Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-10, Page 71 1 T4,,-% " " I . I ­ -7 x F A fl SpIrit will tina"It poow ':SVadk� for 6�t oafjx� to T,4 jU V4W atte 1ru �j, divine, prrQryiqen.'oq and ,Op� If 'WOrk'Nl out' Ills ptir-w Great !nq Op'; JOB,- IN I -N L A N UA ICY 114 4W4 (A posit, Of I . o wOrld, Tile, 'past wt-ittenr Ill the, -0 W, HE W, twerp tiIQ 2; 1,2 , ��Zm 11 Ppralse of Poivor It, tile, Ile ts. 'r j in3perluli ble A,opk, tegtify that ji�Qjl'10 -holiaay buyersmake" Q �&t r 1�6 A NL!W D 1omma4#py,-41I, Day qt,,.'Ppnj;b- 4(lyltIlptl U rp4l;ive Tb� ,crush "of 14' Yq4,r"$ tojr� Wortlit. t-��The, mean, iriv� o ot;6 IS compittrati' t SZ 1 4 Sl Jan. G.-Itecelpts ot,, jegnettlp H" M� V easy�"T I ri Ppn,t1'eP�.O' 1!11 lqeoedad 04cfl qualsition , loplifti vel. lie: COR fj� 'to 41, Iligher orO . pr,. It,i I most. prPla1§11, Y�, field of Clow fr Mar.ke, on 0009900606 0000066p.,000-po 0C t occulzred, fifty dayis] ifilled. The 0 tjlq� 00 liglit, only'90f) busliola' I ililj�o fu rdnilsp� IN Un ep� Nyere,,4b:>,ut I , Srt -if -7� only: a, -no' " 'c' * d itiftOr the ver ittid'Waq,the'Sec� � 61, 1 1. �r a" '4"o'(Pa to iN 4.Ij more lidorably pretty ��71, .1 fli lllpifilii6. Joel" if, w, on­o�or and a Jvq. 4pd a boiti W po arc rtielp§,� PUTIll a Aoll,,tller. Q;Lts, WILICII ih' on()' of' Cie yparly 28, I-Silal At PY041lig t Laili OvPn her 'Adorqiii pr, p9ilipany. 'the , Jew.p., l a 11, . bapt i Zur ya III wititi the 0, JeW A 'bushel Pilid qv6r, foirrid hqp­� iyas. inally d4yN .1)a are 4to lq'-r reaRts elry, nTiko�ah held b Tile' rs fu�;�01 ­ ­­ r, , , ',6 ier%� per, 1goo'd '."'pro a '.y -pip, N% eat VUr6 Ot,olldy 2t Hal Aciis ir and lo" aooL�4lo,,- �'trVrt;Rt�'fil !ire 'oxt6jided, beYpiI4 b4utlT flT.96 P4,slqQ 13 oulluallurprate(t, Xp� -1 1, gl�y,60 'AP41 neq.kwear. iij- w1lite. Se ling d� 70� 8 itiff IT '-44 ''a the,, U P lial, Way.,. with a 44d,, Aotiolnff� alaii. lie T4 <l.etW,;fvQ kqrqq, Ili IlIL e,ro NIOW, Year,',& d r4'el!y ddiveritiloo l*04 iptilIn G110SCII wal 1,119 " cht ' I ' -rc4 1V t �YM,f 4pproachlngi, 1.44 ith-4 de&V'Hp0o,4#,af jl�s ell� all otpliq is' dro"Iell pqr btishol, a d 10 IT 01 A o WInts-teritig fLI-IfIlInOn a bondage, a ' ' ' r 4 , pot I d 'p6int1d to Qllil*t ap r,�! a �Aud, Rio bad dociddid Ila Ild, povr thq� typbled 'at it i at 71 E pi. 009� t Ile SrUkriflee. for bim sepoad, patqStr 11a patit'r tl!- g11'­j0f­I1 - 9c., Per b' ljiI4, all day§, the P,ente .,,wap, neld, fr"Y' ilaya r appettra, all, la P17P where, ro ng, at 54� to liewil lear. pQ4t,, 62 I -K lie t at"k6i� Utter P- 'Barley Was'�tear(fy 20 949 rp parqat ta IT, t lie, 'Pliplifil" tura. ov�r t Tn. a typpell 94 ovoi, aide, t 4, toll you, 0141d, 9 it. had, not, r taeqyps" are 6xilp)6jed, 04P4.,yeb .later... It a 01 1 .,lj.siQn tind pjrOmIqe IS ra!if ,Of t Were, jilghp-j, i0o furfiLshed.' baeq,.­fop 'pla,it c�iidu6t6r, giant of ;�111;lh -TAle ti'llia 'tit& fafilled .1plie, 060'I'Sl 'p, fulf Santo I t 11 T, on.� of it bealikliq 'ing, at 47c. p4r':1 itt" r' 7 . q IPIUVO 04" �Y-(.)A­��valtlq. -119-1-Ami tiY I r �4 -�ii �PuL ill 'jr r--bu --we 11,014N i� -A I , -- r. n He rae 6 ehtranb6 inO tit, Ila �Ijt` it Molitor 6 as: .;,a I , _pq V r ire, svays eorke;4 per I'l arf, II-Pto -1120, spol;qa, lig of. 06 laiv-,Oil wt;. 81nai, tly Jiyiand $Tto 'forr Ql' I41L 1 .9, f,jn� f It I aniii ersa y and ran ariumt silo Wyco.','t lie piu�k 61 foriy d6vils,' -a .Val) a At $11 to $12 f,jn� f,jn� uchale, jNr d, tell s began L It , roItVIIIgr r .1, a as t, "Lai1q;! tit '131 Uji close AS j)rlCtiQabIQ­tO� tile sola 1lt)I,L ter 1. 'With o�Fy 4CqPF077 �Ylil tlllie�tj r , I r 1 1. r r ar o u -variety 0 Lit ' , , I r -dloou, 1: -ay-sou- ta. 11tt'le Is ch it I 'Tefj th a a r, 8 1NILlutt-Wo"ald bo�,mor'e flt� See I iere ,persoa AginterL te., no it s ... Mg ler- iiij)readAl6rA1;q)h4- 1�-jljo ojjx rat ro re6ogniZingr me"Us" the. alke., voiA ernpqi.. 0, Aukewdrin j' ;ill, ive.r,6. 1�n It oiliti Oat il , I o' ri e In g at- a, t ;Pa., per bp Ile Of aw xv� i1oll P 'et 0, ra wrte6 Ii . V, C I _ng God r -si -'4ie� i,thi;rd� loqr� ..for:. and' s5 t6 rileiiit�' Un4,,;-t t 0 all,rna lons a I tile -r -p Nvojri� are takin )a ai ILL t I ia,tll]OtOr� sf�gtil I'_ I I . r . . I Ir I , , piIolallned, to. 60C aw Ing Ili a 'down, to, -auee their'.united I 1 9 SI)OL�111 . re ..On �fibi q aj" afte�, 11 1 Ill-, NV It eat I f2�itjl and. 'ejI' Iler 1,liur" Dooll, oUt,. yb 44d Ilell eaj,, I r I,, �, � � , rL , - and 461wuc�orj t iounii fd� e -rpli. ef. acti V.., Si to Allail In, one tp, OiKsL her, �,%yay, la�, an tile '6191 '(ill 3s, 10,0.x ow,i JITst it /I f i), a an lit Ow Id I t9liuSof cod SweetT I lilig mo.lxjdlly-dJ� t(1,6. p1jiae"Tilo -�z r6oin:- ppc , , , 'I, , � sholl _6rk(.,r. ig­t6 the iiait 6untre, It 11S at­'irn�ilio i i-er-sliop_ ll�� Inoto 111a in t It riwg ou. thLnk,Ltl1C'U":jaCk lie j At 00ar, �v� _- %V tj, f' I r - HR-) - -4 -1( L C, C, I iiui,� 20 7- 1 t4 11 [it I've a aN Cash, gi,rl, .44 -5 all, rrbluL U Till. a- mat- t Chicago, 'It Ist, o �,uur wvu elikilt'ig ?I' it body,, ul",illoulited'. pullco. I got 't 1,13' Till 7stre ngthr Lt.r jIjf_' 1, . n oil 9,11111 1keI afj 1; to keell, 411 7- t'' 79' outiltl iiot," iJitok 4 ly itnsw�dr,L' ltohit* before tiutt boy of fi� it t S.9 i redtforg-o'n- I III py deepc� t awe q. I t+r a jor 1�- to dellizen, Works Ilan I' d i, and Dultith, I nortli'vrn 771, ",.tko� o- f-u-itar­1 nc. I(f rfe s 010 -whote purapally, Y IS 0 itgt Fj1r t,2 'I a g Over NVIttl r 9, 0. J, gard $01, uka that, k o' L -bo 4 mad� 111411.11 a �lLs �te a L,�Xhe da'4g4j;e Duluth, N' I .fit iiervioo.' . 1 11 T 'a SUc-. ilplb ir p raLlon oP1 r "P4 . � eloq0,01 cessfill mcrcli'aiit, zliki %v 'hive i; �tb the'pu r- toulk 6't, think that would be, rat,' tile jjot,v(�Ij y I ITO Wits: a ord, or.),, I 'Cl,014dais 'ta,' , I W I '' . oars! Owl' "Npel S,50 �'Jllst, onougli, dear I , ig f yi lit, ala.91, jlj� toor 1�,7 trii , tit, �J)plyjj . I I g 'a �t It '111 j I 11Y is- n Ing. frOokS w Wq� k s f4milll�tr. enible .(C 03' 'Spirl T 08 .111 lit- in to' Ole in1lis d. t deu a:t t d1raid-of hve tho are,, ell - two 0 if Irlia only heard by 411, a ijjjjtin�t! all 9!5s, . 'er filty-n6li one rollilse. eT' their woric. -a' 1880 5-1,944 "Nelth 411 tileI1( 0 igi�L flat -r blue CV0S JA d, tljlcugh� to take liumbeir' Dofor piri, cattle; a plain unfurnished '110:1711 113(�flt of ti hi�rl:I 61led he sT in lon a susf, in 1$85 -143 per- Wl 603, oCj,�, t aa et'ect'lv aren or Nvoi'd as are, p ace 'Not one 110' Igsj 0 per�oris 'wllo. lizi, -d Oil t "a' Catt I a. IiI 7 Itofrbrii a fiu�ll Clat lfaV t ter 'If ptlaftre - -.k-f t or the a4ul _or( or! C ail ry: car. Affitt S , 1, ' ttle n 15W, ...265,524 I at a I,' bluff tha' dy, a ii�il had b li a soll., 011ie 'fr BIT ar S,1VL Ile f yidw .. L' , .. I ��Lr, War 1, o, u d i f % fi ti;j j ance do��s j -,down fa.vQr( aly )n in§, ig e -one Iv XU or intulle ately, -�s 1311PIlp, to be ' i"I re- prodiiet' 6 al d Sheep, 1 n 18755' Vool Grey that tile perso4 is a 1880 Faicedi Io' it Iap� and. 1(;( ked y a�-, �ep fieli. �M L"' "IL2 I lie ,ar jr,ippei NVho. W. Tit' to.,; work -Ne%v a e .6 morning, they. tCR me,. at ritrnal.l WIlWbzit, or they goo hor L oa 1. S h I roubled e.Yeg. -offi(res " bit %Vill P aset :�hed 85 r - -­ ­ _'ia f tion, Ae"ul ' ito ]Its t . I th", b be the 'ex6np�. 4 ta'a w6ro.�o ao ille' 9hAdqWbig ------- have Mills front 'oil r am. a ral. ar-x, I- s, a a f like, stilic uPp 4t .tile tr I t los(,3r rktig -hr- it Iii-c""I iil-W " fr out T -tile "li�coup,�ers,,,his'�coindurd,�t.l.iw-,�u-idt,- 6ep g Tien .1 �Qurce IT . or roo .1 1, qiver Witli its, and'I wjli havo,to ke' tt ;Where '�Slieepi. In-, 1895�, ...291,75jr ract. -ran tile distributed tlietus�lves among thoib. Nre r fii Ilr ice. le- t 11ra0ers. I'm o1(300 4 C)IIII-40 0. papa' tive'is 'needed. Silo 'hbep In .14 1, 1 8 aga A as Soon.- Like s o lire�-il ire, la'dicated tit S MY pik US thd 'd %vorp, and' 0 -Wol,naa d6t6c 0 penetrating power o "-what ..p'roillise Ivill, lot ITO �avo off. theS6' rag ; 9 t or Ali 41xdv -o else%i, close f he hrp ,Lrry it man v �IgS 8,,,r er. f a Ili, 0io c6iiiid be' lied U if It lLail ever fLtikerl a'rtiol4s; �"ano: frequently e or I . I f ',:God -Dei Tlie ot'd jLC�). o j jtfiy�.gojt If My Word a ariad1linr XPqrtS Mot -get. a r ev'aid Dickerson 1�r 'of Z0.11. a;I)LI. 6,il tjjU$i 19 1 r C, b r *'ell 00 er W,.ek elldSrat; dally� b're;i on Ad i "' ' t urt. t s ore. tgoill�- -I I I Butter. In lbs. V, id' t THE RE -ST DA t o is :oNvli CrsTI iurlij pa"every. tj -ming. eptive t raiis oi 'tile hiae A6f in; 9tit V,ve lie% eaded it jab�,j can yt�-Ii,, Ila t11p r u 8 ep, give, pli alie, Aafly b d 044 '2.33 -tit( . c I ar, UA ttlis a, reSLSt e8p 1) 1 CO!1.7 re er.: 1I.Irg.-the culprit ntil a TW 9 All WU0!,;I urifyi��;. IIvII-611 Ttilld i nd ...... 18,53 cake, too; -able, 6 is .01 5 36-� I [is. D - () , , . ppor lin I t f* strilm - 85� olad wariathi d IvIlt liol; t a iy I. rUnci Ii a, mer.6d dQWtl,, 'tqr z -1, 585, '1 3 is no bearhuv �wlitevor on tp tile liropo Ct 1890 ..... .......... illell' 'the 0 a bo�o eadillgr recent' r 'Could ' 1, , r' , asissue ...a 16 11 Go UU � 1101V,� J, alSpiri 13. c -,-sido witjj tile stibiect. -Y -k and tfie C . norinally'lititrol&,cid efore E'dithir tho' reiiiark 1900 25;259,737, "do jak0 r II�,,Lng lelt'' ree,,Press 1. 1 . I 1 :1 I_i2 rp � 3vore as wny. n 1r-baIIe-N-,e- I r lit 5 Atm �ld to -you I'ia,%,e, a� tile wiligs, �`biilt 1, flippose, we must, hersolf.' as 'body -'.1, as­� a ' were parsoliis, and they t.. ti U-fOr­--CI - lem u, .To _1, t r then) an. guard. a lierim sa Upoll Or some tana to' 'Val f oil e� t It MY, for at- Jones,, Bro�r-' -t I �q Wilat "%'a" I" f;!OTU -',03U e0 tIT, t titer 6uglit t4o, constak rdsidefiee- Of f6 i :.Ive ists, a goo, -to do to 880 Pan -is go 'r(.' ru 'I -Arhtl�); the Wo 8 '6 ... 79;655�367 Own Lt7�­ --9372,' gig - f ri WIT. le, la -fro Vol] address, qt 0, tile po, top. �aper 0 he e t ir( lit I ll-or.pt toll HO ly IIQ Y. 1 13 9 ...... 116,00 '650 4 ter pluck t ave, cco'llp 1111011 Sl�� ey werb f 1900 -,10'856 1 4 Nv tli app, m li�r', umd tit to - 11 , 11 '1 4 Ir -vs. iciit rjau The, datective, is s' ' I L 9d ii lif 06L a di tic polvers for <1 Cindued Witt Y, th6 furdibrace of -tile. Other r aecusi&tlob an he oron 0 AVID $to r ets., k to I e. 11,113 ill- flu the, t I- elk . W (:1 011 to gpt to onlItl t I �a' lil 0 rt gill er,, helia 1,116 very, to'11d� (IIN Italy prove Icil � '' r , 50 6 9� ling in, I r k ii6il ri'd ".by thie nt I gues-In other war, place., export, citttlia, c� n]D C th sfie will I t ake t It ey had not kiw Ship- S L., tiroWed in 11; c to acconipan �,lng der6eilitun ................ M hitti alid then 1w, objr., t r C a rush jr.,16t a ter t t Ij,) t 6 do 11019ilig Ifitu over 1:116 -fence t loill N�Ittl 'tile . . . . . V �o, t stio, 9 ButtebuluX, C1,tTt1:: plok 20 ta, as �to. on th aand' lips Etj i th ilatic e(f r' i , tIlto pill Jack I I : street ? 0 3, ell ;as Of tit Ill, ato A [I dly ina tl c6inposL r I , c?rjirs0 not IVL ITS tilue do eii ag tioll vor ...... eann 9 I I �n rin I n,,#,t. I n do esid - ------- -ot incidoll gmon.... f L I . . leo CQWS..��'. 2 25 If courtob to,�, 2 4 afiliter iv� ut-Trtilv, 'r(1 tis as t .11solne, - ir , rho�, 'rretr*te6 tiliair ste 9, do 1bulb ...... ItiIla s �,6 ra g oul "011'!!, Elio wit 1, e.ju a P, I f 1140011 v' the tin�e. i'111Y -.rech 'ill' Feeders. ahorf:A� 3 511� 3 Itle ....... 3 to, ot tile, it is 1 Ifer ees Once ti,e " N i er 02� ered' �Lll It iiinningr,a 3 �a4i, h. at lniosi 3 13 do d fCont bj 1, _I d, e6rding. to 3 her feIICL I)JI, -more upon hor paper. It 1',I.d e igG 2k&j t, 3 t Stocker* I W) to "Tjjorid:,.­-,'of ity illroxv n4g oo,over. Wlt-lobs, and Ili all plcuS -had to� 3, tAa �061 3 ;t tit hare th6 own hlf 'tile ....... 35 09 �.Lo'� 50 in* egii n L, jilork, go�l alHick uowe% -,a- found a.Ao t hist t) d K? :OyOr to INtf), lound was ment .',%vile 300, to 3 n. -is seti' S 15 :90 who. saved -it etinie fi-OZIlr the_ of, tha'alis for' 'thi� 111:111 V�)­�Tlie sound ti'lis qqes- tle. Tile. d'otrctjvfj s dej)Iiee'ltlng-� W, - t ............ 6 70 td 0 fatlrarls:. ire. 1, say ng t To, 1, Oroomt 11 ntil the floo r or, titer search! it Hoxs,fja� par: .,Site fittshed ra llorpq I 4on't propo'so to -lose sight. al'Altin nee !it b I O'�, �,s r 9 room 371 ta u '* 1, r hig to . Understand., what it, preservilig bell Itir to, "Q ir lit. See' 1%, '1:.) TliQ "Blit, not' to of 101t,ag. 0 bf tila ILn'd' 0 xv 11, jang,tiage- r out,: pWkV warinei b4o. at rd a ell. the (tiff er tlk On' ]-rude. llich nqw.�.The Sea v�. 8. -Inade upo-ii Lt Undeli,the Ihytminiber. llb "Ohl v uzit1 you got, a' ob,, eill t 11 IT, B nesb'-'at -Quellee, nti ng' like ust -like �pr 'Yeg� 7. �y q.1 (I I 111118t car s .18 C()ljjjjjg. tor ersQnR w to. or all -St6rnl, V la 6L r' b, 0' Wa11 ITI In -. woeki*� d' g`0 to, nd �iia% .10-39 articles cc -gon somew 1 y .nqW ;L,, ell _q� t)t I g' 'Mallani. I' Tani, on Aliel-ta- 111erlered w1t:ji,.!eNpacjjtlly ill r. 10 you Cal j tl, j) nf-,oq, oxio- tent! of wiliely. wa 1 (10. Bit L i o 11, A 'to: Stop WIT bill, iS IThinto have, filunt car it ie corner -forr' In b .Io 1!�f l� lcir6les;. at "US y 9. Pirtiffitlis-For Peril-' lit 6 t j�l*4'I1­U,'I!611,1-.` In" titile fOIlCjW_ 31 Ill '119 all( tile J)ay tdesert her r, ,,t to And dil treat b ou: Tth�ie, nd then. thu; �qtfle 'of pp ji rat ter quic since, tlit 6, turn 0 1 ay, USIjjeSS 0io' lind fh 10 riches ala. a 0�' '131 -OC 1,Ve liint&l b labor. I 1. 4 , - . I UII(*Lll b t t. as, rall ta Its I t. iclu� ay A Il t1lat ftlrer' -cl 0 K61 to a� omb?"I Toronto IaI IT; "OloSale T tile 6it)" not yet rupt buill.l. ra ind as, Tn thJ16 travail f; 1voll't �t e,Presi- Jesti resurracLuo' atilliiihtlij-e 41" " ' ­ h , , , fr ame ? T it"evoll 0 o s wear, a. con-' celigion, a.nd Ills power. to '!save mail 'toil 'Utilitarian it us no T1 It(" 1111, q9. Lilues.,of Sta at to - Ila goodr 11IL! -.N, e I po!O. gorrhn: I ea4 ink Jack 3 2. Amazee-In great 'perplexLty. Th Tillpri6es : " , I 'I 9 fiw, t to, cotild 14�ot,r alt. tit. -h Ood world." Aaoe t' colitilitto St for',ul a. tif is- be t they' !ire I)' igolwd, ilbollf flo rs. till e wor(i. rpfi- rd fliI to' It lit- Int"n 11 niock!w� nioa�tj 4 o to (,a" rest is, Drown, 8,:,p lleic!e�isary' to Slinc 0 Prices. - must kjI,)!jN- ljo�v to do t ir a Ilit itt,­no,you rid ilvllle.. Titere, is at -rnilltoll, this Week 11, re thaf in I -nd, peo- 1.11j, 2a U I re I ''Call unf6riii6niedt jittee 'Ofrr the it ill rpt,'I'1111119� It ni )ro,. datrek'S ism m ter or. N�o t)io'.I)Oor fellow a dc�- grape, I.- Les 0!1.,tll(, part of tile filspect. ra ctive f word ofi. thatik.4 'f�r sving my no Yoll i!cll. was, not; ilitoxi(.Atiljg�'�but. okliv- i oppbrtuilltv 'to or tnis z)o S aid J�tck, lifP jjI,,;t ails be forniq, S,.rof Coul :bM, 6.NhIlArating.' Ortr a he Was. 'earning; his ni-ii f 0 tit-. -with t il.. Avilio" ;� . I . rr i -I lr, 6,1 r A - - .. lttdiAl not n. hD, mor�oiv�. Iwfol- tl�ie ig arge I id /6r ill. probabli, be tr it JS' tile �V �Y, pftj�:JL r 41t pflya,; think that of, coml n usy, time of b aCli n flul in, b Sermon.: of IT of ,14. Peter ...... said er's tit folloAvs With- an e I I'l t', t It , r , It jr � - XCe(Ij4gI v 'ni, PI P I s tow- -ds-t ie --P" * --ftreful '))a a. �Akl lit intl.l' aq. clo r a,nd J t was rpi 1'7,-�' t Ii I TIT , Verxigoaj,­I�Ild lim- -ire I- t Pbs -lit; 111�r ro" III) � �11' 0 t)j 'Ct. Ij'.j 14 E�j k DIng OTT -till C P "ert WWeek AN -11011 "]It, 'tr l),.V' ]low to ('0 �tjj Of.' bY 0�0'1161Y 1larken-Itnil6li U vOr f I t tt), st' j �6 To r IariRwerd. tj ly., "I by, 't li f;qj t I ffi:t. -ant- it b&Ve ell' t 0- Av:a.R . T. ngel tIla bgr. ;,,but TIOL FtX��.Of' r ku6wsjI1 �lld - ttfl . C, I IT ta he. Third tloitst not I hill t I,' tllo 'forffirt. 1 for lf -, I �.q I r 4,ij, . e( nian It;, I a-iru tT -16ck In'. or- -Ill be K o I CL maLlIning, 'too vai- y. to', be at St--,*Loi)a4L'that hina SIfS, and d I,.;, I �'ared 411 t e Wlit;16 ecI erfi- for' t I � , r' or I�e S 4th r'o' ti ` or lip bf tile t v A ry. wl. , iti. Sn v, tkAx .ix fit! drilik. 'till r 16. This 1*114 f, f I lit, f h'111 tori oit r tile. eannre t I]' n of 'tlu� prNlictionq of Me' 'Tj- senger re"urns ;lit, ILS.ro,,jd�, t IQ% .1 1 � " - " . lWr 1 -4 in to C, to all tO' fill !14 W IT 8 11vtor "flib 150,11se'. a oaw ro i1eitint, bvforo anAr i" and la',No kit. I t ch1lik It"IlMs .60t (Itioto. tile ,I i 1-7 fr bt, 11pol ..I I . 1, ' TT 1111'eared t t it jil (I IN his. Foa4 tilk It" . . Inane to It Iof 'Y' itr 't to 11 All AT -Th 41:1 vs (,jr.%:iL) gono fiir,i: T'. aluost violulit, oatIl, If he'll let "I . - f th(L tJ;lekto retlirv* sontild?I? 11 !Yiou biiri,.,tJ IT tile go 00 tile Me, �ail, "tile n I f".; f litIle it.s§ IS now 1,40 tl1) w 10 CILI1110 I tran8pirills that 'Ilk I t OW dolar miielt. b(A.ter."I i11 is O�i� st At w I I I t, or t niorhl to bDl r tilo., nil, " 4 1 T ell- r liftod Ills. si\, v 00r,,Ilrpd WWI a nvj t i lie iOil ffliIf tile tn tIiw IT oklt"�qo-t Ili! Vijj�4 Ito) o I at dtb& 8t -wjtjj,�Tj't T."Llflitir',4114-t; I by title I L L . ­ 11 ' Ire Ity, 'j, 'I 'IT r bit' Co Ito pilb., ITnutt. lit fift.111 d It -gtrioarns Illy sliti.i.. of! its Aliuh� t t I I , or or tile lzocIft%­ slso Yo (,it t., - b t t t'rad .4 tUrnM t to' at 1C to., tit or a mvine te) jo �j­ , - iy, ".. f 0' 4111 '1� L �j � , _ r 1r1lilIIIq0I bfoo wi.. lit el 'Inlify a Tit' te *ill, W.' Cwtvibmt- F'Orli again. Tillor Ili. lild r rt190. l0 S, ior o:f 'ifte Alotl i I C :��;d " - P o,m 0 v, VI, Co r 1 :1. siont; .... 4,< 11 a,: 1hin See 60finit; oil Ill livr It itto. ri� r I1r T k-1; Of jhoj�. S11OWn"ll :I� it oil 13, t q -11 aid ITl`:bdj310 fb I' h 6f lj il.k r lnw?Iv thpro r -d' ant titPok "vefy, little to bl, 'this 8 d,lon the UrOcl e AbC01`4 Oal6s' oilCIO rafor Inbi1r,i0f ri. 109 it0 1;I. t 11,1, C 0 tb t (�fropilllilti thr, 4 itTIV, tit, N t, V. t I I q ilo�v . r , 1, 11 of iof 010101rhiql', 11d, force r r t !t 1.1, n, pe'rth IT ljtt($ jLlti" ItiStill, Or or thitig7s odiild t+�l t6 'of liti If I,, IT tx t sob'd for L T)l t to tillC t or. 0 ll�ls tv. 116 a rests TTIth,4P :i 0 pl, 11 it Ito 6)r )I tit) nirli 1) fcz! t o t tile r ol Irr p r oA *1 f0'rth in, Ili(' 1;=, t hot, r r' tIsj, ol, I, mlni ilont or IT n�N ittihe WAS iltifil pti6nlL r ra ON, -A--V4 W on TO C ?LM e 6 7 ............. .. ..... ....