The Wingham Times, 1908-07-09, Page 4KERNftS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL
1 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
.'herra'o no, kt,re for the nten who
declines to give htmsolf a tgr-re deal,
Dare to do right, and you will soon
Lave a lei: utatien for being poor, but
I)r. C1iaso'a Ont
talent is a certain
a n d gaarantt e,'
cure fur each and
every form of
;il;ilea, protrudin„
ea, Bee testimonials in the pre: s and as
your neighbors about it, You can uao it and
tivnur• moneyback if not sat isae3. (Pr, at. all
nota ern cr, .Drit,N&0:r, Baar:s Co., Toronto.
11)124 tau j °wi. OINTMENT.,
Scotty Morr]son, a militiaman, fell off
the dock at Owen Sawed, and was
Plans are being made to send 3 OCO
Taw York schoolboys into the country
Ulla summer.
Fileeri—;,Torture's Great Restorer.
While wo sleep Nature is restoring
the oelle and tissues wasted during the
hours of waketalness. Yon can live
longer without food than without sleep
and persistent eleeplesenees usually
points to nervous oollapae, Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food cures aleepiesanees by build•
fag up the nervous system and its bane -
Ate are therefore lasting.
The Montreal cotton mills have again
resumed operations, and are employing
2,500 operatives.
Of the 33,000 persons who emigrated
from Ireland last year, 5,711 were from
the Provinoe of Waster.
o n's Kidney .[ills aot on the kid-
neya, bladder and winery organs only.
They curebackaches,weak back. rhenm-
ratian, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's dieease and all other
diseaeee arising from wrong action of the
kidneya and bladder
Two Doulihobors were killed and one
seriously injured by the burstirg of an
old millstone at Christiana, Seek.
A new tobacco company to be known
as the Imperial, will take over the Am-
erican and Empire tobacco companies of
Files are easily and quickly checked
with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To
prove it I will mail a small trial box as a
.convinoiug test. Simply addrees Dr,
Shoop, Racine, W is. I surely would
not send it free melees I was certain
that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would
stand the test. Remember it is made
Expressly and alone for swollen, painful,
bleeding or itching piles, either external
or internal. Large jar 50c. Sold by
all dealers.
Chief of Police Randall of Guelph has
ben condemned to pay six dollars for
confiscating some short weight butter on
the market.
William Paul was sentenced to be
hanged at Kenora for the murder of
Henry Schelling near Pinewood, nearly
two yeara ago,
ROW'S inns?
We cffer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J.!Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business tranaactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm. Welding, Kinnan &
ld2'arvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
mally, acting directly upon the blood and
raucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle.
Sold at all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
t Willie Berke, a little boy, was drown-
aed at St. Catharines While bathing, and
, °hariie Boieenault, another email boy,
was drowned at the Soo.
c Mrs, Henry Dawson, an inmate of the
( hospital at Brockville, attempted to
lt,00mmit suicide. She sat down in the
water and slashed her arm with a
5 knife,
plied--" uthin, only you might retort
John Hill of Brantford, wee irieled on
the railway. He stepped from one trach
to another to avoid a train, but was run
dawn from the rear.
The White Star Line will put two
boats on the Montreal and Liverpool
route next summer, running in connec-
tion with the Dominion Lino.
Debt is the beginning of slavery. A
creditor is worse than a master, for a
master possesses only your person, a
creditor possess your dignity and can
spurn it with a blow,
Bears the The lord You five A:nate
Signature 0
Handkerchief corners will meet
more exactly if the haudkerohiefs are
folded with the first crease on a line
with the widthwise threads of the
Charles AIfier, charged at Hamilton
with burglary, and released on $400
bail, supplied by his blind father, dis-
appeared, and ruin stares the parent if
the bailis estreated.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally beenauccessfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
The aerial conning tower is the Iatest
device of the Chicago department of
smoke inspection. Its value consists
chiefly in that the owner of the offend-
ing chimney can be notified immediately
by the inspector stationed in the look-
Bears the Tte k ".d Y6ll fiats A:aaags EtZ1 other day to my an article for his wife,
a blouse, cr something else that women
wear, it makes no difference to the
story jurat what. He modestly stated
his mission to the young lady who was
behind the counter in a Ponlett street
store. "What bust?" she enquired,
"Weil, I don't think anything bust,"
was t he reply, "the blame thing simply
wore out."
liOngMuscular Streuglh?
The Fret Sign of Mental Decay —
Tile Warning of General
Break -Down.
Changes in the nervous system mail
feet tbcrns1lvrs tilowly.
They show fire, tee musoaler weak -
nese -•-A feeahg timet tineaat-ue pxraly-
sie, or by a rulness of the head that
iu•ii etee apptottoning apep'.exy,
It stems like stiff/less but you soon
discover th• re's a leek of power—that
the enda^rnnco of Oita o"i that muscle
is not what it ought to bd.
Your friet'de mey notice a slight
tbioknese of seevee or that your tueui-
coy is decidedly taiiitles
Thede symptoms may grew worse
very qui kly if they are not treated
by Ferr.zane. You must build up the
nervous scstem. Tana oau be accom-
plitf:ed in no ober way as thoroughly
,and peerunmently as by the use o1
This remarkable remedy, which •has
cu ed tens of tbousande of Canadian
people, increases enormously the di•
gestive paw* r. stimulates the formation
of bleed, the rich, red kind that puts
uew life into the nerves.
The first result ot these changes is
inert Flea.? strrn ta,
Natural eirculaticn emiekly follows,
and that fulness is the head, so dis•
turbiog and alarming, too, quickly
peswes away.
These chen::es are wroth ht in a nat-
ural way, for toe reason that ] arrczone
treats the causes that excite these
trau les.
For the aged and weak who need
strength — for those run-down and
thin—four the shy and nervous who
lack stayir it power—nothing c,,mparos
with Ferre .ono.
N•. tenon gives such testing good
health; try it yourself. Sold by all
dealers in 50 ets. boxes.
A farmer near town recently hired
a lad to help hint do the chores. Oue
morning he told him to take some salt
and salt a calf out in the paster°. The
boy tock a quart of salt with him and
thoroughly rubbed it all over the calf
working it into the hair. A gang of
colts in the pasture scented the salt and
got after the calf. They licked all the
hair off the calf and nearly took the bide
off too.
The Owen Sound Times tells of a can
zen of that town who was deputed the
aatc-e f
of ,Aa��P
The report of George W. Wanna-
maker, appraiser of customs of the
port of New York, shows that 107
automobiles of the appraised value of
$224,531,79 were imported last month,
more than three times the number
imported in February, 1907.
The marriage of Myrtle, the only
danghter of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Me•
Kay of Palmerston, to Dr. J. L. Wilson,
B. A., of Zurich, was quietly solemn-
ized at the residence of the bride's
parents on Tuesday, the 23rd of June,
Rev. R. Walter Wright, B, A , pastor
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood .
Bitters has no equal. It tones op the
system and removes all impurities fram
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Many farmers think it is a mistake to
prohibit animals from running on the
public roads. A lot of gocd grass floes
to waste and weeds have a free course:
to multiply and ecattrr, If the sheep
are allowed to run, they will settle the
weeds and torn the grass into good
A little girl, who was tryirg to tel.' a'
frierd how absent minded her gran;-
father was, said: "He walks arena:;
thinking about nothing, and when he�
remembers it he then forgets that what t
he thought cf was something entirely b
different from what he wanted to re- ,
G°AS fit 02R.a23-1..
Sears tie The K "d Y:.; Fane A:,try E,t tt
44• 47
The fcllcwirg arpcintments were
made Tuesday to the teaching staff of
the Goderich Collegiate Institute;
Mathematical master, A. M. Robertson,
B. A., of Harriston; science master,
J. W. Firth, B. A., cf St. Mary's;
junior Ergtish teacher, Miss M. H.
O'Donohne, of Stratford, The salary
of the two first is 51,100 and of the Last
$",CCL and the sew teachers enter on their
duties at the opening os the fall term.
Get rich quick sohcmes are all right
--until you avake up,
One little aniateke in a drug sore
may cause more trouble than two bulls
in a obins shop.
The value of the property guarded by
the London pollee is estimated at 4,-
0?0.000 000.
B. fore committing a nu au aot a man
usudally manufactures what no considers
a goad excuse ror it.
At the present rate of exoavatien
Pompeii will not be entire y nu.ovcrtd
before the year 1970.
Man is not merely the arohitect .f
his own fortune but he must also la
the bricks himself.—Suooess,
We' were made to radieto the per
fume of good cheer and happiness a
In all debates, let trutb be thy aim;
not viotory or an etrjast interest and
endeavor gain, rather then to expose,
thy antagonist William Penn.
In London the taxicabs are used by all
Masses of people, day and night, at the
ut,iform rate of 10 ceuts a mile, and tboy
present a most attractive appearance in
ch+roolate, bine, ye'.low, red and green
hues, with cbacffenrs in the brightest
and and smartest liveries,
Get my "Bonk No 4 For Wotnen." It
will give week woman many valuable
Bugg stiens of relief—and with strictly
cr,nfi:lential medical advioe is entirely
free, Simply write Dr. Shoop, Racine,
R'rW. 'Che hook No d tello all about
?r' Or ;hoop's Night Cure and how these
soothing. Fealtr.g, antiseptio suppcai-
torics oau be etio fesefully app'.led to
correct these wsaltnesses. Write for
s the Book, The Nl,lht Cure is sold by
nil dealers,
much as a rose was made to radiate
its sweetness to every passerby.
Congressmen who will provide farm-
ers with seeds that can be depended
upon to raise uaortgagos need not worry
about the decay of their political fences.
If there is illness daring the hot
weather, linen cloths wrneg out of iced
water. having a few drei.s Of lavender in
it, and stretched over a cord in the win-
dow, give a cool and refreshing odor to
the atmosphere of the sick room.
Charles Dsneau and William Carley,
of Windsor, pleaded guilty in Detroit on
a charge of smuggling Chinamen into
the United States. They were allowed
to go ou sneponded Bente - ce, as they had
an arrangement to notify Immigration
Inspector Hoffman when they brought
Chinamen over.
By the new Saskatchewan license law,
bar rooms must close daily at 10 o'olook
p. m., and on public) holidays must be
closed all day; club licenses are not al-
lowed, and a majority may carry and
put into force a local option by-law.
Saskatchewan has the newest and in
some ways the most variegated popula-
tion in Canada. It is fairly near the
head of the procession in restricting the
licensed victuallers' opportunities for
making profit.
-- A4
Knew Dr. Chase in 1867.
Mr. G. W. Parish, Sturgeon Bay,
Our. writes that he went to Dr. Ohase
at Ann Alba, Mich., in 1567 for pills
or kiduey disease, was cured and has
watched the gradual increase in the
popularity of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liter
Pais until they aro known in practically
every home in this country as well as
the entire continent and Europe,
The editor of "The Care of the Body"
tells of a simple cure for warts. About
sight years ago a wart appeared on one
of her hands. She picked and scratched
it, and then had it cut. Soon the
hand was covered with warts, She
ried a great variety of things that were
recommended to her, bat they proved
of no avail. Then she applied each
morning to the warts a little castor oil,
using a brush or stick. In three weeks
they had all disappeared, and they have
not since returned. Caster oil admtn-
istered every morning is enough to dis-
gust anything, even a wart. Nevertbe-
Iesa, this simple care is worth trying.
Oa Thursday, the 25th June, the
death of Thomas Shelton, aged 92 years
eccnrred at his home, lot 23-24, 3rd.
Range South, Kinloss township. De-
ceased was born in Nottinghamshire,
England. and came to Canada 58 years
ago. He first settled on the south line
near Kincardine and for many years
lived on lot 17. About 25 years ago he
moved to his present home in Kinloss
where he has resided continuously. He
was married in the old country to Miss
Ann Watts, mho predeceased him six
, years ago. 'J he union was blessed by
ni tie childre:f•, eight of whom are alive.
Mr. Shelton vias a man of simple habits,
of sterling upright character and was
highly respected by all who knew him -
His passing away removes another of
the old pioneers of Bruce, who came
in here over half a century ago.
Pain will depart in exactly 20 minutes
if cue of Dr. Sheep's Piek Pein Tablets
is taken. Pain etre here, Remember!
Pain always means congestion, blood
pressure—ncthig site. Headache is
blcoa pressure; toothache is bleed pres-
sure on the eeneitive nerve.. Dr. Sboop'a
Heetatche Tablets—also called Pink Pain
Tab'.ete—quickly and safely coax this
bleed I:ressnre away from pain centres.
Painful rericda with wcmen get instant
relief. e0 Tablets Sold by all
The noire e ctmolo f t e-
s- 2= ' o a haters b„
ween the tramps and the dandelion has
e:n presented in Des Moines, Iowa,
nr:ng the last few weeks es a result of
:,Iyer Bry son's crusade against the yen
ow pest. Io gives of riiding the parks
nd streets of the daudeiiens he decreed
hat ail trams whgr were under fine
herein vvork eat these fines under police
ratection by digging dandelion roots.
As a result there has been a splendid
arv:,et of the p;esats an a marked step
n the craea,.le.
The Municipal council of Kings c -;an- 1
ty, N. S., has passed an ordinance pro- a
hibiting the nee of motor cars on Thurs- 1
days, Saturdays and Sundays, with a s
penalty cf $50 for a first, 1100 for a p
second and iy2C0 for a third offense.
This is the result of legielation at the h
lent cession cocferring on the ccnnty
power to regulate or prohibit the uses of
Two very hungry tramrs approached
a railway station not long ago, and nock-
ed through the window at the operator
There wasn't even a dinner pail to be
seen, and nothing to eat In sight, "Wen
what can I do for yon,', said the opera.
ter. One of the tramps sighed and re -
(Generated Oxygen)
RHEUMATISM, as it aIhews the Kidneys
t. freely discharge 14 Uric Acid,;
from the Blood,
Giros Old Sores.
Gw33 Family Medicine to use kr Cut
Raids ie
J and Bruises.
For Sale by all Druggists,
42 Jim -bold Street, Toronto, Canada
two empties going east," and the two
hoboes started down the trat,k.
The telephone, it seems, is at Iast
going to sopercede the telegraph in
the operation of railroads. Several'
American companies, as well !le the
Canadian Pacific, have made series of "
experiments which have in every in-
stance shown the up-to-date telephone
system to be in advance of the aroma
code, for the operation of trains. It was
for a long time thought that there
might be a lack of accuracy in the use
of the 'phone, which would not bo the
case with the telegraph, Aotual tests,
however, have satisfied many railroad
experts that this is not the ease, and;
it has been found to be a big improve. ,
wont, not only in operating doable.
track roads, bat in single track lines as
1 woll,
Had Weak Back
r.oa:d Lie In Bel For Days And `las
Scarcely Able to Turn
Liniments and Plasters Bid
No Good But DOAN'S KID-
Mrs Arch Schnare, Blackl'oint, N,Il.,
writ, at—For years I was troubled with
wcsk baeii, Oftentimes I have lain in bed
for days, beinig s areefy able to turn my-
rtalf, and I have als n been a great sufferer
fvh'Ie trying to perform ray household
duties. .1 had cl"etera attending. me with-
out avail, and have tried liniments and
plasters test nothing teem to do me any
gond. I was about tit give up in depair
when my husband induced me to try
1),an's Kidney I'i11:i, and after using two
boxes I am now well and able to do my
wc.rk. I am p, iitivo dean's Kidney Pills
are all that yen claim for them, and I
would advise all kidneysufferers to i
thea a fair trial. t a give
Donan's Kidney rills *.vidl cure all kinds
of Kidney Trouble from Backache to
Bright's Disease, and the price is only 50
cents per box or 3 boxes for 11.25, at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The Doan Kidney fill Co,,
Toronto, Ont,
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Tho Tcronto News calls attention to
the danger caused by the common
hDuse•fly, and says:—"Tho alarming
disease -spreading capabilities of the
ordinary housefly require attention at
thia season. This pest Iives its larval
life almeet exclusively in animal excre-
ment, and conveys germo from the de-
jecta of the sick to the focd of the well.
It carries cholera, typhoid, dysentery
and tubercuiosie germs, Of these,
typhoid fever is the most commonly fly
botne of the four, The flies get their
feet and months covered with the germ -
laden material, and thus carry it to the
food which they may visit, From
laboratory experiments it seems prob-
able that a fly once contaminated with
the typhoid germ may retain n n this germ
in a living condition for at least three
weeks. The insect eats the sputum of
consumptives, and fly -spots are often
disease -laden. Daring the warm wea-
ther, kitchen, pantry and
should bo screened carefully, and no
food exposed for sale in the street
should be onto."
The total value of importations of
hieyoles into Belgium dnriog the year
191,7 iaor.ased by more than 1.14.000,
ever the year 1905, and tthe 800 when
oempared with 1900. The ineroaae for
bieycle p arta amounted to 4117'.3.600,
when cam pare t With 3100 i and x:31,000
ever 1909.
'rant LADIES' rA,TiNDATie.
Lrxa-Livor Pill;; ar titenal;iee' favorite
medi:lino. They euro C'onetipation, Sick
aaadaehe, Billioisness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, pnrgin; or atukening.
What She Died Of.
.An old German woman became ill
and was taken by her bnatand to a
hespitui for treatment. The first day
she was there, when her husband
called to esquire about her, the doctor
said she was improvinlr. Oa the
second day, he was again told she
was improving, and on the third and
fourth days the assurance was the
same. This was very encouraging to
the old German, but when ho called
on the firth day he was told that his
wife was dead.
In bis grief he sought his favorite
saloon to drown his sorrow.
"Vat's the matter?" asked the sym-
pathetic bartender, noticing his ons -
tamer's despondent condition.
"Acs! My vire iso dead," replied
the Garman.
"So? Vat did she die of?" asked the
"Improvements," replied the be-
reaved hnaband, calling for another
glass of beer.
Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete
Wreck Results.
There are thousands, both men and
women, who do not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life, and
as a result we have an ago of indiges-
tion, nervonenees, irritability, sleepless
nights, and morose disposition. Oar
national danger is .stomach weakness,
due to the strenuous life.
Mi-o-na tablets, strengthen the walls
of the etomach and stimulate secretion
of the digestive jnicee. They make the
stomach comfortable and cure indiges-
Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow
skin and coated tongue are a few of the
many distressing results ot indigestion
that Mi-o-na never fails to cure.
Walton McKibben sells Mi-o-na in
50 cent Jones, and guarantees to refund
the money if it does not give complete
"Running a newspaper" says one of
our exchanges, "is just like running a
hotel, only different, When a man
goes into a hotel and finds something
on the table which does not snit him,
he does not raise Hades with the land-
lord and tell him to stop his old hotel.
Well, hardly. He sets that dish to one
side and wades into the many dishes
that suit him. It is different with some
newspaper readers. They find an article
occasionally that does not snit them
exactly and without stopping to think
it may please hundreds of other readers,
make a grand stand play and tell the
editor how a paper should be run and
what should be put into it. But such
people are becoming fewer each year."
Was Weak and Buy Down
Mrs. J. II. Armstrong, Port Eimsley,
Ont., tells of her experience with
She writes : "It is with gratitude Z
tell Iiow your Heart and Nervo Pills
benefitted me. :; , .:e -
"I was very weak and run down, bad
headaches nearly every day and very
often would faint away, in fact, my
doctor said that sometime I would never
cone out of the faint. It was through
one' ofy our travelling agents that I was
indue to
try Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills and after taking three boxes
I ani glad to relate it has b&eii a' number
scaf rcely cince over Ihad a h have afal headache.
much cannot be, said in braise of Mil
burn's Heart and Nerve fills, for in me
they have effected a perfect curet",:.
And now the days of the festive p0.
tato hug are at hand. Dotting the dark
green foliage of the potato field are to
be seen little red spots here and there,
and one knows that the pat .to bug,
otherwise known as the Colored beetle
is at work with a diligence of whish
oven the proverbial busy bee is scarce
capable. Climbing, devouring, and
laying eggs for more to follow, oat, and
devour, the little fat bellied beetle lives
a short but rather effective lire. The
tastes of the potato tag are peculiar,
Inc it Is about the only thing, whish will
eat potato tops, and 1t will eat nothing
else if it can get them. Tbero are very
for instots so absolutely conservative in
thtir tastes. It limits itself a'most en- to the potato patch, and bins it
means of existenoe and of reproduction
are accordingly narrowed. Bat still the
potato bug lives and thrives, All chris-
tenings with Paris green,.. -and other
drugs do not seem to materially decrease
its numbers, or its prevalence. Careful
treatment at regular periods seems to
have no more effect than to keep its
ravages from becoming seriously de-
structive. Further than this it seems
impossible to corner the little potato
The best method ot treatment is to
sprinkle with the solation of Paris green
after a rain, cr at the times when a
young crop of bugs are eating with
growing appetite. A good sprinkling at
this time, followed by another when
urxt a orop of young bugs are feeling
their hungriest, will keep their numbers
thinned well down.
Heat prostrates the nerses, In the
summer one needs a tonic to off -set the
customary hot weather Nerve and
Strength depression. Yon will feel bet-
ter within 48 hours after beginning to
take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop's Res•
torative. Its prompt action in restoring
the weakened nerves is surprising. Of
coarse, yon won't get entirely strong in
a few days, but each day you can
actually foel the improvement. That
tired, lifeless, spiritless, feeling will
quickly depart when using the Restora-
tive. Dr. Shoop's Restorative will
sharpen a failing appetite; it aids d'gee-
tion; it will strengthen tite weakened
Kidneys and Heart by simply rebuilding
the worn-out nerves that these organs
depend upon. Test it a few days and
be convinced. Sold by all dealers.
Vaseline applied to the brows and
lashes will remove their growth, while
not affecting the eyes,
Frills at the bottom of skirts tend to
shorten a person's appearance. Short
people look best in plain styles.
But nevor by Medicine swallowed,
Snuffs, Sprays or Douches.
Catania is not a blood disease and that
is why it cannot be cared by any medi-
oine tarsen into the stomach. Catarrh is
germ trouble contracted front the
germ laden air you breathe inwards
Mao germs fasten themselves in the
tisane and air cells of the breathing
organs, multiply by millions, cause
sneezing, coughing, raieieg of raucous,
discharge from the nose, difficulty in
breathing, hoarseness, dryness and atop.
page of the nose, tickling in the throat
and other symptoms that can only be,
reached by the dry Or principal of
It medicates the air you breathe with.
the curative properties of the Australian•
Eucalyptus Forests where catarrh is un-
The reason you get relief in a minute
or two from Hycmoi is beeause it de-
stroy a every catarrhal germ in the air
you breathe, and Ito dry, penetrating
aroma will roach the innermost recesses
of the air passages, kiIllrg millions of
germs a minute. Their destruction
means freedom for oppressed respiratory -
organs, Walton McKibben sells,
Hyomei under a guarantee of satin"ac-•
tion or money back. Prioe q$1.00,
The Dominion Day Celebration is one
of Port Elgin's most successful institu-
tions. •Soave of the citizens have given.
it a good deal of Him -Tilt for 20 years,
Tho Committee has paid more than
$3,000 into the town treaeury in that
for Wingham and adjoining country to
' t anada's Greatest Nurseries"
Largest 1iet of commercial and do-
mestic fruits—large and email; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering
shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes
one of our specialties. Stock that is
hardy comes from us.
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re-
served, Pay weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars,
Foothill Nurseries
(850 acres)
Tomos TO,
• .
Trico 50 cents per bort or 3 'boxes for
31,2u, at all dealers, or The T, blilburrt "!t
Co., Limited Toronto, Ont t '4 .1i40i 1 1i0; * :4
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or snake a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerson. •
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Prilltillg
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials • and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
p enlace may be had by following
up the path to the olftce of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.