Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-23, Page 5• 1. 4 ' ' z Z "tit -4,,f.4•4%'.7 •,44.4 • . • . ,..weoRg orgy - TUESDAY AND • SATURDAY EVENINGS • ,,', • 11. , se.e. ere. wv....emeeer e ez • 40...."*"to" •="' • "!.. '4. • `" ' . f 11. CLOSES OTHER EV.O.',1111NGS AT 6 O'CLOCK This week we ar� offering 72 yards of Navy Th*otou:4 Serge Smting 56 inches wide at 75c., regular price was $LOO. For. surnmer skirts .aud suits it 18 just. the thing, wears well1ook well and the fine. worsted wool fr�m.: which it io:p4ade.is :par#Oujarly good .10...sljett7,.: • geW qrenadines ' / Black Grenadines are very popular thin On and there is nothing nicer . . for warm weather wear. - See the specialwe are showing at 60c per yard, 42 inches wide in Leantiful stripe designs: , ' • Lades' arid , Slimmer Ufiderviear ' They are out on a table -tgis .week. 411 kinds, long , sleeves and no sleeves. The 2 for 25c lines are sure to please you:. * Linoleurns • . ° New Patterns Linoleum Floral and Block designs, yards wide at , 45c per square yard. New Pattern Linoleum 4 yards wide special at 50c sq. yard. Glenrs .• The warm weather will create a demand for straw hats" and soft front .. shirts You will be sure lo to get What Ton want in these lines -Wife. Good . variety to choose froT. • , . . , ' ' . , - . Have a look at our Oxford Grey Flannel Suits with chalk line stripe at .. $7.50 per suit. .Theraire cool ones. . , . • • • Fry our Golden Blend Ceylon Tea Try our English' Ilop Tea ” Try our 25c Japau Tea Try our Pickles in quart jars •• Try our Coffee„ Seal Brand ' Try our 24c toffee . • Try our Peradise.Currantt; recleaned Try our Extra Selected Raisins Try our.CaliforniaEvaporated • Peache,s Try. our Stap!e Syrup in bottles Try our Choke Prunes LURE (Ccza • e Let TYp Do Your Piinting. •, ikthgm irAkk need , Rm. gr..tans„„ST.triitizt; • rooK44-' •"'"4"," • er ridiculous folE)4 fad: •bg, * BRAIN -FOOD NONSENSE Aueth;fte.,e4Ittemitimmettattie4.#-***4eat'' .• be branded by the most. competent / • , , • 7itylinnroittli9enr...oq'aliteYonh:Ivzi. i4e ad dispelled foodlledt 1481 a :i 1 , needed for the brain, another for ot ..,. 43 niuscles„and‘still another for honvm* * PArtionlar part of tbesbcdy,but it will A eotreci.diet-will ,not only nourish* I. Sustain every otherpart, . Yet, bcw-t •ever good Yodr food may be.its nutri* went is destroyed bv indigestion or 43 . dyspepsia; You must prepare for * . ,tl,,ir appearance or prevent their corn -44, Q ing by taking regular doses of Green's., 414 August Plower, the fav-31ite medicine * . ' g of the heoltliimillirOns. • A few doses ( t • . • aids , digesiiiatit purifies the glood, Makes; Yen 'feel 'bin:Want An4 t '• I sthnulates tbo bier trAealth3r actiort'. , * MRS. E., SMITH ,..ro., ,,ou can get this • reliable 74 '' ' . ,v4velvirli....: i. iciwarvinriraritio.0".40330.0041.‘ ; remedy at John WQ014, & CO, dr:: pi . • - e • . ' . • ed.' • . --A NEWSPAPERS • FOR 1902 • Irt4+++++++++"4944444-41++++•+++*!4++.444+++,++++ • - • • • • • THE EMPRESS 8HOE M THE' The tune has arrived When readers I 4' • • begin to %think oftheir newspaper .1 t ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' . , literature for the 'COnling Year. Our•:, -'-' MOST MODERN SHOE MADE * ' Sentinel and Wreekly Globe , . $1:60 ''' • • chibbing rates are as follows : . • It • , • , • iii • . . • • . • • Sentinel and AWAY Mail : 4-70 If Sentinel 'Family- Herald and • c,i;,,,,,. ". . Weekly Star . ' , .. Sentinel and Weekly Sun ; .1.75 7, - Sentind and Alontreal Witnel0s 1.60! Sentinel and Western. Advertiser 1,5,0 .Sentineland Weekly Free Press 1.•175 * ' I. Gra.s. Farm to Rent. ' 1 t• 1 . 140 aereS, ir..0; ferlec-01 •plieniy of ri•atar. the Sth namitesilOo of .1ifilc, can •ck7/ Holy,- + rood. For further particnbas apply to . • ' + , . • , MRS. ,SICAIAE., ••• 'I- #6,E11°ST LADIES ! ODER s• , In . the Empress Shoe T . , 14 . you nave, We four great , .„ , + " requisites in a good ,slioe,- .1" , . ' • . . -5-viz :, , . . , ,• _, + • ' •". t• It • ' • Import; to Bre,'Etaws And Roreme • , 4';EUreka • + .yet..idary ACAUSTIC BLSAB9 • . . • - •o, rellut,' •••••• and. Spcedy :•;• t 13e1' . pair:. The following' are, smite of tb.e: 100 QUALITY STYLE : . •• rftirecly for / We have them ranging in price from $2.00 to - $4.50 ' • la bor•• ar2d u ;+ Wt3s, Pon,. m.et • tip,, single sole, for • $2.00 per pair .7stain cattle • • *.S.ccoiumuiph velE&E lot which *c mcaparriext,s-err battle, in tie ••.iciur",*.sekriti,,,,cc bleat *ant canors ' can be in eters mit, of •iretoinai-r- parlance solierp nintalatincapplicationl asei blistes eat, p•re- scribed. it has no ...WPZEI.i5i".. Ey- bade ; /..0gFavaateerl _ aara* „Ion. .rrs0c,,, •bor bottiC. • Sold by aildirri&zi...--is and country' storrkeraers_ Prepared! b- '1"1/E EUREKA • NY, London. Ont. VEVEREVARK 3.fleDIen-E • • Doug.; Bal, Pat ty, ex. sole, for . " ,A76i Kid Bali self Geo:1year e.x. sole .. 84.00 •• ". nal, GOodyear,SX. Eole $4.00 g + • '" Pat. Kid, Bal, single sole 'velvet top (snit-- • ghee ,or afternoon and evening wear 0. -00 •••• ' • • . ' . • - the -most dubious. To. Rent The brick store and dwelling, • house "4- Pepailincr neatly and promptly • - " Vici Kid Bal Pat. tip ex. age. for• $3.00 : " Tici Kid Bali Pat.'tiP.•Gciod:Year ex. sole $3.50 Call and examine:them as a look . • • : .• ••, • • ••• • • • ; ' . ,•• • r. Poa es:3: / :es.: a1,111.1"; TERMS CAb • va. • •. • . good bUflfldone. mt . , 11 MATHESON, / A WOriderrul Preglaration , Giraal Coffee pure n•bole, some, nourishing . seeccier•zer„ .ded.by'phystician:s. • Rokco eiriag ror • '40a Coffee, but costs only t'ile • and la used,. at yotar xpeco! g •.• • buianitotto. lotRact.gok. . • , , lb. or•21126. 'AA for tx., • . roi•Soje by. All GrOc-s. ' Sweet and.; Delicious... resh Pastry.. • Qpnleotioneryl Give us' a .ean before chasing .-ouir confetiOnery. . . Largest and best as5ortruegt ti to choose froth, . ..r Neir F. .1)atee, Raisids, Oratoos "Nuts etc,. • (1‘4,eaper than ever at n' • 21c1C,ENZIE'0 . • . .•• • • • . . • •Norit rant•v,„ iklittilt ,• Lasiowa ,.E3t-mormrIctiar....1:„....,, . . , I .1902, atizEzr . - . . - , ,.,.. - .• , .. You.ought to: ha your a.ereellS ready nos'. flies and mosquitoes are not alitiktdant but _will be soon. We, ' ••,, ...._ ..—,. .•. • • have ,§creen Winoldu-s and DoorsIltzt.wi--11 fit. They are .of , • . , • . • , • • . • . , . . . . FiKtitl„ snipd T..4 - .,,i...---., •,", -" ' -su' bstantial burairy wit e„aUd tt'a'veOtirable :frameS..' '' The 6://`/K/• -.'. . . ' '2 effitcriatioas,..r•-osr.." =---' .f.--1, J''' • , , ate•the ri"ht i.iind.t Ca: and see ho -'god they are. , . . . ,.. 1*--rms4- ' is silvixt.-; talaw01:) • . -;• • • . .' , . Spiv.- Ter'itz N**T-Alt.it. -kiptil r. 1;417`.rt _„ . . y • • 4, lt• • n r'. • ' if you haVe Screens and Doors now they need, paint, Or a.sPililvE in theirin ' --r:•e'i", Oiti rite$ Ire' ' Veaskilmaik--lattr ing: We can supply t zitt. kindof paint: — Tiyitir oriet atf' botke,.. .`irc ' „WrIel d st.mly ;Extre.inigh 44,a pad. ,. , . . , eau suitiwyrotizit izirgt!5 ,• , Itial. ., ' ' .• . •, ' - -g . aftegattit quality lima iptitt,_ . n'' 1 •fl'end IE:te. etIr 1:111•14"alal Itti See. oilt t• TUE sJrJ Le- Now „L. • • Irt„ t• ttsty ontivr guy:0=e. • Two Cdursint Ind • LUCKNOWe .• • :Z ; • r - 1:70treta; USE BEAVER BRAND ' PORTLAND ce V ere • • 1.‘ ",•• • ••"- •