaq. L sa 0 not(A -of th oronto on parts P, proviiiep. Indian ds. '60111P tl;iie -past-' Went to T O'Xenlo For lodialaThe rrayeller's WATS if, Xotes, isaou ad a farmers!' I' cwhed., � I . :1. . , . Villas Todd, a.' ung mv6 of years loan to farmers on'ii1ouble" Com tort,� SRO Mid:opwaill 10, or, single. notes Wednesday to.. take vour'se of, treat- -and �94 of Mr. ast T odds of tha, h in ren onei.. to twelve, or, eme.elv a der, va�ugble months tune, and 'put W, BRANCH "'t in 46' , : Mens. f&-linedcoato,waim, 0 y to, farmers. desid t feid cattle inth a, opecialist in' thatL C e deceas d young ma had AnQe� is over whiter an� gras e duritig'smuler, I I If "the old retuined qb9gt.. COMfortabI6 and, A atlow, rates, 7.: i_ �.Win­ qi�iy L I I , ". I . 4P can small r-�B:t as, 46 �vil, have 'a' 't"b There li6-lfjid, .$3 id g Wi or large amouWts : on second# te r. genuiu6 44111 -0 as I ape nt d" few '66at-flivo*i if roade.ri, who possess, Any BoY4 OAe . reo a a -Natell dilse0unto6d. anit mcirtgage other-' real. estate We ki d -will -cdm 16t 'a Is on . arins.-or an -an Arst i es on, ,urt ' d olitittel inortgag n in etofa free�zt,itbe cowingwint4,, The husks. �MO muln" WI, oti the dorn are Andi g �St�les� live.sto�VJ of spirits and good ed; ­'tb reign d.0 Vie I'l.argeLaInItiat ..thicker' th%n :t ht- d 661166to an uesda M, �lio' W&YL be forwardia, d COM d- Fire. Insu'rAnce Com D)iAFTS i8jail repie6eni'.'ihe liding' mo Ing 1475� pony ydth Young mAA., natile d on' posts EvAble 'at All" the Ina- wei h' e, re errxng,t o e e.,, An panles,. and', can 'ot �Py J."B. Miller, near'B a Thowas. Penriell, -%A d f pipPerty in. ea 0 41 com d Points in danaJa '.and t4i effect ipaci 66'o 'allqlasses'o aO,Is omp oyed. at iog'aumbers:— 'a lIted sta;t Y diouble br6iddd; Vockr mutu as esire T .."OF Pr9sen't uA of rivor Parties re'is 6ome talk -of -preaerving thd,' Mr. d Was known, of .-.1. bsi, lake' ffitingi good Italian o' �T ie 0 d's, and nothing me 11OURS. 10 a d a Jill th 6 bV called croatu -,w -is o-T.e, nest- 'W -he-.Ypung-ma a Vings".Npart6 Andi r4 no 'If the, Present, V -0 -P -0 -8 -Its T da uAmej and UANAq,�R. ever �hdt, in. Qatoriq, li, igh 'it itilt, in 1ptest. styl And interest allowed,,nt, ontiren't rate,4 frf4i �: , , lye teemed -in the,comni name s Indian uni y ate of deo athe odpt­for it, a,,p f.'- "' I de* 'h "to date- of withilrawal. a and 1: w at, It i eans, 0 and noblik $2 tor $6; ep tIs Vhe �6 sub* at tii, any 6i'lik av your: o sudden 0, Fjit irlis"not 8 or igan. Jackets, special he-phronts ind family 'at, : 4 Ushy. nonow *Vhattiver in bU'vih�draw to bis-b�r;.eavM And ames' *rg. MS "OCAL':. IT 1138ei'la vorrpt Give, th Clin a, ext hded. the �Pbrtloii of the d L to he i' e Old' at eaii, korms. Y. Of th oth I h ah4�yinr�. thq jn eic y9ar. eat_�pi !'the* e 8 a CrEr. Cr WMl reat So at r Pi b awe It 4"&u wMelil leair� the rosiderj�6 n Jon a and'Boys' _11 hs�lc w'ill-ba:ri4dy in a sfirt`tiMe. lielena onFriday 9 ov. 20th PROVINCIAL tiRICUM q6ali 110d in ith -b%8 -,Boid, hi6 at - .30 f ON Dun noxi-idenietery. .30 . ty 'Goo sleigniii T d F' e A agon". Th Aw0p4b, nm�., ordy, Wedb�s ay the flrs� -o the, ho Y��, lnm en X social !wili .'be,.Ihel d in the ON KINLOUdEl -9 Box 800al 6oks a little like" svitkie onp ni�vin�­to 'Luc'kud JAMf r a R of. the: Y, LU ''tends- purohasiu� i]_ Foreitersi e, on,Tuesda the most CKNOW 16 louse, 'In., t e V -Little's ad. 'h R.ead W, J. in., anot. er, d, Was --ember !at, fin4r.the iven by the ago D ana opprPose on Atis�jces of Fridh' iidaY'evoning� ry ram' will the,,v (*roce C in. Kinloukh Wait hold'' on or eaters., A, goo RrOg , , .. L, 11, r lAs' t, .Nov.' :'6tl At x be id on r Of r ing - _ :�� 4-bou xom no Men �00 owder, ove t b 14Y .110- w.: lied _er lr parl 01 lamp. 1 so -why, -no Tbeie is worth -goods at* Adak ii�w be� rd.wni NoveM okle _�ory s0to, %ko !trip n n (Tuess t h 6 --purtul ­ I - - - - - , , ai 117.1tsuas.1n . 4okLch a-andlook- umuer. of �qpmj in,,incir witiclow, d: g6o Which here K et, ;#ika oat sompi; tin by, sin 'i -e swe hi -b n' 9 oen6�� laInp.9, !443 9 R tail and Luckdow. -The fi the Niv�r" and: after"prayer, tire ndpt-w -be a of wej: B revikrdedby lei Av"I 'a k tand. Out it at; the Ur town on W-6dnesday. stook. is ll bain:c, t.,O% It liip nC', o,oy t t Fresident intinel offic6 R ;to 00-some,itioney-1 Thr 4i .9 S, W10. new 906ds,�'- And i� tinol. Fqury, 4bg;' be nnyone.�` wis ing, a "DISORN613- Of' EYOR nd, prOgyam t%4. reudiored �by -:F66ple of.ttlIe-, qua I y o Men's 0 w 'find I" t f VeiOioedfo� Dr. Broti Sp�icialilsg kir P. U 9 eri Axis, eye, tipse at TWO r: o be:the ver� VV w0e. nig ts. ot 'frost like.1 �iid id ibroat, �,will .611 :St ek tio" beit.. k' h be it r, a a' -recitations, -goo M` JU 'goo d Would. make UC&Uo -Wit the. Cy rierg day icence eac i. 7, old MI. - 0 - YOU, Wi req sodnp,i.adiiY,' -Nov. r as well Boa Aliessiir, 00 t83t 5 j h f 1kire "A f6w repiisented i o two exde . 11o6b so oigtij David. ineii 30th.: 0q: Dec, 18 YO UrAteli tioded a4d Ki� rd I . I ANIT - _... _ t will' be nsie�the -b efit,-Of, iakencoub -uf the -wind6kv :and n uc Ore. d iscul, 8 eil .6' rat a Joe. L 14 ty, Br D*'11!S fanioils,' f4ii CY h 'I a oire di't' nd, secion musi6al 'treat v;'t: t Akes and b Th is diiet receil�q'"vm baautiful 6 Gold or', Gol rn The Vesto Smgani d --all. d thAn six. weeks we'll be. 0. Mies, uc'k a i r 'paied to,� satisfy. the curling Ind X se. Be] fro a. e toy- nearest the''corract.. number. jq , AM pro nd c6nip'let ;hq�V gqessingL 0 0 %vhidh please h e r e ing with-.th atari TAnk- ser, ­ 6.thinga- We bave f nd -in T ex 'iIit -in iadie'd, ivezitk;�: ail -is ps. D ' 't ' . . a I A 6i will �fiis: year clan &In - - fie"Teesma; r Peoplo.r.7�erei;'not in our�swckinq., 0 beh. tforejit' aiie pld,.Filled W4 7!" ou., a 6 t, ar: 9 c es. 6-d ot-It rs one of thidse� 'p returned Agar Earli'figgta C 0 - a e L 109, set *0 r; r Grace ittio rien a in M dis worry bikifia. 01 afteis d' B W ire Ch LIch Diamonds.' ve-p !aq ill�fie, Dkurnb6 -'3wen. Dick, all took an acti �art d artd'Rocheqer. el� were eap t and Beat nd 'Son IEU gtPatly apOreoiat6d .-by, ell. assorted'-.: arid' 'It .'R W. Mftaid reach 4real ized exertiitms_arq� ::and g1b. -bit' 8orcuons r e, a —nn I -v 5,F -a& -r -y- rV, WOO Y revoi 0 -d:, � Ve a am urch jecith sution i r ailso in Rubyi, UY urch"Od 8utidii; next - , a , gave. A repor't I po 91 Diant suliplyi' 'He 'Says, cl No. 0., E aw riuig*.. WE S.C. -the:Y or a .,pay ore, for 1 o 9' or. velr�ji agran an asting, gu.ranteed to o' car. Ina Wroxe qiqve,. Rdlyrood,' nioss: anc&'Ri T4e: e are all,, '11 b -k�chaln -wi a 6w..,con s� 4e ei66ted-,br_,jhb 'sit HaOrv'Da'ys' Al I i � d "pQ*en Winrifin Ing. -is, dpprbaeb X, he ea Is-. apparatus w . I 'e'nabl,3. anyl aVe" t d'' 'b Y, light aDo 60 log on4 supposing - th6tesi , , �&h, I - , , - . it the work Cie 1, fami)��ai t e do ehelped' d, y, o pro odo'b1botricibyfOr 9�10 I, ng W, en,,.y Me. atid rg. 'Andrew Mulli isit it 4e qreuifig,thO mouoton� of, the long b or h�it. t is-to,ring: the. ad -L .1 1 g,. muder" didinag'. . ight C - t :j� -,I . 1, 1 1 .. I I :Oill -,.�e . *atch'- re - - �\-' ' In' b our., own super ision. 'bf f 'Kiul and VhO', meriibor6,of 'the , olei ogram Was, pr conoderablia fan el baking. we 6is villag,etleft'on, Tdo nt4go." -electri ity.'wibilin.reAci a or. its, h of eleks! w'iffilrien 9 f T nited :Wborkme'n', c agatii. by'novolty� wh 'fi h and ichis *611 knO .�Soiicit' a callbin �ou� to try d' 'in Taror tin's I prosen A 'c Urch "Igo 61ir o9d. Airs. R.J� Ciusweii;. Who!,hag, Wen 0 ist Moth: t. en, up ity as ye:% MSTRONG::::� Q. oraine, 11116 Argeat ever'.heldl by- tak, oG AR d vi�itingfeiend%"Inihi4''v*icjn,*I h -morningiast. Th h 'liowQ in etw4!V4h.e club.:swing... turned id, D ''I lic6pite,the rain. numb. -0 wo Am . ed Alaniioba4, p� eke ing givem. es BIANONDS, Rob- s be ink on; Wed- , 4 . 9 ! WQr6 priopent at no in, t' and eveirviine, r Y Miss XorAsh iIiud ..GIV A, � Th-py —are �ay fte-mr--noo' Zv. or -erlsou'-o alker dience.. Votel�� e -in �texpectng_, Oft, ip a r 41 W.C.T.U% throug C of, by 'Xr�. Or An. Millydrd.' "the'At'Of th W 0 took. �oy� �Thnvn xonl, givet% ..Church ehowwas 4,� rtainmen snjeM ers'Were .,v ry. ppreciative' a y the the LUO CAI KNO Coo �,h Of 'tll6r d h ` I "the f4rm r' feat r serviq - ` � "I. 'to tO.'- SPen auobhbr� sy, or u All wore' iuv* ure, tjd: teaderod, 1be 'llelegate 9 ty. f �l solo by 24i6s ]ZI unter. f vote of ds det I ided . to U 6violniao if spared time Itis, o't 5 LD 'WATCHEs.1111, 6f, he om�n 'T. cold , 9' tr6U61ea:.6f respir.a- t the s�in tbry oraanA b gr6t0ly ap ed b 0; 1 g yea he role So 14 50. combine ineetingg tile bi-der'.* denis t 4ingin rawn to o,,,'l e�by' (good! b abo t for the wint6r'llidtiths send saldO to' -old Filldd,. 25 It will re; irt soon. to.' *1�11, ouwme66 a Ladies'l4kG q,uire - an, expL Tro- 94 he I )th erse C. tel'! twi,46r this, is 8 e Aiip yb r-Cases,,at a Snap. b, P av nto'fifl,a bbx for ne6dy'. settlot what n Town the one d got h 6 UC X0W,.A1qD%.-*a-1­­­ 00 wish on w e r go On A pi Wi i, "Nw thrlo.'' Recitatioit,,C Gent 1; 20.�vear. Gold illed ason.. o�.Wgooa :.,this'ae . . . It, W C 'to dofttOute clothing will. pl of '�'thb A. �*-ith Wafth4m, or Eligin ease sond wne ng 10 There are'.8000 aor6s ]A' ptogra R 'kno vem nd under' it thi��**oO. nvOill b� I R oa� South COLD, RIN08i Ra.�mond in A bota,' The,.niewjown, P yer MOM hgpf the, Lihoral-Oduse sugar -beets trlbo'ta�i io tw. to� al?" has A:',Popl0ion�of 20 A t P rval . .1 1 . aVE Wtigs for'. 1,4dieq, 'dontlg A orugh, 119*0111r�h�abdthe: *411 g Businesa of to e,.. a a 0 of u 1 , f. the no,#, 9016" ou on the 11 th c'ofi OLP goo p anbe­ t7 r ow on - 1, aI so P� and Children '0 ffie d Yior partidd arao6pply tb fid. T&u6day fiist r't WALL PAPERi rew t1ii1lin k �he Prpose of- or� I x d ganizi,ng, elew ng r eduet L '4 " . , . ., . I � Luc now., OftegrF, ie o wk, a I I Inu -Was 00 -Of';Yout pa*0140a A the hired janiin Cantons of Pap on 'han" k' g obw4h' girls Waikbl`6�� id t6Ue, Of, has, be *Y ackvIi � _1 �bol kept Of Rip Male Q(tart6tto, 91, an 0 EYESIr as sca�aia As thdylam, at present *hi your, jusp VO, r o 91 1 , efit, llin -is: it tabl I Wi poe ouilt .9 (a NEE' th 0 0. irekisIls tho t6oat A: the 'on 4f a, e%ndidate ]Pjano. Solo earry'� In �t e. poohot-whon riquire ladii . �& oog iiiiiii b6, 0old -�in jet % toil, a n :ge. a, 4, 9AG Zed herm! Soto... 6 , Krud o J o uston, re, pw�ia t l0c;i,papkogo., foh WW WhIkokoli or �y rry ay 9th,., eay sipouto§A No. r ceivd JEWELER. A a atidtion sal 0 'COW' d M`l "h v;ill '' . . I n0 U ieat'Y onNOvernb6 21 Awt V6 il(.6 dt)Wn ihtv nedolu, t eh &b. lit th to till"