Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-08, Page 141, •Te 7717" •••••• ' ••. 0 1149.14 `*-04P4141 PAK up *2,000,400, • Reserve Fund• .„ •1109.0,090 .1661'4twk,;A' -11,040004 0 r Oltx STLIART, ProsidepV. A. G., Itillfsax..Itice.-Presidentt • • J. Tonxittit'Peti, Mandger. ...LUCKNOW ..611N13114,4 1$ANkA14 41Ipts , TnAll8ACIttfa). • ,F aisccitittitetand atioloces inade fo farmers tOfe041, stock. - Rattri No.rus bought ,and coUtictid. All rates rabderate, DRAFTS issued. payable ,at all.:the ", Principal. points in Canada and the United States. . . . Savings 1)cipartpi:eitt, of.-$1.-..00-agitt--iikards,,,,rencived- - and interest allowed. at current rates from date Of kleonsit to date of withdrawal. • Theyleposit .r 1.ijbt subjeqt;ta arrr Oehey i whatever n the wIthdrawal of ; the whole nit: any portion of theaepoisit. • , • JOHN' SFROkr,'A.GEfftli.• TARIOE , ••• • p,124tirdle :Snliptir- Wilt be dfpepeecI i4444:41fotit:Itt,-kii..tiogiPnburcheil /.44I* t0; -,;1•1147:-104P...' bi14.40.701:Vi007-. OlitbitIrS07 triti4;1000: ' A:,8peci.9.1. woot14,g-gf\Oourt. -$ber- 1-*QPdyj-ir-C411:adill*i:Prd*.--0,#Z41,0,Sfiefe . „ yiii,g,15e,..hOld•in ',their lialoiaMondi .evenfog,, jatingiry'; //;30•.. • • •• , full attendince of 'Members 'is Urgently :retreated., ' „• Mr.'ei,e'r.gfoitir,.ree.eive4'. tho",`..-`aa.tt intelfigenee-1;y ielegg'arn. On ihnr-aday. Morning; that. his thrpsher- James had died at, llilibing, Mini;. Tho bdgly will bp -brought to,Lucknow for rrugen ' ‘,; I 44:a :general b&i klnghusineIM.'Sane drifts, throughont.eavidaiiii.d.the Vaited, :Make collections. On,'gir "pointe • ineliniteg::-7 N'Srestern.•Ktates, Manitoba. ,and,,the North- vet.:'.ftrrito.ries •WhOtber • irks CT° • • ' • 1 7 ' • 11.9galTee';n1:1)oattnet::: 1 Ion to especiallyto.firmerir deitng at from one to7‘1,714' za."14t freleeattl: oyer *Intel' and grass ,thera doting sump:ter.. lLt Jo W rate. , .•. • , " 1 • or large amounts onBOCOlia, . 109rtgAges on farms- pt other, • real estate'. spetirttY. andon first chattel mortgagef3,• on •ln?u r.t' elc. i no idements,and.orops., . havealatge'iirgionttr, of, fund's: toadvance mi first rnortgageir at lowest ratei4 , • r9iireAtuftbe:_leAding and :effect insurance on aikv.11,,e004-of property Stock 01 mutual companiesas desired.. • OFFICE HOURS :10 m to 4 if ni , ;• THOMAS S. REiD,•jun." • • • • H&NAGEtt...- FE A., -LEGAL.. - , . tors, ete., Goderich,Ont; • ' •,; • : • • • • . ' ' ' • +Pt 13 A.'MatatuttsoN,,BanniairEit,SotiCrrolt, • Conveyanceri.ete., (lato-t-of •Pictnerrn, ' '1,-.1Olt,i0Catuerdn,.Goderioh,), Ofliccai ..uPstnti. •• • • • lite,i}aiSorg itittittarga, '$.0.1,t0mpa, nniissioner;:fintary, Etc. 41.oney, ,•-filtfiCeover Watson', Barhe'r7Slicp. MEDICAL. 2' .4 • ' • .• ' '\<,:Alittll. GORDON MD, \*C. §Atel yen:ran Aitirgetin and Ac oucher.i pstuirsiri Alibi'. lock, Rest; • 'donee 1esB eet, •bttltind•J; G Alurdoch • &- Co'S. store, • 4 .* 1 .. .rigD, . „ .4 1 fof.4the '.enle.de., of 0.ioney ii0„-A.734, 64.0, reePlecl tIC*.....18;*..thAti6,,. ...4,4013,ii, . .'" . ..im thii. ;.loctuoPit On WPC1/4•1013!* .. ' '''.14'41;301.78:12;5 Nis; 1314irf'(Lake §fair.o, .iTtar .$1.41i-l1:1:7..ffor.-.4.7".;.r,A, §25,TbOs, itsrnWoll'• $09,;' 4144ani1er, 1.1000.4;130.6k.RiChard*Rminerton .:44"-•ikli n'•Eit(11°(.1-ii-11,7W''''-'..T4-0,-xto fik; ',Were eOld tilt' a; Ters:',1444, 4104 .Flol,rit.,-te'." ;Jaineft Stow4r14 'bincarchap; for.' 00.1•47,-, • 1,41;011.0441 )1cOgliotoet 'the- 1,3X Itt thalm-eleetionV for Ontario .41 3rth,...4're$i,,,Nerik Perthand North 10 4fu1k. Ii! Liberal candictates cied; by. .,•good ,majorities.The eatOPleto rotes for„ North Norfolk, give Little; uojutity. „Ecnider, AO. ()all:: 'Per Oa, ' "130.01-11 has a . • Int91199tt9F• . row:144i, majerity of; 2.21-7over Theie good ,,,,s(tidien'Co• in t niAnts. :North Gr,,: ' MOKay ;rat has a "Lownut'ff 94 estenittg' laot to part ')/ • ' .7.,efiioal-p)er°"Pri poi:1:62e!043hear1:vcetiai,!i eleussoYt ajn i ainveslime.antr,ftwi.4 ne Hanel:86.c% etI4, ells.lnadnid%,4!1•4,t PE; 4,1fat71;1110141),t '13i;je'j:8_6\elt1tt:hiff:Pal:';eail•In'BlIalT.'ictle1111:13r.ees8:0:te'i7i4leeldf.PPCIrctsuleir: • Arctic Ocehn;„,....It. wao of the best 'lecture given• .in !°`'P'e"'4 94a. ate splendid-liya Coitt$ •-• • • these -Strange popIe, thtoir. lutbita'angt •;. , )) Custoft. S,' tbgethor, any 'beau - We bTuivties at,Igdry9wsgii9cr nitOracire91r4tth-13 vads.r 4,4,•;14.- acenei. greatly acideirto the inter- ".,- %APs'41,14,,.Fut,: Lined Ccytts tlinif in any est of thelecture'. provignissieaso0#•„ •varietY4,4,choeSefrorp..,-, otte,prices' ere ' ;Ifight: See our Fur Lined oats; at: '`$32,50 and. $3.5,Q0.-,.- .• Cl6thili En -Ready Made Made Cigthing:for Men, and Bo 's. -our stock is 'weir assorted— • igever wag better then'pow,,jn.'.iitioalt,Y.,:, , = —See;=por,Men's Suits fg-ij1i"gA5M- to $io.po:. -- -. Also aspccit1.Jine-of-Mcn's heay , 1140;g1:,.17,64''will fuU.dueonJanuary!, •••••••••,*,-... •••••••••••••-,44„ a • ' The dates .of tha,winter and sprine• -1 , ,. P,..ki,... • ELECTION. sittings of, the circuit judgesarn ark- : ATIUCI inounced. ':Mr, Justice 'Ferguson Will be in 09derich,:on Tuesday,`Match 17-, A1/4 Hot' Criiiteitnd.: a Large'. Vain Valctibrika- will hold.. .0-6-.:tiod.lury - - 94 gift•-tf—f,O.2k' e7:ii161:1;int' oicipal,(oies... Int ,the jtiry.,assizeal,l'an,f.1_,Chief, jpstice, • sittings. ''begiiirring '. Th:tirschiy, June tion • iion•kOntests that has talren placii.itt' 25th. • ., ' this village.. for thany...Years past, was Tfiii :40V.. David llogertf,,',)btildfliiati • ' held on konds'y 104 The chief 'fight' of the distil -4;W ill 01)1 iver: his'i:slitiir, usual-. was4fOr the- Itee,v!leehair;:an'd Hbe e Yf taining lecture 'f.9; OGgispel of: heal* ' Mr... Alex. T. 'De -14044 'oas -eleCted • to- , , Ne vet sine 11004.ii,o; 'ben play,. 4( yonr.iipliticript ten , . _vxant.h;gelgr:r;adsps,dc, h_seel.gp)i.o:rta' yii. 8,, :i.:ik. t0.11,,ii.i.,1.1.:1_,______Huer:, b,rQ4,,s. Ash ail ' Rtheeetv.eh c:onfO tr4heY:.,i,--iiiikaltig:j:.0fbrirt.y.tio:.p.4:6as;o6iiteflo .,,,ieedii jleiti; ''TOOSday' 'evening:, ',1f4n, -13tIL: "ver 54.1."' W'll'athAlli''' wh°. . as -13999 taken in tfie.darue as.' there is t. ho pre - Rene :nseliu,scoknttiow .has such interest been The .. reasiin• of this .is .. aviFyoturenewed-,YOur Stibscripiint •*e4••'8'4 It 'v4iii'aiiiiit-:t1g114';'""ihc".436.°1 tI4Ot:.the''Plid-nt"?tv ' teatit.')1a$ en re Ovefy available'Yote in the viliage,;Vvitu for 1903.7. ' .., ' , ,• . "; - -- ' .44,01m.mr'.1...j'',..4.41813..,:sepenc.i.teco' 9f,.:4,:tN,e,:pw,..bwr.iilogi::. , hrousht:toiqit.i po la, , . inte a':1,eigue ,-,v1iicih iS• reeO4ni.ed -ati' a t..: Miss. •Saia---Greeri-ii visiting friends. 1.1.e.,.,01',;••••Atitne, • iippertance, ,i,ivad_the„ At Go'clericb• . • , . ' ' I 1 ' : . ; ' • Yukon, visited With Dr; Spence here ' .. All:the' old councillors; Mesrs..:W.. outCorne hi eac'iiiiite 14 eagier I Y inoked ..,. • • .- ' • • ' ' .., - • ' • - - F 'cr." • • d 8 •• : d i- .• • • ii.. 0-..-T-riiieiven,. I:- t'sr.: 131.7n;,,a,..lia'vidl-: for, in thi, d,,,ifiLps,pet_s,i_alt_c_v.e. ir„LaIL.,L-....i_in_str.an,,,it,„,iti_troisi6n.ta._,pn ri ay :,an atur ay. ast . • ta,.. . „ . ,,., . . , , • , !this. ., ' ..„.'„ . '', • . - -. : ,..1 ,:brotheritHhaye 'Oben in • Victoria Mid: ' ',' ' • ' .- ' ' ' ' -• : t - years,''..' ... d ' ' V • ' ' See 'D.. C Tayloes • adirt of :, hash' ' r-iaws°11 " 13 9h h9 9 9°91,9 aappiva, 4e. • ,.,: ,, 0 • , • .- :.rerp.rka e at,ories to • •te o h. e. ttr• r - " •-• :' . ' ' .' : ' ' lel ' " - ' 11. f 1 .' ' Ii ;*ii.r.04.--yOti: te,-----,titkii".•:nitirtin eke r.tha-,''.°13•4t'ri::'-''-i-;',:.--.:--'1"..."•'-' ' ' : .. or the Sentinel -41.if,iiiiiii*t. -. : :' -;.';.-A:iiiii.4aaly-fierVW:ei and "teT,Weilittt ' :Miss.,' AA t Mac -Laren: leaves 'this • Ing will, be ; gel-T.7in tlitt.'''' ..linlegigh 1 week:to:4it: iiiiiicis, frt!ibrie he 3 t.'01. r' and Presbyterian ,,"clinrCh on, Jan u ail';11 tit . ptlie'r•PlaCes`.';• • . • • S. ' ' 7... ;:. • i'lia.lili:.`.... ', Rev.. '.• a.: *,11we,.,• o '.,n.,.b:.,.;W...S..te'iii;irotiqc; f CliiiliWank, .11'tice:keld, Will oceupy l:hp Pulpit•beili 1,3,0;, .s.pe'nb a few -days tvitli Luelgniiiv• tharOiag•' li,ad ovoning, •.• tea'nieeting- frietijis • thipek:' . : ' . • '. • . •' 'on Monday evening, and, theAletliodist . Mr, ...-ijohn ,F... 44.t.i.drevir;; Of , Ashfiela,..4.1,11!oli.,;:-.4 TepaWater wit I • furnish music. ..litis Pui•Cluised. -1VIR'S R. ' ''ProctOrs fip; .. , , . , ' ., • .; : ' • • 'brick residence in this villa e, '..' t ' LOCAL. ITEMS .. -4 .M. SPE • TesicIence. f I te' Dr Tennan Ind rciitory, Alain t, Lnekonyi. —SOW EMI, :O Itn Lreinm•LOnon,--A,r- ' . . , %J. A. .g.,G.R.e., ineetti . tAretty r.11tursday night_On or.. before the tun metal; in the A \ ''•411asonie, Liall,-Aidaveltick '' .0?_ • --street:taiekttow -. - ', '-••\.. t.,+-,,ikys',a-.. ,..b...-11L*ounott.,--ILt-D-A-v-,k4•1- . ...w--`,. g7.: -.-t1 ' Sheriff and :(. H. Lawrence,.. were re-giltoceti-; and for satool , trustees ,711ficisis 1)7. "MerniOsli; .1141:.). Ctiw • , _ eroi idG A ,Newton were elected e fallowilfg s a. Iist �f the-i!atee_ ...raollectIaLthe:_dilreisnat .cian4idates' ;• North , South • Davison .:. .7: 190 51 -*-1 p Wrn.Aflf. 4.57.1.p4 no, for . cov.woaLoss • eet4W A • ' 0.1releayen: .104 • :•• • 69-170: 3-Ohn N..• tiown.. • if3. ' • 57•140 2-- rigilwaye: resort • the °nth of ,•. . _ 'The. annn'al Meating:ef the iiirnbers 1) Shriff 90 Debeueber.*as. the. 'Lest on rAngirgi for • of Kinloss. i3rignolt .82 ii freight and 'passenger bizsineas.. ' Soiiety..Will. be helglin'tthe Town:Rai/.105 gar, ,.: .Mr. •and Sl• W. '•La•ird and. On. ViTednegiday;'_-.14:.anary• '14'th, at ,one A. c Master Leonard Laird oflitlitalo'Istl':' o'clo'Ck p. are guest.s of.- 1)s-. and -Mrs. .Elliott. - -, ccssiiiv • •Loodi No. 11, .t`iteets e very ,Frid ay' evening at 8 o'cloek in their .hall,pampbell street. Ali l)rethren ctUaiJ Invlted A, 'Mt:Diann in. • P.A: Mat:COM orr; . • ti -rand. • :14edetrder.. • ,,.Luch:Now. cfcittit - ... ,• eil, ••Canailiaai . '.- Order of ' Cit'osan Friends, tne,eti first and,thirtf 'ThalF,3_411y eveninge.4 : et each ....m9ntil.,..14..th.9_ 0.44,-:_. -o - N •,•;.'N. folio ws fialIiCanap. .., o y °A %.7NIk",4 hell street," Luck- ‘ .4, • how.* •, •Visitors are .- tario:. Thngatnea Must' be -started tit u:eeu pants• '..• irset ,tiniei•so that' the g'pe'ctators are - not kePt-iiii' hour, in the • .C•old' wti :for --hipd-the-gOat-pei „io. . -ethe*.-hetr::ataine-is-'seeved;47,1446, •hne always be,en it. .d tawbsek•• to lioclieif',„ :in tfiese: parts. • " there :can'. be 'no...Cilia.- •putes players'. nnd referee 'as the refOree•• bag', pontrol cl 'nest • •'not , allow' rough -play. The tnick no ha.Ve, ;star ted ' ' well. aiid ensily :she w;ecl in their, match, that, l then,gh.this".is year in 7 t - PSt,'-'--%',.. . Special .value in -Men's Fur !Caps . °a4:::Pp14.a;,4:-9;12250.5ce!,:'1,a:','55:•9"tHiti3.aci,-611is' H''''i".iiiif'cli:ealtilk , Ilaniitiette...,.. • :Still a nut:ober of patterns left, ii...1.: that ektaa,:sgenality,46 iii.. wide ,,1714P - . ,tielette at 9c per alai?' good values '..Y in, dark bCdOr Flannelette aV.9. And. ti".Y ' . Q4..tpa.... • • ' • ' '..... . , • . , ', ... ':.,:' ., ..-. .At' this the beginning Of the Neti. ' the Northerii,..[,..4,aptrue, „thay..,:ar.•,'IivOrt,la. y. ••••Yt099;ee-7(.t irhvglot-e'odYsou.4t:ciies05:b4).6ptiarre;!.tr; ,.. orn,pasition in the fient„ r in w,bili :prices, : . . ; . ..' .,, ' . . ..,,, ,, • they 'intend. holding to lige. end .cif the . :'..,' " • seiCsen.:, 't'he neitska,62,8. to he: .. p,,Ifrc!-, . . . iiiiLucknow is'ela TneedeY night next - - .. ,. . . ,. • SCII0OL TRUSTEES. when ,they; iriOnt :tfin : 1-1„nrriiton, team. - , ..,-- . .,' - LUOKN , .--Nteintesk.,--'.1:19;• *.' ': '" -;--,:17 ,irris dd. '1 .'.'t f. e h 'to ' lit I • p5,-tirLO7r-ao-r!If' . -.4171'..tlitig,-ntaTtiest-- r.. -, • . . ile--.. Noii . .— , .; D.' ,Cameron,... ..,- .-., ' . , now- You Y..:911_,..Wilt_StiV_ft.,1119144. hvoity-ail, -Itit-ving-:.0e0r-4 •P.11.6 -8601..c.'•°!• '4'7: •(4,..ATITeWton,•.'• ••'. ' 5-4,,.• • s':•"0631:11... 95 . by only ,Lis to vi..„0.1 !ter .i-."!tlatt:ti ptlti3O.e, ;v.41661:11. , f!abs7i.:;. ingionrself ,of ,eur ..elitbbing 'offers. ''' . C. n exQerience'lldree; , -• -7-- .....7•••• , . • ,.. ,.- .• ..: _ - t .. • Johnston,! ,• ^ . . James ...1.4yons.....:, .,,.. 7C 3111 . , ..,':. ' Mrs. b ' Patterson of Ohesley, aged ilhOer and. general ;black smith, I 'gibe 1 ;. -i, J. ' 't-• ••,, .,•.6 :... : ..95L._ ,6".. . ' giine''`. may •b(;;.••Imilied „for.' .... The, bays. Y':' one .g0i , .- a% ,. 11 .4,.gt . , .. : ' AkatICAI. a_24.1ears,,,,dio, 'pi:Tuesday froth the et -o' better' Prepared thaP„over to meet the. , . . .,.": ,• . - - • . • ... • • . .• , - John, ovn -; ,..... , i - . .w Est .,,*toviotosit.,..,.„: ‘,. , , .. laiir4e:,a6tii..'cniosnsfirdoeiliiaili.lod,te:g.;/).teipe'titn. .!.);-e:p:.,;....,. ..:',L„,,,VIATroCRILCIAtSEca fect of 'i'urri ri cei i,ecl 0 -M0..7 -Viking 'n ,watitili'or .0e 'eustotnera. 't 4v..o. 8.09 ' ..Wlie councillerii elected, in West •Vi'ta . .vapr bath, ''' ' \5.,N.,‘ . , :•• - '',"..: '' .: ' ; ''' arge stock of lumber • for' all ' - . . - ,' • , - - araY gi.ve-ttie 'Phh.119 t, i1 hhel.thY;'.ahd. Pat in a'lf'• ":' r. kinds a tepairittistt : ve•-.' ' 4.. ... r. , „ivanOsh are _W...rn,'CO,Eneton 371; , John nowtha't - ih:**0.g.''n'nle•-• is' doe,oidiaf ' alt ' „Heat *BeV. -D. , 1,3xigerg: in., Blake's' ., • . . • ..a: ..aggc91.9,.9-r 1°..ges: Mcan 310; .gcyCuntor2i Le.... 6.. ' . i"Chas,': : rcu:gtoneos 'w.. atioli: .use,lclisr r-; tO,:'a.cterin . • , • , .., cH'urch,..pn Toesday eventrko‘ et, to...... "3th etc, W. J',..,Riyerti, ,.. "'Taylor216itis,hop , ...". ,: ,. . .• • •• • • , . • . Subject "The Gospel, .of • ii. arch 'land'• -it; .l:Pd that 'a, large -crowd :.wia,..: G6.-.0 plioe.r. • , . ' , . Lueknow •mapketis - : / • S'375. will tcrehaiie • a, „geed "Nh Use Thefollowiiig is the market firices: 7-1111dinviir ••••t mornme, 00 ejsy tering: Will rent:. :..tytiply to \Wheat 67 :to 67 79.eO, .Yeingtone and Laura • • .6kto •:ilartiti 'have 're -till -Pod their honieg in'Tingliain after .pending it few days with Miiis Fern:Reid:, : Ait'inteeiting eVening , in • Blake's chtirCh on TnesdaY;,,lati.;•11611., .11„ev,i I.,1?: A.i54;ff-9,11 618 1s.q61"9:"..1'11:9'..Q.61P° if„ „Health alid.:00Od Cheer. ••••... • ' ::,01),0•.ifockey club.wisheS ' tO thanic the ladies of.Lucknow . who so • kmdly. itssist.-;,c1 in SUPplyipg supper at their 1491`";•-- Ve9qe Loatt-:-A '1?lack' robe ke;. tween tiunknow- and mr,,Reht scott'a !con .12 Fiji • : Mr. 1.4eg,i. .."N;regle, • Of. and neeof 1,togio•of Luelinew,. ,..died autichinli'l last weekIly ' sw.4,[9...al.y,1,11..:±tAallPif star • The Seuth..Bilice rafters' Instituto .cordially CCOtner` Sawoon Nii.• 50. 'o Lucknow. meets every. drst • Mondaytof every itenth in the Orange. Hall. - 'Slitting lyrethreo hivited.• Cidef Ranger, t"tecec, ; tiocKNow llondE Ix- . „. dependent Order of Fornsters orteeta in • the ''OddfelloW's kin11, on tlie ' ,secoad and.fourttx Ttte4•-• %day .of each month. as 730 o'clock. Visiting brethren are ' cordially f • ; Faixit ,• • VI).•LkivsEsec. 'Chief Ranger% • •• Ree Sez, 'cEo*of the Ancient, • • -Order of I • '' ' • t Workmen, meets • • the Oddrellows' hall oh the meotirl And last Siiinday. 'even • -4- ings• of each .nionth at eight-o'etooli. * s cordially invited.' • , \' it al MCPI PHD • • •. Master: ltedorder. 110. 428, norms Op RE.t.AR ▪ a• • monthly Meetings it the Orange Hall, Ottranbell Lucknow, on the fieeond Tuesday evening of teach and eVery, Montle- Degriec night tor the t460Widiriierida1 evening following. All visiting. brethren ordiallyinvited to the Meetings, • , 1A,r.'14OQOiLtAx.: DaYib AnCitint, ,11t. SocretarY. " • • • • F'RE A1ID MA INE • ;.fU, wilv,hoidineetings itt l'Opiwatni "'oh. January 28t1i ; Lticknow• Peh: 2:0h HolyroOd Fp11..2,1St and' ,l3elignorp' rebrukry.-23r4; . t Tho regelar'irlenthly ,ineetingi of the W U. will be held 6641 the .felloys hall on: W:edficsclay afternoon tfa.)tt at 3 • 04"c1eck,. -it ' is 'iMpOrtant that, g'very tnember itf PrCS'citit , , All interested pattit aro requested be present ai a tpreting of the Peet, Ring, to l?6 hoki Oh -$attirtiftyl' eoutolsg .tart, 10th at' .8 O'clock in the 'Soils of Scot)aucl,' halF(AlliBIndc), for the r eceiving of shaieslind diseitssing other fpnti.11014-- . „ Bade • "Ns' ' Hata of •. There Will be sold by public, titiction. at A. ltoa4' hartiessikop in this; vil- lageonSitUrdaY next, b,,large quan.; 3ity of fitlat class household ftirnittire. tife.to Commence Ftiryis, auctioneer: : , AStiFtpin.. . te oti 'hitrd-to - cheer the bbys on .;t6 • In. Ashfif1.4,• township the ' Only; victory , vibtory ...and., keep --Up:the good. old • chan at the ,Opuncil l3oard will be -•;•.. AA FixscIaTa4S : the nlisquce cif Win. Hunter 'who has ga,M03, hays : , be9h d9feat°d, .ahd KiakleY,w111,r'since •our last issue : Palmerstnn. at • . his place. The.fel; Kincarditic,'ecore .the ' 29 to * -29 • . • • • • • • • . , • . • loWing,•• was the . vote,: John B,,,r014., 'favpr •P;, 1C.i.giCar dine - • to 40 1 b0, .fhosSt:Others- *352. •Wgia.is7i ; • Kin • ' • • r••••• • ' rlircline 'at :Vrayton: • ecci,e- .14—d,.itt ,135;. John •M cintyre v pi.. of ,6bet,forthe'r-.,....4Loy -aTt 11 tr 2,69;•Pefer,Scott.1.$8,-'ond J.0ravrford.. ri,ston, •scor0.41-;-.6;m favor - of •• the. . 149. ; , . , • • ". „. 'former; Lucknow plays in. I,isto,We,_ ..• COUNT'Sr.k.'totr-fli:LORS. • *• an , < 'd liarriston ai aYtfill t.'i•tlaY. "tlie of •Blyth'; gest and. •West 1,V•a:'; • •:^The 8arxd• 'Wanosh.'and Messrs; Met • (1311'.. Ne‘.v Vctrs hd gaveii, . . • . A large consignment of Lttdie's and entlemen's Gold Gold Filled Silver d l‘Tickle'Cages just in. These are tho very beat makes and are GUAR., ADTTEnD.• , 1,Ocliatt.atid/6.•Pattersege titel: • old. re : 'hh'illaY . . . air . to . Our etherivilie.:144uii'tt _,,,:,,174,154,,,•eotnplete;),with ,Elgior, Witl- .. 0 te.10ill'etiAlei, 0,4'.3: Again kllePt6a.:: Tile .:)1-7eg, ' y, .ri tuaatc a,' , parade. 0/ the tharn or. gniniltoti, rooveilients,' •..-. • ' '.' . ' • ' • -.LC ' b'' ' : ' ' • . MOOtPig, Of 'Dairymen . YvOt e Wa4 LoCkart ..87.6;• 1,04.4..e.soa 804; 1: atreet.sandlierondding a'large riumbor...odi:iiii.ce.sr itrii•ii.: .• • . i . 11'. ' :The attention of pf, •-diarymeti• and. .-N't•el?,&•r. 7'84 a d a i, • 565 ' • - • ' I 01 1101 citixotia,:, Afters. -,,,the manicipal , ' •.- I, • 7 ' •• • ' ;.• ' : •-•'. c' .8..k.r-L•e '-''a . • ' i _ 0, p u •rie . • • • . . . 74e•ese.,and butter :Makers is .called• to • . .,fn tic ))1,vislon inclutliog, : ,Ashkeld.,.,, 9,19.eG19h1; (.9.1..'.'li•\10-1143'" ';'6,i''''''-1.iCg..'' t''' i'e'..c.7.7.19-t.ti:), aie-srit:e.l.'citutit.*:nte,7,oi),-,•tofy,be,nticort::.,18i:i:n1. fjoil:i6,..!,......:". *Ole' Convention 'aliff•winter' .1..uir§.:Uk- '..,,dolboriia\oid the Io .: Of C'odetich • b4h:d'ag4111 9PP9.31411 9114 .1.94"d9.:4911‘9".: i , .. . . 0- . •• ., . ., , au 1 i ionto e )0 4t .Brapt or next Mr. Ifugh,Glianthers, who ,had,' `s:e long •" ,.. , week, o.n iruesday, , .V,Vednesday, and' represented . the district, has been 'Cl.e, Thursday, the . 13th, '14tix • anti.'" 1 5 dr featbd: The neyv‘k men: elected 'Are* 11,, j.stse. wbea the Most' '0iiiiiient' dairy; • 1)11in:in of Otinganifisand - A ....Ye:tin g.- -men of, Caiia0a.--iina:theAin;itreil.; States, . c,"f '0,01b01.tiO'' ‘-' • ' , •i•• .-'- -7.-- , . .Vii II -.)(3 :ViteSeht; 10.4,AkItp:•;1:1[4.tt in t,he .. ' • - . ,J. . . . • proeeeOici4s. " Ali, the itaiiwayi in the • . ' ,. , .• • Anotlien,virifidlO N ' • latnentsr.for the. • siain. •COI;tinfi'iting, , — , . litiNTAIL , :.,1 -.!---.--, btitilinion;from Port Arthur east' lave .. , A , ilini-ihon, 1,b,01e.,:wng,".0.f.4'001i- '''');Ii.. :t116 -46114P1-.44 • .1h9' 1193.'4% i'tPr Y.. qi . . !1116 hminn-d. tilt.tiol'.. 4't yoongss ,hail.. , Made a 'special ,eoncession,, by' Wli'iolf. eight well.IenOWn fa,rnier in 4.01.0\ , undithleishi,it riopularyty: . in t's0r.y .' J.1 , . • - : a'nyone-...ette;ndlit;g.tho::•eon,..s,,00tint, can • to,w rt.8 him 'and Probably as InSnY,thare' 63.P 0. th9Y: wh'"h• '`:•ver191•Si::' teasi,"d .'arfd. '"c)arilitIT-i.•11.etii!:;u1:646:90-!kin,itlit tvn.ea'ff.:roiltir.licel:ti,'"':: ••-"'ikiettit a• tiaV4'ker the tot'arri . trill') tree* ,w,h,',),Iliav'e k,,at heir loss a \secret, :says- le): (loci. with oottii,ilitileitta .0e zit:K.6 and: of eharge",.../Y.iersolig'-nttending the Con. the AtipI4 EXPre'Sg1; 'Th'e gime is: an -SOif.e ..• -. 1 b6 Treasury or the band litig c40.ii11.',;10' 71.e.i.i'.1.i.i.6* ;.6.1t ....t'i':;,s„'6.,,.0.:i's .9 p'6'1:ct.,,.., yotiti.9;ttr,sh.co,ia,sbo.tirf; a cerfificai 0 from. old' „thie,'• and'. yet- vfir,t ,011,e.enr..d. tirOn ';1:10c-bn einsi'delal)ly ..e..kijande. d, . 1.1, i:i.vallipl,,ii...0‘ild,i,4,s,,i.til iii,„.ft,ied,e,ilLtlf-e. ,.. „ : ., . .,totratitfo,i.d; the- `Vrodnetion of Whieti . *Indiana Cattle Wo. :le enlir.' a' iianie,„ i i , the ticket agent On buying their taltot , seine:times'. in caught eauglit napping." , The: .,tctio:te.ioogno0st0i,ticition.ilet:hrueepdc;n. 1:1,J,6T.,ettk,,Iiisty. i' t:t).0f.n• (thco, , . ... . ' ' fe tt :.ATe il,', ,- Dingw ell. and--his..*COUSi.ii..M18 ' after being 'aigneer by the .$eoretar v. of and. the t ovo,youi'lg Medi who nee ;g6Itig' VI $ 41,..: afli‘itig.:'. the- , Mag4i6.11;Ois' 'of : . niyifi*,.lilf6 tar.. theiti ,ti ,,r1 i ,,,,, .8e, t,, ...,,i 0, ,w, , 'T . 'of .1i. *„.• t • 1 1 \I . '.. '• ., . • ,t ,--'10 .- Al, piep..s. 4. • 4?eta, ion o.- _ est; t.trou„ . •t• 4, . C.; opri ty, f 'etoer innocen . citi*eas; bot the da :e.,A anti, pl,,i eve"; itill .11Oinres '01.1•.'11totidaY 1,0fi, tifro 'speocliog. - 00i, title. the.; holder 'VI a, free: tiegot. honfe,, siert ig a'short 00,,'' The fattner • sell s4 b -t dnitt.trio;. Mr... C466. ilitelY,,,Will, . dn., Yie'li tits, are- i'. pair of ‘bolcli:sfi;r1,gg., Thti :,4(1:itivaociiido.,6•36,:ilit1111‘ocw.:Ittlifflc..)',ild:i1;;Ati'ile,(1,:e. ff,ir..1iItl:06 1-,AL91,,,.h".1)X:11.filics49,1x119A111eallytt,;.1th t,1r91"" 99.1)195-: .- , ,Cplin. 'SIC:Gregor Of,,,thO Soc, is With ,•''•:, IThis, arraingernent aprilies for the- triv his oattle at. Ws, Ow n;prine; ,r*t eiv ea' .btiod rettirns;,thithi;g for•the'''kilikino88. .t • lo!=t parOftA' ',at „preadtit. .goloyitig 'hig. •to'lleantfc:frallt,oni, tbo, 6k,b,,tcolil ,150.1:. , 0,;()41.0ii, 'the bargain,and sigelt.*hat andi liberali supplit ':so:t .far redrivecl. holidays, :" ' ' ',.• ,; '•'-14"" .„ ' • 1, and the return tickets- :aro :good: 1 front he 'supposeg: to hq.itiingebnitiOnt; 'Whinfl Tridr...ripit6cljr,!8:Ittiic,:tit -for ,the Pas t. - 11 1113, st4Dotillid lott. .,thi,..,,itiohifig, -, 41,44.41.tk,.t0.,,,,tlin,.14464,,,.... .4- ,,•`..,,-.•A,.,..7.... 'oun-aittiji.;1$0.0.rattt*,,O1A-L-t0,1;6.41.::,lii-Oitto.ittilttijiAitili-btf-'.0k$1iea.,4...*'":',°,4Oi-Bilit164;-Oolbvi':i',:,;+;--,-.i.,------'-',-r:-'-----ti,-,'.-- a. 0%. On te coutitylcomroismoner, • candcdates for the- ree.v.eship council,' • and school board. , 'Victors, and van- Mt cini8hes,c,1,, the :program being. suitably -...atrangefl." • • marolieg fortbi . victors, . and 4:vOlilitig. a .Leatiii.Jlei: 7 ••• 4;