Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-04-11, Page 27 :�T -7 Titd, delogatipp asked that the TUp, �qj., P. X Vvlegrap4 provisions, � for; aunQuotip that they, have retliteett We Ing In 4natia" op put, I"t I rate, to, Porl Axthulr, anO VQ.rt W11 - I C r6mptraticin, "and THINKS,, FR, THE. MO- 1� - woTdg, fLid ft_w"�j po to Ahwxlp. 0 JV,*!Q )lam 't GQ joe M9N lit: tits. for IQ HERE AND THERE :10y Isters that - In s6vtlraf pa 4 cents for �.ACLII 41d�ilonflkl'_VAQrd' day rew sheets 4 4utbOrsi of books b.* - - - - - - - - - rate, and 44) cents f9r,'10-Words And were, printed In Canada ndr It 116 to_ FQ P-11 . .... ... 8 cents for. pa0b, additional' vrq0f. Britain� Will Acdeit, U* I . c. a maLlid6v'Pritited In tho.Unitbd States. gh, I . ff� V P O.T.[ Zir, Repry lirvi gqtj�'_R �nlaht rate., :,lIq was lauding over the Canadian. �qdn4dfi.. Cokin are arrkye(i at" News has, rpaphed Toronto, f the 4rket to the U. S. ),publisher. Th0i -Oil -0041iomii, gi fr ed '10.08 13irItISIAL j4egat(op .01 III S. publisher was I41I.1p �t?r, get thrte, 41 Tokio; 4.apftu,Lo(� thi).Vencrable Arcil! -poly of the Oanadlsou ma, tLb.V 'of 140owo. Ili :ft rk re. MPPP a�t Wig d, SC -a 'The Liquor C seouril*, Cailua[Aii popyright, The annoting City deAttoye V' (leildo'll eineilt of bod. Janitor his df, th Wu t Lakew 1. small .,se#lon of a book,:T#6 deilega- CANADIANS ILL, AWD er4t lip first intlillittIOP Defeated WOUNDED, Steamers. 0 1 , 4 )IS 1101�ilu re deacon tign'. aske4 'that Ieg4latloa. bq.,� pu� Ottskws,'.' April 7.-fteclal.,)�A' c4j) goil. iamps Sutherland Was, bafi- or I Ill. A boin4u,Tb(foQtq h" 'd Vulting '110 been rec#kyed iroin Hou, Jos. qlaeted t' Oe's $5 tot th e so tile late it of 111, arranged between Halt Cftlpp, re, Cham da ruarY QtN:718,46, ily at the 'Rofor, QAUM'P,� V4e' r! the 61L elde 116�eptwg an te Set to form berIaLu &ihdnklvg, r Sha'%v IV presenting the, gnilish the of- tlons in FrIllpipe is �pr 0 . . . . I . .... tho L Br-ItIS tho Canadian uor4e�nmpntfo it 0tl� Of . 9,000 mounte,4inifanitry for.Pex� Xhe q4tttli, shore of La�el 1�rle.yVas, tepriLagotAtl0q, Qf:,th0 Ca.-JiIadl4p pub- in South Afri P;lri 40 visited b)r w re .11shert; and a*hOrs. r, Fitzpat felt v'cP Vy severe w1lid, Sitofin. t Old not give anjy, definite ir-poly, but ett given QU -Ten .1h0usarid*, c f ORO ci_ Lot.fLatomept has be t Isle 11"A' -NOT OTTELN! W !be tfoo .ottqn mill opera L Ps Nive: beeq:acc6pt�4 a:t� An L ' j, Ga.. gave, the iDdlemition that he'r. wasf In, tiyep are, IQ�ked 04 m4d .1 ES, OP n"S ED' 'TO L IT or iliz4-tign ,will,b6 and the Work b favor tit 4IIQ atopop. IiOo. Di. Bor- .Q TICH 0 THE' CIT Policy o"be � late.T $Ir' proceeft Thel fire in the hold or the Quebpe EPS FOR T I- WE' FW John. 'Tbonlp0u� and' Hon. David it, '.to-tlay ffoin -P r ret Steamer, nas drile4 at no th ' o retoila, at New :TO k, Mills, op, 6, qq es. lon, 'of 'a , 3 will I r Peen. extinguislied. IN sir p)r4; And. ook After t e; I ;;atloh. Irst paIrty of teatb J . thqdLiie, Paye E.xequ ici Th L qrSL for' The. lRany filccomplll�h,rnehts Tork of mobill Add to lilst of llilq! ne >f Vilitl to Department a, lIpm, alIm Soutl ,wan q -Africa S411.4 on, the Coilpt on Apri I 0 rPadY'Rta3rt0d woik, it is PiXpeet. 11,rrQM. 4 Ah", Schoolmal, si.-,,,­. tiou-' lie A4 So -tile Docunient 11 017te pre;w 1Vp �ed tha:t in Dye qr &I,- weeks at the: M A big advance in Marl ance -rib -pt. w e lDesi ed.,-, lateot the -fourth, cobtinge �111 :be awr roll e. s. rat eq , by , tile St. U ence, transport 149,oked fof ta rpAdY to go on Ward, the' 0 r des. New- y6r life. 61st (Ill GUYNOte I strosix ;�Pril' 5--Q 0'. ge Itho for the tiont. in M, klail Wo e u"ded. S R -h , C -the diamond cutters 0 Ito 'k J, -,60f .1 11 C iv sl e M a, -Lakewood, janitor, ham re� Th e-trIk , 0 E A HA JON UARUATE" Son rri on eCq in el a 9 it se "A� despatcli%frq I apta p v work. I I 'and tng L:w 4 a at t selved a A cable from). 'Ao Lord. Cap.'O ToWi kpr1I,. lo 0 Y:, Yol eA P' cecir 0 & 64�.,ifia:t Rowfid, Agazzi,., 'of, Wimlipe,; Ap 7 W &ayAng that tiLt �v io, 61 �p I'A'4 .1 - ' It th'o Canadian. M64nt.e s.w o .;ire gol-ni;' out to, te6 vort to x;,60ort thexuba lioliv Indicilto tile den Do S,' fbt� Gol,lantey RhOdes 101t,'him, a Idgacy, of '$50,000 Pit 6 it Itpci kfricit, front Canada to Instrii4tAlle N*i � In' n alliilost ogerousily .*at Chakl' . L .� :, wA6W and Gleq. 0114 Th VaS I Oyq 11. to !"Ine OL. Vote I .. ­_ �l - - 'reported ypuvg 13oers In,! 't i, ]an- I . L e` Q 'pla strict-hig flie, - a 0.rlhe. ivdg*ao� ba'f left 41; once for 111bli- A. charge Of- post1hpAndec,lit be. Eqglis f orpi as ng pear Klerksd h been ac.( re FUNCTIO TA As - tit , London, kuagd�and train'them. tipin tile waVs d I h! rid io tie expected to AT THE -S JE BALL. islig * -woqnded W. the right 'Tile A�t 'u, pa"Odd, by The 4 e p. :a, fo,t, c4rds agujilst a b1i poster sail .0 ta I W& at, I liquor. tWo Lr As 'April, 7 -The ipirdiffent-a- 1 0"IQus E: t an W In - hoi -let by th 'at" oinf!e. U -I -i"edid Claim fii& is4i6rp, .1,00.. W" dism�; a POlibe of civilization are. Lerglilaiure�. t iy for Europe� to pital tit ignia-, of thV Capt. Rairold,,' .3,ughn- ' letle 'specimens of (,lanadiaii *o.m'an- wit el of! !he ias reemen, .11 of ea!on is re P er ei -cour 0, Qrted dang Winilsor Custom ions or Among lito .-Jellow at Lakewood,, guislied service Order to boys %vo�n nivalting' th-6 doe oil of tb t Capt. MorL-, hood. The' Canadian soldid al a was referrOdi to it qYdLixlbfLm. The. cable -a6ks -Van�h `kere:.k6%01Q,. over double. 06 rls(in. and Of. eetijoniLL'I" the".1 0 io-day the I . w Col-opels. di �oiiisfiijl� to, the �rjq. Ildecon of St. I in ng.. month tliq admir, tion and e ong-service.. 4corAtIon, t a pt for, h r spedt. bro- ile to. r�ejeqtlo a c9rreepo n louadei'! Of '$Outh- 'Afr.4= "WaG ull- Tilton, i6im. Pet0boro; Ont,, 'bb. intipi 0, bf tbib. r. fier I�beiI bk thelr��rowe8s,, UpQri tile The'weather, was exceptionally fine* in Wag field of batile.� now becomes the in,'Winnipeg, an large vo 8 deopatch iarri*e4: PhF_rsolt and Mjov W.00db Geab "ex-*� P P d' A Alair Drow- tied. It n Refo -Can�diari' maidens 'to' bri jig ;ahe. tql,1.IW story, aecording tci. stitut,ed 4 `brilliaut,f6atuire it. the se as� riiii bandiditte. in as'poll6d.-The liquor men iid antis :bail * ia 09verainelix't vinel6l vleiitl6nsjor the ri 13g Of %yere very. active afid ctirrfed the (lair et Is. ra first cousi eell' 119une".10-nigh Wlnulpes�, �-�pl '7-1 - Glenl6 rot des- 1 tl6ji an r'a'-,, whZ ft a ',if C Proc e At 10 �ii. the allowinsr in 111,11nipeg th0 totals' isa,�* an her rowhing -fat . I ot findip-eurt rintp :the, hoiriiie's Oi tile act and rtatim, achd P)Outh.Huroii. t#e'.'bI seings..:or educa by .'3 367 it kainst the, e4tcred-the bail -room to tile, straiits 'j, tin Earl of E�ne,' I a 0 e e flood,% is-rellorted. Ar-' The I . . mpeial Grand standing,'5,817 Master of the Qrs 4 MY f or It. A It tLit fort I lie was to of the, Nationat, 43A110M, , 'at nir Hibbert and Harry ftaLn start- tuge' Lodge, butch. If -tile, Doer farmiees nMajor' NV.. Fores' 'abotit 8 o*c -�he Lace., ranks Came to Amer.ea, Neilson, A.: ',D. C. lai6t night drive pe(Aed,to visit Cahada this,'year on feniiiii-ne In - Mad I Let vent to:, '0 gliffalo. lock ar6, At all S�scqptibld �o quent hufttivi t y gre4tIy_redq a ter, 'A. -D. 1l.croi3s,Oiik Crcek,� near Old: Stockton, M, tcur of t4e: wQrld From the'14E.ter city -1 moved to Phil-' -Smi fluenties one can easily f6res". What tediperalice vorte, ',the Dominion Al-, ve creek it 44 lj�VcrV jot" '61 flande leaders -,taking -e Stand t., A-� C - Col 'C W. 'waa. dark, &&d tlie!' 7ater bein s Want 00c an.'hotlr- instead of 25c t tb -A D Lieiit.,-Col A. P, 'they 'arilved',at ti eT6roInto wood�*orklqg inaellih led Sherw: od will - 1>4 -the result' of the arriv _Ll ocesuch-, Jidsbule all its.tho ".t. Va by the Lei -C iligh', they. -that, an hoar, 'And - a' gliani and Coal e, grceery bi -,Driiry. A. 1). C EL bev-v of. It& th ge in their prii- to earu'a living .wi .,A. D. �C.; hll'the latur, It ishould be enforce a- C. T., Ir '61 -lwa�,, gone,, a -lid -they dr6re: into iAn6-lb&ur'day.,: s is sfoeqiid w It hoili e C.;. Ma _ J, -se f --fraud were' "br 'render; and,�jl�U4 by '. iei?fl Guise. Q A. C. Bello the water, sev.qn'teen feet deep. The' abroad there 66 'rtloi to' a6i- a. referendum), out roller Capt %hot and m3 I -:'neet'got al4b on't �6f tho Ri,tina Chargeo ol C0q tree.­ jor . S',, Matic do, C.' M. 1 G livers both thrown. ought, 0 ill- oppo il6d in Jilp to ' ibbert vviia wa' I ary t1roAip 'Who,ig d,� aainsit uelvera P OP- rJuences vvill -be accompli D.' S. 0., Mil't Se'c'retaky - 'MraL KI r.XLan, shed. ivh. Very, WLAt' th I mailitotla dill P EogO er t There; o -,al very hrge.b vo OL Iliad- 84u'ayai,di�agreed. over religious 'Mande. Lady AIIC6,116auele the Gov' g6odawinitaer,.managed to -save bi in- lm6n.t aenj4 a p * a ii�eklng,,-Qf. ;the -'Kit6herler. %rith. Ills -mouliteililien 4nd ire the".act. Ili St. IzIliface, Yil;; snitter4,. 1. wrote; b1m.'In"1896 au'd drnor4Gelaerai and Lady. M, tit 1�6a rd kq. ai _ ltg(f and e o, 'Tile self. after bein arr ed About.three Winnipeg gang. has f. led I t sL VeTam".. hal accoTp ishmen Id li'm tfiat doing, very prpcess;on,pz e Centre ' of- down the fftream. i wa--hi gtO, Lssed no t,h,' The n t would 'like to go to, .9outh the, room to the dais at tk(�- tar'end, larger ctIntrev also' fo)Ijo�� nni jadiieq ther , di.ii Arnica, He iseni. Mo, cur't note silly-� ('Polk their, kicelldficles took a k0oirlOdge of PeLg pr6hillitio IIP* Omt 'there NverI46� eijough Ithod6"s their! stithd� lbaptain. Mdrriso'. Was, M .9 f rom in [patitles be... P the-piao or:.the hiandolin, .,,.%70t a ap few (101 o tile ap�ing 11�, -South Africa, -and -Tefil�ved to Ifel fIrst:cdIIed f6rward. and �Majbr: M&ude loan, .,v war�an hid,,taken pain -mbi April Z,.7r-. a,. eshets. Those f c -eiVed up to, p.m., in a, me ;r OV the; -.1blatinguish6d: d' Godth Africa, politics -at rviele Order, Secre- ab some�. have, 'i_ gi -.&V' the rural. dis-, The ill aty, tile av;� lncoiuj�lete retur Iopid�. q$ually of inter6isi�: rcie foh-', Aary 'presented' tb V to -day iii the, .4bSorbing �qrvipe 'Order.. W agus eqrs In thilit ed Q tiflLf, cieney lit, in (oil to Iti. kXceltidic-ti �V 6f:0ecit "odes', It, W�gnn the use or th An.1 h*, afft eXttrao, ta ion-apd s ,on i to. -Captabi li1re 0" ID -at, rs i...... 'Ask4CF, Wed. ea .6 r nal z:ractlbn redst. ',:'Zhe I fiv. -,rer were pe. �39� leoulle ndW: hcalledlbrwaird, 6Zd, ea heir'.'�t ''facts.' total of. rh in.turn 'fortuilei Is, to prove, to had the ­colonial offk�eiwl lojur�serjce marked de �n, F it.. Rhodes! f 0j 00 -,,or ,alig d '11 jDd t h, e�, ell k'n'wa -'Xhat',ph.ototraphs. do .(cora 4on P 0 HII nauk. far aA 1 q.' k n o. I.;V' lie i eXec, Tilt6ri - Lieut. -Co ohn' -the r _Col� 'T inlid waMis�atli6d dslque of hit;,. eA'�tfe, son- J, P:' Mae-' does noi. t6.prq1n ...... �Lieut. ood be' ab 0 or Pherson zinc! 'lion. Walor�'A_ S.. W Ido -a, L.I.Z00,000 betwej�n thi, u.; "and. j6utney. to f Th6 officers 66wed ill re hve. bepth. Cailarlians lo the: terms of' 'this �legacv­ the tiredi and then daicirIg tomxii�need� ant is io!'be divi leddurutg t ivnr C-AP111114 31orr"oh Or i Ir ....... b t te .'d eicora' t I �;s a -eail be irr1cT&1 look Our or. thf,sit on w. warded to iinjiJ the bt��_Ohu-s it mufacipa ity Jlb;rkI!soh for�. 'tie. ne1906�. In'91 LallPcifontein on Of thli ag* -N or, 7 LUES was roy ila oxiii- "ale il diority or.. whom ara ted -will-, bna- day lati-I I. T- n vi ....... . ..... by In. eitormou�l., _rop, under Col. T.,essird ecilsistjig MajFelt P, -1. '0 rtt wIldt Wi 1- tit -oil' I re: 116 -;it Czinddlim Dir' J e(oulpti-s' may..'. bP -I ...... agoonsi and eariy E2,000 -.i '.a, r'ash f IN)Illb,ioll Ciy r onsmanded by iftc rrKort EOlv ittacked Lieut. Morrison. The Boers -Eherel,�-. Press Isains,' have unusuallv', full 'an . ....... I .. ...... - umn� ,, d' listrue-nild i Of mat t 0 1. af, u -i wt and bait co irI9d-to-qTer,&h-lm'fhe'I .50 Pr ....... J! a,; se ms fit- Hened t lie -j v, .. ...... ... ... 'h 4 jo nXA-l4i:L firing from,, Ou"Ir. horse&_ Two . ...... kind, '*W", Lt 'dja in troop f ... ... 9 o ,the, Can.. -sch -If Ilan "frouithe li�t of were SC �lm Ito F4 grea r g-aarar ..... *rr,- I -tep 'k�!lv; 'i6be ;: 'd , or PQ.cl" pro �.vacrlficed &-I in t me tof tuay ba puE.. on -L e,. for � the -guns tq- Vinl*r -up- ast.......... .... u .1tudes" moot int,inia, e, and. lOue of :of tit re L�Zho si&�I.l -a4oriw two to e 'tr000p� J;Sdap L " I tie The gu ... ....... '41e rew' e ryman tlI 'Plain With 0_1�V` oil o%rr;eit ,For I Associated '1�rens. notnb UP I S Wt "In . Same h the to�v all great- underirik- over 500 Bc �oiia seg. rs. Tilt-' att; r 11:0'1� LAWL 1, IS moS L, Imp ju f6r It"' t - ourtitat tfis-.4 rapid1v -an, tfieL'tirdd horses. When Has, tA n gfi ..... '159 tnerely. sketched the o iher got-tvt. iiii 700 wards ('aptutu Who lew a Siv�erie Ewjaoijj�ljt With thw Boers 'id' fa 5"11itp 2L ff. I a tlt.ftqes� an�l -'gbt left t fill in tile dptn* as, .0 Itig orrAson ha guw� anti fa. ....... ....... op., Ef t .. . ...... trustees Power4- -tl chargiqg ne Boschakawr for, pro Ira nr Itlh"Ithi� mat*er or the'scholaislo h Priell.' This demoralized, 411 ough, It Val *411d"116t 9'1:0 .90 0, tile. charge; and saw., tile Schi.MPI w." �N . ....... ......... ..... .49 Th P61p;1 Wj� '&,tv to� rigidly tn P noem ...... int. wag it t 'olli ;oath� ...... ... the tht -ere' c osing' -in h p, P k-xAs t barm.. beJ�dn -''endeavoring: to tl'e Aay' dow-i 'the lines migil " - -- came �tlon bii ge to L sis but -v.- came It�P'Captaip represenative 6f tUe -gal-, revinitirepit"ts.. it 61. rl!�qn' 9ta c ti h ' t at the'coronitt!6.j. cierev;onl.�* in J. owee Mor- wa -Al MAWA L I .1-L it tried to the. 6r his v !asg n 4 W1 I is - TOOP" -ivalry agrin held off;the Ron.'S Parea, uring t h" ace 4 1 t OUgh4 thdRe with itlong'en' to extr4-,ate t 116. anip to end�' ipiftation to, attend tile la lie ad', rrequ F Als- 'A 1=7114, I guns. I en't.,Tuinklm wag Of king. A*itrd, and vrilt �6ea n '7r "IF 54 ocr.-' 'Eir " 6t �Mf6 W�dsl H 0 fwlbe *ounde n. bi� town ke7 I fl"rtngol . I I . . . , I . _ ;I d q6t*834 them." ig l4le Amerefin, on t to itexv r% where tlidy'. were' next. -fte.same'atithority offer-' i 1, t I ...... ...... t ,.the, r IP_ViP_ rd. M, tb oxfo. ty. f ans aim i s:, rd D .I lekily �,ksolnforeed P augher 'In.g., 4etrna iiiom�nt- bv por- hori i, eirtaer. L.,-_ borldgee� at P ___F__ -lit 25 Iruents to gio Mduntett Inf. kq�n_ mcomm n ca ion ttie' &r r a. �71 youth f intimate *-OuL ":Within seventy yardwL f woosirepu A g. h .,with ivlwiV.,he termed ill.- -YELLOW AND, WHITE AFFAIR' rtt ons 04 'Rufug Steplazaa. iioa'of �k. -we�jr.b7 citizen 4 li&adpifed ndL' Bin, Lieut. 1"tirtwer dual n Ottawa.' desp�atLh- says The 0 niI;0: Pee D More strenuoua' e lottr-6 'diad :M I w*:jr� ak,.%r - I 4purred tl.' f rriage'of Stisis: Ma I Blair; g f," _,r_je M. 'Wert ded!,the r on �, r- I b'.X roPF6 46: 'je rf 14, r- L" 1 ! - t4 fp�, �ik Me best, a. air r nghter ;Df Ho)& G Blair, rea w "Sr tookL, pie&e� 11 such t0rid.4 ;with ilip Fitgligh, ii�oph� waiq giri-n -tit -liki S-�v;'cce john; �V_ B t'2 O'chick P aftein4jo6a' L In%'. St sand costonlis that they bligh t hP- tt 4 --for tile skill and Aildreir'S 'La ... 74 ke Ptiris:� ar'ar a hefter in" r .1f. F elk'rk a9t ............... effs with: whe'ele' he. wcrkP_dL and' thurch. '61ille'6difie6 wao'beautifully A�i' ...... ... ....... raied with. t rh2cilly, eAred his d eco white and yellow pe�t, jiside. e acs And rA ethe trustees. can- meet, nil ldaisi' go, white'lil 0 d4fodits being I Viii;hly u#d& 4 s t a feclue-st 'irill br6 made �to si�v BULLET 1-N HEARt'.. 1. R&r k her�.,Irer4ed � Dr, Hortidge offitiaed. 4�_ er&f i0aditij, mericane to form abont.�50 people invited to' wlth'ess� rW Ch '), L 'Inelon With th re� or eii I of I h e o"AA sa' bride.' wlt6, wag given away' !VU ff, A aut . ...... ....... bS*'L her lathero wag kpwnt-, ectk 4PIr7R ar�,Iotj 110 alld aq, fc' rk Sep in ne, wilth� hei Ay pear t crop. del- -chi _u or thO G ad I rti r g -1 -at 'Of. tacei. %hti car- Oto W tit, d rl _d, 'lox et I I . r'W a, 'houquet of white 17 roses (r ntled br, her sister. Miss or t fi!. '*06nded in hattlo. 4*r�f. von n. 'Blair; Ite" a r from. "tile re;fol I iis 'bridesmaid, the tat- t� Rt n4 te -of A13%, r.,!LOPN R 16 tT. In kos goWn be! whiteo M.ek. afrom eI(porimee 'th 16iielie-4 Of blittk. A .61ack,bdt f-Wlia, Und �;nitth 'ilcelbL6kJ.t-h&'t tit 4" 1-citalages wore undoul)ted� i2ompleted � th& q6Aume; tt, -Intl 'Ind froLoh it a M to I, iwere carrie'd. Tilt "st man .v-aj# bou,�i 1. 1 111iii I lPers�tl 31r. -of St. John. '-tnir antisept I#- treatment. ra 7 the rpt'�eption' the n- it S elrfl - - . . . a'. t TI, rg Wifir wbra" bloftt�d 'lit bi row Ot -I t, t it blk ra tv tit,- tj Ilr niony lie.. tr�xluned wteh.j�'L�h 0( Tr�a r ro m, .J,it"� jlt:j, � . ", U. itn. alld 3. ru JU it for' .'th V)rt1iu111 -tot' -I to is lit. to poll t 11-Ittoe, Iff, W gown trag 4 r he Af Tito'. o*, 't tit: 90'1� Ov .*Fog: iniof 'T V'i' t, t.jle�� ftirt -to%, Dr, W Iftst �ktt bOlk' the VA;'i 6.&lI. IZ t . ti I'ar'n 'All CI#Vtf fir ILI i-8 ltatuftl s C. ecilitlittod of tti.b 1;odt iirhAto;e of a tpa:' - sl�ft they'' ilo4i ed by, v;w 4.h tug� fro& a. 4*f th . , . ot 6* i'it j �-Vtt�vft WiA tentir t rand et arns awn of betWeed. StOLOW I aftd (M. t 66i"t'n? irp. tioth fid o;ir01I'nFI tha baP' IA, A, *Orb' &11 -If T4 .14 tiot t t6e. duty free' and sent to b, t, th'n.condItto o