Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-08-13, Page 7Man
4 -0
r %
PON a."
-D Idl T AQS;V
!r g ti p.tial par WUNS,� IN$TANt- A N- Q_.
av On,
ove tily to� e rid
ot him, 1XVnI !do ppefsell;fl
"OW, �bfe JV.,
7- U-1 4iia in, Utte, :IiopQ that he- :1, j b t
g ��,,ss�nat 'Orvil ap1larvi,
, OP, bW Wk In' b -,(vs. XT, 'P.5),v' Ag000irlll
but "tho riel -that he eeams' _$TANT
frm)y, wtablh�4ed, In 141D. Affee fU tii�,gofl cifrolulfel#
. _; ,
or cqrW pjayar a VOry' In" p4r�
J301 TrIlDs kcill Da PRACI
Vj U!, modern `�-vm w Iniport
a v e, 'and MAV7`.o�fj0,P A
...... -pr9niP4 -twp, -w 0, �00, lossom tbe'. Klij a Settle,
WIP.09444,x exe, hal to z�
"Augit, lo. -Wil. �,t t,Lariny
th, ould, pot 0,oll -,'*it4
5). Davi( -fitill the. 4eliverc.r Or Israel.', i1e; Avo Qf - ey. le
went ofit':n,A r6vtompifit :Ld, 'U I Op.
f terf Xopatel.' p uIlke pyl
in tp-. Q,
vict otes q 4 -elieg Mla -1
Golilltit.11, David w king In.- rzigt. g1ji,ol, a -k I g don gr th-er fa6j't j
Over g " A PrO10 rket'; it, p
comm%14d �'11 one`wlhom Power W ill 0-04F Ite6pilit@� .61 Vr-&dace% in, - campail -W.Ore . cli;!r it and
�4PIMIJ4, "tot 0�9*,.PW
-e. Market w4ri,� �.,AN at q gro4t IIA1411, wrwwere, Toll
Nveutout on, militmr
an A
V,e.�pp�faun,s .. . ... .. nVe _1jpejer libwoxt, was -,h It ))Pfqrq t
a dig",
ilmy"p. u wor -combiaOa e �Waoover� direamed, oc%-
St .54
P� 4xrucli'i��, `164 copse eikt.'o' promineilit ,e ai�e
Al ntere )lie liuz�664 bIit�,
TO CA C 4 4
W-, samm- app;02*4.
pol. -0 lot
4 gat -re I pa Wit,
'eiail6a of r, r ir. eyle.e; -yp Joit e'akiy,
11driel 44%,c,r,. Itve, '510 P :.thijrt waa
.6veryon;e 11 W that 004
n, ldiADAII" blac 10, a Of .&IJ, ptlippblaclig, teaj . 3pe".
Was 'acceptcd;-Vh6'bj -tife:144040grob p ap, ".9 k
Ofil,opfieril)l I 3oy. w rd I OixTIA4,01 r6liji 9; 1, o"
6all -of 04 erSapq, 1,
jb.'� I�Y4 'wt me, ... or'. SIR
g5c ..tajyVd,-4ocjer $8''to in
.as in t1joi 11 0.
to� 19,11IIAbLit 00011 111�.tlia' tivo -recor.
,ople; 44d 49' 41
7 T., 100m." ti(L* 4)11*�S�lod
�w I t6w. in'
-_-r t1a Ii I.
'oil the PQ L Orem.
4-c-86-o"ll b `9914� "a
t II i .
ill 0 M_
a 14
i1b;'Idlil, of, l)a.V,4j �Ia' ul!-ll Who Jk
tl i jyljyle;�r ;; ic;- -L . 4
ur.tioltiol; who, were,, the a u d, jif"' per 1 is'. j, ll '-pi-1bg
Y, it: AJ t4o# j
outwaW: f()- 0 - ev�n , I . "
m0l It ivltl�l tlji� b., J.0 P_ Or -an, A, apt,
wak 4 .4,t is a ation.
Pt�!V fix'btj displease 15. to j o. j.jty01I;s,
-W '0`glad to,, receivu t1i 6 Moroi) di?t' h %
Potatoes, '116v .,an(! d4sh�
01 Per' lb"dj,o,� 1pQr
i6". - -ent"w6volbiante of
ul6 AAwo lip ;IljI;g.. David,, the qthdr tjI(_diffe.I
X09,0.9� ij4 busiltei. Q Q, Ili3O
Nil -6,0 1. ',r !
ll-jiw' h�4 iLitthority� nd, vtjo a-.'typ r t) be,: 4in d6ZC; 4. 149. taking Pl4Ce,*,6f thVe'.dot
1.L.;5a' U, bliage,
a4d,dashesl By -t. Mot,se' �v
h babel
tod poll
!t1wist-'afid do.pandeilt �Vx Poll, dozen, '40, 6 0 Ill Z.',,p4r hIp
19)��Q. Was retutned tas, evi 4- - tie_: Qtter a.- Is, rej�rew ted:
01 Vaunt- peck, 3� 50; gi Wli Per 11unch,. a -Tifere ii C -�i, thp b by a d . ash "and
IY een throe
by., twTO
-7tie-WQ� '111tubarb,"'' PQr, ddzen 20c. -c
,,.�per Oqz
lsraells7foes, and. in the dais
doto and',the
an over6cfme he
"to relate, letter
the nryle of ano i dot, l otlier
DaVid'd, P111 ml 010 Lord 01"lloot hl t t
6 6, � . *of.r Will Lettuce, per Cora, Ot. I re -e
-iiii6q, Yk -
C. -a
1w, 001 er dozen,, :L5, p0r. dozep, ep
CtE,ptiQfi*jIIt0 Saullsi soj�% ice, t Israel ch'
ttIj6y Spirit ,take&',hoId,df
of. the.. friendshl bYogetable w4rrbiv, e. way..
'10 to .75c.
wen I, all p ot Uod iind '-makes th:0? M,.y system WavIng, - the
It 0 JILS ul- man! that poosesse4" itL Squeesh. 10 to i5c. Bo4 ii VA inba do
superidr.10" rja�g to ?U16, g1ji, no a t ;, to
t& a $8 f re
PIV14ftlipo and, success." womt, hil, Ufflcultfa� i6d In -a piVper r ,o o (juai nd it
MCI" caldc Out -It Was the 11604 choice, .*6'
"indifferent, to,,,all IVIS foes. carea, flireetly in ront of the",operator
business of. Cet;tain. womea. to cele- -:per lb., meant; a gp�e the
brhtfll j,lctbriel elilij 4t fW�b �D;i ,victory, `1611W If, it, f r
vid's. u
wavest tlle-,Xlag� once to
I sit p e., Van, reliando.u'p( makets tile letter &; LrQife` waves,
ctt�rsfrom all thq neigh- k1ru
They rig
)it Qod�� had gained IL tile ht
oat, ng �f it vlatory"trVer a. tia tonal enemy-
i,nging'- ajill, -daiil nee. tb
grai out tfiD '4rinl,6s of - fh6 -illarket to,- it 0 -tit alid, t1iree. eIt, of Ov- 'an&pui to!i were fairly a. .1 0
is a, clIaraLtLrlStjc'tra
t Uu t , t r4d-,,tV to, .,the 'eight lie, makw the letter'
larta Manners. o�60 tx�
M- lind. �Z*A VV'�4 It old Va.i LLeare
N�eiy- �4nce:�dowyy in front -and- then
Was gm -, ana e�terythaig N
eror It 0
Ment usett by Qe �Irabs, . and Jebi,oitles who lie e strohgbold' feVV�_Iots Gi. rasp6ex-,- agaiji �d- �be ri'ghi't',he p of on.
b.ed as, a e was'then'brojlight *b -7 I'lic whicl 1-2c, -tbe letter c.
hoopt over whIch h6 �y All
t I �s at �,'to,
Xee of. p6r6hme Saul, to.whoni'lie-gave ;
cId tit h. a�.t
pill lit LA -drawn. &biiOrbieforer
tb kjl;�Iwz ri,!s rk, but It,
7 Rang0l to another -They v� mdbat,Account of Illm"S61f,and"was wol a 0, U. I i(.1r,, 0 GIs to
tw-are-so-�Ski Cut'* d
W" all�ytbliig but
n eking's, liousehold. k IL
-An _r -t a 4 C-4-1 it grave IndLsorction WK -Tit *W611 Untlij Inr a -public celO
�! tbq, Ur' Calif .I! Vl 'we otf,the 'flag that they, can give,
subjcct' . fkt II64s Ir ��giat. of-t e -Th
- I
hie ar reeeLv.e.-..!tljEL-lel.tero---almost
,forth 'to. rer,(
11 an
w -,,,res U c JAn-&-1111 t left' say lag, -
6na 41 il IT
Cifl kingd, r NO '1110C 0 a toot�,_ 65 _,to
fofii.-TII6, prophet had, il has _slafry� �ls th�osayyds'. �and:j 'to 740 t e, receiving operatort to,
thada [C 0V&d_tbe__0JgqdIe At -A
tPr vils , was - tike, !wolhon- most
-y wroth,4"Sautcentred'�h[a its people; wfienz oma oe 60: t 75c gill and 'tei�ej
Went Avel don-; re fveiftf. t1d'
fat t6jegr'aph operatal ill
a Ire, the IC -'of
or�wtil to Shot $
-Mls s6dv j5mato
I , , , WrOl Id,
t It to lVeceseary to i3ignal% at
tops -15 i-6 -23c each.;
Sin,, 1),attlie, Lordba4'rent, tile kI the litan. whosil' ng- j
00. ucb. 5c
c Bdbb-�titllt.ed f0fr tbe.L;
dotiol f ro-M him, and 1101glibor, that- had'il"n ffib�glll w6rilif elf"centred, ang'*bo- 80 0 "flu
at) Is asket
10 i>er W
iv.&s better than lie lbokp(l ylly,�alidalwaya it..1illi 6will uc I st I to $1.
Wigwag gill 'In'Itlie navy'is dil on -
30 to% 400 rate same general.prindiple,:-but- the,
j&alQuy. wlijohl becatill apparent: to' cars
-soon. rpened .16io 1,�3,,2 t 114meiiallsf oreL. used LIV48aod, 4:4
vid- wasi a - poptilar 'READ'JHE,.- PROGRAMME,'.
iWOVcMents'with. so,§p1clol and Intittiogto., seeking - hii oprAlse, co, apples,
doto 16 ter* by.
atred. 't
'It jS iie'._Cheer�e Markets.
life, in Is mad
no thing, in honer t(i Prp. + tisi S.,virte Orals
t 'an -easy '2 '2 , the letter. b by, 2,i. 2. :L,;. 2 - the
"10), even Esbllevilie� Ont -Aug. t': th:-,�
0- 1,8'tt er ;b 1b -1 .2 the ter d b'y.
iiOdL�d t
616- 10, :11). lore -c6m on'ba Welew. Day, L
persecution Itty, wl lilUclug i tllb'Chfee�e
ord of aiil '�116: good.
of 2,, 2. 2i and so on.''
.,during t1h or Saul NA wex�e re
atills hatred,,-Sauli may,havO thotil Reke'ptin, to all. Visitors., a8sed and CQU_ of
'cror of Golia If wa �gVA,erd,4 'W"Jig tile 1149 'to: the right
treasollab me&n", the leii'mie4as aVid
10 gn nv, ffe " L t 9
like li'olso - L , . .. I ", .., M- (10 e fnilly.t. mopinll Two wavea.
L al A-domon t I to eprIvei him of -Ijis'throne" vlill, th
y connee to.the, -left,- therefore' ni the, let-
tiC.:.Sp .,seeming �
Wow 515'-
�God t iaii a twbo WaVelsitb'the- 16ft otielto-L"'
eh t by- pef- WtiLkin," Z;00,-- and.
ftlfelfitlorn�ml fieqt1'erfily e ewr di gl coming4doom,. not t li"
lence Vil his t he AgM.and'orre again. e left
-If lie it 41 r�ipladei 0 to aLnLd
11111,6910U.61' Gol n4ob Ii. 7. der;. 730 at 9 '�-4ii_-
CAMOL upon sa into, -6r his', 1116 fIjIgMnfdf�-*i lidfak6. the lettej� V; o.iie. ivave,to the
righ t onfe toL t The leX t Afid o n ol 4ahli
Glod Wo`u t Auosft 17t- 18th.'
tMite'df'-dPinon iaeL� 'jxust' at- a Itne-jw len' 20'.ev'6hts. and
f' tbrlea ofieted :�,5bO fokes:caeese;�
to th
b, to U6ese sales-71T6%%�Ier _-26
6 es 0 16ft �jj�ake aild So 00.
on, a -h
9 9 -�;:.66 .4foxes
Pa ra d d- three wa*es
prove lilixt". (Cl' .4);...For
act . of d 'jil bedi6n�
'bef"Ahe i( The: nav,:aso .4seq a
j. `shbrt
k.E; pt otber,-Uniol W a:;klagly �secbnd act Old Bo -y'91 is &A'nt Wh!.i§tl6 5under, j
xU ral ik, Hotse' L 6 1 Mnie i7 -iidj Flo tion' -w -116 a
-vi. 23. -There '.of disobedience recorded In'. chaper Vj
o ol)l -A ls iso_6 It. V. 16c and .07 boxes r the
power, n_i4�
I isic to xv:, 180, cost.',MWV� his..-!�klhgdom'. To a with Oats At 9 9- r 'vlibrt blast o
d6torated A, 9'. -Ic.; A onderful i'1;3., b6mes at 0- twb,:�Viort-. fla,shes, or
Tile i.a�il _ and a nn, Ug s 0. ces, t4at one that. .1 Vt R 5-8c; MexandLr,` 226
a: troubled soul. -`Jawill ' III erah Fife- A U il`8thl, h 20th.:, t 0 �-11313 t yo h 0 r t'b I . astS in"
VcIjnL' or Spea r
flash, or a Ion '3
16M of rg,:blast Ineans
e ore.
ia tbus' made. � for 919-
lSdul lkid-taken m6re, than tne,
9-163 Witter and Riley, n h'l' -mk' . ..:: ", . . . I . ir
nit d 'fimt� dwn�wdrd s, ft , t 't naling by th
Il. 'Ca'st .,tlie `JiV6, -:, b authelt was. -b f -Gy bokc,� at
9 gy.
detic ifi --to top in a, ron -3.60 bo.�es at 9-, a0
_mft,ke-;lffn, end of, tile --shd -At To& 04�.Gru'nds,.�
herd .oy. Qlfod'.�V�dtfiout, taking 01ought, of 13 Iat, Steeplecliase,
ji6e& :of' f af thei. (lie -
:Koh alM tack $all I ifever foarfilil'conse
l L id, wit 1�� no, t ra t et'i'on Trad6.. IN EARLY FALL. ill n Tul(leflimttilfil .6d: obod t.haCe" Far Obsa�Ae
lost thb. Idea that. David ;irAil U111m. flilds a Ume In evioiry.L a men men a -st 19th�.r
vmriio5i lie a d" V I'll, a -a OL d , a dd
-eat ael to Aef and. Aceb rol tifled,bui, ifbt'liuilbl�-d; cha irany in Ats -of Vwloi ldlitl y -sen tery. Avoid,subattititeI,
sl Da'vid"s n1o" at tit; pjae."Pti.11ikllLldrl.'-PLirry'Diivi4!�-,
er4 4 Wpt unrepefitIf ni ctactilar, Pyrobltechnk�:.Qlspldy. afs it al,ways 'a , t this r%ere
0d; bu t 1:16',allwed.jell
life d Gra; 0 is
'IV. Dav!o!s'� fli
w. va TRAY.
L I : .... ��' AU Ust 19ih. -G &63 bu.YL Jig, TO .11IS
every' Igbod I ny' ly ';�optejr Over' pul§6' falio Ille' first 'Of
9 goods lot
.1 ; tji�
a nd avilo-iiis
t .7
it'de -130Y
me litilig
any 'i4alast 'God.; I d..t eri vid $ailjog, Re6otta'' n& land ..NLjghtL ea"t, had bol He look.'
vras not,&6 I ilies, of 'll aixi,douloil goods,
ror and and
-nxo'r'e and- 1111 hisLon;VT
'd ;of; tU lako,&-are fi�vforable. The.,
io 'Crop: reports ed9t Onci�of !1;�6'bldekt- f ie I -T'j r.
more.. Be6aupw c d, hatred ay- a a
t -b' ::iL6, eve ped Into,' EIO�ttic-',-illutfiingion - 6j. n& -Be'
ib by) rid-ofAilm.. DA fld 11 aild, Ito, mem
is the
God Is. Avith 119 wk 4re ce'rtain to suc- a uncop- Au'gusf 18thi ter and cl.eefse has so ar
but' wlien he. formlidwri, ebijoblous, .6f. his solve)relgn's feelings" o.ii The il�fiip ihk 6' �'dg is �.'be S.11i ve- n -n pwit
L a borlIL6 �11 I porta
Very. actlye. tfe�, Lon6,'L
laily-bertain to be, de- Royig in. Though sp'.
fly the hist6rk. 0 the, ht to c6niffJort
�Wi 'ws ji'l. been keep
fetat6d. Tile iChistiam W mighty 'only'- libilior6d and' not, Re io tit, Vi _,ll
d' Militar I'll not."yet old enough to liflive, ma o
0). Cap-; disdain to see li'the agi ateO - Spirit
IV dilv'-welit lot, tLW sil ik evidentl,y .,bound it. Is- not a Wag:
o(f �Siul b� �(Xqgu, IT colo*
v re I'l -hr 11 the e0un- I and ly @��ol r
t'r6ferred to, Ili harp', but'.w. vld'§ hand Sl
't�;20th'�-,'Ci-ViC-'H�oliday)�,tFi' 'Can a ., Ian.
t ts "W`* oodu hreaten
15 'b t It Is-iolul-te likely,thirt It ill 'ints�i -.R6R S' Iatmed,. and' m&ic'an egime 0 W c4r-f:C-6 Ps 7-S __'Afri-CAn' r ine fn -of t*
:eXll lilies. crops rz�p st half. fair 0
tit hion eO,' but &tul *.is as_ truly; a otil i lie�'hlid: Hero -6s -i' diverbetly 'he triiet6d to, ejsca� ' 4l
L=- -i - -= -A 7 vit4j,
A -inir vine gitiance; Ood 'Waa Wi
prer t%:Fj though
0 Ian,,, lo! fives iii a: covne t 4
ecalwe. liof "au
Vld the Intent of 'Cell ellity, tile blim";�'vA56, A. IV.. I.Cl wliea't thr SlILUt ILLS. ploo &ter bin,
-quality ActR of' �Of b u 'teasz, 6` till �fhings Iftile,boy
1'w1t) I, pan te� tO,!;��tiag: the'
th hitoral, of the V.- Street F6i will and pe wil
a I
r e ou. W y.and W 'i uma�jleat
ina lig ago, �STM as or - ayo.
'ihl a nA
19* ree kt b oc f ;%�N; o
-de slidws"L. 300. pdrf ormers -'3' fi bic� rtlports,
15 hi h from. .,tirfouifit to 'book by 'hi'§.
ur piling and,crell Veil, midt-country di�,Ft�ietii ar of no
w -twice: d il'V. Daily- street Parade
liked. 'He 6otild tlgilk''
I'll'.'which the liewli. of his,�Ofte' 's
a 'paL tile, scientists, are, alike un-' 0 IT, It at -Witi;
PeLe -n n
LKIC bov rin r IV. , L ap ii,
piarticuld efit,'to- be favorb!e
in, 'Gra 1.1ills woo nd. th ter s eay�S' tInleSS'.tbe k be� '9a,IiJCd,'fr; jt :is swea I g--couW )iav
for 'III tit(,, I-Irbinc e
-orack, ha.d'.i�V6r14eard;.'arj' o d on
cell e3 i. Whon' b0'Vilt v fr-bgAl
tj I ree cal o is "Wjth'�& -it re for �Tli&.w ir wind trick� bidve, h t . o
'6r.�' "fa` efe hj�blitiohs i Y., thotightfully, and, adolkI 6 : 11 JSL. clar�d on,, �osf' that night, lie. said fii;
a in es, , I pray,erst
rig stre
t Iilhffi 0 time decided- that'a long . ........... . .. .... . . . ... c tit
1ook belfi.nd ir p6ttty bilyll'
fc.reoo. Veil, WAA,,:,,an. Itillar
'blot. On- ga yl fid take that Jirn�rack w.
)ii 11 of ILLS
Ter).,. lo. n
Vol, i.
eon,al'-' n ill
�.`trv,bf deep HE 0 Ll u
E I ST GLAW-FA AL .1 1mourn ag has. go TV C� 4noUritl'ig worn
-very at tile door to If
to -day by wibnjoh6, fashion is t thad
their: gratitl it. ter *oij
of b6i.lier
tj t"
a., fil eve 7. 1"re it. tile littelng
bout' 'the only
bj.'lj6e est a� one, to 1W c I I eti, ..fon
3*0urL 'I PC o I I r �)p 1; it for d
teAm, Tilknotheir citib *6fnatl ps le
is el ------
Haolelf of Edgkon", W1 Is'
TI lip fir,.'t Yotin
to Brad- ta folfndo� of* f
Ijul)Th I lko' soc 16W'she wa�:-citirdd of lrr�.jiilarifff The" b - * t V S", ( l'o. I bil gring ood,n.
Toretli, ilrii bl'i t t I I on ri rine ic�oiciiil,� oc Iiot iv, nQt csil t - iff., b(,(, a good foi
fies and utelriifle� troub.16;f tir ibid t'.jt'§ at)' elglit-lJ1jr day f6r allotit pit Ill 'at No., .0 11 Old$ and bckach� by'.t�dial,-E. Ilkii gh� OV! no. toe tlio niployera.,11 w. fill,] �bo�
ege�a e A11100111 ilto tIVOTTI 2"': 't If e y. hdve� T r tversl pf., OI,e Y� 1-16 aild
while zigd 'be jjj(, ton(, of yho a ryiy lictilth gan o' oil o6ifterit f L - fe'fualb trouble . bilLt, t JL�y hal Illountaill c101Iki, Ill to e
lit, ]of )Illk, foj�- raNV1 of 1A, 11 ow Hitof)*,
A iB. 0. 'ot'?, yoffeej
Jgll t ol
IX4016 -hour 'IY'tlt te,:L . I Cj�d,ln bodol�jog 'illpley.: 0 it,, nio-I (111111 IV I I I never i0ae"It dooitor did not help Inc., remem red, lave, otibcoo e
that M or -had tukeA L�iliilt hot 2 "CornotlkK., ni's A l for qiffel., Tofigifes they; but thoy. tall, i:.o f3d J, -1 or 1rrc9AIaXl lea P6100. on, ulany o OTIS f
t it at t ill I.,
and I felt WjrV la'a &OJL
at eclfo'fil
that it -could n4 11. rin nid lit finy.rata' 'p0,;jto tile crolM volirso, at 0 VllthIr;fIi'rjg heir. Son,? It 'is, 'It
aititv o ftd,that f t4 gi ve otoo "tall i't a filding
ol thi
Is a dlrt�. bo�- lik S ili011KINO 'RIL f'o , p ; Jk r
CWTS11 .,,he 'r, ()rjjL.*%Va'4tj' . lii6ii
no t I'v: I rd iL I K F.'. I!Wliv Is a like It4.0S 0�eoa all(
tI I 1�11 t 111
t ll�
an k
tho r It. or, vid
of of,
hitt 0an
f ("I tlit I 611rL
11 Ly 'fn
iRn X. t
fl(VII I hn n I I y )'.1,* "q, the 9 i
AbPU4 ?eke? Were, lio, to b+oirj.\ "T filohien .(,In
il tit, fliat tIlb, of ab( t h 0 wal tit nIt'
rLU r jtj thd
All 4 .1, tlld I.,, 0W lIt hA hr, T-,� L jpyl�,ill. ThfiV 10A 430' tIlo ol 1W t old fal All f0jrW OT lli(. Wo�j&
il� � (I
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