Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-15, Page 27`:` 70' -777777i r 71 F A nh pg - 7 77 no. In 'gp desp4Lto , 4., 1 Ike ha `EP N -E. 1, r'l000,, is; a W Ian froM Cz4r!e. qoio� 97,.44, VA, AN -AMI TAN CM E� C Indo qn1i pi q* to attend, thc Cause,, his is' kLeally Prince. TOT K 0(to .0pat Vousiderpil.` I TH of*; N 110 Ilitio IVeAwArd, Ajimati �qf this nutub3r un Illp, Xunqi ran outo. olr�Qled the. on the return tq- low d ino Nov, to, r t Ing "d, to, the 1,44WArW ti�eaty or A01tration and, Alimadg, q ary Vc an d11 MIN S ST 0 N., I C, 0 H H,Y' 609 on; of A�bitrati.on, Which will 40 bixer trp4blo, -n e thQ. rInpe, iris, ii When the B broke out VAII-Amerleau. ci 'he * 6 of Canton,"and his In. In I�el000hlstgn, I'Saw. her th waq� dele- ere bar fluqLii !a 8414 to have�beexi It .-.p' faren t6_44y:. the-qMellcan ce go lort. 11w hasni phil- e, I rgely, fivi,4�ed on. - lines. From Nis- foro ho.t. not- to, any, butsimpsai, rLt the spread of the'disorderu. t th� gr st 0,:HA9u0.Pe;1L;e Con y .0hineaq fer. Myser rip Mossen e.. -it After, 9 C d1rein'. .Irid Died: T pate Rro byl Th ped f�oklgne, Ito �aj hiSr ugh, raised malio. and One 6X the. greatp t proposes an In. W wveUb'- hisi 44thex G & tury�. 116. *aq ranked with )30MATgki,� ti. IIAR In bark W. business; after he' worWe statesmen of, tho last , , cen. f . obligatory 0 Beloo histanti inerti or the Place. ae Play" em - M10 bitra,, on, .44 dqt�qile, 04tii Lin sr4,ell, Hlq� q 6 GIM view- Or puirdshinbut. of mor4lit.Lro I)A)rdly ome. id Of official n4tipnej after 131gulag .4. it was. p414 last lAght'th# sdcf- 'lea -as he' 'treiii faiU to' AM b6 n ;a4 'itain -1. 6 European, standard,, onk. ufor wo, ii to. Waft, al aiii the,,. gr arc, the 'fol- I wo lowffig;�, Tho� a4gMeTcd, na 6 a 41S own benc aoi th �oll, for UBLICITY HINDER13,ACTION a D IN' le Cuj.t . oiniii, fft e to eatest for the. mQasureff, PT. poop, 1.1 t L. DATIQN .0 Id 0 ORK th liPrlii pv': t 'i Owned by Qnii.mari lnthp,' i EC NEW. lqvvip P ny oth4.. nation i;ymIlatIIiilIl.9.WttIl R if the by w sought cew u4t, PlatUburg, F, ST it maj tdr trcaLieL3Nv �'h that ti Mll'tbooe ho gets had not been prcperIy,p:K4raJnqdjan, er. tbe7l,ao h from the Offending power bdore the proper Members fort would to hav 1 0 thiza, pq.tl eil ;It b, a,lililion dollars., is s eutlil'ed deporte date' for of t1ii Orte -T W is, to P Upe 91! U if th court LlO' U_ be ev,S'Ged-tliete- 'WaslAngto'it Nov. U.—A Of Arbitrpt olt may, CIO R1101PI(ii It t ves,,jir inj 'ati ofDeath He Iti'Hariisi Ll ti ';Ijofild an, situation. s expec ed ty approve, Sherryts h.Pad .-H d, ,heckered Careii 'f Chan �b, and the' Seere A�P§t Obg"vedo. as tive tic .a.: C rom. LI Rung gli§�deat be' dddk a note of a.. purp may. EXPRESS CAR Ullited, Stat"es has. a very qortilderable powek, eine nj to - 1!iake 'Charge 0goi attii PrIace Chi. I 16ter64t, In the 04 e -the inatter, tha C( I t1ifis, ck, 4 , W.. of -- 3� -11 too mrr� Li, Hu, b , :w�* rk an; an or�T- 'relatio f M eb Allall 'Presseq,in, i�nrlary t es wi6okeg6rd'ed. hereas essexlg�. 10 ang is poi Pekl% - Nov. 1.1,—Li 11ung "sz d 1. er" x M. dimele, _rge4lpl�rant' 0 Qn I I i_ d dieii h and the coming Into i age tkqn, of 6 U" 4 16 that his, dea hich If InupA, pt m rn- po��6r' in China asAlle, Dlr'e6t6r.�: Ot - ----- d4Wd r6undpd.,byj his fa I an a 'r,e ng�-a q.- delogates� and, their fam Ilee at Affalro Of �antotheri,Pri t St ubjected tC ar t Brf(t; ootv t t,-- tIfe .�y cook at- Loul'S110 '0 ,ormer y eal., n ent4. The caus Jtu�slfi,- hasten,, -'er. r sa one, to a pu.1i OL .1glit, was the 1' Om: 'of -less fIentii III Soria, si a.)Pofia corrps- mo brip4stle - 14st n he'.;?soclal Otis as hos real, name IS 1114ut yet of t him. death w4 ulceraioni 'tho the 4y. ni!iust rcilgx -her put rbst, po do M. thus ihoylsitors4 �on Manchuria and. tillow JJ T, in 0. rcturn�ed 'to t libild u tjIie S ULU, atointioll. Within 'tlxe�, past,, f�w days c to ned t6 the com ed QOmmutildation, Ix turn UOW WQMAN:?.,- ountr , oppi ull i WAS TH ROBBER me be ed� the. letter amd; detalla ower to. �T j,osterda) and It iieveral, lipmoibages. Xor, the" world. __T An nson,. the.�,Americalf Cb . COUL N DO R! N E. .8t Loulg d. -Nov. U. 'T STAND stailn"t the home 0 Is IG . I — 1 .1 11 . �severAl imoni he had beeir surf 'r- 3i tIi'e 'latter has Ahe. str66f ellera si , - , P 1 . , . I I I y and thq "woman who ai been jirl. n rch Goer jfxpresse3 Disgust, at �Or Pr 40B T. gr bg from' a compillpation, og di reLqt� thQ.reto Chu' 'or eksthe DAM ed rest,qd. hore, -4 JV.oidd.. Li- �ipr ttr, - In'the -robbery oU ess car, Ranji has ARP.PaFW: -in clot] L 19, t �- I , th� news- T1Xc'b4Ur1Q A.eshaid b z - - ­ ' . —A, I I With. on Ill a �iirtherh U;ii near, Pat. 60. The court', Ahe yd- 'Th I ttei consists of-balf, a t nig c ergvt . y 0 days� e 1ppi..S, of the, country, COUP ed yar okf ------ teing'.Uiss �tdzI6 airicJ. M zedr r _paLge' / say mQ! nan'waWp�caohiagat a -city qhufe n- iii4h.-Ja filled with IU6-61 N the diluoLunb6iiiii that hc'.wa-0 the' nio Ju)y 8rd.last, When Tfillk-'111i are 1 11 A3UU- 4gn h6ri and chairs with, 'coo v6114 .. .. . Ile bear- orn, the eXL', "The, Dismi. s0on 9 a ndt)lejalillilY ill t e "at %irith a t q Ba a iv�as h1s �!, fr.lends aid sending w;l . L . .. . .. an �a con - 0 orda:j, It t' ' t f blown -open Ab' ut' s nge, and '. U. h erA -�ipl�s�*era e4lled Clitistl - ait Chi ctii retinu6'Of rier-, '&I niu6ilt�, Or' tinsigneil. notes fee -the �Qflaj 'Bul hrl�L,. -.Nov. 11,—Consili d4ncilug' girl, and' 9. ki of I t Antioch," and was spea inge nfant ws oirr this,, coun ryi we n �ls liot 14, ohiepiaeii T dU"SA bet bli nee "Oul to- Heavem several 6t the nci is gr -Ine to 0 yvers, am . one tile Dots Plan's in the fact"tha,t he fi*X,rccielvied. a. let- 'ti an $100,0 were, pu lateii of po, 0' -e iiito,len, t 141y d: because, have, called he 'saidp te"It Is bY"being. bap z�4. that' he,. -11' on .Mziy last' expres6 synlpLth" iei- front Ellen Stone I tin last Y, oc"aweal X, THE TAMM NY CLIQU LOST� ytJ lei IMLY td affe erl- deno sui) ri�tt6iiag.'words The. C)Alne0ii officials ar OuLt. H6 it dt S iiight. The Wo-nian, 'finally,,atilmi'tted e re Asi-he sald �thli:thqrei. w a -a; phlif- Id' Wa.6 -Ldui Aul� lfnioit.' ainplbt ly� tii said 414c?0 His po''ll ou. the -po t tile- ceqtre, of the ;�Itiy-.fur bA.Ck -Y ork; Nov. t w of.ret a' uw�aq lie',, ef ot his #ee, �here I�ei,!rI`ht.namb' ,y , th , V - as��y 0' deAtILI will? ha'v New _4a, was. tipt; lion, and tii%t her home was 16 Xxii pula,ce and greas ,alre' dy - lilefed two Aok electioii beto, In "the Waij.,$treQ pi u sl6n� egotlitions itli, Ohti and -ofi,�'oflhe t! 3'. wnerl Ike Wall -'a er.boclidr, Tti � I-ler, grandparen. 0 El occjz� than td the, district, to -day and� It" was. e ilini the, Prlgand iwho',Mdacited the Aida- PIELriallioners, vOth his face express -cook.dri a i4IP, Or'tht)'0rientaI;Pqn- Byerly by narii o4e.;saids, resida at, t �:mls lonar xwera .4 gi -at .the ins er" abru�tly &epekt dis ist ondo4; odlY a few Douglas, 'Arl., that staks: aggrp ating-:8, Ala, L. hing broken,off by �tlie! f6riner, owing. preacher's,contention, irogel':IkOIA��hi Her-cobiparilbri. tlie� �pre f 1000;013 tiirne ..over 'to nd niaxvii6d�m9is6- iW. m'u. ''Prince*Plan peat, took h1q,hat a ;Na one,kqL 011, 01 ted. thAt lie had not' rlrqlf the, matii t'r.ets t) it tboge -be t m - h", b - y gambi ng," or he-. I isly t1le,blititch.. 4eforelie I s he -at fir e fuslin'cat lg�Arded as n et I t - �iedbhed- the 'door he' had put. on. hisi Oull mi'x some very. pal - al "o ny. esan bat livi and. said. that in ua 'time he wou dateq� -w ien gre t -ode a P ng I&. 7��U the ata %st �Jndian dishes,? ut It' prove to offLeerst hat ill a4w was red, Wih b I D fie' had pla btei, E� -e nioney ptow obo-that he will' Sbbu becoln a r, ub- Tifoh lie; esuinii st oit he a W 'pkOlninent barn attitu e and ma witil S,trept, ree hgi]Lre in thi about seilves- gejeraily�,. lie is, . a4iio that Ile Iwh6n tlie'wo as, u ian on what, aved.,,to 136 ne winnin,9/4.31de.-A-ii Avelitii lt.lvai; for tUI8 purtici t46; moilpy she. sald n augh raved, It, 0. be it -tho, - thir e nners­wero,�J 6 nW.��Gat i. that, te 11, -IL"t -1-0�, gave- It , so m ist th 1`,'ei, 'while been vairiousl ovr $7,000,.' �ai-ori Field"and W4 11 1�01 v ,rat inoue-3� was ii hail. dia ris, wh I o haYe 'it th&t' ;ad 'as &ntleine ealth, add as toJ46sse tewlsoli�i is reported t6.)4�vq, as much.;, :She would not, U elk ,.ord nary ego ei amy,Xi1owlcdge.�o,r,Ix cani ks'' ave, com.3 to this backed Elliepard 1.0avily /dnd -to li�yl coUntry, wit I plicity'.In- any 'robbery, or -iba a Tet cipated In any 110 d, -up. The loot something Tliev' are getn' JiAd � parti 1,Irs Upon 6r; Iii in twQ . sm, laid �&64t -stresiS said that thlr. Ghtes had. $30,0007.up�. �re�FI76.ns 6f: _N f*omarl reet on I Low., Mr Vield'alwinnings are 508,13reeri st, -�cjnlnept irespeetabUlty wald to have I Tfiey arrived rd paten 9, iii �aep,�$56AO; while. Oil- here Cte, ay 6ii the b�ggbd thcii-officers to, Wirci spe -left v,4 isi'linderstogil to,'have in cidl'' withhold the btet of her. ax ot 0.604 r yl �th' The'Ptince thej:a'.;'ChIef Desmio'n4: It is undim-. $40,000 'ot T:ainm&fiy,, cash. r6.a e nght :beforev AJ,Tanxma,hy'1nld& clique 16, Dd t-II.6 - tiain,' b t stoodi Is, of 41fe opinion that d-bIgg;evt'Wad, to, the 'disappointment w Ilulli6n, disgulsed.,'as a ina:n"L ae 0 at the Giand- Central Sta- _lp d n the expresA �robbery� t to 1166t him �_hk_ had,�- left .thd n to book. fod W' -aniloaX Miss In ttils, cliqu It wiLs alleged, toi n with a, Aliss tr s eet ersonal' effdets were two� s n Ci 1�6vei, been. Wr Said' 1:6 '1 `nk II: . I I f�rs ptirpQttin' t/D Richard Ce6ker.':Tinx: Sullliaii, train BuIllonpa, P4 1)4 t Vra Farrell an nam against 6 pobsiiilei, ani- ant: ,a young_ P1 w. N teh to ' her by � W. aodtII.ii'ro,- and the, pool pla ed Tvixa& and Ponca C rolgii, 'demonstration the Chinese fa &bo.ut $250,000,..ow th6� result.' was �§al w er e. -Philip 01dalloniq, goterals. haye disposed, t1i6ir troops! -s about the, city, in, sadh* a,"Way as'to bAw6en $50,00.6'dad 75;000. -that bqiuei&uei�; �ia- steward at� Sherry coming. d,� thii -situation.. Vrdubld, n t e' -THE, 'A A tilobool, or at leii some WAS mem- nr. losextremely lxnproable.,,.� M CCABEE SHORT GE. Aud. aaeahue?s, -slstet� IV)ien Jweek to hedge `b6r.4i trI6d'lat6,'laSt­ ia, station -And Prince III, dutr�e.- tral paJled' 0 het Upg, on,'Uw,., W the - slii - of :The Wife of,Xarl. LI and� well-gTdripfled belief jin the finbn-. thirt6en tWAxthV­Io6k,.ng! lnen eama�'Comni* at I Jet it I aeli Skys the. r or his two, n the � platf F*UIJY ?d party, seeme, s6ns xk ' nd daughter. -Were With him. clitl district, it It Isl th6ilght that �And. her d to be Pt5rt� Mir M14M, x9v., om, T are grftf1J,'dIstresi Chinese notwithathlildin, Ir hev, itich'efforts; 'they the lqnoyed bccause 'prLnc:e a were d6 -ids rditernoon, made, file yamen.lelegrains heav'y., to�iqrs. an:do4:4Iv'inquIrbdJ fbr'. man r Markey hae, I been seht' summonin, Prince not'there�- �13ne Amci the'Wall Stree brok0ralio 16Evi4g - st a Clittig, who Is n cibatid;. and a it ho fol ow cin hls�, way:to, her has be - 'of illw.Et �em had handled large-4111611,iltsof election -s,� replied Ce I'LaIl b fo, Mr, Thdrnp0on-9 sh6rta;;e.,. meet, thd. court, and Chou i Fxi,' Pko­� thit and *Ito-- �Wete, 'kept and Us t)�-o "frieb(Is had dy I.ft V easurer, from. P&bi Tffig Fu. "Cliarles D. Thorn -,can sw-* Incial: Tr bu�p A this -eveningi, ere; lac I ed- . the tf4,t.n- Th rw ,*W th charge ;of, igoverninenta. air 1� 'Dauenhuer aaf 4P x 6, le -p w oi- I aff, a1borut $115 000. on -Low "Id, $35,'Poo.- 'ttin.- Int 'it ias,org"Izid :thi '111 a rid, pu 0 preftio Toi latter . w , aidt' aiii 'gov, nor Q East I6dians W. Chili untiliLlHuni; ChAng's Fricciess6i on Shepard Allen, ''Wii UOGtaW� drove to th-, Greenwich I Ek�pt6mbcr,'- 18�3, and liiab,handl6d. 9' ard and' A. 110 disburs6a. inorb ih;n�d -$It,�000oi-�, bl 'be whor bet $5'0,000. on ., hep street Thf, ent to, fila pi�cii y Who,, '.00(). 0 -on Low;..Keer Co, 1i o� 230 Nveim eth reet. 11q.11 -,$4 000 in _T.Ipe -Tent: 'kbepu on.' y .1ci lat9e,,amotrats of wageted olk,'the election about at t loney, I]& 000:'for Aidge, who bet. InqUirile Robert coltmi an, American, who' It $40,000" iiwut eqttdily 'pia4bed, upon, lsi�ope.'of.'th 'phy6lolabs -atibnding Ited' the A iat'., do "Which wArrante ilre dtti, for the --paymci �Low And, ghepard;. George A:-Mt+ - t * .... I "­ J- � -1 op e" was IndLzllo.4-d. awl would f wd of 'Aci rarl LI, t6ld the carrcep6ndiat.of arky, D rine ..but ;iss that; When he was" �,.'000;�� IiD ROT A.N 13' '&�if claims, all collecitionw.ar.e. M" OW4 rcii vt�ltor'- would` not Ajilsociaed Pre nood R�5',06b Sen-t(i fd�r th,rouli thl I& of the Shepard, and, It. V2 *Iirder, 6. nd rated.' a New, TrUL D Cqom6iolai BiLnk of oAllied - to aet ivith'Dr. Vb h, 5 'A� n Shepa ii admit that ""Prinre, Inu . u Port 11tiron Wml ItAs a- part U -th4 OV. s,o r in Sli�rry.% but It Germain Legation a. curry- thepatle'i fr0M` a .41,0;00 on' LOW.' Mti6n to tfiLq uffr�,t'=L-j confirm L t t time from. Ime a lftities� of &Suvreme Finaw J. L. Mcborm 6. large isum Mr. Dickinson Informed rep.T to 'tpaii g �Ou-`off, M, b�t' by emplojr4es gr __�_hemorr- ag of 41 on pard,,r.'.but ilid tot'aJ could -tive" dif o. -day fr:om tho -9"k to these Say that , tMy 'depov for was MlmeheiTher�' th'at It Was d. Very 'Well. Iturles.'in'66 tke s'. 6ver,- 'be released:J tr�olled,!! wild Dr. ColtmAn, Obut ow�- t/ of, Which . $48,000� D purpose . tyl r.eadllyl &on- Ti bD learn r Nflsig'S ; the 1 1"; t of toW� (tnd,t10,000 on that,th6l cou�-ie- of,. he 6tiationSt be have to' uoud at'due -Ing w.tfio undtAyIng'carldition or , b tho �Wdn6y lippe- by Mr. n'' "roo in er,madq, apprent, daring. his ser� --o Wo I'd, 4v 'A wlih per4steiA nau4 n*lolably - seer . It is tilat caso a r s Id thti the plhe' TI as Oed it, tile ifilideipt ilri-nid idod c tild' -be 1% 181 'o'wh, mci 'ej t t'e aiids to. d the �icy In 61t it 1.9 declsired e6ij, onl� y 'and, less. tO Pe r 4n '()in Fos was' on v dridt rbm cii (bat's had h' �q confidence- In lie. n 11ators When. ri]L�' ifte" com"Acielal 11mrik to as q Urt, Ill t -he n Which to 'find it] , . -dri, bu. 2 Wii the eesult, Of 1 the hand- h. 4 linaia ug!dOu 114 bi�a dlgeOed, YOffterdaY he! i boci rul'.iind w4tho4t, iii t at t t.: -to Or Itio n.D to, - Win fil a, 'National', Dalik Of, and thLs4 It, - , - .. I I S rim Mr.. T l6nx N t $57 000, blit no 16,Ho .1 bo,lcitirred 00 Iok �� T d. s. rot, 1 constantly. illis bi �rnlng. ficy `bpo1!x'qQ uncionsc ouil.. Sthey' regard, hollipS6111o: bhortalk 10 vt Ip t he and wasi nbi'liixiger Able td,96-t'rld of L c4lion cpfxa�ralty H Y tho. upreme Tenti ma eery f V tt, tion of:mucous 0111dii A101 E ARRIVEED AT.APIA. nnt ni I TRA IC�BLO 0F 1UQ_. K:, y was. expcefe(l., owinig, to. tlle- 'sYlnP-' traifltvn4 0- or. a til no tonts stilierv-dri car- OIL 'it , -ile' %*euty�-fou ou. el' ha.4 ours, tV otder ver eaIrl 'in Iii a di I q. in fact, At udb, rrl r r'wl vra v r.l* I O.Witi a Voyage at fia I Oro, , gr*f.�,'A nd6a, N6 v. 11.—' t rd 4 shortagd� The boi Thr'P'lig'holit Al ougli Itho r lwc.i notified ofMr,' was frequentl of th 'Celestial 'beig lull London we- traversable w6 safe and� seu FOU her axrIvod Iiii Ipt Ia. /* .day Without,the Aid, I lampiq �tlle on Octil 3,00� liu,�Ing trtt,�vollod. In tliat rills: Or - sisfoilt rbf(Isals '10 r'6frlain .1 . . -1 .1 1. . � I the: 1 s "were .6-100' te Vj t thixt he,, ItIq 01I ttl 'to . o bound, and dl-14ancio of nIIIuH;. A-f'Lr,,j Mql rt, ly, i, rpr? mo Tont will iobk t6 thoul 'tct Pr'Mfie,es in BU of, leaving Vancouver,. titfifl... feir m T,�,nrjf!r In ark O"XI , it I. r ) njhldtl�, % .. : C 211i*dA and -.6ther tr LI it- mu 11 ' iin Cll 1 61 steamers. -ithout, t fal u day" kv or P.-dw. h o cross of r Fititir ths-r nsail aity do li anil on 31,st th�y� latilled at,ltt�Tirhya- ORIVER P ernliiedlcifl lv�nckticofor rellovirig th� 'A R tile fact -that I., ln� wci4t- there y cibised to Apia ai�: 0" n' n� to itinuall-jr Tho oil ifed to bring )its. ti I I f1f, fralo, n:, �ttempt - to T r' f t, a fl. notMed' or thn shori-; con t0bi Ilycle bieri riving 0;� t jj,� (lux 1.0'. ttw rvpreo I vea of this cut w"of P (,, u w. t — 't or Irel,,L i- ve bee Ur c(I by tio b � %. 171to Port suluggW Ch 0 u Into t It ur i arld' 'h tr from. Cana(.1h iivti,4 fkisttAt n unable lq.-Apia.�' 6hly. long enoug i ti Au%v oil tho-Ir rt IV IIJJJ Or �'fo ee' , gn a hW8 to-, a por pullc�o at r! , I IIAVe Nrcire . U J it Ali or 'to­ eteamp boad f6 ri%ii; f 4,1 t htk6n, 24 hokirs'to hFiji., Both ilin wereja fJR , his nd .1 It IV t h,. tit 1,.-;; s At Iq - IMIP'o, 6f rive Do tire, 11inn-ber "all. expreRsed'. fled that thdy w a 0 x)�,, - r tipf. 1p and: ot 'a cari, o frl'b-o abl ti coyn-.� wag In the ap I il. thollit fr� thoy, olay,.takd. U4 III r havo b e If. r lirci I 1.. 0 n, At varl-: t .0 plete tbet . -Inc .11i r -1AVC ci� e of s Tnd kFJ tIlLev' or- oaci r por ilrIver to Ado.' Tli6 door tII0 Tilarrio 1M f . tjui of tjii, .0ay rtS far �.Thct is of and in "a' 6 it. -�Tlio Weit of rui got. 111 o jii,� rb e �C(Iitlilnfg e1tt('k1 darIng vii, of -.'.'AN U or, Uodli- v,. to Dro.; 'trig polat; 01ain� T L6(l h6u n 7(� ;i, r-; 111-tt) CIL-, l� r.� 6r. A d, ie is chafgdl CorAlm reki+5 9 lw Year V 0 �Iunlch ire , ] ' 7 6-yu '7 riot' It 11�� 5'' kbolinkt, h6 *416 -fo IV A b I L' tkVp i of tzlit 11 da 6 L Intl �13 �c hro 4 Vp, 9, Lit b tT.s.. Atip�remc. A4 Ithe Chi tllo flope. ca d fit iiiad, b Vaq nr itren mfe 4 ho ih6toof). tain R4 C64. i AV kii-1, an -mo . p -ed� th,&t t116 two, 111 riN or.' It lo :11, n'd ;.on this, wcto td drath for, mardor of W fiollcfu) ortI06d� R In thr 4 'off I N 01101i-- t4 no 8 S Y R- !___0,F_ ..... .... It1litt. wli..4 tl L N:,�S E D of�rw. I rm:1 W, 'ntroot tid,.nNI b�vd# ta b by. b."K-t th It' e�) 111' lia g4 0- 1 J� �t D' A oR 'IA the- fn6,t 'Wrt,11 onrin. t�e t 0n; of rd, fit an, Itbd kt Pittg�- ft� in, fitr tt tto, t t1w. Wt the,, tinid, M1 w to, t-lid— sa e e C1 n 1 Fmaam