Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-07-30, Page 874" V 71, 4 X % I" 'we —7-1 1,04 0, 10 0 Eir 0 0 resurrection. -,14 1)'rU$ng .49121 y Qlark AW01 pl4tf6r 4 t4 'at, -tt %� , P� Olt X9600, AT 9�. WAtclt, fo'r thp, reiqder5 the r le; Pf ille ca a , a P. Ve i tif t lffiatvip'tj KOP7 paperl.'at r 'I u toop A eo PO4i., f_w thip, xajest�� poineq,pp every J141-1 �t .. . . t liembe P� Imp 7 ,)Jo Wgs tern of U. :AWOr: of. Toro4io is the -'gueA,, .'Qp jind PO r, -nicxht, I , W - ki lw% 1 . 1 -1 .. R - .. , low `e e C L JIRO* P it g 6u G 11 -ku4t �T H-1 N Of, o Or J90011 OIL Out s4inet 01 who diinc e, in cxve,44 14110 tup.Q -ists, and `gll in' - e4 ang ze e.tII6 Kcep qr� , err c4 Mir, K �ed, pulpits w., i th predpc'es�or 04PVii .1� Kis Alpijest� ipeo !IWOlil kett 'N bp, t, pi,6qept,,snppjy_. -forinatigii mqi7;`bq,h�d e askip -their *4 i M -,10 kQQP4 Vp ,a r, ep W sik* b�, A 4 ted pp a.io h b��' if 'uQ t t t ns, .,.of t a i.iig. a.t,'WI4tep.11urQh md� L,IM1366.1, 014 !i7�t!, n`! 7! 7 odwers: eq n i§ti .c of W, Bh t idziight� all in"�Lllgxnow. pit $uix4ay.last, I I .A , . IVV.� V.� . a A 0. lop Vie U0. Ii." NUN mis�. Clara, 01 lests 4v� cOp, ArV �a;r He , of -i son, --wl of-l�fn,Ny 1 M,,xq�*H At' An xo0t,, 7` 7 7 7 W aw V1, ar "te" " - V is a, _1p,wIV,,Petei i3e�or, Of, 1161yrOod.. has alipli" d, X, %iid El McOopald` a e, 'T nia inier,��qn- s-�Jor, oil wq W, oney., �0 A,?�..- 851,uft, 0d*4ft b will'b". 4�skw4h qa*t*,.. e ve �'he`sad"l. aviour zto ?, c illi". great Aegslfig' ;�Q a Pame d peting -of the t4kense, 130ato.-- thiti h a fa 10 _Qtor.., wbb� b i t��% 16 'Where heP * 111.11 - I ­-� �* ' 'II. 1;'G T oe p ouQq .9, pr9pwing d k* igdom'. a,,ros_ a th' U "UW -Y CAN. 28 cen, apeidently kil 6 Assia, An h 4xOT.1s,. ,kv AL 'i ' ho wpra,desirel- n FITI, �AT gin factory, was emplo e 'I "d m4s� art retu dark waters. n, d iigly, War P: g 'shel �!xe af ceirrIjpon. t home PA acqpw- A . ppearqdJA their camp, seekin n d I'd b her Opus. I n MeKe MT, jg in Dui ea," an f Pai 1�7, ur Ti. t ph 'in t n refused y ,0 ...... . . .. . e r tx! e. the pr6ffordd quest un ontractse; ail f 3s (D T 6U f to 111t)Aioart t66k Ole Jolinstori.of. Stan ey is iter Mrs. R. -Woods. rmedq hr b, U, upattra�tiie w4 -T]KNPERS, addreseed to j6he tson 0 e of bachelori,'in'the pe Postm,.ster generAli will UO eived,atOttaWii re Q utidl,ilooni on. d th fl lobhe� �e with ward cIQth-. _g�.Ipunqan. MoDonal -7 y f iiends r1io 3,u last ZkbC� inihg.� le, -Tifdaf, ust ',iwatf was tr-ansfOr-. h. conveyance of Rio majesty -!a Mails, on, of the bOned 98' Is' for the Wed into 96 prin6bss, who ofl�6red to thi ran 1.3' 61i. t-.vo;ptopok id cofitracts for fOur �earo; six, tiiveA per, Week 6ach way, betwe wife kios� Alit G41i of choi her' one W 0 la, Mrs. N. Wc4qherts� -Onter-4,. led. -her h I 3,L proceed at motive conditiotl. And Dicktioiv, and tkree iound'trip t ' ere lilembowd of charch from Lucknow t6i Labei; t6 we, to Mafek:- se u t boko***�. ta'ni6d the last 0 i6arch of tot Ing Luckno*. from the lst'0' tbbir, luext-� Pr d evexiin ;n6inini-furtliefin't t - of (Ife. OthQ'rs kvh bad r�joc"A .11 choir Printed notices o( ormat. -to th hasg!Aj,��L,'O .,P a conditions. of proii0apd,-Contract, r k1re. C. SW i r.oront e tA r r eri- 7 t�llt rema;in witl '11 -is able' a u-irze—in in tI W.a, n n i. par' Ik of ter' up -4d At the Offle A Office Ins�ebtor .0 eot the'Po. bpe�n_Mr ser=O, b,-,bt,, At �pealh ined- -the-,tost-offices'ciii-Alid: route thb-1 0 driuhter' _y t I 'she ba�i6g- qnd�rwefit a at I�ondpn., 'the re qrn., iome n0 sery. ds to, G. C ANDE ON, pt., rQ60,11 t1le, pipe wc�o. week's, ago ept, ! Mail Contract ranch. 'are near. . . . ­ ':4 L B, t�offi seri6u� dper4tidu some 6f file ]�Ow, iv Ot 2n& uly, 19M a Churc talu rock*,t iat'Appeayo a Foresters �Lt of to 6nd. soblOty turnouts, g h'fpr 0qe: of -the Agest y wide eti6ug. of i�6qk�?qc�r�61 nage th �t ha eem'seent to -find A foothold 4903 �-�,VGTBR 'pl4c,6 on,: eas6n'Q di Py say t at at 'h woman. or .1, took-., f riiany year Pric n pf, oc�u 'the Im rpen an Co 'or- ou 'te ftom U$ mQrnin 011a�b bed: itand s reas. -3n�, the w'o Of, 'M TU'_N g la t, �v h t , . I.. ­ 101PALITY OF TIM TO �OP I d -sing grepit RUC -e C P. T i Y 'OF rr ters niareh�� togeth6r,-i, pro - turn, pas e and: bn o 0 by given'that I., h .... . ...... ave Notice is- h6re e1 OtbOd 1:�-.y -rGh-. person�. ;r 4 '-ib f1 M to- see wha hqO, we're- a', ri�n pre�ent. in, � tlie-, thir eked to th 0 el . itioile a _w ay mittod'" rad s the del�� the tali is aye i -o in a. gr"- N L W bes re7 "t IbO bretb .0, iou "Voters'. List Act" the 66pibs re(laired by a.' rV IQC -Udiug., 'Ppvora ..e C 'a hedh 7 d driv6n over, rant nor s-% --periA -4ppearing- the Oil R&W `seytidnB to"be so-tratsmitted Or deliveipil Of the'i.�jst-,. plistaut to. the -said 4ci,� *of :all ho -,�,ere�ii]ax­ Ihe -ices si. es, ment. sery &e' yo "I kcuse. t take' partAn' Roll of the aiil uiubi4nlity at - eledi leur if Cil, 01 tiiina-.foi members,U) the Wis s thc��e W`a's.a` argO 0313- blyahAthe inumolpalL A ti is. and the, -said e ec oiu t em hey-.�arb y 'Ii it was first poste'd up. in. my office t L e a d.the rhagriifi6i6nt 90 side thig -2ard a w. Of. _JuIyL,,.,.1 _y day - '.�k d, atar, r6maiu§ li4re for -Inspection. are. Call�& upon to" sOrihon, dellver%l by .'the '/Rk k ; PLURE 4kanfine the', _Veeii� 'little -P -U M AN tL' ;;' L A, R O Y' w6uld not thin any'� %wea or, 'to thiiiriin,, t6 take imuledi4te -of-ij n the. pyoepedings ta-h VOL 'the okid,itrror' d ilarrOrs are foutid, a correcte g se vice, dir, lologQ room, Ioartyd:,.vote o coordiqg,io law.; I a . Y�of Tuix, n lia y, pie -ached 'A Millyard.1 or D Ditited A La '011 MOFFATT, ppropria o di GE :G.. t �vent his' bl�' :and ler in t e On to, m Y L OR� h PO b a jiapgside P. -O., era ed. The 6hurll'ohoh r,.ndd 'd,§ev I , V p b.,L �.8 t sic, '�nd the; breautiful, and `off,a -out inseleii ions,.Of- mu es loreakfast Willa o% i1g to VIVA ere first 19, - intend'ecU,only for dancing. For -fui was Sp6Ci&l:lyL 4ppr 'ej� they WOrb' thJu-sWe 4aldnew, Falling c W d e i, Ai is .9 E t bart 'and Mr, 1,18, wn6n. y er 0, t Hair, Eto!'� J'&66a seat.on, 'the bx; an 'see groa - -G.'Armstrbug e, beauties� now. is On In lPurbP4 tknq th" gent, �T h o n a '4ed abd*611 renderer. men w-dik' .'ab6ut thoo st �N: -B[;-'QU REU BY' USING 'jot, t e 'U7 rgetii. ress .. ..?. 0 , , " . i I - �, e me, 1JZ t�d be ImItAtied fier flee-. canio _0 N 7 res:- 6 the style CELEB op Show the 10 t;zk&- -e .,or, egg:. 0 NV _To%�X.ne WI --seoneAs new " , b�x. sastrous, V_e ab cold Could 'not, porn them' RATED H danactu a, P h Sol'' And'tho �Iloeig with, AIN (Q6ntiilui0d thin' N , I r c t6 rids o peace e PuinP' Is' qu -solid es -'sioles are fi 'ek �-boeid rim 1Ohio, JAJrg�i; OW The th �Minelv ood8 OM' -1 k! ng e % q ona ut� -a 9tined-to I umln PatPhit:, I�ither on OSSC f. wit h.�r MeU 9 th6t)uid'ht�L ve-and theo who s, JA.Cxos� liSS le i or We do I �p . Ot, k 0 10,1111 to 9 r, 0' J3�6 A c arr; of' the IaIjoy'edL 0 "Sh liss Lawson 0 uc page-s� Canadian' lli� �Ci Make 4'sqbbt a' a "d L aiId 'TN L- k7 bri'4hiOst t6jy. the s]lqe is, ',,Of 311n4rd1ald' hes(Is : wheVO' t" root 8 id, 10 Ig I . : ' 1. 1 IL 11411C t or air are es or dest ann w-0 d h hd, qntiful", -..Ta eTR, ", ;r " o o, d Tueeda Itt t, wOok. acres vtit�ta nd froiA 7- b ere. 'is from W an't y o of; amd, 8. e t em, ey y: or. years ilaiii t If -F p6 de,89 to be, found -INI - M- 11P viders6a o n Qss. mining both �eiaisit'and- werst . 'trll�. 9 Iss i. � agglp. �der altli r r ha W do. tj I e'gUeSt.6 ALI n was twinnau,. re ss. first'; of that it is ae Olt; �!P(iiiits f. Wette ':t "a �youn o w dustdd fit the bath vo�islj ,who is losin&., tfi f is� Se hl� gcft%P fiarmdny bf.hauyan rog th isinfects;-, '"Aw tdt%�ir knd becoming; bal,�,: w. ere our, we iN;a,nfod t 0 be'graptOd thelingpir%tIon OU Ve V Wit'- 1 -Dinpligiaelnedyi 4ill:'Jaii t t 7. _0, at '_14 S" aptlVity., In t Or" ea" f Miss K�te N, c G -a week usiness asset. pent kinolw _t regor s ne*sing head 6L '41r,. - e In er' ,1;e'(1COrgfe Hdre reipedys aid at, Poilit., thd.south,, bur, T 91? West the 'nor ard's, If yOu,hjjv.0 tried Ott our, '!xnd wled, that.:s or, d e -yer ISr UelObkt n cri. , L .1 1 -'L : i � "L 0, t, 'ea 0 - w at. is pr per.,.-% isii y ei-3 -in d e 0 . not s n s1d "T , h bf109 d'. T110 blame; Yo 0 1 that-, -Bro* ed Aal k h ild not �be y- be H�b is, the 4, is open the'. opp6rt unity. 6f' soei .9 LOUIS 'Young 4ail I eve f -Calumet th nie'et. -%I D.- LeX Id, of e total -'of .'eurrent u for r a fe 4y1q Aeyeil4illent.sunimariz6c, an r pre,3I ein� skeiltiPal'i ys n ie,:to,b6 0 -efof' 8ug&st, and ther n crr0spo 1au' ter' ip'tiie. great 'WPster the advisl I L y 1D Ls-vi§i Ing, C, cily W ly the ed 'thro Ing'. Oil 1-9h, '. , hay.e.xv- iih: di6se that' Nv nte� d' You ai-e iii ited. to cal o e, to in is -5, 1 bD ci�6 be the' I' These' faTuOus of. ourI remedies, u _U 4 iep— o e WL iirriltie -o- 'rem �, a do ( f -fit e.Calf,Sh it grea care., p relitivbv Itil �geltent ndyer- c 1 sodner All zes Wiedios are Man r Weir* Ilhi� otes cd d e a`.,a'nd. d INDBAY, ON'T'r, wrl eS. 16s d Onr, the Iast f4i to 10AMI '�V pendli)'gL TH6 fifii us�and re ared W har,. U.0 J. L�. oNiMs ri"thet. Diree. ors, o9mm *&s.butire y bald foi'. -7 w#* 414"1 eiaeO -,broid; t years an $ L S'S OW. oba he�d'of bair, t want-'.pAiii, S 9, hoes repaireq :Ili, ali, u pi,� b I have, a yo I ;.of IdCaupt .111' eralrLp'lan" I lQg' or 0 rown s "d. IJiL In.t 0 o unl4ud .interest three 1: on 'ohii c Loull"I 'Silldridid features. Who d, J to tb Por I,, 14C ne �rly, nin t a and r�d' r8 o 'I a' d e mo 9s n�v I 1.1,0 m-0 ior Ing to, ire '41,6 v isod.'f6t rdnderiqg ide, on Ody, fbt lira ness, d, qthdiI� Id a 'I, , 'i of Ilu a le of LIaolcto '48 0 he ii building an IL ng n f i LIPS R 'fill PH Out .6te, ote all tin t 0. 'Ira:,Ait -cry Will. be� ae-yor bef-6re T R�d Ile I ollipe'. er idbrted B e. ti I I 'Cl -:1 C . I � A - ikoei il;ir� ' ith. rG �._.,Uftj IaSSO� rad tk' , 4: , MET dih- kil V be ast -after we'r A, '13. Milly aid, P holut, wo k with V. ey-W r Cahn' 'I A.. f,-, 2 4 11 h RLY 01 r)'61 ah d L, IN olai;g A, 6 invetl 1� t ( .ft 8 "tL"-zing -a lab u, o act 71(1 W radtiatesi 'its teat a eir I ont I. In UM ArTl S M her in ill' t 0 Ie 0 1 ri on ide f �Ihi' is the, evikence yofi org ookin Ang 10 a ac ink aito ifio best Pchool to Stteifai `.r 'tin ho a y ape; nd g 11V ELYd will )-0, deffl t*,) I It 13 (1 nof our former stud�nts� tire nnw in butiine4s 1C apetlt Jot, ().nj �h�ndti�me. Catal,)gne, 4 6 in . 8 PjAT8-! AT; ty toy , iii.tin �o' Decor flew 11yp,t61' t 4 -�EL 1.0T P, IZZ le j�, . in �y �rd; f � . 1,r, .6 Allpai V�1104 "i 1, il, ib'�ii one to,tjVLe :D L oldl. het.0 bo ti'� d to ex do))o ti t L T 'Pot kale. 1)Ieas6 t�'),.qeAt an, ng Out C01 . I . alit), on(! . I I'd � theAtthohotellot .1 1 ;.Will be n-tiloft) hile T am' Ili t *fi Sim A Ugh lirc, Allitn0i &Pxiiitflir, one t, or Wat4,t tanks,, One 1w 186 1)A'18y grj d' in Jhl n, ontin g in wiltvAll PETEIR'S'.0" C H Y r atid , , 'T R U t sunotinott ment V19 ot tbd Wo. -Orn 1, ai niest,'rir wlh�l Jack And' one IlrypniAlsm, J)y �LW 1g �h, . "Ing or non (,YL :and bu bonglit separate, all �"ta in all elwes C h,! 11 ia a IL do not Onfrill I 1 0 ny WOKNO n Prot P, H. SVLh�t" 'ip N:4 VI o I lip t OY' t �V or 0 yo, tfew in t1 ......... .. .... .