Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-06-26, Page 5.X.16W Mr. of the'. ' hbies. ming, STORE: QPEV, TUESDAY AND SATURDAY; EVENINGS.' CLOSES OTIHER EVENINGS, AT E. C,!cL ck BRAIN -FOOD NONSENSE Another ridiculous; ;food fad has be:cu branded by the 140$t competent authorities. ' They have dispelled the silly notion that one•kind of food needed, for thebrain," another -Jet, t muscles, and still', another''•f'ol,�bones. 1 A correct diet will not only nourish a fl'' part culat'Part of the bcdy, but it will sustain every other part. Yet,' bow ti, ever good your food ma3 be its sutra- Ment is destroyed by indigestion or 4yspepsia. You mast 'prepare for their appearance or prevent their com- ing om ing by taking regular doses of Green's A4igosi flower, the favorite medicine* o tithe healthymillions, A few•doses 4a1(1- digestion, ''purges the blood; stimulates: the liver to healthy action, and makes • yon •feel buoyant and vigorous, Yon, "can' get 'this reliable remedy at'John WOoa & Co. 'drug store, Litcknow�., : • IF NOTHING TURNS. UP, 'S TITItN •SO3,I.ETHIFG A course of traicing in the It has b >en 'cool so far but the warm' weather issure to came lid' coats of this kind will be in dem end. rhe . tre' for .'tio' s f om°1Q. to .la wear; of a•,e, n)ade 'of ,treyFlannel with chalk line stripe, no lining, -cooland comfortable.r,Prme $1.25 cad]. :' OMEN'S • TUNNEL/SUITS r .,• M'at,le in dark Q” ford Grey Flannel. with ehalk l :tom ' tai f' '' (.at 'tr3n1sers'on y, ' S1ee1es, colt lined and trom;e]':ti mice Ii n• t'.i ill=i suspeilllers LION BRANN D CLOTHING• .AOR BOYS • Agi.other'laige lot 'of this Blake of ofitthin for'bovs has jut, been received, Ask for a suit of .the Navy.. Blue, all �c'ool Ifalifa twi=ed,, tc ou ers` matte .with double seats iltc1:knees,' if yon'want a suit that. fits ".well,', looks...welt;anti .wears Well, the pl:�.ce is $4.Q0. • STRATFORD,' CtiT.' r>aables young men dad a r at<e:n tR rt cc a ' employin-int xt g... d wa,r•s. ronyNlaatklr cn• �rattn;;. ool3.t,'e_ This u the ch al ,that ,'.y i rrl 434.1 the reputu'ion Oftilling the be t rr.rk to finis nry td>acari.m.1'ay- t;-tad'nat yf the a in strong -demand as teaFheta bssaiar cre!eT u Camara aid the •t: i+it4.41 States, This is the school for you and your, fr] nal3_ Write for cet;rli one. . W sf. ELLIOTT. Prizutpsl if '0 \ in :Gloves, Muslim, 'Dress Goods, Flowers ages, Trimmed and Untrimmed. Hats; 10 Domes Women's • Corsets, several styles. 41 made of Summer Veit, Jou. and Conti', steel- " filled:.throughout>, sort, medium ,..and long I waists. Sizes .18. to 30= To be cleared' oat at prices', to suit customers, SMITH. B3ON WAISTS .: This make of shirt tva.i$t is very PP P� popular n1ai at esent aid beconiina to: mos., people. The lines shown here this week were bought at a reduced.price from the manufacturers, 'fi and will be sold at a`.reducedprice. !Lade of fine stripe .Ginghams:.` and Piques with applibue and inbertion trimmings, sizes 32,1 ' 4 and 36. ''Price —each $-1710 iTk LAWN WARTS • l ade.of white Tine Lison Lawn, with two rows insertion down -front, nevi sleeve,' i 1usiiIl tie to match, vera dressy looking. Price each $1.25, • KN11'1'.,ED UNDERVESTS. 'All kinds long,:sleeves, short sleeves, no sleeves, large ': and small' 'adzes: t.tra values at 2 "for'25c, A line of fine Balbriggan vests;'ball sleevesand full• .fashioned dt 35.e. each: 'EVERFAST : S•TAINLESS . HOSIERY.: This nuke of Cotton .Hoslery'for 'wonlcn•'are certainly. the best kind to • buy; th`ey''wear well: 15, 20. and 250' per pair. STANDARD' PAT1'k PNS ; ' The•Staijdard Patterns are in for July, also Fashion sheets if you want to''get the latest •sty:,le•and the best fit'nse the STAND3RD.. Prices . o,.. 10, 1.5 and 20c: eac,hi •••••+.4414404.444 •• Try .our' Golden Blend Ceylon Tea Try our •English '1iop Tea Try:, oar '°.„.ie Japan. Tea` T'ry our'Pickles in quart jars Try our Coffee, Seal Brand Tri' our 23c Cofree . Try. our Paradise Currants, recleaned Try 'our ,Extra Selected Raisins ''' Try :11ddr California l vaporated :Peaches Tri- oar \fapte Syrup in bottles rv'",our Choice Prunes ' :19'02 . 1NSU,RAP CE t: Fire ..Life. 'HHletith Accident Guarantee . 'Marine` • TICKETS -.Railway _Ocean aridTouritt.1', Tickets Everywhere, 100 Acres-Good:Stock Fart for'Sale J Kuraisohrftant. 'eacher'.Wanted, • Teacher wanted for S. S_ Wo. 16 Asl:idd,. + for team Aad; ay; { plicataons'wiil be raoeired raj) tv Jnlg' I.:vtia, ' 19(t?, by Se oretsrp ,.t the Board. Applicants.1 please statte =y. gnali.f3cationg aid number . of y .e aeno e.Sa zd Class Pro r• lona! Certificate prefered.' • RR•ALSHACKLETONs Secretary' Claire a D . 0., Ont. • gGood Farm For .Sale .a_ seasonable pri ?e ,citGh. payments to snit the aver. ' The very: 'fit: sob' :for. grain .or pasture. Close tomarket ,with a' good gravel road tri -'..._A pply to . R. (1 -HM. Lis'r1 now. Blas smith' Shop For Fez a 3b' -'1i3 'hep in St. lie1cn Bast class locality, loins good business. In conned:on with the Shop throe is six aim of land, good brick hoe a:a stable.: WEa I be, snldychesp Crura reasons for soli g. A quantity sof dile€or sale. Fru`' battler par'tnc- alsts apply. at St 1L a era ixrickyards c,rta "Tilos.: ',lineups, St. 1614ea,.. 0. To. To Rent. 'The brick store anti' dwelling hone . with storehouse anal drivin,5 shell. A' good''business sista. Pian at a' • ons. APply:. illus., MARTHA, St. c eus, •a Desirable Grain and Stock Fain for Sale. z Being .south half of• 3crs No. i:. B. D. iu the 7tcix'na p' offirll, containing ?.06 ..acrres. ahcrot , imnnl' a :tro'nth of the village of • l.acknew, where their is tOod =away anti I• i re fs�aiilaia. miner taming asliaiisg attar the'barc zrlim al] the 'orator rrqnnred.; A 1 ' large orchard ef•cbiuoe fruit .trere_ar *boat acres of vibnioe timber., A large bank' barn. and a fine brick aiansien, bard jvd,A:ff water. Tlse, faim'i4 ,c e]] fenced .with and . adr•g ftnciag, and has bozo, i order pastes for ,'tame 1 vans: Old age aidi'sabi]ity to work. • • scde nsson for 11i, w.• Fear fa 'r ttr 3f cti- Ws aPply tri ,ft,hn grirdnch.. Bo "fa., Myth, ,or to John G. MurrlOC]7. Merchant, , Lucknov',. o7StaTJn. . I MOVI\O FORWARD. Spring Tenn 'begins' April 7, 191)2.` `Oar • rates 'are ; -reasonable--Dui •coursed of study tborougli and prat_ trial. l ' Stri for our T j: tea *let weteach. 1 Stridents may enter at say tame. T'wa Conrse;.of Study, Gommeiciial: and 1horthaud. ` C1 AI'Fleming, L L,.Mchtyre, . Secreta;r President A VI ondarful Preparation 1i4.1kcu Cereal Coffee." pm`e Whole• . f,�,at � �yg Higtzrs i cn- t l ' z r.14rl iasis. YIZokto toe al t•i • r . !lee. chit {'a'YSts only the t or 147.4.4 7414i* ::cr'J i dray x in IA ✓wtt.`Al l rl �''"fro'cw It)c _ :.`lir` itr t'h...1.. 1 :Tisk Tor it, Pot, Sale,' 1 y All GYocers- Sweet Delioi�ous. Fresh pastry.; : Confeotlotie TSE' EMPRESS SHOES TH MOST MODERN SHOE MAD lit :DIES +fix OOERfft 14. ahs' re=s' Jhce •. �%. �.:a..�' ti... . tide foul great 4: i,t ':t r;'iod • shoe, "JA LI TY EAR 4- 4. 4,'. • +. .- n.' e liave them. ranging .in prior from .$2.00 .16 )4' 0 per ' pair' • The toll. awing are some: of the hues +. . +; 4. • *os; : on#; . self ,tip, . t ae .. for .. Dong.:'rill, Pat tap', es, sole; for /VIA I id.' ,. Pat. tip,et,'Sole, for • zt lid. Kid Bal, Pat. tip; Goodyear ex..,.sale ▪ it nci Kid 'Bal, .self tip. G odye • es; scale • •Put ' Colt Bal,' P,odvear ea: sole Pat. Sa�singe sole vel cel fop. • able for ani no.n and evening rear 4j2-013 Per pair' $3-00 . yy 63.50 ".“' 84.00 iOCI c7® Cal and examine them . as a look will convince the `Y 'dub most.• Qua. .,.. Repairing. neatly and promptly - done. , TERMS CM1;12 THESON. a lee'Way to o Ml. it is to haive,our d wel fitted coda:-. venient"aud, nndst�iine .�� indow' and .Door put on. iron then. luny have- c F)t .within, rtes aid all oibr w ,�y is 'ithO u Our Sire ens 'stay in their r•taken oya when rain i a to The `wether. is'r lid now but a few days Isee ins {_-.:ice ^� f .11,11 i1S g. do clot:' Meda' • Give 1L, a 'tall before p u� , ; • chasing your coufetionery. house;is Tun ef fine � Largest and hest assortinent to cliaose foul; tc>nxl '. . New F,iTs,; Dates, Trias'tns;,� . Cheaper than ever at dace and can elsii 5 r ' trease Por Mcrit11212 'he'larr~`e' a> . ci•ro'dtxtr;' ls..tm nr Vii.. The pert gat ttbenlat. Iftsc wtsti 'y crii'Tle . ,.k'ptv]ptri•`Gict'ON"tiilLiw me ill s': until th 7. USE BEAVER $''BANS. lT