Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-15, Page 5r 111111111.., IS WEEK we have ;a lot. of -new--goods.-we 'would like to tell you about 'but . we-, aie >;o>n to'confine 'th> talk to.' ourshoo business. • g oe The' weC. ., _. + ... • 1 and mudd . ..,, y weather is finding . hgles: l.n she ' aoldboots and ' ',there.'` .• � „' ' ' t. r•yea Q Y 'r �s �rcthil �><ke= a 4e'��ooC to._�-a�e ��Te �'eel� �n��e�a�b��� �.�.`'�C�ae�a�re special provision nj wet weather Boots e a d Shoes for the- m � ani whose... wdrk deinaids : a heavy shoe, including sl5me of :the:'newest' tannings for egcludl . 1n water. Fit cimfort and wearing axin . qualities :have not been. forotters, lit pricesquote making our, selections and the'. we : below s u . ao ,ycanseer for ; yourself.' IER.E BARE A. Fi=W- dF THEI ens 11oc<lt Island bats with the new_oil tanna7e, large eylets, extension soles, pegged bottom with 'row'• of iron" spriggs : on • the outer '.edge ' Solid leather insole, a well made shoe at i4 etre Uli': rain Mals,' wide or nariow;•last,$ easy fitting,' made with nee ro>tl finish whieli•,keeps it aiways soft, sprigged.'' bottom an .'excellent shoe at:' Men's Rubbe,rine Bluchers with large'ey.lets: fIiiS shoe 'they claim is`s'the Nearest to waterproof that leather 'can be made. This is as •&oft . as a .st9ckilig on the foot.and a good.. wearer. "' They sell at 2.00 2.50 • 1 te'n's • �+'.n ;lilt ]dip Hl zchers, are': •made • of excellent stock, • Chrome• tanned, gu ralttea(Fits gond as a•h:and made -shoe - throu;hout —good fitting-- sa,ps lar e e lets. sprigged' d' sottos.at $2.50' .50' *NEVO,. PMsoO,-r 'OLS, 'PRiCcs • , .1.\ten's. Long Boots Made of good 'split leatherfinish, extension 'soles, sprigged' edges..' Per pair 0 hon' Boct7 •,u tie oft': rain leather with the oil . tannage, ' t ' n s ' , ,...� .., �.,�. n ae, ex ensran soles. ting• spi iggea• edges ,T Ais boot, is :worth 53;50, ourprice. is . . � , X3.00: Mea':i Long' BootS.m ;tv ., , 1? y Shoe 'Coin zn of the new rubberine- ' �.. __le<ttlxer,,,$oft as a steclung and good fittinf finished..as' well as` an �� r�y hated. made b )c•t.. 'rice j: 4.50 • Mg'n's` Side -laced tong, li)ots made of Chrome 7tinned' • oil brain .leathex, good "water excluders. Price $4.50 • ,msise ••at *ease ••: (ye de . lCQ' .;.umommar3u .......mu...A... TIO. alM8IffgrraWIZI* $:4763.16 1622412 1451 1•26 la ill 161 11 "Ira 'MI" 53 I 121 iltainini ar a 111 ti At 'W'V J. Litths for AZeris.French ,Kip Boots. Warranted: waterproof. A. ilcty :stoel..of• 1)obts` mud Slides in all 1In'es ,",just._.i;ccsived alld: will be, sold at.,reduced Iieadgtiarters for sole leather of all kinds. .N. „t+'y�"_�i'oma'y°sws"�'�u'°"y°°err°�'1a°�°°°°Y�'"�°°°a°i°�'"°�tY�°r!',��°°M°siY°'i�"°Y�° • Let .U8 .,,Do Your. Printing When you'need BILL[,HE:ADs, STATEthENT8, I`.4NVELOP;ES, 'MEitO HEADS, NOTE HEADs, LRTTitilt• TREADS, 'S$tPPING TAG, Oi RCCIL.tus, (relies, •DOQERS . POsTEtts, ' Or anythingo in: the r line,printing. leave your order at home.."Wo Can satisfy you N,vith our printing • , as' regards; quality and pride'. ' LrJCrKNV W, • PARAMU,U$ T' Mr, Apgus!Morrison has sold his farm to 'MrPatrick Gilmour ; Mr. 'Robert Mciuitosh; has also dispdsed of his homestead 'to Mr. Jahn Brown. M`r,,'Tsaec Ensign has purchased Mr. John Potcher's.' farm: un the boun- • dart' line. Miss Cassie McIntosh. spent a tety' days of last midi f riendej.,in Blyth.,, M:ra.. W m, KicUy of Ashfield was the guest of Mrs. R. E Lane for ► few days this week. Mapter. George and Mus Tillie Lane_ of Lanes visited 'their friends bees' one day, lately. We are sorry to.hearthat Mr; John Reid is very ill but•hope (hat, he may soon rally tp his former'health. Mr"s•^Wm. Ryat.t' ;anal : W,:41.. Mac-' alpine were :13ervie visitors on Sunday:. Miss Adeline , Smith •Smyth has returned from a two -months' visit to her;brother at Underwood::• • Mies Florence Colwell is spending a few days with her sister: in: Kincardine., Mr.' Edgar Harrison epent Sunday" in Lucknow:' Mr. and` Mrs. Alex;' Sterling'. 'o! Michigan are spending ,their'Hone.. .moon with friends in Kinloss, The seholarai of ourublio- school gave, a. matinee ' concert 'on Friday. Q' W-hny� fterdto vnr ��Che v�Rlug�:>r�'� attended,. Mr. Cha� "`s Baechle has `'� r purchased' the'46-acre farm'of:Mr, T."J, Stewart:.. • ASHFIE•LD. Mr. Alfred 'Linfield of .Legal: has been visitin , acgnaintanees in this vicinity. Mr.:ThomasABradley, Huron town; ship, and Mies' Ida Pretchard,.Laurier, have been -visiting -hr t'hie":vinu tty.. Rev, ;-Mr. ::Swan.' -Belgrave, con- • ducted the services on the Ashfield cirouit on Sunday.q " There will be a "missionary^''ten at Mr:' W..'Blake's, 9th 'concession, under 'She auspices of theWomen's' Missionary Society,, on Friday,. Noy.: 16 CREWE Y, ,Mrs. AL Shackleton has been very ill for some week She is.now improv :ed 'but is still low Mr.. R. Hanby' is also recuperating 'from 'his recent illness; X number of young men left here last week for Algoma.' : . Mr '' W, ;O '. sher"wood has Moved' his residence' from lot 5,'•copoestiion 7, :to lot -7, concession 6.. p • Mr: Hugh:McPhee has rented his firth to Mrs. 'George Baxter:. 7TT 7+4t+TT,H. se, • j�' s i• a. a .. 3t' buy 1g vox r BOOT. end SHOES' We have. ;'unusu"`al ` value to offer in Men's ...� ...,_ _ _ �._,...".. _ ., . lol an Woman's heavy -soled Shoes --just the kind' :.. J suitable for Fall and Winter wear, Men's Shoes,•y manufactured . by.,Percna'1 and' geney, p t ' .� r¢l - m acv v�s�odaly =sn ism id —always wear irell.— —they 'range. -in price, from 2' per pair; We are celebrated agents or the agents f :GRANBY 'ItU�B- BER'- FDOTWEAI.:. Call and examine our stock. beforeurchasin P g. Repairing neatly and promptly done: >• with the oic In with the New, No .use in : getting along,, $ S : No. 8, Kinlose The follo'wiog is; the, standing of th'e` pupils id school section No. 8, Kinloae, for the month of October a, .-F.iim s V.—Ronald. McKinnon ' : FonM ,IP. -W Lockhart; M. Lock-, hart, W. Taylor, 'M.. Caesar,; K Mc Kenzie, M. Cameron,, N. Orr, FOust III.,'Sit:-G. Reid, J. MoKin- non,: -B. McDonald, E.. Lockhart, . B. flirter, M. 'Johne n, W MaKinnoa„ T. Phillips, . R. M• at Foust' III., .Ji •' T. ltoffai; J Mc- Gregor, M.Gordon E..McGregor,, T. ,Gleeson, `'V' .Ho k i�tige. FORM II H." aylor, P McDonald, M ,Ocr, B • Gord, n, B. McKinnon, R. . 'Hoekridge ''L. Traylor. 'PART II. A. Cameron, R. McKie - non,. A. MclK.innon, J. Switzer, W. Taylor. .. ' ' \PAar.I Sri. —J. McGt'egor, B hZof:` fat, 0M.'Hill, M. Uonley. ' PART I;, Jit: --Flossie McGregor E. Lockhart, V. Hill,. 1. Read, S. Scott, N. McDonald, BH'ockridge,F.Gleeson. W. E. MILrtE teacher. St.:.'" 0 E LENS' ,,The' beef .ring has' :closed ' after a most euccossfnl season.' It'; has given good.satisfaciion a d wily be contin=' ued,pn a much largr scale :next year.. 'Riad Violet Buch nan has,returnod froth a two weeks'' vi it to-Lucknow. We are pleased to note.---that-,-Mrs 'David Farrier,` who has been ' ill, id recovering; d Wm..Woods has -urchased fifty scree of land from John Ferrier. with that: old .imperfect stove : forn a other: Winter. Better -get a new one: These .perfect stoves will give exeell,ent ry service every. day, and in addition to 'being ex_' ce11eiit heaters, they art 'econom ti users o firer AMMITNION Our stockuof'auwition f' is very 6011101'4e. We : have > alI ..sizes of artridg es'. ' for rifles 'And revolvers, ' Empty loaded ,shells for 13iiot. .: guns 'the b0#2.'graderof sporting . powder ' and ell sizes of shot from spar- . row deist to busk:'` dtIg PRICES Akt, ,RIG'HT' -- �w LUCKNOW. lETCE • Lg11TC;ESIDE ., her William Road 'was married on::.' Wednesday to lvtlse-t'Thompson of`; •vAlesw,ater. Itev, M"r Ma;tcVell of Ripley'freaot ed' in• the Presbyterian' church last sabbath. ': The 'infant eli l'd of;r ,itohn Mo;- Benzes formerly of this plaro .vas buried' last week: A number of tides Who* gent on • barve t excursion to . idanitebti have returned r., Tr' •our Try ,our E glish 'I -top Tea" Try our 25c 'Japan Tea Try our Pickles in' quart jars Try. „our•Coff•iie, Seal Brand Try our 25 c Coffee , il Try our Paradise Currants, recleaned Try our.Extra Selected Raisins` Try.. our California Evaporated.--- F Peaches ' Try:our. Maple Syrup in bottles Try our Choice. Prunes td Blend -Gee l ea •,. • MST M a ', •G • • ji