Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-22, Page 2tvi 4 Bulgarian iiPrgyman_. Visited Her. Hold Mock Trial, Rob a HO Hang Neviv, otipt_g_t.::_filk AT ,LIBERTY: VLrgIxda,„N4ada;Nov. i8f'74Wor4. na” aueln retteiTed, here of an outbreak ,ixtoh..:Thgeneo which almost.result oii 44 'the tleathof Henri.. Ellis, a liegre't 'rttgtilng L.44 Fay, now 0417 „_ 11,IMPk IA X.,Incobl,county. , 'A. pow 0!. men Went te-theoablii by r....40*'attnniced,, WA], drag, .gett Wm' OtWatal 104 a Week trlai uii Pharr° 'of Otealing $50c frOln ticatrdnor bona° at',Fay, At the 00nT attask94. ol thati•Ini. they eearelied hie peektirtii and took iUt the money he. hati,, ;after which thy plac'edarePe at'Oland _Us neelt'-,and -drew him up tbreet!-Mee,. The 11Mb to Which. the .r.OPq ..vinfif -fastened .hrotce,..'". and the Pleb, aeOlded not to hang" the Mani witch' Wn4i MarchO3',Pat. 'of town end then released, Ileauedeededin reajih- Lugithutwu 'Of in .0a.fet$, Y, CRAZY, Ziat'itkloott.'Released--In• Custody of BekirBey-4•Coniula-,illay Get. Her, /. 'act, Free Vv10.194t,. 4ammunk,,-414* ISirendent'efArreeted 31aee,40,0*n* .110w- rPtlr, Welv,„).-$.7rkr4A '11419ehel;, in".Makedenla has'augt arrived' ' 'froin vlIUng maw .Stone, and' ls now gr,„•'Pleltlnaona qn75). desPateh.,- , In 7 Atiu toTt;:'. Of Cereif lifacedeala. I left her two daPft , , ago, cozuiug dire to ir. Pleklneea to try- to urranc) for her 1116to,S0o$:40, are,,Weli; , 'but ., -the 'terrifie, • and there, ia danger that :Mies' Stone may •lose '.ber 'intact:. TO he ,liflaYaida the natne • nett.toundings, is,' likely. AOdrive': her • '.. crazy:4', Constantly :at th.e' ONecte hae eeini.teestaerizedher • • ztad, she' has had, a, PrelitCntbnPut •.:kbOtt ovU laeralt• her: ': •• ''• . . 1174e:brigand ehiet..hifOt•,tna hie •that .120:Wtir nOWitialat,ea the f.idl_ransern, ii,sitlioleugth.'oiltinie Allan -Steno .hae bele* left; OnIL hands •.lea.Ver4 no Inar- gn " ler 'bargaining...The name:Of the ' brigand . chief ,:Tounoess, ' wad Bekir Biy, in Wheae.,,hpuso .1,11Se.' Stone •is, confined, .1..4.".'0.40. in. glove 'tvith the, 'brigand 13ey asSigted 'the, brig:, ;•• :,Stone, for ft) days'in, the ,'menetains ..before taking' her.. to Ida ..houee. • ' • , •• ,3ljty ot, Need Bannon). There;: are ,about 150: itneeeloalans impriaOriedilw •conneCtioli with:tlio ...Stone affair:•by the, e sonal•Conipenaatleh,, but, ...II', rant ,Itile'llfacedone,:teleased." If the. 'AMerleatt, the Englieh. and the ;Prdneh Cleagrelii , at 'SaloniCa 'fittest '.',11P,Caf' Bekir. „Dey.LieleaSing' 'bo!,n,eceseary.' to dealwith the brig- and62,' and 'itY,P..'eaa:'"get her teledfie'r Without. "paYlitg,,•,ratisoW,!, •, • • INE8,. 10(1 k, HERO OF THE Killed by a Kick From Grocery Horse. a. WAS, IN' ,BALAKLAVA :-CHARGE,' Bullab; NOT., 19."A'. deopOt011i r'71.40''Courier.„frbin „LoblzPort,• N. ez0s:. WO: PPSS ..411P1*;h ._camPaignO lui to fdrin. Oho '.of. the, -first .'Brit- „ Pah,' "Tliin 'fled Idue” In the "Crimea,- ° to ceine Miacti,thed through' tha h16 - toric L' 'charge of ',the, SIX Hundred • at •,Tt1akJavt, and then!teri 'retire. tp..pri- vet e.,.lif e. to tho peece..anaquiet of the ,greleery besiness,.-and- t to diepAll by the delitery horse, was the' fat of Aintrrt'4.4hort, hero of iii•apy,tt:ars, and furiuerly a‘sergezint.... in tq6:paivice:.of the Queen. • ••• iioW „ „ , •ArnbreiSe.' Short,,W 0 Ma mer- chant of •this.icitY, about teide; night, .litat!. night,• froM the effects 'et • inrjuilei3; •Oceiyed.: ,last Snnday, from being kicked by Short .went •toethe.harilto 'feed hin.grocery delivery, horse; and, falieg. to Eipeak to the •aniiimi, w ho usually did, the horses:kicked out; and ',0ti-uple`hiiii in the libdenien.. The bioW ,knecked Mr, Short : down„ and"tho,hOrse continued kickhig,',hat•lio.evadedthe additlonat blews7anail'inaIly:e0pt to the louse. 'Debtors 'Were,calfert, and ft....Was' folitid, The 'ltatl"-OuStaill,ed n fractured rib,and severe ' braleseg:-..The..,-feare4"-of, ,Internal,injtiries .rivere .only too 60011 realized.. ".•':011e began' to grew wpree, Wednesday morning,''.:aedsaid. 'ran- paSteing:aWay 'at.„ ian early' hoar asteful Luxury of t ffVery Rich Illustrated. ,COSTLY- DELMONICG:, DINNER, New York ; Nov. 18: -One of the mod • remarkable .private • dinners in the 'histnry of Delinoniceve was glyen there . last -night by Mr. George .BLeye, treas- urer, of, 'the. Corporate Investment CelaPanY'.;'.01'. ItiOactway, and, preeklentlot the fla4 Mirror...Plate • • , • . • ,. „.„ Ver., ttie' pleasure. of , entertaining. ,nhae.guests fro nn fifteen minutes ,paat , Seven -o'clock uritil,'half-past ten: o,"elock Jast night Mr. ' Ileye•'• .trans- formed, the red roam Of 1)elmonico's bibe. a.,,,•miniature,• hewer .in- .a.• pine fereee anct.epread ,before theth. a re-. ..ffpast-VitieliTee43-im not less' than, $1,00 for eaelt of :the stenVcoVers, laid: Ilundredsi3Of; pine boughs had been . brought tropi the woods,. and -.the:A. .Were,so,adjusted2apOn the -walls, ,cell•:•• int .and floor of the apartment, as to. conceal , their .original 'Characters, '• • Wires 'were "stretched • through, .them " and pen/Meted . with linndreds .of small ineandeseent dee- , trie. light 'globee',. which :peeped out from the green houghs on Walls and , paying. Each globe.. Was 'shaped:like an:',Oreilid, and • shone' .With a- pale green light that. lent reality to the 'pemblatice, of. , the „ .woodlaini floWer.., - • ' .• " • Oyer' 'the crash that covered. the ..flocir had been .' stre w pine boughs, ngles. of tliklt woodland mos and • bTilieIg of an.twan_h4e--a, • 11a:tints of Scarlet; yelloW and grey., • A 'round table, eight , feet :• eter,. 'made of a.nfinishedoak,„ rostl . friwn 'tJitter of ntosS, and, lerives, and ihe ts stOut WereCompletely et:yore:I,wIUi green..and,•.gre:k Ittriged aroUrid the table wore the -- -ten (4.411-s;••.•eaercot whlch, capecially bulit for ,t h is ocearrion,i was made of biadt. btr&i ,betighs, fashioned "in vari-/ black,bircli boeglis, fagliiorfOri n wartel rustle' designs,- and with the barkleft • o11'. the surface. . ' The centre' of the table Was a. :mound of Maidenhair fern; moari and 'Oak1eave:1.4-ln' their auttininal." tints. TiveritY Or 'thirty' electric dobea 'like those .,peepteg. from .tlie,Valia• were arranged. arming ine,ferha and tuOsseti In the' centre of the table, -and Iri front of e:ielt cover, WaS a,.elinfter of • thlr,ty Of the rarest .of miter:Li ' green oreldde that the hotlionsee, Or „New, 'York could supPIY.' 'There :Was' tie othlr of ,the room . than that by the green globes' of , tho 'small `eldr.,,triii. lights., and the f eet ol tA31.1 !gilt ' hi' IL Mao 'foreat.'' indeed,' .the observCr...ro ph t svol 1 have, hong- fiord htineelf a guest ,of the, banished duke. pal:taking of ids ‘Ve4kiltxri,1 hoe" 'pltality.' in'. forest Of 'A rdon an me LAMA for ra eh Litit, v re ,p271111tod on OA rf \ 04, n(I..tho jr nu •etpinrra or, Illr I .1.tr,11 .:11/t.tu , ton by never] tne,hei in ,rilze. wit te'S. al( or th'e rarest. and, ox- p,onttito in gos. • • Mr„ I1:tyr,;',4 r.,7:1,-.Its.tvoro Dr. n trt Gannt'i att,1 Airs,ell 4( end Mrs. Dalt•\1r1;.Hey°, Old • ' ' ' ' • ' • The.' Loridcin r,V:,11ing Nr1ws Pri,Lts , 0.10 Chilcug y' olon t 11,a ,nufstkrpioce. or ' literature -is aot snerecl..T‘vent'Y Itt'fi. ,Isuld\ed Vr.3 Jist tR010114A I tion 01 tr 6 New 'r(st nt t trite Modern Arnerleattl' rin, atro, , iitty almost Makes one still' tor_ a few ! qu gift ' It For-thlrfetit:'•yentfOretteant.ThOrt served in -ithir,Dritish•••arniy,„; reeeiir- • ing an honorable' dicharg.e, a cer-. • ttileate,,Of' 'geed character fro,* tie oaptain,',"a'.. gold,..nredel4rOM-Htite, -Queen and',Other medals for ;heroin.' , and distirgUished.serviees, :O8. the. flea Of 'battle.' •.• • • AlalVo,§,e; :Short- was bornth r tot.. :•Erigtancl; in 18:37. At ...the" age 01.',Oeieroteen he ran arvvdyand, loin - .:Cid the arMY:' Aithoirsh . but a youth, ...soldiers:: were'', in .-,doinancl,' for the 'Clrinrean ,War Wa 011. Hq joined••the 'Tahitian •88-th reginieut;,' ',serving, all through tho Crinigaipl. war,at the siege'of. Sebastopol, Irikerman,,..A.Inna, and. Balaklava. In, the' last rained „battle he, •participated :in tho lam - charge .aa.,ri inernbeil. of the SiX hundred ''led, by E-iriCard,gan against, the , Russian • b.atteries,.- and, was ono .tho. 150 ',rho icide.barek, again. AV. /ter, the ,Crinidait War he berYedI:4ia. UponJeaving_t1ie army Mr.. In Sheri married. aad• came 'With ,.his „.Witfe:in '. 1863 to San eeet There, he twenty' :Years!' and then ...MC:IVO, to ,Loaknort, where be has resided ever •• Since; •," 0118DGE D •WIFE. 'Sudden .Courtship Followed by a, Separation. • WARMED ,OVER 'LOVE'S. FLAME: a'sensa7 tionaldiVorce'actiee, (luring'the trial. -of, which the .11uSbanri , declarcd in , •opencourt lie woeld' tite,,i.eacked .destrOyer of his liable if ever they - catuee fadeto. face„. Cueler a • leading than; crude. imietljr-into New 'York it few daye, egoeand hereto he 'left yeStarciay he again, had' wedded. his diVarced ` 'Genevieve D'Orello, at bee,. tint,: it member of the, beetlioien ,Qttaitette, an(1'8 '1)Ireyer 'On., tiili doilcer t Otage, mot Payne, in 1890, and, t e two were marrial it rely days' later., Bidden it'S 7V'it. tirlt eetirtallii$ and marriage the 'wen: el • 1•;0 ine With a suddenness tinit r„.1r,tel their lideade...,, The,- beginning ,ot, thn''euud en me in \ Cele 0,,,. it-1,1111er. 'Aliss D'Orelln had 'ivlille he vas eii tour.'ivi LIL 1.7, etriiipaity pre, Seating •"'Alablonti,” ,' • ' In the COurt p I -OC r 'd 1u g- svlu 1 el t rot,: he' lizid 1'901r:tett .111.t, 'hOtertr(rni • 11113 tii11/11 r,t) ort the night la questiOti was tlistout to rind his. wilt:. the. ot arzether ',man,: "rrian who bmi been Y.fripeillir li -4,:i:yne: for sr,verar'yrtirR. 'Pho rwtor turt.lior. r'n 1 iroly 17 klu. 'W:1 1;0 films'elf; this in tit il followe.-1 • ,,,.110 lymt 7 t li - 10try rtr,lor4 the stilot` d(nit.,,r1; hutt' r'nt.i'i•o• ntn•Lttor,erchttil , nth :LC to, , • • 'ei,ee pare feet r, rind nholit, mon t lie in ter Pay le g't ,f1(11;k?r1 Stu'‚f 1 s r) 00010 prkt in • it/ ft''.11(10 and the.. trial' .1Vlo4... 1:140.11 attoritiOn: 7: r roc! Ivaly gra' n t ver t rick,sh, • Ill Vrih On'eniv nrrul •the I'SsortiOn" that tno loan 110,7 inor montlerted- in oompt.1,int 'wa fu_ h) lho exe :ft's or liUg (km, for 111:4 wifo, . The' neter' 1>,,- (11(11 iiihri4e(i, it Chien go tVornan; Cnie: riot. 'in the Ow-- q'tri(-11 prrt vh) ' I lilt hii foir ¶ (i4 511'i-or:NA: In tern 'lion' her. .miss r) lina.beeti•••-eerni•--lnit'-itttle-- n 0 that time. • • Twen y -three Lives Lost One Wreck. 11 'HAW LIST ABOUT 100. • bliss Vanderbilt-Wackermanh 'vvhn _ 'Was' Refused Sittings by A, nut Berk, onlert ,Cioes: Crazy--Sto4ellit , Riots in Barcelona llny• Lead to ., Martlal'Law.. , 'has 'been •sweeping Over great Brit- ' Ii°ndoPi NOV. 18--'rlio kale.' which ain and Irelantl, for the past two aggregate, , aPProaeh ng One 4,un" t dart Continneg unabated at ' any coast ‘ points. Over the Weigh , bow - lands the torkentia/ r,aies are' in - Reports or wreeks and easaa lee ;creasing, ceasing disastrous.' fl ods: cotitintie, to float in.4The death list,., made up of times' a el lours, ha'e an, ,,.... The mall -boat, No, in 'returning to Dov. and Passengers are are.: 'Die 'crew of the ilghtsliip was lso landed, this 8 t , bag ssupeeeded r. The inails morning, after pepeinx t'erriOle tzighi;• at sea in a small boa.t.e The' British „steamer Stelvlo has been , beached. tit Dover. She' is high and dry across the' Parade, , Early to -day. a, •Prencli barque struck off Hendon, somtli or Sunder?. hind. Nineteen pr. tb.e craty were TIIICERIES NO, ast'aiii.fa.ys',' Picked Terra Del Fuego. 0 00$•Mti,SING OR DROWNED Buou6i Ayre, -Nev. 18: -The trans- port Chaco, which,, .:arrlyed at thig' port, repOrte havlig picked. tiP at Staten ,Island„ Vet.' Puege, tied tb•st and .seeprisi of- fLte•s anti 21 of"the at the .Freilea Ship Astree, Cantata-41mA- Jean: The Astree heed, cloned on Odt. ciff Capp ,St, Six ether Weinberg of thecrew, whp, had left,- the eliiP sawn .hoats, are intasing,. • • . „The place alsopicked tin' the 'first Officer, and two ,of the crew of t,he, 13ritieh barque . 'Captain' English. T,ho. Gleacaird waS.doat off .Pert 'Margaret, Staten Island:, The captain, 'the second . officer, , the third' officer, and the rest • of , the crow were droWned., if ALVIN JO,SLIN'S 1111100 • Court Decides Against Kitty Huddleston. drowaed. , , Many reca.s, ' NuinerOus other wrecks have been reported, but the weather in IneSt cases prevents the identification of tho craft. Two 'vessels in distrefia wore sighted' yesterday evening oft, Dungeuness, but Abe weather was so' seirere4hat the lifeboat was un- able, to pat out to their. assistance. This Morning Ene of , them sank,' Tilt& other,'a steamier, reaChed West BAY, where a tn.' is now standine' by her. Steps to be Taken --to loso: A GALLOWS CONFESSION'. , Holt!? Says Hie crime' was or 'sa!o? pr 014 r#bornAkeic' by '40rib(1.1011,e-,-• Other , . Dainsgect 'Protie,rtyDnialieiecenieti4p 01 41,,r1r44:01,0 turraro, clation'of the lOrtr.d. Or Direetara of. ixtt.tt3Ptt•Iiii 04' PI' .oeinnit-Ssioaera te, aet.'ineonJunction With their Executive -Committee: The TOwat either to obtate fresh, horses • eredit,,orsi 'thernseltreg :into •or to revenge '...thenigeties, On ••, the three separate Claseea repreeenting Pitch. 'farmers who jia:ve not-.'ittp4c. ;;;.49(e,cse;,io:tdoxompiitedrtgaglal,„•. and elalthante for operating expenseE,-.. „ .• . ieavihe the main ta de: a lt"- c. 13Iow Up a Railway and Mar- y, a Policeman. STORM DAMAGE OREAT. BrItalti Vistted w WIT , Caecer.Cure Violet fileaves Bar , ported-AddreSs at :kiraire of 'a „Duel Creates'SensatIOn. Now: Iterk; Nev., •10.,4',OerreePoutli- eat Of 4.....:the T.Joildon • Timessand the NeW TOrk Timeg, :wiring from Cdee ,COleitY: skvs that , wIUiln tho /ask two ',days ;the Boers: hai-0 appreached still nearer teCape Is -saLdpraCtically n;ssitio the set tibi4, tho tiffairef.:.of the' 'cOkiPhOr.' pr treck shet, last Satin -day to Afiburg s ding. A °U ° -$86 000 INVOLVED'Th• ,„ /•• . , few yarde . • • ' Hod- Cileetoa is 'net- the widow, of',Charlee L. Davis (Alvin • When' , Mr.: . Da,Vis died he left the , of Ills t•ate ..t margaret Sclirtver, col' Detroit, -a for- member of hie • . • . . • . theatrmat,,company,, Who arils aston- ighed. to find tic had remembered her.' Miss' Iliuldiestoa,- tvho , Wan One ...of 'cloSest frientiS,' • entered suit - intim form an exceptIon,to .exeCa7 ;tor JelinsoWs ,$elledule thet.estate. 'She, Profeseed • • to have .nierried .to Mr.,,Davis a,t. her hoine Ben Avon. by the date • Alderman' Clark,. who 'died "before. he could -twice a . return' .efi the : age. , . , • • • .Judge ,to -day handed- dean f bis decislen. . • Ile•said the evid t a. of 'a receiver. le, the Istatenient , -Cape ,Pcilleemen, • who 'had. ,surrea-; -total, liabilities, pr • . the .conliranY; derecl., Foeelle lets gince...keturned,toi • .amoilating to $3,8.26,4.14; ‘' the. cant, nelglihorlicod.:„Ok janiestowe. A. ' tal „s:topk, was ineluded.. In ,tAfi; As•• patio] 'cid fttount-ed troops .000, hOiTcTcr, plata was . not , was .worstod .911' WouckaY, by an An-. included., The total habilities of • the Siguificant,:force of the eneni,y.• • company, not , including ' , • . , ••• , • stook are. $1,329,684.59.. .• • . • • storm Still Itagio4: L'f.cdle4e(1(19e1(1;Noy. -19.—Tho galo luaa bee*. hy frost and bflow dT un-. MiChiga.n •,Ind.; :NOV. precedenten..severtty so early inNtlie fore' goingl, to the scaffold Joseph eeween: Ten and fifteen .degrees ..or , Keith; who was.. hanged here. at an frost. are counimn,' while ,file snow •on •. early hour this inerning'fer the, min.-. the..northern hills is Seriously deck or Alies Nora, Kifer, made' a eon- ing,ralikond traffic, and is eau:A:lig t.ho. fession pf.his millt."%The confession is' rivera.to'c.,verfloW, Hundreds of eaceli iddressed to ; Kelth's'.•wife, said tave. boon thoit nod,. in the neigliOar7" Nora litter 'annoyed:him lunch, and '.Ing-mpadows. „The lakes.. the 'Led-, earl/1g .•her,he' .put the 'girl out don , perks aro Covered with Ic. ho way' .fpr the sake, of his. wife. .• Queenstown, Net', • 1e. -Phe .N% kiteLoss . s'ar Llno steamer. Cymric; • .which' lir- '. , . .• !rived here ths. wrong from t...w 'Salt .Lago,',U_talt.,:Nei.:1-0 gipeetal+Vork;Not • 5th, . repor t s 114tV Lug en- f,rom • Biel:field, S3vier .county', states countered terrific Idverise :gawp . A CauCer liZeinedy . .,that the -damage to-property:in-that , eciunty ...trout tile' recent 'earthquake' Wilt.. Amount 'to ,alutopt sicio,00p. • •,, New. ;York, Notr..19:-:-Aotording to . SearCelY a building. esCaped.; injury or, ' the' 'I.o.ncion „repreaentatives' of tho' -„seine kind. -.The MOrInan, Tahermiele, Journal and . Advertiser, . the . 0a-• .-- teet.,°•Of .$2,000.°In 'many parts 'of t Ito: :retnarkable-icure Or:Cancer; „ wiltieli,' "at It, iclifield...•was(,lapiag,ed :to theei,. - lbokev eon talnuan aecteint.01,a meet .. Country , Ian.islides : liat.e occurred, medical . eireles • are eagerly diseass- . %hick:king° ..rallroac1s;,...—ch:vaging-,-,-.-thelAitg..-7-ItTsa-ykllici .cure-i-Viyilscov,... •eoliree.or streawaTatid:CaUsiiiWgenerat1 ered A brougn, the Ziase Of',.taily Mar- disOrder. . ', ' ' ",• ' 1 keret . Mashain,,,, 'sister • Of the Earl .. . pirate 'end' Thief,. k•- ...... "••• . of Itcanaey.,,,Lady. ' Margaret :became• .., .. Everett, Wash.,. Nev. 19.411:. rel... '03 ',ill:Htbat' ker.' Pbraat 'aeallYcl.°8,6d; •gusan ka,trow,, alltis 'Henry' Ferguson; : ' ". • • • .' . ,... - , Ferguson ,.__. I ItouriStanent •katiT. to ' bo.admialstered , artlficially....and her:, deg,th was . eX-!.. , p.,tthas been' found :guilty, of • Ora .- T'ntl'r pdcted in . 'about ' a wcelt,••••Witen . a - rIthvir yqatiirnstiltiteeidiactilentintugclguiriid_ng_..otktoe. 1,, g4.een, vioi.et, leases. Tito suagestioni •pounde.at. epium, ' valued '.iit $'itt friend • Preeeribed • ' the use' of , .f resit ..whIch...he.,deliV•ered •Eit,,, Tacoma, fro. "'Z. I was followed. Relief was inunceliatei,,, .-which „point the contraband' tuff0`.., Tile large, hard, .ext'ernal tumor dio- tV41.9'taken to•Vortiand. He a laolswore,1 „,,,, " ' appeared, •and, 114" a 'Week 181,13Mb:104d . • sect and the caneereu ,g pwth ta . that there was an •orginized. gang of 1 ''"'"'• ' ,enitigglergi ;at .Puget - Sound, -"MU ' 'thto e akil disappeared la a .fortnight:' Imadegart erg at ,l'Igtoria, 'where a • . . , 1-Itiel,.i.re,' 'oe,loae.i't iil- . • . Chinese' is le 'charge. ,.• ' ' •' ' New York "Nov....:16:': The' Berth:I.:: .. . , . correepeildent of the London.. Times - . , ,roperts.' au address. 'delivered , by.. . ,Superintendent „Gcluniel,.at the. 'grave of„ Lieut. 'BhiSkowitz, ,who ,ivari killed'. '- ina,. diiel tvliich he,. 'did., not ' want... . ,to , fight.. 'rim preacther. entered .. it ' protest /age i a st, -the , spiritpf,.:slit"....„...,, 'Ory' -"that:-• 'it'll ' iiptetnaiicipate It- • .•..• - self 'efrota-- thedegrading. bonds Of .' 'atiticunited,' Mediaeval' projadices.." ••• ;•-••• Snot. Gemmel ' Said ' he expected to 'be liarehly criticized. by nom° army •' oftieers;'. but, , On' tho other ' hand, . inany, inelliding, Men of Jagli ,rank.. . ivOntd acknowledge ' 'Alai .justiga of ' What 170 said. ' He ' doelarett that duelitng„, Was 'no.. /longer. aiuppiiite-d- ' by • tho , sympathy,. of ' the tia.tioa or • - the army, remarking' that there' Was ..an outburst, pr indigir t ' '• t' . . a 01.11 aevery fresh case..., • '''' 36.4'4 , •CHUL1S D T.HOMPSOlt; BuPreme rinance Keeper of MacCabe sa, who admitsthef t or $57,00U of Society ioney. I , fee' 1,est.; • 2 _ Tho reve tie-, er -etive . ties n etttr-: A ' been_wrecked In 'Firth ,of Forth i, t, y,-4Ii.rese.',0,f:loh,,eiuwe. rei:div L. .t..vor.,:e dl roWned and ths ree ..were aved. Il 1s. • ... , , LLoadon„ 'Nov., '18. --Miss' Vanderbilt- Weekerinati, who.: tame •,into prenci- nence last ale ter' through 1?rofes$Or 7ii1iowed that Mr. Davie Wee in Pitte- /bArg thue 411,y oft the reported, marri: , age., ,at.- Ben' Avon; ti!at, the fact of ' introdneing her tie ,wife proved nothing, as he had 'a habit/ Of intro- dticing tvainen as' his wife, ; and that ,there. was nothing to subitantiate :the el:alit or a marriage basting taken'. `place; The gait therefore was MS-. missed. • • t' ' ' • • tinless.,.there Is an. appeal end the coert. reversed,, the estate ' r' litre. • „Simpso 111 get $86,000, ,whieli tlie residue of 'the. estate. It Is said Ifiss Huddle:. eton will not,Pushthe cage further, Hubert.' Llarkomer" ' suddenly refusing her further eittniga for ti., picture for the Academy,developad-busniiiit at ho Hotel -Cecil -last. -night, and -to, ., . ' .. • tho .Waa. Bent -to nn 'Infirmary' pend: Ing .O:eami.nktionto-morrow.. '• , • ., .. ' .... . iiMartle 3.raw•for ,florce'iono. . parcelort.,,"N „v„ 1.8.,-Martip.1-law• Is expected '6 b enforced here today, agt.the re tilt student' riots during. tit past .,fOrt „edglit hours. 'A de- tuibitten jjbf. , .oceupled .- the univorsitY ejheted. the studenta and profesSo :Thej•trOopers .subse., ;4 r quently 'cite ed .theT Students. in the '1)14„ilt• , , mrs, park:wits Were " 2 • I " ored are barricaded end the trades people are priele,stilekeil.. RULERS ILLiht King Edward -idenfs and'Kin SCI1001. or CHI 'Boys to:St'3al, ANINED TO KILL .OFFICER biaoci,, 'NOV.' ..18.•.-T An ' alleged liOor.of erltnes'.' .Witil eine Small, junk /deateri es, .captalm 'Ike,' been . ..., , .. , 8 -Wee' inenibpre, •tind James Kolle, ' , peovered" in the, "Glietci.",• , ili.011g and' ell' his bori. ItaVo 'been: . , , , , „ . ,,. 0,11`,081i N.. Warrants were sWorii out FOR . CORONATION ., ,RECEPTI rtl s.;, i 12,„.. ,t‘:...ho Same tittle .for ..SeVeral• junk . •,•' Leaded,' Nov. ,183,1-1,n, . View , of UM • ' dealers., W,lry;-•-no-,146' said -te • haVe reeel t tti b ti I . . . .,. . .a tri{le of Coniii.tiolifeliotvelti, g ,tho etolen getele. Whip' hi tlio.Anitriati•111111g,1:11. La 1' ' I and., 1:61114 cliarg{el by tive of Istee, re.gard to the 'difference lin !du': who. have Made, cOnf.O..q"' l• tho htanding )f tin, 1'w:1AS ,of 'rettubt '6',;()il•PkT• ,WItli-,,Ifilsti.tig,' ,r0r.c,Osi• them ; to. 'lloi.; 10.1'. tit inon.lrehloN, ' lAiri iliallili ' .81-C.4)' nit9 "11 Ild "101.11(1 'not let - of im'iilg. ,.1,Awaro, hoidine .ifutt.. tho.... t min !lr,O to • Sellool;.thtl,t he threat- tionorS' to be. pati to Pri,;iticetsond-/e.led to kill • tio'qii ir 'they IiittraYeti erOwno4,11.6:Lcis lat:.tlitt. tinin of .fils • iiInt, and, that ,S,Inie.,titnos he , 'Weida Nraitt.V's corearttio it 6111111 66', 1(1011- `, .P;1(),t th Nit revh1 vers it ti,1 • toll , tl!ent ti•nal, • bits, Sp?"eial •Int.croSt '''", ''• to ehoot ' 1 1 io calight them luhl on• thoir, thieving oxpoditiOnS. :The /cortrtin .beys tulg,•Itt, not be cOt Polled to 'attend Haftooiv arid I that/they `might' have full Cline for, „tho rObhIng, or 'houees and (the tion, of a eonfpleto course In- orlou), the death or patroimao Fran, etiaea. S: .Capparelli„ truant Offi- cer 'of the Board. of E„Ineaticia,„ Nene „Planned, it. Is Officer Cn p- - :parch I -*wee - -h his -isaretY to ' l'aterant. tion given Illta by a ,siz.year-old. • , •eiler,tion, arose. 'a.' die etiegleet or thercletalls of the dpeora .tioMr to :•1)( gtosvecl, nnd thh mode Of/ entertn.inn (vnt Of -the ,•-head,4 of Stutr.t; ttc4u1 the. c,,wonatIon. rpho King ;retinue point' titanic, to • dietiii• gelid]; Dytwe et -the titles, of 'Pres'. dent/ king int Iniperer, arguing that his Object ivari' to lamer Alm' State anft/not th, !meth! No d pivi Poto ly, in the, 'coo, , of ',neer' tOlatkins o to 1101 .Wornatf.WdS',.ROW Altv-e.'iri Frerick.,Cen).t.r.Y... .., ., FATHER SUED' THE . betTOTS, , Paris, Nov. 18.-A'. new, eixtiter': here . reports • it .remarkable etorj ,freni , Pzialliae. Mine. ,Itobiti. " .4, piasenger On' tho steamer Tim ,Plata. froni '$ene- gal, was landedat that .' poit Suf-. ferisig „with .Wliat.,WaS suppUsed to. haYS been • yellow lever; She, was placed In the Lazaretto, • where..her cOndition' becanm worse, . and finally the doctors Certified . that ' she. was . (1,,..and she .--tvas hi:tried. • .. , one -if the..nurses, howev,er; doubt; ',Llibilipes Arneati.t Altogether . oa twit .i4e.wom...tti 'vial's dead, , • and , 'conininnteated with Mine. Bohin's tii,-$3;326,114.'.. In.thor; *Who eansed the body Of .lits . daughter to be exhumed, when , tt., WEIS -rOtind All# . theo, StippOsed 'dead „TOTAL ... CC)ST: WAS . $9,860;757 .. 'iivti°.114/011.cliaarlhig, l',v°Ann; balrultiOliletYo:''lic showilledid , 4ntrale,, Nov. iEi-ihe iltrecters.'et '.', : it,t),:t,./irovinero:;,,anlotibti,u'idi jakit tololitdi :11'1700 roeptd-,, .titeniti-Ain6riep:n Exposition and ,a , frthir - oullocatton , after she • wig" "inimber er,„ Creditors' conferred tidos ' . , . ,cbfrerou;:tilriede.t.a.a‘t, don' 11.41,11111,.ttlawi:Le,aits.tiii,ti.i,,erordfro..1;:ei.eridl.'i',.. ..t,i2t1,00,10,p,otroteloe- .. aci, iof .4nit cpr. othitnO::, ,t. hn. a 9, 0. andfpie ts p ,,,„,,lni. si,e r.thimeol 7 btdy,i t) oto, i., i tot. ,i i71,1rid,tabtaoi6:;:., ' . . . . . . vile report phOws the total.a, u... , , . tiles of ., thecomPany at the, present . .. timi . to he. $3,320,11.4f0 • , aSSII14- 1/4:. t114,i the. assets 'tit 140,464.15 .a,re collectable at.face. • , ' , • ' The .company eWea ppritating:ex- ' penset and on „.censtruction : *•:irk $5770:45,734 widen' [tentiii"Of embodied . in.! the ,figure:0Of-total-ilag,-:-.- . An IntereS,ting' fact Showd by the-. .report, Ls .t he fetal •cost fettle, Expo-,-. 717 1077 Conipany 'or the expogition. ' The cost,,,a6cording.40,the rei}ort; wall , '$E1' .869,15741A(1„ ' ' • - s , ' ''' -Tint total 'reeeiptli front adMIsaiOns a (ter 'May. let We're . S.:4467;086.58, , aad t1W receipts • from .,conceforis, w"ere ,$1,0,11,52....''.79, • , !rite bat/Ince thir, l'' -first :inortga an , 1)01741 holders 7'4 $1'.7.i.P70,--anit 'to see- ' etel 'irtortgftgo botifi 1191,.7or $500,00O, 1,6th Of ' n 17 tel L , a re in el :tiled In t ho.','” I la blitioSJIS given•n bo've.• • , - PAN AMEHICIIN DEFICIT. One, Probably an 011 Vessel, Sighted in Flames, .PlilinClelphilt,„ :NOV.,' 18.,bant: Feria*, 'Ot ,the AuStrallati 'stektinehip.. Etellca; liato li,rought to this Pert! heti' of ,a.peotrabio:nizirtile disaster. • • E,arly the rebelling of "Nov: Stlii the Etelka.4ae, latitinie-'41' north, Icintitade . WO,t4t,','Oaptilln gt.t. Low that attention' it, -as .:dretyn, to trirht f",tntitot L451.0. „onit 134,771 id: sho , proinincelt rigare in ' ne'notia t tone • ,but tooro ,eolidEt-lkthe ,b0.1),„ • the "NertiliVesl.A1/4eti .INI1WaY,', • ,14„itT6'ght.e14)PliabliS'he'rW' 'Of Paris*are Uk,11•1,..".th : • • , • arm agairK4t 1.1101 Ptelita ('111 11N1 nitotit -lit the dttOcl iato )tc4.• of 'wlir)ro• 1110 • flit •',5e,entrekl, :terthly tiff erlioen ter., hat gOald.,,,firnd no traee' of the Ihea_t_elty`e-,Angonte'hY'ineatis Of tat Or CaPtaiii2.rerhinriiiSIffblitoi,e, the- ,t0 eofit ca,, CenteY ti..t•ohnto .on • 0..•plooloit the 'flaamfj' Shot' high neitV beekS' Pet oiX Sale atter, 'Ian.; ' ' Ir, Which loads lain, to 'belie I ' 1002; , t • tory it hero, originally the v,9epol tio0 ' 011 Cart...161V printed'oe that Y ,