Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-04-25, Page 5ai • • ,10 ti ti 4 1.4 STORE OPEN' TUEs1.3Alf Arg SATURDAY 'EVENINGS ,1• ** tk CLOSES OTHER EVENINGS: 'AT 6 O.'CLt1CK .' Chenille rabe Cover 'Special 414 Chenille Table covers ,in Bronze . Myrtle, B Xqe,:O.Cold and Cardinal,. regular$1:2i 'for 1�Q each: ... • Tapestry 'Covers. lirasecln-ers are the.;lasliival -a�t, • •ale`'ones:•at' present.... Y are • asTke . ' . than the -other kluds •prices• $2 4o $4.50 each: lo,.more. durable i. Tapestryu .. . : Curtains.: A speciialino iif. Taestr .: Y , p y .Chi tains 4 in h , •,fringed :bot h ertd • ' ' Gold � 1Old P (x a .n• and Card1na1 shades at $3 per ir, aOther li e Tapestry hurtair's at; "35o.., P nos ,. �.4.OU and $5.00 per pair. . • .. .. . Chenille Cu1~tains:'� . . Gii'i•iIitill, •.Bronze Green ami , .1 n11 e, �3 > 111c11e�_ wide,. wit deP ' and heavy':fl • �,`. p, colored:'' } l- •----..5.a:.��) per BIr, borders Two Big' `Lace .• Curtain .. ;•. ... Se cials.. LaPC►t`ns with 'Bordexdell , Ta.p.. ed• edges, ,48inches es 'tile 34. yards loo\ottingham Lace Curtrinb. two patternsonly; pretty lac designs,. Colbert edges, 34 yards. loin- ' ?ec1a1 a?,00per. pair. • Frilledk'Curtan Nets hese are a ;heat many uses t:41 this !material, .Doors, Witldow ' ' Teds,: Dressers, �'i' ��slista ' � , .. . $,, ,Bookcazes • . nd_, etc.., Bade Iq'' two ,qualities sell • ,` 25c and 00c per ,yard ' i At �a pets, Mattings and 'I.inoleums Japanese Mattinys at 1.),;?0 and 256 er .'}gar i' , Carpo: '.t.j�i1 1.5. 2025c. •C Iain strie,"t.,r ,3 i, 56, '65 and !' filarsisels:at 1.tu Wools a r JC• ,anti..$1.0O. '4 ''4 Floor oil :cloth ;it 15c, ' s. 4 11oor• nil doth 30esquare rat*t , 4 tinokinns at 45c square, ya1 tt.... 1G. 4 Linoleun s at: 50c sIuare 'yard;• ' ...' • • , • A ,good assr�l trient cif Al rtMuslim .t�Jrt Satteen • Art llucks a.ud. '$riot muslins.: w A c - sr44sa.aaaaael • YeS,: August Plower :still has the I a largtat• Malo of .au3 niediciie in they? civilized w.orld, Your mothers' and grandraotbers' neve'• thought, of using .-anytlling.elsemfier Indigestion Or Bil- iousness; Doctors` were scarcer and. they bel<fozn hear -I of, ',appendicitis, Nery ous• Prostratiou or 'Iear"t Failure,. etc, They ,used August Flower to. cleanout the the sy,stew Arid ferznau- .tation of undigested food' regulate. the l apt ion ofthe liver,•stimulate-the .nei•.P. VOUS and organic action ofthe s}:sten), I and that is 'all they took when feeling. 3 t dull and. 'bad with headaches and other '+ t, aches., %ou only need a few doses of 'Green's August F1'over, 1n !quid form, el to tu1kQ you.satisfied there is nothing'. Serious the ,matter, With you, You.•' ea.l • get Dr.' .G iG CTreen's 'reliable ' ±e• ;1 remedies at John 1W`ood.&.Co's. Drug Store,: E 4 1rs- .Smith's Afill net ho y S �,v' IIqu s'are, now S ellr ;' subplied. with all the latest styles ` 'at Spring Mllln- � , ery. She cordially iuVites the ' ladiesto ; cal!' and. examine ,her stock.: _ A' lot of•loveliy silks itl waist • lengths • (nh,'two waists a°like)`, in- all the newest sb:4des Also' beautiful : laces, •3pp•Iiqueand penri ', trimmings.Lovely rnusliiis, fanc ' t• in endi�:�.,a.i variety. y l�helis and neck- wear .,, • al ieta N o• trouble to show ,roods. '. .MRS E ti SMITH �Tw74T1f.971P95, \IErirS'L'API IIS FOR :1902 The time has arrived when readers '• }' begin to thin `of thci,r • newspaper literature' for. the coming year, ' Our clubbing, rates are as follows; ' .'•, Sentinel and Weekly Globe.„ $I 60 Sentinel' and «•seely Mail 1,70, Sentinel :Family Herald and Weekly Star 175'' Sentinel and Weekly Sun. 1.75' Sentinel ana,11ontreal. Witness 1:60 Sentinel and Western Advertiser 1,50 Sentinel and Weekly* Free Press .1.75 Grass:: Varna to Rent 130 acres,: well fenced; plenty, df water, on the Sth'capces�1OII cff.i plass; east . of Uy roecl, 1 or furtuel ,particulars apply _o al's. Mc1Ltj Lan Michigan,. ',Iinportaii to Breeders ' aII d Hoiv . emen Eareka T,eleritiary• Ut �11TTC —A ---rehab. and speedy. remedy for 4-44,'71c, z=.:•i.Cnree b Snya ,p editcn ts r.>.�"�.1", etc. ,in . i.y thorses ' ane 1- u al o �.� Js:ti•in cattle, ir, i )E at.iris - See, lreruph . cow J• let L €c t sir. j)anie`; �t yeti bo.,tir, irYnS-scientific treat' meat in the v,arie.us dice zer ' 'It can he t,sed ,.ick e0ery ca - c f reteri sry practlee:-iv here. tipgapp icatiOnS end 'blisters.are pre- '. scrisbed. I hes no '.t. ' a 'Ont, h`v' :bottle teed t i a ve #anal etion.. Price' cotintry ataivi:rer3 . I TILE'e per bottle_ • Mildbe hli drn„i`ts; avid itl..71:E;IiA, Vh1hrtIN RD31ED: 'i G7gPAN.LOridon.Onr T To ' Rent: ' • TliP bri_' cl, store;and a '. dwelling. -house with storehouse anddrt'ngshed., A`goodbusiness stand:Io�, esS3ionat t 1Cii ; �tttru_a .11brisit4Y, St. Relent. •A~Wonderful, Preparation • "Rokco Cereal .Coffee."'pure; waole' ,ttoine, nonrisliang, Dlr'dv.rectimIlen- •ded by physicians' 1 eke° is a al tet •IOc coffee. lint costs or r' +,•:the prick, 'and i3 used at yogi ni.' ills in's'teari of gg0oisonotis'teaan3 cYiff'i^e. ice.,pa,0:vaet•,, 150.1b, or21bs; 2,;)r; - sk for it.. ' For Sale by Ali Grocers. Try our Golden Mend ' Ceylonjea Try. our ,English'.:Itop Tea , •Tt'v.our• 15c "ttapli,in 'lisa, rry, our .Pickles in quartiars Try 011r Opine, Seal Brand Try' our 25c Coffee 4. Try our ParadiseC`urranr, recleaneu 'Try our Extra Selected Raisins TryEoaporated `. ottr CaI'iI'ornia ,Peaches r .'. Try our Maple Syrup in bottles. Try our Choice Prunes . 1 )' J PC Let Us Do our Printing e dr anyt,liing in 'the printon, lin I • :1eztve :Four order .at Mtge. e Cala satitfs yon 'with our printing i. 'yJ5 amend fiir y. , we teatelL. `. reg./lids quality acrid Sweet and resp;Pastry.. Confectioner_ Give us a' •call ,before pear chasing your confet:ionery. Lay ;1 ,�e�t and, best assi�rtnl+ent t0 clhoose fro in, New,' Fints, Dates, I aiSius Or iigt(s. \tits, ete. ; - . ' •' �� a 3 dLig 4 ar • ,jteap'r'.th- 1 ever at 'tanilous r itbiTZIEIS A poiting Shoed, . ;w. • • We are prepared to supply, the boys with good ± t 'Sporting Shoes . a (suitable tor lac ross8)"at very low cost. �,Conearly andelctywur:siP do's Shoes.. • 'Ou1 'stool ♦. of ChildrendS 1o 3 C O - a� n ea • ... r .t,lulostevery line'Yon require. .hefollowiiare some sped IS . . • 'Child, Iced Dori ala BA rata s �• City for $1.25. o ole; very ctfiubs sills i(n Cbilda.Dom ela'Bal 'a g • p..te�t tip •,turn sore �'�:. ,• Fifty stF'le; to sell At,Sl CO per pair Iltfant's R l Dancela, Theo Tie, for 650' per pair.•s Special- .weak to sail st1 flit Child'o :Don�o' . • y. , �•..tii.ad_P 'stel �. �•' ^r .. +. siakles) '` s saitable`: for, 1i> t.'will be t o your interest to:... .. .. .: , r.. special ' .. AO - t.. inspect this Repairing neatlr.••.ri �� ,rd ;ie p pis :dare. TERiTS CASH.: • IS illi''' 1 N G% P' .`l l vt*A•n t•1• . ptiz; '•r'a' 1.14,. ns : ;April +, 19i4'?. i' ` .1.. it , urA1.%.1.., are y... ootaz9es .�'f sry. r�ayi�.yasonayyt�,r3'e,-�-,b'nr.;,, „ yµ$.•thoroi'1ghh and p�i- , tical. ' i r t fart-- 1 . see' '411a3, ; tudeuis_ti T* r.e sI ;til t til, + 1:01(44"`3Hd,,, C. A. At Prolapt4 • t• 4 'USE RAN Cif Farm od Garden TOii,L+iJ. .. u kinds And ds of eal6 took, Reliable.:,` • Yen iriti c1 'star., Stark l+z • ' • . . l5#S lire 'till t. r'ne.1 at elf rhe '1' 1'. henna w.or1kr, •ti"�V ' q: n'i�' r'� , . i4Y'.::y., ly JWrrs u..i• �J:i w�'".1,•, ,Y • • kind y, i