Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-12-13, Page 3ItA 4416440 • p` ,V to, 011111111 g gan:: r P,iet ty' 1 r1411* Reintante.: • K+++•+++4++++++++++414+44.+4.44,41I++++.+4414.1.4,1+++Ort+ fail' to: see, Lady. ,:l4amerarge.-.,-.-..,`•`-f, •-not7-1"-slip; rat Or*S:-"1-4itigh 141W:: :"What Shall n•pt..say ',Ward inPre-.' • L tiaef,u1 ,or,,,O1Slienoruble,•la . a, • ihain. Yon' tbreaten ' lOring...a_weinate and offering ber-lits • With •three .st riding steps thnt,1 fair- . life. I nektativiedge the great .dirri-177•AVsha....k.o_tlifi,:elti: -our --soeitt-1" pasItitars-.- ls (c oz prosscs" -the . floor, . 14110 PrPParCd. tfi'aCkli6Wiedge :tiiAllt;,S, 010. door' . with rt.--'...ertit(i and all• humility to lier father), awl Walt t"..tirf.i{ik, the. kay en the. , . deference g°°d*111'..13111: •;tablethen dashes the raiSed sash ef • husbandr4larry • Da er an d h , °waver? tha,t T Cztn ,neneept .11hthing are -hl#, illegitimate, son." friim )•ou or anyone f y me , o oar tux . • cigArT'n, ' I silait.reaTe 4,111,e• place a.d: The, hippy strileki tile bolt tutiatelY there if:Ln OPetling for' me IlaU been ,sbot, but Lady Danitr. 'tvitii thiu exi>cdition. Join at "'t '4"tare glane0 at her vlel,)14' • .• for severaf throlu..nitir e, , hut Yo -t -you a, few clityli Oita OPeS So,. She Sees 1.1tat, 1114 Is -Standing,. r4'. i'Atf,her leaniug, • againet-th.$',..tabie,•- holt '-latirlS-..hetrt. backw.a.tc4 -heEding thp rint," 'Pr • .1318 ,-itt„resting: QS• hie. breast, . and face' delITSIrlt." On: anseeing • Staic, ' WOT(1. lrt,LOr surely you knew .V',be• truth *ow than 'later on," iihe or a week pr • *we ? she, questier • hastily, "You will come tit Mount 0 mean In a few 'hours-46;14th s•104.0.4 teal]. Pack 40 a few Pe soma' beiengings,," he says, enrtly 4rtertily; 'beginning, to pace aboat meth au if eagercommme9 Pae ireproVisettanotiter•-• little dh?;- ..teroe'slyz. _LNOt ir you .aiitt, 'that, . : •, • • 7 11/WA: •Pbtiq, Waited, rar •YearS., rit. 4-tehO., POuld fv•il; nxpeet • her to do; smdt -taing 44,4 'waft for Years. only eight. JO Itf habits ';:and is, wadi, and ,Indgaient," '444 Dattior says,: 'with ,:Sueli linnet ;-,sinootiiimse. that; Slie-40007e0t.-.P.4"ent'Ve• ,4l1P rtaS t glide) Just a little:leo' ••rar • ' • • f24104dp. 4.417(1,--w4.3ea:' .ra9Tt&u two rf, yearS„ AttlYnOW,:" §.10•Y'', he onytly. :"§lre• will los then, :her 4.4 OWa: MIS4esS,4114 014 PPSSessor•7p,t Ing up, r Inkalture nd ' a very comfortable fortune." to eft r..t11.-zire thp property. of MY • ' •'-, .- (To, pe COntAn.lt904.: V.pattires,' in a lOW:',1(Oleg, deprecate' lute einpleyer, We Caakeep gnere- for ' ' . titglY,, 'She, •Is- 'Italt :terrified by, tiliS f tile: gun rtel""q reat' that 1"11'!1-1/1"------------- ' " ' dumb Wind ,slierit ettiOtion, . ' • giv'e, i.f1Y6 PocI/' OK servaat liet .:YF',0*ca-, ' ' ' ' •,yok,-,_ in."11, .b6t.t.or,•.,. ..,c1„.vori,ce say s, and bc Off. Pitt Of the P:nce 13Y' .61.1n,r;se‘.'" . r • .. . !' WEAK, .A ND tilliliOUS Ea.& .qUiet 'clear, ••sithdued. Voiep 17i -a W•11,1 that do ,Ladi paper ?" ' .• • : ". - - •• • ' • • . „ . .., „, •,,, , , . . . .., . ,• u . 4 4 ' • • • ' .. • " • ' t..••••••••••••-%,"•• • are my pene.rlietre,sp,!t , . . You speak, as If -I, jvere ArittligH, - .. ,q d • - Yo . e * , You Pe new Why ',meant It tyaS - 1,41,-. 1111'nfaia:' 1 -:binc_liran3173i, Sorry. tor impossible ,yoir ceuld marry ri girl it, . , , '.: her it000,0e.•,- 01E! •• , -„to . :sefox., • x iie ininiediate oitatie 6f --Your trOuble• i ill YOtt -not-accept 'something froth hinglag to,lizive eem, 4Pfull ;- mi8e Me, if yea. cap,: rergiv,e me ? Will ' DC yr oi3peOtl„beter.o 1 r',-,-,/Qiiglnk't.rw ,P I ,' kl,.;.tf .••re'eept some Inoney.:troril you me, gone ot;;Of" the ,t Of tiI.4:t ft'l't940P. George ?" her lady-StiP says, eatres,t'•* 'dfigure Orli:11o, up I 1....the brow SlIC 433 'irti-03.,'., "lifY'Clyn;.nieriey,:".•sbe fidds!„tr ealt .1." ". " ' ' •• '; • • '•' • . ' ' a w hiSPer... .. • ..". • ' - - :'. ' : . -.I yes,,,• L.,Seff ital..," lig refdlaei. stttr- - ,I• •,,,,aid iio ,.,•14.ie, t., .,Of:to,r it,IO •:Ing.,h,t ' the , floor. still, -aecl never .,,,0., ..„,!„.., ,.,,,,,.. ,.„„, i..,,,;, • , „,,i,.,. moving. h' mu Sple 'CI!' 4tS, ,eXPreS,§16n UL, ,,,,i,,..; irk. '.-...),,,;,...,1,2,;i:“....,,,.., p,„-, ii.,,,*,-.(.. , ."attitticie • ". • ,•.-.G'eirrf,g,•e', Says, faced' that .1i14;1(11 tr.h10(117.1'PLIla'rindll °•1711rSet(:)-7411Y30111'titi.bill17'arj1"1103rt" 81Viii9t111114-11111:1''It'l oPfl•C:13tIliae Ptlef°el,PrZ°;lenigr°11Lt ?big erllt,ern- /P11Ipilingt;0111°11.1 '1.'1'4°17:QS. ,IT,atic1Pri'LeilimIerw-(ltn'tts•'•-tLit3 ,b3.11°11\r • faN'or my sutrg.stion t • ttorse ' t I ..ia • ; C1,1 110 1100( . • ;LICOrfer •.Pp: 4ter, 'ip • spite of tire .• •sv'ttdo •aild str?,adl•ll'.4oro;. Go on. tlie Continetit;- or •'.te kiad " r In r' in 'cle' Ho , • , • • '. • • ,.. . irter led, • er•• 1 ' t. 6,. :tense- Of .1ixoiviteur I, u:in put of ineati to marry the 11 l0iyl girl :.1 love, ti , dOV ,1,0 away at °ace and, take a long; holi-' EIV it.. I .ca n ..pay- 1.1.p7 w4.1'.••• 1T7•vr..)u , win , premi;, hetern her ; • a goodly man in ' Alla '' • . TiS121'^'''" :4+°:•('''.w.s'''Pantulls' \vhyt.O- and i-t4ree.'rh°1-1'ths;." 3LIvecllevr-Q 11 a '(uwer Is C'salysi' sY1?••1111r1:'''. .el."1.1;41•1:Ytal.kif°,' '1:''f?;'O' Pi t1 ,;,•01.1.;',.t' , hls.' :1S):411;y4ii: red.,by. tartun.',.-the-slYeat,standinit ia. briskly . and,' cheerfully:, rather flat- • , liu. stam„le, tall and i3t'errXi.! i fli i .. " . . :the; flpiver: of hie.mnnhood ;.ktroag. 91 dr,OpS on his bi•oW, ancl the cald,' cold tering, herself tlett•.nhe ,is behaving . going fa. the' doar, .and unlottklifg, it. W1I1 alla Otormined of''Ptir1)0e.' • ••' . grt.'sPihg dr c. id ' at ins heart , making •.witlt• magnanimous kindnosS, and "gen- _"1 beg • 3'4511•i'...P4rdon' f°i* '1'Y''vlalenbe''" .She kno,ws his 1,'Ill loads. Itim on to his 11"' '. . ,c 1 ...in ' c,loW. • NOW; .'!"-.00343% - Ion. will lie able, •to See "e.,"peet.".11r(rre)eg.3,*isliPet1la•ti ?il:•";,a..t... • ''C'an. T'omi:. „.victoiy,.ancl. that .speWily, :She ktoWs , nlY,lady I ..If you beard a Ilea ia his. things In a • different light 'when. you 'that, .ionkfrig At him as , he 'stands den .3.eu know What. to eiptfce. ',Tell, return."' ' ' , : ' • ' ' ' • ." -rga-. ha""'° ' •tnk l'indet .. • wi8lIcs " . efore„........ther,..bra‘.e„ handsome,- 4-oung.-- -Int-What--.Volt,-are'llint-In'g' at.; tell it " ,;'• " To 'se -0 •ilfiss .tie.ane tlifferent• 4.'ti'dY 111.11/'‘I. bar'in a ".1.K.1"ed tone' -71t-ollest, st,rb: ag.Or titInd und ', 'bodY, ' to •-ille. trutliftilly •'zind. fully, or 3"'ou. light, you. mean," , Gaergesa3.-8, in the .i.'0.a•,1,11-d. will,leie ,a, IA, -ivii .Y13, ' i.r,)e•rall'ilelayrc,,I1:•s,"01'; • thatt hat the gates of sne,oess open before • shill! eot Veire Vila •roora 1' Yo.i•have : ,,,,..ami e ,qtilet., dullpaSsionless. voice., • hlit,tned... 1 hope.- yea, , • wid. ti,s. , •aidese-r-•-L. ' • • • ,. •,-. '" . • :tortured flo' mon I I ' 1 ' irdeas a, deadly ,wow be detat him! treated, 6"You have tere w',.11 be time three monthS• forgive mey, , • • , Magislrate Deplo 'able Condition Despite Medical, yrestmetit„. Ile Be • • • Carrire...147-caket,..Urrit, • lie Could Scareely.l.gitl•.ifiti:Santre,,,, • Jain, "1 OuPli ne. or, . .E .i.idgetytiter, • .,- knOwit. ae ex -Councillor • • Dauphilict,' has--„been---a-piek-.4uan, •for ": the: '• 0;144' titree year. His health, itHadually, fOr- "--.'6tIlltrti-ii"niltyPPd'iC:41g11°a°1Ptre1 . , • . kindsol Avark. Conealtod a -physician and, • . . • . teak alarge quantity 0/ Medleine, .Ltit him. no good' dad tio gradual:37; 'grew ',weaker itud weaker.' H.Le duties as a Magistri.4,0 rteceSsitated his ,do, itig =OP, wE•iting, 'and...being. an ex- ecileitt p art man 'his",..daYS. :of - gooq' if,e411.4 LI. CFLIOO vary:hard 'when. ,itand sliodk .••sp timea:to.: eoujd tearcely keep, it • steady enough. to sign Lis .HIS daughter: , seeing 1.4s deltIOraLle ••eottiditioa, ,advieed:•hint to try, Williain*, • •and after ce caztizii,.. 1 to try .thens. There', was are•iiotitieable enatige,,•in MIS ..cOndition. until .ne had, s,tarted taking the third. box. rrora H-thetteto,esit'..st1;,lic%iiiigne.Pit.'"O]yeem,ryean(43,,,W; ahri3r4apppi,d6:i •ite 'liter eased,',".'t lie WeariiresS' ancl a,ssftuda _departed, from limbs; 6.0tha,01'. :the.i.itt'Stre. 011 415 Youth 're-' turned tbr, his ' tere,• and 'by, the time , • • • ive • bOxeS: Were 'Used Mr. ;Dauphine elt, new man, The weight of years and 'the . byrderi Slekaess:- have" • . (ram .h,ts shoulders; hands aro now steady and his, pen can run an. rapidlyLits,everte-itttrilautee•his; A Wow. to mann' Min; and; crush', knewa .yett; 'yon :know, . you bay.e, .01ant'Ine, ancl woo a.ncl. w Mis.s. Den • Oii,anything ..spccial:: 'Or,. which.; to fer- , • me ‘t. ever have f°r. Your' nePhoW. Qati• Lac)',. • ' yes, I. ,for.,t,t1 'yon, If I have tlj it tate' Pride Or his Youth. Se Lady • Lamer; 4131d You' know, too, 'I and fiei re'rthoe:I. hitt: •I Blinn tak9 ,a ;ore you," . ,". says, itidifferen,tly. h'eshall dilly tr,ble -creel) beea pzitient under your that; Lt1(1.Y RIM-- "Now, Lady -Darner.; -will YOU leave Pri'-witIr bowel head and hopeless kind, ungenerOds. :treatment.** ,yolt • • ar. 'Yoh eyeg .1.n• -the obseurre hy-ways e,f the 'IcnOW' ft.. I our patient •-no .trety 'be- Sere AVIl'erl I ine ?•• f,.litive • a glint) ,deai to do in . ger. leaVe you.. are rid' of• Ane• , .1 • ,t ,t• :••••'• • • • • • A rigid look passes over her !nee, Doane 1„ , • -WhY' arn I not to ' marry Gillian for life." „i asirre you I, nq detain „vvi d id; . t 1.iin--*-sliut out in 01 tempest:31f 1018- agningt 'me. as tile 'person, who IlaS fled reproof rau.st • however' tisk eyery.....nerre Is at a tension,. - .lialf ,• • •• ."rou. arte-n'at.urally 'enough, Ion- yeti. one instant. longer: •thair Is • ty o •you rne, mos. 11:1 to say painful things to ery. and darkness or overhanging been:the unIMPPY.,mentiS of ealight- You, for Miss'Meaine. - Sake' b 1 t ^ you ?" 'ahe asks, glaneing a,t Iiini with shanieHsiribe t.he. kmeight those 'ening ,Yon w-ttli the painful truth.," methOd you are - go3ing SYI7Pritase • . , 'a, frowning brow arid teen "'"S eyee• love beaMed 111111' her be- Lady Denier says' ' " • eading the thing libels goiag And It seenis tire ri"kears -go";fe fess. hilittst. '''to' ..1110 • 'and attg0red :•necesSary;" ; kayk, :With digni- • tlre,steatiy inquiry or those:.clear blue ' lbsiedr. her Ponored : .. .. . .,•-•'- , eyes. " You, know--.-yon-inust • know- . t ' .. ' . • . • , "And let liers_yes _ 1You..:cannot2marry,(41-1111.ta-DcYane. --Yon -I, slh.-'alc.....-for,7,110,1",--gloti-tJtk'T-TIT-11 fin, 'like a ,.ktiow,,,,apart-':-from tiro- faat-•-of,--her-1 - - , : bride's : ', • , , ', . • - -'• frbeIng Oress to a'• splen-dld fortune; ,On her. new lord,'.11er-.OWn. the first , • and you IIng .a..p.00- man WtOse *,''''. of mei] " - ' • tioq fty roil. , ;oft; 1 or on: - rem DES IP year's ineome would nOt supaort her lod, are, very rude a,nd ungentle- • „ for ,a,„ Week..in tlie style she. hde beep, 'manly," ehetztlter8,-, leaking about;.in: ,thmitsternol to tire; apart,. from the -1 tier N'Ona:ferif„ coWcirdIY, fear,. suCh. faCt :Of her fatter'S, most certain l Cis' 'bcisets a, Cruel heart. heavy. :diepleasura Which'• Wosid , "I Must -excuse -you, flupPose, • Under ItlesIstmr,iiter‘ On.,-yron7;--:a pzi rt.' -Fiera . heavilY On tne. tOtim;die confi.ded the.cire Pie ' • • as s. to(1Pe...a.the "---2:all . thiS, . which , --axe , surely rea,sons, • ' "I.. will,. :Cot, Laz13.• Banter!, unleSts.you .. enough for a reasonnbla Man to .g:ve• • give"' eie the, . inromiation '1 nm: Wait- ' . up an utterly, -fallaclonS hope," Lady lag f ..1„"•.'lle. kly.„hsteittiil'Y.: . .. ,Of her e,yelidit and a ..inilight* toss, . wi t WA too': •./Li.t,epiPt tit; epld dignitY,, "Lk Darner , says, • With': a - lianglityl droop. ' „":1' I sorry •realne- bere,"..she says, Of'''.11-er,Thettd; •••flipart,11-oin' an . this,: marred by the, t.witelking lips and '. 'I sray ,yon'keow,, 'you, 4tiuust ,.knOw,,•*11y, frighteeed glances.*•`',1 'might have let ...,you bannot marry. •a• girl of gond. Yon go .911.• PleaSe to tqien the -door,. • family :•and high .fx)sit ion.", . . ' .; 7. tilyj, tids•,ironiont 12' .;,.,. • ....•. . ....:\ , ... ...anr,,attse l'. one poor,, and I .am net • . Nor Until :311if .say .What yoir conie. In comity .'aCiety,.?" ' GeOrge .' aske, • 'here, to' sty,••and tyliitill you. trdn't • to . ' .. rizi.idly-,--locl,king downi-Ap7her,-,-ttrill---caireyt'awity .Wi th , you, u a teld to hold " as sho Is ; "that floes not troub• 0 ,ovar, my head. as an unknown, 'terror!". . , . . . - m•ci very • flinch, Lady' Dam.r. .1- .am, George, says, with' a short, fierce • . , . . . . . . . , .. 'itn ;•lioneS*. Mari :.:16.,i‘. a- gentientari , in laugli. '."it^s .MY '.turn .116W, . madam.; mini and • feeling, hop., anti I lot e ell o me t c ,ip de g•race. l• In cin , 11,mr an,f1. Will ba a faithful and: ten.' .10 den,Y • -0, li 111.i, . ,11(11t: o tor ur- ' ,tler latsband to .her.all 'the daye•of my itre enc, a,s lo ie -,Z45 - her of your chang,e of plans ?" Quite swelling with. gratifica•tion to ,"I will see her for minute or two think how easily , end win write . to her,"-W-sarQs ---affitil-Od "But as t , you- ...are quite wrong. He admires er In his v ' :Miss Deane, as everyone does; btatd_t___Roor_little.--Calllan-and-her-tender .;Absently and-coldlY 'with -not . • - -31.1se tiettne-can-t-beza-mar.-151-6"-Thear e ' young, hidY, "gen '.slie -seen's. , love have, played blit a, • very small. :t.ti are to-ntintstration--of'.6.."--,gotid- .40-apel Williatirs' Pink P1118.. Mr. 'aii:Pn in e :eartof n t -I e el 8• , as younc,0 atid,vigo:rons as years go", and its' ever read Y to 'praise in the -u8nlifeorU'isivvinfrYproud, too, and .7 'efra°1ez.1; ililaP'brtit:airiti°11111'sb`alisf°•tallilitclnE7`rint7'ruWinhseanbaticiet- 'ciNv spoiled ehild'S .•fatiltS, With' an oYer- it costs' 11411f -bnt aaO. Pang thC - • • • Y .6 , • Wheliriing 'sense ot dier torm .1'111°i.6:t° Y151131g and i.vripottlinoi_ so: tha;t:b1o*ntetuti.. ter„ 'OeSse, in.,a erowitt.--arid;7soineliow, or; -summer, clays-•,is--terit TO.7*-6.71'reati V. a.rmest terms the health -giving frailties tif.:Dr. Williatirs' Pink Pills. Dr. Wifljans' Pink Pills are the "tend or -the weak and -ailing They • rim.sts,•-n11-7other--niedicises-'-in-th-eir- streng.thening qualities, and tnake • weak , "and despondent people right, active ,and, healthy.- These ills are 'Sold by alldealerlit..in in•e, or:Can .be had by mail, postpaid, • 50 cents pet box ,or boxes r: $2.50, by' addressing the Dr,.. Wil - t9' ilf?,41Cil3e Co., 431`04iy4146, Bingham :`sui,1.4 in the ' • • nertl: of ntY. ledYL.3. opinion.' He Js bit .9410• too .ndd-• ''b no tn• .graeen any ed to. the big aceount," he runtteret: --Means; • and to tell- you 'the. truth,- I. and b3' and bY I can "think ',of °Man' 'C -what between- •her wealth, and her:: Bhall Oni;e:''ea°11gb r.equirementse-and• her F'f):011,.M1 C1111‘,.1 bY.'? ".•:. • ‘'fo eatishne.ETs and ,her • purse-prouti- `She Wi.11. e'i-Pbet 'to se -e; yen' to-.= - .fa titer's 1 • . shall be,. glad wheathe, time comes gests.• fairlY trembling ,witli: eXc,ited. TtiE 'FOOLISH .ROOSTER: • to return...that charming 'yating,' latly ; eagerneSs beamith-lier asz2ium to the Pg.i.ternal.'eare:" • . • ' entniness. . • A • :,i_'oekerei That CrOwed • 111,Eilselr Arid. ifer, ..ladss.lrio is 'delight; -id to: write. •to lier• r imve said • •snap. • ,pereeive, this irupr'orlsed bit Of fic-.; so:" lie_.._says, „impatiently, walking', • • • . • . : a,eeopted as 'i4it9t1Sr Arki down; and a nerily:for„--- ,We_ha-Y-eourSelvesi-to--blaine:-If -Our- ow, wile is' utterly stupefied,' by the neive -note from me With. • yOn. and' I Were earning our'own ami tItat Jins fallen on Mtn., brief .explzination abOut ten or eleVen ' ' • ; „:• • he rest by ,the unhappy y 41 enng, rep. , his visitor's departere...`.She re boys are telpless at an age. 'when life -as. Ire.averi .heare 4 • -• iro".111-• • •• wan 1: to . tqr, remains , One .• tets..•.."Explanntion'Y' ,Darner • ° • c ' ' dot:bit:1;1- what 3„-ott Intro Just 'said in lior hvr ,eyes ; ; ear not tioitlitin.,,g • ant: nOt, u,',' 0 ' Yon 2" • !ter Say..; with • r loll, Strong and- 1 iirning as the 'bleed pe,ats, fear fidly: "You' ,•surctiY:, ,t1tem ,hutaging #r°uncl ' W coddle them too much • keep And Nei ( Courses• likelava his 'yclins. tell her'?... It 'has teen kept an in -• their dads until. they are, full grown home ' -,oa th'6. re•ak't e she srtys . t••11 lel"! ts 01: tears enraA'es 'Ha tred--Iiitti.ir„..- breaking, -Yetige.ful .A•leleble,secret---,knoWn Dartier'.- merfi. and the Worst Of .it iS, they her Iinsteady. and, ,tho alisOlnte, trittill .0-f It is idic hatred-fer bin 'tind ; nrY'n(3lf . • or11:1",! •. •Shreli* all. , rods,: i1.1110 hare , gr.Ow•n rev er '1•:).4)% Time Iiinit; will not. 'Speak' of. 'ivlittt I toid you • j- • • and Clzt' nitarY:,"bat•SUre.1.Y yen 'de net. 1. (.014 1' ..ty,ant' to •to.,..ttire.3•011.. ant it•rOnged his",•' • .„ One sentient emotion alon.• o'eloek to-twelit." need me t 0 ten you ;' you must have very sorry far. ;vou. You have ,forcel, . . , . . known • the truth . long'• • ago W-.11 as '''' m -` to sl>sokt ' It '011i•in • 1) • -ta •, ' .1 1. the Wretelied secret has been kept -ft tn PI 14 9r'e°1..11".'QC-ili;-kCi,11;?-,entr..r.rtlyerielgir.: '"Wiltit trirtli ?-.what secret ?" he. - ' . oo.!pili Onau....0- to . , Interrupts, 'hoarsely, 'and a., bawl ,-; her; . this 'Obstacle 'nced never ..have ; beep teld.:" ••• . , .., '; ; , ..' -- 1. seems to tighten arcaind'his-116a,rt. - ',"It lut.s blen ent by. Ure, e.ven•tin-, -:S112:puts lier itztn;.fkornhi"f•down and •• (IN. a • threat 'Of my Ittisliand's .rea- :starels,at Wm 'with a half trig:Meted, , . . .„ faschizited.,stare. ,..,-. ,. ;'• ' ',2 • ', 2 .., ,geameu'lf over I. dare. to ,tell yod, • , "Tho ,1,:keness f The likenees!" - 'she Lady 'Darner says, in unsteady times, the witide*erst to • Itcreelt,. ,"I. ' tidal: I ...0 ria • nvolding, litS ,- elves.- `,'Oilf,* ' for t4';'th.ri ingty...eyes 'of' one faeo leek- giri'.s. -szt.ka.I..weatid never,:iiiive dared Mir. At iite Out 'or the etliz:-.,.r '.': race ' !new; ;1 intist rr,revetit that. you, kimw. ; with, a• .de::),113. monade..? , ... , • I'..dare itot.lcee1) 51101Id if -if .14Itle",1 1 .. "04-it)rge. Avelrt" fi1)a•3's•• S1ONVIY, r yolt are 'leder this•terrible'ntistake." , trenibling, Itc,leed---41ti yOu not know. .. "Who t '.terrile Mistake ?" he lislcs,... youhave, not 'even 'a ' nainci to of. smtia,-,,eietly.-but wondering; s,t-tiPid,' .. the girl , yea .thitik of inarrylifg am.] • Ey , a 1 •t lie saw tiina bow e oil ., 'the' L ilrairging „down ' t o. 'v.:arse t h t ti . •pnv-: • ..,i1,1 e3....t.•'1e4e.31'it34 ittt..s; grown. „HOW ehili ',isrty:' an' outcast fr.)nt ,s,-.);,,Le(s. ,a'il•t Is •tliii.- breeze f rem 'the ode:Cir.:M:1°w ..fri,%*.t•S a 1.1k:'',' OA 4,gi'/I:e.ctLI.111:.01iixli „ ,,,a his '.dtimii.breiv.... ' .' .• -... l. ' IP) dove not answel; ll, ;tart -she 'iltil '' arrItift, to go nay firrelier," ,,FC1F4.4 A .eliantr,e. pas -t 'oVi'r his face,. his Lati,v Intilier 1, 4)5 faintly; and it Isla,' vety fire,nre and attitinle,.aS if a 'load '. all honesty sfrojets,iipoken, 'bet .there ' hits, fallen on :his should.e.-?4,.,and the . ista 2,e1Imy.4.; 88absolute re son why prowl;' heatl• utn-ct firm throat drone, . ;t01' cannot 'Marry . MhIs' Deane )'oir ' anA-` his'. lin nd elitiPlY. .01".111S,elve,; .0n eanuol-L•soo . wouki. . f,...ii. so . ' rOur- . chola'. roldir-xl• • • , , name y.)11 •ttr is fl') 11 11 • • . or bet,raY me in any way ?" Mhe ie. We might take, a pointer •frOM" a • ' q°1P4i70,. adTeeth. --- gezedOnt. • ' 2C $0zodont. Tooth Powdir gtJe targ4 •.,11ALI, Montreal. , giving tile Conversation a new turn, ' 'Von mpst have a very good wire to_faiSo such rine chickens for you," • Janie& reflected. "Well, Illdistis," be, veld sloivly; "she ain't so good no Sz Some others I is, had. Islor'tn, da,t Mie ,ain't." ' • " ' "flOtv maltY •haVe You bad, Jamey?" ' qtrest toned my • wife, with, some ntnuseme t. "Wellum, die one .make, 'dill 'Is -de fore one,• 11-13tber Wee -Wail all likely gals, Young, too': Yas'in, dey was all young ^Cep'ir one, aa',she's •", s,:3o get ,gruch ,old one"; "WilY1t1-1-gft---Iterr-Minticgi-r-She got me. She fool me, dat's hocchm. Yes'm, ,-1:te fool 'dis-nigger-good:"PWas "this away : She were a trickier 'onran ; one datighter,'; mighty ,Sprightly, complected., gal. She favor her • ma, foci. but de cliffunce betwixt 'ens vv.an 'dci .yonngpesk, '• , • "I' didn't • want no °le 'damn ya- , _ .gro,anint-: 'an' a -moantn' 'rout' Me( wid. de rheuraa.ticks •in 'her pats., Naw, ma'am. So I JeS 'sett right up to de • daughter, -yarenr, she ,seern ole man -right, f'utn de •word go. Arter 'while I ' notice. chit she don't ' ,light de tla,nrp_, when, I come ter -- see her in de ebeniti's.'• • ". ' She say She like, de nee ' •light 'oes!, so I say likes de fire light ,bes', too so dent ;she 'low she'd,. like to be "nitteled jes' d• e, fire , light, 'n' like a010 fool I say,, 'Dat •,, •- suits me, honey,' 'kase,my seein' am' , noneto good nowaY, Spite oh dese, 'heal. her)] specs Marse" !Porta gib me 'fore he died, .'n I `rain' kilter, 'bout de • • . bride seein'; me*:blinkin' in de light ,. • like a owel.- Nor'xit !, I saYe--.`yat -suits honey., "Well, Mistis make -de short story• long ez de'sayin' is when de pa'son th^ew back de veil ,for to sluts de 'bride, one ob dese •heah fool gers on de plantation lit a pine knot Et ,up• front; ob her, _an', -Mistis-avld- mos . ---all '-eyesi -Ift- gcrne, 1 -Leeen-itwasTilar gal's-- Ma flat, . - , • was de, bride., • -••• • , "SalttLde.-"perspe'-•,sweats-CgIlle-a--= Po'int euter.nre same ez if 'twas wet- ermillon an?, I eta' aquit sweat.; in' Jiet.: A,ye, ,Lord,1 ' • i ., • - "Thanky ;Max.ster, des a little' -dtra,p. It slio' go make de ode mau thu'sty ter tell dat tale.", -Cally _ , THE SEALED .FOVNTAI lerussiemPS-NeA4.atere'8iwiiiiyarra an Anclent-priag,t • • The Hely. 'Land, hita iite`"railways., electric' 1 &fah and "..kn,ierica,n mills,and 'IOW :Jerusalem is .6-U4:At to ge* a. Supply.o,f. g,Ood• drinking ',Tater.: ..ancient tiaras the. 'Cit Y of eDa,vid": was Supplied,••'The , :a:tit-reed:CO ;Tad' resetwoire ShoW this: But slnce.the TUrk'S day the peePte oI Jerusalem hare been dePendent•On the • searittY often Polluted, aeen- Mulittions' of rain' -water in 'the reek-, hewa cisterns beneath heir ,''feet. Even • this suPP17'4!..LSrecently 0410,- ays .a correspentlent of trie,..I..Ondeta • Tihies, oWing :to the '.ant• i:.of rain.. Distresa and_ sick u eral 'that 'the Turkish _Governor Alai; at •.langt bee .in deed an...tron the purchase of Lion pipe t�. .bring water from Ain. $alati,', or • the' •"Sealed Fountain ', at SO•lornoa'S,PoOls,'abOut nine , 'South ,of jerus,aletn. .A pipe • six ° Ineares • In diameter Will ' bring 8,000 "sking',' -of' water- a day - for distribution' at ."EctuntaluS'''.-Sup- plied. with 'faucets. Sulomoh; in ' Iris fa.inotisSong," 'snealcs..Of this 'secret ,spring, now, turned to use. My '• be- loved, ', he ',says, as quoted ,' :the Times'corres.pondent, 'is, like, a, (3pring •Slitit• a' rOtifit-4.w sealed!f ,,ts a deep -down subterranean:Spring, which' ' lias,, from the time of Solomon, 'flowed. , throng!'" the arched tunnel built lay.. him' .the distrituting ' chaniter or .• , reservoir, near .the nort•h'iresi corner of' 'the' highest :of Salemott'S . Pools, RalIa tentury•.,itgo 'the. Iota ti?,vri 'of • this "hidden" spring, • witieli. was'netil, 4il 1)4.Solorne)t. time, .flOst latp , the reservoir •wae• • hu- ' roole 1 by 6toenaesn', ilneaiionr.int'edg-avg,a,t,iiinest,pis.,`fienipiettiti,.4kykitIrtern.r of the; arch.; iv.hich seen• -,la the`roof ef the Queea'S chamber or the, Gr,eat Pyran.O. ''.11)e entrance to .ihis tunnel' from the Spring is Citie.torithe :oldest s,truetures ent tete:pee; The • piping Is': te, be lain • alcing- the' i)id, critedue,t tit ich 'formerly. • f roar the . time• .of Solpinpn,. • hronght, .this saine Water to tcrre•le area. There Are, elr.,ien be tWcire :ancient , fountains, bete, ' •and there' is tite.,- • cI!y•, long urniset4 ;but' now'. • to •, 'tainted, • and. • frOni whlidi the' water 1. inaY tie drawn; .free • lb' several' tape' being attached' to eirelt faun, 1116,4,ren7Matinbtctr'lli,tb,4' el ti_leripe.ntets„-wrifoltritiwiei_dr.•"eaanrc.1::"s'ftrairglliiltgertiedt, l'intri Itioi roof ld4,t1174.y.thtzattib'hi:liwg.htterroeurirdetehpe • "IrePuld fOr, grey' 'hairs!' tie says,. iewardly. "The black-: With a' haggard nice i,tivered of ..0e....„4ablp',, hmii• • ed Spots C her hi eheek,•-bci• Itearied traitor ! 'PO play the genet.- r .,D b g/G S. took a flatten to raise a brood of ode friend and pietrcter to Inc I To Don e f raid,' , lost pa rents ! pose himself off as the friend' of my with .1 slight scornful smile. •..The chickens am set one of the hens. he hatched out a, batch -of a dozen provide for /11r. marl take all my arnen a mu ` To adocate me, and 0'6'17 *sinister'. isn't such a becomino-_,P re to and it was quke amusing to t th t I 81 Id • ... display. it very. freely ". ' ' • ' '. • see theold fleas taking care of them thanks and gratitinlelbr MS ty.,o'bri- t ";..".' ' • . . • ' artaind. the .yard:-,.; But '; tbe horses neSs tn an or hqn hgv 'T k 1 7 ' I r . , ' 'I tell 3-04-1'. dare not Meet Ifc- stepped' •on, two. or three, 'arid. the '''''' .15 e fr i • I- t d 'r I av gfirded 'him as the best •and kindest- . :,,,,="11 r . , le , s ispec: e me -0 I.: ." , rats soon got all. the rest, all hut. one hearted pian.that "ever breatlird: 're ...',..,.g...to',d '.,you," • she says,. shi•s'eri.ng. little' rooster, Who 'Managed' to: sa.ve know thn't., he-' had won in..V. respect •"Ile" meniaeed 'me In ' 'rkle nmst'-'1°- , 11i4' bzt.cou by stinking cidse. to the ahnoit :the obo-,dienn'e of a SotiLatid vetigt..811"-t° n11111811 ,t6 'kl,inly till the tima that he, W ' niv .. in -hp would • Wo.• 1 to ' t ti the a ' it ,' ' of pot care,- if the story: go,t bruited •:, ; • . . tniS. -little: ellaPwho jiist...'-ioafed .. ' • about everYWIlere•; Tion dbn't.• de-': ' • ' -, . .ckittler'R,:e,,,,'.ap:"Ttd; ndliissizi,r4,;n1ch7',';':tubf?,,-ab";t-g111.11tre6dr.ninr..1:1,i,; .Sire.,t1-dit,' s.urely.',.-, even' if,, you. ,havc,,.:16.1ritnanxl€1'"n4 ,irt" t. ife':13en.' '-86,catc. b "I',';'11.: , ,kt,,,,.:1 t,,,,,,,,y, ,,,, b.,:•,' 113 13 : . I( ' 1, . c,..,,iim • „iie..!: considert:tion for Me ?.• • . ; ; ;.; 1.. Tlkiy. never-Seetned ..to- understand • trus.t myself ; • se(3. ;him -6110,-.,', if 1 ••1).°n't:11.o. ',41fraidi -1-4-(1-.1Y. •llatu"71 ',that. die WaS 'big" enough to 1,erateli could truSk. myself 'le spt,;,•11.; •t-'0 him '..-,eor&"e 'r,ep,eats,, wondering a little ., ler Iiimsielf ,irtVtli 'one day -a: rboSter 61100' " he .nititt01.57,, almost. suffoaat- 1-1t.a.t 'he. 11.44-8 nev(''r. before' n°,--ree'-iv'e•d-- „from... a nearby ,:s -table, them] ted• the ing,."I woad. ttll hintl illorild•Search that -this' P"vd 'and.. armtrantr' •wa-, f.ence' ainl,•c-roWeil, • ' . - ,•,.• . , and' affection:" and that gave hint lent Andhin' Itis • rage and old .ctral.fl'Infi thr,,,,..101.t:,,,,hetro.(niz- motiv?,i.,,i man . iN PllYsicalit:• and , nico•-,..allY. -al •• Ili a mitritte the ,youirg chap' hon - boll)' was burled, and over her grave eoward. "v°4 ""sh.a.11. ll'ave. to . fur=• -ped. tin zi.•,-Inieket :and' crotyrd • etirse tine, li‘ing kir• 41ying.. not only . • tiler 41 rilloPince-, on. r.at Ii pe well; the whol...kitch 11 111. ia.t,, le lald (13 ere to ' ," ,' '• "assure • 3'04i.,": ' he ' SeYsi ..of • .-lictis ' stepped ',everything, and bear lie lo.it*- as' ,,T , lire; 'but. -fez. • eettuY• ."„f resi'gli ms ,sltiin tithi .loisked; With aniaz'ernent at -•the iiitie the • eold-h100,.ied, •11;,,iiiietate. t,reoe-4.:• ,alientn.ty, • gi•ving' My employer I. any - be,.,.mt.., .. . • , ., .. ..,,,: ., ; ; • , 'err and cowa..-di6-1.tha t: has ilefraud-,, rtmson r p! 31113 tor' ' f'o• drfillg,' 'find "--Iir' a Minute Or .tlito,' .when.'be hon- ed Ana or . ,ritif I tif kez, , sad rek41443t, ..ferfeitinir a certain ittuonnt of. sal- ' „ prod:•••oir tri.;1 perch.' tiles secured' to -and affe:C.tiou for WM 'these •six -and- 8, 17 je ' Pen Of notie0,. which is• •,-^t, '.1' .ttimble-to the situation; and the,• lot ,twenty yeztre !!, Sy, curse liiin, my JegallY lair, and''snuar,e• -Anil ; Uil.) of thiqn. made at 11101 and drove .bini• , , .. ,, • . • • • *fa,th.erp, ' ' -' , .' . • . . yOung lady- Who ' has:. done • nie the of . the %,. .rd ' • . . • - ' ' :Elle puts -his' hand. to his 131,itning 11Pner• to think SO. Well.' of: me- tun)** ..• 1• -rem. 'that liare: he has had to , . )1,41,,i, • •reeelee .in, a •• him kt ft iv i tit „ ,t1 In tile firtare, think as.; ill ef • nie ' ne; • ke rate h for Illinsf.lf. Ile,, got no 'inore „ . 'sttirt in his dellriens trance of pas-.; she en•kh ' ' I• Minn 'suulrY bid her, i aelp 1:•Orn the treas.,' . • ' "Teti ine the .rea-86:1;" George 'gays., n'ame-7-sit.rely you licnotv .tilat ?" slip, i•i; i ti • , , • ' , ; - .• ..- asks,' noticing 'HS aspect 'with .a -cer • : "Can 'Yogi :not- go away \sonibwliere, '. tzile '.scil-s1 l' r' . * . - ' • ,..1 1 re lo • ' ,' • .',. ' ItIld: try' to, •', forgot . nor, ?' , , .dy i I ,I guestied.. it IvAtl', pot.' ety ,Iregal, .- ,...Ditilier times,- , alinera; :NlearlitiglY," aS !n.41.111e%..liti • P 1181Yer s, ' in:, -,1 .1 hieki- '16..t. If not hearing hini. "'Take a hollclaY„Noli.e, .....Otts•fi /......do yeti, ,k1104V,.. .itik ali.:1;go 's••.t.t.-..4.) I,ontlon or -Tarts .fer a untrue. i''' ' ' ••••• ,„ : "' • ' . I w111 o'.. In!rsoif do anytlAng-,...ftnIct...VOtt of itik. hni .01, it ; •s i . • . . . this.; 1 have sail 'So :ill alor;g." few wekr, and try and"fOrget iter. Ills liead droops lotrer,a8 w'eight _ i in, Pen 4 to Imre in .his breast r-.1 hit brand. ' anYway. • N'er i."Porrv. fOr , Voir have Ito name .!';' 'she' ka3-s, , tersely. ,•• sUrely ;Inuit liave i•giteitSetl- that .4),e,i` Ycitiletve 'HO iegtti name:. !mi.:Legal' position." . • •, "Do yoii, Mean, that / nin,:2-Y.' hlantle Sta.rting. foriVard tImee. ;g1ctititinr.,e' oyes '' Are. yot.teilingure.,Scnte.ernel fai ,e- rmiod 1.tf tiovE)..yoit '1)13 Yeti kriote *Ito' is 'my.' to tiler?" .' , do," slie, 811S,3;. " (irz.t.it',12044 'attar fen ettif 1:* Sarelv (ain' cannot . knO.U".'• , Von are,.. even 71ike like at liries, Yon: oiling lies : " GPOt'gcO, re- tortti, Aft.:4 altu6st..-eon, Nalsed lie; Stagger:4 Irielt ttga:Inst.. 'the tablet .do,aint kncer-t- ,ote 'at °tide; and •kton:-.., tortiiring; ht., • if •. .3.011 tiro !.it •croniail•,-and , not a- fiend:. Wilo ar0' MY 'father and Mother ?„, it"'„irit-aro. they ? \Vila t netil?""' . ;";Yortr riot !ens • a. ppii,f•int 1;;''11, ph‘t*ty' (;11,, ."1":4.1 11'- 4y Thum r.,;.t.astver.i, very ealailk "an;.; ti,-,t,rzerilig tit.' tan:lire ity; the. rtn-:c•riter'cil „ss hat., Jetflons3" ; tlia.t • stn. 1,1,are'stllf to 4, 3411 ;,f.ave ratiffol. ft, 1,1 80V,11 . '• ark. •lit,r,",twert kont . her 1,3 An. ,ta• hen yzul WOrt., . , "(Tell late the„r,e;Lri, Wig I.,...eannot.. marry her," lie repeats,. „Oxzietly';:ts , had stoken 'before, , •, : i114.00 R11.1d-I,endefstotni lalef;i• tiiat : you tizetnrht going:I:dire:O. ., with 1'011Q '6*.C1/4',Oltiollo", pOrSiSM,' . "3.01k 110t go.nniv ? ft will be...best- „ vris•ost:,. Indi.ed, ,belleve ,ine. And - , ytia have' ittonry „or, ."-"' • ;;(1 r;V011 take ',die, for --- tt .knat'•*. tool ," George cleMatuls through • 111,( • elose-shu t • te tool, I think! T•slt:rne, at once' telifit• Intebeitr yOtt, are tryiiig to frighten,' • ' • ' '•• "'• • ":., 4 so.6. (1r.,soorak.;1:v awl 101i:city in. her, rtlarni.''You • nutty' ' hot: had e Me, -You are so ely.1 ei 1 thooglit,:.Voif Itnelv, And -I 'dal' e 1101' 'enter my 'preserice 1 6 - night -if -gra folad out that I .,tele 1'04 altas Prat traNI' the, first to enegitten p",a i" , . 'Lady, !lamer. .• J.'n*St on 11.1,1 tt.1, ' :One ,.; w!int err , t 10 :611 • tur,•, l," .(1 1 ' "reit rzt his ryes • gl--a ming- dactr--roosly, "Yen p/elp • sp.",ilz- out fawY,' ,Oties, and " for:. * • ' rt41(•yri,A0,1 rot,' h,r v ry Stop's tile 40 (nigh IL; lid' F:fi h'0.1 ilVelstl4r.' X n %V*4'Ve ' fire , 301 coin forta WY • r su , , . '3 On, . for . W. va:';11,ey,,fieurci, Ituff3- •., 4(>0(1 b"( _. '- •• •'• ' . , •• : " ' ,•,:lf, be c.,titild crow; tie c0 '1(4 tVerkl. ' • . , , , ., . , 1:),:1411r:r's v-o]e;f fpettkingto' 43f41:. .., ' - ['It it ..,i-t•il.1- .Tiot ,riol,.. 1.,,Od.r, , Danie•r- • . Sc tli moral ^I ' - •, ell, ,n1;1(bott, ‘eita t neu.,re „te•,,--...t.ket, , 'says, clreiktvely: "She ;'w.111/-tilic.stiott, ' ,' ' - • ' - .. 41.'4141i:0%f nie, ,. lie, szers, -lookiri'g hip i anti IVit214P:', ,i..1-nd 1141310131 and :Shed , ,at Iter, ' 1111141 kin, 11 il I'd ISI ' fi'6ei tit; 1.-- 4•.... and -•intik(? "- conrideripes, and lit`-‘,.• `ftl..• ()IC.' '-‘1.41' ''''' %/;a5,,, ''.11""i.e,`.1 NYliti t are - -tit , i'i d 4' 6 with MR 1)1,0,O(1010t, cycis; have hysferies,' !lila' all. these ether, An; old „ negro. Whent I reccignized: --O-0Prge-7,41-8.1141----asks. • ' • ..softly, . 3 ,go tg C .41.11Y1 kitelly.,•81te .11.c...dreier in' ;her , heart fer' ivolhanly,pity ' for a„,„,,esnellt-,L,5' t nein ly, pity is her ' bi.St .3YeariOn tiOw, • ,p '"f dOit't • knoW. Anythitif.27::' (let, 34111 - 'thi4Itlaee at blice,".. lie Shp.;,,.sloWw "it wilt bo ,tnr. ,hettoi, 1, • s1i-agre;e14 .'.vin help . • pia. You said t ' have 'riot : been • frienfle, 1 .1tuoir, Yori - telt .eoot eot .)11,10 „) lieft)re, 3 -on: i'er,t,e, nlit. hut 'coald not help 4113 -is- li:ijf'ttrigry 10 lier8olf` tor' ; .;.' the 'ivezikniintl•,-lue,,•,! of i„hi-t tpecon• 41041011 is"--tra eziosra f-) , het ft has tlia--cfte,.i.: ftet1oal 16, n tat 'Ma k04 f,;eoirga ref: ri 'pm,. in a how 11.,"^;11t.."• -1., -..lar itetta -st"etri., a sharer ' ,s44 In ;fits .‘ , r1rant;;YArf,,Ittf•13., 'Pa ete tor • • in rit..-i'rroto41", 1i •c ere -1 fy, het . e'r witheat ii...e-4'.kreve / • •/' • k to' C,11-Tifi 11: C:4) I./ J14, *()11 Okt mi,tonts. of'o, yeung dere iiS "ieerns," fft.tir;" • : , • • . • • battle' 'sloiyly tip-,.."tc:. -the fierbir'Where, .A34t1. trzet:rt -,synitezi sorely.„:" my, :Wife and Were done' •Words phiat ,Pletttr..1 of his taking, ritig Ittyt and resting 'his', oor lave' in her, ' ttri(4. basket on the, loWer retep•:' ".1).erhai)s. you'd like to :dictate, a "Stir's -0 Ye. ItLstiS1 Ye' do,cs hofelopk rt (lite hot' day, eays, with, a, suortr, "thee :Your ''.titzttik•v lqar, 'ter. bellete 1 will - hull, tvt' res't." ,res' dese Iteatt bones.. 'I dcete: briing* She Will not Sttffcr even, this' to ye a preseile, Mar.;:e Cho PleS. tike her, ,tc.nifier 01) de biggest. • fatte8t, *Set'est" chick011 : co 411511 it all,•.res,ts• tYitil 3.011,1' :ens in3";heti. •"onse, Count ser,.ateli up, le says; la .tlio s;tilte sofa, •„ • • •• . ; miring hiS,, with clever, „. 8:01. Ise -right Pea.rt, fer.;ft 'if- P'40113iO11. ' it ' 'make. 11er •. ole -man- .MarSc,, yoi: iderstand•-tha.t. te,.. affair is (mita' coUldri' sah„ len' in/a; $.3 ter trey' , :ATI 'CM% CAr • -r eep,,e t wi I 1.4 ,"s'ou,ty, T) 30 Ito",p, de ole, man. ong4 , . 4.;.le,',1 her- to 1.'t ,1_114' to :1(4 3 6, eah".`', , • , • way, ,",Ia ate:4." 'I s;.1.1(1 s'ternl,v, -know vo e.vaie to.d, 0,1,, , 0,010 r pre..-...ent4 her • •„‘..0-1," shalt* Talte nri•-,h,a1 4 he 11,,f1d, it...n:1e 18 not, the ti the kite:len an'd ten nook' to t ail, to b sneh con.sidt.` ' 11 t1411 115 •looiig p a.ple`s, love -f:1114 hetv plitt in' 1" :Mt f.4 .;'41 'IV' 1:4 n'Of.• .3Zi:ftt(C), ' 'TO ,thtttl,f I 'den". took114 11 ; • or .4104 f,,‘ to 36•12. Tizt •Wheql, y0 d,qt, 0,111' rti..te•ely1,.. t't at! . the Von., „t'ttile-ht3-•free liandzfl ge.mmtin • Ills,tet. 40^01"---lier' he was'. 4,-„; ' Nee'zt" •'1'r.:;C''' . ,i9T11,10) 411141;t: Its.xitfirs'iliats'o.01erart.,"Ts.-± eers a 'Cot, t":1,1"1." gen ,11 k• . ' 1 r fof 4.fiolaAl• tta,r, j'etl. TtliNt (+eta& f•n" tont'. Y ;10 ! z'otn' 11at:+1 • alte T.o'iatIve nlorno llthf4.:1 1: u 4 3 eti1d 4ho3 'Flo troy I/ It tgo.1.,,-",„,k ..00, u.‘ruyo's 411441, ,'31' tiotio ho*. - 1 lie4pVit ti(ed,' Ott „, it-nteCiirr alile-'hodlc.(1, ',Ilan. *a. he 'tire • tint 1-Tamraztri3--, ; bandida.te for ' INfa3•Or Of..New, Yorlr tutrY have tidy kled Of politics:Ate 141/115, prerlJc4 ' ' • " d :•• Itt* ,Emsn t too 'Intt..7.11 of , otte n . , If lib!, flitter ' was , Geythan.. wetter an Iris!) wOraan, wa, born tfte h'e,ettettla te of : So niaeli 't h'e better.. to ,I* really "1-1,-----1-rIte--elue _ , tett all. Ile ta :eal eta.).ttgll to the Amt.. apt . 1)lotts'en()t.d..,,-Ii-:to be zr now- , try' 00n .11 IL,' O'tlf ,•''a* senoaft.I2 • to ‘-e,,t 'Artirra's 1.1.."..} • :Ve1-. 4., :•t.11.3 z1 • , ;VII; areitiai f t 1. II, ki38 r,;‘, ,t,Vt0 (!otrii 'in tie. /lend, 11,; tin hut •17, "t„et f.rct.•,10.1,48 .it vi.•''.1,-4';'•'•11.,7`.,. 41;1 di* )11.114.1•••:: •';0:`,V“rir.vir t 11'in .;1,1 ; po!* , 3 , str. et. • 41 .S",.