Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-10-29, Page 1q i 7 0", "Z .1 d 04 P M4, IN N A. 7- 1 4� 41� Ell qk� ........... . ......... TO. 10 Tgn_ 8-9 QUOUR, M, 4 % V 0 N�0%.. Bev; 'E!ils 4lo. d il 4 40; of, 0to C [A. so 14 "AAN uQRS, 0 Iota" "fit D, A 6-_ h;, P. W 'Z ""UP MIR ft,00 0010g, T 0, pqA pu V NO�W Pit Gil way er 8s, Joir 4'. IL tow 0" f )'I OQ� rj_nc-� ayi,,N3.6Q., w.ance I d MARI e coming year, *in shoilir, jy� T 21, -7 ab4 pri4ea a W"P� o.b, Or, ruary,. at the Elite tstlee. .75 --for 50,,'carll twu va dgbl N34, 01489k; residqn. "Went -grinire -sary the generik bankliig�Iiiii ps '110 -OF BIRECTOR illlfi4, tfie H BOA VhlIu�oh, yll Corset, Ats..'E' I" issuili draft U d of beat' .'valutp. be fheld'6n beAtith of lTWO of G t a Ni g"aW 046, on Eldl points including Hil 'W Make 6ollepti iiis Jo, I ..ockbw, Lb'd ge N Pil 4 ear wle, aye s*, e had note or accounts tile�,' town pootfue* .4 on 0 t. 'Wool lose, for lid! will. receive Prompt.atken- �a u to lbeei at one 4, qaVY hthe0 tl 6 -=-pre 2'- go, was assis. ing at ribi ifilt-1idiePt! at '05c. and lodge, rob 1k 1 .1 ly'of Kivl died" 0 r, Windol Agar ship, former H.#, S. SThv Asat','-Gen1..,Xg We Mat, 10 3 o Opp a, ye 464 aged -di.c.Unted"and armfA i4lo� noicii `bOdy, to oll ory to 14arch in th overcoat ini A is ro TI AT our range:o -b'thi boyo* Jos We; ovelicoats,abd til .06 thp: h 0 er,,, notes overc ats at 'Connell's.. 'Also - so goods from Otis to, pil 'juouthst e, an ; I alto, farmers� on double - or oil, le llif6thtldii Church, Ygiting reitherif, p6i j;Lckot" b.,go t BR PatiecigUytofarm4ra d tim d th B vor , i elf, dro UCKNOW rd Re seemed to fil I pairing to feed vattl� d, I he v -beaver, are co ially"itivi 'boub, nine Y latest at I ovor wl a y �.be in. his usual 6 tlifid BehsibI6 0 Z41ORAL ANK19b' V INESS at 1;w niligrass, them "d i A B $5.00 I . .,:. e o'clock he cowpI tHANOAGUAD.L. ain, d'. feeling .-Otl ]?led in' Dakota. n4oe.range o ,r argo amunts. _,on_86cond ]ae4fdrd�, Q or h d 11iel�o,'was ro6eii�q bi d' want i6 the. house, anil' died'' d 'Irl 'Xilit6s'dilkoWited �liixt rtgagell ott. farms :or, other zeal'est"A have. hiitidbd al : L� .� 1. 1 1 1 . . tt 1. f rr I I I r 119's-11 iiiiall. or J` ��ispos I� e -Having- ed, armers iT P% or I ra within, - b advancos.xpa4e t. farpiers, tbft6d, -security �and n, first., ChattelL mortgages, L oG the fr loll 5 1 lie re live stock,.imple Onto and crops', d 01 Oq., 8i d.ill for' a ind ol ectiou., hand Wr pprs. q -have, a -Thoull years since he icomoied -f -nunds ad- rOm-. Ine in.. AL9 NOTil Voukht- large. amount o 6. van themselves M on rat Inortga es at lowest rs 'y 'govern TifA V our' special 25c. lie -leading English A _411 rates moderate. 9 Ass: ohad past nd6wer aad, aw4y,,. on 'Thureld s forJadi PTS issued-. Oav va ue-an kresent the ba ca4rdi gly Will'i q er er may Wii� dblo diatr­ ire instirance qompaniqll an 22nd. II)e d ELI a Mi Davii R199tionis h -already -!auad d-, the effbct insu;ance ov. all t ;o�,:ietuiined ID frqM, Lt fact that. iiil. Points itl a and lassea,of pro d5itighter. df th h h' e late r. A6bi 'State plerty An , . . ek-ormutuitlootapanieslw(l�eir�d. ave k6m: Toigitl the bye -elections on Taleads. for, t dail he haa.to:braer this 1P F ICE and tb eldest pi �r ine, three, es -this 'a qt�­ I D'i k'm. to -4 p,*ru'. e at' e d go k fe�. g1rood r e. T.H0MAS8L'-.Rg1D"J now. takilig,esta valixe8 a b1iAmC6l of tb ties ie�nal uAl :(a AV un. St------ a. par 75, aent - $6 60,.zientl loijosiOr is not subiict'�ta. any 'delfty iW a d f4mily left mes a ormer' a Liberal defal'ated", for , sl lfiltereat allowed'ar , wirrent' A ss- . rom ith,".1he 100 4a Page. - al I : ." �L /w Mng. skirts 1 "wool (late of deunfift to date, of'withdra M rs. S-krattei 13' r. V_1H I �l A l0. to Ole (Thursday) '-for r, �in b a I hdraw4i of Qla4h to -day b nipe,., Uthe 'Blyth branl of. tlie Ran'k of ajotity, and in -mad6; some Rlaj�, pLont jj� L� ' a trim4 0 e.� epobit, CA' E Camp 011� by .124, in V, ortio IT Ms, w ore tl will -make, t e2r f iture Hcaill an' orme u a k k a, M r,. Ma"6;, t6 'cdctwith medallions - h 3�qt and I use sbo�wln" th nterent o Paul dedWay d T igg b, zt. ex hes: o tive,p4adidato efe d j)r. flart hy -1:15 Iloine,'(611oure'd by the, well, wis' f �i d me 30t of Lu6ilino rv& :,*e ag ving e 'ba :Tharl 41 -�angd and best v'a ues., n 1n, hlas� ii1ectio o, R.-&,.Mk6L R 0 D,' G 'D' N' T, 1,�Irge humbpr of fiiend aas.. Call _T?JO -Some -,yQu:rlL(j'-o thesp riditil MOrkoka, Went M u 'T�a 00 TaiZ"Wia ate selling ladies annelen Ste r 9 NOW;, pply,- Ot the G­oriiC,,Wr9xe erand.'Fordwi-ch. 0 811e aent Da ry., . .............. n e "corm e -Oil 000Y Of I%Qt w��Qk and i Y�,ere' le by, 0011 for 0 L.. a rest d stable Mdeq­ 3 covers'no t tri ra So of hitt all 09C.- a eler, e ru ers fo'r 'at JOY few da�s will re Ri t just* 64o:,r.ev6r a, e,up is rc ive 9 'now it 'Blyth t G (.FRANK' acd in u in as a ard. Alghti-gowhi. at 6 . . . . . -white or:pilik, pi 'ep 10; the co er �bltok stage . rid It t _�has Just,received I` Day; rl 7 tWo arge, Ulqbel.� H arry a., 012 ire In firuggl0l 'ad over nighe, T Zure ,LU1nPV:` �Jftw Mr. A. . .. . I - 7`7&T 8011.'� Shetland flOS4, Well coming tha'Po F s ipm-ents �of faney. goods people 6 High' �Ilnt' a I isestabl -village. era will 'be glad o,know 0116--consi t0 b�sibess in tops Do., tha' p ad� ex. ump t f that in th�' 5 ' S;ts,, 0 very �,nne` iin,;7 e n i cus I outAs,wd Ls on, �patt e:, call ea 0 ;.Try &.V�lf pound -of,li. 7be easily cushioll, c6ids .9 ecte u- ad. -,,o rs e -to. Dr -.A U. 0170? -A dil .0 h* oidit his a..t.QrA D ported, 'eh;nai o The drill t - �hm To, :wekk''iold u "Cho:, noWe't �.PO�Nt*dbr'dnil V00 vV oths 45, Lillian, sh une aupip r""O. & gxls oil 8' Y. wa, ci vill e' a usisLing, of th at e, g, Ue�-Markab for '15068 ,%D, to, 40c, Jal g4,nga in, for weeks. 'to is n w khausted.!` The'company give 0Y Ag V!bo 6bark ran U fal Are- drilling a 8 506, Plainfah R Artie] .20 dayq. I A76, sl bargain.", W Lou sluess., cheill hill �away -:aud_&ie-,now--doW­ eavy POBI 1. a for the -or-morb the dose, h 9 travel P Ys. with'.. 71)_ayi pound is soulew at 'o .,e tion 81"5' ail) 't6 wood gfoy6l 0- OW11.09 sb. les 46's � Uolerv, ttra rea. Tarier Bilking'.: . er. re er, left' Alltv, Inr Ti a�/-and . Mists riz 'Manufacturing 7 r ons 'Archie -X01,4e, 'Of O -i C Wifo'rtl pti's be preaerit in..t ejump" ib shoul brush. nd Mr olo do, A ttAYS SAUC 0 erroir, gbvp r.e Pall months. b,e' lc'b b 'lil si �Gu6lp are. g Thou. -1teid I i on.'.", About 80�-pQi and Wibdsor,' .1oft, on' Thu�sday-,to Owho she wil I �spand' and' her Mi iner storo ii; ve c,amm salAd bl6i,�is'. at;�411 prk0s,' cak6' Cal Y. cen o rec ul b Reuil t46.4, usaloof cattle e pecteo. &V OU sorry see r r 6 op Fies.may e x e are .1atb ina Graliquil a com. once, his. Awil duties. p es, s, t; Ill of, on, 8att, fda y1i, 6 tolber" pQQn rays,, c 0& ill Caiyi,?d �r, PC r el. "he outh 31'st'. �, 1. . "I 1� - - 1., 60, 1611te. MiLlls, pots�,oUveg v I ge, 'as! lid imes,, a lania. -an exemp ar ry r oo ain h'and 'good 'business M iseoitjars in' the l4test; s ape . � I , . - � , and ;V Ii di has again s6ur-: ,qiWe b. Alliss,Laura Ma ti f ligh sh 'th Tlib Western'' Dairym e C contract or - co h bf�', M f I ell d Ascooiw ey el ------ 11V lug t ) oth a, and, A A ion cream: ail suge,r.* sots �y a Abpiat iss , -Lo -will, be. hb end Helena if week... t kQA :to_,iqterview, :m. 'b -loirgb er of F"dyco,' La -W -to ha ve al g4leag U tot potsi ith st,ands, etc Laurier d d MafokinR' n u gel doul friends Do" it:fa in age. ih f C. as In, qu 0 huMber o �'a i6w.. 'Agar: 'on. Thon -torrpbpon ent i *,the lippoitittilen Of i 3a lul-, the: Vicirk'w6l]. and, a td I ab by n Writing from. 8 n yn of '86rat tirely of il id to', t 'acanc t 116. e, e 4 -T -6ther:'assbr ment he . t , is made up r on tl says:,"T 'd 9efor bv' _�peopwjn -this -Vicii2ity -:0-gl# -I- Th, enate --cl Alie-death-,of I th on h� a a. deli- aUofiv6nti S�TtY—ul- gold 'tAmuil ome % a n -govern c t: h on*7 droday lost to age ais visititl orl in- To 1jr..,.L nderk Ment has decid, lil 'h ina Call c I them an tagara. ThollIe *a joy in the - iiotirts'bf 'a 'vice n In aie-tit'candiditt gpe Et,tFimming w duelph"' * d*X* illge in our. mail --co'hipare favorablly with hina';., er e for. the 0,M]n iou_ C :.,For sa e— Twp.sto* e, e presen't h lth ot: Gmmon v i oil 'heiiing postmaslers. 3, 1' was the OF a aud�orleookin­- -,For:par.ti pen most we have, over which w-iltheil tic con ti ell, p largest - p6li' rais�d $25 van ion, er!!r,, he d Th -propose' PA tll(§.. floor o the: I. d ��i ping, a r tr(la n - Y g Wiuib' P&rI aa 4 1 m rl the extra cords, logs,A peop e. 0, e movement.,:. d he, ontkre rd The D' 0 P .0. ul a feiv. a jyision in t d 6king. d I ing' b se'ssiou on ropor �Pworo- wco to, kd6p, the fi longes was, re bu, g riskl' Prosbiltei and 2 0 8� iu,84, , L , . . �. I I � -y:1 d , , : ilei ­ r' ' ;Wgr " Pent'-th, -ad liih h d e -day lasti L h on attir for e h ell 1*1 'f6r r th t' reside 04S. n Weat baqeuil the Methodist chaich (4ney �gq lureu,.epelit al hourd 0 n bssrs.� Har-ron a '0. Campbell, at4 some tw�loa Arift d b no, 1 ca.131191 tea- iiere: plaoqd i bateo outside t Y. d bo- Lucknow-on'Saturds sat. arg Mob&y,.evtnlbg last by the.'l R 49mination: ami,prepal t the Loaoue *as bo It lil an -in o ,with fr. tylp -of *ayfvoll andi's full lino'cifachool Annie. Walker,'of Ain )p4kp t aIt d ''bu I L go qll t oh' C�se YOU, D-Ok's' sort o erq, progral . n ­b fitfa *ith P1 y -'b f p te#;­T6kb at&: Moore,'of ChoalC rug, ore. mega mov;eme %re, week ill their in bas Also Ladies"Lcirglettes, eizie -eeturixied s, -readitl W. Robbp o 'Walkerton 'R Cruse egifie, or 0 While' these articles I spen in Al 0 1 , . 1 9 e ent's: A I ex�tirLsiops It 'iya ai'Thd'EIM G la zes, d Hunter ail given by�,tfiot an - ety ry- q e ed,oul berti and Fob' U .4 giving olids owan'dropp M. o ly preset sa deli the G b andthe-North,will be:' it w �ghtqd- with 'the- ment Rit js,�. ran Of ea. - the.'Lfirst �ballot,'' h adding. Rings Qle 'iss Ross -an ipl id .�butertaibnll The -chair .6ve OR. - ., , - ' . i C , I ; - 1 2, '&cken Ti" R. '4 till Nov. 0 ng ry �.Will be.'foutl to- be mod t 0 vote, standingEl, . 1 , end* In AQk,' 14k a W A6, Cowa ahtedd bk n t o'a sortm by, Ild is. Xillyakd h as ably1fled d' s ent Th 'Vh' '. . Li ey h' 'On ii ot d, I . . i . 'hexb ballot' r. R a.ve,L 97 . , 4 , - e.-weig scales in ches] Ai h,e, i�r the. the pr rani e reshmenis i0f a Many riarl bf bb, '14 per '0 cu, on! 1vo rgo the corporition cent" f, f d Mri" Mok� a and.do ee -,Wafe'6617 by ..th' e. �T �'tbon ..'ibade tes "a ARIVISTRONr44.. bluing Jail i , 'S ratice, agE del. ve einvestment go U06W� 61dil Was Gp �E G _�E V, T Guelph., will" be irieve P Ofr nof, , Starl trishe I inkab a The 'joutned, the Is �,fiir 6011161 h_ cilioers, nd WATCHES9, E an wear� Go them' &VConnoll' lie �v llt", tire intend giving d -co "Or 11 tho'c4nd Mes. d h� , It t 10 barn loil ell I s - y ped il h Hb Iroc the 'gr f ar UtUto. olitij. B61 -wars ifir Wn t ..... 'WAWAX.()q1j LUCKNOW11. 'g'ftV0 him ESL lip heavy -man t to i5T a aA, ve'ry p 6asing event ocldurri Tuesw bliring. tbe, �psl i'veek es. 4OLD", VOCH poinbe is.suer of dear a live, et r9usoni- t to ve�drvl lidirsemall_of ce''uthoriblesh bl- qy, evening q -.Eadies - 26 jl)ay�6'j � e6ilgll M'XtItLre, of coughs, 14st-week at'the.1rdsI& I I ILk Own§ 1pi W 0 1101316, 'notifi a t Out rur� -r.-T14 beirt a coldo... r6bohiti§ and All disbaiesi'of-th ed tk�t 1) 'iniog, t h . h Mi, 7 dung0b-1 aligh r as jliza�eth of incoln, Iii P. "ing l�etwaen uum'b�64, 6 ;1plondid I d ao 67�000 are laroiral &tlon i ire 0 tub . 0 1 T es6, w G. OnV8 20, year* G ld '1�illed --which, lenj wo mill to Mr, dt M'Sl�ife'stallion' I s'uafted I bbrgo. Q QS W h. W Ithani r' lgi relioftd to Wfio I n iyr6, a. wel I motlier "of Mr ------ - — ataat6ck Id,this do. y.bliyipgs�4 'ever, tr I all e00ed res'idobtpf the'Xile Did yq at a snap, 1ppqsedE'66mqyoa: ey 4orre (Re'V.).'A. G�, Harris, ormerl uck-, lees- bipmotib rolig 'nd' b � A ' Aev. 0 oob� ago). a whichare.-Il6w.boing a CqbL by, S. at -'her -ham6 in f u'dk4ow'p6rfdr,M-'1 it. Drug, store.-. art COLD rl i iedr. a uddonly it ill Ion p as 99un a boy. no abessof OfL Abingtn of olij Toronto I * . . . t in tJd'go,*. 0 derembny and" 6h'L astall a%tr week.' inAnd '0p16,bs,'b6fig-h't'hpre Li�ghfo of It- Loalik out for them'- 4,Ahailipton find ags or Argaret 4;im tWir,. 'Were' 0 9fo6 'a brother. Pritiki nd irl ' no ChA&en,4 Ill solid gpld.,- w6' Jim c Ma&V'V�wleri`niece� to "bo' of brq�dltlj.ettid �oberaj, peakaftcd an of the bri'd A b 'str opl ieommon br' eder' whilb t a, 'ell' they - on , ght ' to News gailloy, 1011L, maile a Harr t, aya, s, ill for ilt ally, L -L; PAPE9'& w a r , . . , _ .1 1 WA i� here �h Y eL h a illad '6,8 guest, of, N iNarl. Ivor of dral h6rseq. Ono' is bu tto nstoll. �'The 1'bAdcl *as gowho !�eekly, newspaper petp yoUr Owenwr -..w AL L I I --rauu-u And re, to. tASto bh wial Tbe go V. A, tark op� of on OU�4L arp -iniendelit P, ion o ks "lk' -If to" horde; or r nbiVersill 9 rmons IV6 him 4 I Y b.2200 lbs,, and, the other ingettida W1 , ip,, with �Iace nflo;)V,)' girl whi t Y, d Sun& r wo th hit liall al,*Ays niak, d! 6e e, 2b y §joro es .1 lid. 'Sh I rb:lstu� ED era;u i Vol, Xxv, of, t Only. Ifititt toi� f FREE Por c6ld weather, go6ds,g6 tO 0 in YE8 TEST Oio ge . in os'o at bold by pitAid guer ey atlIM it, Mp� F6rz -*'ate pehq�ht' t t1i s�L d poin, naur tu a ]it Theto wilf be kr I n some rjU W- ',jr U By 'g�gob l�j I h' 61 I� Le, t .§p tist Pr pply of id All Bear."' Wbrines an cuts. a owe a or� aas_7 il 70 Jr.l.i n aL L� great Vji`iofyf. 4U'ab �j L hex b .0. one o. hors _'to f loh a d - ahim A ose :prices, many goo h6ifse-kbePOts "'to do theii ore ogs it d' lid t1lor. pt� to the 19rods, iina orna. prose bjOoo to lot d" i spi�,o buy' ow men in'Hur6h. Ii4ve db' on6 ontQI Ing �IereIi,, "y ift 9. MR 9W9L99,' , til so tii�dfi: bri, urmp� _df� . , __ f, 1 f olvor',ki I :AI . 1 9 -go d brii �061� q trLAL tfiakweighe(j . 20 potit., 4 It ruohqil red a or over f4rdio, improyembut lot ;0r§ afgold A -kl�od 31 poUjids; Meg ��tpbriob , MI$ 'OPTICIAN, 44 Ind A' rolind': �afid iisich, he 114 in his cei-,%vo io.pd, 4 AD. KN, 'el rich, -1 -.their t, , I' si'gWl' Ilk! to 6. (Ida, f, I . Wfil Gaunt 'toptidtor"''I! will b.o Will- be d WO I,m �6 t6d; 3 6 he, t