Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-03-26, Page 4444 • 110 '"ikEielf.' nre, Offering Geiinine• Bargains: in Ladies • 4epairing. neatly, find. tomptly,dOne. ends __r US y e. • • • • OM 0 Whatever is needed::ffi. e kitchen= pots, kettles, Pans,.4 Ou'll find it here. We are always looking . fo a better 4uality, and that is why our- Store- cOntains only I the' best, !lc ft P,S•1 Mm .µ.mm is itchnoultlitinel iangeTIES. '• 14.cskiio* Starch 20tit, 1;903, and, the court, Jsuitifys • the newipapir: ac.pors, stfite,stmaii• and Others ;are engaged a great war', of imliiertise- shou fallt short iikdoing for our goods ,,what we' d'O successfully for ouraslyee: There's a:hint 'for some, men 'who, hre trying to aiiiatiiibess-ihthout the. bib.; Strathcona, 'Canadian 'repo'', 'points; ont that .banada ih new the United - Kingdom, ,the- 'United . States only 'exceeding her; The tiMe- 'pease western' prattles Wip not, stand AeOPPilltp.'Any.deuntry-in...,tlie.:world in.. liver' production of wheat:, — Meet: Diernbersi: all,',present; ..Reeve :the, chair.' Minutes, of hist meeting tead* and., approved: Tr6asurer'S, i.litement showed balance . Of grader and the Clerk wos No, .3 'vas read'a third' time and Passed appointing' Fence Vieilfers, that's What we. ate -with. our h a're' the aPpriininiente; The of Cooking utensils: Do • - • Tin, Iron, Coppet, or Granite. You .have yohr you want to -Cheap goods are aborn, ihation. -- What yOu somethiag durable. That's the kind Nce have.' 'The:highest, cash price' will be paid .for ; all kinds, of logs,. Oedar, Solt Elm, Rock Elm' and .13eech 'at -.Jibe Mr. James Lyons in*retir. ill'e,',fronr the ,bushiess wishes to expret:s his sincere thari;kg to.'all the old patrons of the .mill foriheir liberal patronaye. in the past, and he 13logeA that , 'they will continue to extend. the same gerierons, support to 11,, TREILEAVE GoOd Farm for Sa16, liumphrey, Thos MeCanii,'A• Ander-,- son, W •T Jackman,: Thos Alexinder. 1�� 'A deneral Infiurance Business.' FIRE, LIFE„, Agoiptqw, tors; ete.p,C4e4944.011. Ont. so. Conveyancer, eto., (late of Canlei'on 'Jolt 4.•Catneron, Goderich.) (Wee upstairs ••• :Corninissiondr, Notary, Etc,... Monet- : MEDICAL P 0, Physician, Surgeon and M, SPENCE M.D. 0 M' Residence • --House of late 'Dr:: Teiirrant, „and' office over Ellintt's Grocery, :Main Street SOCIETIES • every,`Ihureday night on or • 'before the•full rnooii,,in the •• • every Friday evening No, 112, meets at .8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell strei3t. -All brethreb\cordially • u • Noble Grand. Recorder. VeKNOW COUNT, Order 'of.. Chosen Friends,' meets firs aria third Thesda3 m• onth, in the Odd-. bell street, Luek- no w. 'Visitors are Monday of every month in the Orange Hall. ,depef,d'ent Order Of Foresters ..mepta in the Oddfelloveg-Hall, on the i t,r,ariti and fourth Tues. , 7.80 o'clock. • Visiting ',brethren are cordially invited: ` :LA of the Ancient , Y,A Workmen; beets. in • or.each Month • Visiting brethren , cordially invited. ' Master. Lawrence, ,. ,1N.,,eNy OwOrolnqia:Pg'itiezt.,, _ , 'Nye can §upply you, witli the very .best• quality of, GROCERS titai E.4 k .1H1.1 44 • • I have jUSt received a hill of the latest and.,...t: *.niOst up-to-date Optical *goods; cOnsisting of 10 -and -14k , fiueirframei which I will sell at -prices lower than ever '4"., 4,1 sold thege parts before tor the next thirty d,a,Ys, - Our 1: .- * • guarantee thtn'fit 'anat. as We Only keep he finest. lenses + optical line should* give me'a call. have .engaged the' 4. +.services of one of the most expert ochti-t optic -tans ii- -41--Canada_to visit my plice at regulau intervals: dates' .1. ▪ whiCh will be,given later. • 414444:44+44+.44+4+++44444444.1.14644444.14414.1.4 1.4444++ 4.4. . the, second Tuesday evening or eti-efi', am& every, ,m,O.n4t.th..,cD,o. ea :sir_ ,n: a h t ',on, t,be:Netc.i.)mn dsi.et,Ictlirimeeittsti,daryy. 17,:41\11.1.41-e:r' 78.,c,:14,• :f'C'414MaPiiiecIlial:/;.-rjr7W1',..:6:,:?:117":"' ','" ''-' -:Is'i:1713'aiii.aali'l;) e .:, Ferrier,' L W:aqiPfll‘all'i .13: NaYlgri to Vil?, . /. ' gc: i.I.V1.,.tit...„.*:. 1,0.6.,:.420."4:8:R:„.„"ittl.1, ine_t on :April' smith shop, • painting -also attend - Commenoes APRIL 1ST CENTRAL -4 1. 14 .4ver 4600 'acres oi choke lands' r NT; with t•i• he sold •(.:110:1, *mit orf,perty rico,tiii,,) loss orflaril tir,ti in .tlie jai). Az'o hot, alike , t',4q.arh. A 'w.ftt)Qr411,1,0to with i‘trio totle, 1.),„,,,11), Moittoriglis, t4PARI;g, •• 'Honor gradhate in- iikintintey, Toronto Dental `College, and Doctor of Dental ' 'visit Ripley every rrhutsday Vocal and. instrument a est .MaAtifactilrea ac xtension Tables, Sideboods, Bedroom Suits :Parlor guits, Failev Chairs, Couches. indo Shades and. wienee • Furniture Dealers and 'ifridettakers, • •