Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-04-18, Page 2n wrmry IF p 77 a lie emollatkVitly If S. 11unt, Dum(Res, N; 0,11am the mother of nine flilften,"Wrilft 4 his '0Q whea a wether putail. 01 tog ibyll Mrs.JobV4, Maillapw of Alackoy'o -StAt19"p, 'it beciiVill,6 Oliq kbows what'lvhe� to talking am y that ; blive �ft;'Olqa r thQ.,SwdiVd, ljogimeut Catla�. Intl eatis about. fl, untlin on, I iMaj!i 0-, 13 'thr 11 f0ciottv'rep ", Is ANAD N j. j.,1F. ki H Ill al wl V *,,and Inivo hi&oqq_%sion to, Low b I 'TEEN A,_$ Oian Artilleiry. �30qrl, Aftet 14-9 plillut- roii, and IF cin,t F wedicline, for child! ru �, 44 4 5giv 1, have never found oh�thifi *eipt Ito, �yaq lifwler a corporal, Aii� g to liVquM ,e for liver Ai -Veal� to. Pik "Ps an L IF i leis. Tlidy are, prow in viug* A treal waa ed BillylotowaTalill , whou WAN lop at 0 just tit Acting va tit. e 6-a " � 1, ar . �, their, it 194 a U ifig f9r, 11 C Ilk ge-of the ftrat'lluQUI, th o every wotber lifyoturig.ebilarc6 �vrti:gh 10t 16r.� 44,11(ao;� 31r; 11p.NvArd, -ill'O u pa -me it ld addrilse pla-itill rfry popultir man 1111 e WERE CAPTURED t1liout L kke� :!!Aa =0a, I ' rd 44R—w EIIAP"llle - written 0 a posts. ca , we. Will .06 h' n t e A Irvon.19VP -Tbulm� was a wmper� of tilt, of,all, c a little boo up lit ir. Brown.- Milby. i ,rP., "d'yo Vigehildrie is rloy'al, *c'., Lawrence Xacht Clubl.a I' Mrs.. Walft ­ - III careof in Ants, Ile could -also put Uhave never U.'! �ally­ n ale 41to , q. e M m6di r by book has been prepared. by..'a' , h itli e6nstio p Wn little ou6s are troubled w h iow, It y a 11. ­ . . 1_ * ti idinivroilstro bl,,r 77 wap.:a good sailor, li�d nine, i il&enti of- Willem g,goo pai.,Antl ",a opRnoelst wap Ili !�-Nan Valley,'OVIL saya — Is tl ha.4 madli1he it Alets" 1 *0014 q9t be wst k4d*.' With that Vill 11 hi6 Olin Ila Im.21 poW we iijill! 666 Nation 9 simple of IN , Veen, badly'llsoubled iwitlli� Lbylii Own Tabl t 6"Nst , N yenro, pf,agpL rldfort ined Inruew qnts c n and I littye,nevor foun any, ofill n. on a a Hart "114., �,-An , ai , -e VU43 It cl�, 0 equal Baby's Ortstiqi:.T.ablets'. the, I I d lIk, . as I f d1i 0 n .10 '1'4 n I J; bipy all. Tip . it 0.3 Jor ItItodleti Unharmad. oftl 11, ran .0 G1 ti I L '0 fewitedicincifo hil, ..'a of iall JOWT 4r A'cablogram b- w.ae. rpeelied by. Major Mrs. H H. Fox, ran id "A "R" F` :wtlaon,,of Lim Vico, ypoterday from, I would, not be� em Ouse, 111 116, -1 .on 4h. a �Qumr�ej;.maister W,�_Rodderil . of' ' the They- are! . truly rl; b VIVO A fl;rlist Hollis., 10 Valladialk Upunted - Rlfled� containing 4i 94 ri3ildi.st I _lk-1. Mrs.William Fitzgibbon, Steeikbur% nLi til roun a . .14 1 'lit I tie Its b ix,mojithso �.was, tile vrort,tA "All Tleso', qre d Baby's Own efs a Y a was April 7. -:A'pupplcu, 'the belpoged ttkbu 10 M0411 tlI4t,,'.NIajor lZbdottl 9 'rho Thlils for, tta' = he for -w littloqVIO ft 'rites rs'. entar know what opitipan t 'as 'onw a olrea d tho c Ohi.d ook pl lit a and was surprised to fit& I o cluteig A OY 6, . .11 lonv t, Alot of till3ties. Among the tho, reent; fight, . at. bln.'Ed. Jones; 55 Christie stro awes t To. a I I wou qt, Ottawa i I., -"an so u0b 0 "Wel had'a double guard on last Ilartor River, and that lie. ckcaped, '.'Hae u*ed Babyli Own TabletJ Id i.e a 1 0 14. eephe innin a towliolfro. I Ola I Uquate At 'Use a Canadian eh 11 4. itkri" on arch.,1 pt 6M tii it' lilill Ito 0, k n1glit,. about 2W -Tlierfi ara a linjitry," f Any - kind. Berg tist tile t k' wai� rkvgiN,qd tp-nday',at Governmid1rit in eq. 11161illd tIuVM4 hing for, bv,!' few thOuiand, soldiers about ug, lin F -the frc?nt lie ws.1 House From Uipe Town, The list 'is a t oing, to about - 1.L1,(X)0, Boers, P B. I there are',hiso f. ti 6 vocoiria Rule,%, In Mont bal, r iolt6ws - aa you ea�t) Imagine lioNTexciting it �q bet. of the Brave Ddath. -awalin' a iepl efi,.. imousijy D 'I) is.. 'On Foljrtiar� 9 Scliltitburg, ly'-woi I seie�al Oes lr. Rob WOUN Ili Departmelit oat.rccent ff-� 'alld Ilia P r tY pkirC11686, of 11dprs!. advahce. cm6. lit: and,great dnwere olcupying I-. wounds, tin t refu�ed. to� go. to Ids- 61s_rngat bY OW Iiii '0. MCK13GO, riepaLratit 0 t &4 that- at t Q "s weie,tilade'rb� deted6ei vlew,from fron, llqt�l: whic.11, liz�d be�en :reserved for i�qipq "or tnq wallt.ed to 'to f Ille le ft , brpast. I dt� to e I'llm, �vliell takell pris llorses tot- the coil t k1goll t" D, C,, ill gipg, trelibilillk, etc, I slept a. few 'llar Rivier� voligagemollt tilt,, hritisli t46ir its un norse. 'Ito.- hours, oner tjl�ej oti'lv. t6oultilt that. 600 roiluta iv.111 ho bo�ljght it- _As too xciting to tr, arr, d -In th Iof, ther,, Aft)4 J,6hri MaEkell to QojV& erc 6 1) n 1�. a,: wl I J%Lg 'I tpl), Wo,,we;st-, 1,006 in',Qrit� ri�dr q.lebp much.. on Maic�'iA 'Lomd 'ii ('10111,41tip M Ove et L or of,' t 11 ie tlh.at wa�. bec., o111' Ile ulell, all" Ino oidon ca g A' ltll.Q dead b t p the froWt of Ille te'wounded. had v woulids. fa.06, ana rght forearin, other, Boers werelf'ollowing,- to t4ts.Th 4 t.ht I te Lofillout 1 $.-On t prill0ple. ,.Ca:i;bcrwr.. Wilkilisou, clydei 011L., up it -bold tUick on 'the. Twentx­ - TIMeW corr""polldent, who is. ivith, awa-when the 11' 'Will 2nd ad tht good Stuf r PTI -'J. T1 NN.\NT rormefly W.0 U. N. D F, 1). eighth Argun Coil Kek ruoul t ho Battalipii" t, C. Moncton, N74.13.o Toronto, .6Lpr1I,.8._Clayton S.-� 6or.: "verei'mot With It heavyJ re, from tile and 'S'IZL-'d been arrange A thlit K Imwich's 111011 ill td, ioio Canadiaim% Kewrer . 1 1. son is 21 y&Lrs oLd, a. -son or P, it.::, Walter -Kitchener's. s- 74ectil-nises, .1% ho kit he'ad. , Fathe;, "Jahic' whu pouib'd volleys Ifitb a Te nnatiti 00 yardsi. Ge throiigh' A. th0III* at a of -V -Co., per- atH..COTSOI of P. H, Corson & Tllr�tvat 9� althouirli mortally should co-6perte a-surprise;of D07 l-Oteere'd, vs up ino 0 tho.lx> wept, and, 4 lit ilie OOLk:.of Luthoral. workinkluel sIIQIV' erso", -'a nialli" frcstartingr on the evkolir, gt)110 to t �yar fumers, delaide ptri�et liew or:Dr. McP-11 of Carlton. igt d J. MINCIIIN, igIlt, -e' tit" eve juci�d Lila A, a -tile ffiiq� night , of lot r coll� alo%y6ver, 11 Mimiell ni,,dre now, to street..' ust_ efore ' leaving. for nition'lln his ball olier biokp Ilia rifle. cOlunjil . g for its bo. U "on a� !�rar will have �rvnpo to �k' t�, Ili leg and JFiead, e being prem, Sonth. Africa Iiii boarde(A tit Jari- *conN Vother, Vr Ont. p t vans,� above men taretly-engaged, the,- comitinal. Ion was, tile- Boers. Tbeir first, eQlf.ditioll riva. e. L tfoll(�41, I still stkeet_` 1�6.rmerly Ir6 was a sfu­ wile of CORSON. Toronto, Lit q itlie son of spoiled. out his pitrt reinairls, indopeade lice, f(')i- wlileti they -dent - At th6 Dufferiti School, alt�r Cor- - pej and was -27, years, old. of 66 movdmqht bli-the Boers ;ils- will cedd;,the Witwateisrnt -old r6-' aiarm and P rid t- D time a sit! ;III(] Col. list which lie bee, 1.6 tatitoll 6-treet; Toronto: j�per for, Gap- pers,6d oil hearing of Kl�Chener's eit- gidil, lie sa.Z�-s t1tat. tilere IsAmore .81 1 . which 1.110 Ininhiluril., lit-Ight of tuou FRANCIS, A 1 T ' t i3i & White_,wholm-Ile 'boot� and he ll it lit itoron o,. In gagtnif6iit, antl 0111, a: few capturies Jighting. on!,tbe or si(W 11.( W ll to 6o rk-cruited (or 111 Chest. Nexi dr, ki 6 rs. J "quith ereliantq. de; it, dn� all-round egi �April 7.�-G. R. Ottlen,'pt* tvoie, maile. at th� "innienceitient, of:'tllc� Nv;i fi.xtxl zi,t ri%*l,, 1( 66. Gpetiville atrept,- Tk>roiito. itiedat for run� wounded at' Hart doh, Out.', in law Illn vell as a reputation for a)v was well known in tile . west. Wo,.1,1. 10 ptill." UIOLIQN, .9., 413. N ll leg. Vatbet, J'ohil Millen, Wind" .good 'work: ai ceintirb scrittimagp in: �erjeant-Mjor, of'Oran N, ot Lit, 11titollialleit. Ita In teiitr . et. ti 9.�'_Nfajdr 'Williams, — I M . I Itbciu� ths, 18(11 No- rugby. Msola memoer.of wa" S 'I r.'Artlitir' tit, London-; April 8. p .0 R. C, 1). -to, 'lately of will bu. �i,;sigiitld -to "L� anitob. Moi Tliki RHe KLS, London, Ont,,',In th6-1bliampion Dufferkn Lcrosse Tea ii�- qa$ 'off, duty io , So' llo'llso of Coill �WILLIAJ4 �:§TO in not uth four, of tliL thigh ext uVW11, ain Was extreme y 'pop'u'la' Whin-itieg, -who was here, the pther ad r. ATrica on� account Of elekileeo. He W.9A -if vri(obn hada.Y� will agaili to Sduth: fur"WI 500, eonli"I o Africa ons,. announced thi:� Out_ th Go viVituetit' did not cousWer It $mltlu 1% 06 youngi�lit with Major H61latid. and 17'. men -6 fourth Conti t., Ile had e t..ISMITH, Ottawa, in arm. Fop� 'Son -or hot.. 4. B,.: 9, gs r w.,. F wi It tit WkLIJ ci),uditl, or mitli, -of tile J. . when'Hoflind-OA �lw Y.ietorla,- Crossi. Aai6 publish tlk� kill -eli' w-* '-d. Tbe r . roll,_ a placle on the coronati6n:fiontingent, s 8ith Ltimb�r COmjXLh'v,:_and ,wus. a Oth .0 capturL Boe a but preferred aitiv6 service to cere- -Q� the cotit-tuIartiM -,irli'lieli ol'A ent :1) -Like - Good ShVP­­,corp.raJ Ili it, bed the ead - Land be knocked two, iStril(Illt will bP .4 G-76- P-0dY Guards. ecutioll of Eilleoc), rlO W iIherd'.9, Qu��bc&, A. Allot; added down -witti, Ilia 'fists. poig- / r- . . :, , . - - ',ant, the offlj:e-ra or tile.: Bus ihi- grie Ott w1io wer Prithte Campb'ell, -who wao'killed, H 1,11.1 0 N. -felt b file m xer t 1 t i zesils. Trial.' Collviete�)' Or I I I I a - dis t I was the 7recelpt. of. a aI larm liazzil,from'Re to�. Nl,. DEWAF,1 lettej� from. murdering Ikie.rs.' At XV -11) thore- trict. -He ao, aootrt.,28 -years of �a�afreinet, 6 1 . . . . age. ape Cbilorl�,Y, April 9�* afternoon bdilt the at -f Eau Clire,. Nipissing. tv- -. T.: E. A; �NLUN �ko,- Out.', -Y.1-ist He was -A. big, Eiaky..s6fdler, li.nian —The of ..('oulmitndatjvt J-;IritzfII time iha't'the, . tialt '11, le -ate be anxioliv. to' ,etr.by'.a court martial oil the.c4iarge (,I, 4ted." 'I Campbell worked I Krp 1 .111 raief:16. Yather, James 'Utinro, Ott.. It was dated Afitnih rs, 1iaving committd :four. mi aveitu6, Loll tla blacksTilith. at Chater. He �vas & pf 1; And' related prll -Brando wreckin- and cruel Lodge of' JOHN CH41i& BON t 80011 ftfb�f 11.116 of -the inent, ptiblishM, lit Eui klcla P. I meniber of'j�w besles train on8061elvil, t LANCE -CORP. 'ro r6po. that the Oddfell' �'to. �risoiiers, histed:twQ A. ..N er., had Toronto, grazed FlIther J. 1��- d I G ows snof, ligent it by en. xvith, !Dootl Fight uVoll 'Lord Ki was obtained to doxinecit tlie Bond, 226i Toronto. tefir"'er. 'videllee thd%.Oatli; to tile Britl�,I, '.ItOr .1110bility ca pri sGner with the. shodtlibg of Iia - 'All t-,%Vell�. 3 � 1. .1 1 � .- FI -MC T(ikon to.. 1, FTE. ALEX: �tZ:ON,' r�a 11 s ls,1)0 I I gd—beet ts, of] de, ri D. A. Fergu -oil 171. MbLdi- o I o, II d r c. Of �s a SOIL ..of -s, lluflf'jv 1.1 Sa jd Major �captured by Kritzinger Lestified that. corp9i a I X. It kiniston, April 7.—SArgeon- Ovely tienied by 016 Wer 1�0n, aypiluei. Torollia tile- 6alladiati munto he ti�,eted 'and tIlAta pa.1.8 inelitio led mlisL, Dt, Dr. . *P. olid; of 26411vislo PTM. HARRY E, street, lftifles'� in, S6uth Atri6a, Nv�ired htof the -Y name 91at :�i,)r llf-rri be d man -lip on, C I R_ C. -R.,, hi �houlder. Ne,�t AVid:, Ila,,. It' 14tives Iter wn and Whd is bit4ilt, Of Rustenbuti�'- ad much e that - nd tho Kin withdra fof kin; %oall'iJ)'112t IAX I I I't6 a It Lile He..first tork members of thb'contingqVit. i�ere it 11.6. ruger-s son I till In the 0 NN ts acqtiiii6d wiilitlut cross -all well. 11 0ts. lKill ridt 'rozorn to tto Xf6ea member t of 04. t Oil Ya� 1 Oby c t ilsel, for he. defe ZiTE., K_ IZOI, olt(iu r - . ­ . , I I . aCom I Candian. con-. D. dolb,� in,, thigh., Fatfier; 9. Rori- lie tn��d -F. Rost-bory Gtoing to Afr',4jis �Otta*a. Apeu 8,— s-Hdward's Scili .tlK was pr r eported severely in Like London, 'Ont.� Alir, ietire. Christi- A.' A lladies 011do, -7 of the 1: fight. an I -Ale com It I* ke VIC artia Rl�e 0 For- arm. in tmorning Irkher, �Wrri. otit., zall t, rumor thL5 w�th tile To- orts 1) sell formerly CM- PTP-. JOHN KEND"1 is going to -South of from'S_ *1 Otta'-_ boy ll�e of the lionoinvio, of re lie. Citizett, an& was a' f'ric siud the situation 1herb for. d1e, ".411011., of' I. Flou.�l lAxido.. Out.. Va, L her, Geor eu�, R to, lF-e "Vk Buitery dViring' iiA. diree was Slount(vil L :otnge,;� W '6ninioa th'at.:' One. iii(Iiisp6sitioll i period or sery i-th., a vlow of, submitting Ilia tin- filled.- jV.ith, :,6t .PTE,� Mf,,Dk, CO6t?E1` ,'T6r6ntO a. gor, of... I of adl-A IS S -I till -to g" Ed-` Ore a0plierkoz of r Ifu 04'plo;� in thigh H. C.. Cooper, I ,sod� -avenue graduate 'of the' Mrs.' Hugh. M. I, o it lio.r., aikd, h1r D. He. ro.;�I.' Toi I reptdrt is 'w a'It i,,;, :I'lld t01 onto. Otitario L'b The. Hacue, /Apr, �oii, Norm. WILD- rultineit- j'alld tlI:L ttiti I It. pr current CITC1018 to -day note Ili. - '�5 'of relief to 'tile 11.1s H' lilld holds"014. terais Of.'I)Cace in IV % r a ne from fili6tild r& South' At, r ing Ili t wesf�,` ettv� Cup' sltooihig. 'He went.1 ric:4 'signed in A 16W dajr-'f� Chicago, April Car emlre it. tfri( f 91 stree be' ter H, IllotllerZ .1 otlijag 0 coll I. I to 'South r� a, It ist'linpossible to ver' rmetved front Bertrand D Yv -tit arriso,n ard '41' 'to .11 t l ith tile (4 de- the repot H (-ill W. rpliud 'All, Nfit'll't-4 s7, Cer- erborol. �Achmloit or tite, l !oil any. diet', aulhority, ELMURI'lly pot ger, lit Tit st: contitq; n Krug i.,.'llaguP,. throlligh in fle-up, Next of"kin, -Connor Mui- 1'redeiick a poiC Of Mr.� T8w.),ciated Press, lin&rstands Wilil.�, 'P(,Cikl 'Boer envoy, -an, Cilip Or.. L!tt. 'Ji v_ 342.LewLsf. street. Peterboyb. Hrizkv, C6 t ' bminiloh'Cas- that' the eabo.. Iiegoti aeofficial it ation to visit p IOtter. of lie D p Ivit _111 h_NmsT.*, pu krzsbbl;' 'k6t! Ctlnlpaiii', for. �rhieh �conipu lie' progreceizig 'satisract6rily, - so. Jar I ki 1. ifN -Itij N Charlottet w -i tr, of k fAry 1vorked previous v to r.ttlititing " rot as the. Ir"nsvaalers, airf� colleei tU T I pt,,cf, I*,,, ned- Invitation is.a resolution of the City illsk-rfl, its:111ky'llie; Talie: !N"Iters6n, Fwrviee 'Ili Souih Arrien.. Hr.- h - 22 but, the, kitest. Indicate. Lht' t tdunell,.' 6rec"led b' ' '1' 1 r, r 'Id+4': - . �4 . . . , publi.Altx � a. that a Ong pre- 'YTE. . TLOYD entieted-at Revel. old rthere Is small probabllity'o( tfie -1 Rost -.going to 9 lith. Lqm _�bery . -is k.�mp :�Nor i1i; it 0 silw�ikon it; uith Atrliva* amble expresein athy for tile I o AN-ex,bf' kin, F'm� Sthtors surrenderlti­.in 'a k -it: the re for 11 stoke,' d. It. inember' of H. the long' frica qdest'or' King are e a6d opploring. R. Uovd,, Leamindtoni: Engla�d Ovin 111flos. . Up Pidisted 'with two body'.- negotgat oil 'thu r, "'IS re' cred I S R vvard�. IL ICopip 1:0 Iiles 1 have' been mah -xpl . Ina t .1 �oljpi at ' continuation of -hostilitics.' mr-16,'Vic to Tom and Jl Tile- In- of enfle."IL prob, viti�tioh and, re'Kolution are efegantly .)I Lord R t 1;�ujon. both 'Of wliont are� Briti-Ak intenVOlis. It." has been at LQrd.1).tl- Coil In" 'engrossed on 'Vellum hird 'bound lit 'April. t V! Ali- Colony-. Their Ctiopir NOU-n-'' made. to tile Jeaders that. MOrly, 7jo joll,416 the "liud'sroutpiln—Prly a 41id. Ht. i,,i. :.1' reet tl� .their suirend6r ill not entaiJJ)an­ sea fron L IL e L/ �stiisoa, Illlfiix, etitorle, fever. lit 1*16rht,- anti Comm. issui, order, to .. the Vm...Rol ishinent,.� and'thWitzia'a poteia III-. Loni Roseber), at pres It fit Clal 'hee K. aTh leading Transva4lers' Father,� Thom. Doyle f r e lb L- JU..II strel: ittinbe a on ni a .t, Illalifax .0( B Conipalt. firsCeon-' urie their allies to I. wa, 'John,Artbur I tUidelli, nd was woundrd arrange - eace Alon rLp.r ni' Vorps. At Pre Alf, Y terms, I& InnL-r circles. 'of the Whir Otta . pril,11l.—Offlici a cdn.flrfna�- -4"kreely K -s " 4Wjlfiollr enterie 'fever p1trige Riv.,r Londo6, Ont. :'1900. At Hq�tllek, 0' r the fieirs that.�Corpo' Office believe. that It the.:pre*3nt rivate, Day have been 'klfl-w Blopm Ij�y and .11/. IlS.'' Qrn,- Kiteii- tht-re tweii anit - lhdication.§ are fultUted and tile en�r lia,4 wliorlzt-d 11�elt Father'. ' F'dward Wilso-ii H 'I ed . was received io-'day. 4C �came C4 lit I*eo rza r,( rilzati6n of tile Boer ton rottd, Loit on. 7rantivaglers- agree' to in the form -of a cablegram from,06 brotlipr of t -ho gen: aftll Ili,(, . !0 surrender' - � fClVr(,t, 13 G, L'. to etriment, reading.,�,Cape aln 'liting tilt- unassam- I be -broken. arid -'that 'tile kree §tat- TtA Btqr illUsti backbone of Boer Vrebistance w Agassix. Tonto, P. tere' ed ilia" 'of April 9.�Re able drunk'- 'ot p ir. Ing -1o, my c. ln�g liaturc of -ft Ti re two �Volx�d, n lim ers' opposition will soon' be Over- -ers i1ire rigidly ex - the Canadia wad. _if ft Dragoons. ivIto of,.%pril. Gth.'Gpneral Kitfifiener' 116w Rivr6r. C-Plo wer�-.'flrst reported, making the total, le,. -tiled 4t\ Harti , - I C . 11W tot featimittles -57, ntzi4e Ito. as. rot- 1 ILS circu lieptittv Cprporil Wmz. . Kiiisley. aAd at 'the 'tit V. U-111 2nd -Canadlan Fewul col. 11 n6n--coniziligsioned of- - 1. .. Y. Private Robert r Dayj a itie4it. 1-19, per -11.4 or Ilkded, 4 'of - fic0ir's.; lie cufist;C Ottaw.zi; Apri IN th.J.Jap :sterti cowpomille of' fic6jrs axid Wei; IvOilt W)ttnted killed 2nd April,,, bli. I 8.�An offleia, r resid- here. but (11(,, re4d`e G:ilt, Aoki 7.—Gatt �moarna for it tht.r.el'Iv g6arit Johlit Ca. bell 'Per It ri Ottawa IIAN iL#d 12 non-conluiii;Z;iOned oftl6eigrand I t ireen Boechbtl and'Kierkisdorp." 1115Z I received a men. Several f �be* hit RIP r', one of ere Is a l:�Ortain aiiiIount , 'r "rfifll lL;l(U,t.-COl. lZarn. teole:, or tho' 'nWthbox gratit-d by the Calediantrkillod at Harts laver, tW t� -lev and I t4d 4 at Boers,,ihaln� to Toronto men I Oil Mate] rote cheery let-. ti. 3isi. He t 'about the death of Knif. 'tatft6d a bot. ft le'on, Hartd River 'nie batt llretor!64 Iftfir(At 5i tile re ter@ hame,'tlie last'being from Klteh-� lie" biquiretl tilt, torqj,� upon u-bich I-. -titer Lon. took placo, on March whereavir tile: 'a[.(, r 1, 1 11111 Ing lithe gift .1ras in;it q that Kop� and they' were - modest 11611114 and. Ide. and, thinklin two ;oldiors Ituw. The olivbioil has at -last, got nain(R] are repo vea. There vi�as Kotwiftrg. btausti he liad ra6f-a word about in ill(' ne6lbiqS ist des o11o, it" to ther", illem; Ilia promotion as sergeztnt. The. Jftf�V. patch Tri 1�10 , I . [NJ of ndi;. nade The f6ilowitig has lw6q re-, I the sad Cit W:Lb; stated-that."releatied men F -ay. low. Witernep they ilk %vI . tiell .,44 P_ F_ Xnowlle� ntiounced I& - goal, a Yo -61ved bi the U6vvrn6r-Qchet.tI. li-ow niiWo teom, knoX -Chur0i li�alpit' last: port Knisley and Mir killed 1)0,,- The 40:;, ivC e. . I . .1 1 i? - I AS. . . I on 0"'of ikl.�L -that tl;'* . It" ., kam-li. " '114 VIOL I.Lor(I i . Tile' eAre6r Of' PIP a night. TII6 effect wi �ip,Nuation is me[) 'Ff artlillialti, from' lle.iev %vill be 'tile notale to tile very,,l - as Ill)' 1AU1111114. ill tit, Ti e lky - 11--l-ble ilaillds, JA 1h, e_ A14"!- '.C - London. Xpril 7.—F.ar4 into. Gov . , fell vrolliltk4j in il!NMR-0 -th, - Boerit anti tiled of .'their vrouilds (ill tvaderm in the ellt sof 1.41.01ii. Mal'.itr r rirL har_w d, 44 ilier , ogillIent waited,. aj.; gregafloon. tA nuniber 1 most feelli'lgly to,rt)le Cal 1 awl pril pecteti.,to )he a Milk lbf)rly Of Tile. following cable hais' 6 fit wadP 97 F� fteen rf� i to so well t. 1v C'r' "S t $3 ft.fq� tj, . r wind. t:pk 4-41 IV%, -till.. be fiollHi tilt Mr., 11taittio-ro A 1111 tit fits -d thiat Ito like. to eritlInt nd' !,it hema still he enga, fever. 7th April I , Pr 0-torla, C Itnadi.ia, Govern4i 'gL ItIli pit t points witt Lohdon, April. d work etiql(Arr aliotllqr� 9�3, Ott Which* are ptibilIdied 6f t e arte It ver' stand Ca *L- vrith below jerti" Mellt..-Witli, TRIAr ' ILTU if I Afiiewi Oin�tiihul, it rp I TV lucl:. , %%,Itq and , two fe't Vlotv oil titip In IF I -an Colistabilar.Y ('1071), did JkOt g0l. till diart 1 0 te Tranlsal,. omphairwithe fact that the%-' -.lee -regret, lielivy lroptiol's'� - (6igned) gr Janit-­Artliiir P it r Pl( Crn dhli'�iuij, for Op. olittltit. j4t)*Vdiz 6L 0 lern, whtten '1�ottio, wa AM z-11 '11 4Ni n not 6Y hicit ' a ver.* t I at the UM6 hrtl.*.pt, Torn , (fit. fit, ader'i ijit# Ilded to 'Orrer *VAN f- Alia t lie son ar rf- llt tilt, not - to Of. :".I ply. "to, Loed VtI ot tile. Or 1111p, 11 It . I YT n ent if -�ad etar-v' I?till premi l.i. tile itlo'Ile oiettile Alod ra,r .1,4 �Vjq"k It(:% k4l, a. Tra n sit'atiIi. And Luea�s I "is full f r ilved a. cableg-raul trorn 'Oralig-o Free Vhosefll k .40ft $4,tturdity 0'4ridr 01 the milhary Is t untIif it eoL 'fi .11, tit tit In lr!.fnl vvmelt if ite Ilt-Iti"Ill tog( thretv tho. of -2 Ttheir w. tirzi4 btorn Lit ili37'6imi kilk- I or uo Vaal, w1iore *6vtoral a 7. it Besa 4A r, o, I oflit ri -11 as,, pal vitl :.1 A P, , f. L., 0- (4,ei es- Of.d re'l ttoji,� t ft 4 .4 to of tflit, -try- wf yII -it left,burhnn to I roni, Or iVVtxr fig 1`1 lit for ti Boer Ir Ali t1l(-.r­ waff 4,' i'l h.;r t .1, nil flIt it; Ir, '0141, " to:drit& none W IN".1sli ill, nd it has to *6 V t %he Vaal d Qt� 1'�'l 11 1 titgkt for, , fe'veI4 tVf'd 114V I, titl4l, of the Bot it 1,* 1 4 oarl, still I I I otIt'a Art; I010,1. arri aiof tild _Vn, lit it ort, Our' C41hri i4 $j1tuP'tr('WrrJ to Kozit-s krf,ijit. jitlt bo (:A Ila' -zkd Vitt, tn. N hohif l(ftirks o'rp. 14s.,xirt flit d, level. pl. i ii. qqrroiindt,�Il b'V 11101111- late of q410)11 tj�lf fit) *Irpotl6t, '16f, !14 illnotlif hr. i 10;_-II)e London— girout-A. tlio�, liteo k t14%. 'IID'r tho tile jt, III did1pit,koli 000 Tplmsrn 1 hn stI(V.(r,4r i;%Il I I . ' U�Jny.,sjtl 11:1 It the rtglry�t -n t$ hbtn� Witt, 'J, rV` I I I tin I e Ilierd. 14 from rt tifmtln. it�floep. JOU t "t I Ff' ritlt.6 lot o* fig ml ril 0. , � ho, g ,It t It (01' kept I �:t: I tV, if) X it it s_, � : �11 _.b, j, Y.,j othie 1) _t at b&Y NO -tilra hou r a 04 ttit' rYrL)Xt.rJJV­TJeVVt jrrivs*1 tdsW. k:Uf-d .1m kv I i 4 PiRr r i* roport(XI h't+s- bk, ally �prjl dLi VJ t It el , g r. roturetil, If I e. illi n-il ro, Irv) r0AI o' quotik, tilt' wilte 'Sont klut. Of that �o 11'ap, ttilrl - t, 1,0 fiah tO, h4k, r k etoo. t�y gr#Jr, to, 't * onft h. ii"# not ii c TV ton OL T q us z th ets 0 heIriluo ldre M t300 id D belt 0.0 L . ..........