Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-03-07, Page 5el••111111111 o, .4 ,4) 4:-. 4 • ,14 • 434 444..raaa • • , 1',' ' ''. , • ,,. • , • ,. *. , . ., ,i,„ • .'''''''11 .4' . '''. , , ',,,,„,',i,.„„ • ' ' I; • :re,,, ...,, ,,,,,,,,,,;,;,..-.1.",,,,,, „ i,,,,,..,...,,r31r,,,,4;,-. ,,,v ,,',,.'",,r, , :.. ('. A • r • • ,71,77,iiiriatv„r17. WrIar 'f4firl'or • 4 .41 ',. • .... ,:: .„ . ., .. 1)11,rint'the''.i*iith:..:.:0....K4rch',.. ':Viri-.00•We':••i1340::,(1y7M:de..'".VV:hlte*eary.wl11. 0. -it :::'.':11e'...O.46. Of. the, main ,4ti,r.:4et.1:01...'.:4t '..tht:F,. otot.e.';:,'...,.:Toi.i;ii-it'4,t-fforc.1:0,:•4-iipa.T.thq$0,... . .:..... ... .... . . ......... . . ,. , . . . ...Spaps....aS everythlhg-aclvertise(1. will .eOst.... pyti,:100.s:.. than...O.:make •081t,...H,Thq :' • .:::,,,..-,,' .....*.6re..'-b.ought for 'IeSsH.,tliah.,, regular value :611(1..,.. will he.,..spla,.iq..the':.pg,l4p.,•,....yfrly:.•• •'•• ,:'••,1',.•,:70)1110illfik.. 144t,"•••••..... • :•,':'...., ,..,..-:: •• • •"••• ,.',.•-• . ,,..• . ,.•••••' - -;•'• ' - '• .. • . .. • • •,,,,,4 AISOMIMM1111011110O11114IIMMAII0IIMMIt 11111111=11111114 .10,Doz. Corset covers made of fine quality cambric' (without dressing) insertion Yoke, embroideryitrimming, pearl Buttons, sizes • 32to 38, Special', 2c • • . • mnmemors• ' 3' Doz. White undershirts, tnacle'of fine cambric with musliri,frill 11 inches 'deep, two clusters_of tuchint,, one row of insertion and embroidery trinimirig on ,bottena of frill, special price $1.00. • s • ' 50c. You may think it inapossible to get a good gown -at thissmall figure.; • 'This line will surprise ycu., They are a good hill size and length; made of good cambric. Have a tucked yoke, self trill aroiind yoke, neck and cuffs. Special • , . • price 00c earn, 75c.-' .•()ur 75c gOWiris a" bettutk., Madelof better.quality cambric than the 50e one iJas hco inSeitiOn tucked 'yoke. Self frills on yolce-..neek aud • '•Cuffs. IT(. pctcial otl5c ' .12 UnlyZownsi ass°rte(i•deiiihe i.e(Yular price of these •gowns $1 25. You ().et your choice for $1.00. wrappers, g deep frill, waist' and steeves'line-d. Special, priee eicli $1,25; • Ow' combination waterproof Spring. Overcoat is making quite:a hit, and so it should: We know of no other garment as suitable and "serviceable for; our seasons here as this one. They are made in the latest "Crrovenor style. r ull skirt,slash pockets and turned up cuffs. "chey contain no rubber and are very light in weight. Price $12.50 eada, :Will ue pleased to show 'them to you . • • • ' , • , • ." • . • • . • -TRE' •-Is the very • an all wool cut high high id TWO NEW READY-IVIADE SUITS. CORNNA1.1;-,-•Made of fine quality tweedlight shade with fine stripe. latebt cut, with •collars on vest. Sizes 34 to 38 Price $10.00. IIPERIAL—':iiliS is the best value we ever sold for the price. It is ..! worsted suit,. Dark shade with over 'check. Vest Without collar, front, trimming and make the very best. Price $10.00. SUITS, FOR LITTLE CI-IAPS. A nice rano-e ot new suits for little Povg have just came in They ar, beauties. Better come and get first choice before they are picked ofer. t, imamommilianzssamoggellwallfriMal • ; , • I • • , 0**44041144,•4.4•44,4,4 411**4) , • ;i7 our 'Golden. 'Blend Oeylon;Ted Try Oar • Try Our"425d Japjatir Tea- • • Try our Pichler 111 ,qtiart-jarS. • Try...our:Coffee, Sea,l'Brand.. ; Try ',DUI, ‘.25o, Cciftee . Try our Paradie Curraits, reeleaned, Extra 'Selected RaisinS • Tty our CaIifotila EVapOrated , Peaches''f, • • Try our Maple Syrtip hi bottles -• Try "elur Clrei.ee Prunes •• •••;,,• .44 •4,40.••••••4440‘ ' 4 • 4, • • • t.! r4-1, t•.t# • asurigLD +t+t+t+++*--tts+ 14+-.144+++,+•++++++++++++t+++4+44++++++.41 pitethe c*ceedinglY, ttrifay.0Y41:110 ' AKE IT' .91)44i004, tile#10446. 414.1a the ' • •, . . • 4. • . • tain state, of t4e, werither,:the metnhers of Maple Grove t.0.1.4 •No.t1044 to- gether with their fsJoilie5.,aP4 inv"ite4 guests, ,asseMbled in„ their: Place of mecting,zi.04schoolloi,y3.e, on Friday evening, yell. 28th, it being Oft til011 •of their at-home.. After spendinga short time in .social inter, Oeurie and partaking. ef „refreshments provided ,by , the Meting 'WaSbrought to order and 4r. •Gardner _Called tothe onair, which osition„lie filledimacreditable man- ner.' An excellent'prOrain was then preSented, consisting of vocal instrtiaientali, recitations:..and'dialo- gtes: .Very interesting addresses were "alto given, hy Revs. Harris and Oaten, o Luckno At the copc1.9611- of the:Prorvrarn the ehairinan 'requested our esteemed friends Mr, and R, E. Brown,: who,swith • -Teri,Vo• in the .n-e-ai'futurefOr'' Dakut4;- • to Conae.,to the platforip-f-where they,. 'werePreSentedbythel.4.0.1:. members • with a handsome. Couch and the fol; loyVing addresS : "Dear Brother. arid Sister Brown, this, your last eye - ping with tis ' befereyour departure to. • tla,,Nest, after, an. association ,of fifteen yearsof the most eordial. and. frateroal relOti911, it.affOrd's the mem- bers ci! this dodge ,.inneti;•.:pleasure to tendeOtuyou and yOur,ffaraily their best wishes for-SucceeS in future home. We are sorry to say goedjaye.; we'Will miss yoUr counsel', and advice in our lodge, as. you have alv'vkirs,been :true to thri: principles of • the order-. ever ready to advance the the /nterests of our, lodge, and. we have • found.. Sister Brown ever ready' tO.-:•advande 'the , •. Principles of our ASSociation.. 'PleaSe accept this :coal' • and address as a •sin,t11,,token of the esteem in which •you are held by the members of this lodge ; we pray that much prosperity • may attend - you and yeurs, and if we should never meet again on earth may we meet in that Grand, .Lodge above where paAing.' v neer comes. Signed i • •'Nevex fo r rAVto Y Int .1 stock from ono seasonanother, t lien e the -eason f r cl aring out + • , •, the tollOwing lines. occasins; digala's Lined 1:1,tibbers Mens' irsh�ej Women's Overshoes Boys' Heavy Rubbers, IJumberthan's Rubbers • •74)-., .s a Stylish. and up -today f91.-§piina g *e r arriving dally frorn the best Qanadian, makers, also a'few;Ameri- can good.'It will'iritereSt you to inspect our stock." ';: , •-•• • - . ' ' ;Repairing.neatly and„promptly'dOpe, • W. ATHESON • +44+++444+++++++++++++4e++++*+++++*+++++++f**+++++++ behalf: ef! theIodge.4Jiis. W 1.1rortit...J1Sto PEnouso,N.,AVJ.. GAnr.o; •• , .; ; ; • •, • . . . • , ; • . • „. . • . ' . ,, . . . . • • . ••I .• • . . • , j•.• n" • -NE11." Although 'taken. by: surprise, Mr: BFQW11 io a few well- chosen words, thanking the brethren. for their kindnessIn thus remembering ; he and Mrs. Brov&u. H assured theiri that the recollects of the 'pleasant I associations sustained with the friends of the' localitywhi..th ho - grown to 1 „regard as-harnerwauld bered with pleasUre by' himself and Mr's. Brown, 11e concluded by ex horting. the member s to seek to 'uphold and advance the interests and princi- ples -of the Orange associationyand by. "vvishing them all prosperity and; har- mony , in .their lodge. After all had • ,bidden Bre. 13rown and family good-. bye, and wished them good luck and proSperitv in their neiv.. home, the 'company separated, feeling satisfied „ that; alpleaspnt and enjoyale evening had been spent. • •• ' 11411111 111.4 • ,• • • • • . • • Blacksmitli Shop for Sale For sale 11.1)inch-smith- shop in St. Helens, first class lOcAlity, doing g -lod business. In connection with the shop there is SIX acres of, land, ge.ed brick house and stable. • Will. be • Fold cheap. Ginn' reasens frr sellidg. A • quantity of tile for sale. • For farther partic- ulars apply at St Helens brickyards or to • Trios. PHILLIPS,St. aracter. GOOD HANDLES LADES TEAT HOLD EDGES. •; "You will like any one of the knives We shoNY., One, two three blades,' and eVery blade right,, as Well as every -price - • riGht• . Razors, too, in right quality ` and pride, •. .„ immeno, Us 1)o •Your Prin.ting. • When you need ; „ STAA', .1‘iithio tgAos, - • ittAk Lrpn HEADS SII jig' !NG. TA,G51' Cluctir.A.us,,Ctuns,,DooititS 'O'0Ock Editioh; Powrints, : Or anything.iif the printing; liner ' • Ieavi yoUr order at,fiorne, We Can safy you with our printing as rerda .quality and rice • PERyEAO, ,• This • :edition is • • published'especially ter', townso, Ani.1 rural nistrleta in Western Ontario. •• • •; • • '..Itgives' :an , the' news tp' to , , O'CLO,C1C,, daY. •IncitidinA4' Foreign, • C,anadian. AmertetI District; Local• duel Spirting, ' It •Oentainel • eight, to Page1•9 tiVe ;sixteen pageson Saturday: • Italf-tone and other iltustra- tionS .•ot Ininortatit doings P6()P1' lt.t)pear• every day. ' - " Tho Batt edition Mono ii%orth th price. • • • f•l" tbttnriptions recOrvo.,1.41 t 14 ttivot„ wv. 11,,z, '• A , ' • .1q...,1„, j ,..,. jj . e ' v. 4 tik s • + d • . • , , • ., .., ..1 • , t ' v,v,..,..sii, niq-z) (-,+.1Ettoaxt• ' , ' ., ..r,uctitNow. . .. . ... ,„ .. . 4 , .., . • • . •• ,' ' • ' ' • • The London rcee Prni Ptre; )r,e' 1.(1,1!.!'•,‘c 0 P•1111. ke r • ' '...;0006,g;r444.14.4Arrmr, , , •.,, 4,„„„,„„; „, ,,.„. . Vt A 141,11,5,4, "N. r.L4I„ I • Y.1, ,r,t. P. 4 Kid,ILL,141,1 •:and all lines of .Cutlery. -and other .liard.-71-- O. LIaIWETOE i••• kATT• ERN cr,'r. Sub-. • t; ,;' 1 . ; " o.r.ts +v. i#';"17> 414/ -VI ii74 4.$ 'PIM ' r ; • 1, 'LAD ,NIA6AZ34E. ti•-,Anv.'1,,•Iiitifilt tirtorsi ' es•onorni ram y tvor,;•! , ; li'etion, v•fe,,.Suh, „„.•• .h.roro ;I 0., ;I% 44 for 1•;!(•rtcop V'V't•ht.! wan'ed, Send for ft ong. 12Pliab1o, •SLtni tt4o, p.46, ,I;14, ;wit 1.-tol utely- ' t tag Pp`er Patarns, • ilsoloat'lt."4,74.11 •• sztioutz4vrcantx&i, • vt4147.ntiirrmrn'ica-tva-. $eshis'Alhlwei paiTerfeirtietiCsitsii ,,.r '15 &Ms ear. Is "411.6 r,i,.‘nr,r (or Si•ii,1 in. rieoey 64crY'114''' • ,41,41:,,w?s,,b't by }.441t rrOr11• metAt.t•-c-30:, 111,115,4f7,', ' k • the ttitiso i.r.d Sc4l�Ines, ",•I' ' , " , , :*'•N " . , • ,,'„,.4(, • •• • -• l'," ;• ,ryrt.t.fitt#,`,$'4t4t.e. „ . • r ,s•-1144,1%. The Best ,of Weeklies THE VVESTERII ADVERTISER EN4A1444E1) iiftmorzti The Leading Week y in Western Ontario. LCCOMPANIEbs •r, • FA Fi lyr fiAND. tIOME •• sem.nv1i4111•Sr, publictioa-one of the beSt • • in Atnerica-s sent to an address . ' Catrci o the. 'Unite& `,1 •". • Slated (or : , 4; 76ei YAR. Send for k;nr Circtlar Ontaining tertini for C11.?8 aso; o tir li preinitiniS, • •t AnOanSst, • ; ; •$‘1 Wit StEttll •APVitrittettto; • ,.,••• -* Lon4oni " au ' tV