Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-03-26, Page 8, 7._ 4' A'Uclrxb.N 'SALES qqQ 0 P 40 0q o !0 q 00,0 0 4! 010. 0.4�"P 0 q.,P q! 0 q "P ; � 1 04P_Oqlp er is mloaiie; of the Pperq, 41 Bet w. oen fg.rt.y and fifoy. Pf 4e 0' Qeo. S _u aq ear r apple, ph ito _o t 2, eon 'a trees were Bhi Ped' A AAA( 04 260, fE P pe le 0 h* ieiii.k� enXY04 Qp 0 t�� i v. R BER P- rrr, pleassirtt. looal ..a WI jt� :0'o D:., 407 _to .1�4t now, -of,-W..E. �G don,' Tb �early, I)qrt -.of 0.091), 0a , o�., ';Vu.e4'd y 'M .0 a %.rqh,��t t" � by, *khfielc I I ­ ..- . 1 , Qre4e argt04 Inct­* iifefii 0 g�w 45", � to,,a, ;1149� b 1p.t-Tt. cq4 T Iiip�loaq- even pent'irt, lot on A! ic a ry_tn�q 00 44ti4 111* R_Qrh. g�rdoP -hereA P a of 891) pqqjio� gr;km m gs,, sp and in-- iqh widmow 46, sold atia, r T 19,04ne t, .1 W I � P.r 8" stoo-k zt.�e MCF, _ -w -is ent, k 611 t4k, 1 Q's; 4 OSY Ap,#� jw� w:. xn.�pvajry rpapppo; 'gir.q W. 4.6 d' er Q, at, pipg_pQ apg,,,e ar IkAqw Or" first th Mr, wantia C OWot, ,.red .w4g tbed epi to 0 a b U 131 Ord 6s $ AB, or :to, Y i�q.ting� Xr., ;%ad the 2 an C4 c e I t aAin, am aning .,up ahon� S,ift. a,:nIe,6 qeAn,:,pUre C.PU le I Q pia Iount �tT r ', W,,. R". M' a_g 'ailler "at w k, 'd boa 'j g,..�the, ee. in: t 'e n1e, qk'a, V Sfo'nday ve ni. pk 8, e4g is 0 a M r. Thoq.� Toda,' ME *holhoson W, serio A1414 WE LCD ils'es 0'e 'btc.. t 'h t,Q­ hdre�, 't4 fe7c, oois t 001. -wit§ for tirjd�ing 11ars" 0 are. Qod6ricki d t hQPP4 I a* neve 'the h 'how inue Uloje nopeAsary altb 0- lic N, mwever n avaq. or, pe 10 S,, roqeh more nece b '4Y .1 It s ry. 0 and ree9verl, stefest �iri fo�,t a.. YL, U the hoi..e h sa t6deall I . . 7 0 oW int i k *he baR. boy P.M Yr, Th mpson k bicli g9el DA�ft_e,ion -an arsalArt A Ia . .: opi ly e eitai . liad: th shave 'Ound 90.9 - V & - farpi hav, q nly �y r. 011n IS' 0116 0. as hiir son of - siolt4om this.. w in 0 veii -the S pIja aQP mitni n,*fir� Sunday, of, t �cb, U*' 4idj:� eyk Ralph has judt keoover�d from a severe 0 best- syste atorg'kno p er Bjble� Claim, and.' choir. Practloq..'Wed oDead evefi� 00.,P.in. . . . 0 )ingwQ1.1 t 0, BI �t tp 0, 1 I'S. T_ I is,Q ry upon whom,, fo CH, WKS & d. Jamieson iet y It a CO. eq�! a, f�w days wi�4 frioph' ;JOHN 00b.. ..Drs., Quinn an' ientlyper— along the.sh re laa� o a week'.,. Sortued, a very aaefoessfol operation is To rent,� 150 acre� of land: oni� inilb east of , 00.4poop 0�0* 0 040 6 01*6 0 0 0 0 go.* oe ""'o 0 0 _4�!* 0 0 0 0 6'4�0 wp 10'ss . oil fenced artesian Well' and, CTiekq ing, rapid '4 !000090"00" -0 , , - -_ -11 116jyiqod, lot 7, eon.,, 71tj of Kiii� We are sorry. to. state that Mrs.' mprot". y. Qlliilly is serioit I W I Ass t its - LE 86 MRS, MORA mito oi left for -.-C d- ran ry 'M ee Ana, calu et, !ch. to her -home fter ap4endin a week at BON 1�. .9 T. onvent in.Loriilon. o n u . e4day inorning.,., the 0 an 1p ey Ri I tt;p�esentcon- B ou:se-" 4 --lot', For W WH the PreibiteHatr a tire to.lais.bed -with attack of il-m lot for sale on Clyde street ast'Suhda;y.; Uvi.A. -fioulim, but W"o, hope -to %hear of.hi aw. e Ouse as -Grood house. d, Wap easing. .4, th, h).y re aired. a We-! OUCF, as y. -recovery, .boQupwIy.pAinted.A4 , q;rqjjghj.y repaired. iditi'dr. "There -is' A first: t* Abe ive)apq3 er,and.-hiq e regu, W ra, 9 in the villake of Lifeitno Th 'I, h PAut and.,c ar; C -Wq ae10Wi'n9 Mr. li uticin', McLeod 'w ai' b usy last class and, sevieral.fr6it trees. on the, style, a,W . I I . n h, wer place. fVitherparticula i.,P en e r, a ply.to patter, tivilY followed 'byj ne eon . 66k '�ing '�t timb I n w. Samp es ta ,o ..or or. is, barq. '1Ue'in'White*ear,§' CT GEQRGE GIRVIN,L*ubk discount.,,- grega.404 -h,� varie ys, o d, �4. tail td'ple�se'. Mr� Miardoch McGregor o;f' )�S�ari r, T. I , . , ' ' " 1�uron 'a t P n e;W days'with'iriends here. oys on an ape t, a, f fo .�Fptqr poPqlgr,-.pa :,�Farm_hr, Sale,_ Mr� ed Corn d tbiNet'hodiA- church o:n­eot1t6ro6a6.. W a es spen I t I of New s6uih lqsU' week 'lot 2, in Ijeing east, half: of, the� EAstera. i 'd atid. in ERY..'' f 'T 'g Mr Com Snd btr. 9y- 'a go6d state of cutivAU Sunday. ith t ej� Ahfield, on �6n;esiioiv8, coidtaili- h ir.�6ousius is. Jnd;; Fariiqh. -SPRIN �'MILLIN Rev 0 C'Xidne.waa in. Fork1w,le 100 a�r�s. ' Thelarm is )�4611 feac 1-u busin boa 6n Monda.y.,t. going 40.X oti xi d g o On a. rch rin. *.there ie a bArn blifig iiiideri ram -'wi k p son, intends. es a a otti't There is a i3mall ojchh�d-and w A. v4bry unf rtunate break6wil'ope-7 bouser 94'x 28. ery - o Five act7es' -of bush pla� of S�.riug:Nillin 11 ta I week IS acres hi.fall wheit. W h 15 ing. ured at�.tlfet saFmi w ic is e ato in grass and Plenty of$ a -and A_ bt'A6 lake shora, M0,,46hu" Griffin. '.Vater. nt to "ohnich and- icho'K. d. onvenie .3r essrs`.C4tIe'& son., on 'For. urther p r ularspiil�, to a a tic' per�ted by M -the inside of." his. house rday Apr#� I road -1 '9 had . 61 ��ime. j, " , 1. 1 1 . Uond'ayi: just before bsitig, E', Wies, to, Voc6rated. a W.%RIDDL s" .etitlaiid '.o%ten'ds ati invitatwii:Fo ad ..painted e. well t Y. p large.fly-wheel a( tbe'engiae broke 11 ; .. .1 1. . . .. . . .. -, yi�o .our -so er.' 6: si y-1 e s known Pat at' and ecoratoe, of Luqk-;' showrooih 7and,. e. t1i into a numb�r 0 p� p ew, in f iqcet­vihich 11 777—� now, Bertnett'the pdin er.- IN Lot 10 1 r a R. 'a' all directions. So, great was the strata dt6ra A -goo fortable,fratud on';e wit ili�t the"bed.'oft"he engiae was c oimi 'LA RI E U R a aw�y, ild cistern. 'As the o*nsr.,h-�.s w' .0 -torn e li%d an . .' - a. ti he propeirty pletely 11 escape a Miss Boa Lochals thost, in rac �! I - E ­ Ppyto up. 6�t - . . I ar will: be Qftered at :A b 91�1 A I i iilo 9 -thei C 11 of D..Ri McIXT6SH,.t0,iiqknOw, p 4, f M ape afaw., 0 Ike wheel -went t r6iigli the' c 7 end. oUtlid'inill at. the., very 'a e.where Pecca MeKerizie,� In Gkak �-ar for.-Saler . I , : '4 Xiss ,Majry, LpWart i ng., 7 i still have my 75 acre farm for.sn1e;',oigh,ty a v siti �e jigA. bpen adj.usiin Del )aOt a I in i r6 117'605 in Lorife. inUtelb.ef6ro. "The repair hich 'a' 'years,, �r.cerrt. excellent graiiigrowing s Hii� Lij..6 put the en i e, in running to..�ten­­ If Aot, ecess.s. P9 A Miss knin lRoya of,. LLu,bkno*,-. wSa'. -thy' ill-be-rRitedt q� ;w sold by Afaich't shape again 0-i require an. xpwi(htgre. 'th 'guest o itnie Me y f Miss. A r,6nnaii APO' to t e SOEfX,, qK_NZIE of sov�ralhuudreds d rs but� T f iloll tsMt -Ho firood WHATOT AY­ Y� aid' M D -it will soon er_�- ip, r_"I ":t rom- Mr .,.an wee �C�� House, and,Mud-for. Sa16- stion again. . . .... am ers. C� ;b e in tbp� 114g of tw now:. it' Ain— Ji o,. Le t Sunday rnr`ial� V Dldssrs. W at, -AL ggatt P north -oust of the station, a 'house� atid.1 �eunan speti. five lacr�s 4 land.- .. The h6tisd i�'fn .a "oplendid Ile: sin MTiimtK14te,Mc ohild4 z 7 tb r* co stati of rt��wlk paiiiied. iU reshifig ed, ------ ------- a e tcellar.' There is a first'cid9s, eek seFing as 116, 11 bh d Kr. A. ex.- Grant �(k Si.1 spent a g.90 ston a q e.and.on� acre ofgdod hearing.' oichard of along Stock To�i�. ople of wqeks.viiitin� friends fruit trees. lt:wiif'be bid �N 6rt ingtoi �spein A eiies'. an co 6 0.. breeder and' ee( er , of t Mi. Witt, P�i lip carti�'ge builder Loask,L �e a'take f the W. _o ijicii�j� inter, 11'. M d? H E E seeps At catt lill S ."RA a-1901- and 19 . . . 02" 48 den dalled-,-011. rien S- 0 ue no ��Oiit ])as �pu r6hased­the'Ifous6, no i3nated­ Mi.- Wor L w, grave hi tei. t -t s -we fi . gur�_-_,, �. ___' .' L to cattle larvd _bj�ui o Ic 0 Ia- h Fox abippe oi6i� at a aveie#`,Y6itr Rt8 T Sajff�_7_*-,' like it very imuch., es einA riyu wf Mr. Andrew a car-ot. nd p rr fiesb M,11 WitjjL'q Tonic,I umvv A U� Ms. We are grain an r, 'Miles, Me I ippe d X A'goo rhme house' tons nhditi6p : , , � , �:� i Dili' Tende , i, d wi h hieenuarl [ley it to qi�r. iw.2 w titer an .5 chr of stock las w d, good cellar,, it eig, 6f du eij f eek just tile a layinpt Vetter than east f the. ot It PU 'A, t d lt'.� The 'friends and ritan e's' of ieteived �y the Toitders will I)L Clerk U00 p�oyriLl tim.0 'ruit trees, 4 ME-& j;w— I i 71 -it-i- fo-Af; Hri I- I U; S'2 3 f 6 1 Jn e' premises. Also a 'good g6" tea6is of h6xsee,, well equipped, to work JES I ASK' Into§h h4ve boiici6d that th ie-briraj , fr:tme %table.. I or hirblier,15arficularst aPPjY h6jr6ad grader, undetL the management ot 11. , -th Py6miseA' r to'L n, e '0 Feb wea auk ul".6f,gd6d 'Itti4m6r' shd,: a 1. A �f rfenb P. f ag, D ald, qv�rator of; as these 'days- CA -use --s i6stie, 14rk,. R �kl�k TjEST_�Luckno W:S. MCC 7W I !�:_ J�, I roale apiece. VVIO a mat own, com. jilington's t5tbeK. d a it goo n it haa- Hotge for. j)Ietely and.1nue be o dit" dono,�Wy COWA ,�000.. r i 'gobd -.thi . . . . . . a nwn( i /und cdii recom houso for, sale' on ',&ickn6wi � Thorp ifj b6 good 03� 'Au. U and dilvingiboti�e on.-the'Pl. ce.- -. For e�w., ftirther �articalarls aoj)l� to j W. Aloise V in s wl tfore torrilfig Ile eFt F leming. Wing am., P rifty, your" anini i** L kno or to Alb W I'Th� WiP,:�tirijrig,6 -you, tbeth on'thegraBs. .,in thefall. 0 IN sabk i.10 I lb, b6i', 200ife 'd 0 T n o HE tie I R -C IVER.' di 1 h. t U.R R STOVE TRAD EMS -TO, iN--' e O'� .1 t Dene( o d ne st ek -of dots,, an _P. or s4� and gua ee r C T his jt� & 'tucknow... a rb, d6o es�', f' 1N, A H rr I:': A.GA Dic T A-T'�'T E -b -in'tao, of 7' -ft C es y Qu a oq� cheaijer tha 1 16, t" the'best m t r icon lop TT S, "Spop NTERESTE r 36oto wid''S loes. to,' orcler'on Short Illotice '0, caa 'wa`kle' 0 ivi fo r U 6ense Aor ti 0 J�ko USTO Ms E is,11 bi . I I P N�oTjb �e y Ivefi that. apOcatfan 0. 1 or01P v, drk r -pay sp I Licenise District to Ordere and e- year 0 h $�tic'e�ifr the attoxiti, i -8t day of 11)03-4, cotriulehe b. 'the fiL. .B r! n 9 "xt . d 1 - hfunder;igned rif) t o 4 VE RTIS ed P t, will be red i -AD' EST'' e 'is', Sin (Yiftcr Or st as 03 % in '110, hqw`�, 111, xnre',-to hittlisb ne, t", otat t do n, an�j d is p E ji, W , t ol:, :N N!s I Q I 'OLO t1ameg of two ge)b "t tl V ICE Any apti!P A E'X T I �A tinder "foi, p;etniiiiesl Jim 110r this wop(or 11 �Inusi ly ilied,6y a tertific'Ae, Nip64 .1 ful i Sim. A td !tf), in61 t asy o0. ell Oft 0 sAt kilve *hrefi, the, e J8'80jjght� aei far which, the li6hio third LORI Iwho,-tte at IT T L B 6titra Ile M S CD p H L tic,