Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-29, Page 3,17
A.Ptetti -Irish: R
.. 43 •
. ac++4+1,343414434,3e,43+113444.93+3144344.44 31.43411.!,011t4.411444. .
Vir;6V., 'Illy, ,deare.§t 0111141, you ' daie
:need . to, hsC' told "' he' I d • •" "set'
fibill cootIoueP,:' trail. her Insufferahle"•:',-T11_,,,°1-
, ,air ,of. siipericiritY;,. "that -we notis
aut.res' cannot in fact. or :feeling -re- t,"r„,.
ecignize 't the, Solis and ' daughter, ' of ,,,,,.,--T1'
, mttn..1 hodY Peasant horn orplebeian ''"'A."-' reed . from- LadY• ;I)a-
-• tern ,a's .Our equals, and ' mabe, ' --
-1.;ho'Y sever BO. Worthy or ,estiMabla; rg-rt.,(Peg?,:tIe.",1t‘,4119(adePr' eelf-P°38essi°n' '• -I .. canncrt
Pal..ticula reference Qto zdr. • George' ' Ge6 ltil9s.;.es-reerf-hrielusP;eu4t,°7asnhde'
Len SC
.013', ini;it, and. as having „no
330 r, • c 0 in. s 6 . 1.,,-, ,,,';uly- spen.k. pais as, a b-mea.siti I: • t ;I) lel ri es ,lett' sl 1. P :Iv Ow'. he443r2;:lss"'t shall
_let./ ul hYD'utenrill: tr:•.t.: erlPoil.:11:,:: .3egaPanie:31 3-:, altttt O'a°11reein' v.ti:I:imnadt.tsee:s:otiNne:rayiltirlil,-sy:efel4;1:r!rYG:431:::. :. r °it; that ' lbtec:1 liiae:te' N''aear:lyt. her' it lc° lu..:' uldni would''
illthei:Igimel7e:aw:i: 'Yl' it:olillirttit:
cir‘ even attractive.' „ •., : . :`: 2
4 "Archer,' .1 r Which there is no, pa -r- ,L11(11 ieng-conttnued .PlIght.s peet ie in Ou'ePtioll, iny'deai. girl' or-- -tteeris'il'ubtbilimisbl.-fiilaitriets.9agiCal411-sbd.t'letetr!..114'Illiii91',
tieiliar re' Son, extept .-tp ca'rplolo, to , and ,. for, it , has. he,en.,..nOth.: .If •we are ever t'ohe an.Y.thlUg'tOleta,P,tiolp . lien; in,y'swe::,t .11 (tie wife,••I shall CoMe
-.Yee, dearest -641m, tiii,...11.0. but mi.. hi siiQ win gentlY pies otile.e--4' •°P.`-'s 1.1*"'9. back to you true u41-1 fall'ilful' l'a9 ''''-,t:'-'
.. Ifftsfeb.,1.4-) basrri.or .t1.-ietre;iiuest• betweenujr, .i ohr,41 f,47..her.,s,,,.4.;. if alt ?;to,,,irtio,fatinthtyer.I.1?'*co.the' a P. eilPs,11°.n• 7'::., itleriliPalee!loe7deyn, 'fierrwan'iSfaewrtrefo.:1111.1.thk‘sY;11:'w1,el'
ClaS8' 'allt1". CiaSS - st,..,, ' • ' . • • " .' ' ' nt - 'fall. . • ' . '
,ertaild it fully,. Gillian, ko,.,,, , 04 yoti , . A , '0 W11 1, yield, and F.4•Itew She trenibles,' and presses P39ser • •sliall come back to, you,,,Y0 . . _ i
..krevi. older
plece in the'. World. We Allay, aahet.' at .her 1115 Side 'every feetink•bqt the-might:54,, •,and..the.n, ir --tnfy. do pot perb.tiado,
e•eil , , take, . yoli'r_nropb.i. ‘.,11,0 ,. moent. (-.).c,o,ry.. a
*hose persons into. our dra,Wingioem,„ ; -not, ,s-triire to . i.eyairt alarrilnr1;. ‘Ifulsh 'assi°41 c't a "man'S f4'St 173 e'r!livirtioil.,in°orf:efaninatheakinadtiizfe.i!mthlt;. ffoart4a-
"occasioris,:.'-f)ut We neVer
, 'and to sit at . oer, -tables , on certain' 1 ..12.:411allS.., s41111p..ilteorioPk9sw:6,enra, feells'
adinit ,thein ' ''°Iie reward him 11. ' .6tt , et Fin into :abeyance: ' : :..' , ' ' -, .,
terl'T!,:P.,..eFero:ar.*ali, Y-yelarerm:Crth.431.0.2;e°r7? 7.'itkiillil';', Int)ealirmrilleir.” adent'u,i.ei;:•..v,79, '6„1.11111:.'' be
Into, ear'• tires: to...Li our. iiititnates;. '3-\ :joision.. , .. , "But suppoSe• that papa will not
: our. 'friends Oar : loves • ,, . -Twill .'-strIve to . make „his. •e/T:g' 'Iles'. the: least .little'lift of an eoneoet,,. „tine whispers., , .,,,He. ,00,iii
,. [4,•1-10.wever:,',c,Oillia,n, • love ; ,.1• shapt 1,y. in' thig,. 'evnninghis ' first impaelttiennt ...*,mile, and .looks • down 'at not. care very 'nineh -for.. me,.'. but he
. .ost-, smile, • riiiiing' with dier rustling,
....tnean !this," sho says with .her,ewee.t_ ,I. rio.,: (..)uresithr,:afp‘t4iare hos:t. • and ..tho' delicate, flower-like face, \vita ., 'nay . not. ebaseet,'. • yon know.".. ,...'.
.• . .. 1 an:test of the:', shining eyes, and crimson lips; ..."Then , we :.shall niottr.Y. when you
, c.• crisp' Scitemi.. dress, . and •fresh....rib- ['lg. „„. i ' ' etieli 'Marked. wl.:tiihooilt Lert.aslielolinis9(tIOosu.(1;.rieraiTul;.'1'6
`'. are twenty-oue, My • clearest," George.
'..eb,..0°11:i.8tra, till,d i 'i..;:ttoe°.sf.m,',1,:1'.• Awri.i4eilli?rt,...a..ubael .de!' 4130"e'd thOmiain Mich mark- , aeks, Tuff ,Ing lier. soft, :perfelued hair, ' ttir.8•a'nsIT.i3tOd.coefifeleerd'I'YY''0;;3a3, as' Iboltal!3'.tielleldn .
1 „ I cal . , 1. lia,ve.. •not '' .. hie "I':°did'''',4‘. With' your 'owe :nioneY,: WO.ean. Man-
l.her poor, '.'fellow.; pot,sesses . „a
. ., • • ,
..00a r.ed at .one.. can foil to l witdi a . io.eyti, .frecdo.m.
see regards • him' in respect '' know there, was.suclti a person ae.111F .ag •eo that you will not feel .. the
W 1-•
not An 'eXistence -six"' weeks agc.,oil"ao.n,yer .grieriutur.luifefoler,goteic,e!,yini4JoOnnery. ploss„,,it.pbei,.12,
gat 4eill of ."am,onr,propre7.,..w.111. and, thonglv they:. .
'. a, eagh*.. gl4uniea of ' L.i..sitee,r--"and knot ,place: lic.,,,holds lieside,' - ...3.3Aaa new I. feel, as 11 I
' X fear 1. nave not con,sidoed. it ,,Sof (14 ."1-.04. pulse 'that IS •IOrd Of, lived without you,,aulf.1 .never could .
vitation,.;whiett.1 o ' s'etita.-l-din-l-n a
•eleil tiy.', But if ,you 'will suooad-mY•1 n'• _,stbEe;HTIviuria:1;seoey.rteehttei_...PwelsilLii7,1T_Pt'site4;'rYosi _"Ivi'al:;.ili,d7...ii)atidsl'701:0°11e:a_,..3.rts:.,413:ili'le::-.; more''
..i•r:thh.11":; . 'L:4:a':t''t'''-':'„:'sdrad---t-.:c:'snoliY:Try;ll''':'d'e''i::Y.'':'h-a::?::"t'h.h6eil''E5'aS.'t9'kna8'' '
--,7-1„pritter,' it Will-r—Prev a '1013, having to ado hap3 • 'for ' -' 'a ' '...fe.w..
• ,, giro, a ...verbal,invitation, -which...-dielf-iraly fit-- a-,..-ly-s-,,,--..7T1157-114121,7-Salu• a.mustd, flatered.,. and snrPrised. . . 'rbe....P.xPression rather _g_i_•iited-On
- saket,•,I am unwilling to do:"
•• • . . . !.•,-11 us Ivh401)"for Mr. .11aineee I to -be- so. 'She Of ePUrso• t'l!, lie .'cleeteilsiant:::tlki -1•1,c.;Ne..ckft.spoipaarvre'isefiE.,iniue4s,;nele..1..s!'sf
kno her\ wish,but, 'Ills.
p , p p,
' ---64-oft .rellise,,tind-so widen the breach ' '
CI .Widi him,. or second. your Iii-. 'thAat oe1.1,:' 11., t he .sunPY, hours of lbeesre'' ci°oline,.sidert4Ile in .14i8
. blame inc Lf -he refuseS: it,. Will you?" -
,'says,...indtattnetiy.; "het yea will Pet lees ,Iiring to Heaven,. •„, - 'a , botttitlinldill'ilile.ttr,fell)ehl,vt'-:'°1nr.s.e; elo3fisinsie°114rennen.liovil‘.1.linI:11)';;i1i1s.iee!
,vitatloa, as YOU . !Cali it,"; 'Gillian ,dren.,,ilin.eherpi,dioittlw,I.7,tt ;%1;rt'SH a
., c_ezt.4:1,___Ali!!fterimoir Comes' , slowly.
NO 1...B4tela .% YO12,-. dear Ji Id'
----tawy:---noLls"--litt.l:7-_-1ad.yai-illiug4.0;.. he-..iing--ur=11-6--are-arici-Alie- sessitni of another. - • . .. . ' -
v 13:mg; White' hand.
with a m atom a r nares Of .1)1e. ' t, 1 ,,rilinacti4 011.•e• 6°13011)Z:11:i ,•1(3.)''f r",,,.'• •.i'llf;. ---'11Fillii--liCi.(icl'r t"11;(ti,t7ra5iae77Tet-116iYITL:ltivi 67-rtall::°°171.1is:liii-•-;,
on .4illlan's aockc :wreal, •gto•enish-White.' . StarrY
•-and shOuliler3, -.which - :. Gillian ; un- . hi • oon.
' ..Ogroe .b,I,„e,3-1.14ation donhe,spine. ' iV- the • Open. w hid° Ni.r', . fit.t her „Will be, . forced . t o,'• oirn .'tlia't,
grateriilly. shrieks !rem with a ' dis- :
,o „ , 4,.. ., . , _ . ,,,,, ,Brai , i itha: the lover's. pause has no. sucli..r.pleade!"
'''tnue,,,, ;say ayerythha.g. mod :. le Lyncht0i...ltife,.(tfiqnlitearl).°;m'•-•--- .. 'Its- .slie;"'his.- Only 'childriliatTlie, lin:
. and •,gracioile 'in .nlY name,..-desar..,,p,,t,. Nell'Y't.ternizing wonderrellY. '.:" lever, van Striticl proudly aloof, cheo-
of a r er with., you:, littip ,iirriucactol,441x1,,,.. 60the .pn rt of the. 1,1g liiirrac:- driihinglits self-resPect, lentil .tbe'.1161'
citStlei, an ndone With the' frr4f,- mail's' Pride gie:$-WaY te•hie''Par:eu'...
". and '.thezi there iS not
miration--"yee •don't" knoW. your Own Iniousnsliiei7tet‘ste'era:11.,:cdn'ent._,Tilit.,e:vgallddf'netgnii.7useinoitifilt-1‘
till§ . in . a • rapture of -Maternal . ad rant
, poWervery evidently. With •. Such . he coi p .. ;,. • : .. *. • .
rio ' nine , liVinr• could, ,•jr... it e the ',fond' little -heart-
' eyes, arta' pawl!: lip „ aro stic„.11 a: voice,/ .,,..1: 1
. •yOu chOso to 4r.: wtoco, , cruel „little 1 thiti: 'kn. flee" e'w37 .s°
•Gillian, . irfstetid of • -gtiod;,. tende•r, etteriY
antli.ei • ne u• (hese" two blissful '
'kindhearted • litth • aillian,'.. • . Good. afterld the one evening '000-
1Ver .' ,u0.11.7.3 ... ; or ,. : rather nu stitiat tittle.; She hes not lived
-revoir,.. 013' ..0.0t," iier' dadyship con:, .1 in th.2;inei.. gray;.,d'ull da,s,rs...tiba
chicle., •I itirthint,• nn,1 L ' ' • , 100 s' la tl r•it pqt^ los .101"-
-. rime11. :is' :die :had • dorle :ye.St.ertlay ' less Ace, rate the dim. past
, - „• , , , , , ni ,r,3,, 1 lig :twit y 1 . .1. , 1, , , .. ,...... , . • ,- r •
. e13 nitig, '3in, 1 :forme:ell the. sant° r.e.a.-. "liel-"-ens. to littve'receaed, and,
..,.,..ea... ,....,fir„ had .,ahn0A., 'gone too ' far, •r'iltieu 4)201";• It'llOtilidd'" fill -
.1n. probing G,illian's feelings .." dad „loved, tired girl. before ',' the
..1ovotftrding-lrat-P.riTle;'-'" • ..., '" -Tgle'ry-awli, other days ,hadbeen
jii•,thoee. years :to
defiance - •openlyt,
r heed, 'What they'
In, • or promise, under,
• their emotion-9.4'1'hp'
the Celt;', Teney-
ChOpprwith, Me, Gillima?"-
LYUt 111400e4tfy.,4 e -t1
ic>ri•YPur —
4111c) then ie • registers .a
.ote,.,-.reeitlege Vow ;t1tot, come what,:
aday, lie , wilt.. gire• her ' ,the, happl-
rieprs.,' her: woniy. !mart yearns for
4, flOWerfor the sublight,,
hO will -Olio) tbo. floppiness. that her
.sweet womoOly I�ye can Vic him:,
J1 s loycleed, :barren life;
,Plek ara bOth .,Yoting," they bOth.
loved the happineSs, ;that
PaPil can,' g1VPthe other ljkOy.wiI
„take. and PesSess- And ho
the vow on , the sweet, unsullied OS:
• that have never known o '10.Verl8,
kiPP but Iris. -
• caT4PTP1,'
YOn wi1/ • e9met
WIllati repeats, .for the' feurth'
'fittui:1410, and for the fourth or
fifth. time QeOrr;,e. -answer oi her,.
rather absently and roloOtaPtlY
Will.: AP you Wish
. "I kinow• It is only'for ‘ my sake
.. .
, .
'-'•as. 1 wish it," she a sWers• Wist-
fully and gratefullY. "You will ac.'
• cept • .Lady Damer's invitation :as
an •oyertur•e 'of .gciod •wilk, for,'.1,11Y
sake! I will , LrY .to. re")k.ar4 Y.0:9;
dear.:George." ,,, •. • "."'"'",. , •
'Apd• ,Oilliales love -lit '6Y,Po twell
UPon. her - lover's ,, handsome -,. face
'W,ith silent .adoration;. apd "lier„. fin-
• gers clasp still. More tightly the hig• . . .
brown ones she endeavors to' en,, know'!” she SaYS, half ondibly, turn -1 broth rs Owen .theeldest lived an
circle. ' .• ' , . A . ' . •• 'big ,to OM, and • still trying to keep died' an 'obqcure country gentleman
.".But- , you ' must .. do SOillers, 'her thee averted, "when youknow '
-- - In Carn.arvonshire, and left no Is -
thing ror rue in 'retero," be . eaYe, 1 that 11 all the world were off6red to mi.,. The turonionx , ,D4,11,d, who had
thoughtruny, ,taitir4g hc.,e zr n. ti,tn fin:,ogn.E4a--'0,114.1419.31i7„,..3) h 1/,.n.V- 4:6.4n4,:,., `, , ,...„, ' , 7 stnik6,4,--7,AW.M,',,1711,f3
be,WW ndIYfld thwerl
:Ora littiek •CI-ni leaVing"that,
•441.4. 410. le leaving, you. .Pill1,P-Ot. ,,„7014.
are, not cyexed fle4r f .X914.
Pan49tknow W114.4 it 41, to fedi .as'
man does .in rnY, erarriped "position'
:With zivej a ohanoP. a Pther''PIPP-
hove 1."; wad; „agoia: heart Piniton.
huzn Ond. hSOPP,sPience: repron-Phes,
liira, "I pever hod„oeything to hope
for beyond tile:MerOeverydaY want:0
'Of. my exIn1Pnee4
day: heforeyent•PrflaY, that You cared
ine,7 WilIPPPPS, e tapping ,dOwa
But Gillian pushes him ow0,3,inow,
top4 horning blush end tluivcrlog,
C,f3r 'darling." lie .tirgOI)
"oii't be Pohl. 4nd 110100 t34 tug 1 Re-
n1Pniber'only OCcatiliC, Or the
great, diffe'reace,"'hetween lie! that ;
Emile* So, because 1 eau feel *hat you
have sitPePed,' to Pare fPrl PoOr.„.f.elr
loW who hanothing but 'hie, bare
bondto offer, yent. ta re -term -for .your,
lo*k and uthb and beauty • and
bilan0 Pr19.1101 PIPPP,.
like, other fooliSk rilertuls. friOving'
tried to tear away the•ciitieni; tea":
drils that are wop<J arouncl.
:heart, Ond. began' to S'IDOC he
denly neekti toatoiiefor bis ,paln and
• here; 'and woos the 'tender • growth
cloee to:4N ence mote;• .
speak'se,, When yOu,knOw,--you•
Wen't 'There' --Yon be'ie uln4P,rn
speak" harshly '1:9 yel4, 140W3,* PP 4.
OraYP,• ePeAlblP f" 4
Ashamed, with grcat,...bright, tears
drodoIsrlin, 7.clofra 1:1k: ra.,17, she tl;roti 4kweT
Instantly; and goes oYer to' the ,w1n7
. (TO b coutinu„e3eS. ;
, (Speaker', •
4itherto. It has 'been!' takeO)
'.:grAr/te4. t halt with the deatn,.
Prince 'Lleivelyn :and lila brether.
.Jayid in1i82 'the, EPYO,11111e, of;.WelPe
• boaaine extinct...Mr. Edward, Owen,
.:of the,' India Off 'mit; had 'recently
proved' in ,the "rraneactiens. «1 the
.:GY.filitiroderion Soelaty that thin was
not .PP;' bat, 'that lost.:mole'.des”.
Peadapt of LleWelYri 'the ,Oreat' only
died a century •after, 41,6welyn; the
last' Prince,'" WaS, sitrylired' by •thre&
rtc---liiiittok venrserwitiPMEtelltine-:. -the • Other, I' 'sneuld' t ted f lit h. :treason -tatter Lle-
• F'or : Sirous 'atiove 1111 things *she is ,., gi,ren. t.': '" ' .: . :';
. . to ayoia hg the avowal. ' 'silo .0.. :the -hears . and. • the -lag until ;ton old .enough to dfy
which • (111.11.oit's- selfearina.
pen.' ' .scl In.inuteot ...the •Oilautes. or 1.111-8 ;,7r fattier -40d share Your ition'Y'..
• lo.} -61..1,,,,,. a,,,,T honor, .toe 1.0 mall .. happy,. ,.'ant . Wafting.; thee AF111. '%%rit11 ino 1 You will net. ask me tea'? '
Wile ii; . to , lirr the One • man- :0on ea,rth, ' riot lealr .1,1 viiness apitit, per- . 'Id: t ?".',
.. .. .• •• pi, - pts11 I , t ,) 1.- 1., ti.,1 hazards.' - laps; ,foi.-% :( mie.:, ,I or ' happy 11 (.. ..1 •will ag4r. yew nothing, 01)11.n
'441 11j, 'revolt-, detirest,''ladyship . in ' the of t
Ilse' his ' gray, peld '
• roPeate..airilY, , , fluttering .d.Way.- In, ca.S.1 le • 1,',,itric, to ' ail end thist'l • igaeYS' :vi-lititslickilre.Y'Caon1(111, dsrletwkeilr'tgingaiivbaeyhfcil:'0111
r (1:tii 1 inc IP llow: deer 1 ''1''' v a bee'T.I'ck°
hont pion -
y 'a:riio
g be '(-) VrCAYatid. - "enlng..,'ether •.j.ey's 3.110 hoiv,,,' "41;11Stlip‘pointinent ;find Pain; • ' : ''' • -• ' More than 3111 hour,: and. .1 don't .1vant
lidiotrape,siltoon; "f 'shall drive
eiglitol;er. ' will". fella
•Otlier -hours,.. nd ,4111,57.', ' '
.',. clearest, with' , arid ;:weand 'Months; a tid ,y ea r..s, -. And George citaWil ri,WaY alSo, riSig to set ,1,.,a(lY 1)amer 8 1,itic. up Pagtlinst.
te_3( his, feet . vexed; it. la impatidt, .ine for any trespass on etiquette.--
l'ho •-14113-1,g11`1111-An.ii lac!itY Of wraps.",„, for tho.40' : •WIli:5:30.' hearts .,,and ,with .4 ',manta erliel,„ lack or coal:PO.7 besitlesit, is 'better .1 Should „go arid
''. slie-tNt'fal.O' iii.)i• CIA:1111:Y li.ttle , souls .ariaded,. whom heaVOT1'114E1 ifeigioll . ', ,. • ,..,,,, ' ' ' i - , think. over everything' quietly. Oood-
--...r1P".6-10. '3',I3 ,lid. „Nyliiiis up,- her elies'trfut 'Joined tio,r, and IrlionV.,,.,tlierc-7. , •311 !mist lie 'Orin :With' /her "Ile P, durnilg i'! ' , •, `. : . ;•,.. ,•,-
.ponies an 1, drives 'through the yap., • rc>re, intiellint, put. asunder. ,kifl
'Ingo ..tery ,P quickly, Aeo4ie g 61; ra. 1 gh.t. „clion,. „I. 14., oloob.., ilt„riket4 four anti tmlilr.tilks;4. o',:fancacrinout:csactlornw - Iter to n.,-; 0 "1 .s1,14,111•. zi,o,t see. y oft „1,1 n tLii , to-, ni...o.r.":
-.--,' ".,...4r4K1re."."110r,- • ' 1 ' , • • 'Atte, sint.0:41,•i..(- hdproning, to deep,, ditonor.od.;roloiii '-'Alit,'-er .oalal;',Iitluis'd.,o1IFY.'' 'frioilsiv-;e0‘;:nflgiir-111".g"t40(:,411/111-01;it:110;t11:11;-t.YS:10S111.1:11r()e‘nsfe-.
' -;2-1311(-,31/10t1 Once' •Nlo lilts', eaSsed.'.the .• 'en 'in acia, ehi ropn• W1101-10' ,a, little., %oar Li ng../iain, and .for',.n, shrt krenlY ;eels 'Lila t'• ire' is Pager: to' go;
'elm:, sTa.d. tilt! ....groom back , wt Lit , 0,. 3 ii•g„;. st.e.,, . yr, ,.. ,brirn t yoll 11i4L, 111A11 IV '1170..1k1101S in'. let. a, 'little gd- . Ale kiy,s,, frying to, S 43 it : eileerfullY
' note to he -1-34-"trt'L Ulu.; ifiu-,' 16r 11r*tr..°Pr. in. . '''Y'il.1,11c-1 'cirl'i'ln, al .,17Oliei4,.. tile 1i d'Istappo' intnieutT at the, loss 0,a, and ear?1ess. -1,',7,..,,, :and leelitig. 'holt-
" Archer."' ' . . ' , • , ' .
- i • fair,' pahre and, starry ere.% • . lover!'s-secie'ty,'„cliaiige..all my 'pr.,- aslittmec, , .ol',Iiiinselflt,liat .;`,.'_to-.,,ifior,rOlv:
NoW,".. her kalysiliP-says, •tirliten-,1 . • ' ', . , . . ' .' ' . ...e. " • oVening", acmes,' 'afar oii,' across a
. ing lier lips' 0'.;er thlse lb '3.' • 7I , ' 1 'Ili.(3 ''.6"-Sic?Ii. stmne'• ' ' ' "9;e's''' "''. ' ' . . '' '. 1-' d...
.. bitiii4ii,.ivii i to. ,, tmtt . cit..11.,,, s. h lalpit set in thea,rt ,c,r the car'y on'. ' . "I .rea11. :Pilot. e . a pro; poet of in ,..- on gall` ''' \`.0r7 I10 14 ,'"I."..' shall
' her..i:wnhi,, ;mil .t,lic, ,.;,•Nitire,,14„. solf„'„ooll_.,./,..tlierecointe the:. longing 3,;3;e7s auld; „ NiLl'111.11L't-11.1:61'Srn'Pir)00'ri)I0,11,11;N:',ITI'.11-.IlfHil 'ag9.'lli.tis-Iti .. '‘I-1?,.1.-tilt,'..e1-0tf ,a1 1,1111'1611.:1661,10,11iaticl;',11'...ttnt(II NtV1111°ink'
. icr • .. ,,-,...10.0• . ' - 44' '
that , ,gitr.s. loYe",: ielr ' ,clevolleit , to,
'fldeke° ere,' liot:' too mircli for' rile; T. . likening ii 'Ilia:echo 'of' 411e.quick,, . 1"iral; eritcaragihit' ...lilt to'r from ,y ' trill be the , Isist • .for .• us both,
' It is ,•.not .a. •generens• i1iought7,-htt4'
'Ilivnigt.ti IS iiever generous 'to. the, wi-
man W110.40\168,111111; .viitli an avowd •
PaSsicin ::cad. 80111 to :de:."3:t1°°'. ' • : . pounds" in .. the .world!, , • - Would; ;You
'1. .don't l'Isk,..ydi .te lire wothet ,.
nia irY- • tu,e' 'in • ter ty-ii ig,lif.houra, • till'
Iiie,"" he. ecintlinies, "only to put Wilt'. .litin; if -i
:ine. fOr a iwhile, until I hare in sone,. . . And poor little cloperto,
degree''struck Out a .eareer 'for Int-, her Adam, in pitfect 'trust, and faith,.
Ascii Which -I shall not liti,aeliairied;c3`,...,,,,,,,,,,,entho ',ye. ... . . ,
'itsk ,you • to 'share. .1 cannot •consett , , r'I.f• .1 t1i3uti411t that papa would net,
to'' live. mi .your mon t'y.,,• Oi ilia n, t bottilf.t,,be, very . n ligt.V,',', 'Sli e . w li i slier, s., with,
it 11 13' help Os to have it honie'''Plili . her arra, arotind., his inok.1:""George,'
-seeher ,tha.n. We,' Otherwise. Won11;••, 'darlino,. you are. in 3,Pliii.0)1:11,1 now
welyn'a death, and was• hanged,
drawn and quartered. The younger,
Roderick, became a pensioner or the
English King, married., Ott English
heiress, and lived und'diecl in'England.,
ix only ,son, 'Thomas, succeeded to,
two snall estates in England, and
ono ,manor in \Voles, but lio war al-
• way:44 In- want of money, and almost
all the traces jet of -laid are Con"-
cernedcwith his' dealings with -MoneY
lenders. He left, however, -• at, • his
death in 1363 a son named Owen,
who redeemed his tfainily's fame, Wpo
became a hero of,. ronutnice: even in;
the brightest ,oge of chivalry, 'aed
whose tragic death 'was In keeping
with the unhappy traditions' of his
'ancient house.'
Owen ap 'Thoinas ap Itoderickas
he ts styled in the State, papers: -
seems :tohave been , a generous„
.high-spirited' and fearles's lad, Well
fitted for the task of restoring the
fallen fortunes of , Ids }reuse and
race. In' early life he grew, dissatis-.
fled ,with. his position: a - 'a needy
and suspected". sojourner among• °
. Iiis Hereditary Foes.
. fled,• 'to, 'the • Court Of. France,'
whre be was redbrved-witir*Ire,hon-
ors _doe to the 'nghtful Prince of
-,Wrileis. He fought . against:the Eng,"
Usti at Polctiers in l356-, and the
glamor. of Otis .namo drew maoy , a
Welshman •away from , the standard
of the Black Prince. On *the conclu-
.sion 'of peace between,- the • English
• and French,, Yenaln de • Galles -as
"Owen or Wales" was called by his
ono of ' thOSe free companies that
spredd terror throughout the mount-
“.1‘1,0411.11grthat. eOUTS0 '. Itis
mine,'11Iian says, §tinninerring.'•."Xt I
15, niine.-7Wilenfq. am twenty-one,
'before It 2” George asks,
"qulokly; froth 'seine.' intangible: sug- :
,geStiOa• manner.4 does not
..."011, no! Net • unless.,,I. .*ere mar-
rlocL"GiihianSaYs,rabbling ovetAter- ains , of SVpdtzerland"and the Nadas.
Worth/ in a most deSperate haste,- .of LonibardY. :When War broke. .ont
and erimsoningtothtipsof-her,:...""'''Etiglanl :and Prailee,i.,
eare.. as: George latiglts • •
."911! •••:ly ..1.p..64, to '•, you 9tlivie.612exi'epteduriroat'°fr -1.1,0307r1 and 'ted
• 1
as :Somi as .- yen ar,e, inarried2" he •Gtiernsey, which all but eaptUred
asks. in a meaning toile. "44 if I were theisland froth the ,EngliSh...garri-,
AO. get;11 Ilen.Sei in, for ty-eiglit hours son. Be was',". lioWeVer, recalled • to
i islihanbu.poltu..bieci.Ptiosslasenoz,or ;:t:r,tti%ipenntily),t:ttlhtioon; rigill,; .tho ,Engriqh in • rranee nn,3
SPain, and .we find'''Idin appearing
that for .',N, • ren'h
ew r.e •Riish 1', fiftY in .Brittany sae .an - honored, cent -
‘int.; everY':' hope.' and. iendeaVer Tciti ,saikl, I Whs-"Y.O;ur little Wife 1"
bat I cannot,stay enhcre,yelltitluin- sig,lif__4.1L„lav':eare. 110t1.-°
mean-spirited fortuno7hunter," 'wet- -11-8,3 you ore So I ant I" George
tempt me, ! . I Might -1 , •
PLAY -out- ttie game a ai ras.6anyad- ""e -s' s° nth 8 tne old e tronicler's
venture to the last sie ree ! But st.csrY translated bY "rd Berne"
radc-in-arms to tlIe noblest knight
of Christendom, Bertrand du GueSe-
"and..bOre 1iiimmse1 so wen says
the old • elite/II/der,: "that , he• wag
greatly praised and ' Well beloved
with the French. King arid 'with all
the lords." • '
. • 'rho 'pitiful • Story of Prince, Omni's,
slielpa,p1. 7la pixatiyio'qsa,irisli I tail; oe r vividt Opal d''.g ews i
1-Poiss1rt;w10-was:Iris contemporarYi--
• owder
-Good for Ba4 Teeth
Not paid for Good Teeth
Sozotiont Liquid 25C large 1.1e31,14 and Poroaorp
*toffs/hot by Tag tor pect" ,*re.t4e141. Pezta16311k
• HALL ,St rttroxgr..Montreal. .•
ivithie°P'ea4Peirl'.eatnatl.nlit ba t •ae I ind. tbre;
nOout, beynge Out of 441.qe feare,"P
-oetYlnefi, wil-f-V" tit ,e W0t4er was fayre t
'°, r.,anY Now; "on mornyng
and cleare,41 lits booty ,servant, John'
Lani.13, cape to him, as he Was the,13
Ittin 1"on n olde stoi3ke of wide."
Lamb had- been .PrineeOwoo's squire
,for ima,07 a year, and' had Completely,
won lite coofldence. Ilehad pretended,
to bring' 0‘7011. tidings ,of' his beloved
Waled,. Where Ile saki all 'men were
looking latrilottsly t .0wenr:fOr de-
'll'erence from,: tile EfigliW ,yoke.
Earl' ' thle..isuiruner morning, "every,
Man; .beynge their, lodgyoges
,aslePp," Oivert .:bude •Liimb feteh his
polnb.• 1.'n.rnb Went into, "the teat, hut
"'the devil entred into him, Ter be-,
Syde the oombp, 'lie brought with
hym a lytell Javelyne Of Spayne with ,
a large -heed of Steel, and with the
°RA e
clone 4.4iirongWptit,--thelbody,,.so it no
fell • dew, ne starke deed." •
This Was „theend Of Owen, the last ,
Of the princely line. of 1Vales, When •
barely forty years old,. " slayne by
great nnhap :and treason.!' Ms as-
sassin fled/for refuge to the castle, •
where. the English Captain' relect-
tly • afforded.111tri • prOt Oct len;
Edward 'Owen has: prored . beyond ,
:doubt from State 'papers preserved' hi •
the,Record Office, that 'the intirder Of
the , gallant "Owen 'Waled": Waif'
premeditated bY. the English
Council -and deliberately planned by,
the English' officials, at • liordeatix.,
The miscreant LaMb and his hiders
.were liberalli rewarded by the Eng-, :
lish Government,- and Lamb's receipt.; •
'for the Prda,riee • o! blO• ect st• ill amon• g'
and perhaps .an acquaintance., Owen
was ht ,the time laying' siege to
sz_.11,'5,- rattier. inatils, feelin-• reckless.
crtt't tagne-•sur-Gironde. " rhis Inan of
wonft I 'won't !. Ivon't' do anythin„; ""utl° an usage lieY-ng be."' •
wrc,nr.r, or shameful to win you, Letfore Mortagne at the siege, that I , , , , ,
, .
The Virtue Inthe Kunckle Beine.of
." ',Leg et 3Itaitoo.
ItToderd•wisdhin smiles at the: super
•stitious charms our forefathers :and
Aothers Used' to' depood upon tocure
thelr ills and preserve then • In
-health .We are -not ,all--wise'-folk- ye -
'any 'means, but at least we. d�;
'not believe, as the Devon and Corn-'
*all people ..used to' ,do, that thp
.14'nuck1e bone of a leg, of muttcon'wora'•
around the neck.,is sure cure for.
sciatica, Or, that "hlackheads" Ito the
afflicted individual creeps ander an'.
• arched branible branch:
.Somersetshre pure for .constunp•-,
'flan was to. lead Or 'carry' the su.N.
.• rer' er through,. o •flock sheep31.13
the early mornin4,. when:tbey *ere
first .let out of the field. • 'Seine
't...netliers. :used, to place censuraptive
children in cots in the centre of•'s,
sheep fold, and ' there leave thent
• front ,11.30 to 1 o'c1oc14 1,p' the thorn-'
big,, believing that tile Malady would '
pass away before thexising of that
morn's ,s'un. " •• • ,
• west,of EngIa.nd folk say that an
w -lien going out fefil the .firsrt ,
wall: during the convalescence, must
take • Cdre 1O• wit.tu the sun, froml
• east, to west,. or ,west to east, lf
after Rundown, -otherwise a .serloue
relawse, cannot ,ble avoided. ,
".• 1.11'01101.7WA'614;-rtEr-licte,--arf,a84-Si71r.'
wOman who lind, Wen: httfott.' by a,
•madclooke,y was' persuaded by her,
neighliore to go and eat grass in the .
neatest cliiircliyard.--McColl's Mag -
gladly in the mernyng when lie was • ,The...fellow liwe tati:s about him-,
up' and redy, he „vvolde Come botore self te seltient an interesting conver=
tho: castell, and sytte/..downe and sationalist § . , , „ , ' / •
• ‘111;'4,;(1' 11111 • aa; ljeyon,i,,1 dark, ture .‘• and 4eembet It Would. be nothing lint- not until to 11104103.3.' eveno
.: think , I :intro' got • tim ;non ,,ieto, 13 strong , /4.3 t'; in r 6 1-4„,;13 ,...tile.. slleht, .fi'le-tu'l: 1)31:Ivor ' Olin' •V.o.:,-.\:,.-0fternec'' .shall: enrely' hare' a chanec ef-'a roy
. ti.ot , whidit ,,tivoil jos de.v.4)teit lootiso, e(r)ri,itiorti,,a . the; ,,ight .61, tho (.51.,,,1_, flo.,,,,,,,,ty.,.4,..,itorric,,,,H,,,; hi,1.....11,104,1..0,, '...eittifiiciri. irolls;31(s,. tzlO41,-,1,:3;,.it,Iter-..6.illiiia41111 • ".t.3.0eziyisia,...t,"321;'.: ,.0:.
, , .
.. can L. i.,i1,4„ !um, 31.t.,,,. ,froni__[.dt,,.: Ing door, nd. ,, the, tt111, .stalivert sel'`''Ug' "t'll'a's lir' ''''°''' ir")‘ s441 '1
' whiott" he' ,c,.in't (Ike111arigle hiiiiself; ' f°Y0'1, .1.4a4L11..' ii•P"''' "'hi° '' ar(re lit' If)T•3,13:f..7:ii.ti.1.111e,143`8'frier..4141,3111.3,g:l:'414011!1'iti‘I'sTiitltr14'd‘letil'es; ''.11140041"1:1(311r.ttl.°11r':vg''°1°'*''' 1:61i(!'. '''.1"t Y°'11 g4')
4'. bit •Ita eon e,,,i.)...r..j, • awro,. with', • ;blue.' oye-,3-3,10 ;'N"itil(iti of bor eti'rtli-'
in I 1 i. Chi end or th..i. earth With iy 0(110soul *1.1tIness, ' ' •' N IA 01 V. "Ife as go .i.'1 .n s o.f f (IS, iti,.. lie "yosli dearest, .1 -, . niust,". he. say% :
.i..11Y'ii...„-1,11,11,,.1. 1 l' 4 1.i1;.111.1,41,..;.!!.Lrii' 1 i('LVii, '' da ti'ti 1 '0, . - ' ...f '41711° ."I'V.'i '3' r11171.8'()11 .:".714e.:;°'' -7;11e,`"' s' i° ''''''' .ItIci'''''311 •cr-1.3;.ni113'11(.cfPfl'!'.;;grl.;'4'' ,..:14t,litl''Pr' ti'l.:(I'lleFr''t": ' :•epiiit:cooNicl.i.1.°-'N. t.lez,l.(,t1 ifi:ililaqi‘iedUOI.1131.1'...''1?e"en 'Li eer;
; , k...jiii •••,1", ..81)0(,,08).4 iO1(•5tii)ri,. ,i4iiiie,.; ,.t.o, o,.... a., ..iit,,3 1 1,i,..,x13,.,3.4, 144)43, ....1 • .1, ,, ,
i5in,.0,1,8 , a..,.!• in .,,t11.0 .iiot,, , Atigli8t. .110,,,....chert ittid Lii.iri.e,zu.w 01..,.7ce h,, .,13w 111 't 4, 100114" 01) closer, to tier 3.3., 11 .310-1;r d. You are tenipting me and try- •
Mpontlile, .' 41 11, '.411 31 it 1 ill(1..‘%‘',Itat" .4•'.'ort: '"%rfiittieck Willi its intIl)twa3 :'''.111°1)(1:‘' 1'1 nc)t; 01t3011; 61°.:%. ' .4.-0- te3.`!"1".11141i'()g'..11)°.11t-;-`11-1.61'11.;1.'''''"Itil'Illtr '(611t.:1°.1Y11('It.''' 011;
.r.itg():,' ielt, l'.(t..'s't ' .nppaii .' ,.iiii,;' „manly. 'i(m.hc;04; s,s,...oc.t,,, . ',, ale 01,,ViI(,_„):" etl'xl°1;43ini.-.:tiCiStl titi!'6.,it.1....nOur8r:ef,w,1)-ititil °it 131 1", , 831zO laughs delightd,cllY • rtt this,' as
4,,,,, itio,1:t„,,,prit r;,-y----ix.iiiiiii- -11n-b-s,t-4.4.- --iveri-,-, its,: Itcm.1 n d a:41,
surelf; 1 '•,;i111.1,,,,..60..n.0:1 ini.,i,.• 1. heoly „ • eiloe t no, ., ti '.. ; t, . ,,,, , ,somiitniag., ,hett'er-4)alroy 4 ,r,'.--.3 '. a trek:4;11e ' ,pridonco Of a..cortoin
and .t tali, , 'What:3i vitilent,..tetnpered' liY.' '1•11;1'0a1.1 'gr'eel7t LC' lii nti 3, --C4,-.s.:17.64..,.-It,I114;'; ill • - • ..S II r 0 . 11' ,,,' %N.:ill t .' : '130,0". , :ii.,.,.0‘,%(,,:t3,(•?r.roctillo'ewr, 111111,1,:u711 ;s1t.)icility' IrOr tTiecia'''Id'tolior.irg.;
• fi ' ' to 'vivo ' I ' I-3 t ' he can 'Comee AO lic:r Side'. 'tvilero% she ' fo--33'--li.:r,f'fl'olli:ti_,.it' o'lilli' i'-.3igi'Ve '1119 3
411C" ' .73604`ingilinclt 31P ..0t) lIPA'.8t4T14ing
erec., , 1, ,, .4 l'IL I n .3. .44 (3.
be in ., rt. fury, Ile." 3'. 01' , a ' terrible" sits ,in.: li f :r eiriir 'end kneelin,,a.. -il--0-11;o:t' ii-.1•16.4,-..,,t-„,;',.sa7cis' fid,: Tici,y 'an'd nild : ,.).1.10,1,,,i to Ili 3. .%vio,t(?; , prdsN. in., thu
. oath," .1. 'ip.,..yli,,,,,,b,,I., ;‘,m1.1.y.tuy,D tit ., dot , , e ot ._. _,, .,,,, ...
Yri se tit llis 'fair. .0.3110.1:',rol)Pcil t.) s 1 .. . I, .. .1. , hitt,",Iliet.8,1..,U,1 . woom 3,4 1.00e1; .tlio, 13111111 44 rotim.
6111:•rot,'9'. ag:ti hi with a Slight, 'chill eerf .1W1c1 Id 1 3 'el 'tl 1 i • Cl 'I- ' it, oneings o 10‘ tear ., , le Vb,
, . tb, pontos, ht 3, 48, th„,;,s, pat,ct, slowly ‘ -6:031171'tier':115-i-,.‘1:36..g1.148-6.10m0.4,,,g,t,E.I.Pitsi,iii,o, ii4 ;..t.-051,00.,iiiAdt(3,,r.. :,' .1!';',1-(tii;°?1,i6ex,',611'tn,,i;-11;et*c;AY.;',1,cd,-.'fs'oic„7„ttli'nn-ii..'13t1.(3,14\•,e,Iittlillt71':.1:44ii.1(':)3.4viii:1111141141::(111''eh181'.'31rt'rak,Av,.111,
idr041(1., a8 . s It e, 1,4.4. tit? -'r0"triS (alt ,"on • out c,v yr 1 i• iir 11b,.*:,,, 1 ,,,, . , ,, . . .. .,• ... ,
,11.0„..•11i0f, to.),,it.t., :.tet,"nt, (.t,tvai;,(1 iNtol;nt lilt() i i. . (mg, .fliin.,,i,..iiioinst .,, .ili•,,, Iiat, ter, tlra:negetating.nri., (.4vis., 4'cif :. ;1(.18(.21',1•1611-"t)1., t‘"It' ti,t'l.g, .111H19e.I.f
Y.', ., ,. , .,.' , i. o( '1) ." i", -.C -T- '-'-' 4 i...1 3, 4. -1 ri•Ts---ity*titi ..111,.do--..e,,,-xtr-„„,..i)atyr...g........idid „alid4,pcacc.,,3'..,ttutt,10‘ e;
* - - --7 r s . P- • ' ' '
' "•`110' Said 1 ,f.,1:Otild rrcgret flit! Jinni` 1P'1'. '3.111 Tec 33,78,Wieettilo.9'''IllitItt)l)e,0•,•vvOtillitffiY L61,1' ‘.11"."'''.1.'414. 14-3"(1..'t17'.e.i-',13. i',..;,t :-',.f 11.Y : ..iiintlillti,16kp,'-'41a1,191,111.111;-*)'').;1-41.'".` eerhiel•eil3;1).t..e"'s,'.:re°r• r,';i'cc)(11
'i 'was beril lii 1 041'80 tlic) h, ' *1 ' ,I P ' rillet (114 'Ire!! Of th° roiiirli 3 (0' 3.0 Ind.Via gr.9crous pfitt wage). .1 1.3t, -,.., , -,..„ ., . , ,
' P Oruel,,e,mtup;11• to de, ‘',,:li•itt, t, riliCgtoing . f lifeTtail 18•803 0(1 p034, pere, loVing' '.. c,, ' • tt'•'• .6 11' " • l'il ritill'Y' E'.1);,',,rildslie sres,"Itis i esita.tleM; find life'
.)1 1* ' was ''' - 3 \'' ' ' ' ' ' ' • 5.17 fr 1 ' ;0" '1111 - ti• 'sat' " '
to do. ''''):014 reinelnly'sr Ivioit sciaidon, PS ivitli „a, iaSsioii of•telid,crilees.lhat Atiq''' sl•lcr •dees' 800 '111,(1 kr'''''''''. `fl backward, lingering, let,..tli. itiel thiiike
411d,..1.11,44 111,i y, ) 141. ,8411(1?,,, &Ito Ion tt 0 ps.; ,1 9 Strange .()11101Self, , . . s - - triitli;. ti:nd %it.. ie .111te Iron 'Mit °lig'
'‘ soi
"f ca
t trying- tc3'44131-le,3;i-rorziftilly; ',..tilo pniii,,,i, . n* leip.lnyse.lf. I I...can't (lolly )1.4,i;, l.' p,:, She dioseesse's tie 'influice with deSperatc. re,sol:•ti n nil 1,03.10 that OM holiSr3 411'.'. 3.4 ,011 the 316'3.1343 )3' the lysett thia, cunt 'taste., or pleeistire and over 'hill)/ ,., .IIer ',Intl -nonce,. „nor 'all she May-pr,VVall e,Vell 16W,, it,i10.111gile,tf
, ter t110 tiOli'l' "aft,n1°' 141113
, P11,1118t1/11V11', 118, ' wolf 1,1 on. hialfit.sii.,, plight, oven. theugli I '3 111 itriniPling,. that her tern earl.' east ltitet tite,",":...... (.4(,,nrgto t . ,th,04.,.,,, 3; . (10114t, 16aisylk .
Tliliet4 f Ir1)11::t . l'il do,' , he -•st.111,; .!if: a' Sel•fresiieeti rind 'cion.jinott,,..Sonse in • dune! .Cato'.weigit.'n,griiii.St one Belled „et 0 1,, . ely),,, ,,,,,."1.,,,7,, wildff,,, hoi,„•
.. OVin" .yi)ti' .110 re ti try 10 „Punish' the„lelding 1" lii-' 43.11 51)0111 „to, iiimseifi,''."1, ' plit;po",,40, of ids, ,.. „: ` • .• '. , , • ,
innocent- for the. guilty; :I'll owl. the, ,tn't- ri"SiSt lier--,i.,, tIearea" twili-t if. • • 441 00.e., t itriderstainl., And I unlit litilit:rt o01.(tti
lad---'w-tmki-----Et-1,11-th---„,lv-r-cteli,- . .e43'll'-t'-', - net- St a,t1(T, In the WitY ec,;V011 1•811d11e1.8,.,,, • 4,1
''11 liy wl i 144-1111 t." 'teltVi'...--ine !..'',1,'alte tile'
4011 hiy 0%11. l'oiir 11,1,6,0,21V111 be In the , eSist het, and nrir lOve;. ant ,,".0Weet-' i,.);,noiv!),‘,.. . '., _....,, .. ,._•,,.. _ .• , .
, '..tvitli-"y0t;',Cledrge,":"....she mutters, hot,
(hist .0s,' %Yell '19 111)110-1 ii*tar, it' .Gif 'OA. ,n f,'" inn(cert trildern...t,,, : aiitt' ., ,,clhe is Very Onict, and gentle, IT ' aricl('011 by. turns \vith slitiniti, and..
, eoUrso- 13.," (('411113 lit'rqtn liothlag',. hilt' an : 3.11001 it ilevotion.r., ..: ', . P eVen rt.. - faint :snide '01 - the 'IVI 111 ' ' ream. ancl /3ias...510;11te, hope,' her Iv erdS
• brisk .11
..iP:Onsirlq,i'llgiYf i''ittieg' more erbet. and . im- back , a p;ittn, ani ',tile . (113r1 het .
,., ('3113)13'*thret," ashe „platters. agaln,, t Po'r tiro Pure, fetid li113)9 hare kissed fce
T a.' ilut, Ali,,.glit 18 ' 05110 , 111 itfl
tlogt." Ch0111 :1 g' . 1164 ' as She titterk
I tettieltirw 1133A:10pt
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16w )'°t11 11"1.)°"1114' 16re Int°' th,„ "": ; 'Voice'. The. "rift Wittiln'',•tlie Le" nli veld's. th(ql, YOU ,1:116\‘, and take;
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min In . little White:- Itti,nd essays' to ""...,.--.4--:‘=". • „,,„', ,Ilig, we, fli.14 !''' e 811 v ', a Ini,',,,t fierrely.
' 46. idUlttlii: ii• (.`00) IN (ii t DAV e/Isio the 'big,. brownimiiSehlar fingers , igtePS the 'iOnlifiti..`: , . thrusting, her '.1 ack. - I_ don't . marry'
. Take tiiiritlinr4lroine,033.1nlini",,Tobleto.' :am tightlY3 " , ' : ' ' . ' '.. ' " • .ftrid Work4 Oft' the Cold.' `,koil. ttild ,tttke ‚. i ' ti „ liott/. 1
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'above iikonoss of 'Mr. G. IL gent; 408. (.41.1.mour:
street; Otta*a,' taken 'from a reeerit, ,oars
ago Mr. Kett-waS' urod Of niiglit's DiscagO of tilO 'Rrciffey,
in its las,t stiigs by DOdd/srkidney. Pills; Arld has 6ri5byett
-good liOalth ever' Sitce.., partiCulat of this remark-
able ctifois-s*orn to,'werd pfiblishod th theso cohlnit6 it`
few, days :ago:' • -
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