Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-07-30, Page 2�7r-""i 747,79.7 7,77— .- I T 'T, 711v"A, V. 'A Of W 01" 4 Ito. exproAO-U, praxly, slAco 00" 1-00g, ot thip, to d0 ID ni L tpovoro�I,Oowior oud -thp,-.tr4Usfer, of "TH 01L Of RC ME -BY -F tAllan Giovonme t Wake. Th p 0,41tor, ofq� -tile, roicel,pt oX n -N. for. wept �-�tq, the lab, PUBUN Frbiq whg4t 'I Ora;tbry or t mlentW,, lot 0 AP, �the, prop-Q.sitio)II, pkojolEed 9 ;ending to try t J' to, Car4inal@, Z$elrkh OVS,#, oblp d gggspip q ppidermi, erT. oe,44F:m., tile. n4or. prlilg� 11hp, des ,pix.tch of 4� ��jQs., 4 g6tjt� po erfilog, ��tfiii Eltiestl , , A - ho Xtrid" Wyefs Y tuia ifixy, tooh .4 fw;a 71I.Im, ly IS -0 T OR$, AEARU ER Alt P op �10: reclaiming the P450, kghtsi M. -TARIFF MOM AV11041 anc StpraTiAg V4ntlu' e Al Des, lit telli. Ad,yo,c d .,4 itifilder t9bip They. :t�$tjr" WN Otto,' to Folrilif V 41t, , I . , ce, tt ndop, Id 6. tL to plitim e a, 44 J urge, A 0, Itit 4sto 3Wnsi, por Pet, to . L �c V ed',b Capta t No 7 Y ell llp.d -6eiction' of J, IF ',`6r dr -Aiving Elk, 'Opultuent I 1 40 Vhi6h.porrij . �ated. 3 'T.,moptin.�%of t . . . i. 1 1, takoliV oll" Six, meii. Volunteflit�.- liap' 49bpEir Ole f. .00,; �-Ptea,nner, Toronto' --n t46 , . .. 1 11, " At 4*ves, A lodi t e ho . for, su6iiiissixim, t4,44Q0,er WAI"'. �414 f9rl, �t d pi ln,tq.th A a 14 = � teoir4 0. go , oNy ea c ..e. h ��x for ui,tj,� .41 tariff. rerQr tzsl of lie, C'�fij�regatiqli.' p� oea Ed . Utit6r,,T MiTl It f tile _W -pros I rcZ��W#Iqlr War, It i 1�7,dpad; P, WIler,and, RA goqn: 'Eippledi'pt uti6p xOTIQwEid 15.0 it �waq, 044god t �t lit) -or, MI 00. tr�69pi�L-and% tjrpAV loot $hA �a _Etgo: uotda ior,7 ;9i. �rVt r,iiform' was,, )necosz qfqpl, pf� the, Vavalr.Priga A t Phoo, , , 1 wi0i og-ta-be'tregepti nix �47 of�;L, e qk-X711I. -a, rid--- lqv,4ve s al.1­1 tile-' AV %T, 4-', i;w 1pl�* 'Y,�Tvi6t -in-- i i '�i'I lnm� 1.� 4: lri� tt�J,'jl tb­ba tied tho',-c-bureb: "rd'oatili, memi. qf the 'had aqt6d r tat 10 K - - - "f ­ � ' "' L' , ' - '. _ 1. ' ' Ile, doclaraV 16f: 141.,., ., Ile Ray "w 461",01 Utg ptl IOU, at ler JIB ot, P1904ads icif , 0®r, or; �At; 6m 11-y" 'Ile lea'V�efj a. Pregentj.. to'pe'L In t e,_ ar by� the 6hoSpn*1x-prn-th'e va _ lqdble'obi . ec . ta., n r 5 0 j" Nbrkli:. Rj,vp , r; lgplt inightt'. Aft6i� J��mtl' b r� �Dr. ' '.�AfcDdn.q'_ an to in t4le-11l of �E-Ao o, one .of tho 'rdost--brilliant, '011cou'lit hoolr'a f$truggl, �4d ft d; beeff. So. ai wf, _ trqqpis,. hpoe I d' rdW )rq ucing an. -his �apodrtmerktff,­Nmi ar, presen. s; are., 8 'fUn.00�tIjait,,4tjjj�k' �Weitfqll� wltno�",eO s ace: The r If Unpleag, rid tU_rLo, 'frea ta-a hd�pithl - in, ambulance' - "q'Y e MaL In , at any dppar f,r taken phight 'itis, ailt Kf"t bedueatbed. to',bis roby'Sib 'T*en mon, -wore w6rking i�n,the., '.*,ell Ve. 0 Wse, s, *101, 9, Of', delirl Us In official :q itripro .,a, Pon Ault, fkrr�ival, to Dubjjiv� Lau s-7"- The,. tia'd%�Andl )its,, statemlefit q;t:,-Ihe �MJV.rehofislo'n'in­ '41p, oniatio circles, Aji. I aniftit, 67. hii propert 10 1 c?.t %Vag J;irfibaril IV a dA ng Sit 110 'henl *fto*QaaXj 'Of"L IISel.911 The Ot eriif so U d V�e -AX-90ptintusteir Of' roop's, bpra It. IS pellEiVed, tile Ef-T� SO .'Pm Y one .1 ;,,, no .1n, or�f;l, �Uglo, 1i lit dreyle* In'. Ireland. The 4paA to,'fresh. doinaniilg'oo� ing. bp1lfi;tcd�.fo,' th.0, nialn :dec foil q: and. foug toget,ji,erl rte . , 'To ee4 Of, tbolie. bnl ra re . at, ;atiomw fjh a 'Oominand.' - he. pgasiow cond,aky� onlo, for'-.*tho.:e6IodIep.' and' burst; Soon :tile fumes bel cl jvuliw� qx­�Q.4,n4u Ille.p.%rt of- t EiNrers,Ancludink tho Im "begav lt her,. 'rho P,011 re. 11191i. a SO m U hat j* OF 3,1 , g ght wpos, in P passed orle the- jToo­ sailors and 1CiPgSlIoLre�,. eff Icai to, a:�fcot tit crowd to ga Rftg W�j -;fitte�odod, (by t,ll, lips ablishment,-.91 aio�s guro� .0, chapel'of, the,'gacramedt thon, an O&Y.Alvil6ritiod to. the. d0k. had "to, di'speksp it, - to, vi'. Mo em-ains, Irgs one of in -IT 'INd: FRO R Pon r Cobtrol., Even th6 Au4trivai: r Lopa Lioutenalit '."th*� XAFI 9f'.Dud- "aW Riisslaos; now ildinit that the're- EIEPHO,N, M: T. AMi- tense Pity,, combined wit.t. A, certain tey; and a Muml&�igt Dump, Prior tq. for act irk, nip.1'sJoA'dequate, ol horror,.,..: InStilinfilentliteplitices the Usual Stkitaig' probe Ora to,"tbQ at. Petersblirg,L July _97._', It IS Said ailran&d hat RUB 'ia h 8 itil , g P Viennio'JUiff L _A*'7'_Be`tjV,`eeri A je0ing Oq Vice 'Regal Lodge His, A, Itus jalk. Loafl,;, and:%*arins !)rivers. jeisty - qnied� - Cot _ 1: .101 '' , . 1. 1 - 11 "S UERADED -.AS 'MAN." I�OY-al. Atbernian Mlitary w A IRA fid, Bechlo, An BQI.iemia, the fi, Yrerxx c4p a w s'lor, - 4, Ioau,. of, ou Y t t. R -ALL, AM rat Acer ived,by-..�thet Mayor6, �,6,00!3,000. electric railway 'in lie Ailstriari- em - .0 pire as., ell Lout;; gild.tho maNjLIIuIn,_ tore, and- diphpuitles gpeied ed�ls �ninctqen 11� , an ot At ProlLol of OPL 'bd'qr,. E I iwo F0 `T �Eitdk July T h be peami. The- lineAs EA 'group, ao-� -go has informiL cupa Ion f laternationil"ar. itration ' U�beiq. tilo- it [on ,ac,, train, coit s o A, 1,Vofi P an comparitted b� nubi Set, boo of BrItiAth: Jelly., R�U, nis t d for-, capa�blq_ of- nsUr I C -ode oqd*forty -da ;s4i. thret e inter d to ia Manch 1�oods a receive y. byLord Ma*olr, �tatiom I root Samuel AIRY tile Lady, Maydjl tit he inter fe ture, Ae e r 'con. of th14 s ra I W one lwaN, Is :tha JJouee. The:Loiid-Maor, 'to. -a& -inemesures Big and Baron pE0j pt ei�ti�� ZtL th4 tL to rid Russin 'AINI COU it. seer 'B'06aking n ournolles tie Con- Of tile -"*0 bi' 'BRIT S,: Rtt OAITICI this'kneans tI rivei-' a t, leader of the, vW -ele 'kratl6n. excludin'g,' ' 'L� !' " . ,dln,g 'd , a- *tIng "i6irAmmi line is Parriek 'W Pro 6 m IDY� 'Mterttod and Ipm zetl��tbq, -it - im�OB I�q no MiSsIgsippi sible fo, theitu- to -live 'in t I construdtion, and bu t lre "�led-,th e Sox o Uiss a woml,%W: - from, for. ontinued -Int empire, h foreign 'policy. n . Ile L IS can, forbidding a o pse the�telepboo trial',re. f ne., Vea pit' Walton. I I , I . . . .. ' ' ' '' Ita, ie Young.wel tj Jose wlio�'succeed- ng, as mao:., reti iollgl�y - favors 'ah. who at Lear teril f'Eff,f'f6r.h:, plan -ks Arre6ted.; oil o,f. Dii.tish t4rado.: by in�arks' n, Prbntibs� countyj lulss., folil Pjjhtl�,, NI: a . r�­ alig J_Ui ag ye1armeir of tile hte on of U III,., a F R "NEWS.,, IN E of colonial deVelopmen. .,accupeq,'tjie, V co in THO NDS' USA rnm6nt f ARI ;Ij.,reste n D0ective and' Lapoint d -a ..China. X16) nEv1gh?lorhqod,.. was d. tLh dentral,,"Assisked lating surren ei lj 1. . I L' t 1 .1. � f fbr,.'fdc- CA0 �Cftoolftp 10109 assault and ba c-lerks' in. L �,lttcpd on trial for ocal. 6 ficers, 4 c e Ing, th In-1flAnchUr a n Mr., A. G. aly ar, m y. M., P. P.. is much tL v qn, Willi. R� The ter, 6 w, C hw. 'a If a charge of -burglary., Th000 r I mpro ' ved"In. Ill'olly CIO W Tli ne UsIve". ere p IIV L*r r tftT;y,L.pVd' ti'llrest Zitfi in reply, Naid";tht BritL im. wal be, norn' I in- "v�era �li,Ldk ed an .-his face ',badly p.� Powrs, i,; ra P rno9t Cdrdin., V seeme( rd; 110 n d .0 r. "body OW ara the eg ve'rdic o 1; U I, t f i� I'd, "I,: it TV jjL .0a.Me,: jTD.d&y. �. cArmcin art,, rku, n. One -a ighl. trude,*jn r4i;; -still.. indre%s f C. tuged, A be% obtal t now- khedwe f pay, Nv the dom­ Pfollable lben. �l w na I ... SatisfaCtoft, .1 'liose:,ntime �pa ibt of Le(i :91 statq.. I the bas.' �.q -,at a V xaie, and. lie Ile It nirio litird6h, Of ::tho'Chiircli, And als6t In e wa§ securing, full ':of' the- J��ry N*1 t h '' a Thcy-�*ero, I'll tile empl-oY, . o the prepara-� '6onfiden 't If - , , itij on Alic' f'' 0 mtnu 0 dotailog. of the oth.&e. Val' P �il 0a Elf St. 'Peter so while -t.housands! :1 ; . � . . 1, . - -the, 'ob C tions: Tfo� s d�' - and' the sha.i�o,of ratl,wa�, and 'Pat al' Vq strong, in, the.., South-' York,� ell r night clerks eq .8 ua6k6. : bf.pe wa- bnrgia'�, 110 a .:11allo thc,Xurol�, ad be OQL In; Inta 0 h ond'freiglit house, andi. rson a I cc M IS, from, -the brillpary Wat to he I -en. rili)rt 11 paid last. trj ithota Vhigo, concession 8 the 1. 66vernment, t .,Wvt I ifite;- �'f . 16pq opened this mornink,a: tl " If -fully awtird of Abd situatid had. e"a:ui thiS, 3orillng, 'be Ing,' 0 twoeh' the hours mce of L "d venioxatio'.11. TIfeL de-rdindrileg of Congr4E cardihalo, Mh,ozil�-� In Uanefiurta.-: Tlio''g�4 t It ey reat Ter r 'brokti� 6P.6fi, Several 6 . rid', 9oun wor� v ej� of tho&e prepit t esent 41nif f t O -day a uiX.J;D tl,6..pr id negotiat- -rin, 6 George own, ay t by� �'tilia. I r - t ea.) I 110 0 sed, but"met cc w o, 'of 'I6g,wIth.Rilg m4s, b w, d i'arge' by g arfd'L�Lpeoy�' eom' V "a e� � I . -SIO lilt" -and j)6M6ljl0o. r I d P111ili if Cl quahtity 6igmented by,. tb4' iforesen 'I ZL Lit. Y, 4rWderacy 41gb- :'new arrividi, " :Cwrdi ia. was,,iliat Grei4tj.N-it ed the ain had never'ye been able �td ast -iog hal wqxuan. iatlil ch. earri.. t Ed 11`6 r - 'lergy V. oomw- �.Oiat ill T- I n� Duke, -of b t cgryal". Y; �b�vernmontwrtot6d,�an'djhe act -re- P( Wvk�&_n ppril were­ ided o gIVITY91 I ze, car ma , e h a pitme n eS whi were plaaged.�by -night, I rd t coined 'by h -i au� ipritle. ri'&'�­W';as Ektill o& !�ie"lned -on thp. p"' a lazza thro;ugholit, bighop, of Fei:rArA. TIte WAR 'jma fo�TtI16'Colonleig; -mially w iped tl;tat 31axil 000hilild, ­ I n -gain, Oisp " e ulfil: er Ilia:4,1 ' n o er. o a --As, PeIng I One Of" d. failure to' -11 Lo w r. y havc� lhsi8t*' "t colleagesi, the most tllo Ing h 'going 0 Call he Jine. tj Prot '6n ace at the bead of . i " , Ing, was sa s- t:oal lan'dq'in, nin -i members of 'the lit 06".. City -Linp� an 9 o'clock d undortaki Ale til the.'Gattlit- ca96. she, Iva a" tile wag A crowd' dt Cocolleopi. -and bephuL,* ti bd faclory*�* neither to ireat Ell' arr', te 'j`Sianborn. a ilitai -hundred 3en, ion H In of,,% to" 6eV mL Ge ed"' in Am'611k 0660, ;m, O-lat',-likely io succeed Jq pa, n nor,:the, Unit cron!G erAh u"is �be- clan at Popoj� C�I" I jan Pa lie said 'it' i ' - the'. proton r cc tL o rday rs; VRIWERS.," U,edinds.' Elaborate preparations lardlnal C9 :W0 kad'bedn m6ide't% guattl agAirI4 S9 jt is ill filing neasy, at ging %AN% A '0 /!rcftonsibi the 6 ncliuriR, and b el en -in. -the. cru van , s- for so me kind ed his axisterity, and' -that -1k d wO a:re, equ,All-:� ii UX Toronto Pr"by allied atreets were r terSr,:. sust clba ed, o., be. 1 of 0, 6cttj� tile A- 0 U, H GLAH Or4eglia has, s6rtert e,' x' vehieleititL I G WIT girnuLrgle S&Vys to iSulk9hirs W�6 Break-' ftfirmness, merit, There re certain 'call of'Rev­Loulsi� -rib of'G60-rgew Va 11 avlog them free cii, t reeting, arfAlra, with -Pea pa without har6hneeff,.' showing owho� to. WroXot6e�L -..ere I n 13 Y. -SIX artalltilancti statlo k'owhile c. e�p qn,­ agrto-� t e,,n 'will PE 1. H (Ardifials everY 'Including one it heeri. o6n side iatili; fi'L and. merit'- ought to 66 possibI6, di)d it -]As new: c large ou.Aug. X" bee ireeted� giViog'cons�Ant - 'r' f '' Uanimity. R % 4ann-is dnO proo . o , eiq h6sIaL IS. prep.1l to, give o tle. L I ­ e er- o b ankoof C in r 1, rance to -the plazza,% and itnoither. latg, � 'Of! t o House of* Comriions y st police' to be twoo� the basilica'.and stood. Atto' p C'�t 01M. Ijeop Ifi Premlej mofj bodde-1he 6'r--ot'St,.�,13etert Vreigbt to.',our, reaty.' rigi s and r'.Balfour, in tfiLe absetice 0 113. . A" ' .6f :tile. t ftoot :of flip b rn OIJY I �comin6rblal . interests, -site wi not�, or 1ri4 Se -y 11'�: d6am,.-mI?ved M and bank, . ro'bbe�g.l in 'the - as the' seilfj� untij coun ry� the �vvrholo-churchio�aitsutm�, 'find i4',irreconcilla; to 'to: the com- -1h6L third. re thojrl�h aodL- erc, at Carman', a n: L, bot fi - of li%,o IG O'clock tO �Cathedral's bellS 1ed.,an aspect. �almosk tuore 11 Q . L s Bill., bill pt0;spd th p6d frolul a.t' I e tfor' ' di d r 11)egpnjqjllDk. "At th lir - bel w . a Ing ot J,j a lidn . I . . I '? d r4r -as a "night, gh 0 Besides.. �dllu Ing.* to the C by,.�$17: to everness rogimento 61' Italian �., Grenadle�. IM -he, 6vehf lw4lch, war! ufnprece� 6600t,:X;ox�j- 4111raiibori f :of 1, 0 jBLU three woruen;t it bell ed �The'. to , mlrtdo, re of-th WAS 'HE tb6' Aente'� cl-pated om once to'PraAC'e, and, 'John" 0 Marched across the� p _G f6l GARDLSS F' LLET& ;one a iqespread� id RedIUO0d Canddi4n Nor aU 'delivery in, C* at tllc,]�rlt e" Ak400n; as accid�,Iltallyv 'killed cagb I years. aga, itnit the 16-i at tep;S..�, and soon the portico' ":1mont., 'rilho �rbgence 'of. t,,e­soldl� riaiika it'dpp_e�r'th Wine, I . inxiipeg at - She firfft tim 10 -r o .%N' :z jii*�Med; lot 'GoT'Mmeh -hdd -=ff had' a ,.a -to f- nz�_H airie P -W-4zaal- I' bu in I. "Itatiolls France rame.,wo 6r6 rom" j 16 ft IF infAi, p6lice, trap in Zo6d., Ili double coldnin at . pa*rudfi p'�oc.horrkerkj.,; t',cn I . I . . .. ..t*ried and, -t ho no I] 4 St C, L45�:6'cIobk;­t.o,burglArIze t I I . i I late id:. lie 'Ca I n at Car- -infi- throu niairiod a'-suf' Wadibs'lli,with 6xt-6ndlng-'fr , tho. at 'no, heretofore r--lwere'Anforned that.;'. -the ow -be e Chtir�4' 'In* --of ekoelled ntonkEi.''. 4n re- eishold of 'the , 6hu li:� a, Lcan' has inhiv tli'e Vat- ptying; L�ord"Crt; inbornq i. . . The, fil nail a Bi�l Ili-, qtf.,�Com lri 11C., , wO ItYP"mall wised Redmoh.d'i;' j., t rine('i 'tli6_'1bl,nd iti mjjeSpite', w4s, no surl, nAarroW ga- oway on a temporary, fjeiE,h.t e ot-man. K Wat "sistarkt sai�s (I l,nereseary o4 of Elmo t ed- b:�­Oirqi M as oreet tioldiOrs' 'to insure 'rem -arks, 1, thart� Ili- 'tit list agree I Gurker.dt aifet-ta, d 11 olo structure, w1kicil ,'w I -.:I�ts,'o�vn.�er7rLtoryi,,.apd ']ILI t r �th­- 15il 1 k on thisAlic Chicago w ding. order �.rk, Iepj)s. in 0 n. the cro d by, dynamit -OLE 'the' inf6ienc,6'. � dra*ln' '-thlat' the' c e' :wIth himi.. i (I�Plorlugl h d' irly" the slierif r CL elese me'sure'as L 10 rr�-e wag cukil . thd. as- I Yesteidaj Inol-niog, i -re-, st etch r �On the manager 6ff iYatican: and' ho' erdvernment li'&V.e ed The Gdil r. ed h c -n G a M o 'OL 'ftn:L uld'hovm open g'. e. ga, o iesai. co a or t, ag:� eenuentL L'. jh�jj "'Ital 't Eugl t was tile in e sor admitfif L. ER0N.IM0iIN91;I;k'N METROD I -'L T fvVened and tile'- human" tide begarl 9 life 73 ris. Ell'W 'xNIcKee, t ie' 1rl�it bilicatijig lidn urg7 liiLve been pa & ! (it .10`6f:tl we,'cannot, be. surprised,L'. if.. 6 iny 19tretSS:Larrested at.- Wind -0 lilow,'In., Mw jam,. nar v to, )opf.)i: 60 iiiPloy- ifZ. 'ao of at the tsV ea I Ing. *na-, r6bbfilf,- tile Government',' 1ld' kNULIS. ;6d,t tranoe'.lclbolit '1,11�eteoled Serious Ei� !ed'in and dbou to� �re. t ' v 'IL I o*the account rig toolb* .16 thillof., during t r I. a thl kLL'..jt taken to; bttaiivia, she will Fainow Ch i4 W 96rV& 4 iLn.d. 6A68:bf eremow� tioil; -that Should apttzed,WhlWPri9o4iers -banded a j�%ietbc me It axia, -clilildriNa Tj Replying.L tto Sit Ch6ries, Dilke,' tile: tuh. ry d ratish. intin n look a little I T': Julyi resses Olt, tj of li'l S oil on, cabl6". "to'. 1 first, men '-Ings'tor g�`$,�P�l 10 ogy,"M&11- and oiit�of tlj� 11, Of:,C dc6ied awget.�z 'I'll I e, , I re t it rn 6d lie '�ire fifted; exhausted, over tlib ''L d ' )urglitr NO �eds . torn; of f tj tn' ihO 0 g. A new Tolront eh Wo0en, ericloBU praimong of., oIkulssie:d; Ili's mftrk., oer.0 It alld'su rgery a re boirig t ; rajs�d q t It lo, Alattic(l st ureb, "t1w cellmr s tobfi No r were rkf- the Pope's d A a son. nex ie*. rap cruigh0 ,qriou 9 - a6c 1�16 kits rred, this af- In 'Gredt Dritdi, re-` havT d: In, tho. presence tlitilances w.ere not, t9rnoon, w 611" Willjajjfj�. Re � . .1. .1 si rfed dow for his a he -tit] &rt6d and the t*hero, r- a r lArg d a in, E hin 1), whe 1q. was.. ;eognized,.the �bp6n� 'P p e al n T Or ar a anch I ferring,to th-Caivadla W th sitt I'- �On 'tile :Vi6t Westuitn- rang 6bts ti�r�l 1-tabof" ' Melo MEO be;IlK but� ptiM6. �titff " � �; 6r of been. bfoeted,-to. keei) thQ, thl on't-jib ti1on,'Lord Criinboinc� toy 14U.St -itbout ctinsideking ici build�­' without harm. 1V 'JIV, to, jjj,3 Ifugg-would h,� if " t, PU t itir ow.n,co; oriles Iiii d - anger L pu,bl on the each'ffrlboe,'.� I ec oj�t firiA, hnd liq p1ace.on'Oct-4A.,­ c Still, avanced- in th 'Peop _E� rt a age(I i It Igg, In t1lo emas its, Stan, to the. lite, Pope. rid must 'be put at. ne erig, of-t3w. w �ot- [Lit r'.k ation I , iQ,roar itch. 4 btiv 6f-tho, Forn' tinder W'j tilev adfared t il Id at Th S Vicitixr Cavendish, jU-e0wdrer -got"two 11joic sfi0j" km a, Li y er. Aeot� li�jkj' r hLord- r the,: I te., Viouse'iliOld, fo lie madb his etieftitc �;Ioy- till, `6ut6ide. W, .,mQti Gcron rub, twvIve of Ili jay, on NA'66dstoc ' k 4yokekda. of hu - to that, till (!01'11,1' k� ar con-itu. T�he. bddy'ws Gbvernixtent. as iijoCt, Of Kt�lrr�;fro;m; the cell tr' of, d itil the, t, tt Ile s6: Of':'the`0 ilsence I , -it . I ondo, on L bo , elifier but* aW, remains' 6" a re4d 'man of, i. tIra nd LL . (jr; i: uo d glit Into' Ildering'.tho li'alfwni"Ung of the4ilagii the rrVn6h� ar6itraiion14t&i Mott— P, ng. on n,.. tim 0 tW E" e �t h ree me J 1p 'if. 74: - % 9, bon es, of I t age hi(k], lf� -:buIl1d(7'jg 9 lu.rider 'C .;,: , , fibrd lie �0.hot drid f e.'l the'.publid in dical fitu C ji� tercIt I s 60 rid 'apOeared, to' c6del ratiow, Ito A HURIP S RE it L4 i� tljc;, Experim -I,[ Fartir &t Wabi dni� a x rotito r4jPo;fit vally,_5.000, Il�rtled lil -Vestments aso-tli:6 Rbinan pubile kne,,�. 10 V6110hilve; ro PIP ot!tile Pontiff. in iifcl. Around illej ltile blep rnectjo'g� of the'. ma It bs I e� Stf6tdior Ot axi 1.911ventok, fr o burned thfitcon -high candlea.7whil'6 -gation' of. are-tv On-rdiii/.kallurc. 'the 'rea, - rdto. of' the iAl gide, 'Stood 4ilp, not -ddi I nigro onj C Ae goal cocals Ing 0 27.—Dr.. po the failure .b6l.iig,Ahc fiyx�k 'o' rain. adNarth V J ul. %V1; tire. Arfidlrlca�,Loodl Union ;6f To-'.: &PrPO 11 0 0 a I bc�i r 'it SOLDIERS la wdre kn I.' - Iduchi atj�j ]),p C 1Ing prlc�i�. anil sortly in- au'l . I 'I sfti6e Iric review, r eq j fell wtts ittlit N'CSI a, v tted t !,B ill! tile-' r- pLent �ra in ir, n' i' i:yv ago frofii,'an lit ]Ila I b oil *,I y Loi4t, jr,(y)() Sill --.i limusts and btcro oforor its dea lie r sell "I Pelagallo, '�a f3urgeoni-.1or.6f -IVO ldnibS W killed,ind af�rairlqt. the I [I, , )to Body, 0 0 aye. Lappoul Six i611d f ro of, i 'Ottz lige, lifolil." LIIY Ad LT yo f'AL 'liet t 0 r to: the edltdr 'of iii o11 l '_7.�TAO, 0 lt &Ily, pipei: stit tfn f rom..0 most bx'l.wri workmen' of.this' t hot -.0 xv! 09s thL- It out ILA% by ,1,- 1411 �"oot,'d` ards U x -to ark botm ehk ed in eq)mh nampNd Gdvernor-Grinor 164 it to expl Wd,. had f6r ye and Buffalo �-Fh6lvf? t 'in t Ig to t1se rl tit e S.' a Ile, 'Ile rediplon t'.1rially. :flq 'a Ovor qsoinp oub4t cc.,, (Iallg,� oli t1lo could do It" tioliollitod it Vory: litil :.,,Ao 4nd thdy tin tho -offideils of:. 'tit LOTPLr—Y or 0 ike War 'oro Gri es t,bb lor I I R�4 I (I 1dopt6d. Pr(I& ji ow c r wt 1 -ch. Mi wh in CXon'r, 'th - L L . 6 tI)k 44 -luld. SI U I i.11V Ifrom ill(,-' ILI Y IkIP0081 let Rila, I entities �bf, t.ho I V w( by to-Ildve Ah' le'r Sbeoilrn'ah' bef� The' S i vj�lt6d In A t o ra 00 'llel 7 bittelz iroh t'L , nptpm the rf 4 ol'tji6 worklug,or, afiJ, gala have LOS 6VO app)ree'littion' of, thc or) - g11 t la'an lage, f w 0. All rienk6i o lero were it Ito 0, I . t g., 9 ttol, 'r on Ile P Alp 0 Chan- th., ;National Guard' in: . , tj 'of lmhel I'DEAD;' 00`� INA_ 4, and throo dotn. '00 it tit tile bullock '1 Is 4.� or, Co it N.(�,n* RED, efli & ),09i worikirik. ; ng t hol I I n t hours., a VOre' a 6rut�.,gta: " Our cli; p e tibdor t �5t, 'Pettiri'S, deor ric t IU,e ltt1ite, ca, Ile 0 If I I q f4chool is od/ '6xiij WIla ex iteof , t lie r side, t �bibl Ott or. Tho were A01. Xittldh 'rd is olf,the tit 6tia Fifty it reply i�l t 6; 111cir AP 2,t. c Ali oxti, 'he ate A. Ue bVI I'tal !,I �n te,t fjletfdf.ti,� lid iat:C 30 q o'c ock efun T)6yitj.,:, 1111� Ill n It& 0 1 rt lit 0111 ies omel y a0 Po 1. 6 r so if., N. .; -Of hihs frooa� the I ": Of ti .to 0(�' �varluncei �j 1) R P ivI.t)flh` I to, a CannAlItit..The House apPlaq(tod IL jjjjt Wnrg, �6 tizella rs old, ounder a ty 'to e, L o if d nwan8 or risliv, builtiltigi t0. q�v 01 I., V ;16y� Ilft'P.0 M '0�0(, itiAt. ol, till Iix o' IN h(,nd I caV off by, 0 0, oIj the . "ti.o. 13v 75 y 0 1, -3 o ki, Lt to d Robeits: to thol, a ifivy Nov ilia t to Xdty�a' 45 It Iq �It( t A 011tl,L, �ta,k4ti 1,( t I hiii; owin r.�40 lig Are" Undli, I to d r 1, A rat f a, t Iff I'll, 0,11t t.6 t h,(, '14% tf't Ito, 'lit' t il f 14 ('1'() hilliflil'n 0 0, or,uL %pted 10 t I goroh. � Selfed I dik",0 bI Sn. P Th who gatto of eNv