The Wingham Times, 1908-07-23, Page 4KERNELS HWM THE SANCTUM MILL
Drowsy and Dull.
Do You Feel That Way ?
All the vital activities of the body
are qutokened into new vigor by Ferr-
ozone, whioh contains alt the oonettt-
uents necessary to make nerve strength.
Ito first notion is upon digestion.
It stimulates the secretion of gastric
juice, eneures perfect" digestion and
prepares ibe food so as to be easily
Thea everything you eat is oonverted
into nourishment that enriches the
blood and lends now strength to the
By Ferrozone the mind is rs'teved
of those brooding tendencies. of morbid
unnatural fears, of unwillingness to
concentrate attention on things that
should be done.
Won't you try Ferrozene?
Won't you give it a chance to win
you back to health; it will do it. just
as it did. for Mr'. Creighton Zinok
of Palm St , Lunenburg, N• S., who
says: "I want to give my experience
with Ferrozone because I believe it
will be of assistance to thousands of
women who need it badly. I was very
thin, run down in flesh and lacked
color. My nerves were in a dreadful
state. It anything fell I would jump
and start. At night I would suddenly
wake up, heart
tating and all
wentt right to
keyed poise and bal-
ance, It
restored my p
gave me self-control, oared my
nervousness. Ferrczona increased
my appetite and my weight came hp
so fast that I simply didn't need to
use tt any longer. Eight boxes Cured
Why Won't yon use Ferrozone also,
it certainly will do you good in many
ways—sold. by all druggists in 25 cent
Deer and rabbit, have been driven out 1 Plants with white blosstms have a
ot New Brunswick forests by the recent
In Portugal married women retain
their maiden names and are known by
Green Sickness.
is a disease of girlhood not unlike
anaemia. Wearinees, shortness of
breath. poor appetite, indigea_
irritable heart are the symptoms. There an American family is considered by
ie no treatment so well suited to this the better class of French people as
ailment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
which restores the healthful glow to the spoiled for their service.
complexion, vigor and elasticity to the James MoMananey, a sailor, of Mont -
body and regular and healthy action to res}, had a desperate struggle with an
the vital organs. intoxicated woman whom he was trying
3• to save from drowning and had to strike
New York paid last year $21,000,000 her in the face to effect his purpose.
in intermit and will pay this year $24,- The Grand Trunk Railway are, nc-
(100,000. cording to the reports of their auditor?,
The oldest yew tree not only in going back every day in their earnings.
Scotland but in Europe grows at The figures for the week ending July 7
j'ortingall in Perthshire. shows the receipts to be $132,386 be -
Math Shaver, of Galt, fell 25 feet hind that of last year for the same week.
from a scaffold at Kirkwall and frac- The
figures are $861,2s follows. -1908,
tared his leg.
.Ek- S'T.' O R Y .49e. + The following figures are taken from
o� roll of Goderioh Town-
ship for 1908: Value of land, $1,401,670;
,, value of buildings, $324,700; business
Every year there are said to be 500 assessment, $1,E50; total assessment,
,deaths from hunger and destitution in 21,727,ie0. Total 42,number woodland, 2,746;
S,onden. 5 547.
slash, 1,431; waste and swamp, ,
Bad milk and the intense heat are population 2,000.
blamed for the death of 120 babies in on `. R -
Montreal last week.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The average man tries to console him- Bears the
self with the belief that he is not half as Signature
big a fool as he used to be. of
The vo
larger proportion of fragrant species
than any others; next comes red, then
yellow and blue.
The death of Rachel Webster, repot
of the late Samuel Alton, occurred in
W. Wawanoeh on Wednesday, July
15th. inst. Mrs. Alton was in her
7lst year.
A French servant who has been
employed for any length of time in
Oa Thursday, July 9th, Mr. Alex.
Watt, of the Mill road, died in his 89th
year. Deoeased was one of the early
settles of Haron, residing near Harlots
for many years, atterwArds moviug •to
the base line, a abort distance from
Clinton. l ie moved to Tuokersmith
t<bont ten yeare ago where ho has since
resided. He was a staunch Liberal, and
member ot the Presbyterian uhuroh, a
man held in highest esteem. A. wife
and adopted son survive him.
A woman who bought eleven cents'
worth of cheese from Frank Weber, a
grocer at Broomfield, N. J. recently, ro-
turnei in a abort time and askedhim
if he had lost a diamond ring•
plied that he had not. Then too wo•
man produced a diamond ring set with
three glistening stones, whioh she told
Weber she had found in the cheese he
sold her, The ring is worth $1,000, and
the woman is naturally very happy and
said the ring would enable her to take a
much needed vacation.
'Bea nthe �The Kind You Have Always B the assessment
rules. Seo testimonials in the press and ask
ygg000nnbryyneighborsaboutit. You can use it and
Mealerso 3eDMAN8cl"Bn ES&Co Torun e ll
An important discovery of iron within
a short distance of Montreal is reported.
There were 2,667 spoiled ballots in
Toronto in the last Provincial election,
Germany's great new battleships of
he Dreadnought type, cannot safely
Mass from the North Sea to the Baltic.
The value of $25,000,000 placed on the
annual output of honey puts this farm
crop only slightly behind raw can sugar.
Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete
Wreek Results.
President Hill, of Lebanon Univer-
sity, Cincinnati, deolared, that owing to
,the prinoiples laid down by Alfred Hol-
brook, founder of the university 55
;years ago, fully 10,000 matches had
been made. "Five women will human-
ize at least one hundred men," said
Prof. Hill. "We find that in no other
way can rough and immodest deport-
ment be excluded, than by the mutual
influences of the sexes."
tars' list for the township of
me Chase a Oint
mentisacertain GoderiCh was posted On Friday last.
curoforeaohand and guaranteed Part one contains 621 voters, part two
every formof 132 and part three 31. There are 445
and protruding jurors.
Bears the , The Kind Vol Have Always Bought
There are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take time to eat
properly. They ruah through lite, and
as a result we have au age of indiges
tion, nervousness, irritability, sleepless
nights, and morose disposition. Oar
national danger is stomach weakness,
due to the strenuous life.
Mi-o•na tablets, strengtheu the walls
of the stomach and stimulate secretion
of the digestive jnicee. They make the
stomaoh comfortable and oure indiges-
Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow
akin and coated tongue area few of the
many distressing results ot indigestion
that Mi-o-na never fails to cure.
Walton McKibben sells MI-o•na in
50 Dent boxes, and guarantees to refund
the money if it does not give complete
Wm. Fairservioe, one of the oldest
men in Bruce county, died on Wednes-
day, July 15th at the age of 88 years.
Mr. Fairservioe was born in Sootland,
but came to Canada while still quite
young. His trade was that of an axe -
maker, and he worked at it in Galt, for
many years. Then he moved to Green-
ock, onto the farm now owned by Wm.
Caswell, and for some years continued
to make axes, in addition to farming.
Later on he moved to Dianitoba and
settled at Stratholair. Subsequently
he moved back to Pinkerton, and about
ten years ago he moved to Walkerton.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Rave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Metals get tired as well' as living
things, a soientist declares. Telegraph
wires are better conductors on Monday
than on Saturday owing to the Sunday
rest, and a rest for three weeks adds 10
per cent. to the conductivity of a wire.
One of the early settlers of Usborne
died on Wednesday, July 15th, in the
person of Mr. John Cornish, aged 90
years and 4 months. He was the father
of Mrs. D. Glidden, of the llth Con.,
and had made his home there for the
last three years, He has not been in
good health for sometime, suffering
both from dropsy and diabetes. He
was a man held in high esteem, and a
believer in the teaobings of the Latter
Day Saints.
Laza-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionaness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
A Chloe go woman attorney has just
received a fee of $30,000. She is Miss
Mary E. Miller, who succesefnlly prose-
cuted a suit on behalf of the grandchildren
of the late William Bross for the distri-
bution of the $3,000,000 estate left by the
'Wire hairpins were first manufactur-
ed in England in 1545. Before that
time the hair was held in place by fine
wooden skewers.
The International Harvesting Com-
pany of Hamilton received an order for
seventy-five carloads of machinery for
the west.
The statement is made by General
Manager Morse that the Grand Trunk
Pacific will be able to move part of this
years crop,
Doan's Kidney Pills not on the kid-
teys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, intimation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
:diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder:
Canada Excels Britain.
It is noteworthy that the Managers
of the Franco -British Exhibition in
London, England, advertise it as the
greatest Exhibition ever held in Great
Britain. It covers one hundred and
forty acres and possesses forty acres of
buildings. The Canadian National Ex-
hibition at Toronto can exoeed these
statistics in every way, possessing two
hundred aores of ground, fifty acres of
buildings and $1,500,000.00 worth of
fire proof etruoturee It is safe to say
also that in the matter of attendance
Toronto can beat great London, for
retruns show that the average attend-
ance per day at the Franco British Ex-
hibition only reaches thirty odd thous-
and, while the attendance at Toronto
Exhibition averages to the eleven days
during its exist:noe fifty-five thousand
per day.
ON --
Saturday, AULISt S 4,
That is what Hyomei will do in all
Forms of Catarrh and Troubles
of the Breathing Organs
Monday, July 13th, was a great day
for the hotels in Goderioh in more ways
than one. In the first place, there were
the hungering multitudes of Orange
visitors to feed but, besides this, in two
cases there were additions to •the .pro-
prietors' families, mine host, of the
British, and mine host, of the Colborne
House, each being presented with a
daughter. It is 15 years since each an
event happened in the home of Mr.
Four letters, written by his relatives
in Norway 29 years ago last March and
addressed to him at Minnatitlan, Mex-
ico, were received by Capt. Peter E.
Marcuseen, of the Norwegian steamer
Eir, laying in dock at San Francisco.
One was written by a little sister who
has bean dead twenty years.
How's THIS?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for be cured by anycannotcase of Catarrh that
Hall's Catarrh Cnre. F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. i living upon this green earth are gram -
Minerva Encampment, No. 47, I, O. O. F., Wingham, have,
completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk
Railway System to run a big Excursion to
It's not the question of Hyomei hav-
ing cured some one else but will it
reach your own particular case. It its
cold in the lead, Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, Croup or any affection of
the breathing organs Walton McKibben
says yes, and will refund the money it
it fails. No other preparation for the
same purposes can successfully do this,
because the Hyomei system of treatment
is different from anything else.
Yon simply breathe and inhale its
medication in dry air form whichs.
treys the germ lite that causes oppressed
breathing, Nasal Catarrh, Throat irrita-
tion and Lung Troubles. It brings to
these suffering organs the balsam laden
air they would get in the Pine and Euca-
lyptus for its. The air that stamps out
The prince of entertainers Marshal P.
Wilder says; Hyomei is easy to use, and
swift to cure. It insures against coughs
and colds. It kits the germ of
disease. pureives you. It helps the
Hyomei complete outfit, $1 00.
The value of all kinds of fish landed
in England and Wales in one year is
over $35,000,000, and the number of
men and boys employed over 40,000.
M. Rodin, the celebrated French
sculptor, has been $eked to paint some
feescoee for the now art gallery at the
Luxembourg palace. ,
Iaf you want a sure cure foeor!CtAiSi °RLI nTI" REAR,
hero it is - • ' . - t -
Tho mucousmembrane being in an
inflamed condition, causes running at
the i3O 0; but when this membrane is
hrat a the discharge ceases,
Every effort should bo made to ono('xtarrh, for it leads to Catarrh of the
Throat.: Stomach or Bladder, Consunip-
tion °unci Bright's Disease.
Oxygenator" is put up in large sixo
'bottles. Price, $1.". e1.u4, and flee.
„Oxygenator" is sold by all Wholesale
and retail druggists.
The Oxygenator Company
Toronto, Canada.
From the following places, on Saturday, August 8th, 1908,
returning Monday, Aug. loth, at the following low fares :
Deaths from Scarlet Fever are
Now that smallpox, thanks to compul-
sory vaooination, has became a rarity in
oivilized communities, scarlet fever
steps forward as the worst of the erup-
tive diseases of childhood.
It is a malady of enormous antiquity.
Thneydides, writing nearly five hundred
years before the beginning of our era,
palled it a heritage from the remote
past. It has scourged the white races
in all ages and all countries, and the
physicians of all schools have leveled
their heaviest artillery upon it, says Dr.
Leonard K. Hirshberg in the August
DELINEAxOR. Yet it remains a puzzle
unsolved and an enemy unconquered,
even to -day. We are in doubt as to its
oanse, and there is no drug or antitoxin
that will cure it.
e But despite ail this the death -rate
from scarlet fever is steadily declining,
and we may expect it to decline more
and more as the years go by. The reas-
on for this, I take it, lies iu the fact that
the modern doctor is a great deal more
sparing with pills and powders than his
predecessor, and a great deal more
lavish with water, air and antiseptics.
In the old days it was customary to dose
scarlet -fever patients with all sorts of
violent remedies, in staggering quanti-
ties, and, as a result, many of them
died. Today medicines are but minor
auxiliaries in the sick room, and both
doctor and nurse devote their main
energies to preventing a spread of the
To Purify the Blood.
The blood can only be kept clear of
poisonous impurities by the healthful
action of the liver and kidneys, whose
duty it is to filter the blood. Because
Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills act
directly and specifically on the liver and
kidneys and restore them to healthful
vigorous action, they are the greatest of
blood purifiers.
Zinc °cline are largely used in Vi-
enna, but the more expensive ones are
made of copper, and cost as ranch as
$2,500, while a bronze and copper cof-
fin recently made for a Russian arch-
duke cost over $5,000.
The most unfortunate class of people
5.40 A.M. $2.30 � I B lgrave. 6.54 A.M. $1.65
J 5s 2.20 I 7,08 1.60
r Lcindesboro 7.16 1.60
6.10 U5 (Tinton 7.50 1.60
6.23 2.00 I Brucefield8.12 1.35
6.40 1.90 1 Kippen 8.23 1.35•
J 'Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- filers. They rob home of its
The most remarkable burglar-proof
safe in the world has just been placed
in a bank at Newburg Island. At night
the safe is lowered by cables into an
impregnable mettalic-lined sub. vault of
masonry and concrete. After reaching
the bottom it is fastened down by mas-
sive steel lugs, operated by a triple time
lock. Until these lugs are released
automatically at a decided time no
human agency can raise the safe, and to
break in through a mass of concrete
and stone, which measures 10 feet by 10
feet by 16 feet, with dynamite would
wr eck the building without making the
safe available.
lieve him perfectly honorable in all society of its dues, and themselves of
business transactions, and financially the best things of life. From the days
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm ,
Welding Kinnan & the children of Israel grumbled and
Marvin wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. were sent on their tedious wanderings
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- , "for forty years in the wilderness" up
sally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- to the present hour, the world has been
menials sent free. Price, 75o per bottle. full of grumblers. It is "too liot" or
Sold at all Druggists. "too cold," "too wet" or "too sty."
People in reasonable circumstances have
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipm
5 and under 12 years - HALF FARE
Returning, Special Train will leave Sarnia on -Monday, Aug. 10, at 10 p,m.
Arrangements have also been made with the White Star
L ir.e to convey passengers from Sarnia to
viThe death occurred in McKillop town-
ship on Friday, July 10th, of Wm. Mac-
Gregor, aged 24 years. Deceased was
quite popular among a wide circle of
friends. Last winter he had an un -
tinnily hard attack of measles, and,
when almost well, contracted a very
severe cold, Complications followed,
and, in spite of all care, the disease
could not be stayed,
sions n4 the poor -house., while the rich
grumble that they can't get rich faster.
per magnificent Steamer "Tashmoo," on Saturday leaving
Sarnia at 4.50 p.m., at the low return fare of 75 cents.
Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat up to and
including 2.30 p. m. on Monday, August to. This will afford
an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to.
spend Sunday in Detroit.
Everyone Gome and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing:
As a spring raedicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The death of Mrs. Harris, wife of Mr.
G. M, Harris, of the postal service, ore
curred at the family residence, Princess
street, Kincardine, on Saturday, July
llth. Deceased has been a severe but
patient and uncomplaining sufferer for
the past nine months. While her death
Was not unexpected yet the news came
with a shock to her many friends. Mrs.
Harris was a woman of bright, amiable
disposition which made her many friends.
Her maiden name wits Annie D. Robert-
son. She was born in Wick, Scotland,
and came to Kincardine with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson, when
nine years of age and has lived there for
the past fOrty years.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25
George S. Nixon, senator from No.
Vadal lies Mich of 45,000 ewes in
Nyomitig tinder Ina And a farm of
8,000 mores in Nevada.
'Vermont gets the credit of being
the granite state, but Pennsylvania
leads in the production of stone, with
nearly 14 per cent of the total to her
At Gaylord, Mich , the other day,
they cut down an elm that was eight
feet through at the base. It scaled
more than 10,000 feet, Another one,
althisegh rotten at the base, was cnt
off eighteen feet from the ground and
contained 5,000 feet, A third tree in
that section is 27 feet in dreamier -
ewe. The vandals have stared it so
Under the act passed. in the Ontario ,
Legislature lest Session the townships
of Benoit, EGIVIllelilt and the half of
Hyslop, axe now open for settlement.
Settlers may take tip 100 mores, by the
payment of fifty cents per acre In cash,
Before the fall deed is granted the
purchaser must have lived on the land
three years, cleared ten per cent. of it,
And erected A h011ler
Has been in use for over 30 rave and is
considered by ell who ha,ve used it to be
the best medicine for ese es- are -
It will thorougbly renoVute the entire
system, end make the blood pure, rich
and redeecuring Boils, Pimplee, Eczema,
ItingWorm, and all blood and. elein diseases.
Pola Diarrhoea,
Summer Complaints
The Ohieago fire marred (Mohler 8
and 0, 1871, Abont 125,000 people were
rendered homeless and over 20,000
buildings were destroyed. The loss was
eetirdated at $200,000,000, dud the area
Of the burned distriet was about 1,800
It has heen used in tiumsands of homes •
tiuring the past sixty-Cwo years and hits •
aiways given satisfaction. •
Every home should have a bottle so as •
to be ready in case of emergency. •
Price 35 cents at all druggists and
dealers. Do not let some unprincipalled
druggist humbug you into taking 00- *,
called Strawberry Compound, The -or- :
Mrs. G. Bode, Lethbridge, Alta.,
writes "We have used Da. Pommes
found it a great remedy for Du' mimes,
Summer Complaint and Cramps. We 2
lotwould.,:mt like to be without it ill tho
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse•trap than hie neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a benten
path to his door.—Emenon.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were -mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buYer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing's done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.