Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-04-11, Page 5Pit 'i. t•. • • • STORE OPEN TUESDAY AND. . SATURDAY EVENINGS • CLOSES °' OTHER EVENINGS AT 6.O'CLOCK 4 L' AC IES' FANCYHOSIERY.. This is, to be a season of fancy hosiery fol the Ladies.„.' You' • can` get, a good variety, sof them liere•in nice: Lacey "effects: Some •have coloredsilktterns as well 13e t• nlaco yarns arid lisle, thre td. ' Prices 25c to • 75c per, pair:p OXFORDS AND TOE SLIPPERS. ' a liLey ,llosiery nieat1S lfl: . shOeslA'al : 'i11d Mfr '. • • , ` • >* s om the Sandal tr>'a '' lt}• RE .A1tl: :1` •I• E\t.; \ C1►t1 ERSk1tE SHOWING' e O:for `.l onie.ii'S. •J)ongola''1heia lipj er, one Strap, at S1 00::•' liens :slipper one strai t;wo:, buckles extra 'ualit 3 2., '' :Woolen's � f a:.;sitpp•el�§, ,..1iench iee]s, Were �2. 2o•and ''•.Wonie11-s .110 vo14 „peclal),veru ,�finea: • clua�ity' Donaol�a Kiel ...• in the latest 'sha e. f . t e. '.., a ..Sole.- ti*tl a a l?.�t�l;aaotl t').�lord° � wide �toes'at 1:�0 a �d .?` . \\nom n's 11 inc .l :uli -ca; i' O\fords: wit o . . French::heel, 'l'1lc 1 u>lt fioi t riutfort, t11:,soles noiseless eolufat tabs 2.:�u: MEN'S PRINT 'I -AU119.DRiE : D. SHIRTS. 'Another 'a ofher sof of 1ens Print hl rtsLavjust received. • Any :amount'.•' of.patterns to i choose. from A GOOD: PRINTshirt . will wear better than a white • one. These are the good` kind If thevfade we5will,'(rive pof • you a new one'free > b. J e hai ge: MEN'S; FEST HATS. ' O1 Saturday t� e will have all :our new .Spring Styles of. Hats to the front: Whehe'-vutl wish 'ty 1111\ e,r not we will:be. pleased ;to show them' to you • • ORQERED CLOTHING` some is tate i s 7!i 'Tweeds and; Worsteds have been creel, to ;sellat$15, ' 1'y•,. and .$1-r; pet stat macre, to order. J recei''ed this • C'Ti•HINGF'ORB The diff enee i ,et -.tans .Lon . Brand and .oilier -brauds, is,' that the.' Lion •,Brand 'wear he'tt-sr, .gin nt.idle; better, double: seats.and knees. in trousers,. are.'. e:\s ii ',; ith lint nthread Erl.'.r' dot, f• Cost -1IS •motei e'are soleagents• for : Lucknow. ' Q'UE$TIQT ANSWERED. :Yes, August, Flower still has the larO'esr <aIp • of .aiiJ mediciue in the civilized ,world. Your mother's' •and •graMdmotbers' newer tiwcughtrof using anythingelse for Indigestion or`,Bi.l- iduspess. Doctors were ,scarce, and they' sel'Inrn heart of �4.ppe ldieltiS, Ni'y ous Prostration or heart Paiture, s oto. '1'hey used August Flower to clean out the the system and fern.- tstiou: of undigested food; regulate' the action of the liver, stimulate; the ner- Vous, and organic, action of the system;, and that is•all they took when'feeling/ 'dull €iad bad 'with headaches and other lto aches. You only need a few •doses of Green's 'August Flower, in liquid form,. to make you,satisfied there is nothing �` s� ,serious the ma'tter with, fou.. You I a i. s NOW ON and the inane callers of . , i_____'___g nln yesterday ,ieclare. the ,'hats" to 'be" the .pret , •best • c veix : l o:w.nr: 'There is alw;ays a best bene for everything. •, Now is the time to ' fs . see our- stock of Trimmed and Ready -to fs. Wear Hats., We will esteern'it a pleasure 1 to show , o ; r Millinery''' to all Ladies and Geutlemel, who call ori us 4:. 4, �rS_ 2 u o ' n..4 s: 4s can get ,Dr.G.G.- {Green's reliable : " re!nedies at John :Wood tic Cp's. Drub �• 4± :.'e"v i Tie++ y" +yl y,,rVi „4 .�r4��4to Store. N 1i1t5FAlPE$5 FOR 1902 ; f 444±f.-4744+444444+4+444-444,41 • "The time. has arrived when. readers �. begin to 'bink of their newspaper literature for the coming-'ear.Our.i Sentinel andclubbing rates are as follows r 11. •S�eekls Globe : 1Gd • Sentinel and Weely' Mail 1.76. y Sentinel Familyerald and � We ate aol'e.agent, for the i,elebratecl Ixvrrit s SrioE ,t' '. `Weekly Star '; • ` 1 ?a : �•, e , . ,. � •' . sentinel aad.1'�eekl3 spa 1:75. ,+ m6 nufactured by Geo A: Slater of 1f o11<treal Sentinel and Montreal Witness 1.69 Sentinel and Western Advertiser. 1 00 Sentinel and Weekly- Free Press 1. to . Bull for :Service • ; Thr'•dnd,rsignpd Will keep:•f..r• s,rrice at.. lot, 15; c..ncession 12,;, weet '.Wawanosb. his thoreughiiredShorthorn Bni1,^`Briti3hChief' Terms81_00 to'be paid an the. ist of Janu ' ' 4 ary 1903 "13ritish Chief? Was brei by 1 as + �% . Cowan, lsselph, Oat:';and was sir d.bv that .4 4 . • /-.' �"*. l aatand imported ball , • entr.,h .Heir .:18559, ..$, • his.iiam'bei:i.j Irbil' '9th 1%G91 Fur fuU T f \.--' `* ▪ '-,. ,-- t ped>eree and. othei iufutmatfon=apply-tag + >'1:T r. �vazso' ,1 ucki,7W, p i7.1::* •', P...--,,..,--,-.1. t' ---..- P' =:'.,..,;_---'---..:-..,,,,,:a.--,-,--- fes, • -- 4.: Blacksmith Slio for Sale.... r• '�r 3sle a iltacksmnt;h shop . iri. 5t.. Helens,' 4 'first clae+ lonaiitL, a.'ing g ad onsiness_ In connection. with the sl op;thEre is six :acres of land•gi odbriek,honse acid stable ' • Will be sold: cheap; Good reasons ler selling.. A quantity of tile few sale. For further partic- ulars apply at At Heieps bnckyardvor to 'IROS: P1III LIPS', St. Helens. ./ b I f ,thevest t 1l�e of en's and Women.: G ia year, Welt goods Made or sols i.n Canada. 4 • • 4 +''; 9- P O AR00 E " Is'necessarv«'becanse their +' i 6000 + • • ThFSe11 . ,._fi�,.. .00and • u_ : 0 -per pair. 4+� .Q Bull for ale' f QUALITIES ai'e, rtuit,e.apparent. The tuiierEigned has for mate;'; mile east +, ' of Lucknow.a thoton_ hbred registered Short- 4 born Ball, about 18 months 61st. 'For•,fxirther• parr ilsis: aRhly to, 1, +,.. . ' P , e 'SEit. •TQR3\CE,".1;n_anose. TO gent The biles:.store ani dwreiling••house with storehouse and, driving shed. A good. -business hand. Possession at once: apply to , - R$.. M •tRTu ' irr D» ` • St, jfeiens; • A Wonderful' Preoaration • Rokco CerealCo:fe. "' p e �c hole ii some, nni icing Hi ey cu i i r- ded'by'piiy4ciins Its. to is.n !• ti '� `40c'coff0e;, but cost's:uuiy. Elie" rirt and is used at -OILY i i•"als i►Iv.+, .l:.ex'' poisonous tettatttli 15cIb. or 2' Ilt5. i -i.. '•.- Tl: fr.r.st. roil Sale by a1 „i Groves ' . . .1 '• ••+e+ -o e+o.e 4 ter oar ( tion -1' Rientl'Ceylon •Tea It"1" our 1..n it l'tBill 10ea Iry coif-�rva , I'l.y. our rtS 111 : tug' t jar Try 'slier `•,/r'+t`, rS-`. I lit ilia ; 01i" ;"'.3lCt`lr$,t•lt:', recleaned;• l;,\ti.t ,S,elet`ted IrYk':oa :L: #I<t xi`iti.l 1:1.1porateti lit It,t 11'e' aeiq':wY I�1ilt1n ; 1« ea .j• et'. --Us Do • `uP'tntin W•hen vial' heed,• • Call and, ea'amine the: most :up-to-date sloe iii. the +' fes•. Market... ` ,. +. Repairing nea• tly 2nd'.prornptly:..do,e.' 'HEST tweet- ofp.a Delicious.. (Illustrating No.:: 17 Ceiling Plate.) • . resh Pastry Oonfectiorter Give 4is a caIi lle'fore pu<r•- clpising your eo fetionery. •. Largest't:nd best . ZSOI'tru Ili' 1 to choosefrom, 'ew.et t:sitalsins, Oran es,Nuts; etC ' b' :.Clip aper than' t!'er at" Btu. $rt11.-1fStttiN Et`vE4.11PEs, ME3tnHEM -, m..?ori HEaI L r'tre �t'tlRf � 1.::i�,t.r'rtRlit..l�r,'.' 6'c.w`• PoS'rER$ - leave tour order at hod #. • We SENTIN • E THAT ' . •. RETAINS. IT'S • BEAUTY t etallic eilings • .0tir are .' tentonattlieertir J4 rood to ;tee what ora corirso di Stuck. 1.:.utibroveiat ntyre with !a. orders. Jado.a.ott detAit, an3 tiro -peck -1 rid Metallic RcoftrtiCti..yete Tottjdfo • For gaie-113- • r. •