Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-16, Page 31w;w": N f i:-- -,77 VIFF ;Q;rwm rw ................... t W P k n,' 7 POOR DIM K refused he, pro'. opil P to tliflik. Nivirl'ot,07 of t f P iiiin at all. He Called thogar od ld—he tr�ated, the at - ,a ptala a .,boy, and� said Blvi#.641i�, was RS, ehl FARME� In tifo of the ROT0, I a jeqt. Tho' eaptdip's; pride . , , I I Dy ter as I . I i. lenders the D 's Qor Her� Milk R d t vas paqr, and Blanch qpk fire,; fie v K p e 't,by all Dal" w Ithy belresti. He Oo Jlimve�, C.9141y, enough. - p pji& Misgra If SwIVO�, C64ew,, but We,. ga --tear be . �_-Otr met j8laache.. At once Joe, forgo 91,1: bog walr� to. 06 Par .411 r Dr, the' milke ardoulk of the rawt id t4o, mind I h tr king', ply of 'Aft 4, meaf f_Quygjr by -the ganier Milker. trop ,la pride and ang1r; 1p 1IM-0-11 t6e jut the cows.milk. w1s Of the beantiful,girl he loved so dearly. prod' more king f, Jail .0, w 11apid, pl;*p, and- Plilre ul f.wrwrin pq,- do Lve her Until. III the goo- dalrr so He d not I e.9 ishe livid sulea e beefing. will rajoe.tbe average� return, from, r�mjjipo to, beectne his, WIfe,-,qayirr, ithout 4 �pe er. � The g&d lkasnew p jittle More a. cow. from two. tO-jen per Cent.. that ra to three years, -b tilinal wiji, pay yery he should �etu­ . 'I oridingt6thevow tJi.6jette.)rt#o,FrorA to clalin her. tluljr"�market prICell for food, fed prelols, $orc ll:jmbles. The sjleep� - w: the gr;*,ter the. 140rease- -Your father will not J gh at,in egi aff o, Jrronf birth to, s CIO , 01 t Ike d1seas; lwt*g, man" 444J7 heir Reco ephia. Is, one' of t x4W then, and cal� me boV, he added, *itil her fl. !Psijes. d eeco and Keeptux TO KeIMN 2 he' Worsf to . en glvg -for I shal ba'Ve 'made ii�'esi profit on, r sell, cows, .a. Oul), a very It, you, ev�e the dure. Its vtotims find, life almost. , 1!6 and The p1g` , III;, re_cord w1k. 0ame and fitme for myaelU 1: shalt the' food �couetvn to give 8ju.apeurate Nu Food be'coxnOii ".1­taJ't--_4,;* ef I A, -work a e no Man ever worked before, tho hen" if wjrSej� bet- wnprally- ;am I I 'N' Y" fed. irm jv, , :tt�t= � p =Uhge shall, be in i�r � th4ii either, of the, all e. but cilitat,6,tble sale. V'@- *�ffei ri�rft severe ov valug. and fa. rl and My rqw,40 it � is, N;eiy 'set w d ax'lt oin that the returns pWiaIly 19. this true if she. is, 4 pure stbmaltj gometimet� ex(�t e pir , omlsed blifitha he Wier of them g' 'arth , kno e Ira 'g Blanche W4�6 ficial '0'be*OU4 One bred. er. Wijaj�, tlje,� r on e- 4 , eellp and -a &,0 claim her she wpqld ar :alid. ntty centq� for one dol each Cow - iti any herd, Came', bf�ck tO dolit tunis froM eakneW and depression. Th eJ?ct w She said that fier.fqtber s'W;6rjh Of food consum dtion to eAsily i W IN I 1pt, 1 Milriry him lar Von a1v In a pw to: r give The da eqUent A -every (I#@ ilise4ge, is e mo�.,t Atli-, *0411a, be sure. b10- bonsent, tiry, CQ4 Jrr ly goes as, for hire atino hadr 'eding, he one of th f It herto 0 never'rOuisel her h doilarW k0gth Of �PrO he. -a. are read --Boarderir'�-,Po)kd L ut tr—essm if t -11 t .1411 as t*O 1 .., I _ g n be ro, that 11 of food, f toodi it Is o e, wh anything. Mr. Carew knew, . for one. dollar's w ort pay a ve*- price or perroine4y is employed, z received .4 fir eaVo., no t,, and .. frequently are an, lie. xpd- Blanche I ter -OW Mn4ay Sj . -T pt A qw has been known to� lly- Cured. hou-ild, fty bents' iteiainiony to tha, Mos ad 'that 19110 evis two 4pilars and ' kept at, a ]Qsn� TheY should be e- this country !)ear te o-. bim� Ita bad r -one doftra". orth 617 pr6dae'tq, to T., Ke-,Plng 0-4 -for fWc. ti:ked..andjed to wa.X, 1 -the lotle locke '. ancho.wdre effizacy of Dr. WifiramW 1-ini pillsali, ECI UE seeU, t W �d �constuned. rd f Is a sure it lay,,wherein the bajqd� 0, jz�ii� fAi sli6r Milk FW0 A nev th in 14 t of sueb ,, qr failipg'c hy'alglit an d., I I I ­ cover themi..Tti the br*�eder, Of 'he, Most herds, pure 31m_ Allolp - A. - Latrousse'. "g., well Dome _ngqr face 'of t spl� .. I I I so . imay, be he he young, a, III& retara.. The req L as jjrqd$.sfOck. of' any.�4of kdo*n anti, highly esteemed Iad yed 1; 0) y dier wzt4, faithfully. par�ra im- , lack of bro-Elth �breea **yx-" o'loqk Of, bright- hair r insadificlelut' alkAng .!$hortaorn'., kkft -at Sorel - que. She had. seen lle rs.. I w" a ifF(ir two ye.A. to m. be. 'gat A rains. the fliffY Milk, �J.Namhe. sh' wed: hi and, Igck of aftm ad azage record should gbed A ferer from- bad digestion and iis ao- only� tau and iia!4, they werp A . I I . I I I + I fiporUmt4 as t be, quite as I a breed-, p. ve� F dalr.* herd- tibual . AVerige. 'in , g,'ree-or4 �to art couple of childrcu, . ig vi, 'We ieb la t: azid f impthir -laore, Bu , I Raw* thl�re 6rth.. of Oro-' am that in A very few J�ears -every, JM I. tbAt shoxild be� obilgM the ass thv� z. t, over. fifty' dollpjrS7 � W!L L I L I with'ine, and when; tuby, taims suffered lm=h from th qtam-.� kjj� , - life jon ' ' ­ ''i '', I eo' i, �" no '110 , , r breed Va. ting: 'not obtais or te"' r L ' ' ' ' PMM in I , , of- w.Le pliWj In it—thkt, for PDrward any, c as 'and I had n years U, r-.. r oxv peT year,, aChL head. I could + for w faint L thoughts of 1110*6hies Our eat or. Woe. tbos� t%T Jj* of -31girtin GAirew. Eft�. ad eath, 0 herd Is not, givfig.,10a fillril. return A�. dairy breed will bC Malrin a,�slle me unlit for AU + fered'to stay'r ooat:NIt to..share a. restfull sleep, *and xw= not tj: !notice. P0091-1 Eia�tj- of #Wl-, re.to aji, as governess to loved each Other Are v�rsltywltil those Who had been gen- d t')DId. me Is ding tho east re He eirons friend,ol. b y lvodi�idnal in the bpril is' are, obvious. Beauty hol ;s Blanche.' , During thc& time of.-,bls,t�orrovr and You ever uZeWOrk' 'I tried SeVei MeOlL onl child an b trps i -to- me. he I bly :hout fm lief and I re fogot alln,about no -t o YOU of stle, color, in,* the was to,bo,_, a very wealthy lWiied thAt -ouTd rat" the. sqUI .1 dairy cbir. but 0 and conmormatidn are. at; were 00 he c L, high Position Captain'*, -where th��b =aff6rd, to. offer me a 114bale, 1%er*' he never even u. oing ood' r6e& cGutinuallY grew- worse u he held' I e know which' aroL� really 4, ''imp9itaxit.'and L a], it lint to Say.good_ andd Blanclie =14,00thing Of blift ell- of very ;Dth efod f would �votnft everything I -SAO? to 'the county. TUC (a rewo 0. ir efiLtive bier some . e.r f her love. P I re was nothing ter- She barled I the, lk and the er money In [AiAdalmost 'given up Qve 119. be May be*_ -day Irkead an p1d family, whose . to Irroon the, different L Cows abl' were jelgall and lookout in armi Croonte ea'rt Apd kept it there line' that; looks to sphere depths of her IN being Well again Itzid been ht the Hall. as feedds a- new, In drder to�.knbw vdur co*s YOULr t k hend bne+ bottle ao . eep 'animals for heir r neW and Made the' 'Of. a , case similar, to vvim Curcio he rec;ord of the MIM ewho -ate: hi da i ht jl�y must -keep a didly as. the recorL... the 'house r4 Carew his secret welL - 1. o r* uii�:or Dr- Wilfia=W . P_ mW brigh We would' like' mcney, 'to e of etende&-They ',ha4 never lived in. er I L , hil They.clwlled tess of he+ it e. - progip Ad =ugh the People w6nd' ed t vinche -told, me� during the yielded b -;r, ea�h cow- ilstjook to the deterntinjid tOL give :tliess All this BI. to, Fee y6a -do . thh;." .-Ve p illing - t-flawUome is. .jLoudon, or'�abroad-�-thieir latlerbSts' a rie. mikeri wi ver ythbig him strange, and- ecce w Y spent' at - RIchmondL I ath _'t trial And AM: happy.; to + eck �haadr -day 'b�en- centied ta proome., ted to hdp you':da it. During .. e,MS.. "Onte does:' a hilt nip q e suisped VIMY had . ever- Ud: va 15 �L -he. a :JN of- it bet6r%' and with Li guessed nine p 't I did.'soL.' and by," t tbe�efore YEAMLA-'ziumber.or. JoAiri farnlem at jrhe 316vex0ent 'Be*un- taken, eigh ox I nine. , b(I Great was - the I "tba as 3N rulned maim. 'All -my heart- I rejoiced t6 bear..that 3teS MY bad lie Vr 'On effort A 9 PaIZ;i me' �jtfie jho6d whe r Euggeslon, e1uLn on Ish Pt.. nejjhjO mad ran4-edL all Ills wput t;O -Was S& made cl retarned. 'the my dear Child'of 'happiness in mep. have strength, JIM it a%ta'jiunced, tixat Martin Cftr� t plaloNi this llne� ra�r�, me Prance with, Blanche, and they re7 eux-% for 1 -had the highes e I hiovement right dIreC ioa�*rltb ��rhach had so long I'about -to leltyNt.the Mj iijct 'In, our posFeAMOn ar ew was sat Ory. cc Captain Hugh their advanced registLry peaj:ed, My maineo there. two Or 'three i0e the Guern- StOulaell W s to The Jet to arangerlL v farmeri� l6ttefs� .,e Ing �, - . .0., 1... 1 11 1, 1. li I jiberly and I bad fully]1regain- then be.teturned to his new abode' occupied i*j breeAers' l7k),69 *al0n* food011 P was so short. and I was so are WO 1? le could neither believe, the, import. -Owe And, value of sue to be L '"p, . tar Un"- It w , asid awar 'in -attending -to: the rt of' my oaid thus 'seem, ed news. The Weir- Cott's 'my, old time,hor4th.. friends, sa= nothing. either- rej-, 'Nup" 'had 'return of thetroxtble�.... _qrd--- both as a nth 'Ing nd as an effective. means the Most y%it , flie hills Of taut tep forila rOTe-' rea-aw-As or e t M Do you. M-Anamjy P119 �ai-6 vi Squire gavv P _jIt his, nu erous.'re�- eir Cot-, tnxt�o, s L I L. I . 1� + ervants'he opl. decide to htoink m c=e ijad �-Nit,60 tie was�;jbcjit to Cake, thehif" Derbj�shlre_ fof 'the neighborhood of w th'.� Actual that' voui eVer.xitad kept"'On6- mPrOving Ak , M' t 1��t - ��6 upon. yQU,. therefore, ga#vpg do not weaken [I I rodu It'?' unlike bad -been Allai�chie-s Ined -Allother'Awation. but A Of which. as.th;&t. be 'wik* 163t' ili. A' herd., 'xtta Outlay reqiArbd is. systexo,. t .4 Oman wh6 IntendW he. -eur' , or, tAW e;nnd wIK*# s e. NOT 01113,116: were very small- We would suPPIY. YOU the -dc'hjZbflRV or- keepm buVgive.: We . and. energy. witb evvl!Y� goWL S1 t refus�t to W.ks not conifortabli g sue a,, to, Lritvil for, n v u'be. it time t heyL . ct. the _HA cJjj*4ren;.afid.-.jea6h.jIgL w.izh recoiIii . forms for a JA, jp�_ m6it - happy, to dose-, T am a ce-, jor ejnrknzIed.j leave.het. She 0 on ed record.. We* won tr _i6 - . - . h reco o. dh eiks4 tend& r: them- �wxe -no - rd' 1 detei spelik ree g. ,. d nL ord - - t]W,.da7ijy ,But wby.,� It?. . -vod*-furms-.-for keepmg heart jejent gen( anaem -i!!d ;rmixt . - I - dia. =ih' , , -is well "'forms. whL-r0013,,'tO. rheminatLst js:�;iazi a. , LrA?g W, keei e�halr. minute per C lils-tr .16. leave, nd tell lanche Lkeis Abl>tlt on goo. could ItaC16 bezea to444 to have ehm- at, 'the tottage- pleasure The, 0- ltla� r a tiglatice matvi to. be�, kept � for re- partial I t4re;W.06, M make � ai inin Ysis'. St- Nil." 8AM036 ferenea. eP 'he w 4te. for the retsIded'.ditre 'd hig- the v, I reit,� when onemotn­ to we, rh YOU wr .. . 4ts * Us master; it ig�tt eVLeubave WzO,he' tile Cobtlipent. As; wem -equa IS .9 be. k&m. [FY.. . I the funcional the pu -eceived a fr6m, Mr� 1 smte ing .:forms. plia mber 46f. m2ake, the Wes of 60 pro the milk due".to coves kept ALM Address All letters atajo9j. jeonstapt gour�je li his dairnoateiw� on Carew- sivine 1. at l0b- '.'The-, JL64�rea_:-Zed fl6w"df Ofmisery but4 Vj� in: 1i In t teir the ar''Istorr.1tS Ot: and 'An reckwd- v�here - "rext -to - GrLsdale� "old by:'iaealera im ineffitine. or. but drad ji7i, quiet... cro�ale COU14 nor widerstand it'i, It' the hag& erty he knew ling- such a '50 nrii;-kept wolild ps* for. ih�- bal- E��perijnetal Fix or six e mon., tioxx xhat. he could procure ' to r '.k rrr_ Ottawa_ a ressing,' the, jr� - 'OMO po's"ree- for '$2_50,'by add W�js -, L 6 . . , by! t�qyiag one w rd ;reek- Keeping milking Lej�tex E '1r.0 Z�) eir own in '�j WI SVie 1 .1 - . n, Lire, Stock, Com' have,r. W;; Xedl�eine C6_ jT-6r. beL, eoaiil� rit of, intetrest eof, re - Ie CIE�Mpetitioil oith ver�d �i�n- h-',a 0--t fln iredee -EC01 J.a .--on A Ir REAL' NOMY. I 6"'14r, uOE'-.even ttr Ur did neither, of .'d;d -he gatv� C Cretsl Abo �p to a' -.q tit Bzi�' FARM .61 rampe. r 1 0 niet. hcWess de CHARD' fOr �j (A.TiVATIG ftct� ,cd C �url as W1 0 ou� , M6 years, aik! he 'I ot, ed tip kiriable Q of i rl'bis hir and hare,done. that:silvered Thit !�u*A: OES� b*,Ahe Dbpa Cdr ee fil'E, 1114 when dimmed his bent k1s. once, eirec i:hUd, ol and of the per- t noMe rag=en '.;'ad shi'c-lowed his Vniat le be na"Ljo�`= --L. sWee . : . social economy of A successful jt tight hate.;,lett, 1 br- be lite eet- H'ad RIP but. murmured am tenbea Drw ICvt-d b a rvr�oacted. himieT fi*ffk& Rellerwad mi rer_� be,% that Nire hat is a, rk man rumbik" Or isira a Vit ? or g; ew lie an. . th eOti�d to t. e I JiClr� ave, I been. OBLV within Iltude, toward. expeuditurel 1110 1'4* tWvkhdit ID. urc��"'e.telis' oftered -0 -.bat. 1, gave -her has herli: dead. lmpzll-s�; slience, -.be left 0 �'a OW tab dition. - Rut. way'o better ttiantid zthe=L back,'.- o, good. cp*a .. GUM sne6t�., in It , hours �p eQZreA gork L , . barg� in' buried. tljkj�ML an."por t�.Part the resz&16i a' :be for eakfiig, or,.mov- �'!MeZ*jore.. of.successfal fruit cialture., Reccg peft 3�W mcbesm No" the ratert-st that, dde year. oflts.badne�& it fits !nto, frieDd,. '.-kP tak7riz the left value: of. aziNthing overe a -hen .4e MoCe se aTho trim"s. beg. of h1s. d1stre*s. lkide' bade "In Wbell disease 03 trees and 17 to be ConEESIEt�nt'in tIM IM of Ati i�m 4esides. 0 e dravr, him 'dimdful than ;,(;rav,�L, jteab�,a' woqM preven ed� pot -too. heZV oia� He j6i , toii touch f an surdat eBllailrIN6 Attempt consid- bei take= �P -0 p!ace,.wxs., en b" *noeijgAL�, limbs; , Should he, Caine and told his -son Omit i,6 iomd out thiewhg9e, stem , ; blis tbiiu�tw:or� win his'atten' er, abott, r,,,e erable,attebtloc ax ii)be Centr9a Ex out to"Olimen U th an old'storY.'and oh- - _p -hi d-1. look at I trouble t46 6oit,for I* eutlap6 te , " her'and say. :-U mally ; fUllgi- of getting t,* tion. e wpi peAmeintai Faram� and a this, m*rfa So and, ears ago-, He was cured a4d _'id'L_. hae bi�et rre;L. C_ 6;gm i6f air jmd"Ahe adtats-7 ut.for tummies he f-7 to him. was t1de0.'&6d a0ej:tic: es The tre" Wlj. rri , I it . , . - of sa= ight to beca Ir Itt,,vN, lost Cgoome.- h1M,­hcw He. rich, mam hat 111" had. the tested to prove;themrdatle merits. b1osdT. WAIL" rju, eye Mou"'ABRy- AL his r�ebei -. iL- crav- m,croomi-i�;-;w" the.;bur- doew that heh" dipicMiitil t6i lgive bdb1z,'.be,m=ch moss I 0916 'at, hmary, to, him to NO M -d IST96 ted to add'u I�i � have Im With a e lodk'� 'trait Nizzy be tepp koit. Wbdb- xPerzat"Miting aid, the for '&s neydft,* and - a1g'ht`­ 'whole 4oih�- 10101 ". . . 1 11 _ t"eh SW trees". 0 fMted upon bim z I &a of, 1111111 thing AS L-zurj� soraylod 'od 1jUILL t a dreWiei& or Jew - had 4 -A five yemr,,:r pgo 15.. opera hi., fiud&vds into 1. no otber' 1de& ever came,� Into bin' b&ut tec� etit lor her -A, for In ; Gr�iivL I -fered gXeat �jr are' Cer be waimt" go. ze;rez. tZie welling.or the bode is fnec athousands -!it 01 old A2011. whwe - Is family 'at iritit oe am x azalzviesiiei� W.; T_ Mi� &4-� F(ir fits o" 19w, pe2110113ii luxuries._ line 6 t jrii�r- a 46ctor.�� , He -treated �,& Iuf�� _Ieurrations. iwiel,gra , sboaW ti�- began. jhOus=ds_ A6* bad r g 0:140. and came. to covered that the treNis tbas for.j* IM. "JIM tm-61s '"d galre me- W=P - for big WeTv. Prac rr� the "pecaLited deeplLy. apd tical(T rid � of. /the oyster he --ea--on, bpd,she t 'fabo- t*ie.- deeir he' had �.b"a so proud' off- am me ikft*rVF1ardiK. Aia� MY df&-. the 1119116 -Ft appeared,, :Ttip , me-, 'a -ectered - fro' 'Pay, it - was im i5d in, a &twrt mse;, an -Iawcik� wbiell kept da, top to to' sh. thiff f10117117 ems L Wajarjr to ap�dc, �WjEh RLM �Naas Olfght OnLnw to, J.ZturM M lidg. th6 plate. the V ad: jer3r 'b d j!barj�is wbich. U tbat had benougpd io -the. Carews­ 'ViM6 PAPZ� n hefratt, is umat 1�6%iseitae6pes enbued; ruin'- I F0113 --o IZCIL treea in the cewei parie �f but"ib inatters tbbLt.re all lost. and "ase Coming more rhPW7, ',-n his hetiu-_- 0- large -s time -t of 'Queber-1 The pd TL..bad­11111�.116t: rhi I zent, fidir another =jU4 the Pro hq.tisay'llie 'Tw6 enormous divi� gh Vith' �LbO=tL tj 'same result&. Ninabg bf2XWhI_-, of, 1 v be d6me he� trees nia sem u been Contented wBtb'; thil� . f-6rtu'3e bi- d9ctde ie' Uwe de-troys titit gea 1�j, *Nion,, as then g He ea : all , - t jocal the be -I Uad I-whY Si4k - to '.dcuue�� it DRY as i6ettibg�Vr ker, ike. eff to' if jheM J-= �M-_Ch bQL xwriea the whole can I", �w er t dends were- 0 ft ba, ihe� -tree becomes- miare -kw=" 'and a d=it.t Zjtto� .terq'*t,d w;r�cied� and the, 'mull ja�r the", moibi, , of U !s t6e, tmtm�rxi tree- amd the mvAL- otre then rei:POTed the er a V14F Zed ry. 7-h . le . Will aw ea - pal& the Intereist xh< 'to zlixittem rez-zy ealo. , ", 1:6, t — i;f rats. fiozm; or -12& Dodkrs i tit :0111 bocrow-ed mom -y .-bat.. Imouticafly - cometrw win wtiother"'Itipm itiell Or Oth--- Sam 'broken UVV- wh�aever',the� bad', Cdred.L,hj�j�mat;,�pr_� X thoaAht F o-sler tive, and devoted' liteg Vrere & _!t�34' be dow� in 'the re. joald.be et. otb*.r Was SE =f9er be� wreeked-lin the that 'Slix, t. Citolue i-nust be suld. to PAY 1t; -mid U �iw Teft for, sma:.afi pca. ilit'all the icaleg other =Wlterfuj lre:iidy,mert- oArco 13 CC tered, po-d0olm or thcg� the C.,,,',rev cko-. =I-,' WONNI'd. tfttmek. I ih� Fee,- R hi ' ')ntIz=ed peodaw amdjotzr 4�ay_q later is. tl=z fie Shbald �Nmtbdy e3Eist -Do two to Od- gat-: t*eL gMe f 0 a. call"'leate tige Sall. C�Mtkr to tft�'Itjgt ftrtb-;:i, aig the t -etl =;�t blit t-exateramaeut.: st" bom co, ta-N- to m; Id %s e. o:w I:bd io lifl. bar tRit'he, WA -11 L 4 and. Nae tat.. the. the- b��_ with the'besL bie# obipped o mort- to feell bettL-. MiA to 'in the _-6d :11is --v=1 to pade -the fatiWand. tft ley-tbLe., 4,. had r. Ir *t. he rj�t 0: U r It to a IMOLAt bag tag ofgtzate. 'heziAr th. bad away 31MAL to,gmim t�tremgzh ftbt, im tb*. gate wmfn!�t T, ed zhe FPrfimg.� be,� comia -K MEN bpe procuried- r7r, IS' to Uwe UPOU 11 -Irt= t *Ite- ruire, V1 hemra-_ from g to fcLU awaj-- A 51w'a basl- iravorite Y6 hAt I. - _ 'be ca ines . ep6r=Kmmdy, ivat'lim5ll aj, t6w,%rd P Y�.nx work tf 'k =Aght 0 aLn4 Very- efr and tb heL M=rW0= good'tt- 0:� tjbL, bad Otw, Sk bra, om'�,or. 't=O ca3 be woz*ed ap w-fth the.. the,' VMS of L n b3k� md' tbn2 7ha �$th­sL' Di6oit.; Md=e!$n tat . *�t .: rw=,--dv Vb,. LV -, bi-- ,red tL(6 J�tjr 1�0=_ th;,t,, tj be 'aitj, z,his� for kp A Mr. L _ Ve if ae *pmr to eir lk E:�W=L the e_mt ),rkm M' - W11, 4v" fertitize, wtd" th er�­_&elt bmrk �&Uisre_ I izz im, tate - It had b?w�m teft to him for t TtLe watchwvzl I'm no UNtTMre w=9 0 be' Bum 2t, =anum'lis rjDt to i.6m!]UT hr� w2ftt and ta,- pzrpoie- awl ith V0.6,& at at cc twf+�& PO=21& VrerZ." C e*r-, t �h Uttje� VN;krD6j .;jt tEn� rizal, A Oize me tb;? tio It _k With. ==M:F as they iom�y ;='M'f0Ur .0 A PO EALTH RESOU. -ms m pRecismt6t'room C=rtO ..tWs gem *=20'. in bc. b; C Ac, tft tUd 1�dpdn �spf.!vitb, by .I t 11L' q�oatalm 'were Of iturip- . a=u- . ct* ztd 'thla$e W16 it flit* It t th, (It PIE. in M.VV , � T. Ink ta� -4-t bIf.' ZM6tod' =A Dmp*r was tf,�o w4&y., Ry Mir K0051 OF HEALTM Vt. - . ��Ujj t v�fwff lak*je rjj:j� jjj� _�Pt �:tt zti;i,,7t c L -e Cot--tuy oil 7y a almd, In= tte; wtlte � _1C tbe jtZe-cior' LIN thoir PAD t 'M 'GOT ARO I dr W. ; _- to mme UND THE *.c, oboge- It *-as:A t," fav, _ Ir D6�*ble- P kerLT red, I (L UzratV 141,* *r I na. tm zh and 0�,# 6wrtsintm.re.; to* 1111IM6 V_ _d kFir. r ft4. rtv*ea jjbk.j� I" . _W., N CL" 46tr QMW 49 tile Itt cc to tztst tj?4,j L�z FIT' ji uh, Ll "Gmtzb t 1pg.-hit UNDO /:nmd . 4t br*kL and MIM L ;�v ennil- "4, W, :is, z t1% ;x r -"- o it tt- I - .o- r *�k r t �,N_ *7 M, oft V� W, t ror I it V�_ tit, ei k t 4r j'Ljf:t%�tdal ut "Ll.v bt, ta E r �Zrt itt 1� tiit =tit L &0. "ALI 10!, IbUm tin" . 0�- M-1 Utivi L e. t pat gtj 0., n. lt*� wst- **ft - tot. iiA rvloift cil#& t 0?,kr es.... . ....... -7