Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-12-13, Page 5d`r
Co,Unc,11,Plet- es Per .dieerelnePt en
cher re the Huron and '.13ru
meTdhiee41;74P0°ArlttfPf6P9';31ar:Ir°4d4;eno'd4; laDO
was, ordered, to,be filed' and '.`a • cheiu
issued ia favor -Of the medical bosh
,.issued ,,in ,payment follow,in
Sway, 14 rods diteh on '30 14(1,e11112e,a,
work on ciilress boandiry and re
pairing, culvert; 0 sidelinet' $10,25,
work' On
drain br-law as per Recoup ,t 1132.50 ;
John' kennedr enlvert' 20 sideline,
11°50 ; Donald McDonald rePairing
bridge, 2a isulehne concession; , $2;
A. McLennan, rePairing bridge, con-
cession 5, 59c.; W.ealey Boyle, cedar
apd Work, concession12; $7.50i dos.
nna0n14,$48.65,; Jacob gillar, grading',
on. Huron houpdary; ;KinlosS'
'12.50 ; Donald McKinnon; cuttingltif
concession 1, .14 ; Ben. Hughes, Cover -
big bridge; concession 6, $1,50I:John
,McDia,rmidi repairing 'bridge, 25o.;
`Jahn Craig, gravel;. '12:8a; Villiam
,McKee, ra ell' lot 2a
coneession 8, '115 ; John Pannell, itt-
plants ;in 'conneolipn with land for
new:road, '112.62 ; McKinnon
on accoUnt :of work' . On go sio:iine',
Alhert Thompeon,' culvert and work",
'gravel; 10 sidelitie,.$170.114
Hewitt,: culiert 'Kincardine boufidary;
154-; George Col*-0117i2716klii gravel
and.. reiairink," culvert on Durham
road; 13.25 Alhere ColNell, grading
shall;. snapection. fee; .br7law 7; 15';
Prank Henry,' selecting 'jurors, .$4 ;
John MC Diarinid,' electing juror., $4;
' Naileri was authorized to az-.
tend, the wire fence at concession 4 .as
far as ,CouncillOr D: McDOnald think.
neeessarr; price, S5 cents per rod.'
GiORGE G. MOFFAT, cleric.
ayibut it is not a. mibute too soon to coin -
procrastinates. The wise one now Seoures
ice and „complete stocks and' profits there -
Her gathering of Xmas,,presents is idone
surely, pleasurably and profitabl e
fortunate one, who' is ever going to egiii
oliday 'shopping early but 'never does hae t
e content with the C3nev.itable,
n out what wolild Please mos.
ose .t0 whom you intend giving. Then dome'
straight io this store and and we will be.p you
make yaur_selections.
C'ttporitie,9, Fur Ruffs, Boas, MucF..s, Caps and G9iiiitletts. id Glove- '
----all-the-newst-sliades. Suits—. Goats -and Odd skirtg:1—N-ock Ribbons, Belts Fi'nelyn
Goods etc t
large range of Men',8 Ties and Scaffs. Newest things in stiff and soft
Ilats. Silk Lined Kid' Gloves, also wool lined and 'unliiied. New Print' Shirts,
Latest Collars,.1-1(lkfs., Suspenders, etc. •
Men's Fancy Tionser-.Slippers for.$1 to
House Slippers from 75c toi$1.50.
, Our caiplay pf Flandkerclifeis and .fancy goods will, be larger .and 'better
than eyer this' year. A,11 kinds, patterns styles and prices will be here for you to
Choose from. Don't Miss spei`ng. them,'
Giving Up Boishaea
acro hmiestend: Claim; I',"atnqUitting
Dee. '15th'; aftlier.that they ,Must .be
collected sortie Other waY. Goods on.
er Deering agent may be eipected by
j'an. 1st, 1902, THOMAS MARTI*.
and, SEOES
We have, unuSual 'value to offer Li Men's _an
dirian's heavy -soled Shoes --just the kind Suitable for
all)and Winter wear.
Men's Shoes, manufactured by PercivaLand,Sebby,
ave no shoddy in them' and always' wear well. They
range in price from $2 to $3 'per pair,
We are aaents for the celebrated GRANIIY RUB-.
CalLaid examine our stock before_purchasing.
Pairing neatly alid'promptly done.
A: new .stock of 13oots' Ond, Shoes in all lines
,,just rec3ived arid 'will be sold at reduced.
Readqnarters for sole loather of all kinds:
Ta ,t6
our Prin in
r anything in the kinting:line
lcave your order. at" tenie. v 'We
tan satisfy yoU with burl:whiting
°ea regards quality and price.
,'-chupois Ossining
The opening of Christ chureh, S .
Helens for -divine eery' e' '11 tek
place on Sundair, Dec„.1511),sersices
Rev.. R. J. Shaw of :Woodstoclu,will
preach both morning and evening. or4
Monday ,,evening there. will be a ser -
Vice of sacred song. The choir of St.
music. -The following will be 'present
and deliver addresses : Bey-. W.,Lowe,
Whaley, St. IlelenS ; Gold-
berg ; Rev. R.' J. Shaw, Woodstock.
raltio' :for. your Money
'either the- Coin e citil 'or
Ai Fleming;
ut with the ol
o use in getting along' •
witlithTxt old imperfect
stove -for -another winter.
These perfect draft; steel
stoves will give excellent
service every, day, an
adaition to being e
cellent heaters; they ..:are
economical users of'fuel.
u tion
is evehavc:mapilletesizes 0
cartridges for rifles and
revolvers. Empty and
loaded shells for shot.
guns ; the best grades ot
sporting powder and all
si;es of shot from spar.
row dust to buc
Try .our English Rop Tea
Try our 25c Japan Tea. '
, Try our Pickles' in quar,t jars
Try our' Coffee; Seal trand
Try our 25c Coffee
Try Aiur Paradise Currants;recleailed.
Try our Extra.Seleeted Raisins!!
Try our California Evaporated ..
e: Peaches
Try Our Maple"Syrup bottles -
Try, our'Choice Prunes