Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-22, Page 6-v - T'; .,I' M", I— 4 01 A % Woo F A Language F 4111- !q for WHO 01T 'WIN qwdel' an N 14'� begin tq, wiidefsthnd -y6ur., lan� Hit 8" Tffl$ 9114gc'betfer;!�, salp, my. 1PDX, rr nd , 31onsleUr, )?ubola, 41�qt oiCA koq� PerMIS-51 to Use roublo. we', tli oof, Dqdd7s Il too' Lost Quarter, 7 *941, )jist Vail VIAlmil, to! Wall III, the clutch ot. -;-SuXe r re da 1 11, 1 h pays fritond1i to-brpak down: her U A 0, syn U PO4QQI.r e ira I, 4 Malady _a or, than usu f you xrib�, too: :rati lr� Ou Tq;qpjq�� Q and a 1; wropeo or�- per aps villted he k 4pr* f oo thin' rt p.) Vo44's Kid r pqadayq­anq she, Ix,, arely, ral4d, pr' U16 city; I r, b rank Chartr ha raTAUlqq do 49P JP, eYodij thotr'olun VpUng: an for Y1,DU b4b.V 4, F t '44� be Y the xupreot 1 With 116yor, a to but to . quittleO And tt" :, orlAk up oli'or pliY, thlZtT, Ze&r0 01, ge., The reqporjpl� Pm"cP 44 fie 4 Jittle'.more, or ess, Is w44"JILLI 4614 thatmodr, her 'school.!, ,dreaded by � dogtori,* "fWhy doeO, she *do' taX A@ked, no great* arrn��; To ...... 0141tY, VU -her: shoulders; ISL ex- f, buqy an, 49rJoe III 0 Ivy, , 'I hi ed" 6i, 'I ., L , 0 pop II BrIght'6,' Dise4pe, .111 1--Aqd righ, a, quar a 3, of t�h a Into 'health,: Wdor In 'doctor; too. toript what'it d an v*�Svoar In -and yedr'out' Wlth,.th81Ittle h aderizigthing aWAY that, t. A, t- apq 411'. eighth of Ur. Charftand,Io� es nth a dreadful Brokda, d6*n-.? a a -wh�n etpeones 'are CAPQ row Coutr' uffer "ir'tihoket to, fill Md Ij An told%,kIl IS, ;thin.,, no,�matte; ;vA2 k e, IU& 0gIoPIlJgj'�wIjeq the Spi. OpSItIL n. r inordi �T a -h doed, thice- �,Iqv I Up to anqu to ouVi own ,rords Are rAqI had, rou, St 11 9 or, as brokeA.�' u4n—"R OV,sclibQ1 'bills -bee iro,Ub,1' IL 11 1 1 : , greatly E I "on ot, V. 'have been, - carPle pd by own,t�— IRT� aP7 4 MOOT, OtAWat, the do the ffrs$ -pool" my id 9 to see, her for two �Ye tWo AM— ftv- u 0 envl4 with Of thie,g-AP-�1,suffered with� Opkintle. duiihg: 'Di liabY rs, slilee',h 4rtqr;',Of : L�t - qho� t AnC iurn,,,, W61glil,tfijit to, six.4. wdi 16&V it Ihaff re� b494aghci And 1, atwaLyi to, -1 a week4X1.,; ipmet, IT %akin 4110-� Ve0,h0&vY 10 the'llmils," with, fre- "Will 01 1lef; l�'Thi 40rth7l91'IA0 4114 h,a the :� t rief, t quml!t aeverb _ve her: "UOUSQ el .,headaches,,and t in; the bo' "NO, 13110'19 afraid It will ing,.. Clo, h com hom 4he, has 16E pallis ln,� the M6 �i4p 4rinti t rel f I le4l %F111011,preen-ted �Ijae from gr t ese, twol ea s:4 over"" Wb op.-tho el h aw* I a 'that ? �Iotlmo throUg -QAUAdl�, Are pu d b�kr�.or: two, or h Ae illdren. qpe; hood, ar;64 a, MY woik as do W Und anh their OnloP 10 4W�Ols- nual Y, and 0 t ,A�; , , , -�, ' tL rupillly, ]tat, I to, 94'trial Indeoq Often 'my it 111 L, f, W-6rk and'' und�r­digesti6n. �,agqq prigil wqrldi Ilcrq legs w6uld any -Youn 9 She hourt 1z OTle;, y real OL her.jr spons bill- cramp And Oced&1O.naIQ very qUUrtor Are: broUglit 't TOL ba,ttle-witli jlf� III' pains eEon be Ind ely I Ales, she� feel the loss`6t lthe� Strong and aLvdjy` ad so -wor y Arid �noItL, heavy dIzzy o%No that on k even 'baby �b I , . 8top -over, OU f. tfa a of reath and gagpluept ;hF'br0 of her' llfeI,; Nut� wheffite, you can or not,-, t, wip ir e 4�6 '�re( , : �ii . � I �. . Worry shrtlimm of b k Th h at future 0 on �but P0,1111' 111"Ithe left. &I th`6 disease, and �794r- , * � I I ! I I . de., -Som Who illbloil gilt TIery 'RO94 MRpAIS �n d 0 onof CO,;l Joint �bel lie! tumv-thost th'er Efflu'lsizl she, P!Cka I ga b ake' upents''fiere asid she muit, briU'gL tilein up� to! takol W61illl take a. bnc.lift and a r9kou 0 I had llear� are a po p Allem, to cup thAt. woul that." Anof ta� And, - d fifil,50''iny PAr ­ Qpatn, and. ItII6 most�'tfi Livqr il to balince a,C6 give tLh n in. carch al�qut,; It. Ti. "wl, Ww �s' has't Work. thbIr Way to honorable isuc- meal. I had tender. qots over tb Is' very., sorr iourielf a loireq, ones oAnd trips too think hiow it would epm: beos-'The fIrsV year� go;4 by, and back Son, only brokai` the news th your'*ork, `to P� 6Ptaq and 'felt very timell down� D 'Wl' liv6 Ill tile' journe: to. ojiO to a 'b "YOU �Z, tem'04r reflef her .1a,§t wnhnOs i 7 -ac, ani Y 01 b tt,,true Y h sa 'gr tII6 in d ot cow, 00 Ashd bpAr'tfils loneii prepqal n.' Th&6s a-li rn'k,� howe C,a al froin Br 's 'z UUULA; 9%, curable. Dt't,61, L r 'k the' Is, hard -to orafand. That 4 Idines the 11 for�jt d' a OUng man 16 a'finsIY row. n cak lungs .,who, Will or ve, 411 tbii time,- but, oung YOU Y01LTNCx' V1 thle Id me Od. 'A few -weeks, a I er C t iii]0 1) n -o Scott, s.EinuWbitofCod iver Y�" pi 'a ch''nc tt) tbli", Ino fello 00'. blo(m rich 'An([ red, noti,only 0 got t a hope. a friend.that ',0 but ,.Vill 1,*Oad given- 'it I . I I I JSL 80cond 11119 children, and,". abe, eeltC1, 0*1" the st", cure,�' hor dro " ''� �: .-r L � I I I " readie "Qo�sjtmp 'YOU tty­ 99 e'b heFily, don, Dodd xl�. ue V break." UP i egards, tile, ld Ther: Si�ond, J11 qsb'Uinti�s� C . I . ; I . t)p thildren 60Y FlJls7`.'be,.toId me Ca ', urilps if.coines of DI ft, el too 06,d' Minard In are two kiiklwof 'widows. 0 1 1' went directl tai rug oreL T 'which 1,'have� th 'L your i ��!-vou cant : ttle -lovE xeo, P, ioitij �iio* M�ork nag, n.. �,I�ttraotivv Ahe ried And got tbre aria. J0'06',pr0vpd �'t d ise -,Who (IOPS�a Wido'W'V'boun e,f . Used, had wh!M' have ­ g� Wi OUt­r'' 6 t J'i�hgbewcll, qnd, kh t'"d tb )we that much lm�, ' grge., them Off loves t n, and he pwov( His usiness. n a � I 4'my health that *ltbot h6si. BL, Jerome neve re 11 eu W, An, 0 Qua— to, Stop Sorne �orflf activity., as�, re-. am Sure -It Is but a, 6d t --r L. phIlly.,dir .-of mis 'a reall 'I , 1% 1 kir: dd or e, re�- OV n n 110, 61gual, 01111 111 . her, walm r 1 11 lltt� :pan, MaTJter­0r'A­qbOrt time, till I �roq �Dl&yon o6tlo� A'Ords, wlll,,b.3, of,' to', At man ThOl gdn'ulne'�hait il Ii � an Uo , 1W eaL a q en cuj6d,1 Gtzike�d at Me-? t th o e P 6 ompletely, and tly, urr k" , so rge,: SAYS:: Up U g c thispictur n t �calls 7 S—yeo, It' Very,,; proilioearl she had' As: a igirl Jee i9 is a r4ep0r er. -f tle nwother., bY',ten.':, when, It Jie oman, a T I fifteen,, had She. s free 'e, Weighing 'the Tb�*e COS 5ut WAY ohpqild he'stajeI At' Ilrat 'eight seems OQte4. 6 ? At, r -both, aides of the 0.rocegolon�: of ij)S I h* not, le 'L tr'i y ',aitraAgb,� but Jil 4edlity it is, not casot the' sea 8,,-,d' 610 Pr bly .'W&tohj a g bdI �,,send f4r ecome t pep his 'kk�ws, color, Suffered `(3011-��- "Aix a"Itirl. her libirl7oqtil lie, her - 11 170� to, her hilcliell is �oII6 nOi Yftr�� He's OUPP&Sel to'k Gre&t Bilt6lu Jr� 1p�CAIJIL WAS L 6M, all '�. 8 �PI)4 to 'lie. Melbourilb eyo OnL'. 6Vpr'-:thJng" that pajoe'L :0nI weat. t I VOth iv�chitp r 11% r it ungind, ra 'Argq greeable taSte Will b 6: iiartle,0 ordahi that ,turns aPPe tit a, loft, me4n& 1 hu&e to, make -yoi thpoe'rialik1dre o Aurn Are, Aot 4noiii eag.L to 10 , Out: well :bandp tO 96 around I The only appai- 6 ris, ou. wome, very:� Weak. 9U P1311114CIPhla, Pr bais dUller Wwage-�her Ahe cannot blame herself.' A! 130WNE hav g frIeUdG.L The is pot ygamy. Whot w ullw ent reshedy Ma ry T c the Dow. �:busbiind, has any r ',I h o,, - M k to-,darop-&-,BYWPV�tlietio-"t- n bmtheis' kobbb , 61tunw-were,' to haod a r -y , t Ofiernist -,� She ml� -r ,J 1penni t r Is: mbnstr�yuo or I Oatin-.4 English-- Iden oomed7 I. away I er., aIJQ -ture, itai tj tlhe---qo, � $ o 00m; 6U leam. and W lavoor, or woW� preeanted�.h�m§elf no* and agaln.'Hbr "ally they'drif Id 31 :an: quffrag6 7 450c,and 1.00; W] druftll� 0, over* unfr'uItful a t'M .11110 lue i L I 2IOW W61114 y M61r' t i 'the 11 Your Wife should on reei At *eaka lat r alk,, is chAngect. Her she has boreal to7blam aote; in o ppos It loll; lie'..ho& h4' remorse a,, er, , I - %-. . � . � " , , I , , -� baftd's fri I end s'- axe, old'ait hAp bitt o? . e probbl. p6,§I , tion, Ul ar.d?s'�LInImCnt Cii -0 benefit 0 CbIldred- are, grave a rdw-DIs Tompiine h', go lioug,! rraVen�tj AGIPXCIE& t, serious -tem- im% niniyi They have aoerL4'Wh pe'T.-� , , , � ,re,f6r some , . 'I been suarri6d"fift J)r0V YeaX8 'e, -fin eturnqd.' hb ift A WEJiL&VE THE�LMOST 'PERM &tai of 'eith Orayok or-holp 'excellent AA" moth( Oothflig� Igyrup should: vW- -C&--nad in er. sex eompr hedd,LJjQW' �effaeWve-sys 7 They kno* - how 11 Alm Winslow's to (or debte �V.. serious 4at thechild- Prointsed Not 0 9i7-1Jn%sd7S1a1rn a n she-rdns­h6i---hputej-' ien-drp�actu-dl I4ren­taethin`g.7Ir6Wo-tJ�o­g aow, c gYman hea d ods e. go a 0 0 on .'guaranteed they drivitag alon rJ>a one Twenty- able ar es to orrobone Main ead :of ei z OW"Artterly linfittecl andis the boat reinedy far dla�Tjxae -a. AV Dr t the: ii j%'-Oures wind colic Initt 4 ould child. softens t e �Rujj rnk 6art of a h6me,., sho.4iniq 00 to Arterr�os vO Cents a bottle. q ' eyer built". lqpillrplin&hei,� And, nAttir'ally". *LAtp-r!8 w4eir ig(In wveffLWjU Call *,Jd0W L of. I I i and 0 you. sIIn a 16*e -with the qrca�htllo A in 1oo la Bilt theI womainf. Walk ;1RTJqflFARM F0R'SL1Z--0Mj OF THE J Wes d ra J t have b 2 ing.� , -e4'tIje 'I, n 4�lc, the orA0dIaatI( )Qg, of the young Widow, J 'finest in' tho L P Parlence. and '­ their'" er'ask have e ciould vWinona,r 10 alil6a froal uty�,recoveryi', or, wil I ip pose- bOU er..a urt. wa aM on two X OR SALE nde aj'f;ecotjd L blunder. an go W.W11 ACRICS, NEA 0!�,. Ye. Jim 80res In a 35. of which is in fr4ji. 200 mue, gradua .'.ThwwId6w'oI horizon 1E C, t tri, nd they' drovq I be 80M. in on P�� � �%hdt . 'the ­ohiIdfp$e` M 4% Flipgton� - all' cultivated;- 70' acres fruit , , 1 Ug -for 00ino ti d, she _ t 'I '' 9th. fio� judde divided into lots of U to 29 acres Wrr- -I man r curls 'during' �)4arry' 11 4e,, bad Set her d6*nr at has r This in aAeoldod b&rg&iil. USe an 11 % �,$JIL ' lWaY. � POstaffice. blaclannith, shop, beAst 'd her.:;�niajrribd 'State. 11, *L h 'I ir her Address factory and @djkoQj, h&jfLMJJa; sell In whole. as a( iy waste t sli,6� thaniked h1m, And -be 46"than Clarpoater,:p. o. box 4A Wing,, ar'In pa the had 94 to"er very rt on easy teiins. Gwee H 0 �AIL My 'A' reeman, unt. - Jol, t been at S. IsAppear, or In, ther.e9an ry,� t?he:ha§ childr0n shouid 1Y wa.3 agalnL en won said tho, niatter�o& health" tlOoe� who, libut and,� ziow,, nowsMeladjh 'an obliging o -oil J�hould� kn'' he iopot Afjr�ldwonf ilrhllem' oing -widow, with clilldr OW'1119� C11n e, I fshovL noI't Oand ch arry. aga, U'L un-, th ()P� I i'be AIRDE OF S 01 r ctinn ofthe NO, 110 ILUJ e)c Myrf n 1dountry than all other diseases put togetker tae,me, O,ten, ad( 8611(Ullotal the IaBtfewyea- was sum;osed,tob f. her,- And they one 'All 106i uc myr lerm'. -in InciArable. For a Oat many Years doctors pi No: Si4A MS ;'Ind BUfter�"rg to Sort Ife I Aftei! all,' if, they do'. their duty J61 . NT8,� It.a loca disease, one pr E"K ,'jrdttling�good r me'I'VIIJ noumeed rd 11111S ascribed tocaj, v6L hLrolar;,ellutit" and -they proa' R rar' as they have kubwledge,, romediessindby-donst4t)tlyftLilingtool1re.wAh No LEAK With a �ijpojj, every conceivab e, qiibjeoi. Plilness--to all, -and l;ijlsuUd8rtJtafi�1,­ The a Is more Catarrih Isav 1 U ed ridden o* -r1 lives' bdi, bl r tlxe� blood"' Is th,67 �Jklj'[W 11)�6 0�aised, :not': blamed, ocal treatment, PrOnQunIced it 'ificurablo.r atj�engthjued, the jitiailtity, lenee haor �d 'if the" sstjjrfil�� ojjt.� ' ' � I -' �.*� proven CdLarrh to her a fiND ung wrong y. crease and. thus tile. is --.that -the- yo constitw to resis Should' widows dill ? Coj!� I siAment., Hall's Catarrh Cure pdtleAt; U en- abd4sensc and therefore,'reIcluloas constitu- t'the r further c anicas, or marryin marrT, ag tat h g ! I L: . n., .,Does, flie -hey lilive7"tid'one, by%F- J, ChOnOv, Co-.; Toledo, �Ohl if t oon :�,re-,; n1r : Astheou gonstitlitia Mn-ary' tren tli� IQ taken r ateinally in oo a,- for I e -on Uses frolilL d, ii Ware, I Iti L 10 drops to'vi, ilrtielesi doine c so. have. let. 'th6ni pauab" an"d boaxpeonful.., It acts directly on the blood and or... ea or Suffering f3het.1 tsi, 'the .0' '1 looks aheild' 106 they take a stelli whi At lialicous surfaces of,the system. � Th ' offersno .,CrO�W gnyAlseas6 due Suppose slie� te;-piarripa And her'sod a'V'ptfi4&s bun red doll4re for an r., eahe it fa Wo to Cilre6 all Pr to ad Ti TRY maiSea for circulars and illiami goes,16 tile dogs; br:,her daughter lturnal;ojilt badl P a soon ale ',first, class,d' ina e� yo -,.wro Are !136ld h pr6olf 'f6i Ski g Y, Well' '81jer not -blame J. CHENEY�& Cb,, Tol 11. Thesa, plill' Sold . Rts. 75c.' ''Haag aniflypiJiBaroth' bost� ........... t P 6therr And 'BABV leaving the§ tea, Alfjj'-rnedtcln'esj' or. will, a a a pento A-LbOX; :? lal pl-� o, OT chairman'. of tho 'lecture 00 w to Csjre�for,,ifie will 'They R Zo Ot 't - . I I I . ''' r, ourae oner may'Isay, vornariL The 310�t PrC916116 rikkult 16 the, 31. ' I sacrifl L ' , Ii ).L,L, ''r , ; ndee.(]L B AK -'or SIX, bDxds for $2 by addressing, to mleant, to . er own -1the Dr Willfains, ce C HE ee ajy "clety, the efilid'Ji Wduld',L 'b t' tl' th igrov,up And: l6ave'Lher." Tha sat, Wit' 'Who: III Mien e,4., pr co 0 00 gy6a:t: 'to 'first deat-mate's res es le. -stage before a lotgo. ? 'Wfidt� bas, civ6ry gieat iary MY o�r tl th f ie preigervailon 'Of Xhe per- Writt I " ;io audlence; wonder ng� Why. em­,pignti'lled iapldlj'-'� ��'did you g6j' on agdln� and, akaln In'hl4'bIo-' nd Wattla. g no- g h t Ceti, rosy, sturdy . 041AW-df a baby,, I b*e everythin mthp'eX t 940,," Irepli ed 'the other de -fij�te, it catchr* price WO11114,I)ID too gT64-t but,,Ais peetedi 16C urer, did no p­ nk. IM. the bagd� thd a Il' an-; r,'own,,- If;' L 6 fel th �wpjnan L wIld'EacrificnO lie. L �'Id "Matict or At, Soule sort of djl'� did t xe tier child,14 ainply re0did, if tha 41310-11-7 pl',y prpciiil�tjoh A . . 1. 1 qS66I`y,, And oteppid lor h Sim til c: eX­ to tile, footlights.. gon can:,feel And ti Orc, �6f, good Judgm sentl�.'; " I . 1 ft 0 0 --, F! WAS it not Wo , rth 0; ge, ti Aft acrificing'. It, W Ladles, and' n 0 in e 'to 11, L WMjdE_ in �r ia 4 J . ;,;� g tender, �little infant re In e'd I es I believe AfMA.-ny; Cho account for -the absence of PrefeasW' of.Margaret ogilvIV? ev But V f i ti -, I proportion of an Eo -called, nig *110'*as. to leetlij6. Ile il ng op�,Izcs re a.r , w u7gq�J, told, Me tliat'. Ile Would an e que,,*. -4 AK R, be, on he -was Alive, and, 'as MRS.,. nie4,,have children,. =2 it ;� g, *G, , Ivekdale. tion ar h: 13" it td be"? is tain oplateo we;naus tlle�'06 not cure.: they he me not t co d % nein e tliO I.bdlieve MTNAnD11 ffSp, I r , Vy" the littio. he 6 lie to icofi6lder her' incllnailon� O%1l.V Ortig nd stupi 11 re, 'is 9 L E M�T Will. or. thio liupp'!nc�iVof: her. 0 r n911 CII Bakoi: Tabl�:iyare gu,,.r- , just, the VX tied gec oOr.6fessor -tilished ij;n od* and, no t1lb a all 'out of' b' t,� 19,6fton a Weat tussle "' buLt'Sollic- ".-all cod to. cojjtWj n k go, reth.., '1adhiii,� r . it 0 a the bc;3.t medi- and �genticmpo,­ ANDIERSbfj, bow, when one 166ke 'rotirid among acontinued 4he §tanley, P-11 E, 6ne'do,dcquaintavces, one' sees that ;,cln6 foJ g �OU4, because, it* "is man to,'Introduce evnow Address us on 4 The inferii'b.�:,11, ary Alid abq�bltiiely' tho. late, P'rofcs�qjr ounk idow often aae,� liromptty Is rifices her harmicb8j the', best h6u8'eli6id remedy on aith. poflatjilkttlon,� It t '? . r 4. t thittirt ate, the worldl Minard'ij t me t c-ak 41, th I ea Garget In! u ren a nd'-nal volpos!;, thy. -are i�lvenlifc and failtilo tkoubb I llab�,Is OAkn TAL 16 cbwa;, y te -pected 6 live: it nethe'b x for e d thO bc�t he' She, possibly oan and pku�jjt to t kc, d,al I ad THE' NADIAN BIBER, Co' uty',. therefor'e, of, the parenC to do III: tbei Tli 6L Tzlble'W are Ewe it. CA nreat IS, th or W . ........... I 'ta� n be giveh"Wilt fi� abool to, %rd 'of them Suppose a'Woolan b.e l6ti,witill.twq, 04f0t tO, thef yoAngost th" aTHE IMPROVED a, In �to �k true to or 'YOU CAN' ep� their" little 6rjds� SlIeMk:bf lt,!In file w CURN Ar Col C N GET F 00 A llt ON't D-Alr 'the' All opioer, of its officii 12. TO. 2 Un, 0j IS,�% �0# 'PAIRi .4 asset JA "rsaI ZbX UL y Bul PAIRS PER druffftlets.refuzid the niongy if it falls to I MAKER M m t a- b On' I r util the , . 6 �jp Y b, -,IO. a u s a I is 'true'. g1 r� V I 0', y 1pur giltoojj� eda tar. iirp. Poultry 'mind all Weds VV� Q"J& Alorzo Y 1n my A u IL Or6d'ce. Write ui *h-�n �you.fiays a Wit an `Viblcta.- art! of Farai Check'sen t " Sdbn"as W r6m, ir to arp tbp g" -take irbadll:�',- dnd4t reg too na nc DV WJ&'L& �G�o Is I. gr&t belper in t'eth- L 'thd, b6welis- itre�' thein or te W�uld,�n6t think of 'Without the Tabl�6'0' 8 A 'J �Tl .1 t Al by, dru or' MAC P. e hants 5cc a pri4e, at Every lin 6 n and, as 4 r6guhir ositio th Dr. '�' NA1111 p itind sud�niojjn ON A, W �,ProckvlLlor, Ont. Th L t)f e e� the 0 n yem h 0, ead Atinen T ffe d: sent an nininy other eiluaii!� to Lonldii, . ..... 0 an mr a I n went' down, to d a Ig n' g 11 . rt , , oAnik6, ; 006e6h Many t n ajntereiting�ajjd use W,thln&*tw, pqfafjcc�, Th tilt, eursq of pig 0 , 0A,11 tAl $I,r)I00',O COMD1 14T "A' L I In rimi drtink bgf o e q, At A�11 ikii '�d le'arn twin In go ji ti policies or , VII!4,11111 or n 0 i's, ntbrd�tlti n an price� ace Vvery 90( IA a., IJw ExOtOr piporq cajni� feati jr4i of t E -JJ,; 11AN, BRI06., CH010L 0' F PALMISTRV In rogakdr.,�J6� 143,in 24 �hdi O'nt OR A Nl,r RICAN, S 4nd',ext.end' U An 9, w "0711 rA T� fftfiIb tior 6t I) hff rf 40d. Worksr,() it URS �,Of It Urer:a, 6@1 0 IJ a AD CUPTO bEldr, elit" W' r P E �Tco g, .7 J