Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-12-13, Page 8(�I tel.! Von it, the .bli spin .De '; 20 ..,_fit � _ —le un our`: repYrr: `v' ou y. P .. H e . a 7, :begun 'trona' , : If not it: ip time:. you, had as id what you' aro,going, to give deo ed man. uta.•" AbriaO . per, . y ^ We. can Hca you: in selecting for and from oqr, stook is nioso 0063P lets eta .. b p resent' for. every it you;cein choose ,p:, D e n li'l e __ .._ . r_th •o I dt _ . �. � ... Gifts fo , e. �, . . -for the"bo e:' -.,T Gi#te y , GliXta'for your`'avreetbear . hod from rand (liar for elvers, . Y : 8 ' �mooLhar down, , Don't leave your. slinpping till the then your; a as h tlq the n� g ' to lash aiinv and rash; and hare; to pick out something in s hurry: a� Fjy AY' RFO HOL D DQUARYER _ COODs. .UCK1tIOW... • I, CSNow PUBLIU SVHOOL THE'LUCKIV Q, !1' MARKET *Peps ,r94 , . _>s 111bur, pox 100 DEPART Fall 'Wheat ,:. e 7 • 74 .:Etats '1):S L-•-Exce,�ll t-�--W ' . Mean, ' Ba11eY.• • 60 5X R Rpbert,1oic,J'MeDonald,E Camerons :Peas ,i.. '�O ' $0. J McLean,"X'' Thain�san,, I.D'onglasa, >iuttor Per lb •.. , 15 17 Egbs per doz M.• 15 1G Newton, W Moody. Lard per lb T 15 14 Qood-��V McClure,, M Grabeln,?F Potatoes psi ,bush `, 2,b 0 Reid,'D McLennan. • Apples, per be.rra,l , 2 00 a' 00 Fair—W McCluro, iI -Barber, ab• kot Report se 'seventh pagq, ae' apt, Senior, Entrance Excellent;.- E, n• ' J":" orim ` eoue ' a S Mole, n, lw : .g. For full and. aacurato, Toronto Mar- e v nt , REL aIOUS " .SERVICES. l METH . IST. R. ito 0 C U N Rev A (3 HIarrpla. Pastor' SABBATH, e in 1oshi e t 0 -.Fe 1 1 .lr• w P:Z� g• G. .A•M, ;Re 11 . W , y. z 2 r u,---Suuday'Schcol: and, Bib1e !Masa. a a iVi et5v .��- ddr8iiaed by Rev - G.. V . K►rby.. Sup e* t, " hu Artificial. Msn. `.1%Z,4 th , , u..�„t,x...._ 7 r ac: --Ked, G. It; Turk.. - IG I T S :1; VIUEs WD)aK N H Si• V_ Special"Servicee every evening'.” ' BEATS FREE. ALL 'WELCOME we' ties' n• �G� 3Lule ' Ei Ho , to ao ) Pa r , p 4 Maoa''n. le ' W ohns�on N , . Yu. J, , Y e .:'. Sidd dl 'M' Graben) A' Paterson on E , Ka M. Gr'ahtim; I. Sherid,, , D a yP c wing,. od JrI. Junior Entrance _ Excellent. Ci M cK-a - abbicte L dio . �-'_- __ _ _ f ` n tie "E Little 0 Bennet f ve , Tee le s .a a ► iso l klenderson'`' `e cis n- l ]� ' K IMcInont. toeb A McLm E Tbcim ►: �. ., P song h y, Good L Taylor, J Barber, L John stow W 1lflcCo '; y ,'Nttmber;:on Roll' 50, Average G. tetdaeee ' ,P D Yule, Teach r. DEPARTMENT •II; Senior Class-Excellent—C Bol bW Brya . v°'Huston,'_. N`:Culwellr... . Johnston '(W Oblheiser, Althia''( ties : E Moody, J McLaren, 'A Ho ONTAIUO J'Ifenclerson, H•Newton Ag Cli h Brown, T Burns, S Mallougti end,` E , lift)' Pey, f+r erhert' e1,, on �mpbell, , Floru 1 7 Jan 2nd—RaR )1Iaa1. ; Para" II—Bea Robbii' Neil 6' w Ughy , Nicho1 . C'1+ Sen -=J sr, Angn. M Margare` uta r` Jpn�--lr Itc$etate,? Predd rlloDonuld, Gordo'' M Oti The following hi No 6, Kinloss ford venber .-." Fina V—Dena Donald. Form IV s MoDiarmid, Ettie ll c eod, L`MacI>i� • Form iii—Ural . MaoIntyae, bask. E Graham,;; Farm'IL=Ale:, McDonald, Form ITohR` MaoInto.b. barlebt =' Report of S s 1 of November • 4th Class--Agi Walker, Luny 'Mc son.' • sen .III=Acle It, Beta snip ' Jun IIt-•.viii MoH'i11an, Pt II—Elsie M Rural Walker, Sutherland, Ella; Suabon, . ` Artrilla Smith. Pt -1—Anile '; Roes Mo,mo (Or thelone that will be your's) andwe, will be willing to accept abright ; woman's' ' Judgment :,' on the FURNITURE ; we . have to sell. See our..... BEDROOM SUITES, -.PARLOR SUITES, PARLOR CHAIRS COUCHES, :.. HALL RACKS, d cliorce Odd Pieces of :.Furniture Our extensive experience warrants ne in calling spacial attention • to this branch of our business. You will find us prompt, reliable;, at. unitive and, efficient. _ Calls - at tended to day or night. We solicit patronage on the merits -of the goods we sell and the services eve give. 1 n• Furniture Dealer-- Undertaker ealer.:. L: Undertaker•'& Embalmer LIICKNOW, ONTARIO. 1 Graham. Goon W ,Henderton Grenache, R Gordon, Murchison Fair -1#. McKinnon,' Poor—James'Reid.' Junior Class-Exco1'ent--M Moody. �R�Lyona S Habick, ":ties), A Mc Quaig, W :Northcott, P Brown, W Harris, 0 Campbell, E Mallough. Good -T Bette"0 k edley, L Mc- Lean, R Johnston B Sherrill, F Pat- erson, T Henderson, A McLeod. Fair =R Webster, J McKenzie, 'M R Alli�i, R Scott, A E of, Novomber. torn Senc: Fotni Carii Poim MC Poor M Cook, L Snellgrove, M McLeod: Number on register' 50. Average attendance 48. S A Burgess, Teacher. DEPARTMENT I11. Senior Class -Excellent, ' G" John ston,. E 1 unter, M ;Campbell,' B Tre-' leaven,` J` Guest,'. L' Horne, G, Trelea ren, J.Scrimgeour.. Good `= 0 Webb, W Joynt, C Barber,:C Moody W`Moise, A'Huston, R Olhleiser, H„McDonald,' 0 Trevett, '11cLeod, A Armstrong, J Newton, T, . .wo.Houses and'Lots for Sale ST.. PETERS` CHURCH SUNDAY, . Sunday School and Bible C1a5s at 9,45. s.m Morning Prayex at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer Holy Ccmmuaion first Sunday, ' of every Bible Class' aud choir practice .Wed ueaday{evening at 7.30 p.m., NEWSPAPERS C+OIi;i902.' The ;tiine has arrived when, readers:, begin to think of : their newspaper. literature for tile' coming" year. Our clubbing rates are as;follows Sentinel and -Weekly' Globe. Sentinel -and Weely ;Mail. 81.60 1.70 Sentinel Family Herald' and SentWeekly Star . . 1.75. inel and 'Weekly Sun 1.75 -Sentinel a-nd Montreal Witness -1- i0 - Sentinel and Western Advertiser 1.50 Sentinel. and'Weekly Free Press 1.75;' All orders must be accompanied` by the. cash. These clubbing rs.tes wih' be withdrawn after January lst. • R••••a•••e,i••i•!.• • • • • ,• • . • t • 0400 00000000*••1111!••**0•e•11•11i.. . •,. 'We'" would, re i 'ire th ' ho e: paper to'tell sou' 0.hout all. wee "lave to sell", _ and as are not .selfish we w'1 try and'' be content with mall space and give ...we �l invite aver ; ersgn • .� our brot r� ere an s an uni to ; thei • s� . � , We y P �� >� b L o ort t . say � v . , ,: within ten' miles toco e'and see'.our goods. " Albums Dolls, Quiet ,1)o11h,. Cry .�r, m � .:. `l ,. h Tia D Is,. l e' iu 01 1 Black Dolls -nlnd . ,? hits '3).01,. s, .0 1 , d , Se p g D .1sr Wide awake Dolls .... ry . d e in I m .. ,heba • .. Do Is.and Rubber Dolls Games of ever desert tton, Cr�acl�lnolo, ,G� Q , , : - ,Trek , and a ll in ds .of,T. oys,51ei�,hs, Coasters and l3abY Sleighs,. lanw� ,Cu s and •, . S ueers-Vous(with he Ci .receive or �r vtlofYoustacle,j Toilet Sets ,�4:Collar,, Cuff_ a,ud..>rT�,ndet-chie%Bp�s _Yl1�Is;nicltr-el.S,cts _:etC, ose-_. --c•-• ,.__ ,. _ lla ll, me. . ' .wood aIr Brushes:- Clothes. Brushes` -Ate, But -we °aro.-tom bus. tote ,. eo , __ ,, : ,mx,. .. -,- I + : ' C P . n..A.loo _O V t � , _ _< n•g, ,: dun no . stock a second t>mpwe find we have more thanve tlouo e have cut piices ▪ in ,two ; wewant o clear out 'evercard:' Come 'and "heb;. you �1rbe surprised : ' • • • • 0 0, • • --House and Lott for': Sale. For sale' a frame house near'. the station. The house is in good condition and' contains: five rooms and kitchen.' : In c innection with house there is half an ac.e; of land, a ;good stable, young orchard and never; failing,apring, well: For further particulars apply to MRS. WM. BU iINS,'Lucknow.' enders _Wanted • how many cards a quarter will buy. week. ' for. • . next. , ; , . •, .:. Watch our doll and toy window, • .. • • • • • CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. RUG ISTS. • e •••••••.•n. :•o•• .•e .••..e•.•e..' •••..........p.,...►0400 000 .®O ii4.OA.4.644 0.0•00N•444i*. en's Clothing e have always something in Men's Clothing that -is of interest to buyers. This -week we have a line of men's suits worth $7.50 we ale' clearing at $5.50, 'These are money savers to the purchasers. Good dark patterns suitable for winter, n's Fur Coats The raeh who were waiting for cold weather 'before buying, thtir fur coats will be reminded of their need these frosty days, We never offered bi3tter' value than this ieason. We will give fou a silver Wombat for $24. -- The best Wallaby with Coon Collar for $27.50. Black Corsican tarnlyfor $24. Other coats at from $17 to $20. In Men's Underwear we are welfNassorted. Sarfields 4inskrinkable is Tenders will be received at my office up to • 1lecember 15f14.1901. for 100 cords in quanti- ty if desired, good hard or soft 4 foot wood. HUGH MORRISOlq, Clerk. Johnston, F Webster, ',Webb, Annie A.i•mstrong. . Junior Class—Excellent—E Irving,, -itreicitititill;-X,Lin , I, Mc rim - Guest, 'W. Armstrong,. H Hill, A Cain, 'J • Patterson, G Mur - ()bison, 6 Geddes Names on roll ,4S. Aierage atten- dance 45. Jean Cummings, Teacher. S°ffl,ervine• Apply t° W• 9°NNEkl.,A” ,containing* seven rooms,- kitchen. etc., and three-quarters ot an acre of ground, on the corner of Havelock and Gourli t t , 'n the -village.---There-is.a-good-stable-and -young- 'orchard, and never failing spring well on the premises. There will also be sold a framek house and quarter acre lot on Campbellstreet. The house is in good repair, and contains five crowns. kitchen and woodshed good stable and orchard and small frliits, °use For. Sale —. The ritote, Ind cornmOdeus , boom, on Ross street. 'The property, the late :Mrs. Jamss Sr. Part II-LExcellent-,-.4/Mackay, Hecl • N Highest Part, i --- Excellent K ,Ntiraber On ,84 "Average at- tendance 70. and sheds. on the itraVel road four nfilert east the Village of tuCknovt. The orchard contains the tholceSt &fads Of winter,'. apples. further particulars apply to" Lard!) fistray Cattle to tbe ,pretiiiset ,id: the Attdersigned; oar for Service. ..a'hezattlersigiied wil keep for service at, lot thoroughbred "Yorkshire Boar,", which , he ' R. I'LKNI,GAN, Dungannon. ho Wants a Fa . I have wirer 4960 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in bOo 160„ 150 and 200',icree, id, Kinlossi Greencek, ,Bruce, ;Kincardine', with good baildings to ,be sold cheat) on easy _terms. A goad saw fnill for sale ,alinost for 4 song t, also a gond blacksmith bog in connee.ion), doing good business, for sale cheap, ',A'gerieral store:with large trade; to l'oan at per eeut. For further partieulare 'Insurance -Agent. Hdlyroact. THE ESTERN ADVERTISER he Leading ‘NVeekly eStern Ontario. FARM AND HOME Amerioa-4i sent any„ addreSS" in (.:Ilit,1titia the United ; Clubs also•Oktr list of rircehitinns. ONN .cheap call at _Agnew s hoe store: has too many of them d You wan a gooaubber. We have them in SPlit, Grain an oo e. Prices to sllit yo e have ialsO a large quantity .of boy scnool 'shoes that we guarantee to wear well for And take mitice that 7i;.1,, have emploved a,"first-clasg,repuirer,who *ill repair tt fr,tiin us free of charge." • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • irmormomminriarwrnms 44, .11OnSeWife,-;Seelci: 'that( is 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • •