Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-03-28, Page 5!Tit TUZSDAf.AND' SATURDAY. • EVENINGS CLOSES" OTHER EVENINGS AT 6 O'CLOCK. fth • ning ended ti 4 ft. e are going NE, DoLLA; Q I/ t 01 ho. ",.OQ toy th B•o or .Girl .atteridla� :, sc�o . , rYl draws us also, 7. draw us e bes CENTS t picture r. of a .Black. Cat will too: or Girl who Boy the........ NNIEST Picture rawing mus wit t atu.rda ,T LO, noon, of a: B1ac] e on . ,a card. •(8.;1.2 x our name on the back, and to die our store The judging wi rs made kno',w tures will all T'�BRANb the: nlai�ket. nd ; have.' tri cos -20; 25 Yes, °August Flowetill has �thb t „est'satq of ally Medicine iu ' ti, • • `QUDSTXON A.NSW ERED^ ++#+�- 1 :i 04(34 world,,' Your Mothers'- and graudmothers' newer thqugbtof using anythingelse- for rndigestion or Bit- iousnese. Doctors .werescarce,, and they seldom, beard. .of Appendicitis; .nervous Prostration or kleart,Failure;_ etc. '.Uhey ^ used' August Flower to clean out the the system and fermen- tation of undigested royd, r'egul'ate the`. action of the 11ge1, stimulate;the ner, sous and pr ink act}o.}i of the 8ystC , slid khat as a1i; Yhoy. took `whoa feeling ° `d fill"arid bad 'with headaches. and other' ahs, You only need•a feFir doses of Green's August f lower; in liquid:toil;' :to make you. satisfied. t'here'isnothing serious` the..mat�ter `with you. You;. 'eaq get Dr,. G•, G. Green's, reliable, retnedies at•John Woad Ri, Co's., Drug • Store; NEUISFAPL•ItS" L'OQ '11902 The time has '•arrived when;readers ' • g6,egrn ;t;t thrais, of their newspapr, literature for: the .coining year, Out. clubbing rates ale as,folluws Sentinel;and Weekly Globe e1.60• Sentinel and Weely Mail ' 1.70 Sentinel Family Herald,and Weekly Star 1.75 Sentinel and 'Weekly 'Sun 1'.75 Sentinel and Montreal.Witness 1,60 Seutinel•and Western Advertiser 1,50 Sentinel and Weekly Free Press 1.75 Farm Pro•perty:�for:. Sale...', B ing.'1ot 7, concession 11, Western Divis- ion of Ashfield , containing 75 acres, Sikty acres cleared, Conveniently located to school"ar,e post. ofCtce =Has been under pa. - ture for; five years..- Apply: to • HUGH CAMERON, 2624 Liberty st., Caluwet, Mich'• Tenders ,Wanted. Sealed tenders •will be received up to March 29, 1002, addressed to Trustees Of Union School .section No.17Astifield and *West ' V awanosb, for the erection of a brick school house on part of lot 14, and Dart'of lot 15, on he—.i,-d_e of West •West Wawanueh.- Plans anspecifications can be:seen' and other uformatitYn obtained on application -to t • ,1P111` EAILE)7, . Secretary of Sehool•I3osrd Dungannon, P:O, one.'by competent outsiders, andthe pries -wig lie n in The' Sentinel ',of Friday,= April 25th. Plc be shown in' our; w>i;olow along with THE, dBLACK CA of Stockings for 'Boys and Girls the best Stockings in They wl)<l.. near longer and wash, better:than:, any'othe°r ki pple 'heels sand toes and every :pair "is :guaranteed Pri and " 3 cents per..pa.' BOYS' IS NEE PANTS You will fine a large :vari€ty of 'them here -the good wearing kinds for :school, boys: They have double seats and. knees and: are made. with good ,linen 'thread. Moleskin Knickers at 35 cents Tweeds at . 53 to 85, cents per pain ' Ask for the Lion Brand• GO1TE SPECIAL, Ladies' Fife ,Lisle Thread Groves . with self -point backs,:' two, dome fasteners, in Black, ;Tans and white special- at'25c.per pain, ::CORSETS You cart see some of the newest thing's' in " orsets here this:week. - Short. and, low Waist• ,kuli,Ids. Girdles :::Shirt -waist' ' f onsets, and some; of ' the ne Paresian :straight -fronts' ie the 'more expensive lines 4, 4 4,o•• .(6)1-11.111: rrs C )hl�efl'B1t'xt�l�Ceyfoi Tea', ri y i ll t Ebel lsli 1 Cd i `�Cea iy::oul •�y J.�palr '1'ea ' l�t��y,otir"E�`it�ltle� 1,1;41 tilh,i't,��al�'" jiratul- oft. Ntaptel.,,bytt ri .111 11011• les Let Us `Do )Ur Printing og for Service. The thoroughbred Yorkshire hoar,; ':rips! Boy, ' .bred by, 1)an McQueen, Cedars elle, : will bp .kept for service by the under�tgned' on Lot 13.' Concession 12, 1Vest Wiiwanush, Terms, St,00. • ' TIlOS:II,'LLEL St'. Helens, •' We'are'soie agents for the celebrated. 'INVI usSHoE nn ntthectured by G-eo. A Slater of'Montreal, being the nest line of Men's :and Women's (4004 year Weltgoods niade or soli' in Canada. ' ;I ... Ii0 ARGUMENTis necessary'liecause their C00D QUALITIES .dre quite 'apparent. •,' They sell at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 :per pair: i cline in the " �Y i'' i `'ahs�mizst�.0 o- ate � _ ._. • call anal .e a u ne ..... t_ d m;� rket� Repairing. neatly ,'and promptly •done, TERMS CASH' T'H ESQ To Rent• The brick store and dwelling house with storehouse and driving . shed. A good business stand. = Possesssionat onceApply—to Mits. M'ARTH_A MURRAY,, ...• ": ;. St. Dolens. Bill for Service Th undersigned wi11: keep for 'service ?t. lot' 15. concession' 12 .West. Wawanosh, his thoroughbred Shorthorn 'Bull;" British Chief" Terms" --81.09 to be paid do the lst of Janu- ary inu- ary,'1903 "British Chief" was bred ,by .Jas. Cowan. G ielph;.Ont:, and was sired -by that grand-hitported bull " British .Heir" 1835:4,: his dam being Isabzl 9tb. 17691. For full pedigree and other information apply to PETER WATSON, Lucknow, P. (1 Tenders Wanted. Tenders 'are called for the erection of•either �; , a,�stciie or, concrete Bridge on `Campbell- street„ Lucknow--16 feet span, 30 feet ltin,„, 10 feet iroin ground,surf:ice to road ler e1, one. arcs . Plass and .specifications to' be .been'; or.procured.st.my chicle, The lowest •.;r any r tender not necessarily ` accepted. Tenders opened ou Tuosday; April 13t 1110_: ' HU(H 1MO1;ttIS(1:N, clerk. . Lucknow, 1I it., 4:h 1902; Ouse Tor•Sale; The large and' coniwnuodous house on 'Ross street. '1'ne property of the - late Mrs Tallies Somerville. Apply to W. CONELI •Blacksmith ,Shop for" Sale. i or sale a blacksmith shop iti St.Helens; first class tOth I1ty, down; gelid busiuess� I'n• c6nnection with the'4hop thsre is sit acres •of land, ( od brick hot.ye.and ',t iblt . Will he sold cheap, (Rodd reasons: f.'r sehii1g ' A • quantay•of the foe sale, Per further partint talars apply at, hit Helens briefly urtk or to ' 'l'F€I8s. 1.1111,1,ILz4, at. It ett�, Brill for, Salo, 1 A 'FREE PATTERN &our oivtt select rin) to et- Scriber, Duty' cents a year. CALL'S► GAME Or atty.thing in the. Printitip i.±aP satisfy. you with Our printing its regelds qtialitt and price. LucKNosW '1901 ' ,''rats are .reas'onableour ,S.eiicl'fot out' Journal' o A 'MAGAZINE; tem: 'Veal:If:At colored prates; ,Isteet c CALL the Bastist: ago Settlis/ anata'ern, er by rasa !tom THE: ,t4tCALL 'rho Best' of ; Weeklies ! THE WESTERN ADVERTISER he 'Leading Weeklr Westerti FARM An' H ME oiblieatletr--orie et the be's in t'amtila et Abe ttnitecl,