Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-10, Page 4a= �7 TTM, 17 17* FIT, 'T % n j it* t 4 =RIM and 'Misiies Agnes au'd Lain W, Affiff 060", 40 k a q arcd 049!14,9p Webster hsve re ri�ed ilt F t,4, Five I Ww 0 L, he, u 4 d QX 3g, 0, few .1-1 ee�a with� frlendz�j-� :Caine to, mu L 4-0 I . )tV*, 'iaitioitj, i(iti, Ash 0 UMIL'Allip-Ta AxQ1qz �i� 7, .4 - I 1FP �it -04 ft"i v6eklvi PIA ANP .�PRIPAN 0 Fqr�up, tot& and Que.ph. e)d,' ini or aW jutiv: its NO G -eand jagib-)joth toax d Thp I lier��Is TO, TH* J)tC4TE* kQ qW ueafl;4 to. rov,�, <pe her 0 -04, Thelmoathly into ing 9, 4y aava '"way, V 0, Pand was Iel fit the 610,6�09' E$7 pow. KOFF.-, & Mr., David Todd, sr,'on 8uad&�Aast-, if, ug:, visiti ID ley I I : , I I ? MY s. Thcmas: mas M A -'Sheep' Eat b -'r -.Ol� 0 figared out lot 8. eaate'ru'd' --ox' litield, P 64d Thou. C c4eto*tbsprewins otitbe I t O'svetagq� Valtz tho dancer Qalturie;'Vhb f nCis k, Vito have be(," 0sitlia- under on or about firlit i)f Deceqib�rj, tjlrtu�)v bito rou Pook S ar e, quartPr's, P T mojay'an4 CO ta rot) 4wav- ajid' returned, to Goder.' it the, P ep Point. ":an av hllI, er it, Mr. goo 7 RRS D.AAT Pr6clam.14 sb"t e& nd childi0i. 61 Maukdbii 'ie sPe, in coup 01 0. POP q iil,� with, Mr..Mille�r's, STOQI� OF F]WH GHOC am RcOw'D Kial"Ps. in, the County,. of Bruce,' hemby, A'$ jV counzil ot W.'T a,, Mr. sud�!Wrs.,,. m. The Mr i mop,*eath'qh44d- -is itr��jaiqi th�t, AN be46ompulqbv.oh till, persov­� f (in a visik A[ "WAY --statute Y� uy Pepou. 'A %vithitk'jhe�; n" t Ing- T)n ithe abive irill be nd I t rUM A ticANK HEN,[' , R al 'their posts, eFR eove. Tbee 14h ri led i*,hu d h 'be 6 the Iait & it redsiam re was,a, r -E;US ,,A, TRIL ie- GINT -etaught y. from' b �Vded York,, 10 of Aii,yeat, moving, 'T' der tly fpP1111 �Cri ii�' L, " I * "t , r I . . I . 1-11 , A$. P.1" KEF tical, y. en 4t, d 'I'lae augineer, �te emap e T"d 6611 be.ieceived ev ersi �iulinmg at ll 0 Up ar. e ill 6 b , r e *ith .0 1 1 . e, f li li b&v I I be ng.64Q up, iind,­wh6n AN 1w h d ru t6 old exclos. EWTON'r, 040 see f eatd. I or -further" la ond tQ ap0y. to particu rs G.R_OC Jos� E diiate n dentistry i T6iX LUCKV Geo. ?ttcRobqrtq I' Ch ,&4 re D f Kin ose we uWCo116g6,and oct:or of 10 Thiiekiberry 6 j &Oteam-roa crou., A :1 OVln'o, as U80% friends,her6 this weei. d fulress W 00T�ixiahshili ffi6 'in Ai�inlsh 66k ---------- engine, 1 3 ohn &I patrick lost a valutibi grazed, the rest Of his foj;eratiowan care Whd r oa awpge i, have -4 e 0 sexes of c oice fari4 andii aftetiloo I H d1icti staring,eype, stone qgsu arin9yery, foe sale: in Mrs. M, Sh4ekleto Ban iO, 75'100 150 and 206 acr�s; lqt4, w,'Jersey euginebrS K. ,'Two el in Biuce,- inAfeefiL : stric en wi sola Chba irotbers'; bive With good huil4ings to �,bti T) on, easy ir.o'party against 1. W uumeruiTacol7da term4. A iood saw mi?) far sale, alulost for 'nsure j,our 1 I Yeisvi 4e by firpi in the old relfiible, xati4nal and KIXTAIL Is' d kstilith tu C h is " Hurowand Ashfield 46wnships. God lauds h � re U th: mu wit rh t rn but Bon. d ing. in connecdon) doiz%4'a good. business;, for ir(.4n He Cquilianies, low,.rated,, and, puric ex ale'cheap.. A, getieial'store with I&T&tr6de,' I)RyMenr rk it. excep!, Tjae,slbigbin' tW1r:w0 9, in'.this pait: live, vilhigt�. '_Alsa a 1ai-geamowt ofin 10 -to-Inan"at, 1viler: a - urtb.�v% part�qula" on ystr&la4ng on eir nor -and ce lqnt 4T.8, CT 0. lit! U w.' Y �a'r's: aPPIy to s Th 3 The ba giveni here, 64 c avo �the rest one. Office.- Tow ^y cx J. A.. M— RNZIEs, �W aquI 0 Insurance Agen and "iu 4* 4fte 'in Savda, thdae. lit aid W night .,i- I�olylfoQd, notraCtita ly to "poet did . .... . ..... be 6d'I I jau'mia6rfro 1% distance;Wing t nt 'oy cause too,� isthe Miss �X. WhAr Y ls a pyese e b Ouse thn .......... d - I I � `.' L '" - I' "' i t1i 'f"-- h 'that,r,of eu -poA 4�y§ at or�hoine.,. t �i , n'z holid d,.Cd f6r'Sa'l MCNA G-E F- 6 are,,: §otr", earn put but: d Tame, owe neor �qred�, Of, a b_1 -th-( �'jjey _AND ruiStirdog IS on ONTARis ASURVEYOR jjr� to a atillion, or.xm, five roomi,an kiv hen: I ectl6n, with, je iS,b1jLlj �Qk rid Of ' ti Ther' or: a- S'peedy"' '-I _O '0. 4._ 1 ­ - _L (if' bat hope recove yj �SEAFORTWP- -'p is, me. new ,pieces of� ' r ."� - . "f " , t�kioitleely2utzij qr�lqard mver failkig spring Jurc asi, Bf& secb efore, Iisti ast Week or ;,W avel 's a] h Lenaa,? rpasonis aside, thet e. is, dang Dr' E for In. Seaf orth: tbcki r in Suvday,�pteAtb eu to I eau property, D -oit� wh6ke he M US. WIN 13131',NS, -Lituhnuiv rr,YOU lonie' iSowick; Calrops, Et6. �.Qeiiieut Side- ffirnito 6 fb OWLnS ip rab &Weis� in'd � T b" D as y e. e, t giaduat,6� couis th '�'tieS" and -Iat6st desi(y g. very �day pos t ud1rolley travel D16g6j. L �egiven`siiecial attention. "WILNT, It TERM OPENS 11 ON f or the Villag6 of"Lucknow.,., can: b1111% ��.j .a ,tbe4*e4)k b0cauteof -0� ThA,drUft -\Ve �c 0 un Ot u 9 e t ontineh a e usuratice ., I E 1. 1 � I w e' for i he06uri bf ll- kind D nothinir', and' ty of:Hurou, � .!,:. � L e ork Mutal. DiArict Agent for New Y too priced and go elsewhere untr rance Company'. ,L. ar %V g0() jilC, toL JL� Goie ic ,betore oVell co see toibup To 'look 60,day1ttaid u, I d with tl�s- E Ili T1 FO or err j and, ears 11'suffere �THE AND�'TORON ]�EKLT GL NTIL OnIO one kind, of busiiie-i ejaca iort, given To (4 out Xg&BaS UR evera CtOrS'an .41" kill W k t S'' day Volk as a StO( t V. �no ryL both' ilig. that tivl�e I cotisahed�, W ARY I do d k t iroug 'by budhesa'firms &nd'buoinesa' �11)y L UUMU b t _W_ urn th t _C6 in, favor of ayg to t. t 'FOR', ON W, M In i0lic -recent1V ave bmole, ambition w". gour. a '01 - - ,;, ­', agar" L�felt mo e 18unday,' work in. Olay form', r than siae IR9 my � - � ., t� , E4RV.k e. on to Goder rp tbi' th' w1hil sen 111T a e heard 9 d &�Oil di's at'tcafi HE JAC t:yourremp le n d.. E W,!, d Get,, otir eAtzd4-,ue-: icb last sammir )iUcn OUR U BAR eo , LUOTT, Principa,l. �JG t Idi ur erves 0 your Ye eft)4L 0 ed,oner"J�Otjle' f " its w 'O.A.Itt ' P 0 ORA CH iER plurp a 'our 161 e RMNAS LEr, had T at Eith NakeA I RMEX anil betore.1 h 46 DEPA I' it 1� _WaSr a great, d lot taken. half ol eal a PleasiWe or E PATTERN better A�.FJU je : I.. X Dee, s0pervislon,_ an,d, thp V ken near k6l[4�ss, Buooe W, 0 not like,& lettiir At aD' is ubdor'e _bott eo 1come, "e pa, ibi�r. 6111V so 6tits 6*000, thery are we h W 'as - as Strong and !ASL' we cruaran ye t 110- V Iry etir' t is, b�§t, W-hile" Chistmas; 'eAtilig, &not OW A her, atohe round, o I f ! Ac y ur Mediclue-1-0 s vet -al dyspelptics in `7f 0 of sicknes�, weakness, 'Ilia ill ealth�. S. -to (1, 'a 1 nd, wishes a'r'd any taking, ighti ht.: Oulive and are atteriag esi ''libuseholA fatigues therti Many of t e counsel the ve o�rs . r I I .,y . I it,wiiihtho very, best results... duties h I& for no. ]�e terS orb Sjote, of &M , 9 Bat haii said' tra RAM , f r i10 A. LGIEW mAoAmf, decl, ne are -a . ee ii of tire nc�_ on W 64, j I . . 1. 'nonseme, for.v W in rs. 0 0 by, Mes di'bat those to. A'"rn; beautifulr colarred,plaft izzinessi IFF _11 L ons., d,ress I makin wakini, 'jaintriess, econotaies I fancy, i 0 sub-, iadd in, many �Worz. 0� S 1p�4pit4t�qri Of the1eatit 81aort� ey me ress druggis�s,� Lu nOWr ito doubt- —tru- es yet en Tie R";r cw � ! hands 9, --------- - - 'there si excep tons p , at , a in. t e, ack and d in hope an �LUCK ie -.i dark-'eirch) t re h co 0 i 11, d s6lutitly'� 0i Af d S, te. at under tU*ye 'e "Lafib Estr4y er t-ri Ug Pa y� fit ail LL :, I , :, * 1 .1 side ankrall'tho otho th lim , . I 1 -7 ojr a iundo'wn d 6' use ad�. Caine to. r tte, �remi�is of the und�fsigned, me 7_ some v a o7_77 lot 35, concession Way.r dressed -write you; I ist.of August's cross,bred rain laml).' �1,bel �Aljrfthcse symptoms*,a:nd douditi"s, d this� 1. � iditiois. on, or about thiF nee Ing,:' "awn W-0 rk -,is reqfitested standing er to, P-0:� pr6tierty�� Som time 'ago, 'jard ilvAe-result -cf.wpoor quality 1 '6 Wed and take him itway. §X!nr . , , ere a group, OIL BOYS' blood - �Clretijjtjonrq the, and aefectivp on the ei&waW� kNRY: MATHEES, Lucknow AN Se % es. tqg:- , - - a - L f,_M rbles�, '06ei, - ' . . I , I . 1 1 1 -4-1 t with knu�kfiq -up-Afie; 11111 -at I to and 5 & t�:ac Id eat every cliakliked line., an is head, hi o,", pr 1111111 and I by.mail frba '117 V,31it ca my aunibine COILL t ye, CE' R a THE: on !,StAi�dr McCALL CO 0 ime Dit WARD'S 1 �S Eu I "WIS in. our e.tri r yvit strik 0 'h US�TIC BALSAM, ''PIR. V _,10i half $W 'What went olf 0, AND NERK-PiLS shot 0#'tbe out 6rqemeb. �io Bret 6 tivit Us it ihie� roA f the 'disease b I riach� &-`;oldet on on whlch� monitinh cou d relia 4ndigy.a,sona foubdatii Soon' to b Id -the; weiglit rt�mLily L for I " t e au& flattoned bustet. tcomp ex i e�� out, th -get'brighi and the IV an fill oti Z e'n f ying Two q h are,60 atany t 'Editio I ve�tt� 36ck t tie hrill �6f r�vow'eid engt thetre; 'surrouinding C61111t t I putcbi�ed, the bat n, they Pric'e d, b", y I n wkt Ab bu ttie !ijlatL ell the �1;- going on Sfo �IAiAiiu CAOL 50.,06nts per box un them, an �e IL 4*ee. lia, tnph U 00 Office, 3_� b or­�-tonl TIOLilE jj.�j' PO Et� SAr Lemgtuou$� Oni I Ing �'O tr: 'the Mans ipe., , r 0 nient Aut enuauio bott e. 9 1 virgs e Cot -t in t� uedmei� e v1. AR malay %, case n estd are EW hdjUou published ft I M a t I r 2 a r 1) I % 'CANDIES' might ef si , B. tr ThIs 061i xi ON T ae. eaptel"i for toww, villages �N, OgOCERIES#,�' S S�s�d J'�. .. Ir s ld i jk NED Ve Cantjoj h�, "Westerti Jill d t' naL: tutat distrfets C CR Pr_ rogL I I s s and GOODS" O= W our 'L 1 , , % the beWSL' Up to 11 1 NARY 'MED C eed icleAr '01WE 1, 0, co Vk. thro' AN 'Out 0 t e sunshine an not % o who hb� B � each Oib6 f-�� tl e ONF9�ZTIONERYrj FLOUR, &FEED I CLOCK r NY. T^p.dan, OzA. 1� Includifig � Foreign Ej tC % MEAT S' c,' E !vi 'gri's d A ste'sA y h'and for the' t4tslc i�4caf ;in Iate peop 0� lid up-toi,dte. 1, in, and qe' v�for� theiii'. There ele, t to' I I 1 1: ", fi en low, tot gooOM five d P9 ft *'e Tli6 if thir fri p4ges on, 0 =n 0 U(ju e to W S & �lie jig L hL" t 'i6t, LEO]) S"YSTI A 0 ne� f, d it an 0 V T R *6uld bt tar _This dOtk' Oft' an the jo$job this lettetLr em p es for the, orfee. ad6f Frm Produce, IM 0 L W,lb Jtk4- 91 PUT oo& Chrj3tMa%f 1901�'r 'herlt6fifi" Fi4& .0 LO N' .0 1' 'T" N 06 eases: % Female' mplai '0,0 nob dhrjit 114poll Ing" % W Son 1�� PWL M4 a61d bY 0i ... ....... .