Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-12-18, Page 6-7 '17 W
!�:p II4, 0r qqo wlauttl . Results f�om common sops: Now Vgrk TrIbune. 4 e m Woud 'a Mrq coarse . nds, ragg6d
io 4 . i6ndred 4i -ATA"I'100. G.rAu tells 4 story Nb6lit cze a, winalpWo Soot ., ;d o11vo O�ten� wondered.. air. What, Ib "MONW40 A _you ei, e used, tor-Obil. aonnels., ',j' child, cd %v E oothos the, Of tons t .0 Ms -9109 foue-DIS 'a if 'You Could act . higi cl�the k.n:" fla
nA moki 6the Jleur� god rea4l' tll I intl of toll tho, be4k ;eraedy, . 6 I -to .t� going,, v1t; nuadred an' -seVen I WAWII ing. jtlh�, of the Aanerl- Afty, - 1rholu, bu'tk L re dred. an' eigh�. T1 00-11 imaAe. Th s wa$, i t e d -,bY WANTED� TO.'pUI�(1HAliE�—ANY QUAN. w9dd, sultable -for brick nda�, apprgelated at It tbe eriff. tity of Dr. Au t6 uae,j state cash price gq.fst Koenig,.,; Httinburg -PrOPs III dou.1t und6retand," he remrked, bfuriijug, fol- Ituniedia n isimpsou l$rIp
p wpnj�?ai Wit for
miolim-10n, wheu"yw feel youi 6; sh
04 euk, VQ you tjui,t, k Co I 4; it t a Is st U b*ood purl.fler,. strength anj us erstat 'in talk). to.b.your otat o T A-,:WQ n 4211911 a studies n'"ty lioalth re4oi�cr,. and a � eel,fic, 'for La,;Y. It giives ti wpm, 4yjjlg . yo ti� An) erica 0routo strep io to
againat their ONvp pou t?ij n e's anot, ipr one,- slip Isi
I4111 A dinnoll, Yjdney trou- 1p ersons, 04 itille oth`�rsldO a L eve.r.yXii bids, W4�da till Other s' rp 14 1cincs med AIL BY M. oeOyr like ilio'last one,li rap. reips Ion, ore I wofit M'COUR woud6rful sales, 0d marvdl�, I �Jvas askeLl ah8�,j.'the Intense cold, i -M victual attenti! h. actors. Indl
o Ben foi iniportA10 long. booru dgpec- It, or' u Wliy '-,he lias'kot the very same in; isthoroughl taul; 14o It 0 t), niost [or- I . baudiiotpei eats,
e,, III lie K _g �, 11 't udeil6e, Depart-, qljoe of the P66pld, ,
le 11 —�Jat lib fie) lie 1 , . a for lAaLiticulars. Corresilt li$t. exerman p n, course, here up0ly .1 t CENT BUSINII,�,S COLLE EjoriiAtli'Can. links or evOr tor be At Ill. Just like' tile Y 01117. I have llvQd t % .. ..9 nopt 'a. now- and untried., 11e, I� 'assure y A'su :Atoasider. I -.6U ,y. f4rmp.Lr t Ylt 1.0 i'out was. made and sold mb�e� t tAlan- 71 last misR , , ,b It WseldCo.0 more' MAPLE SYRUP., b id).tv IAt Arilligli it. MPORIA4 0 , peo. bel Softie Ifound OW 606101.4 ig-rare, it's tim, a M The quallty, standard from, Ocepn. to Dick' - 6i � I I I- 11 Columbia J W� , -
..e Qceuu. 7Yournloney back Ifnotn6tialactOrY It% -m ter $up y f QW, 11 There's brany roads and s4le- 3ege IdiotT."t takes the Ca I"I . and bruises 4 Slip oif Icy -om, Deuve tj F3 Col., 0 d �ROS9 LAFLAXE j. he K1nd Friend ops Purifier _p I a Perry —Wlat. AgWts, Montreal.
-amtr NyaO, fxo7,en up, 4,p the plext, follow. Thatla the time Nv tei Meen t It ever o d h -go j4iot.—Oh, tlt� bv*dl"s you, haydi will build i4p;i,iv.n. dpvva hotse. the. woman .1b jauglalig. dt, you.-- laugh- 1 & and, it has rdti , iined or six �y years, ,he mlikulan did defie I Wagon, I suppose; y lttlle�couqlit 4..oie your stu 0ity, yojj,�w it tonf,,s.0 -90tir -'yoq a BAGON H CS p th�p s�ste.m, rids your vj�ljjty suj�pb6w a6t,� Your railkin 'dI 't -o Humorist.. w3iiy he aq d 13,0..' J001ae, ll a An E, ml;ir�, and L -m i's so spprdinb f, )Icy said Oberly ;.nggh of bots,,Iworms HIGH E 011
14, ono.,of "tiie, ClciveU= EST TYP
h' t Obse a;is� byou. a , bu , to poRr.oVt y noer- rvo our CQM�, hyrant to Iroze up," agepro4ticed or parasite;$ WhiC �,Class
IP6111t Of your, wIfWS coldness, ber* teacher said to the yo W At � WiSH 3 S. tq, Engliali -composltion�: Ili wish ev- hoUevo BIINA. 0 K LOI)Q14 minq� kril 4nimalsheat'li bI.S LtNIME lack' of'"preciatloinh her failure to. a you,, Mat' Dr.' First and Sweepstakes atToront6hibacon., 0: ory luember would tbp lb 'classes this year., Firfit';in(lf3w4�t,�l)otalreo,at ts. a pitckag understahcIll your 'Wonderf'Ull . . of, the' claus ,est y Com- aBQ's ointment is noertliln an im een bla, VO 'the winter fair four successive years. �plex and profound aatureI and the wAllsollilk6 ourii, for eaola write, out 0, conv tw a.,ft. � s tey� Oil City Ont. d'ona or -his: tistomei, of, g
LEEMlkd MILE,S,& o I'aud, ever form of ii Stock -all a es at plolleiate Woman vlio listells, will couwle, Y0, 9. grocer aa Ot 'Joseph ;9now, Norwa wj,�IjQut mni,`quest1.Qn'; Ind lAitroddeing I. 1 lecdlaj� and protruding piles. Incidelit or'.. Me.. J. E. BUBT.11OUR. Burkord, Ofit. oed, with. the manufacturers have ku"rant6ed It, $eo tes- Cbms. 'Who.0n. uxilgi;ave, N. �k %Box G., thall,kc). Tot the d;eiftnctibn timorilala,inithe dally; prcs�, and aqk youftdigh reference." Among. those handed �in b6ri; what they'think , ofit, . You can uso it and was the follo*ing, by a little gIrIL Rew. 11, ;. 0; Aiist.roug, nutgrve, N.O. 9w, let me, tell you uotnething�.. sensible,, 110' olir money back it not oil �ea-,ab pirre. 1andry �en., 11 k.em y nost woman. tids, "Wbat do you want, aakcd the gro. aN X ers or RDhzANSONj3ATrS& not a'L particle.of respect for the man, C dy anawored; "A Pound afflold sTJiotaila I 56pii, Zil POULTR TLES 'who, compl4inis tQ.her of or, chaise .o int win e nt or, Or AIWON -BOT df tea:.i, t' obn or Va' asked tilic' a woman sbin.6thries cotiltiments of 'Poultry, Game,Bhtter my 'llsten-yes I JL , ok ItIl takei:bjaek-'� Oble ��,S LD-EVERY.�YEAR. IVIII pl�i ke a f4oj or f 11 R 6 , olley l3eall" etc,, solicited. en, oTs, seeing cl, -man ia, -�uld; 'It's. for a unor I6 Ver A). Torotto for bmeswa;. -4 13ut L . .; . .4 2 'eftnt L I I I himself. Wher heni"t -olie-despiges De, Chreful. WAII. Axatcli, lieferences-vour loedt banker. efti Lfttbli the jLosers.i, Co rnspoind once tifriteo, Pronijit,retufna, "Every niatch is saTo,,' sabd, at CATARRH CANNOT B�'L CURED a] n aler, rout 112 V
S, as they can Clev a Do Oo, PNT. I'll'tell yon the sort of unhappy Idealer, �irefully' Used, and. no, with LOCAM A.PPLIC�Ti6 JOHN L' FEE I1. . . - �t. . woman , , other ot reach the,sQat of the disease. Catarrh- is Tq Is oite little thing au" mrried, man :&.. fine majoh: is saf4i wise.'I"The Care— il wre a' blood or conjililtisloual 'dise,ase, zixid In e"knoW and p1ties;tbe is ipar; (1, X.34prple in handling order to cure It 10'u intIst takr�. internal rem� and that is that tessaess' 'a . , very I to,a, fool bat Who ip,,too roud to didles. Hairs 82pitrh ure'll takeu later- abOwt tho - lolsses' by stock .." mrk-4 L To. aAl Interested In th6 tall: abou t it. Tjq be!�rp III$ bdrddn matcbe. is 'Inconceivable, r 'ijQU`14 nallj�, aud'acts direetlyL OA the blood and alcirnple. - Tko winhprs are beard-ffbin. e(jucation'df.�oung . ladles mucous surfaces, :- Hall?s Catarrh.Cure to not or He be IX* it were not a m4bter Of uelud-' ' ;Ws w here all extensive bravely L ancI unconj, I�Lnlj;t 10� REMIt-L - course may be. bad, I i . L I .1 I 11 . I.. ileIt wits prescribed by'one bright vind but the poor loser w - - 't - . IceOo iki the bac4egrou.nd a4id'ieutwo 'ing -the cofiiinou -and high d&ts� his FlIlly !I tb ren -013siervation., Unfortunately.' , he of tho beat physicians in thJs country,for riong. I oo good to be- To 'O le�. best. tofitca,known, combined,
opect, - And, spim.tke. always: th, defer�w years'and is wroj;nlar prescription. It, Is com-� foj school 't4cience,
tt w rt'onnoticed. ln I a e the molst pa matt erk�a of her.. He ia�not docolviag the hes are Ith acting to; N/ pity,' too.' 'Ong - point. of litualp, TRADE Q ad I gin with� s of apenig, la.beofblood purld�rs directly view. because- their ill luck, might Art,, Commercial L;, Th;a 6Iroco� Cho Voice Training, Biticution, w6rld ni - littl bit, 6. I on 0 ucous surfaces. The perfect combi- �116wv, hel. on ef the t -ingtiedlents Is,what pro. sot've to point' It W, 111 f6ir the. ill- Art Need Is W orlif and,Phy- Is hot. theml ba- been! a, little'too" I'm . or.
to qa4 du essidiaho erf results in curing cl� a&iGed III alcal Culture wl MAWL *far -it- I, dait aa* incoliamon thl](11; -tarr Send 9.0 at Pr6sid6lit,. as-, robs who fancy, they know to 11ev.,
l4g. en tl ey think-tildy A D. BEMILL, +16, riciio. or 46x-: 1i �vfi Tal 0 for NEY&CQ,,Pr ,iWoI Sj. Cathurtuee,� Out.; -for . I J; C edo O' to misunderstood .,line- I I 1. ! : sea It. paln, andmil! Tr; fibl)r d 1 n a r y -f t the gtiek to�break and tb(j llghi-� ojif I , . COLLECE liht. )vuu.
6nd fall to Ltll.6 ground ok floor. it 'Sold by l3ruggists I* '75 eaklider rat c�� de-.h!?iyi,throuLh being, bandd. "I Mimi, a girl once, whaf Te,rT special es. 1116-Famlly Fills a -of tbi6g. 'for a part. t a"EUMATISM. Is rather more ,I� iNTION, TH16 j?A:Plth went'in fortliat sort -ion T1sy.Z(WiseH ad -D-ii,fectmAt soap as!of the Ignited V6it to fly off in -But th o.'- n de -in t biJ,th'eoftP1W Ithe, goratchlUg.: JU9t -a Woman. dusted lio "Poor, dour, unnappry man who had vuell a Alresbme,. qu, some, jeal, wl III bavo a supr so, a ac, atoerAt the oa�aae -#mel' that i it never th, all their fault', 13e- . I i *I -rpL for You" K it. dis nfe Thor arrel b6tter thn' mot; o? the; demr,".,hb.gaid, peating hiftse r at VIC . . . �, I f, .. . .,d� who, hav been,d Ildve v thtdnra� able at i. 13h our), unal gold-.'. WATCH Ill. ytheir,prutchin, belnL cured after A Now. Joko. platq alid ..V r on eptirobally fuls-sy , persoll. Who. sees,-, 'I-Wel mll� ;JAcosa0iL. Directions ineldVen t L . , $2 35 engrai;ed cnseln:dlffar� avp 3preck tas a r- aths,atid, In hos I.teitri , ble, tritged 'f6 - 61i a- bril- tbeni-,Xt is. an -, ex- suppior:` table. I'lant, brainy. fellow to,,be ..61h&Ined10 -ptiat lik, by re sb respondik, qnick- on ars S bit-accomp4rizeverybottle. ,a:toIr has 'gome Out 640 Y k' tatesniall. y enti designs, ter"n 10, you vor 'a lever, quick 'bei t; atem. sfuch. a -stojild Aiag. The, h6lO w� it do,sviii Y,,. -,b 0. L -She he.thro 6t,:takes any in i.�It,,Qry I wind and stem stA,open. faeo bevel a;Py af,h6uscs 1 the eoiii-' NeurAl S., I iras -best -aim know oveiytfilfig he fict of ibo 01ace wherd. 4t fAlls. .1 World light bi�r. dear, yea-,'dhe,
mont Azibepta�-cle for burht- ma;tellea to -gia., clvlidpl�'sYm , hized witlimbliii, L-J�is. - weddI4F.,,, woPat and unnI 'oth InOics In df,
-derkrtod tilm''.and wen:to uriqlieqn. thek: wnm 6, p, ap,er'basket. A Mith aliltirt wind all* 13ro- ISale Iter., is lor, ever u -he �Vlth him. !- Olily . �TLrY evll�ralnalpd Videace that , most Mina ' . en,
of the: b' id
bil 3foIrp, .e.: Y. byt 91, (M.D. ff.mocabul r6ilable time- 'could ope tlie �stlght t h a rm' mat Wrilift kno" "Wiliox ce'dsed y met 'the ears the re a It irr'-Welr f'rielid6hio.. ch the, a Will' watel0s'
We-61i'at �glrl TeObbd �Up in `tbe m*oviel,�.Is fli'at �t: $5, but A BOON TO UORSHIMEN-Orfe bottle -of diorce cour - -au EL M'orlo YMS e paper bskets IN t' . - oo-r espou dent. *Via Liatzlient completely removed A.- rj�e�l, .�indsouiilltto' ' ilivb n, ot" the. Fftlitest doubt of her 40 n6t` take � fie, and start-, conw wourb 'frolanly horse. I take' pleasurela MAII 1)(isiptit(l. buy' tug 'ith �, tills; wakik you rua, inuolceilc'6I but olid'.had beed'-doing, Matchs recomineadlug the, rentedy, an IV acts,.w N; Y.Herald. Tommy -Po,. ;eb doos: Semysterlque. promptneoslh the reindval - from an ovn'�olati6nr gtjjllt�, and had to m h for�lf NOT'AS, §1 roach greenr oid haralli'9f ha�rd,' 6r calloused Wall NTED.�. atina t for, tier Indlocre ns. miEtteale are oi,*,darpigerons as most, opa*in, , splints cltrbs, 1peeIay, ettfies and ager and WE WILL. RETURN YOUR NIONEY.' back to uB
the "P66PIO owhO use'. tbem,��N. Y. spraiiii.. T mmyls'. Pdp-)V;Iib-il 'h -o a an Oc- WEARE'RELIABLE "I'dAvIll genarianam afe iii is (1-1ru n do ' idtoodhu:9bAad#j'dq you. un� armer 419611G.E R.6i'D, 'F d marries a graos mises,and you ar6 an a endl
rst�qln,d ,e� ?I -6)�OUI. un. :1. . I ljjont�y d4ybu wou.4 on .01 It -e time sOn.., r'own t'Own. ajip�rc6la ted, -r k to Aoldby.-all c1rugift9ts. lI1'rLrqLjjtjnt III joU thq.:yv0xnn NVli6 do, not'have "to oj)en tilt. bacIr or, front (it, ac -L ands no go n�ete. :. the h IfInard',6 t 611630 BOrni, , " lit 4el, . I
'17, AU i 'd, blit is .HLT�. 'L 0, ? INIF I I .. - IV . . of !A(, Ill you We re ar :00., tllb 7 OT1 wl'i�e Oin!t to: al 1�1 Iii4ted to KoW� 1110, tal, but ling.allrEAVY GOLD HE Broochds' here mene, a in . uc. li bu : per,, eeining " Sim -on,' PLATE-iliatWill.wear,And I tioifed rhay offer.,w'd etornity. Ah,' wiill� . .6 r teroity Feats'. Tjh�at' 6 Chicago'Dally� ews. or,
to the 6rdfiiil)�v old-plitte ;overed. tj at esir n dl�d t ird o stble to, :Yeiar ixko the kinghoon at! fully the aboj�� description,- gtill,M able suig"tion. for Chrmiimalii.' 40th Annvrsary..'. i P s A6cmplilsi'fi. Your. girl an Angal your.. wife, world. 114 Is ii, ee. buying - .. , . .. I I 'I . I . I . . , 'Rpa,iil rd, n C16%r aOtInd te 'Yo 'U6 than, or. boy iieed b hAhified to earryi n. true. iiid,�rstood Folp "jVer L . . .? r - , here a:re fiia�fiy! yiacal,feats p�.. ca any a It on'd lVeliLij.-lid rdied upon c�er tfrnc� P 'Each one is a artistic mer1V yo ir ahwel alw4Ys. to drift - all exbeedirig�ly eimpip, tfiat,.,ih little mote and got as wb sing:,v4hie., on r . 09��colored.,eloiids t-Iro.u"gh gdid- pxtdh tly 0 could he a CHR19TMAS PRESENT froin ry ult r aldrurf. 'bo
� 11 rui e at Cutes t.1le fnthcr to )JIN
n on no S prdina pefson finds it, d'i'le . or fro In t Ill., onim o9 t 155, 13,,ij "'Star 4, to. his father, or tlu�'klotbr (?) ber mofber, or Able. t r In0a t -he III (b, to her goll tIonan friend,khall if fi an orubi� 'and Perahi yW jm*op�. 9. -p&fiDrm. Fo nod C1 or ell hil� 43� si�na o pid solid Cold nt -0 a. in n cannot4L9o'fr6M �.chah- A. glariep can convoy. more admlra�. this beautiful wliteh
E,verybody rIke hios oner will be dMight- cloado a Z6 0 viet 'op upt t.6 u4ss thI14 oppor. '13317, at$ I 0, Wk racticed scroll, ed, M�e.aii l.111 Ive you i s, udd6r' the chdir 6r tunity, to'kipeure ali�oi -tliat Will procup lo naL love. )crfe�t for man (.1 hImself o e moneyl fine methyst surrGunded'wfill: Pearls. for, 'anolig andl- eter oatoldeL orr"It. fler hrves' tri tb
'p CoUgIJ, t a or ace. a: man. will ;bgick * I olid' G61d,'mounted witha jr "ad fd,�t of e? A.nioat But' goldon Stinshih and roseiio' - L L I I ' -
Of with n. t4a, an Valnche
WIth b�p , , do 9� Caibi6n airt, beiading fo rd: 0 Life lo too ard 'And ed Qum Mid, tfii3. balffed, Is not so, give L In ay J;t.0 Ilut 'the aii0ll ns,we vej)reaeutl It. N111711t4i your,at in � songs. 0 Sei .8 L A'SP-EiPIFIC FOR and address No. 1 3369j it'$24,. Is 4 .,poetlo,as the f -a-,phlm. 'A aottLer a start of . 1 . y yards bad to wotso AlleiiIs Lung Ilia u Isain, co inii.,goeo to the. r of - the trou b lcr an'( lcures deep-sea�ted A- 'Clover List, ? '7 ..: L r - ': I Hamiltoh," Ontj EldiSt "bf CX40811C iWA tY. did your a-, Ja a rare of 100,- vio-vided the md litfun, n, n ago, bw6i�6 a WO-: oplu e*
COUGH8j. C0LDS,,'ETc.. jiff VI'M'DUPPLY CO.v D e pt.
nd.ceasil fiderknad v I.. . .,L,- N6. 13400, at $42, Is iL a'r VJ4 th.e. .�t � t Wa�yi,,: tions or throat and4fingej ivitb r . , L W&�il lat h all, the paved Ani.Pegrisi haVig to Its' . go to kadi beii teiited and hai 'dld�you U lgu� luo Vu a be ccutre! utiftil Diamond. mily.l2pugh al!iccific,of tkolumpilds. uner, however s*fft, �can Cdhada . and �tbe Umited Of -to an or- tW or IQU2� was mere popular, liaranteesere'deliverylanich aegive that avioulfi� start fes happen fully refund the full'oricovil a silcak-'s gud� and':to , ok �nor more litr4el3�rtd "an. -it it'. mb tin line YOU' .66axir. majFin ih- f )tico; te ac LeAl y- the same-paeo, is In.aly way unsat slacto try t her men wiveb;. ini yr;j;6'ik't 1?r t ThexWore t1le 'tanher, o,g -Ooreibanco' appri�clate� am do -Cough Remedieli; 6in6 and go. New five-yarcu, hlip the "hopper 11 -goes �o Lradons aft, tzied vr�!W and abandon. e but the. -old' reliable re I d, w 'E'
for our hew study arkd,:Understand and. MERIT, ALWAY ELLS, . t I 1orty-five, AANISOA E, 'VAT C1 Pa." tW;ld pbouldn't wonder. nl* :1 1%,96111d Gold Lndleal'or'Gent R.E the pre season - for e v'fa9t, afid Wwoald -be watell. sent is. a tjjj Tu P both old And y*nng,*aa(Fcatda easily- who 46�6uld noth.op, fort costs from $2§ to $5,0. avay. , yen - Don't thro�v your Mons I JfL fiv �y Ids at a: pac a -I t6 i wanb a WATCH that will dqual for time any sali Gold,-Watilh Ryie .-:E�diih Sessions p er. cauxbt ndw are apt to remain'g
e. ar Ott Oit& ulilevq livompg.1y ilureill. inade,,squd. us your I nanIp an No t eladdressi at oAcd itu
at - agree to I on SLAVE? - 'better velae4y�&ti be oundthan 'd I O,boxeb of our Zalnottg Vejetable Xe� Life Vills at 2 ewel APE'. YOU A- du for . loor . yhr .9, -an 66c, w box, ra4d.romedy an Yhjid �� Adelaide Streets, . would nitan that the runner, it Or- d.cureforalim around bak.c6ndittoag.6f tho. A.Good Many 4en ime Wthout I . rIIOW- ludd, Indigestion, toma�h trouble, con9ti potion, weakne" errom d,*.to wiril, *buld'Ii&vc, to beat: adir;6rders,..iht-umntisuirtndtemiLidti*o!ible.,4, Agrand tti�,� ri Toto prov ecor �s.. twAy yr4p and life -are ens -sellj as lous r d Th6se ate our rogular b0c. simi; filey
'hig tJ'a iaan,bomsts thht its penknife one ustonldkwhobu:kgaboxof0ills.froin , you, repe ocs a. Prlie GOLD 3t- ALL DAUGGISTIS., L !, I T, to idnaL YOU Ite Tell YQuk*Xr mean to Venid' P arp; ask r. JIM to TIc eb, Which entities them to a fine litece of silverware 0 slLfo ' �flghttl)g for, M0336y and the Ohnhog'ff yeii� life.L' Send us, �your, 11 Your order snd;�i witil fts' strbIrb f L thp� bladil. ne of 10 boxes an kize Wicket., by Judi 'on o I0 1, Noatpaid, when Aoiti y ofid 1'pwr6r, and -he he e An.%avex- these yigiow.' ribboia, mo qlki III themondly (32.50.� and ive will sell you the WA ago man, I decision 1. tell urc gars. hWir �hre round brtindied of 1. A GUARANTEE. FOR 20- VL eday.M6 1.11, _tkkS , . , you mcan to dwell In the couw received. 'We' are rp a], you re Pigs, Aythese a hes I + I e ask you to lease
aiild� he iY!ll q1tp Morliiy. Is 'L 'R J Th olgh to do this It Ill to quickli int�rodihco omr re=4 and NY
0 Ilb 009'e. t of 1;W0 the knife: - the imin
t ry, galai 000 MEN I ll� a , similplo. flvelihooa ',John in r.'IA 110 :coive the will b your er not .'CUkt throngll'dll,. tiler ribbo'n oxi show it to y9ur frien4 edshavdilr0ceivedwatchesfrOlu 118' .,are eilo that% D�pt Tie t6d Vvith them"' This is a glorious qUE, �Z- be love you mean V e opportunity toget [01110. a ` with t d lig
WHAT or Will conclude, Lie 'doArinalre; Is a 'I'ot, .h �An idejoO a .:"d tbut.,will pull out t for. It. slid yo� should ivrite at once. ll� a it who bel' 'is, and- the ilnorelip tries o cut it Adgirefla Plainlys THR NEW Lff a9mrilly 00-00 To ILI" :%V951hN.l oVea tharo''Is 4'Ljte- 10 t. Izltj�ls 'race,. A1631; geqj�le,dj) kncov' and. dtfecteand n1t., latja between Oauiqe �IJ6 longer It m J�, No Onjo cXdept r a.. L. b1nd -thoy, are - the 'slaves Ode' r It that there I* sorae'difference tW061% man 'Catt 11vorg, Out. Did you eVor: rWlatl6e to 'run up alle& ' They bijild I. righit ana� wrong. wheiiever u, 9tad ith ip 16 Ort� of. any kind. AgaLasjt t�ho, mArI 1viloac w1ro did,*not, h4c�ugda. than the,y car' temijor - atisee . to a for flyo - idtlyat(W if a stretch, If lie t WL th(31;6Ugllly 'bAudfold4bd Athout tor slioi�v th6,3, blitch arid. Wrape year J� lin A. i parliament," In a 6&b- tIto j)& for f4hellir' �'jja itfter Ikrid-W him, I know filaci �sratd a inetj the Idedlogue does 'dowhi ge Is' ftovino his feet. If he does not movO -oatliilo 'pinplillig toi pa ab-, III the diii�po or. h Me' hot 1069 since g-feist be' IF; pretty Oure to, to'liple bkljht� ' %VOd-D;'1U, to that t, , rs kelkd' it ad other In, about. a wblutii.,' In an0wei .fd that queatlolli I've otractiong, a�nd,� %or t hollow knhti� A, but* re_ jbithrid. his hIat4(*;,V (rQr4 hiff ypilth up 1, 16" I*vo 4teard. le ht the eA -M-atter.of 'Conil� over and' over,, I ,6i,,bne 1 at And thb erhand!i lilerem9p. T Is . .. . 01A slon. jimn carae, w e out Ikeeps 1119 avenged 11 jpc�tlt ditiet,. a.11. 4b no stipch .80 no e 611 tho gi-11)(19tos, the illat the, t" 'h ii Napoleoll pe.
ofd`�Jjor 1he of tho l -No jUe 11,��6,ftnd enjoy Ltr; got."t61 ffiake a jollow t)ilj&1iiiIro anh Idoalig th a oung, wooer, )it ire ttdrItiou to t1lb Ndft . byr &, blaWed ropl 1 ed roxiorritler tfia�t 'by pllfe�IaF,ln g ifill, Xplitt,4, Pr;e,.9(.i ;I'trat-goIng46 take a rm st;' , r - I � It JSL.,%V il. a hAn t11040 tbe ydouth.; "but aj?l I'l uts jjL (Jft ,jll- tli�' little, varking' 6 'j) aCCUrmj6 . t hitmd to mari:y fr(nn tir"i Amt 11, A'Wj -undeksood '(111d C m r T� TO� YOtIR 8jrk inh, f., f Wjr be#, - e� whose , vattoikkatibn Uffim 6 li,kerj I m�poie Oavb and .0 kil all Jul pr ttojiblu al4s). othut YOU save hot 0 initters' ate by buyli, g' dl?'(Cff Ij(iAnjL.jjJP 1t) L4 ituniorous, as oni,61pre'80ift asr rinly rt%'IjIJjn. tb throe 6r, folltr '119, OJI1§4 Wr OVARA-2N 'DL n6t oNmeLly'u havo cd--volfi into your' pke.,481 - A , It �Barquo's ghost Toll IAV.% It WO patIV3 'wo tbink of that N1 u bo9t Itrifto �hider than at)Sr oLbor hum�Wq, olf all ,,,Ul. rAjnjeiv1(- ��r be of g6,O, or I ojjC �M M ho I had keiise to 4,10&f and 1, ai, I B (Jill hcht kitditv hig Mid "t It t, Ife. de, pfila tecerd. gb f 6addeitly al' _d nd found lie am th "8t�Prlu or , P w I ARR NMI'- if, Flow&, and you'l arther and onIgood I �t. yode obicke'ns dreL bet I r hotter. they are ;But -there 1,; 61w-li, a hotlov/ fit his wlatched" -cent Ci ar Iniere fi; a -old, work.tOlIve, i3rtlad and utter a ga�jjlr- thiau.,oftea Is qubt6d, 10 I-I*Ar et jbighe sAar, hot -to arantee, Cletir Havana F.Illed �J' tl,&,d h.aljIL M N*Ife a little tim It asih; w180, ) $6 he. NrAw. L , e fitid,yoUrr 0 sort dfr 'You "h I c f at to bal �Ooln- Plea ,would be W1 YOUr voters before 00 II,.v6tod6 pamber, Natloii�'11 lld toll 9 rm(1-4 t h 1 8 will k*r Nvl,l #rho, Iloe she xneat'is !9;it and So. Ithe Ivay lip: COkod to 111611W. I ue n ZLI , b0t!*Y, Opritigs all �cr,' GLF Thaes c the &eiiest - thi In e. Do you kn4ir that Irhe first sband �i evor" 0 Ifesshe m6sL Ww; not "preciated had Tnar -in, anything ifies� Worij/. 'YOU, getsf lAndl yle %M- RAPH' ivak 6rbffvn,tq - Pither lady 'or ao's daligli,E".' Ind wrld," ROT P4X,.\ C T A3 A p4VE.) - up
lsee�wmt wn,o the fit' a d fMiShL'fCd In brr#vn, tRr
an last ? Ah Y64, his 1wirb did, not like IDE "P olive, otbill4off d ay0 RON �fie Rhave' of big hoso' and trank6d- 1,t tit, any 6 her romide pa ir? otead or alicking a, , dds. *kit& I will mend 9:7i,e landlad�y'B dAught6r bad bpeh 1.4 x 20 ReteXrAph -Bromide P&Orl Liar Illeav" - dillietor 0 OA.4 prepay expreit OAA irdot for, ho, firAL rl el'S will �,vo gu different reiihilti: tiattil 'n )gUe jhtm to. �wedr filfi hatr pompadour,lrlz- Ttr I C, - NITUR - 0 LIMITEbr,
THEDUFFETT FUR E 0 q� queei wfth bet- hfi,d been 146mothlu in we: e. V Ut the, one 'figram mr, ' Or PWA;bly , slio � hLhd n'(>j. I iij� 6: 8, 10 and Itt'(3buld 606oi oiji,ted JAW - 11 Cannot nd* quite le 18E 40pre At. . r . L I t 'r I . . .4. .. I .1'. �.. r' I . . 1 6 L 64 I I jo"Uor' 'St:LW- . . . I 'r I I D n 1r6mrite Ot, ft- Ir Ad It w" , i�rl r N ts �,tvorsd (,he ulAn - With ths noft , IL
II.. . . .. .. . .... or