Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-08-13, Page 2I., F- 1 1,11, R 11 F R17-1 7 7. .A z .. ... .727 - Z. A Ilk A x.1 It IWt -with "trt"47f) worpmedliml. al"4449o, to A. Otal of 11144; bi more. t-bgri, 88 o3baTes. 0 a AV POR Tf,:� �exi called W,' 4 4 AIN' ,.a)rl "I'p. A4,vtood, "p, , -t 'and B TO RE T varl, -Were 11901�0141144 ciall, In"a w, more, 0 1. . . - OR jK L i. it rticpl4ilyl SE -D -T -AREA u, ilevem oc", t�v* iyparr - o j�.. Virginia 14 me tillsat, t,�hslr. 1alluirO, is. reggroed Q's sillrootIg4l Apo �zpd' developed! 144bl& tp� �'Iip decline! la 00'sie" her " WiN Ill b, Atitril) a to f 'scarleft,- , lover..' s.bes ye oni'm . ma 'p. IshArekt. 1puring,1 , last A ,a r's -be. �rq w - high 'a, �Upp* tPiat I:qy d , ihit as, Twit PQ Au e; TH 10�' as K, pr,. came in A id, t-6 tp , n, `1a _.0 unir all ACOO 1A -,o 0 0 ss �V-pry- Iwell,,and- she- Ited ''ou r too dj tile, 'pop At :89, tm I - � 1; � plosed'til-day. T.Ilqr At 85 �An, IT -jilled w1W,bier, )requesit. - t S' J-0. Now. `3Krbawar't-Dld yoagiii -broln to "tile'. T, ent, 0; any Mod. no, -0* p A rew r1W, )k inOstlm amd 1s;, Atg, �s e le r thii An-eftine, , YIUA , _ , . riiii.,PaId-,- to 16614ile irectlo A a t,j,:BX -W -- 1" d U Tla,41:IL4*4!� ILL 670 -0 A. ",g r Liz, 0,0,41';ng� T t6red gifeoi4UnW,'1o;. d 1—— 11, - :! , , " ;t -2.p r�, a z . . ..... 6rilltogetile r ;led by Christian, :oa flo;h1poxim to- % d men hj�ve'belop"be Top,Ajonle uay., t�rqpu_ re d noun FraZe`eI_]­.,wa�j,.ctjre, o.f iq%t�at0rn4v.nt r'e -ding tIie­,n.:ff4lPs r iV.PPIx '10' RM rx Vormgm, '4h ced, . n hilt. In;PtrjjQt si dej�p 1: tim t Ion' Iiad,rl.been bivilt, to Voloraii:10 iSprillso,'-C-94. #U, t, holfd.'Poj�tiffcal, Court; ic1to iny baby:. Ilatpli, and- C.,ot*mn irolu gai ;.A A� commiso Vie BAtish,"'. "BA &:,urnm n,,)u,, �jV �y jof_; .IaLIsi, O�S �Y�ears old..-, rpm� .6�aoial Vern i3d: Minister at, -r % .pion, .h4l t or i cost "ot't ... �j_t meo �Ind', -kirilltife6lo 'I _ _V-1 ut - , , myt,- 4` 11 4at, nw% "i T N� �.r E RA --f�ea xl,ev. 'kai 1 .40 1 whelro a brok 1',latilder, bad hai of the, f': B-101 opp, 6n, 61 been N l4n, lifeld.: bei�sl ii�, to Pius .4 1 IL sibiAiepi Iess,i,is "in Says.o fll� Lilco 't,116.pur X� ed, y! Ch riot laik. Sei.en tIjqtj;­ p TIIP fqr.lb§! pqrp Chin6s.e Reform. organ,.. N he ropelo kPVeUrAn0@. TIMIIS� 'Fj4ZQe14' t�efjtmorjly on*r' w He;t a, line � with - that gl I, en'-: by heir Ijl1s-; Kaol4iroved'a Fitillire-, !, , m�;,n.,s.,Pro06ss` f ., WIdn'' Con4tAlithloi-4,9, ',th6rp. A h:qj1c# Amf>4g h C sitral Afti WitnesA fit "i -, 4 Olhiall lsiac�,(,Onl' e, 4 L! III qe 'flo ArigilL y.q4t Xiggr4eq,;'o;..th;e, Un,lte bAnd,'., and a slort' lie, llair 4a -harmony With. his Wh I vei t. Wass, �'i J`Qliann�,ti�iqp, A�,:�;. :10; L-, wit-ri a Ipoxrt lewt,ew, whttlif, Ills.." t 1-Ita qioInelii, .4� State' 'T j eAT W*9.� IIA with-., ot4f�r .,Of griev Ve KIL6 bro4glit n Wqno: �.Ai4 :aqYiq.E".. �re 00 qbol All. atpeuracy u Ah V ;',j,,attlrse. and'isqpfo.urld6d 1w,'the.' Aloble t(j, ib0n4.k,.qt,,hc: that, ttl,� r )r reL to unpar'- stibjec �,v e-' his 0 L '0itIIsAtiQu%L_ in. "IN 0: -:co, tea ly --o &.IWgy e1na It pear ILL, Infint" aukde bsy­.a.:w1tiAeii; b onjinebt.Niill be Irtest,' tka;es, uupon,' re-! IaUelQd oxi It parso u, W t -just, 44ea.4,of AFFECT. forec hor­- Corminieslou. ill groIlirlog wQr6e.. .61 , t lit, ., L4 _On on faill 'QOO na.Uves annuallyz are a-vall- I t ill by,. ew rIDIDIRS -4rli nistexis It rovocation. iciv I, the,' 11 p -A t: a, meeting or tile Mi. olving an6oefit N7 others. Lo��dojf boe - I q. -been dcclAod-to'adopt �Aneaquree, hit ur 1,ablo_from. Brltlqh Vehtrat:-Atri Le proop 41w, well; �g_s� thiEl 9UUt*,,, 6 e' his TIAt -ocesilAon,, aving-gaiiied eldQt lis pi tile, -severity ,to �$U.r,) or lkr In To press ul se I i t iii (or Ahe Rand, Llead,'- fees"LljVeI . ­ .2 a _�j Ile tfi- to r sys1enli., the. Ttan�vaal �Isu ruy" ber Ug. I liva'd A c e s --vewn __Il;�Ae Catholics Of''t Cann 6 of. t4ej diplornatic � bodY *ere Qr-s., be-,: tit P .0, -b - ilad4eilPhia" fernpi �esd, I '"at. Ruthenburgj-" ar.' P ba bp try to preserve -friendly ielati6ns peredL Senor. 1)'A tas., the ioiigin4� 10 thm MvUr '�r 'tile 1,01141611 CL I Dian, troop will 0 n gatl; larnbev of, Ganimere Blantyre a'y betWeert, L the �p . fee etl by, C4,iiltgjlstPs1r NV, - -a r4cps, � a4id.. to --break giieiq b6ea af Hi, eply. sl:AteS�4'j hat recruiting in. f roi�" large cities - W tile, hichi evorit', maIiiisaesrep ai alm" e AmbAssadors and, Dean. of Vim HOSrA. liave, AV'a'felr�ak voliee `Qol� L ft,-a',zaa Line R 'ilk illat, of IBritisli 'Central Africa flas: -een a e do.w_m. the. spirit of I fairness, po WiVs, read #&e - r U6ited States, WiLtniostie p I , I , vitable. dl"tepts of lt-. T.Ito'Bulgartan ;Vxarch Y�ai' Prevaleut A111049 the tabaT -.P000, i le�tive gieetipg of 1.1% 'doINagiieq, jl�p.assistaiit of '11honjas A, LLI III, Jauuic.� The 'balance, of 600 -inen, I Ago some; - n1pnt 10 no � ed., A L1114". Vilo: moned to the, Ylliliz,PA16ce on Wed-, a­greA,,. ineasu e , Or'.1 -P;ot rqs�ykiZ.Lkij: ele'ctric` and lj�lie r" be* tii& out of :L,J300. omposed In t�' i I? C&thoIjC6r homage h _'buippited to allan O".1fiew assertid;L, a Which j�­jl_ L Wiffe in Inan,y Iris 4nceis, pope. and aisgUring' C vhorT ALI dolitV. * plils] IX �7t ITV A - -,kl 1. for Ep unable'4`.tO obtain �ufficielrt 14-, Qt v4ppeal tiJ his fIbc4 a. PrLVe tile negro a an api answored witV grpat: VK9 TIA, Nvo.re engfogie eriptendep� of, milieR. .n a a, Me ri , tu Ay poija(rue- theAr ' Armff,, thtsreby avoid -A b ispu of Ilgman­ by 1, en t lec.: #jr. td, :earn.: n bopest ll*ing.11 cordiality, tbanking. tIx0m heartilyfbr k itiliAlat bar 'for ho' taiv4,;, 0�. 1. ;.0 e bodshod - lo tioll., .141 iftis ,True ? tjiiiiik 'good w,!Ocis.' al ioulating, direa,60d parts,,, Thfe� Ulmh�, her - porisiderk thtit tri.clanLi 0ttgwaT;'H6n,, 'Donald LoCheii 0 e in a tiltiarters It id ass rt d. Ca, Ily -ted oa + At Is 1. _1111 Pg. ain. _tlie,. sup - is wore dire- I� -the- -Government ;CIi'exnWt,, Ottawa;; Wil. t,ha thd, -aut hort-tie,4 while. "x" rays issible, .6 obit' piepial: cable I pidtients.. W,Ilj3b they 'began -to� s . pI'V, required. by lit R411d. #jj from'Roule- to uf ie IiAlril Crookl,� Additor '6.f� the; Canadian' the, Tribune-, All tl*6 klis;sed 'Ills IlAnd,"ano I er&46avor� fei� tb6V - tri Ilway, .3libil'tieal ';' Wilriain -is an'a;u­ I Pontiff t6olc,--. thsla opilorturilty.- of &Ll gloxeks, oWjhe backs._ Pacific Rai enrWhas, of'. amys1hat it issaxned firoira" tj impe , 0 t-tawa. be, 'RI H- ONOR ealfing�.'Peisonall &04 a caplist , klist of 1 0 T_ t1b4 '11twi lead' foll',wao :ociva, . VILIV twitatiVe s6ilipe. th* the in uch- I isp,, v fo, e sh6wTo 'of Alle, moveme - of' ti r6-volatlilinary. filtdrifl000.. talke"f 4`!Rjit�-Iet. veto Lin the con- insk% a k6owkd - politics Citi,roll, of Ottawa, is a, so register, A de$Sp&LteIj­I ge of �the of Ith"e Impeded t., lell, gs n1glit, Trom Con­� ma -w- ___eajr&jder6d-­xi(r. onger!­ arloulw;6ou-ntrieti, wMelt-sitrprised-th -'hvnds.-4vnd, Xeftmore-1-16 --th- _Ild_ftt4hia� 10ple-7MMOUrr ea 7 hA;t a tIW AeW VnneeMn - od", ILA &'rI0t�-'s1KW'gU9a Lit, hf,�A fallen' Intj)' diplamatistis" Pontiff be-� -ppezatinig, pafty,' and`,,ft Is understo p6rfe flao gband:6' ri�d all Idea Ce'llit'ViStIt' toboolutely-, enforced- -by ivithdrawing,-tlie _iroopo_ J'7 digusie der, thc_� !e�' j!a*a. eigliteeh,__'inanths ople, bif 1,�, ar�fajih� btljgidb� Italy. It Nva ago. Y�6tf. :LlI. Al jg h va. g,*', 1G.- A", 4 tests --fur flc a d it Oproybd lit- :fi'jrndQ All -,long - 0. elect'rifia, F ILI ace . a. IT Maeedonia; and Is.makIngL Vlg-'- nstaht treati . isept, --the, Kin -tho lb6wles V�Oks. to; L Calrdinal. -RimApolla stood far abbao -Ariothidl- io th6m-� to. hear _tIc;. de�Yte. po. Or eQnferred W� in, orona,'preparIatlbna �,draft' t'roo^' It- . is repo 'pro'.. ror the disturbed Ai_ of. All Pthers"on the -ballots, and Milt gipeak � Fte.ach, If' iiot fIu6ntI*-;-at*- conlnebtloq;with the r6val - viRit )rted ilvaf t1its new. n Aye, been With. 'a L ceft 1:6 -night. cbs$ of Man . . I , A`�Cire*a� note had, -It wap',ptated, I 610cted,� wfterl su&' I': 10"t -eadinloss.' A DYNAMjTE,T.,9 PY lielarlid,.:'is - publighed uf&dtul,i. g.;Hteel *111 be� lj�, -g ve! been isebt 16 fe�,coils6uivb w"th�ndo Ve L pro-, AGE . 6omi'miercidF-tridl. in Canada,, Alto th rptrqc��!:6qtL6r,thq wholii audience ga John Charles Ready Colonib, M. I n a the, n W -Andiewi or ;-,-A.-nd�-Thomas ga;ra�Rive -t 0 4s, rktsl r iving; a'.telegraw 'direof frofit,­ mise or niew erd ti�iar ii� and. goitAorn o I�iiye newliel�e, ou' t Ile N I& A, and'. POW01? or. r Governmenitis osepb, uht'Y'Down C6u nei that the:genoieulen now beie­ are�in­jjnt4 tnperfet. Francis j .-d 1;hie') tile, Co )e$111 axitioll. T�hq Al qtii�%Stated thatL the saying that, car I'"tj p:t a L ican, 1 . �Prlvy� Councillors; gn(I.Sir. tenestetl In the rumor to, Absolutely oil Ay. . . . , - .8" ov" exer6Ise.d.'h1s ve 0 l4tuatioljl�b . vepy:* serious and &I-, �Tancouvor; -.kug,.'�1,0;--A,territ)le'tr.a- -on, ;j"d �it tjl&t.,th6Y, contemp ate'-bbila-] t'ljough it'Lidid not mention't. Bulgaria, lihat Rampolia-L A so, not : Carq -Dahlel.� DYx liek. hm Ing Rome. 'Aug -1�_frne -6br6uq,'tjo4 "gedy'Ieccurred near Macaulay fast, a pldnt � On ,,the 4ell-ana. Canal -h It gr�,&ter pairt, R ' the 9a,6r#.4 Point L, U-nd. Ed-0rard Fitzgerald, L,>kl' t a document is regarded.no )=?OAly 'Kill be, perfOL'n to C ch. itrita, Led, 'an par- P', t Mayor of Cork,`have. licei and, hoo.Nia ard 'Fallis� *or.. 'ace tib the 'A 1#4F1 t, 'd ied at -4.: : VesterdAy,: 'Tirb Allen, belieyed ."be. I .6reh(ed. ill Am Goverrimerit; r 19-- PO'. French, cardi 41ioularly- f1iii. er sj oil Siunday., -accordliig'.to a' Caldwell, baroneis. 61her hqiiors'.,aro;'dIKtrj'Z%L oals, � wW . J. --part ofL 'fofl, Went to. A. knal abatif 'hey, would,,, not reciog- rite"du,ting fr�D tile Inti7el &c1ired that 1 dnrin-:-th x4yal toiak.' Ilse ..(%nd tb but the 46urtefinthruefitury.- As,thePLIepeI7 tWo. mlitw from"Victol: a; AndL. off. th.6 ofricia.16,of theprincjp,�]' e-,xpnloded, a d* the "bodies, of 1SS10-N-LRJN_'_TRJ :1UAD.__ Omm ed tba1 - in � th -.preisent- P ebo Qj� -jriiamit,6 a. Ight's, NAP .1 _jdL bq _ 0 ­ 0 ou erk (if tile I fillie thq veto butkt'to, OSS be&i c ay Poi-ilt 10'dvli'�i pit�, It n*ht- onterii; the Churcli ztali .1 T ACE. AC OosktNoirr at the, Church, -Fra'Alce the' t 616ril-176' And I p n6ed surmounted b.v. ia, handful 1ffo1y'-See_e;*uDd riot 14ill'to giv of' flgi; ; TIN 0 li,+ht*ed,- it- ha'sive's' scattered. bve� the. robko. e heed out, the a or a. Women h t 'the W espAtch" .=idbt.h&;-e, been fhe reeifft of the joint "Palter Stranct%, plic. thus ap� . Chaplain , 'bhant?:;L. ELECTR-OLVTIC" .,S'TEEL PL -ANT. SI : r Iii�'nry ;vvil, Chiff, Jilfktie6L or' 'KIN "Of TERRORS W. W. to v0dttf�� - -It was thdVghtt f th,ew'dl d P41 -f O."Sphill, A)i1g. 10,�. TtAe cft.: vhis: V! ("111oly.F1athpr,, pa-, _kgi�w Sh stry on t e,� ft b Lta;-,,1Zun`y 'ilf� wiarklo f awa. did tdt 'hboireveii,: mZay t In It: wal; B- i ti r i'g I�t "Xills Is done The ppie enquire� into t iagara. gl- -des" UK Tw li , tonel� to 9 Ali Mass, is then beguh'.ali �usual but'b&� And 4AIC or Cai q fer, EX tj T Pow& 0 currentiy�- r6poiited .'both, eid6s .'of. .8tiopting. And, bav6,rLetf rig b'.*- isil po� -tore --;tfie U, J IncerrSation of the altarI; go lice during t �e -ecent riot.9"has been t T tire "'bl"sinj of , ihe'Voutiff-efect�, is the: rivei. to�da authority some, c iy--z ome fun: �'jeS Ot h y Op se- offiCially�, hour . tbj�q' D-=± pronounced by -three xgirqiLial, bish." that Canadian'- capkitaliet6r. Itad w om, 11kse, riotj: oZeliirr6d, March, .23rd. ILft ;-, 'll - nounce N, cul., tuthefitb�ig� p ars Mir ;-P aps,. -ach f h reer - qx�-PrayQr E�biofit five ed� t n e I Iief hI 'b� leetr1eity, Ung, Aa, enoir 'of 'rer. M ap- A e _Tp -reach the k speeding adros io ntIL e t on And' In do CC' . -, .. - ug; tj , '' n 11 uct . -A it eick 'bied� Ins''. a wmdcg=�e ll� !rpce. t6ia.. aiLd 'ori 'J'vily �22nd died 'at ll� . liotel-li�r P 'M the �iteari TutiirL6, Wjjl� 'comptr t Q poill, ot.hiisjybung It - 1;6, 't- ­ lit k n 'T st I 's L nig cpme cb - and, arc#xed, br,.0 mammoth, eel, Plan' n Or. 0 L. ��e er, pbrted,lit fav S4eIbtItion%'6f­ lkind. pro ted dying',"ifi_ Loa Angeles, Cal.." 10 -Aa - a - I)!-- tho,WellAnd River at Ghippc�wa. mOng .' f' per, N_Lj=rL"_'�tf1 L 'R ��-7"tr -,jr,6 rW erq, holding. -that'. tl,f� po-- Pit he; 'cillifl', Mi%. Low.e, was, pass ug A agar&, I jr - .:!io. . C4 r Ltied LoWes: irin,g_dnd.:.An_J 7L ifirbugh. Wlesier _the _T rgw, bli� of, New:' York, epem rjo�d. at _:ffi n.: KOsivs.i- �.3n.=- a, rsec;szlz- r ng-0ernLIttipg'Aiftv,, wim. TOY ILA_ fl.XC(11) 'of, t 1'e-tiri-ji '61 po_ CA6a "An nent all ug'.aCrOSS, port. Tconib,.I; west fern, ppair I I . es on a, A a� prominent d7m_',t,-ts Paid on-, oreign 'A�e� - - Bridge -ra 7 a- reCaver-'s % I. L, �, , , I L -i'- 1" 1 , , "the J chitizh�s -",,,ctziemT 'L IW wh I'd t, "I rl, thle ` ' ' I , , , It6d, 81t'llf i�llstc j ke' re 't t t "Ieb ei: Um- of. W - rt �i6d , . - ULi r;x-ted' .,'3nass a perlsonj ip.,W-lere Yone Corj*o on;. is 'ru -,CANADA, MEN. lawyer, 'diod. Al.,;�!-e�t;6r-..- the Cinadl'a j, e, o" ell.ringi ed '&-notit 'IN ONE P.AR,TY, eg Ith 'the hiL�vm.zr_ IT7 UWrig W1 tUX-�� t,.rn-4_-e in t that'�Pron, t b 't ali' 14. Ise& ' JA Iak 141glLlf of Rright'6 dl.issiease. H6 'T.4 R. Pre Agnes 1kivitations for b',kn -.In Nfow 1$37,ivherek. rv-­ bardee,L ja " ., . . W&8 G. ;.. an S. in -Will., Tilus ArUliscontineiit-41 v�-co He diph,;;- Ur.".Lovre 4,Q '011et], y, years. MPA qr 5�tl. be Our 413*11ad In arvest -of her , H aldiln v�L-X`- X C hit tit- rds. tea pitan' D), Orly , -.thss 4r6Cei)iiW �Llc, , � I I i0f t N ow Y6 Watic, bods, m-edris, � a -i� III> t- of LQ ndozi, �'Aliig, W, T was owner of'. tile Mowoat6nife Rubbei, R., 'n'at 2,45. oclo' rnoo, 01111111.6910n.erL jef. Irrin grAr'. :'S&6rltr6al',' O.--TJe.. deR-ate,41 c1c, a I'd I' due 00riAP4ny, Aild* prointncn� in �Masoniq, 'See. !Pr0ston, . -su rc -�"Fildiy;' C1 les.' has late F" been, *UKeitvd. ie tion,. A6 ed Ration In-Afiv tO the,co-min 9 6 LG h III 6e i'H C I* int Los ?Ingeles, J�" an inT. glCongro, malditig- his jLtIcan I Unet. tw- 0L Af5tal'tfifie-tor 06 trip -ha, go tso of'�Cqnxrrierce 'of the J� 66 t A. p r" 5orr. rveirt wqrk: I bu ialuttar h., x -p osien.,­ e mp. re, to ma, roni. sm o sea, ihib�'days-aq_,piijie, 'A tt, _ . . , -a -ada; wging that It he IALUA t16 d%ftl I this' CI t v, b1bijnning:..kjIg.L 17. �morh ag, was js - `�� x V. leave # "6`N`M, "With! the Am h 4 46r tlie toricluOXIOrl - 61"' t lie Lfe� bbld v, It' aA 0 b lAted W.i t I.J. *,Lit, t. I have b701-101;7 Cjrl,6� eting tL 06nt dift Tusd��t,,Lig]LFL and' b of, 'C P, "n d are, told' t.�At.'t'heyL Anusst. "econven ion, tmvel -%veat over the �'era 'plod e .jAis 'ZL 11, #.� I IaWfer oll')Pl ny, ex 6�v ui,gt illitit .1006� -b prepared and. that'Mr., _tj (ftL� he c6nc ve, ollort n sible' for. iajin proN Slon., O -we a ttal bo'given the rlgllt,:of I t jl�eld' k1fid of f0--abieept, $16--inonflily banaalicli Paciiffic lialtway,in,a InotlYles e k1flini two" Are -sevei a �:�rm�ft being reop6n for-flie o6ca L uses lrl'g� L tinAiger,' MeGiheo - and rig neer S" it 'Wat"llil' big -,bfrdijg�t t., Agiledl- -It *Ae at' f irist prdiposod� to se'd ",Crgwfbrd,.,an�i wrecking' the- plant, hom cordially - - A` Ilroceisixill, ��.as� - th-�n 0 :to $26. jile il�s triany at th-em il:A6 Racoi�. The. b'oller r, ijBt th�.r., :S%ViSS dU,A :1odg- ep- .Los 'k 1, C,,, 6rmed i Jino ';t;oard and .'WII" airo t(i,takie- �n,;thd t Hilt. i'ji, Lost Tfi� .'cl t `16. 1 ii darkness. oakgll q '. .,- tv Ilge Off, , a ,!AtAg. 10,,,- Ma r Was carried e, -pas W the`Chn- G[jaid 8, Wh1ch0, 0�duliii�i An Jj qc� IL -�;L F ilig. ;. � lttr�mg -4tuationis as, arate'lekd1onis; bRit - t -O - da y� 06 blo6k sing: gives'. Axy lit Lowe. tile i5--ycal-'. -f Ule, WXT_ trip r $hfsP ap ga ba'' �' .'." -, "" ., - t! 1, a Engineer. .61 thia� ing ;dbpartrnent-'stbre 500 h6t'.. ridt-vid- Lan ' Pg 1 le'"Secretary -Idughter, ,a I er gg,, their, Ine, fd 1:eA, j�. I A a Aj_,�"j f�p ed or. o?"Ithe Boa� of tiad'e._Of it it., sq Proc' h6ait Off Lee I lit eedirig n0tified PiLlaiiii Guard the above n,W 10 lvm y noion, o owed, i he in, itt rcqlar: - ran k' 'by "t A 1110 _1 j, r EA Bequests fade in Will of a B oo yn, What HeA of, IF-rench , Delekates, in "Wa kery I e 'eti. i 'a T4 a '�L do 'E'L 2 for,lDirrinkness..; 0,0TARIO"PE A 911IN FR 4 .4._,�- SETTEWTIMES� "AgOVSAGEA P r kl -Was Arreste Pp n xpepto. b3, B gTj.S)Ut X6w YorkAug. Pats, Aug. 'I ­-uBarorf d 6"the n M en xvin&-orst.��Ig. -Holden N%'hii eaAed, tho Aug., e -d _dAy the. Ile over _9 ba 0, At Brookl�n It Scehe G S - Hav:in .0 JaAuent&ry­­'a V�14 IFf, 2, . --,1_'1_.1...:K_: lirw' Par I rbitiatioll ......... .. U V.04 vaft- W kn aincis Me, orm r'eoe''n't 'visit to. London, a . St -6�e�-of UA' own ock,, bv 'tan L t.- Kter . to, rwillc. on a c ilargib or, rjrun nenneno, Is wa filiowb6d In, W na. cod "I �W ''rk "in Ho gr i oif Its as wri-t en an In' Detroit while .�&,tjfreringv Iron! an. 'd�a Ida, trou,L. PtICL fjj� 1494yill.g at:'ILIS y. a' inolistodi n��,4,t so the *01 44,:'who Impor, Und Of, 0' U Illg� 1, Me' 0,; 1 Is cstatels.Very Fbrej moth, nsi Le� died On July igO Minimtk jDiAeAsse.!-1rfie letter, to Aldiiie thfi, 4linive V of �W?Q: Ulu Venty.j,, on,. irsai altier rowing, 't :,Value Ili'. un -w' sayo 'that during tN Me - tol(iLL w4wir, ::Wagrler [Al�ge. VU t It it, tile, �d 'Wen't . fo h il� 1 4 a hbiblka 1he" Yls'll -1h, . 7 . '' . &TOUS;: WE, HROWN �A,W H AD ON E WA Y-, 41xth bIrthd treatment -lie in, Ftory-'of tli;e COE -AY oewnb(i ih; arm alone '-Dreveijtcd the sifitante, but� liofor� 1& '60 U ;,j 'SpIie R E T f :,Sir. McCormick aeceived in Alle Woo4bfidge' - Street t46. 11rib Wb;g, d Oil-: Ili -ad *n, n1eAr Iiboldi�gtor,� the Anif.6-French.. per. wau. ragg 1,0 ti,4t;Ir i3t�bk�. '(j6,ver,6iri(�n. 'cool result of`41ilch-Sirgts. gt Ontario, - ana :.Sthtio I -T-1. .- e_-' . Y 0", xnvve T�jled­j�oth.IT .0.'. 00 feAl J.: T116 line 'In'(steeribig, ',�_ hr -Iout of il b C da Ile jfl'A-J�e ��'Iot� I -S' now r ngland-an-d Patrol " e L Lk, 'of jo t 19 of't �n his, farm; .0 11lig 'Provepis �jjie; Ill f con" no If) tru8t, for t 11 Ion I'V, Ile to t*a;. of tp_i� Ifi Oil. I& -ULikilogism, the 0jrltl;di, 7 W ori'thf-s ls"'; .61thbugil li� .1Aj-u�glr4d"drfiry A' he'Ixr',0flt 'of Ills .661iislri- ;cI'Uai6iy'p '�;atjo% d; pending in Inviliet, jA,LLI, .3. 1;EL 'thii6�'W&t6r/�and di lie saw', 'Witho9t Vorded, list '' ' i � , Cliarlofi -20 yfeAr-8 ol d who �'F� LAIC I", I, t ­,d, it) Oil I o., Ulle, - Wh4e, fatbily declate that th(q .,not rtsoi-'-ag�ain, a, r t IIL�w "(0 �i 'to 'fir.10 V'114,- (,(Yxn- gL (Ilia, lillgl�­ 0 0 e� I lid AU 1 -4 U16Y 6�_i_lcu tlfe' land 11 aus iri diekirin b6j�`Is 'fa'1lr1g"t6 reCoVer 'ja ;dU f-ijl4d 'T �o '41 V� tkil P, Hu" inia were - p4rimi. A Yu will, isr� Xq�v� -4� ILI tj - $�)r I . I .. .1 "41- 4WvLIl;y,.d 11 ALI, UTItIL nciv Its' g I in ps.e �J Medical, 66&tin tile jai UjItIL Which inulit o go- ent jit Wagn�l-_ f -r $V, 'r 'forther one Orn briat wabilit v to N,'exrp. �Tbq' u-st-ilt, I, U& (A�i8wn"It -611-l"141 of Irif 19 i6d, thf) Bot a ill , 11 "f�'% "PLIMI' ­ , , Jen Oil ;ii� bf"Xilf Lkq oil 'qc�ibeg'. It''AS the 'Iatg("A­t'ri�V' ideve-1, 'isaw" aj,. r I,, lot .?ry Ve ixt�s t I I r 6 elklit , ��&turdltr,, Part of 1119 fw�e�jo- parli,4 , I ill N , -bts L LK' ti, 861QU.S': IK triOrp 'All ail y. ',b ' - li I i H �1 d 4tive" (�j WOA4 64 n0waboY 'lialu" be unoq. .1g, 4 . . � I T 'U.1 'j"I Ilk5 : �J,"a�' jj4kj,j idy- o t4w f �96 tiv, o 'y a pa P._ f 'ILli , O'Nit IfAge Ity o' U U . fj�jj V . I ., 1� . j . C)l T 'd b i 'of! Cok witor, %FIrA-TI16, VIO 6 V, '­�41 �jj;hj'­ . ' '(­ ju"jq`n'Q ir inliilgijlsv�a, th,lit ill(", h6avy. I;'a,rs "or, tile :A a - 4 b Q1, Is 11 0 al" -a 1: IYAW ddd Ji N Iq n r i,� jo ii;t to t)jp, of $,' I' , , aiy FirriPitr t'o S, AN, SC E L' L �(. h It000 11, 110 :If WtirtAion tre - , . I", , '01 JJL4, I- "and in. 31, irl NLR � 1 4 W; 1 1) 111 (AA r 611 at I llill� UI ;T, fi, N181 0 Ill j<Ut4T 10,fn And $."bu vl�011, U I id.9tatr)4, 'apd 113 A %'Miriiiir erl'oo out,, to, be. I /As, otlated b0tv a C*e. ury'Would fiet fruie 0 W, "Stoi L' 16111111 11 %aQP,;, �,hnlld <)I_106�� his r�eOcl�y'.' J 5 Make.' reatrTiont, a 144,gal I tj (,A J'j�(;Qj J, t�,;tljjj) tWo t '4, Thdt� N ftUjIX,�-f',- lLoc.ordan"ev. w1til bli LLW, f. f' bj-,; W�4s-,, e Ali n *Q M, bmy ftnil, P61lep 9 it" t ,t IV tIx r , e� . .. '' '4ion Ifirkon. h '34 Pre. rijai hat Ijj It At (141P If (lilt, �14)4) ?4s to 6f Dqtlrolt�:'Oty &in N ell tio,h., 8th U "ro g, t& 111a'V. home'lid W. f,16*, jj.f lj'( ej;I,L Krjj W�i �Uri- 111."Y i4I,'luctlon in "tile/ ovor� 'tb .1ca,triv, ot- 'JiLs, 'Ind to. .0�o �434=e 'to 41 4 AT) M -bes ;iej I I ivi- ',A,,,, 1 (1 I�)x - " il" I� -, 'A 1. W tr MI brokim�fio'i. A ov..'rit 1 U 111fli I rfillc<, and it 8sla con- s, 1�&Iufi�tstsv' Itrif A hieh-t1w baron 6 bitil 14, to for ha,%'o 1,41 cniegoisical. verbal 4xild .011 d r , I I W. p an r1f r. lind " , Ili, 'rf "t �t Uel- 'i;iI5. W4 ),I - � - _ -1 _kol ter rt�. 1,0111.0 '6il June OLI. '' n W 1(4re i1ftliplowto duri tLke8 I lj:4; t 91 IL 11f, I d barry Jiu,fii:it, t Fo wle, w ita In I I C I . tlitit no one -F f�t, I I Pi �A w r Ul i,.,: -Pett:olva, %V1,11 toll llfpm 1 -ilil6j�& ping I �l fig I(, T lilixe X.) 'd 1011illy sottlenivnt'6f thei, �tlon t4i f, wit I I. a n 't,ppso-l"Ilt I- _. v6n'nec Is' �L'IT1111"Jil) djj , w1lich I 1I I)Vwhr, fj, 0., 640 1,11,11 lj� 11 ilk a .&I'v I), wfil.w.'rVilt d tw('111y, In ah .()yn tj;�Lt 'tilt" j,"j,%% A— n sqijkh I J;v "I -k lid t, IV -1 :t 1(obt., effort to pj Anloolif, ' ; , I I .. . � I Addie,,tod','to _ ghilng(�I, a�i.Ao )jleik If) J ., of Y, tjg 1-illik woy.lps 61 T A. 1111ing."t-flo AIty �rllv . Min,'Itepair4ld �-O RILM AS11OK 1411 1 ,A 11 d 7 &.bJ4�Ao h i evid Or 6 0 fj ff i`j(jII L 'Wepyl jAilat, �,Nvllftr%r t i gi-lAt ill oviliet! till,41 ruii Tllw, reptile Stoat Ile 04,,44,14 d ith t, the" N nd) n�� Plot, )I If, t1w (yo,ifol ov (qT'l , J h-4 ig,A� I A KIWN�OROES OR NOTHIV 1, 11".4,1 jtlry-, in, flif" 1. a 4� vq 1 �js (T by rr ljj� ;jfljv �)rj h Itst, 114 'oe, N6111 -f) $:�"00, nild'. 11illibl, - Fj .1 v-, f�el Ile :i , ` , �" I - f 'k T P, J. -tit ji-v C.1,11, "". .- Nrfij L I.f,;l to, th Iff, fo f 11P M.11" 1�,___1__1_1_­_ ��g tti-11-1- - .1 ,, -� IT- 'j A. --ali-,;ex .(Y, off 'on ff� Vor 0.111" "IT I'd it., . , ,:d, rid J,0� rp, q,( Trj.h pty y"') 4:1,V$ JT111IN MU4. N'l 1: 11, aalli� IL4 �V( it; '11141, -A Odkol ile-Ill1a, li)?- jW1)I,)q r,oi, &'L(L' fol Wif� w`orl, Jl;�vinp- lloiv.lwt�a of �v1dtoolippl,, 1,,i a I H Z 'I., , 'I,- I'a I I 1'r I "t -II. t tlia, Ise)) 611 1, 4',ornt, L ry, A I m 1 4:, P fllj� IiIi:rY '01 '11. 1 111 nia,4 11 g, I I 11, d ILI r a ­ I` ��v eyr Ij ;I, f'r I Is, ij, riel II. U lig Fj r'l "I I', s, fl, K,�� r %;k A a Afil-likili. Ilm C of, 0,6 -Tal" 1. Yl it I I o 11." 111111) if I f40 i I ',o nd tstllarsi Op ILjj -�o 4, isip � I U 1,41 IV i 1,"' 4 111 gro <III, n L. Y I, �01, i Jflkr w,,st4 W i -Tri j,' T ' ' " -i t r 1, 1 Ito: r'I", W1:0 iffy lt­(� f "Po". I Y 't lj'(� Isd 1.6 Iv Irl f! I jilt T a`t6l-N, it Ltvif III I'llijL(II 'lify� '.'I Iffe 46m TfV�0,r,-h f 140, Aikill': 'was''init(IfY 'to, Ilenoliipsttiv� t1w:', f p" It ral'tIpca �s'oaroh for, tu) - L i4titi-iiiiii, l�i,t P I, A and In 'all'o,tior"Pt L(I,� hill R to'd :A gob fftill har,; Ilhoill thal ev. n"'Vi�o (l,' I'lel' Yj(jj .1 10 'NO110'ri NTI�Pfi, (j*,Jy !orfro) IIi;o r klondllo In rWhtlo.,�, Hop) 19tril6k j tin (�n t J., (inlig-1,11"or, b,�, AII-ld) ori, W�o Jljj,4 olt 116, of M11110 11 l IN" h0l). ll-� dl�,a ot rk`hl t-1114 (Y piary, who flisiiiov�m. cNit*ittil'a Tr ­a .14 '4Vdil. Iff 111 (ek, AW 4. All lIct(tililil, /4 not ;111.64 I ltk� Leo; 11YA A, I;og 1 8 �' i ty 161 oxclu, otatil- Oft- AO thii)ilimv i telddf IT _r IN; 0 IT, 0 M E P hex 6 0 ell h 19 0 wi N A