Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-12-18, Page 8▪ 41. , IT RUG STORE s for.• )(rrtas 'goods ORPARIO T. HELENS close. of, the• ;prayer-meetin g esday .evening Deo. 3rd, -the ‘/ .1 a .of the -Young `-;People's i -"s met in the. vestry of Calvin?. Arrangementa,were Dade for #11.3'10 regarding lesson • •ete. 1:1.; Webb,`,.an. enterprising f; the 12th con is • erecting • a nd-trill :,for pumping water at • ab bu ,D. -C. Taylor's men, of Lucknow a large furnace.- at the new` esidence of Mr.r'`. D. Todd last n Sunday morning last, the pastor . M. Whaley,. ,B.A.,. preached excellent Sermon, king 'as"his 'text' alm:110-7: The sermon compared: e classes of Christian: people to 'tea ethers: , 1.—Thosewho ate'. all excite enti for -fear there'may be daggers on -- he way. ;:II. -Those who areabsbr-. d with business left behind or are Whoily: taken up with the prospects of the, journey's end. A few points as • helps . on : the 'journey : given Knowledge (a) of God—not not. a •book' but a heart knowledge; (5) study the land to which we expect to f;to ; our \ own idea do not alter the. reality of Heaven .(o) 'make friends with, Jesus. . Christ.. The discourse' was full ' of life points. from 'start to finish: stintECIiURCH „The baiter factoryhas :closed . after a successful season ;the .output' for 1902 was larger than in any previous • year. Shipments of woody hay, bark, stock and grain are frequent from this sta 'tion.' : Forty-two cars were ,shipped' , out °cast month. ''• Mr. Fox has sold the saw -mill' to Mr. •Cottle, who is having the urachi , nery repaired, he may pot in a; new - planer. and expects lotsof loges.. Inexpressibly sad "was the death of young townsman, Ohas H. Henderson whe,died on Friday evening, 5th'.inst. The Friday before he appeared in excel,,, •lent health. On"'Saturday h(37 com- plainedof pains, and grew . rapidly worse. The trouble was found • to be appendicitis,' 'On Tuesday Dr. Gunn ......_of ...Clinton, Dr.....:Elliott...of _.Lucknow;.. and Dr. Jamieson performed an oper— ation. The patient • came through the ordeal nicely, but on 'Thursday took a change for the worse•and..on. Friday evening passed away.. Deceased was. ' thirty years of age ; a capable, upright. business man''esteemed by all, and a. general favorite in ,.the community.' . Only Six Amntha ago ' he was ' happily Married' to Mise Kew, who is now left to mourn the lose of a kind husband. The funeral on Monday was very 'large, the Foresters attending :in a body ; 102 vehicles formed the proem sign. Rev. G: .M. Dunn, assisted by Revs.• C. C. Maine, conducted the ser- vice: Mr. Dunntookfor his text' For' what is your life•? The discourse was ver •totichiug.and the fairing tear on many 'f ace; wee indicative of 'deep est'sympathy withthe bereaved friends. • Almost at the samo neon Friday "evening Ood called ant , this time one of tate pioneers of.1 ifiloss for his own, i1r',.,,oeorge' Ro: s''who settled on ;h e ferm:o i ie' second . nearly forty yeare,ago al.}d.;haa ,resided there con,. •tiquousl sinaa tb ttunet .dspart dt bis eternal,, t on. Deo: 5th.: By hard..' work .and patient .endeavor be sneceedEd inrbuilding up a:,comfoitable Borne for himself and •raising a family of eight Bona and two 'daugbtersa all, of -whom are left tq; mourn the loss .of akind husband 'and: loving father. Four of the 'song reside in , Hartney, Manitoba,one in Rowland* .Wyomtig.- and the other' three: with, their sisters., are :still :at 'home.; The funeral on Tuesday to the Luo) now • cemetery 70" alarge one, - Rei G M. Dunn, conducted : the , service'.and' preached from • the • tepf, "There remaineth' therefors.a,res for. the people of God" The ,pallbearers : were Messrs '.Robert, Jawee •and. George: Ro: s, F, Henry; G: McIntosh and ';Robert . Ferrie.> Mr,. 'Rees. will, be .much missed in the oom- triunity as;hia nature was of that cheer full bouyant type which: never seonied. discouraged and was always -ready .:with a kind word and a helpi,gi hand for everyone; LAU ITER Mr. J.'Kiautz,driller, has returned 'to his home' in Waterloo for .the winter after having a•very successful ' sason. • Mr. and .Mrs.:•Alex.' McKenzie, of 'Chicago, were guests: of Miss Arnie Mo ennan last Week. , • ,'Miss Annie McLennan:is theproud recipient:of.a letter from His Maiesty, The. King,' in answer to a note -sent to him in limier of, hi•, birthday which has the same d,ite as her own, extend. ing to him her good' wishes'and a:sprig of the maple'from tar :f onnie banks of Lake. Huron. Quitea number of Ashfield::congre-, gation assembled ` at. the Manse on Wednesday last. The gathering was prompted by the desire of the mem berg to show their` appreciation, of and high esteem of their pastor and his partner- inlife' by presenting Mr. Miller a fur r c withoat and Mrs: Miller with ti, -dinner seo;and an; .address and desired' acceptance' of the same not for .their, intrinsic valva but :for ' the feel - in which proMpted the net. Signed on behalf of the congregation, Messrs. .Rod F. D. . M k' Miller made a very touching and •.ap- propriate reply •r.!ediewing..at some: length, his work as pastor and with kindly. words the congregation kr 'this. .act of kindnessto him' of •`h' r<mself and Airs. M Jier, NOMINATION MEETING Seventh County, Council Division County of Bence ',Notice is hereby'gi,ven that a meeting of the Electors will be at Town Hall in the `Tillage' of Ripley, on the Twenty-second day. of December 1902, betweenthe hours of one and two o'clock in, the:afternoon, '.for the. purpose of. nominating candidates for the office of County jouncillor' for the Seventh County Council 'Division of the Count , of` Bruce. If a' greater ,.number' of candidates are. ,nominated than are requrired to be elected, the polls will be opened at thepolling places: for each of the polling sub -divisions. within the said district' nn Monday the Fiifth day of January 1903, : the 'polls to continue. open from nine o'clock iri the morning until five o'clock inthe afternoon and no longer; Dated' this sixth day of Dacembec.1902. a• • AN' G'US ,MARTYN,. Noiuinating.'Officer, AT, WINCHAM The ,apoeial' .el@ctiQP cArt' ,on 4 - day at Osgoode 4411 dealt with the re !Halving ' Maes on the list, , lrgumee t in the; East Middlesex, petition w*a. sot for Toronto on Doo, 39th, at 11 a-rn• ,The petition and cross: in. ICiogaton, and the potitiorr in., North 'Qatario. were dismissol' :without costs;, Dates of trial were fixed as follows .---Saulte Ste. Marie, at the Soo Jan, 13th •1 pun :North "York at Newmarket,,, Jan• 20,' 11 a, in.; Centre Bruce'at Walkerton., Jan27,`2 Pm. Mortgage.., Sale •Pursuant to the powers contained in a, cer- tain mortgage which will ba, produced, at 'the. time of, sale. there willbet sold'. by Public Auction, on Saturday January 3rd, 1903, at 3, p.m at. McGarry's Rotel, in the V ilia to of Lucknow, all and singular village lets Num hers fun; -hundred and ninety-eight (498), four hundredand ninety•nine'(499), and five .hun- dred (500), with allowance of a street on the .north side not leas than thirty feet Wide, run- ning to to the rear of said iota, all' in the, vi1= lags of Lucknow 3n thelOouuty of Bruce coni - taming three-fourths of an;acre. There is a • subatautial dwelling house on said'gremisea, • Terms $50.00 in cash at time of sale. Bal- ance in Thirty.days thereafter.' For furtherarticulars apply to JAMES IFtOWEY or to H.61QRRISON Lucknow •.' Vendor's‘Solicitor. Lucknow Dee; 17, 1902.:• •House for • Sale"• , ' A good cnsnfertable frame cottage for sale cheap on"•Havelock street douth.in'the ,village . of l,,iloknow. There is a good garden nf half en acre of land,. Forpartieulars apply'to': MISS S. A. BU1(GESS,. Lucknow, (Int, MR.D.C.McMQRRAN Is prepared to give lessons on Violin,' Mandolin, • Guitar Banjo, Etc. T' rms Very Reasonable RESIDENCE HAVELOCK ST:' House for Sale For sale, in the village of Lucknow, a splen- did brick house and baa t' u tfullg loon ds. The houseis heated by furnace, and is;fitted with all modern improvements. There is half: an acre of ground with good` barn and .carriage, sheds. It is ons- of the finest. homes in -MA village. For further particular,s apply to. -MRS. ROBT. PIWCTOR, Lucknow.: • Farm ' for Sate Being south quarter of lot 13; concession.1.3' West 1V'awanosh, .Containing fifty acres. A good,, concrete house .vithikischen also: barn 36x50and frame; stables.: Farm :well water - ,ed and very suitable, for stock or grain: MRS; 'FRANK JURY Lucknow:. Property For Sale • The propertyOS ass street, in this village. belonging, to'Ira.. George 'Kerr • is for sale, cheap. For Partienlars apply:at Sentinel of House For . Sale The large and commodous houiie on Ross street. The property of thelate'llira. James Somerville Apply to. W . CONNELL, Two • Farms. for Sale. As I intend going west next spring, I offer. my two.. farms for sale, consisting�. of north half of lots 11. 12 and 13, con, 6, Kinloss, and west 3-4 of sot 19. con. ,7, Kinloss,, The firstmentioned•farm contains.150 acres situated on the grafi el' road four miles north df, Lucknow, all cleared but .a few 'acres,, soil an excellentclay loam, abut.dance of cedar fences and fence rails;; hos been all 'pastured, for 10 to 20 years, bas a never' failing spring, lane in centre of farm without a Not, of waste land, also never, failing ;well at buildings. On it is erected two fair frame, houses and new barn 52 x 85' with 23 foot wall'posts,aud straw. filled attached 46-x 64 with 18 foot posts, all On a stone basement 10 feet high,, one of the; best and most Modern barns in .the • County. One half mile from school, '3.4 mile from Iloiyiood, poet office, stores; saw mills, Black • smith, w • gonmaker and everything found in do up -tor ate village. �n�o�+a'waaoesaiee•soe•eer*.•oeee.�e •r•• •• • • • a • • hate too busyvrite:.savertisemonts. pi d'too. short space to "tell you.illi the pretty things;'we 'Ave.. •- l an n : 1 w 0` :• • • • • • • •.. .• • • •• • • • • • •• • . • • JOHN WOOD & 00. • •eee•ee pS.IIe*•••e••*.e •.!•• — e have'some' v;ronderfui toys for them. o4t • "WLCOMB• Wishing ,You all" a. ' Happy Christmas; and a Prosperous New Year, • CHEMISTSDRUGGISTS. ••••••i••p•e•ti••ile•••••••• •el•••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • G. • • ••: • • a •: • • •• i • • •. • • s •� a••••• se•••e•••••e•;•ea•i•e. • • ▪ N•••••' ••MN4l`• Nos ..s ••a►.•...40AKi4 ....NNN•• s Fur Goods 1r A. cha. s.. the -demand' : for Fur' Goods.. c nee to colder Weather w>l1 incl easeti, '' The early,,buyers, this• season will get the best value as nearlyall lines of :'fur goods. .have advanced, and Tate buyers will have to pay the advance., Our stocn k• of Ladles A'straka,n:. Jackets -is still well- assorted and. every gar- ment is "ug • Worth 3.UO to' S,QO more than when weboo ht easel: Get your coat now and ,saye money.; We ,cannot. repo Tat present : prices x001 '. Hose' r VFe ha:vea bargain in'Ld' H � Wool at• 2�c per'. air, ,bales ea Wu Iosc k.. . P. g �yp ?hese. oods',canie in late and we want's f �s 'l 1Also :a line of vy.hea. .-.-ribbed worsted hose .. . in ia gsizes, boys ,; , :• • Stene for at 30� par Millinery` Our Millinery' Department is still attractive. ;` The stork is new AS we keep buying, . the new lines. a ro w w iootsio+N•o.N..N4.... Rams : for :Sale. Ten Thoroughbred Leicester Rams for rale. They; were bred by W. Smith of Maple Grove and: are in first -"class .condition., 'Prices • reasonable; inspection invited. For further partioul ars apply to J AMES LYONS. Jun..Lucknon METHODIST CHURCH.. Rev A Q Harris: Pastor • SAI3BATH. 10 A.M.— •Classes. 1.1• A.•,—" I Am.' 2.45 ,at. Sunday School and Bible Claes. 7 r. lt.—"S1mmon,in Danger."' , WEEK -NIGHT SERVICES Monday Evening, League.. Wednesday evening, Prayer Meeting.: SEATS FREE ° ALL WELCOME .0 The o her farm;; 75. acres,: is situated two. mileseast of•Holyrood,.no valuable buildings, well fenced, and watered with a never failing creek. ' It also has been pastured for .a' long term of years. for which purpose it is special- . ly adapted, though' 31. per.cp_nt of it is excel- lent grain land , The farrat w 11 swill quickly, either to - tether rr rpara .1y;at may vus:, priebaeet. We are, prepared to pay ,for Ariel Y ,;(01,i iE,«I 1 +/fl+:lf.dgcnocf,fTn ,;� First-class Maple lo ss° • $14 e First-class Soft Elm logs'`...$l h Fsrst-class-l3•ock.:Eifn 1ogs...$t4 First' -class Baswood iog5',. ,,t315 First-class'Bech logs All kinds and grades wanted. Call and.get OUi- pri.:es. The Canada Furniture Mfrs. `I:i tif'tY d, r, Operating the :Button & Fessar t Chair Factor: .y • WLNGHAM, ONT. House for Sale. A comfortable dwelling liouse .'fn's sale on Victoria street, Lucknow.: There is p good stable and driving house on,the place. For farther particulars apply. to. J. '4V, afoise Lucknow, nr,to Albert Fleming, Witigliarm,. Ram Estray - , Caine to the premises of the undersigned lot 39, cotteeesioi1,one, Kinloui, Oen; or about the lith of Noveinher last, a white aged ram; The owner is requested to prove. property, pay expenea anti take him away, 1), orL%TES'; Lucknow — -• ''` ST. PETER'S CHURCH 'SUNDAY. Morning Prayer aril a.m. Sunday School=3 p.m. £ening Prayer at' 7 p.m, . ifoly Communion first Stiiiday of every month, Erni e (:UPS and choir practice ' Wed oe4dia,y evening' at 7.:30 p.tia: T,r,+v orir (xoyw:>*i,4 ::,turf ("f/fors tea Try. our 14;kt .firypTea Try our 2 ':.1afi1:'t.'1", 1'ry our Picdesi Tri 'jrlart,j:tr-s . Try alit Cotfoe., Sold i' rarid.:. • Try ,our 256 Criffe • ` , Try our Paradise (..urrants, recleaned ,Try our .,xtra SeI' cteddtaisins., Try our California Evaporated • • . .Peache Try our 12a : ie,' Syrup in bottles' Try, our Choice Prunes M1 q arvu Albh Th•e MChance]lor., Steel Range ode by .thehe oldest :t. . , l.argesSui • most extensive a e . , alers Yn. C;anad . .The:: • l • �y • art, t r g v e. satisf ac . tion, they econom' e' fuel,. •. • d' personal u ' g aran te�A and that of the maker ..,. goes with .each..:.. UCKNOW' r• :4,. •(: • •;,