Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-12-20, Page 2AI 2 7 r r "Wo ROAR. MT.] READY "Chief$ J0 _'A - : �", :I- , . . 1'', 11 1 . I S, I I ­ " I I i I !t t M ARN OLARD Ou nw 4*06110. vrenell. N*vy: �I, ' , . - )u U loli VAfoj 01 ow t� ;,go 4,iui ., i i. or i Dec., 1 lout ]PON YdUnk,- ba ec t4Q 0044r, 401cl by' LOr -for Well a ke'd ',spawmag,, Tv 'PAU, I'l a '94rxotl ht, -tired � ine;g# From �tirho iidti i r� *h td -th U41174 7. —_Sci r_w— 10410 l*_ ­11_1 P06,11i- Dee.' X7,--,-.& J:, qF4 Qr­ Four 1�9 welak 00, M 't ol4nk, f is Motho opr, wiro,And jIgiully,44 4,1170: PIO, French (Or 41,oreor'e `dwj*r�_AeK Ujaclex, Id b OthQ, 41YkIla 41, the PjarpinaDn, 04 90 otho , P404b "Y EI bee Use. _rollago WAN w Jk��Vqrltgl;ljq. cli �AJW 0 Sirmt and W—TvIge, y 4, 0, wrl1IlW irw a I d -won�nd.i:-_UXe4_ -in- 1W.119, With, o:r is a;, frje�nff 0 mml $�—A PRCM YY F 'r t. _4 J4;" 0 kAW11 fR'0' gQ_ld' drag6r4s,','9M1A!g P140, 4 gowno Nvgipi thlo viontipon, OUEFAL4, ,,JUSTICE,' is T� - 1 1 ­ 'VAjo.ro'I;VeX,;1]3"."C'�,-'Jpg'p, or. one' of th, Ii Went to, tlii bath -,H 11,19 aq%,pO1lf1*d a no�op tp,, "qip"q� THOV qUi,a�,caso of other, W6 Ofid 11.110iorg.', An Toujono declarl# C 4oulat to,,, jit tj i"4mg ever D0.0, , TORT OF �T TPOPX, 1044 4110, XQUA04 44' A ISOU'rlet divided skirt;. Wh-0, is', jii,�_I�iii�l t W hglf-Past'�� tp'ploqk, 1w. -�cqmpja lip IR g: that ell, 1,104 ell leenug, jq, 4 a ... il Pec' 'ryl-do'r ajt,n4viii�l cc Peon k, _OeIII9,i 1111]o 4,3,attljo, se jjow� 44 the Provincial, CIPUM wag plue., 0144, 1304u,''Witiq 7 7 6niptly'llil 6 sq, Ito but he, -voui to 40v-PI(iPeO iia';Nq�r Neuttiniam; tWV xillik, alid 11a*O 011 bat es rados, w*10 WWII te, J,�;hi a duelL With ffOIA here. lia" O.eell OdUcatec" Public i n k SpIrIta' Of 4, Omer lultT ''twelve. luiles Pr 'of pe ur . ont.ttitip, 'him 'ilfter"J43149 It L., �A, yl wt a coars'ely 'Ill, F4111glAt ho . 1-5 �ft;'$ lod�,,%Iii so g4ysr 4! 9,110-0 3. 1 J, pots to Ve entered Dr, Ikendil,111a "046,0r, t4e�so e1t*bDt­ter 4,'pp ll r t4k [Ing' 4''Opso,ol'It 'be 'a ld. T Drbndx YOU119 �Urt, ibe T ga Went ill �p )OL 5, Ma, lin- r0q.g1l the NVr, Uw x1sitop,tgod, 4q,',h4d been :W48 at R*Wy, WaSL �or, Jia;s NVYe�,,,Iff , .0eird . Con jjrjpQ�od or: CIO 1 L . fu pp�g , �. , a an Ghnn6le 'waq rt'to�,the 1,119 y "Les Mari-, vt&, t Wt 44rragtied� jv� Oh fi, P41; JAIS: n-pinq 0 1 ill jp,; Aug. QjdQQ UPPIonle n'lid and e C' t1itn3s.". The Wfu V Ives It1q, to A Icei, Thd4 ult illie, 'the el �PP`741 er, 4: of qulgoclok,, 0- go. Rd, NY 14,11a Oil W OXI 6. to� the .-I.Att6rness with whIC149'. Tllo;_,10`_ d it e 1 8 one p ]Ila 49me �4 yea,�rjL 614, resp 4- Cjq a 4$, 4aijoe': it'll a v 1 IWA 4 4 blank,, Ontili Awaken lig, as ajp' inanwwa of the 11'4vy aro, n lig, to, e tj d pro itblei'' u '�vejy, f g7 Was rubbing. 41 t , I IL' � t, , � Ili! do n Just af a ad �ajnor,ou tqgl� ground tbe.,,'� enjr�jjco t �.Otaeked, and the libellous -frank- era Fom, I lvr 1 nbrin cor, I 41 :-Hill p 11144str.,, - . I . I 'of -the I e oIltside Cum 'WithOut U Word lo,fell over��. nt telP," A alight,' -w of' nay, nq X40 dOctOr's Office. Be th the "att6ndantoa - aiins.. t very effPc woo dra obotit ere, - W&F( lhAdq -to ro-v nd ansciiriq jet of wltli, ive,tilm, a arrestecij JiOforo ih 9904 �th, oe us surplil 28, amutlPment, loo, al ye4rSL,qld, tt�,nd',bas been W'tbq_n'q6Vy so' wtth.' 4, repribiand, but, Un6p CLI'aln. 8 i; _4d a Palf,; C IfO`*kOrQ oat-, Ar. We met 'WA I 111 , Lucia Jeld* that 1eb4 aPPea,`Jre` lizid- b 1 -was:, cajlod� In lives I len he L o -at It wa�s t tJ, befoo. �f6r ri SPaUldIQ9 'had died: be,, 01poll ULe r4,ser poarod: j6d lu aP- f00 4 q WO School, All r that" bg 9CU or� We liegp,,, countered., Sorr Vy jce,� Z 94irrios, to 11im, not the', S tIrV Ur to to Pun'Ph 'A Strgng'e' t a f'' .0. pa n 1r64b" rou.-li.... 211WIP4 ry glou if th W e T 7Of7,-tV077yia Inqu, 'Will VOU gl' llrw J beingjUlly, -Impressed'i oqr, called.juto cousulta- re I", replied I peroeiv, ro men P6 neso. of in, Ilthouab -,an eagar lie e. 4� ISONED. y e, fi Xlon� Dr; B(47 d Ito: W, U Colpon t e pfull � prPsente W B Lln:der Majo: b lQhaxd As , Pdrsued, tk4� jUgtLCG � .. ja"o 981WO1 case L of Ja0se'd, ONE WORA UAID, OAD R W S.-, F0 s4,11 nd:nr, R ed 'Paper reviewing, tile b6 -17 gd-, Ill m.;, N114,4- ks 11C UA 'Vill 'Pf, fore. them edical Amoolation, ja,�cci Dilitten, near F4 st, IU, 'Me see o h' 11 boat, nd T in thilD �,'Lausltz, iventlob at _Nciw: 'Westminster t calling;. theindeirea, to" It �v session Of t116 tptontw .1` Brethren. oft er, the r s ore, subJect 'did 1 6 wav turned ovo nqqIr Put! attend er alpdj,Ao� Made 9OO.d her'prigise, tee e� Were 3y were 6inin -f Chr organizod. 0105:0 nioro di§4ppettred, and " secod c immedi ;Sao laid �Alber,t acrOss her.k o He Ind 0 cc the. rain, ed, L, fit -for I . no t INTL STft'VTO* t tbly,impolidlu "u se -PA' FLiE,$H,: v pa 6011 lity f`O�,,t44rtqqn,'doa ifel- ;0k; to Ila (I ent' had. so ion, t earod, th�u ,I ­tc­nlo�t.�go "a ­ 61 11.1r,�, 11 f" I ­�­ dNew ork t his' �s� Was urly when silo began Dec. ft-Voiro''nek, Zueca -ev tA1116 PUblicity, that 11 a coining to gone, and V&JjVjt_ pe ozen blist( ab i,cae ti�:Mayor Wells'. of-. er 'wag. poti was okclt,6� -0 but t, flea last likkil o6k� them t 'tht' a, tWo.*, wink aid: - a e S. t A led, rand got jbQ,. And� flee, Martin Sebmidto, CUY � fit �W- '�Kendttlllo Ila" first':. asked -0gother nUALJ�A�UK g aDour zkp,�tsouls,. Ql), lip began to Yehr-;vold - boy had,' been burned or' t *J'At town 11 I - - 129 In - the b V citiolibig the 6 St" 'An-' City; badierloloogti .,AestIfLi6d t; e'w*A li,,And On bei 'i At the da - I boiled to deatli.at 44 Fir lag nc, uslOn (if tile er,-m� J0. New,� P vhlltl�' ubdorgoIng' trea;tlu fit dtr w mixintes. af 6'�jock. Dr' Alnitind Ravold, 'city Mrs.1.8bilunbic'.1.0 r1'0 -p ng, mt by' an lie gazed Ili Lst-,week the cibck'tn,, th it"' directed 'him, on 06t.� -N and aAM, wha on,or;,�out:,- Oast side, -0hysician... Th I t t. of is' nt1lis'Was regarded *6"'ji�1Vect4tors,and Volpre0dre for. W1B6jSSdj)jDj It,wa& ar stopped, and -PY the ear whijo found UQ 'baAX, there. The fleall Lost' Their Ill PO loemen applau I' drawn froth -the hOrse J16, waii Infor Sign, that the 'last day L -a '' , been 'Siloot � thd- day', Were 'be- - R in Clipajao 1. 1 Wap,lin0end- �77iep] usIt4ce an Or 'Its lega, and tile � lower, part. "I ! I . tilat litochford - fAcei Jid­..Of, the bek. Ichard lnfQ'r h , nPacific CbA,A iian(l became tlnie­t�at Is t ot4qr: --prisoners, who 14.� burned off. 1 n t it) hfo t.a ad forgi ;en, siLq�c �� cause t,liad. to, n�linpan o h 0 "boy t oir �iol� ve o re Kndall' ask;i, WS tie so V "D ltdvold'told- WL,"', paid SchmIdti, ,, ;, bia� Ulel-17 OWn-troubles, and,: Were grf it fi try� arr,iep 119, t3pillner and' his', wife who � I te ly 'lit, the punts _jIvd on n -da thial wag,, find he_andhrewot t7_1 of Sahunck, th ng re for th6.. C� uni 'be re?Zn0tlY,, rep DeCol 11ed,'LAUgust -.2113t, 1867�. Suddenly ,Ili pin f L "I d t id, floor or le ill sei �'could saSel It I&t aCU f,,, t as Umult, wan hp ev� that 0 Ind ha& to. V lAujur sai' tj w efldentfr6 teard prol "PC, 0 �OUj. I Ise, B "I wing. rge ao"?: A& tlo�, jiqrq6� r htlid Llcvt been in this his in gr1n, b9p2q, I I Loup, ciffect6cl said. 'b 4, 01 ce, a t be, light OT, 4' 11841 gOt!''In'ore or that een seized, wli-11 Onv it sion's twith to anue, 0 pt. akhad iben' On: t w4n'deiring Ov 'age:' not, land"th It was 'I in ne' Wednesday nWrt w tell the, drawl'tig, was made,.' I er'� the earth evidentba'' Allitern. rou piobaill In I blo, t� gal:a from, thelik, d' WIMS'seen't t.�tbo,:d�ujh- at I y qAxld e, isonous an L Of St - -'Ooc nIed­:by.­:a, hP. Sturtn','.. Unrit-rbir use ell, hilluldh t, Y149, the� life ,of anOther pq e1r, ithia Boll her girl coin here now. Dr,,, Sallitiol, pol ' Bala: ho�,Wtis a etely gm, U lawyer. The- last -116 WCiie h6i �ooiber jAnd -the mop_ and, *otn6n. efo b '�.68uld remelxibei� Was, that- li ittancirlig, .6 ithe: iw, tig, that P1 Oould:,� not' qdeelntion'llir� go, atreet, in their '.heads asked�� a, if 1101ir u 'old!sL. '(let rent, �Tl'be peisa�t clation i -had all'k.-hot:water"i ' and nb k t4d 11 the -Jig iedd,� of, IQflICO in- Abe - ark, �Rv or, ug`4 2L eril IV or, -of the fact that, a Dante Imeblf and tj nrepela 4 si recon �ai I , ;1? our iw�inoil tab toJudgin oun t as talle were, 001 ent.,:' d JUY' 4:1178 tld' h all -of a s, 3 d,�011i'by the aqgoriio�u he re'' lie�, cdorbonei t PC ng 111112 that� IV44 ficlone,. but: rob ge.-Of the "Use In i-th 190pito.6 1 Irin3 medi rae,,GQUrt,,, *jlo,agi qamp state; 66uid sprq", was, i, SCL4 tpd him. tio,d&� so ca w it aclans Withl haiv I W5.�t over the gaii;�'stove atel on tbO Ou'A F%Isolier on thedcharg. T44D burg6ms1i6ir to physi DU Jr _ard KItcheh."'Dir Laiidsmn qa lee, 6 ?or it WAosr' 4aeo' r �LtOd on,, atel -the,.,on( ic.li. guinea P Wvr� beo UULi lie, HIM ause, re avajIa NO 'atxe4aed the, likelliniti- I t on of I eqsary ready" was the t ;Jg, a i �t*O 98, imnedlict �Ijr,:as lie ',wa lgr g situil;l 3e th -to-ba_66 --th 0 0TQr'WW�'j' er 0 put the n, gas 'sLve 4ild ter ifij�:, snoWst itinued�, Wjfi 9 bN I Al- MATCH - nothin uu&r ted 6. go �t tub-, 6 remomberd teiliteW-were.-Fina IY: the buir--- �110 gan- beneath not,dare where. gan to gei` bey landed, -ba Mpley. had. ---- F 'Ah t ��tbiowater be lid: us­.�, ou, it.."WIjen, %ft -Piesid g9l"M got ei� 3Uab warm, Dr. second' f' f �. , r 11 , jiltocL Itile baby, ,.,and pUj whcr gni , ted-Aler Cloth $�rauq bao, WSM MOD 4 rent Of tho,xicus ey, ore. or Ni Y.could, Orin, glocl i.�ujpd,wnog. n ARGat;8 natedi alid that� cl-ral;t mpted 'It F L the tub- HO'h0d, hint t It r swelv es bet �eat�jler rt 'ZiR"101"t A0486velt n SUPP6 lug Its'bal6k, with cMa in ThilaidellWa ',bee 10A6 , : . L I&t.Ca' UgLL leave, hei#' at6:Engagem.6 Pette were ruce ve her,,� With Itn a e holding the 'Itigst his ight rsllyhel Bad been i._jD4n_er of Ulm Du 'Booq !dle Zd PImolbeing' 61j�or n arige Tb earn Of, Spagish-. 'In'bud Cii. d Ili readW6gig il ad some" frro but no 0 Wa43- frdnr tfiL6 tub: the .4 , spital, FOLL' Cooper 11o, d Ili' 1err�blxi agony 2, ret vea- fr_tha'ecL OWED: 'H -who-ji gave -the name W, -day--afterboom- :7 relatives, Ila 0 in to Atten- g'th in. �S go rmae bread 6� e , buned" i4i not knetiVii, �but It $a sup, W ew xark, Dee. 17i�-Rola tion 'to it ttofis re .,,,and my Wife, said the wo. up veatt to' A. ma Y WO.ma a ightly. strain' 9 le etepped, upon ed,, n ;to, ramily. 01 Ided., ,7%e',l !Top Y'llas sell 4a bech% killed,,and tbe'llilemb f 6e-' by till t �of'tbelr'.13 kept' b be, `j9L -t Ignited .1 he" kiab !C -Arrow- 1 Dtal w Re;hi . L ous'O'keello.quiet. 4 ter dbithing 116r­fainily:�djd nTlot n,spnd thei devil di' his :bmsjne as. vrpj� U L cl It, Tito, whol.6 paxty s Fr4lZqr,AeadI s,ie'ep, d. freezing The 1W I I � I jit tr womah's thueband, Is p Qjf "to'. t O� of 19 WOME1,11 Of the "'Pi i9r, M by cryin 4 ad and ak n dboCtOr ElMd an i46:JD1V DOW113INtOURT'' icolirletr. �of- 119t u 0 the WL,O1alS(?,JSrljd_ a& not 4do. e x �ii 16 r e Islan I d on, in y in. a Gold :thie: h i had been. barge ------ .; I . . . ; ' ' ' ; 'a', connubial' land In - it,., and foL b6 'of thouse av nue. 19ie. 9 woman: in � had his'l arid...Brldge. 6' sese wOul take babyi few day A �ocotage r a, ro-, t as he -cl r., Wownsend Cut of the Put"O. to ill to ICU n lid Inetr they'Own, at Beilliar, spending it a dind* were pro - W f*t85 Ott tub JUK� s, e 17 60101) as, tile pr t, of g ov. e Dee.- �SOMO serious 'fidikilig. since Men 2per:ature, *iip reached.'- Inally, tile or reififid-i Pdrin9'to'r&ttn about riodu retilly wllg� n criect plight agjItlgt,:rj,D 't wa b1t 8 sult arid., the do.epoi e,,. trees .-wa no more Q br, Jolt Ing tho, Bor'llas h IV.s hen, 8() llfto­rj� Alo"tider �.iw on, the. lower floor,� when he of the tub, y built^ aran 60 w e, bead of, the Chrls�-' Mrs.. TO 0 put tIj -in'bed and qtitll� lip': a .1 mw� 'from wife.:' baby d' Even crea t116116 nPS W end accidentilly. caught, sighi 0 ell nijilt and .46LAD' CIL d, - Ule self -a: th hini. of aLfI &81, )stailrs. Haftening, to, When thp I 4-omall This morning, With, th eli) r r; they W Or W. ill otm er enivelooed In .0 ket giving' Ad 1, ' 11 oor. was re to slee c ard' her uld'� he f rce a rec'eiv'-� Ic masl6n to -the neft d d bi jab H.'?, to 10 t led I Pullman WOW 'Wil N r ly" let IOradoiball 6hiaii�lng tile a'w M in aCe., jr bed' ciotb6s� she, ZZ! a an li flataCts,.and too excited to'.4mpla lip ifillitrlo' Angus M ndustrieii, t tit. GO', t how th6 bib �qu s teittr'al - Hall, WaO' burned headlain In t. Mr. lie IoUght- the, e bill, of L g sleep I was n a Court to[)�( RY. ht, abet It T c 9 -but' bathtub' 1paint r inba ;et the ehiwIh till', his energy,,, extinujijigii the blaze Unill, wax ng r", �'fjj d P r a ei ot t. e a WOrnab" ot, disel , t 111ru o, iger :b by Dowl br her� or,, peace, lik Icking'to the fiesh. fIn to P n. was read a C a" 11ptel 6U'L t- i -Rel d. at'thoi ng, a I t U61: Stevierlsi) bathtub' api Tho,j) g tI an rely, t Ued an "Then we OTHER 'A WdmAil, 66 :was foqd of, blitolif burned off and vv� Bain' 'on, aad m d fi Char'91ng'D6 masque inei0atoo'- ND.S1S:TE'RSr1N''CA9E's, a d cII4rr6d*.' W, eather; Iekredr Up Y' tb she0 tides, and If Mr. ownsend had, In vi /rea lZetl Mat the doctor r Inid kept: tile t saw:, �a Iley erc hoad t , eat. e . I fit f �rum Cod, her. t6 gii'with,110 'r6bb wouir baby seated over,,,tho gas ,whilo I D -wait s6vekiAy burned, U, .. �, It tile r. u DOM IlOW143 APIJr,6Qcbed,St6VensOn, In Les-' Stif 'h -1 4 im, . I n m1lo Ito Zworta. re of Te 90ACI,111M nay.', J�Ut-, Wa pe ItedJor,'thc water to jgk-h6t-�WOL In his ffsor.ts, to,:slave. his :_ wifels, thillade"Im-to e4� Mep%. the Itivita bu jun., C nt h, -6, told hi 'iaan frem on, came in ja d life. to -day ' a (I ho, suit he'llAd, 1hey K,a fe ill Ilse and not - account for,� thp I Slowing siness ear i -h 19 said tb 'thought there' W d Dultbreak of the flanj-�,&, , 6xCpp.t,,qn, P! OGO yearly . e, em, silo, aslicedL"him. tQ. f _11corne. lier, t no i,re.-niWer the fOull Ir I K th, It ay km g t e.ra- e�- thoititirb. T tut). Yet'he had and I e e tGld us,Lho VV _W_ ecLD ter- On, havi t t, _kn the it tht his *ifp, h r, urripte, a ng Ill. orced . 6 gave her'no 110� 4a -wed, as lusba ar� .',Wedding;, do Or'df , tA3 I to hus- Pav: dohe �, before., qe! oil 50,000", *fit reafed, C6j6ner.11, BuTifefrit ch waff;ito--b6, r d19= food," ooffilan waff burriod' f' ur tak OnL a Just before the", child died Spinner� which in thent."d for, the, muen on a traln,rind the hj:�gpjtal, but 0 Orm of stock, In �.thd 46r.burht Ill the Pullman ',vault until'. sa' , ho dalle'd, Dr.; P. T. L;1 O� ani very to.hint In th t en orry, my clear,", sat .�,Z!Ofi IACO findustries,.Tlib pliIntiff said via red of what ownsend 11htit,j have a ineeting,16 of S (I street. Yd6cker, bel.n on It, was sideTs ec The doctof,said' the l7eonil, ter he a' e COU 11 '40 abo is 119:-aild COUI nor, and, that Dowl and fter 06 �meetln Aved., When the ChIlWa back Mr. Iiiebard ran -ti 108 beflef �'thjjt L he, warplbwfelr. _ia_lir�, ig hagers'. club 0 aftbit Corpart hich ' 1"� tha wa� tj, the datjittj",6f W �- t .,; I 1 (1, tha child en . q, by fraud,� tor L was rtialp by ihad secured M6'naxo to Ina df' paper,'giv- per.'! 1. aatb iright"In, the half Ul :'That th t (1,1010ged fits -eyes. "to fe that.it Townsend 'HO said it�wtig, th' L ewq :P0 ,this e r v I or steas, hl�'bad w6uld-L draw attentit r id CO 1p 0hy en ani.o' But asin iin.' The IStOtollis011 Cliarged.thiAt J)Owj a11self,hois long be ''Ounds h pOn', gtU j:sho of,.Augufft in.heil, corkobora:ted fin se v. Of George h. ndeiftil ier.r husbafid'O statelp, F q6ciet."T e wi&% M. Full;' hold fitlir, peace. W, O"L Can Close orm On tie him wh�ii' he e woman h' Coroner Zuiica.lst�ued a gubpoeha..�.�Ij or �Big PAPIlospd. he Mali., th4 6Ir.er,.dI*ay&�has.h In her h6art ,-,,:wa1s' slgding artne adA soft' Into Of and W�it her dlrqctin;g Dr. aAdsman-to" 'igil L ic er, or flve� y ik�l rsbljp'ligree the than Tsenta. "Dir 0i"t on eiroda, inSanger ull' )Orttat I t Le 16 .41,11, 1 rel over, to 'Slit t'%v tb'e Coroner's atfi Dec. -The,represen-, 9,, G106*0 iind O -day. ' 'A I lean �y:woor h -one. tolvilp CA WI., ii� cc t' i� 'I h6r. 'nJ �11,t he �ohdayi ieWeErton Coroner. Z -i [g '6 iUCCaga ed in--theiAce4fro it,�g.eenl, ;rnbed I ey., I In q ress; 4 a 0 an auto] oTn o'clipck 'FANAI 00 . 1. dy. rnvtrnlng� u 'Ll6agu, vr" 'rim rjCSL L h the and of th,6 Fdrm IJ-��Alqpx AltIl6ugh di Ilothes, k �Sy.L On Luf jh Vic rore ell for, man OF a�, paI1LrjL'$3,0 her Itige child's lie elth� .14 In apiex% thdr otl m6kings milst be dticliki" Int; tllW �lif yest,erday mado' one ',of L did.. flo %stint 6f .1liellil in. �thq to,� gie ji, . tile 31100f oh wore ---------- 7 p on a9cP a,heairyi eated lb -it, eorge Is tltfV, efloo inter sensat mia & Mafter of MO -6,0-Y, and hey had rat s In,the vt lux -d 4, shiit of Won, gorgeous, affair qF1, '96dn Mr. an,b4ind this City, A d, haPnoul r w co consnted.t a�-dl fi "A en iS as 'Paxtictilarly,f6ild. it n 6nist. wag el"Ire 11 Urn, t b Dee. repo, Oy were., debee of. a., rC' -to start, )4raliter—hiLd In Actridet t6, ehilbl'o to in "miss .17. arry (01, h -WTI1 It 7W-11 r of. the f.i" n ell n. qp th �Pat�b� tlVerew dafe n Ott lot mQther had been..Persiiaded to -gr ht r k rat of i Mr.. Morrm at licinds to ruck.' -at og gin bee at'. Slilloll on a _14n' wilie 0*d his prepara- k er a nitike anojtIIqe atie ext 'clay es' weror ta On h 'no , Con,,-, f of tile iwitits, 011 the in nt when- en ulateidl -With Ju but toni arrival w! ' winter robv,� lOi ifd�emb� 0 Y 11.11� . 6fM'red Mhahk8gkyfllg jDjy ym0mb&rfs of d T f "jHGIJr 611-Obt and. oe City, Wigged h"' as 6C treat va e:k niten rf 11INI 6ther -band aretn6lined -"Y OfIllonenon th elainli. Wit' 0 alid' jjo�cd b6e7 6ano o0 room- e r brooth6p aYt0d' forth upon - UldSiS. �F, olill" in I I h spartai ""to ladors of � the' NO'viOtY fra tj tqrl and to abldo'by probof,Liviig, found t116& A beris f Mrs. Lombard,y ja iilj drdvo ltkar�NQ,Vejltj�' t't reS dr, the, evening. C Mor� to lf� oil 'hurat 0Cn 90no'ItIng hef�jo,: no n is Lofi the.] no Tr tr 'aliti-fov th-6 f 6i e�_ son 6'' ill- I"inds 'of kobert .0 lil.11 %vltb ry or i'cab a,lid baiJ6, flio,'driv is thei of, the, 016ted that p cud k; RL61 r wq 1;. 0 ji�o& fil till 't C, Y. tr ind' F Sen 1, �r do Ty h at�,,Jll HER, doctiorr'Was �Call it]103� reaoilieti Ili tf 0 rooin us attld of -Con On baiii-d Alt" r Ighj, Iteta Sm cli scene of N PNT bafle e1v Yoik� Dee 17`i-Dr-�, 1'oorge� D" leket it n,-1 'found ovidenpe n tilt, MOasures. 13, M left Th:6y Itr e Way t1to-nifi'dielil Ar they p, Ing he,., e fare 6;ho onto' d rday t 11 tLi. ?Ar M�Sit hAL UP I : 11 1 'fio, ha Wai3 by: ft'lh f poll out re wiido,�V,, of r liecohct tillie, nd threatoded Wit,, e1julo"b, laid' AU -are Ap p liy ;or', nj iiid jur,� pl-1yonj were llr"lg indu wlt4 tllborculb6ig 18 told- r evjiL Cut a nWxtion rill � 0 t I PR611s 6st avp'j� OM an, tw dek., i;'. I n �by�llwi Irout s mt, rocen ly tha, flutt It vn;sy oi �_7 Cifti,rbll 'er AsRls�- I)rOfl tff� ()n t116 otin t�eq t': II: ooldyn to t R UNGli wid TRIMS CROS97 1; �b erjJre6d; jne�tn8 ti, t AN' 1 to b, d" El it,, 0 �J, 'Noo' n f an' fa nt'I1,6')j �'Ith bor d. rbr this: "uIlluan tilq". n r r o s override of Kdri "or In "ilLe �J_j Seeli '(q)plled oa 'Pjl 7 o I lt�ofille'ft"�lcy uWA 'Xibily, IC6 og0r. in I ILL -11 his Alld U)U r, 01f a ursuers., ll't eXpleriAnont. or i�iek� Jbr- 11f6h, BoM'dn,,, wialo IN ro fier, c4ut;6 �nw Cry lCIM ` ()PL a u Oil ti- as �VO "16'6 rocblrod Ci i -)ng on It' o' hail '0 P Obstod'i g6ing" if] t it,, (j art' Ltion b VL re tbre6 in# iwin n tile, hr i I 01vilsend contl ur recent .tt'tj6,, 11y, [t �'t they 9"'J14'r, tconwentcxl; I he ; f- kly g 1'0 1- lN11806n( rd -Capt it JIL rfi(iton Ild Ich til,tt jil I-pre,uti hor� tto�vrjV, C r 0 t n po to wvoou 11 n '11,�y dill C'er C 0 Y' I a JUnt of Noveinb4o" .5r or of kor�lo. llDO, v 1 Li b lind 0 d Iii� to, lip. f tA it, cogy . 11 , 'WANT 5 wony nd it 'd thtt -roops. Ill tdild ed kill, P("r ter %fill royt, therd, Orm IV 96n. t'0,*1,Il(-1 hackinan,,' i�,Ijo NV111611 o 0 nod tp-(J,�y tic�oil'nim Swifoy, to , 13 !do FV t c, 11 C er bWn',de;or olvneond43 h1c �.but i 00 'and, hjg of llli§ oloor fh , W owed �tl dcr�trj (I rop, 11116 -not, t14 of 4i ()ffirce, I I I thers" tt a fil"bil. jr&ylj Idirlted III fron't don't. know I satMon .46k t t Se aga ns Ul `6niy, tbt 1`614 My 61-�ofoealon that Miller vn Ili I' � 11,11(l6r, ho re tho'� fir . He ,and his brotil f� rL �v r 6 '1 '11ttl(n trnp �iilllell tbrr, 'Motfbijb uPer or Obu Idt o -for Ll I t he S' be fdi Ito tWO Ou ill() OMIdfs Of hi, vll 4TAIn t for Jj!m �y ll Yin, tt nrocruitty, tvoro I diLOtH on tin,g lito abbrbed, -so nif lliftly llileand J�JJJJSL TtgUraileG 0, nibruitig thATI r a goof) a, d 1 nl�v 6', 110Y withdr6tV. d 1:411 Oil IM ' "' 21st. T4t fiaf4 dt bo 1 y iin i brill k way to il i'lla, hflbn i6,f tj l aunt. of orod ),lid gtdopod at the e old io the' 'fhf,ro I Oil T f Giegor, T� _Mo ft t, n(Mpecf , '110'' Tow- -Grzt: feet jo, MTehd ]]hat n6volairef 'C I 6urity, wounds, a &I �tht6 to at , ijjf(�rcl, lieIts ofill 0 I r dro 10A0(*z0 9fth gult�, , I bA 6m,fio ftr rt bt I I jo L er 8 case. d T o0 0't t yt Idi In elroeand fr UO at,' tIMOS,� 1(1424 61" jiI:t1kIn# IrO of Ito lea taiit�t tolite to )L,6h. r t Am gr 4 4 I" j