Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-07-30, Page 1, W? - -I- t ­ ­ - - � , ­.; i "m --- . ". , ' 7`7 77 W14 T IR MPR71-7 777W,�'. M 7 " '7ZT % d q . 7�, 7' ­WPLE -NO QN_ TARI ""rrURSDAY JUDY UF V 01,' X see ...... iii, th)q W that c4 J ttte' Hops, rs, tt of D.40" N, 1) .,A4d I W'. ff�'�, I . �Iii; 'S d', ''Ari6tioiik -bf"401q, n 4� f) 9*0 Peo *I. "X-,6rth. West, dry rig t! Pur .9peqt oJeW .4 lQ ; . ill. the�.�ybqle b h P . ! _ - it, iii Oid-0 C.opt4�444e� Pbq0 c., IX44t t k U U` R: NK 09 �A ON ILT xi N. A!" S4 N tAL and, eA,?! . . .. .... �Z N ory,,U v - iF 40x AN m Id. -w itets and f F�@ 0 j 'N Eh 0 __:C 2 L U t iio - o. lair#46 �Wealt spa U171 Lt or 060,12 40,to;uL I in L�124,esbcko were '00 ak,, o�il bQpio, title guee a o- a tliayi ?, 1 1 1 �., ­ " . be!kd- .1i F, Vo t A �n'61. %5,00!00( q,, A, -and Iave 9 -our, od wa! iit'(),�0ad4-afidjIlo UaiteO States t le left o.4r, frOt view �6f t 0i NMIr Th %�,nkeil bmve' of 64 r b 0 Wi�. Pr-esi, on i!wg -Dal .7 he 'snow clod' "Din 40, * ItUT'llint. `0 7, thr(iiuwho tic bov rom. rovv aching., '00 A �Nvea4ll 'statit,4, mal;itob* and the., - Pi Abo,4,101 fi rylAki 4epot' , , P,v,; i6s, ;W c6liections, on all�'points.'in6l�di 1.;96�ej ��ncou t.4.P.. P-94 o" Were,f9r %( ither ta,tlodo). ar ur. n d 't tirte.,., _J4 - getting .6 r4t, r r a -St.' )I gr., of tliq Just as the avw.) 'unts. wi rP9,� Tba sd y to notes IS., U 'A gpr vith, P' n- 44 exprgsso, Y, ..0 Fly, $00i, Jiopse., i�ith �Qur. f %ws wl�o ill� 9 Impg" 66 the Ise era sale, 464" To rent son sqn,was'-'gildIn/g d ;311�tedaU4, iar ! ATs ill, th, could ri their sple*ndor, a ..'soft w4te'r and full'-enjoyrnojA of.'Pdrfc�et beat 74 ------------ nd veniences, li'r(l a.. golden ray A, W C with its S., They, we nd: ill'onfin'tie throughout f- It 8, rut a ppl�, ii e m6ntha' 'tiinell and goo we I qTly, be ftti. ul�,*,.om�- Q1 actl GH t, orell' id, A iiot'eb:j the h in re:* e en , ti - r , ihonth. 'I loall to.f4*erh on double r single notes , very- thought of th, LUCKNOW.- RAN 4 frolp ullP, to twelve, L 'to feedt Gatt d! f wonderous tit . muc Q that�'beaut i-: th o" In E�th_ morning., - J'GH NERAL - BANXINO' over winter Mild grass, them durinj suminqr, Big. t`kti:o t i o, 6 s in. in: - dL I --Jean 'thent we had .9,Qne th ugh, on, ThqridAy: ro largel'am0imts, ap :second, g : utt a n4 Q.: portal,.of -thio, �-Anes it dviiiinces4iiide 6r.:i4riiibi -aiit firiii 'chattel' mortgages, on Hablil"rk- of Rrasse'lil, SUCCOOCLI Joan A nur Strau g I %w of Au u ra; � I . I ial: stone N ��Ugbt ^a I ­-GO.OIDS thave i la�gd &'ixlou�t' of f i notice -tbb oplendi J� substant Ii v - -stock, imp.1emimis. �rid crops. 0.6mmissiditcra fd-Ahetr. R d our train had, qi� fifI4' ratep. NVingliath, and 'M t iinort.'Age,4. At l6w6kt r. wives 460 daughtee%,'4n All 'r�t'cs'uiodetwte.. B�ilnot Of bl-66kt of, blisibei houses as well' as� aiidIndi'lay coilk its quot�of lUvek b all the I'represent the' I eliding Enklish'u ..ijRA*,i,s,As;suod,P4Va to ''at 11 on id of Dlyth. 'Weib. in tow e"Y ­priyate��_reei liej-Utorff d, Ap� P tha t 'h or P gu#s Ifity. 111114 876i�di� u, k" oU pi6spg �, fi. e tit ed sto9k or I N G- SALE leaving hote; an Ibefore 19, *OU1�S 10.a. t6 4 p.m, aylight. w.ealth (if the oIc -to th not need'! $1 ee p f. �e -two - Wiles and we epa 'Ord early-, in,i h.6se-1atitudes..' Ighty 1) , rtmonti- awn C 7 lavings TAQMAS'S, t A,;,yurt o P" 11 `-the great- Dev� its' of $110 Rotlp�ng nbee of 0 Ana vvn 'E n ighmen.,whal ff the qe A ch, Ban I in t rami nt�Ljority and fvit�rt.st �all vod at curren �l J. Hildred wis.lies,iO. annoduce 93 Park. Th6'. '.great to,datt� of I Nati n to4ho �public: At ie as,re ir rom are new 'arrivals im the -west "indwIl.O.. 14jiositor is �ot. �ubjbct tn.- AiN (101 t I (,3d: f h, f ers-stop ere,:. whatiover iii the withdra, 'c'e hired witivneig boung armers. -6f the, coxhatissicio pro %�ral of t,.,w,r BOOTS& MOM,. h nd� to, t oee w to. aye Pa 'b ss, -A Vabl� 6ing Pres,by,6erians, on usi.ne Me eck of 1, ion . i f t 'ho depo it.,, LOCA ieting'bfi'�unday a w ank p ort d du'ri;?g__.9 t]iday travelling,' e7ence, ey Awmift c;: ''th ared -,a,veroe'to- U, LI 'yeatli lie wii�ilog to, e?:press, is. =Pre �LU CKNOW, h p etrong desij�o`. th, qe� 'We 0 h mpinj�&J ;loh- ours, it� -Augii. ilVe me d.t.hop An� thit�ks.­ ' - . .. r ent, 41 cther, W'*ork Og oolft fium day light, tit dark le o�her k ent ILOSP Next wee P �in Dotr Co him g P Pi I I .: .: , colmmissiopers'." had' spi G, 11�cLeo' is visiting f riends beJn-g.fi t'' t AT' arveq. Me Furnishing to extbd our re, on Saturday. "morning. an TI' r ved'bt L too 'a;trip,to Kin- wo liko eav� rving out he usual� CUStOmL 0 a report'�d tihe W1 Ser 'e woone. fig., IQ I re. We, vi� die.' %v in moupt4im climbing 411t17".'Our Stook -is Al'i, quAli.y, riZes h "d mikeid. veu-... ow.. o, c e k f, it Pro-, 110�" lil- t Lit �L I �eir 'tr or:, lr h h 40vapapors 61 ap ai soon. p�s�inl�- .8coi the� gig t� Slie till In iD the are light bArvest s oeti 66 take, a 116liday. next week' an no:' stock:' P. Genuine e hile:em rou 6' and.'the� ::their w lvew-ttiroUgh f roni B r6p,( offic '611ilig plains, paper Wi argain,, e It be e t' iiIsVe( , u' toair their'.: -A first, class,*11o6l ",j g d rop d. t Gr �nfell,.- Q . _Are'om� hano rebiive a 0.0 -men _We d -to e p i i6ione il�� �ayjlie be' open ,as usuq, - 'to H Come car v,. 'About� I , R exatrune. ourL. .1 e 10' o"clibek. bi go theSanitarittim. Pe,a,M1.e--uP -and Fred TAT�,ttbic. -At r EUCH )peIIQ and Regina; reaching T t Oc R* t Yrowj�('- beit 'of EaS. orrk : , t es( D. !k. g ra'r.nj So OUilter. r as euJoye 'A are-soat�'raley. -to: at A-. oii-t_t i—ie -Ti �Te W__ e� T b rd etriff r en' ''t,e "is eildwded tbLd'.'�illey,- �Ohieh s essie o war ceRAi�p_eig Own,_ lot A) 061na, -IB 'lit r, -4,A lifield.,T C theleaiiii,half lot iii, North Ainerica. shipPn VV . . t- IUts, to- hear tli6 Rev Clarence'M f I aft3 d' 41ifield; vhitir)6 fritri in, illiam Nas; am ago and, p rogr 'h t dor K-hnoa� Sydue* B.; be.' as. N U S elop John Kennedy, years Ar ato L Bargai ­ , a, e ning-. e Null L eat, in&c :we C 0 gy eing. onth e p man, 1�ugugt: Ithi� mor T rx M. -not o comparative y "'d d I f g 00 ea .0 ast. - r oil .110,11 '�ear ludia-a rorfi::.ou'r rry:.a I -fro W, �e lived. ionic ice o F Liar right; M W.P �6illmwi gel ! a P�Q�,Q . Z as e'inea aw _':weans: ex. N a ;,,7th t iv 1,� S, Eckouns on nD t jte',ica p provi( e 'to try visit to the-� I:iu Gru-cep­ juig 'ied aroun reat b- lit A r aiq d injob Saub e. d 0, t 12 0 0 Th -6 best shoe' for tii�k least 1104 �'cursioa wi b" �" 0 . r f help`you.toLaepl.�o '-NY lat to g6tv 8 a run ca ltiiid we iliiid -*ave�lled 6�er. wtin 1 5 in re the 'iault.j or Tti6sd hd' c un imite rebources Re- vaille ueli-E 6 .,roge if e Lf) . tho- th I' �,wldte Wmr .0 d the anger "ion eave� -il TableVolicasies est incia 01 51,4 nth reaten bod y po . i Etc; t. he tho th d.f August*.at' C turn sin! . . . . . . . 0 N6geta- fO'r wcahh'thtit� ib 6 tbe%'inixid; .6. ni!ipy ine, haysr a, ore 'Bss* W�, ae �y ;n& out f, B f gt, They �Iao exc usion thfi 6 4 erybo V sh�u ­6fea- 'Id jrr�Ato ti. riced' go ble�. ys fr4sl of 7thb,.� higher e on,, wher Mull to - p .-o. :Re- ae0 a d d l - VT -a-vanues lyi r. &pp 'tu oter. (JL br toopa zihs1lip when 't f rielidS% �i w t be done an' h6 v rn t A nio' tc and i d, a d, general 4 t io vole denionatrg te..yv: iii, can fway the aere& �ui : lbrL, the great 14sues L 4'� stike won'And 013t; "i io-.b6autify atf in Nv r --t e. o Y ­f bottle: L d ake 'a; , I & Y. or On theJ It J unor b n . . I ice Lud imailks : L epoy' �Lsciomd clu -thobleAk 6p at Jie.' :'9 or it)c e . . , . L . ,,,pr.,L. . -daj - .0 11� home on' �04 e* Y.' Wag' Friday trees rty'ok, his4ather bad", 6ttle'to liefilli b Went 6vor td Wi land oyvae can. appy, or young' �gli in on It our,voveln er st game ford etc d endantly,irtberl., Qn."S 0 ati-d ino, a d itil n PP X! tdrnbon last ic cli _led. ty 11. n.,ing uring �dpitre Ii ia .1 amid ttJ6 Jtlliigig, Of, t Itit a, most CIO, roti�ndl Re@ p ilia . : cries, of er6!t here! and &pplaiiiie from; I . ks gp li ell �n b ties summ, 311, to 2. �111Y, a the followin O,:� AS 9 veit a I d' The 'Govern d' -the. very ret U men inspee r�V, Tt-po Los W t 0 t Its. wee tc et:e more 6 _ ;, ­ � r, rica - ion. A' CL LAV.hei� A ie tort I g'. Wag. p aye in )II -to prepare n Wat l3ark wr, 'So 0' agent'L f (�r t I §oXnethin'tz ii -ice. for t18 thatvbryt, ing- 'd for,'p antl- group,q yoma clergymen s h h of 0 Viiigha�t,tearn broiig it ove , . � ..: ( . number of. hin 'your corie'spondent,- re t6 da Lu g Od Me lr owa now. 1h X M I so the, require. bottle bts Cj t alse. sent. - lipped ree� of:'6h ces or 0 y , Out), f ap f tM1no4oy,i:,. ge itlgo; b 1) , "6y, -': �i 0 1oud with 'a le rof. and A of bhesloy,' f1leir senior. playerEf and'the e g 1, "to, p pdrtiDd owa s tn M r e as -oame anid',a-lirge, r ong were,dEo,, , c oWd ho I'm b] f�atod "fr6im. 'MYL, 0. d by!ia7gpore: Q -in 'I wail b0iind W tod' t e mar 'wero, theguests of Mrs. J. a 0 t itig , visit , s , f, 0 1!ee that. 'ell tiVo exp 10' elt Ve, that: w ' h b lie oriencel to, isent. to see itplaye ntly as. lig *eok" Wag prr tl' d .:iaublJqd W till o they.wouldityet. '06atIolieL." a', Vot coutinue. i n tr: d 1 b -d:th e u t [11i 'G %ARMSTRON Pro .. I I . . I I t Or abr� vo e through-;, I atia.4 IA Of i ate from the P�L' �The C �9. Of 11013g: , . " radic Ag a JWPL :, -=A - _! .6, ", , "" ' ­ h " . �oiileo to t L., e rittichimproved.. hird. to e 66� Lo 4 ii;ouxit:tI,le soine. OC -,.Our. tow�ktiip '&31icaoi6s�i'l 06 J)'P. "­ L : �;_ tI I '. - . .1 'L -This r b�ttrlq h t , on 1 first, t6 0anadi" s ildind.. &pigs aro-a low.0 �tOi A: two OUrs,'s op'' at lavge orowd'o bar cf�iz6ns oig I in: a , I I le0' 0 for tb . . ' I ��app Pf , I hid ever hear It. Pit . 1 11 d'' Joyed. ploas�nt pic'-ni6 at' in run, at lAr*'g­0'oii-.t.li syg And wait m:arrIVal ;of' �ho - S� - P y -, t i 0 oifit: 01 I.quiestion is o tell mag c9se ad f Presb. servic6 on lin V4qtwsjr again. XT TZ n1i it I beihg a, v, a; .,that oix-r pr6vincra. cour 13 hind; ent;p imigthd stock grazing region are :qulck y� *16 h4s, cep IN I Aug we may,' he Dint ners a a. 'clinfogs I'do, not like it very on shoriest i1c. Ur�e;- dedl Western or an A. 1. . . ':-'! hd otir, tninning at. ere As in bla. of 'of 'after diati6r. tlI te We See il It -horses! ronlL walkto t ei, cove olnes ic aill 'A ubknow,lan 0 ioie T uesti or(% rc al, ", �5 I i8. being. elimiated. every we ineeb."In t it W oa., to rum- a an Scot If t puie b lyties or ere - me e tn atario 'a, prL t rs ag d.:.- Some he 'i, aie wa tish n un heek., council does 'Of G 0 'P. r III n, b 4�*Of It ayu,so, ted ie lionsi )i I-, evidently t, 0 r �7 r n an , '!' ' '' ' ' anitnige Of res tea a�ii d. r 4 Iconcqr il16:11inds tiat, �arll He hag r 0 a far as,,th4J'IaW nqd.' afai share I NW6 is eron.�; for. anonBoure ot, iml Y. 99 to the i It Xilt, it, "to 86 Y. �'i i i imay account 1166 k.: a' Aow,of, tTie oltno�o,. It vie" im, . ­ . . * . "L -.1 1'1 . One ath, Of- PIrs. Cis, hst lot jillide it s busi' Je 11 tej 0 athf,rittie Mirk, wi, Ouse in t ie� distance, the specialty low Ot J to tlib�6ai-gp:;of. big,- tri b,., no of goo S, a late, tl,w'ca Cfark, and' sister 7;-,',. to t bon� sh�e �wit I t 0 atte L��ifi oil tabout iliglit- a ring ns,quarry ',diod* at b rethe 'but 4id u 0 �atch, or ee late Mr; NIAcol he' 1[136t� 0 t I i '. �, L 'L . . . 1 .11 . I I . it sen -M A. "Uner broug 1 11 thi.s Age Wily eayote, twol le I t itd ,the hei iomi'e in e01 I ,on T hsr eds I. lee al�llg: u'P near j 1 1 rip t art,: i tldck� that starte over 0 '.o of . L,j 66, the C d a0 s4'! feet Ili eas d,, i Wi ely d kilo �.ftl ftll(i jog -hope they hist ftatdrl 11 *an one f d t t alli All a-ded .01 0 h bu re a­AVO6 ed pit dist, qettlors of, t ib sectioli g n ighly aW lug gwithdi. Wth the ro6k., bilt ela Ola Qhief, less a f6ful 0 e tI': street... &pp y to f6t 16- t C- 0 ji�to We hot ab6,Ve thd;. C06VL I pi I C 0,� 8; tl Y ie,ha t h h6lO'0':'t1I10, - 6130C.P Ing into,' 'wa r b alo;��. d g C ��greds Ot Jjgt� st6ok d'b t 61 ,q 00 d,.,byo.. PLO�S -no he fthf dO&t1l Site. Wa, fL oil g P aCQ a 11 LE bet"heId tit do r, prospeebi4peofit. I I io Ga� afilmil Y af 9 ild With part er t)oi I lig., t9 to .18th 'A ot. two sons, and ti -t la it , 11 ��d rdAeT s FOA t T iss I v ESA' Aug. - ot 'of t0L I idu t oil L D�, ChIrk of 'pilott NJ to U6L;jJjm ut they did not U13S AN 1f "hjgJT, Id tili)aL' gg nd rosc I'b oftald of 'Casselton S., D. Cal it 0 �pon 0!mg rllayox fy i'p beitPt witl9f, W toil lt� W69; 910, A, 0 LO -0 HE but, ii �o tl�, e,.4, t 10L Wild ovor A Dro%:?"�_..""�"..�_�_' oss. cell, lot Or. Ing- fo, 14't 13. a' fc 'Vic le. (lot othof Poo litro. L Till wbelt od o last