Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-15, Page 6r"T V q 0*60 -77mr- 110, W Tom 16 Tto , LT�, 0� Fill 3W, 11 ot AILAI be AeCT*50144�0- I T3, shil, at 46A lWorld Ta 4-4-k Pqm , ­ , I AW I., (A 00ttAK ; I v Lt a. t- atilil , 0 -be, -to rill,'"W4 hor fj ll 'Coulla 4ilill prilit:0, ox lit :Ilitt" ftolli0bollu .1lell-MbARA)IRt they.%", 6W,14 &il Onk-fokkilith ilthco t1i cauGiRto 'M E TUAW rp I I t`Ull C kxil )6 the, all INQ: JA, I tier 43,lo Y4 - - uL -p k th,0 Pit 'With 0% Ak!li V saw. itlil Wit 0 a thrill tool 4) i,W� :go ,its a ear. Ow #01l M pla 1 upt met. Jill it jl;w S AY Yin 41111", 440, k great QMr , "ll COURSE A's Wou, is i L i 07 V 1 Y e - - 0 0 1 Av R. r Ill 134 IT11i �. A hl yi �411941- e A -YO, 't pug -twillilou. Me, 4741 &]fjo 1. : '$rCott!S �'F al # onLipdr, mor -0 C- Quqv� W14t, ill SWIPt. log 'COP, W. differebt If Wilson" "St E :-64xx giNe,101h," L114ve btl Iati, ju* re Own ydill"Would Wig 4li lid. -vil a pt* i � havo.. WO11.001'et M..%wi t IL OIL "WIlen. 'll Caw t x b .1,411 L 11- .1 oft- S. WANT I -Yl 8 Canalil " tt). q,4 x 6 d' , Wtt0r;,'-,' . '.0 ItIlumph, -nor, A4 xuwrvi It Ije - li% - .: . " olik hal".. il . ;V�, L 4 VW, WN �-bQa�z W Wob 4 Wli 1AV'W. 1* k qw,61! Wh R "k ll� Em AW� Irorm asUi Iii -T1. .". I ­0.� . 1. , . � or Win '44ve 444 Of,, r4,,v Kto lillt: nO. MAKOKOWall", n t YV 01; U., I ... I . , -! .: , r 411 ins,gIll I - . . I I - AUEN, all ovex- -4, left' it, r Ts:llld� lif. OW' It: ,.-ydll so hed to 0111. 'j' ­ I ED pined, i'gttito YN A.., d' td t fa NT M gku,k Moml v6q, ]v Ml WA -:., nt iso 11thi,69411" wi to4v I lr�jabe ii pil or t 4W ago Ali, ig, Y g 'wit, Y014 Lit Ptl�, N _g_6 ". I . i� . I , .. -1 1 11 101 .be if- a, *zell 4iil 41 41111 AQ'ili 'Plia ­§ak lookiiiii - ta -.Pjyk� '-wit W N1 A"N Alk K mind --mill it 'al 4ddrjiwed,`�.til YQU t4: t4 bilni - f6ii b r0colnill, J` 3truent.'at '6 dr�L " ffe ence..'"Won-T yQui weir put. him k*.,- ril Wbri At, -wasi unus, J': laward-,resel. fat,.Youl M r;'g; Ulan otiblti 764pt- A'u",�O kildress, Valli Q v gd! 1�& ry s wi 0, fat "S.00tt'$i, t Vle, I- "'oMA :4 ,.- . �1. her e. 1jest' for, t 11 a., Waiii. PL 11 , , . , 7 i,� "Orili i4i t kl�' ov be. with a, WA N, - N., think, as Y, ho. V�li�till ba are -to, Tell you know u -cing, 4 S41d q sA even iiiii not ii lie, and g, itth4t� the, Irl audL .$tre,!ftgth7 given. t rfftaud a Qc Veo$ed surpir Pe, perWeek. elp - , 6.5, to nt the, .1 A tf- . d tilill cLut tit' a r in . p, h tho-uglii I t yolli oupi yo.r T t Uiii Aug. Y,, ffiili fathli I ' 131).A. i, , . 1, j IAt(er d' bod and hee engal;emen 9 Came Win.t to.' i reklili'a to town soon' gone S d4y tih�o, . ; �d Pliglit to '1144'El U ii jWr 0 - lh with folded. ..w! t h It had b.' I -th C luglo t he. �1.s ey-hic] In I hw3pv tol x IQ ait tter -aft6r afor 90 nit toll rid of her. !wc q.= f- Pi ule to not, �r%T;i-­E idsion increasq, �0. U Edon, ag the d, . n ullile, 01161 dilt:-buterjot Offer, eii -z n. e Chi jar 4i4liii .1ka irmw%sl Nylll pay'a for " ; ­ . . I I , a ge,rolle' tj oin., nueli for,itria 11W ne, .. wQuld:.,;, A 40, 0 .0 eto'. -a --lih dr)' p 'Toronto. e Ou very ix have Rept-, Kiii uta. him nave. ipir 11i Well 6 letted -un- letillig iililil, tOld e 'a n, ejplaaat�L n, lia at jol alid, ed t i4or rout est -a to thinking, At overl oLug. Gilt Of the, question. r . a for 'give as ti, n -C liscentu. Pt il .017 1- close e. d, a�K 1J." d t h'i d it 'yea. ol aid--fbe �j)�riod of 'theim WO ilidals Ariote� -n&ni lie' Was fo +dii pleid P el, for; vi�riizik children., t, Mo. W she'. said to, unit you, 180 Coll. '-thought 0 lily pr�4�painpti -qr. I� Wonder why Ji S.Cott'Sl'. our r, itj IIg-. b bitterly. 1, need, flesh a d;rIVe 01, near y an Who',, proposing mitartia , 96" to 011y youl -1 wh t 6ilitali, I011 that gqte a -cigar M- dl c IZ -and:com-' she mu6h .'now ? Once'upion. Ide ER the, -'color in.' ch BAI rea. ti coatrof-Aklusl' time, ion a1h -i ;.Q , . ., -1 , . 'hugh grow— 4 4- wiff 6tL deqe�r. horl v Ii A, UP— ic c ee Ei tle, rat g-tirblie r�mo­-Motre-t , --La . - - he­car6d�-fbt a -fo(4 fod With tLIA A run l. , 1.11. s !a UU Garanteed Ni his soually" . . t e;girly whin sh our, m4il-if11tr t nall t o went: augliniti to wa's to'111 jilill, it jS:.bqt' h her, . held. but, she. was , tired ll in 'r�pl upstdirs" to*" fupt'ecL, covering Y to. b6nise,g sAld: dl%Lan L hiii Ut the StDtt,�,Emjj�jop.fqr bone�, 5-6r for tha li owin 11 adinire.yola a -s a . - of her 9 the bay Op I oiled; his eyes- a'A.10 AT ra Se ap/.V! --litli. bel -her owih liat can,'y er Q,*�Mpaig`lj, IW 1. in'"''d lidizilly a. -mci 0i oa'not, see�o,.Gwp you. 'lot, return froall ad belii . I ; . Ahe led t*e 10'I imporr. I earer lus 0. f, Old. W Vffl. I., se:n �'sj'el Come all e th n, aVition. 6ilL room d see go I n. i'h a b t 110me. ii I lgujrer,3 ow.. chaW -an itti, re, lady was pielisent a t thlit thls,illc4i� ad, IiPPKI tiler �_qing �urc it sr, . e�, Craig 'di ol of.. a libe 'Dag' -I-b� -fiead, on- his 410 4"Imineiss, !T, 1 13 .0116iiiii rov. �thje­ al 8 rup Rd t eand 6' tii -you n Ityi for er. re Curb$*., %ste ' ll I, --- � I �-as� s g .iTp 0i Inan got ethling platation 'Emulsion you 'in Ir and sb Imeut ue g one 1 U r ac a -a i;weetbea ry a ait ilt anir had, long, J.Phe sa14 t under',bdr cheek.' "What. k 0 ME- grotel 10 .#:1lamo as', bL It ropill MOW 11y'l of -blip hands C t.,to 11 thli bali 13APPlefied ? 'Yorlili OTT 0 ure. do - T(?u. ' L. cliEMISTS, plate I"t. na SOO' .111 ibe court, used I a" �.�Ov ito -who 'inig t of you .1)061!� � 15ti` d.­thd aecome wilth me Can be. eher ivolce;- a' iou like hal i4pld ph t. an TOtl oht.ado Bit'ffiio.,N;�eivs- e&t ver r 'aind,­, m6ilii pradentAilahtirl " WardL I In all Ol court recen�ly a led upon te- littiii iu. itated to,' 61te theL,. ver le was. and $14*1 L Mai or pe'Hundied. Dollars' . $ air jL':that-C-8inndt7bQ euked-till yee: -a t 35610e, anlygate of Cal Qxie�u 'Would 'bsil hes .0ase. tb lire 'her., 011114 llilt- 'that hbar. 11 C Then lie 1110, 78f. Woo crea. is Catarr ur a !%fiake T0R0i4T(5L-, of VISE' Mraloned over .1, -t Isi altsitic Tendon We the un -t -see. Yi -Detri-AtTree P treated, so, tit and efid soft' segOp a ' re coming sh soft to believe Chen& for the,last 15 years 1 desire, to �af firm ssl I have re OW pe= honorable. ta all b 1 Lail t 41 B 6-0,ji. qllio!' etor e that org 7 0C.- j o"til seems Iii nauciallY able,tol out a Majke&1!. The. L epur t, r 'actions and il and, in obligittlo"811144 %bo wan Must not ie, thelr.fir not int ated IIOW oir to .1littlo sense. "i Tory w WEHT a TRUAX, k auxl.i hil�lij'l o.1A i'A, public-spirited ' I' I seeking ,WbLdIeosl do* 'i -d of, There, I Iftiolding tjj 0 03 t "t"acurs", ad t ted.ttlie cOur . micir . e content of dAj01fet- And- ?011itlug the Sle e is areal isoith to �tholisal!4118. 'to b Hitrilituatarrh Cure 1#4 taken, n' It' lit Do not' -tendenc, is blood" and milli Our-, all "Ool -liol It -to-d'al Ing'-d1rectly 110*011 ti on utely froe. , Write' y n YOU e himill," '119bb said- Im III til glad,to'send li)YpPel a —1040, D; not' as brought JOY and 4 tali the NNATj MARVIN,- b rellbvelsickxiess 'eXplaj(onji the 'areL dl WALIDIN6, "KI ctsiol;. 6, a shook Y ur cial her breal ii hl lidnistiated book IrrespiinfliblO *c Ill uneilled, I Druggla*:Toledol : I a a n ovei it, In a. bOrtaiii Id .18 absol n face of tine SYBTA a ay, in "ut free' Testimonials L rodbled, waist ierbusol AddressAluklil Wili am. and t .-and. one - :, b " this ge; It dragglota.. -ed.' ZSOICI of -tjlo,,Sjtljati60, m, PrIce"75c,per bottle. !t . ed with .$'durL tired Int "soclatIdn' F4 n ness Bee -1ad up; ariound her ealth improven"ll"L are the BOX 5,316, BO t a, ut -,homi ithe' �e"Ulj 'L . L. -. 'line t Cui -94176F , "-;told tu jfU 1.1ail y%plil aNtt bl�ec ; 7p TO you a; rg- Fi 0 1, 1 daya G, 0 C.0 ii�4 is!, I liko th t - abOut ? jy6 youi really, mean cillhicis Qintmen't ib a certain 'and -told, me -me low. Jai I" springlin to' absolute L cure for -"ch' moth6k 7- R' 41 e.L aid oes� Diseases*Or. the Nt'r'"ng d b6d -with lWiLuing eYeS- Ve6and. every f6rm of itchinic, 11 Pt . L. � I— g PUP.% thal cheer h r strong you may a,prOtrudlm :Ing" L Oo He Wa$,rovie father coril bleedirikat Drew ound dit,. Seetes- QfL thristma,atide, From -P the tTe ii to -'Wine, h v0-ViLlarlintsie is j.f. important - fie� siagw6red the mahiaLfactulers a d ask your neigh- hI,h 9-�- a is 60 �sl, f"L ' press an gameett" W. u ons. �ave: di orie,o ,er my faMn fig. You ca, f )niaist in d. he childish fall grOW. tim( to I` it . . . 1 1, bcli�lio&ii OD6181'110t take. aft T borg What ihey think Of t" Armer vote rat1j4r $1, which ake mol :fit dento, 0 thiii or Vings for WA',mth and Wubbblulgi as ni q re 'is 11 X gri r money back Co., ron DW tot exem u that you Lvel -we, jinugit; kemilid. 79 111 fol father r t 'red: tb6nit, 'al literature coii er. 'me le4dol tb, think will 1W9h you macro orsomAisol & jil ra fatt r Ise t1ously. p The.'�:IwO Most prevail lea saI4 Id 0! w ot thol wt,,te'rIE4 cramp an DnGbase's intm I c- . . iil� _y pa.Vil Intell And �Tk a a you on am; s t a, -38 least about. M4, ijoi� Me. p6rhUi Cla. �00, itinate ouldLooml n0w.. it ask' t n�Cow: lii� Lt' -did agq,O is `14 , -she CUREFok vaint' torg i cured. "simple pr tiling ab -O ow exc t: It, -,pardon," 'of ab 0 muirlijurL t'6d oho jimembibred. "I beg YOMT of 1-.iul frill. and furbelow 'elled. t pho;,. wa's talking to, Id . . u . I are qWt iii ,-tthat bi .0 aft. mwnr.�Pres&i�ptlioinl but the rvnlilo;�n tiorse. but­.Ilttle� was wiser, -L Tho 'age of hones &o0RjjL.hqmbIy;' you'. :An .1 - 6 clover, kills., up a. JINItn : idS -Sub, I "', . . . . tell who.am bril wluomin�aculii i I ade1* Is .1 1p. Ito: am toi blan oIs It tones up It 0 Sys enli r Minarl LI hyeal Cares C& k sisd b he sa they^ wiDfrns an the, 1 .4%81 hor�' , , , ld Coal to know� 'brli '011 wroug., Go, in moit, I.- and did not", 'tjorna��! 0 know he ow, 1�la dia rm qf�r d th the 1-0070, it """be ',betterillilllllt1sLi t �.which"ufi�er am Ini now mil & oibadl3y- was not Very. ell you. a secret, -1. _to ;6ateili her diAn mIfftletoe. thiiii p t M, crol I rjrke Ian-anAtina w W " m ne �l old: did ncit',-UR, by, :16g just as 'she oI Wan am jorst to L 'tell fjbU. �F.gher -keeps-ii or -cow Of. kle n ,,John" N'.11K.11,11ard, W Life. A lassical iad and Wtong tip, 4nd I im about had irear oleture, of- you jolift cts.,a p!ackage';' 'd f rm she is Ou name.Wa LE M LES EM thingsil,'Perhai -if 70 him looking: ra* .I thought,-' Y'&0t:;4ft nght. Al h ld �bl -g soned *1th; iineriviiiiiiii, You, lla 7! Pointed ilin, fwlj aill h66fhe pogbibIg,Afid ING C AGEN 0,14TR peii Is t not r on w Y, i ., I h 13, L_ �' '�' ' ' L" . % M. 4AU 91l 'lak -, iiiii t� you, jlsj�a..lt ..before .126 p thd gil ii d 'Do -People olinted must acourse the id, 1 0:1" fiead MIly... and.. also Peggy. P i asked harshly. t04,kjsS�!,'th0Ar picture. Mustp't a" peen IZN :in t.'for, ergasa. ill ?, bd as 'It, ereill- ents, roll frattedL IlAnd ik bad. k1ek n2ust be Gor'. el I saw. the,bu'llited tbal jnoitbdri?' n "Shor stable'6 for e.& �S b on s re, threii -Iii best, m 1 1 Pe aisw 1q, 9hilable or Iditure ? Are. Y -niol 1L1j0N,..'R0TTL1 rej 1W. claiged.o.rea, u ile it fint, has 3rold *Oul;d. i,rtr �,quarters obtallia to. Zis! -look In Your ey k. r, L 111red x4b6p,.ed. 9 co I iletw, Y p A 'nodded, ideae to gbt t1h trull life, ilittle, micha gasu -your r 'DFnIse to ALP�iEb rOiD i'l YEA OtInt oil intentli - 'watphla& , het' Oo h ame'tible d 61W dulf, ry, - t kt, the tel an bu is "L s.q[t sadFei of 16w 'she was - tljatL a "rLetol oxtoni 1!ond 0 dj-, wiLAted- Me., illol the. e"K oarojeSS "aild noll d lAe lit")me-moreL deso be 'joril tstha �Uttle tushed 'to -her easily be.Lispolled, b on Poiid -JIIIZ�.; C thiiiik, after' :t6ars late," ntrid ''th' 'DXt o1rili C, use While. 1.0ugh. not t )1 C she, . ff- in j, i�attentloil F try-, Or, t'.first,. It DlGlil 'be'' f 3 loud.' next* mD,­take;,. but, In -1 eye' t L Ike. soe'.. an t orn or I I I do . tico allatst 06Y that tha "cMed nuid. she weli =,!ar-,,, and eal was 'Afid 1th6. "ICa 'was you'r ow fi hn my en r to 'there I c Is'. everlasting. I% g, from I Y, oxeltell, � maak an(I padded dlovibs'.' aL uT .1 it lthiifei All O'de- Al took, adv w "beimi v�elL to',conce is,as. Tee- 'Yea=. -1 Ill to. fdaten h"i ii downstairs alia: r Wfien". C X:.d.Wa I Mli 6 ir youth an, inal he she Wif oi b --on YQa, Of Wnio I yol� faili�d,. her, t t much no. her cour what froiili thi � Coil tia of , t poapL�isinieci�n wbnjly� be ' aftgrYi', iwhat, - if -0 idrem, *he , Medical % P L, jandei the im;OrL� you,,hav ' a f b6"`8116uld' ii because so many cibit3cts' a'.pdri0hilloll w hose -ten byt FO taAd U were free sfilvered el ar0d by atm Igo redommehded 116o /her,. She. 0%.V.Tb WU *L,: at., the' thildughCi- jVely oug 1122 , life. th4.6-alts you. ;' YO should r ills 'tile bow isligilit I- ikiiild JIS �,.Of Ilbra�y- door ll 9talzine td car- �g appreliens she isof tly oiionaO tbo, 'L 1i f. iiii anli don't. Whit for furtblerl-da- effort. .to, 5yinpatilizO 1l a ii I th burn- the lower 'in(lisi feii itr IohL.'jj , I ­ I - , 1. T' S but Fo t... A If6h1i velopm.011, irge a leg In 11111 ill dimly. 6n iftd! table in firm y an 6;,, nt L. --I do Thel' rul-ling'Lpals6lon 'a, MoVe'jiil)l iing �jt­jllgh' the eentre 'I, d'lirig n.L fojr� having,, htid -the chi ence'of paid, And.nil 1791tht! fell- 00 Happiness Is thb 115d Id litad lived mati gamed, S 1, and -it's Ing, 4.,he* clliitd.'� Of thel rd6t t jtL Is -�Lnd ny. st lions' havliSkien riiii fi�pvy'ihrdtqs.h bo url box-jiu some :dW b tIP av�erred, 'Or of L ro -tte6n boll or, of, u,,�jjiali .1;,ve: rough curectbySTWA�OP! an 3he true v . atol d, to IllustIl the NEURAL01. 'f �fiu 9110 liad narly fdrgot 1. tilo C s,, bi d had beeh"O�ertilft--L b6l� tdId lilm, about t gr f d Ildre �80TAGI,M RE A D' SURIl tb both,�'. not (juitp, :-'bc?0kS an pa sc Wullllni� t It ei and 1.1ilivitifitw Ali LAtAEN allid tile, Jag' wig he throw. Out 3119 arm'an t Ii e;- log 'cut e. .1 , a ot, yoangL 14ow'Y Not long ag a. drker'. that 'i Wre iuz laoro a T. tild growing Or', tpg&tljelz i mutelY. .'eWPI1. oi isIi jug ridUCUL.WU11. Utilitii rna Ca ifilhildt. bil I Oir . good 161:1 mn fd lot, 1)' r, fd an, fa v on do fk� li�Ll t lin, z IlAve several, hsling.- ul . iiere she'c probe tlit t jj-MK)tj,ing yoi her, ajai ro his ba r C4 Int win. Ise—hot lli C. a 't ry, ha ad PV 0 18 oci loved Iv 010 fj 'o. a., in a, his rofidne8q. f guaLe o a 6 L s9 ei thc- a, he tilt, lie plibeurod'a bad f6, 17.11t, I - -A lls 9 one, ali ho s�jrj l6okea up j: infiliv Toll , and sa . j Ay ' t' ' / ' -,: , , , . 40 A It sary ` lfluu at 111.4 ey 6 s, we �le WiKi.* mill 0 In S.; I tdi in thp tll,� put I n he '-,vefit t mia -ai ''dorpse, hl 4)r -liffii alipbrii , , . I Fdoif:X, Y.811111i ji -the ro()M;L Or 0*8 . . . I .. but, iliiii he *ell; �ir� F lefo tight0d, ds,' liou nd* lj- L h r V ilil PA if1lo fl,lend to Wate.11 th' lie - Wu boill firay t [�it co, L -to dill - 11 ay I t shorti I j, 41-4 11, , t, yj n( In'Yo to No'; W.Onit send ;.us, OAV, f., surroundings. Prit01160 oil yth tore ds;, I* n.: servic "I d I L he sight of,solll6l 'd it, he, remal o an it" 'ha - arms I alh' -sprale. t 111 ej t irl his frieli jv.On4efj10W P! repea b. zaar were thillft -lisli. is. ij)6lj1t 11111, .1 WI.Sil. tio speak., afrdobad e hopr As AL'OP961.110 "It 'me COUGHS, ETC V00 (let C011 ii,e, It 114ilill I'll §t up jilray ng and -'saild Ill jiavo j boan'dedr,"iliL I 1111liee da, a vu d'L d too But/Mil Insli nan '.yOu g I's ill b 0 jilas been ten c I Ila -to. tboug'r, h6l h 50cide of thousands for., fear o t6d rAfthY" h 'Cough f h1frilfig ar a the United Family - am de, and lie s. 'hu vitrough it nevet, Was mor states. nor. fhdr� -t1i it. -b6dn (lead dY. Ir syou trL Oubid Wa If Wool w 'TE Ib d tho Wr n; M01111" ALWAYS' You 4 b ooly C 'be 4-..; lisd (I jiliand6l -RAibb 4�ol kemedleti toe atid d6idl Olt& bAt tic, olo, teliable remains got aht" eiilidl� both 010 Who ve Anta youl-Iii Ru ej carli Isn't It to- -for . ''. i I " til�rke`d thir ft;44t -at 1) oll Son 'toLr td, 1r;Uftless! prot .1 J A Xff- 0 'edo a t rj,'- 4 ' - 'they, giVe ett r SIX IS-, ng Y ' "a re�medy'�Cah be floi,tiid, tb�n sthe it ont nq Thd POPICI tt, say they sli, "YOM gren man pl�Ojli P5, VW unit, lo. �roffmlfii`m Zrkrd't *1 �,b ISettdr, otoil I 6 , I 'no 6' -. I if , I L �toqe all. jjk0L xro At'�n� Y RUA ' 6t 'an tigtre - - -------- - ----- --- - - . .. .........