Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-10, Page 6PI!,11111 PIPE 21 1! lj� Ze ............ NWIR 1. A W75 7 �� 7 M `Z 7 ",.� .77 T 7,7'77 Z-77,��,.", 777,�,`­ C t + $AN J 0 S C, KAE,` 44 Wf -DEN Vjj ANJALK =7-- ll�o Fit lipe I H41 YX ING �OT,1,10T, N;K-5, + + iorp i A I a e to proWlbly no , I -t " more 6,g�j T4_ ay otter, ��Vho, Escaptd Cl" P �S We" 9PEY ", C 11 ir , 'is, ojtig PC; b jitin tll`� EP -Q-0 p rowerst SON whi0r, lqlost�, r nr ol 110 11 it 0 M said all "p, is pot to jitir', tile, n I q .�'j Rapp= U lk- $qntp' Alore,qr� LIPS$ Iman -t efforts flave, I pth, ay., It ta decifle w1i suddenly bai't �nt, 0 a, A - N Widel"Mik (it D"Iltroo, I Ili �Ap"e& �f thkir deSLruyprp, but�1h,,,` fiuc-* kj-�- Ill -1 should roar ivtib 14uglter at _11(ipeteoii tittwp t hei peq od has n�ot,j' Illpli'lit's, 110C ftv,,&Uro� A 4 jug he Dr. wIl1DtbQr'I, .0111'OURI be YPA!Y�,�LllgrV;, s iiaer� Aoteivortiv, Pays tile Way ;Io to T, Ile i,�� or- ePowi.3 V 0. oat of Si3leiltifle' Amerlo.Xn- Mr, 16, ac U. of 11 hadi to -to tIvxt I, -for �ry tt;,Ajl� 7 4 fruit roiyer of Loilitiloe, 'Tor onto :d -81 '-Tile ,a tii6cep n, rep r cot, olip, 40, -a Is: Invent -d tgn'b a, position It e tit now Via inClaontr Dabjes an o:uf tto bojw�tllat call be �clalmpdjor iL� ''tile roy4, .1 W e4.rI , .1 1 1 ptilobi wile, I or 4 e liv., in' One: qay 14;,tj,5� to Avay'into tile., T -Proper y,l !Ie,, 9 1-39: 4-6eks 496;, i�, still IV. stktij,�q ;arlzly�ever m h 1, t It t prittyloyp lt�'F d t',tre, ato proepoij by: Wh.61i the foodo lie, r 61 weel;s nng the bell �Oung. farmer 0 a essentially country, hucey do not, thilvol 4F the m4u. wbo- -4s 0 Irightftilly'briti- of If 'th til3t mineral ';ell, '-Out urpr4s, early In tile morning and: dgma" ba�jawoodO About:'th tbn0j it t a dwigi -'EeO hI0A)rOt4er, King Ul tile woen ol Am Out 014 AVII ter. VIC mlileral, oil Is prayed Astic lka, oWer6� A be lVd d upon 1 4641 hiq'�kkngdqm: to and contort'e slift 6' Mossa e W."'the pit tq ginllig to, aga.1nat,'t ou uuja PL anomalgiip ervarit-� tool; . man, He was snatched from, MIS— trees, by means Of�,a, pU'1111), ion, dutj , dI , '''' , r " TIie*o1l7spr4,yjijg'ja tbbp,fo1IoNye0 by iieed a little, tile inddleal: im our ma;lago, pqrvicoil, 91 ng. They, mationg, of Siel4a, g,to, 10 thom, proluis hol and n , j : hoe had t "to love,, dahtile caustliq- ik ;Olutlolli �tlp I Piled in 0 bo,e4;.oue t io greuto§t supe, he, has URP OId to ft�_614_ caue W�ant.W er, -0 nuor ot hy ciinada� evq� UPC,, tic ljy t .6100 Sects. that! lnf ot. tlIp, agaln: ir�ing.,� Ao, escape kq;' v but P and Ill It I 170 yeed, otild, angr Mae io�ry E; -Itekly to take it.i InsteotO s d 01 14 Mr, W denia -has till 414'IL'Ohl'threc, to oigh bo deadly afraddi ssor� , b CZ When' IICL" W lur tIL6 sen Lion -of tile SighT, of one's �Succe once, wA 11 061. � I . . I'll, othc; I In to t ou earki 119, C'ried,. 'Wildly; 'It ipmit the er, 4,ts,left 'him' -I his or turn td ro. wdr14 "because ANN am BaVarlWs. than the o Iter. OIt after the desirel,ond, lia-6 been-itt- �taniping )its foot me, nd Sho 6iaV1 to 16� A 1Lborratio. Atimes this ex I' 'ti cel tion;, And futurp king. tudiVig:,,better look�out boy,? Ie4vingVu:Ujhe.,!q,' in 10 alle., a "titalL.1 would,11"Ot notice I the deippt;, clue to, t! 6f- lllq� tIns Iiiinlillatilng in on the"oll. Nj 5 ersists In %I. lIf, b( the ibro n t eeth, fron ta I bury fits oarcass durij; ite But, I plo, Orgligo A und'lojlago� of the'trpe. oiI .. 11 Vid M' fbir C �'$�akj :110 ngn, ed otopp, u pi�ljl qso� about I Ill, 'of tl) tiWallin, w -as in.. as -.I'[ You must Opt utter� 11 I -of. anything. ',like y n :1 g ever Itorsard: Will'Oulicedi W -ld 1'�4bsolutelY � - , " _�,_Tl t b obr faR­ In m a.� sa Ja I I& St 161loaxii to 1, o.v or _y: C, pit hey dr&b :As.N t�d�,,,Tt�rtilAookitttlieVtrloii,4, rcturnlng,�redson, a: fact it, it was tin I- c6ul(i It it W 0 tile 11hellwatii A Ormet toc, perstiadd tile Clean out! or y to, 1:61 o: . t1lb fill, -a" hilst%6 tha� tile audl- Ito anb System You rsu )a ant_: to re wdrks;,add I to U music, USIC it o�Pbuble-br6a&ted C Cots are uqu- iinto A Monte U" an in tw rv6�t: Sl#tkespeare,'. j and Ili if and i§ni"lied'tjllqgs t� ak Several timas �M'Ifh.rain I o'" - a's mad ruler the Tholi;t many, o ie freak -shaped t d lia6� rig traitjaoket, and-'O� .81 ght' 40-11W. IYOrst, at- a te6 or BAvarl ,as , t f, tj Nhatio to: onl�' tier head. 11 t,,Oroll, f6urth to, hall po oful Cott-�-j -tits - Ila lielt. app P44. �i -lop: tion, Put 0:n -end to his tail, g�, he Come now',, �94 Coat, Sir -our id ItIj;�'4­VOiCo Of relat64 -probably, WAL��repea,' Le. words agaia' u ill e Q9K anee,.It Isi.,safer, tu, prodioto, in �aby'so b6ttid three or 'i'v '6 t ti b LitY, evorted sniy 'them af. L %Ua 1. 1 tw t onat er. me. were out '01 shape, tll� toes, -Ly jacket with 6 -IV in urpd 'poltiting :tho' tit I e.dil) back and fro 114t �V III b �tbf +tL- ttv= 'study to the report in blouses,. and., tile dalu day You wiff's 40 times port see i; tho did so and tile:, bride -did me the least �'and, liek." , j do" a most, w a ekl v'-�-'h d-ffo .,I vaur nd, -cotild M it tingL .' tits foaq : " : ovei and� wa� p prvernefit.­ For' Iartist- e 4UItrzi 1ur garment ad :the, s are. 6olublu parts IM ulull-!, ake.. in,er nn 0. If had any sugges ion uty-;ho gave me 'that wd tt -he, i,ad 'q- d6w` I 0&efi, from alf. i lifelio*, act Vh6i iirev6ribn L� cOm6 to t4ko­ poor, miapla� was plaped in'bed- a a JoW did -was For, I earria.--e W�Cari fur� h7 ze" to Sl"g- ttaspbo fu ---ac 0 A6w Y.Aier ottop,-hi KIdne.VL_.'PiIIS_?_­. Mr n C me's 't best.., Asked., after --aiwilue, fell' list bP.- - - a 4he Sing fil-8 -for fiib�: fte-1 Fa,do -.es Lire flowinj o. craze thil;d ti :,, but for' thd �lved,.iiii their. Mi k i Coat sleei t6,viard ev6nin ''he'c"6d: fijsi,njaje6tj,! said anottier In- rrtot�fier, �ihe "late -Queen, Marko, 'and She'only:wants coaxing.! 1A,. heighbor,'61 mine lkfrs�� Boyer, htr6et ihey...ar age, diis nf lUdstle TUrstenried, 1 "he br;�' 0lot � him -� an In natit 'got: mo, to, try,, thoin. wdi4 so to thrown, . � : sort"Of a cpff,, bishop fasl k �,and 'exe aimb pay, hqr,� but . coutinded� heir itiliffa d' tartly`- - -6, so 4 "ry, �thijt He 16 if - Y0 role,matle to We 'Plain., �rouad ;tit =6 they war 461eadeli of ther orch6atkii to dround.� his Shoulders 6up$r6 ime§ IF "I.d, rombitiber,' no one had, his, negjl�,. tho, Same thing; over a e cur ng mo.";' 1goon ih6w lb,gieafLnoU0A- �i 11c, jesty mig, nor,, orce ve hiore.' I r. I.. . I r Ail � articulate sound, APO "crlba',,vour] ep�­ present' Mink 'and sable t&U14 ail6l the best� a nd'not a�sylhiblo rwbelore.Act he Said to t a thiaA 1e qa�t: jup'iw b'd' k Iwaii getl 13 neY 'ha:t'deco�aflonjn he shape'!of: fur. ing power, If., the Mother fi geo.." I T ng weary of 'ft non- health and str(i g�tlt* to Dodd's Kfj bot4­eyej9�jastqned upon: .7'tne, . .1 1 1 `i or,", somew.i� ra, . . 0 I lit per- I , 'Pill, pped ouV'th6---.yo.x *ery- 1f,m r6''fur be'jik6d,,ICt It be of .11 'e., door for, two I long hours, and *he'll 'Milk not riSlf;4 t b0t,'protiouncing cach'�L, word suddenly or do.' L11. it liadn't',beqn. tlje�fjj[jost real Chin6ijilla or real baby,' t Halevy's e, t n itim-- In,v- tho. same Tim f6r,;'Doddis 'idney.*Pills'. I would be lamb:'(broadt !j), after waj tin" l'id t, li6tgave L ye, I attended� at a I J$rcaa all has -bablyi-111IC-ne n pr ce, ids'—, thi� last: nig Ou Y' ex while seal I vnd c=ed 'are L nelidtitingi Whole- deemed to stdrtle li�r,� and .*I qual ld emphat 08. behavior, toward, his'PhYPI bit' will show in'iflett c eal gs,are!dt 4. I I 'Mother 'ther r6pea Sable, or mink fall bindin nc oth monjoir, though L rapidtt� Sfi6"began v.e,,, h" clans has alsc� 'undergone '�a nii34ked book.!, '6�of';Iate. Aft&L�regaidln I ionor, and' A_Jertaci lelki Ab it 0 -11ii&thero1he,br1degtPo tier,. kly' 'butline lace collars few. c 14P 9 cleve ppon othir,, I ' " I � .. I k for tw.eIv6 or "Martha, you are'& I shar g 90 e. t �.Appro orpf eeE a e�ning ve quite jearg, never deigning: to gree iogs as (i fast "hing, Ulger and t1ib a en6o' the oallied., a-,, ta, C'. th6m; by' to which v ; I j : all dtu&lsts�..' vorit ter, jona5i' L _" _' j pa JILL t to "br.; c' an look. ours6, SCOTT&SOWNE, T6T*o,�,:,tan 1n.. Well;, Martha, -do _110 11 Can, use, -- e If6d 1 1:1. Milesty'liad'flulshed the now t brwn w just 10at n -the yiird inOtt t oc asl6nally-liste 3� t h 0 �on�ratulAted- teld:, L 2 , , -db,i�-n t reatm6rit. ell, w ond!sj)a fin ISO a nd �perfeC,t C.X�6io ut i6; What� they'hfiv& to, Say SICILL e� t loago- ecord-w &TIG �OR,B InASH-FOR4, 11 FXW-INIORRG 0(jj),jjR EAL ESTi 'WANTED_i. OOK one 01 Ight 'es-, n 00 the, erts, brlde&oom,,' Isho sitid Q Hord'Id 1 01 mall r ere it ip t I . I luum 86fidlesdrl :have ion a P14hig occupation. for the Seem to hear. him... 'of iijiderAduding,'A ek lie ent us, P Put'Xott Ill a way"to niake jod to A6 ceitr6�, of,, the, �r ad cash.pri our plun lor 11pi winter? e w good'-.!,afeq; We employ botil on salary, and :V Ug r -sh buyers, y v1pi , on, . . .... .. 6cbA6`Idn4ll aside."d, iti6li'ed hIm-wki to life CoInpany r o," -hu Tl a b "1:gallo r tli6 re olivandcheek with', 'the gnawing ok S Tl U N-W o7jifif1urriubed free;:` h th a our sid !Then lie e4ino��helrs oir splaildidly; e,iiiiiied,-itipon' �Youl don, 9qr,vIco,:.p. nouric e rite and Chase tthe n' COmin"diag 'him "to pla, atta4C U as to rig gi t O 6d then all wife'in, a twinkling, 11rothers Company, Nurgerymon, Colborne, f u I or j I o -,-doubtful upon "'t eti Ali -� the, opress: a..burst, a over, , �,crl bu A MADILMARK8, -Ont b r._ cured and -ex- 7-ty AD13 itnis qkenL relL enough.- to , enable me �to S lie morit when,, e lueumne cani a ame, or pro -easily ec. our. , ajest I - I . 1, . d B6okletolypatell RUIT PAPM-FOR SAU-0Nt 01r TIRE' Ln, 1. � '6 befor )I it is f3 ed L lie the, lillysich "It's' L chased.'as a kidneY 6siry'door bChJhd v; at KX=n9c and finve ut itted hiniseiLwith honors, 4ment Company, Pythian finest in the its Ijighly p 0 So is, no. ISO trotil you. TorozA o,,OL i t. ell from Hamaton.en two riall., C proprietors of M NAIRDIS� LINT ea6 Ug gain,' 1w -said Buildi Virftina.� 16 miles ll"deii1t Ways. 130 acres in all. 35,..qf whieh is in Or sales the f UIEN Inform uu.that tit ace ontitte ­ �- m0qtIypeaohe& Will, be bold. in one-parp or. e� dismissed kapeAmeWter. 1patti Still a sill-er heiAN TAKE divided into lotqof�15Lto JU,ares ._t t and'L The! I ,YLbar &011 Para, . t�IiIGHT Boys tc suft' pur- 'be considered This I Sat. down- a ]?,'&no I'the and, money arwr-Achool Farilplea'. oUtfit: and thundered,, "'h, Patti, has :lost '. none of11JPil Ftid decided bargain A lars'sent for cjho= ible :§tar supply, it Carpoater aria r larity 16 Lonidon,�, and If Ir. C, _1 T in 'tho,'Iltearis ofAheir coan P-1 5�vmg &--piano u O�,B -,159, WoodstocZ 6- 'd 't t I encomiunio of -*bre, he vr It e o Y, judgo, by, the' trmen, r h 0ahts6e, lint last,, n'on'e of the jit6k. Th4t� tlultL has. 'Mrs. Whifflows soothing h1rd in AVItfi, I C to that 110 ste'ppe4.,beforo to gvii. her,worldivide rup Abuld'al ry "ling. it sooth s jErtat wa be used for ebJldren teet io...rage. g1j"L" e, D I se, ft ue� 'the looking- ft 1or thX az glass, � rpg d d t -Ites hild 'OMAN-AGED?i S CAMS &LA)ie W14199 -sqme_tIWe,�_and then kICK91 —P -L-0 of fibi iin'the 016 _&softeus the &P'uinq,, cures ind colic rr VQV146 , U _Ad_,. -bek-remedyfordia jicea��Twcjaiy­ keys, *Ad 4LIter t fl ja ire cents a bottle. wrecking given for enarl less into .possession of 111;000"wishes tocorn�, od n an'otUar. Qceasion Otho Inform ..... ..... who i�;649bd hAnim 0iI!tinU4Bd,th0 endeiing of e e)i� resonth h $and& di Ithak—i, -- W U sea'. 0 -appreciate a 'k .2L thnu iencea 'ell, 00d Avife.' Box hold' the Va st P him wia quite, II onchis on der Toronto airmlass uniess.it be 11 11 , , and ,at:Lthe C me-' the' �Gr6at 'wits n6vorLcAlled '!F44tin everytj LO there, FolloW %,jig reach., iousoLt:: physiclaiis: 4r See Home".- C Of sullus Caesar "8craptiljyj IY6101tin; arrived on. 'said 7to re.gard'the:,khig'as-& were or' George honIons tho�&:exir -SCHOOL. IE he was tearing, the ',striugs o anima, teven though 'in their' reports i ONTARIO 'Balttlii eorg r. Naliolobil of in C as G e (I i5peak,of' N� iost;' Uncontr61101 istrumeiLt,'with,his teeth. 1hey cah, him. voice -at r6 wnlcn Alme., Patti, ,An And' i_h,gliest, - ' Volies and gain th a re Ids mad praiiks:ms !"a tOR, Boy—so d turned o, nehinowledge tit ation, erlie.or erea s LInImen,t Cureqi.D Otemper few, days lat th TURKEYS __ai.ert.'Of� Wildeli' he she receled,%.but it4was­no Hi' fill 1jzjm!1 ton with. it She vas -no Ig . e > Wh Lat 'Court llasl`plir� Ic ill - -, . ­ _110,so!b :attendi hd�Sjlrlg Oujiull 1. 10 + insane brother. sued� ever since �j -aloived the,-mad- _t.4at,--, hee-amir. rs,-__3v_er give--y-Uu -It- --RUGBY.-a d -H -A -IT U NTT -D­ nv. or tit n ;EBU m W - "u wfg-t6 -be an JL '11, the staff. 'GobD,FR9xcn. Mme. Patti,was.looking r a & In the y'ear,1655j and--ne ibe spoke, ro her lovely dit der Otfio. Think of jt,�, OtIlb'si; trait, witk egnificent'lluilding (th&`,.66]uo� f -engaged and, tit&, -throne ess spark the youthful Sclon III it once,,not)16. *0 will par cents per'� e eni, tte Imj ,And You 9 entertahi -adorns tfiePcoins of J j seemed to, Ila I;Olup the late Senator Turne0), stn& wieveral d 11'urkry house burbed�)ilq f -beautifuLtrounds-extend r Pipokc tho-- -ent -c urts pr nouLfij:0L 1%. -tit hands Ing. 'posand to uppqlntod�hour er:-thati-ever.' p Of tho'llioUnton. We' b 0 y ^Ppre it Wouldn�t vo.. Con young recruit "yo$ "lle draft- And - groaned 'aloud said, 11 kinds' and i or swears illeki�fice to nitiolir as ..I" -�Ou 'Splendid lion�61crUoilt'ird try. We li ii*ht, find 'Pout ed iox j9ei my', dajrlirig�. fir Vo r altar Apply for pros ectus to the UcAD soon it VV; 1 calls - t ' io si ' .61 , . 1. cannot subjeeV send check -or order as 0 d` 0 diaurb inger him, lid 'the 1;rit-4t a:t thci� e oked tHGW'S roultrv­ qye e.ve,th of gold'.11 e'� -1 -dD,%v-h-_ o0, �&Ira igh y a grace re a -a;fice6 woIlld' e6tail on J.: if. C 'SON, X-A-� and. ben6 We offerL lie pent eircuinsL. hi A by� My r o a writing deaki' lid pfc"�-1 th L 'at cnno ke w r case of Catarr I g '11'. Catar,h Cur.. 1�ate -6 n onset ;6IijanCe'6f (IL 'Three'_wbekSr.Ag0j Jr.' was twe negatfv6L t sellolait I I dr 0; ean'S COJJ�CL ntile" rillserhble� Jricli� And 'pru-sperous, h' u C C06imikslon Illorell"inta', poisled o. anibildgo.,- -hryA6 instrdbtionS) otlio,, . or tjj6ut the I gr %%. I . 1 of' 'a e' n, -F. J,' large ''sy ndleate that'iny father had., London, Ont. io'earato. be .,&tt.t,6ff. we lia:d vwretcli, kadi I e, the unders -y al 5�' rs- n -.ali4Ci7,�IIV-irtil.-on6.�.f'6Gt�bil-,tlle,�g, -­'Chency-forthe.-las _boqueatjled'��td hrid .1 1 feCti t, addrcs�iOi hh4 Petl lull for' -p 5w7him ai' 'fth th honora I amrdiidAntima.to torinfir v t silly killed "Pig all here. per' erar- r' r' r' rl a,' property s, (I ar ari* pe -�mp Votillng, It:, Seemed, Stood In CkI bet , o lie I o lunatic.7 aor juietL tlo d ifiln Zly eir r r t.ons 11hy th 0168 to, 1, tile. ay'of 'kUCC My COnfinited: atteta WEST, w C S Otfi6 pt Is now in hi:4 firty,fbll tit �Ytat- -Ili ., 17, le 0. w h Kyn L- ho)li Apt 2 uddefily, bo' d'' L � A ,Uroo� Itroll ed, Ije 1. - were' lbi G" & M U h 10 r, man;,46t, bding'allow" V� all over' oate tooniied in Und t �the poo, u0. ressf kilt ijo* - til.c.piou, akened; qu'.ckly overs!-adaived. nd nb�v houtig 11all'4 Catarith'Cure is taket: all,31 a g jorag gloep, "Vas: in ving bel4n,' obliged �to'�SCII 0 U, ilu t tli,6' ijest ;.appened,. fr6ljIL it, Ing direct,,ly upoll the. h1bod' at all My earth file face of tinjo feike a. th6 Fyi-teni.' Te f tdre.. Vor. Price.75L per bottle, , �501(1 1) fsiqrfi� aln(yurit, OdiY,10 the lWtrry.' uni. oncan't- tior.,'erstand ho* a ter its o%vii (itstinies in it Iti tile 'tile thst, fifteen otho 11all's FhmilY Pills %tr. his Side r 1) r o, b t and f Ol her know. Of b lin ee­a ti;runt I. n 1) IIg all -,v a b�nqitallds J �n, t t anfillUt(A 'tier in: Spite 31 Wd ablo V I it d -j 0. S it' 4"It, dar she rugh d to i till, A ' . tr. 'r, t y lov r 4n& hl�, r to Ofill(- .!but,6 A� Swarm 6 courtiers "tit retIL At arms r( 0 n a Hharp ear ., I o f (Sj3'af0Ajj 17, 1 tits ootbut, otho oy ancount.r.�,., CoUl't 11, __o llv own, , to fight,tum- f 1 %vould '011 EARII efront.,, Sii6h 110 tifore�than a ightl 'j Toro iiti) in it4l, t -Or til 6. nary Jill Int(t -118-, � L 6stod, 0 llIWSY, Kin it !in, fror� Yet when 01,110, frol r Iod0p'IrtiriVe 11 ay. nIr. Ite, who" I �Iio h �tefl for,ript I - from Nslil�61­t lie, is stiff0ki"k go toe, Ia116 must sce blo'�A �rk to ttmetr'Clireg G rge TE tho' oeakton hAvllt it .1 so 11njrd;' I in uSome of tllos(? %0io #OA jl�t tits SW lin: by, Owe it 'tilp fr6m i patriotic r m kD 4w" a, b� t t I L Of tiLl ihnPbut' tile' with willoll way. e "e, to, yLoui TRW" fie lid bitigod, 50 e I he ling IT a i tat I to 'fielt, !. . , , I t lie 4ttic for a r�, god fjjT1 1,11iiielart, At na ES1 ,ht a w6ir I Pad.. Ot b, the. -professor Win -of ilk Ing, IS re for dhat j'�, oil t a tier that ued 11' fain ) 6er iki rticic�--tlle' lah who'will n r abrre Ive -subb, ', affor when gj�rj lias money: n lot st Jr_ t go ainklIllaki Pe�ry DaiU'. "N.01 for',piJro pattl0it Is 'dong 0, CIjafig 1) t one p n 4, Cr es. Wrong o ass R; U 8; ORONT i pright: dealer �oiff,'q it substittit or tdvate,lthd E A 14A D IAN �sedflzn'�nt, onlist r ............ e6ni a'fig (10 So, of ottink man Mn who PR 'Vou s, Who livi liproftated Kt'fN'F of 'sit asr, t�l I I I 'VV Lot) t An(j wl. otlier, i�hq -we CA ttlhg lRl. WWI Of li0opt, Ktj loft ",If] if entire mfr6q f ()m full g� r inNTs, s! %f e AMS, 140 $ 0 tNo L.tA bur Ut YQU oh.e "Of D D ots explairiing qV Cie to gulbli c6n aim 06 fe'rin (,T to beriven DUKA TI i TE Ulel ltr 1-,,) not V rwill 116f, d, lori it r[6r jo_�the I- TOT i -,.,: AIM' *On est lb s YOU. AnB 8 dh. "61 of P tif", zi i o it Rn n d q wh rtole Very- tetoe Sfe b.4r, iijj :first cian's North, Ath,e k 0 a ms fl,41fbattlos of to' 4sn't 0 ri II'l 0 t n M iind. b rrfe�oo, tile mr, jr A "'V AfV�"NfhltTtL 6 r illy 'or 1j; U f i I i t. ri ti 0 t il; . V� *�nu�: j" . tor) I'mokution the I IVES I AU6 for fie', by' wig N4 oil n' oll Wo 'SOZODONI tor�Ljfi' inflniehVit) Ill, T E OTHERS 260, Y. ALrooto I'drontd. Ciii,