Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-02, Page 5• STORE OPEN TUESDAY AND' SATURDAY • EVENINGS t '• C4OSES OTHER.,' EVENINGS AT. 6' OO'.CLOCKK • • 3 only pieces of Covert Finished' French Fabric, .38 inches aside in two very' pretty Castor shades and 'blue -grey.:. Suitable for natty : dresses or costumes, very special at 50c per yard, button's and silks to\match FOR PRETTY WAISTS. • All -wool Buntings in Old:••apse, Pearl Grey, Golden Brown and Black:'. Cooler'than cotton and can be washed, 'price 40c per' yard, two yards will make a waist. Also Liberty Silks, Taflettas, Silk and••Wools, Silk Grena dines in the newest shades andpatterns:: / PPL;-IQt3ES FOR TRIMMING. 4 . 'f hese are sc• arce-..goody s1•t': present'.:;but we • were veryforturi • SeCirrlI,cx c ate in g some neat pattens recelitly'to-sell at 10,15,.,25 and 50c per yard.: Y• RE•AOY-MA, E. KIRT ° better range than ever.,to'.show. •you:this spring and better • values:. ::all and flee th:enl. " •'You can tell at once whether 'the will t y wi,i suit you or t f� � ou. • �l lLs Js the beauty of,T�eadq Ready -,made goods .'' , � . ' t QUESTION ANSWERED, Ye August' Flower still- haft the lar4;1-;,c sale of any.' medicine in • the, civilized world: 'Y'our motjiera' au4. grandmothers" reverthcu,gh: of using'. anythwg.else'for Indigestion or Bil iousnesb.. Doctors were scarce, and, they `seldom hears of :Appendicitis, , `'eirous Prostration or Heart failure,. Nei: etc. ,They used: A,ugust .Flo._ er to: Clean out:'the'the gyatem and ferntau- p e . tation,of.undigested•food, regulate the ' action of the liver, stimulate the tier -i3 %ons audorganic action of thesystem,. 1 and, thatis-air they took when feeling .t} 'du:11 and bad with headaches.and Other' aches :iyp } only need a few dose of G:reen's August Flower, in liquid; form, to make yQip'satisfied there is 'nothing, serious' the matter with: your " You • or. • • Mrs, Smith's Millidery Show Roomsv •'are.no well • slpplied'with all the latest styles of 'Spring eryATillrjn-; `. ,She cordially. invites nvites the' ladies to cal! and • ., examine:her stock. A 'lot of lovely silks in waist: lepgths 'Ow two :waists alike) in all the newest• Shades.Also:• beautiful ]aces; applique and. pearl" •trimmings, Lovely mu.slins, fancy cy. belts and ick_ •wear hi •end uss v atietr, :No trouble to,shd'w �' •° MITH.:.. can (;et Di G. G Green's reliable remedies at John Wood Co's.. Drug l � '+"' * i+1 i Y• �3sst:+ +"ice^ ►�"� �" `: Store *• RI EWSPATERS ' FOR 1902 ' ',The time. has arrived when readers ••begin to: thins. ;:of their. newspaper literature for the :coming year, Our clubbing rates are as follows :, • Sentinel and Weekly Globe $1,60 Sentinel and Weepy Mali Sentinel' Family Herald and Weekly Star , Sentinel and'WeeklyySun 1, i0 • 1. 75 .• '1,75 Sentinel and Montreal Witness' 1.60 Sentinel and Western Advertiser '1.5.0' Sentinel and Weekly Free`Press:' 1.75 Grass, Farm to. Rent 150"a.res, well fenced, plenty of water, on the 8th concession of K.irlOss, east of :11'o1y •' .F'or further particulars apply ,o. 1,[R$, btcRAR,' n Laurium. D ichigan,. Important to Breeders and' Hor'emen.: ,Ve�ri Eurnekacary CAUSTIC; BALSAM 8.50 SUITS. .: This is a special' line of suits made to' sell at1 � 0.00'. but• we boualxt them to sell at •S8 50 for. a;' leader The material is; good, also'the'patterns • beat trimmings, latest cut:'and dud' fitters, three shades to shoo§e from: Sizes 36``to,4 •; 1.25 WEARING SHOES FOR 'MEN. Men's sealing beiots; made of''all. leather,. tanned with the new oih. process' that keeps' thein'always soft, , easy 'fitting,. bellows tongue,:large eylets, extra value atSI2`b Y _ � pair: • . ., A :relish and speedy remedy for Curbs hpiints Spavins, s eens,etc.. e,. and Lump .lawatinin Cahorsesttle. --• "See pamph TRADE M.tRF '. Itt Lrhicll'. companie.Ece bottle givi real ra?' , • e ng scientltic treat meat in the varaous diseases • • It' can be: used in eev'ry case of. veterinarc 'practice where etimulatinf, applications:• and blisters are: pre, "scribed tt has no aUPSR1oi "Every bottle .sold is guaranteed to give•sstlsfaction: 'Price Ue per bottle. ';Said by all druggists and country •stor+keepers• Prepared by"' TILE ELR1.r{A VI TErtTNARY..MEt.uot TE C0Af1,14.:DIY London. Oat - To 'Rent: The brick store and dwelling house: with storehouse and driving' shed. •A good business stand. Possesssion • at once:., Apply' lo '..%4s, M RTa I• IIURna�:, • St. Helens: Wonderful Prepartatlon" "Rokco Cereal Coffee," pure, whole - roma, nourishing. ldighly recommen— ded by physicians. Rokcois.equi}i to. lOc coffee, but costs only the price •and is used at your meals' instead of poisonous tea and coffee. •10cpacka es,' • packages, ♦.r. .16odb. or 2 lbs. 2Sc: ;Ask for it. For Sale.by All Grocers. +♦ 4•.Rt44Nt444. 4444+4++4.0K 44 1 +. there, is a•;irood.�dfal: in thee; kind'' f + z• � � .of � hoes '. a firth. ♦ : hn�'s:. 1t hen you e ,amine our..c�trfiill . select'ed std of mentnediuin and high lade shoes, :you Will ,say cl, 's .YY ., THEY -ARE ' WORTH THEMVMONEY.:. ' lip1• ct:i5' Sho. es n:•;,.ad-e.b3 G eo, 1� .'Sl.a ter '. can;., -+• chased here at from ,3.o0Uair. �,P / THES.RE•TH pur. ES T. Percival and Segez it ec1iuni: priced shoes' are the + best: in, the 'mar]et, and cans .he diad at from, $2 to -:S275 ♦'. per parr They will stand the closest inspection, and 'examine•thein a . ♦ . + +' aur Gent's `urnishing-,Counter ;you will: find the •latest •things 'in Shirts Collars .04 *Neckwear: ° ocerie� •NN••••NNNlf'NN , Try our Goiden.Thend Ceylon Tea Try our .English 'lop Tea* • + rr Try'our 25c Jap�lii 1::ea fry our Pickles in quart:jars Try our Coffee, Seal Brand Try our 25c Coffee • Try our Paradise Currants, recleaned "Try our Extra -Selected Rafsiii.' Try•our' California Evaporated • Peaches Try: otr \Lap!: Syrup in bottles Try our :Choice .Prunes lait.700:-V*„ Let Us/ Do Your Printin When retie need flnr. tLtb:t, nS".T:vrFitP t4yy ,ENVELOPES, MotoHi:;<us, Non! - H .tDO, LET; CF;ft HEADS, SiffPpt\C. C'brARS,t Rt)S, DOGEKs, Posrt;Rs Or anything in, the printing tifiei! leave your. order tt home. i' can satisfy on *art onr.printing as regards quality'aiyd .price., weet an 'Dehcjons... • 'r-esh--Pastrfir. Confectionery; Give us a cal! hefore pur- chasing your < oiifetioner}•. Largest and best assortment to choose from;.. New Pi is .1)ate.s, Raisins; Oranges, Xiits,.etc, Cheat)er'than ever°at': CZ TZIES:; 1902 ®, L/STOWEL Spring Term begins April 7.f 'Send for' our • Sourng 1111,4 set **-bat Repairing neatly and promptly done: TERMS ..CASH. HEADQUARTERS FOR Al OF • MET 1'L: WORK OUR :.AtErAL I C c• • CEILII�,'GS� •�� 1I ALL✓ �• Are: doth • artistic and seryiceabie.: Popularly used' by practical dean!: everywhere. ' • oltikle,palvaalt.ed or Painted cwt.!, ttikaily arvily in al 'kinds of ctki,u,....4 Invariably root—fullest, itt:ormation if lou Mel-allia Roofing Co., tirnitedi 'WH3I,ESALE OFFS:, Toggrito, CANADA. Students oak enter,at,any Courses -OM -Tends, Commercial C.A,[loming. A... Intyra, Is. the- wovd that lidst xpresises the Change recent, years - frc,ta wood to nietaj in the building'trade, leads Canada in the *manufacture of all kinds, of ,".,\Letalliec goods. . set everything in this litm Let us. oiyo you LUC KN OW. •