Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-17, Page 5• . - Q • d nr �nh"r a #i MjY t+krkp;��Ivk Yf•W/ •r -J r Fi • rr THLS - , is °-our motto for January. . r 1 'may. depend on it that•L tla.e e: °veil op you some enuin e ' snaps for youhere throughout this: hey must all . be out : before we: take • ch departmentwill month. tock on "February 1st. Lave special vval�es to`°ofer ickets .' -10 Only -Ladies' and 'Misses -Jackets siz as .a32 to '36 with tight fitting backs, shot t- length • Ttegular . prices from •-$4 50 to $7 your choicer for $3. 13 Only, Ladies Jackets, :32 to 4) both semi fitting and tight fitting backs n r tnging in. price from `$6 to' $10 ; your '/ choice. for -$5. T.adies' Neck Furs, Caperines, Fur• lined Capes and Fur Jackets, all at r'educed' prices. 'A. special :line of Ladies '= Virginia Sable;' Ruffs $6,50 for $5.50. Ladies' Fine Tailored - Suits. 2 Only 'Ladies' Suits $20 for $15. $10 for $11.50. $15 'for, $11.50; . L--$1-3-..50 for -9.50.--- r $7:50 for $6.00 1t /• t. S• 2' Pieces 58 inch Plaid Scotch Home-, spuns,-:regular price- $1.00 for 50e yd. `'. )«''leve. 04 inch Black, ,will Hbime- 1 o :.i 5c for.... c per d:: s t1n re ular r> ce 7 50y dual finished inch 1 Piece 58Navy �enetiaii, cloth -regular price $1 for : 75c per yard 10 ` Pieces : 58 inch . ail wool, 'home_ spuns in. Navy, ' Green, Grey, e;Brovvn,. Blue and inixed, regular price 75 for 03c: per yards; Men's Section We' have a .num hei ' of Fur Coats yet: These must be cleared. out• this month. • If you have' any notion of buying\. a Coon; Coat you 'can't 'afford to mils$,.', • this opportunity. -They rangein price from_:$35 to $50 and every Coat is -a beauty, at its ' .price every coat.. is 'guaranteed. 17eady 'Made Clothing ;There: is always an accumulation 'of :,odd sizes, in this ;line. We have gone • througl the 'tot and, made`. a pile"of them to sell .at $5.00. ' ;If you. need a, 'heap suitthis-is-your-chance, Boots and Shoes There is a; bargain pile of Boots and' Shoes, also • .bilaiYce of lilies io J e cleared out before stocktaking. : Call. and see them and we are_ sureY ou will not be dissaR ointed. TH>11 QAIIIlDIAN 13AQON , IN DANGm4 (o eat many undesirable', hogs ate being ;,Marketed by the: farglerr throughout the province of` Ontario. These are being converted . into Export '.bacon, and forwarded to Great Britian#, and 'because quality, are 'sold 4 a logo. This loss must. ultimately• be. borne;lpy, the faitne4, although.411e%'packers '.at: the present moment,Rte • being .Geyer ly punished. . 'As an example we quote the : cotidi- tion of the • trade at 'the Geo., Mat thewsCompany's •farctory, Ottawa,.. or the months' of . Novewber., and' December, ;1901, and-tte-tiret week -of-; January,, 1902:: , In November, 1901, a: total of 8970 ;pigs 'were, at this fact 'ory: • . "Of these'. 5702 were Selects,. 1609 were Lights, 1244 'were •Light, 1,'ate, 86 were, ,Il;•eavy;Fat s,' 97 wee' .Sows,'5 were Stt.ae, 13 w.re.Qripplee;. and 220 were Stores, these latter being lean pigs, unfit' for any purpose Of! 51511`hogs receive ed at the factory in December, 1901; the Selects numbered 2875, thi Lights 1172; the Light Fats 700; the .IIsavy_Fats 51, .the ...,Sews'74, the Stag$ 7, the Cripples 35; land the S'toree' 17 . • ,From the 2nd' to the 4 tb of .Tanuary, •1902,'.1.9$9• -hogs were.. received.'Of these 276 were' Selects,, 508 were :Lights; 151i'LightFeta,:1 Heavy Fate, 14 Sows, .6 ,Stags,•; 7 Cripples, and'92. Stores. This • makes" a total for the nine. weeks of 885.4. :Selects, 3282 Lights,' 2120. Light Fate, 147 .Heavy Fate, 185 Sows, 18 Stage,; 55 • Cripples, • and . ,529' . Stores ; total, 1519Q ;:Pigs .,termed` Selects are 'those that` can be .made into the beet' ,class' of Wiltshiie bacon, and are :the sort. that have Made!,'Canadian a bacon, famous • on the Eglish market.' In order tg•keep.up the price of hogs,,the pokers :must receive..! the . sort of hogs_ that:, will make',:. the ' finest Weltshire sides. TO Make this.- the packere, must. ,have smooth,. deep;,,welI fed pigs -,'wit a• large• amount of lean•'rneat in the carcasses, in I ,proportion to ,the amount of .fat. They must, be' well finished - and weigh on, r Ching the • packing house..from one hundred • and` eighty ,to two hundred .pouDds. • On th'e 'pigs . termed Lights the :packers' losiat least one dollar per head The Light Fats can be cut up. and put into the retail. trade, ,• but to larges num ber of these light, pigs, would at any time, glut, ' the' local ` 'market, The' Heavy Fats ,ean:be worked up, whet,,; not too numerous; but ,will sell for at least one half•dollar •per ,hundred,' live' weight, less than; Selects. Sows• and Stags are 'very"poor property' and -can only' be used- in sttpplyinga'. ver • in- ferior trade. In order to Le'of .any. �.. We have the things for value :to the packers,Sows, and .Stage Ohrisemas and lent ` of `them: K� P Y should a ntade`.as—fat as -possible.:. They—have—real" • quality too,' ':Cripples are: of.. little; or...no Value to • aid vilLlastlong after�rdn- the packers and are, always fed' at' a ary ' trinkets - are worn out loss to -the farmers. _Stores should' '• .y YOU:] Ido rip.ting'. Whcn 'ou.need'- BILL 111 Atis;•S:rATuatil;'1'$,' {nM10 HEADg YVhLOP�S . I♦ , HR Ano, LTA`"rkit 1 EARS; .. i1RC?t.ARSi OARDS,, DohEaw PosrERs, :: .,,.. : •. Or iunything.in the printing • line• leave your order at ris Bon,. • R e .cntsAttsyof--,t h o �r.pitnting �regards ctitiity:and price. S Orf TIS .L1 LiT(rl'C1W� ,, The Best of Weeklies ! , WESTERN' '' ADVERTISER • .• av'r;.ctiian esn.7tarnot°srti' h in" T niit' a Lead : Week1 L g� y Western Ontario tccoiir �1Pfl �t}`-' FARM AND' HOME A senui•dionthly publication one of for best' • in America—ia suit to any addresia in Canada 44r the Vmte1 states for. 760.';1 . Sena for our Circuhtr eontaihing ternm•fnr (ktms also oar list of premiums. Armiwsax; ( , .WESrrEE124 'ADtricitttsEn • Loindon, ,Ontario. 1901 `. IS DtOVIIwIG Ft)Iir«A1tD. ' Winter Term begins Jan:. 6. 1902 ,Our rates, aro reaeonable—oi r courses: of study, thorough "Nand Prac- • tical. Send•foc our Journal' to, see. what we 'teach. Students May -enter at any -.'Two °dursts.,of Study, :Commercial and -Shorthand Ci f lem.l• ktl �Mckt y Proeiden't;: Secretary;. To. Rent 1t ent,chealp. fifty+icrea of rood, c'ntni ti g a first-class:orchard,'gnod h,pya, „barn_ and shede.on the Kinfoa boundary 4 miles east of the • villago of Lucknoww. The orchard cnntains the choicest kinds of winter app10,,. 'l.hiq is it very eoiivenicnt plsre rand Will be• rented cheap 'to a tititalite tennabt. F.,r further'jiartieulars apply to T'11t> 1°Aa>:tEw, r.iiclntowr " u �.a .,. I c In order to,Clear out our stock, Of Felt Goods w have decided to offer them at 'be following "are • few of our sna en's= Grain- Telescope -Felts O th' $3 for Klondike'-rtelt-boot worth -f 3 foie-. 4 Buckle Grain Felt Boot,worth $2 tor ` for-. , $1.,5t i4 8', tt Yrx�ri-. .^t.: PAT! $240; 2.40- $1.75 •Wopn.en'a Felt Foxed Bal' and.Cong.,for 1.351 en's- .and ,:Women's. 'Spatts at`greatly_reduced prices ..� • ah earl y y and secure'the best values.:- Repairing neatly and promptly done, TEMS„ CASH:. , 44+44+4+++++++!;_.. ....•. Xmas ardware .never reach the . pork • packere, .yet` thousands of ahem • are sent, every week to the market .by the farmers.:'' If the farmers continue to -=market- such . a large' number " of undesirable pigs it 'willseriously injure theOane dian bacon trade in Great Britain and; will bring about greatly.reduced prices. for hcgs;'.thtougheut 'Canada. . F. W. Honsos.:. See Our Stack` of Lamps. Cutlery, Silver w: are,Carpet S w r,. saps r' s,$kates;' Gr ni _ e a tewar , Copperware, Carving Sets and many lines of kitchen utensil.. ' ongwea O �S. We have the : sort . ;of tools you'll be able to pass on to the' next generation.". Many, ` of. them . would make nice and useful presents; for -the -boys -at o -..trouble for, us to show "you" the goods because we are sure we ''can'' satisfy 'you. . • Heins ;Oof ldaped: We •- are seriously considering the propriety of adopting, the following'. schedule of prices ,for .publishing coot plimentary reference': hor, calling a, man a succeasful'citizen ;when everyone knows .he is lazier than e, gov=ernment mule, $2.75 ; referring tO a, deceased citizen as one who is mourned 'by the entire cotomuriity when we known he'. .will- only. be ,missed by the. poker' 'circlea,:81 08; referring to some gala- 'ranting: ala,ranting: female as an estirnible .lady whcm it is a pleasure' to meet, when. -• every business man in ,to' n had rather, see the devil 'coniin.hoofs horna.and-. ,. all,; than to .sse her : approaching e3.19 ; calling an 'ordinary .pulpit ' potinder• 'an aminent, divine;, 90c:; etendinu. a tough sinner to • heaven,;. with poetry, S5 ;" and delinquent I subscribers well we have not just - -decided-on.--s race--as-y9tExchange- :• CKNOW. A fellow' by the name - of Moos living neer:Ortonville, was• presented r his wire - with .d• •daughter.: That was= ;a new' •Moon.Sunday he • ' went to Detroit 'andUgctdrunk for joy:' That was a full' Moon, When . he,; ' `sobered',. up he.._lsad: only't.wentyfire - cents., -That; was the 'last, quartets -, ,When he got bonne bis' ntnthvr-in lattg, tnet him with a roiling pin and" then •..,w there <was a total 'eclipse of the 111oon" and he sawn stars besides. " Try ourGolden"Elen5d' Cey7oti Tea Try out English •%R p Tea ' Try. our 25c Japan Tea Try -our Pickles in .quart; jars 'Try 'our` .Coffee, Seal Brand Try -our 25e Co1ree -Try ::our Paradise Currants, -recleaned:- Try our Extra Selected'Raisins1 Try our. California EVa orated p Peaches. Try our 11aple Syrup in bottles Try our Choice Prunes • . a • vv-mstrac+RocE