Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-08, Page 8• nq e wws Is a,feature of our Prescription" 'Departmentt'o'not, bight such prescriptions sirr;ply. because the i neduiines; are. tea 'be, . given to.. 'demoitic, animals; ' Drugs and Chemicals of :doubtful •quality are not good, enough for; these and. " , we always use'the purest Plater- . leis ater:..leis _in::oompounding`rreceipts; fo'r • animals, the same aswe would use if, the mixture were for your- self, Try us with, that • xeclept • for condition,powders. �.' C LOCHEAD Chemist arid.Dri ggist :4UUOKNOW, ", ONTARIO.' Death`' of Rov'. Jays;- Carrie, , . Rev.,James Carrie, after : a,;; long illness, died. on Saturday:night last• at Gode `rich ` . Mr, Carrie was born • in, Ireland in 1839, and when:. quite a' lad ' with his parents cadie to Canada a few years afterwards, and'eottled in Bally. mote, in London township,. • He- wee trained for. the'.teaching .professeion at Toronto, and subse,uently: educated for the `fir istry :at Euron--College under the te„Arehdeacon :Holimuth, the fi et.R cipal of the institution. He was ordained deacon'aud priest' by His'Lordship. Bishop• Crouyn, the .first '.Bishop of Huron. ' His first mission was at Headinfey, in Manitoba; where he labored ye5y successfully` for eleven years.He returned to Ontario, and was appointed' in 1878 to the parishes' of., :Dungannon, Lnoanow' and St: Helens; hit in consequence of ill -health', was forced to resign hie charge; and in 1893 was superannnated'anci'retired to Goderiob, `Where he resided till his death as. abo'be'Mentioned: ,•A widow and four sons• survive. Mr.. Carrie. Was highly esteemed- by' a large circle' 'of friends i'n 'this sction. T6e: funeral took place from the G. T. R, station, London, to St `John's cemetery on . ' 'Tuesday forenoon. • the 'neigh , otihood, • The funeral tpoJ pace 00 the following Honda* to the Kincardine cemetery, being conducted Woe C,U.Ti'.; qt .which order he 'wee a mewber anil carried: life iueuranee. • Luc,KNont ,scaooL REPoBT . Tbe: followingie i he report of ,the Lucknow pubiic ecb'pol for the' month of Octeber DEPAnorhunsT I.. '• • Jr, teaing .,.Excellent, R Robert- son,- W T 11lgLean;:' -E Cameron, J McLean, W bloody,` I Dooglags, F: Thompson, A, Newton i' Good, 4 .Mc-. Donald M Graham;' L' McLennan" 1V' McClure, . Al Moore, 141♦ McClure, S Mallough, • ` ' Sr Entrancef--G H Yule, E' Me. ;Lean, Soriingeour,. (M McLean, 'L Patte'yaon, Al' Yule, N' Moody, E Harvey;; tit's) I Sheriff, ' E Siddalli. 'W WiMaokay,, J Irving, A Patterson: Good," D. Graham. ,:„;Fair,''.W John sten;'.M G'ralaam: 7 . ' Jr. Eutrance—Excellent; (K Mein toeh,. M; ,Habick, ties), M :Kelly, -J. Murdoch, (P Henderson,0 Mackay, ,r ties) L Treleaven„ i Little; ' L. John- aton,'(E Thompson, L Taylor, C Ben- ties), A MoOlure. W 'Mc- Coy; N Stewart, 'L Henderson, 'absent.,: Number on roll;50;;• average, atteri- danoe,,•45 D."D, YULE, teacher; DEPARTMENT II Sr Third Plass-,;.Excellent, E John-• stop, V Colwell, .'V Hustdn,. J' Mo• Laren, H N wton, A, Grenaclie, _W Ohlheissr, S'I, Mallough, 11t :Scott Boland, W Bryan, ' `R Alhn,' E Mur - ohison,. W Henderson.• ; .flood,' L Gra,' hale,, E Brown, J 'Henderson,, .E Moody, T Burns- Fair, R McI�iIi,• non, A Howey,, . R ' Gordon, Jae Reid.. Jr Third Claes=-Excellent, T Batts; R Lyons, S %Habick. P Brown, Q Hedley;.,IE Mgllong5, W ?arrish A bioQuaig :, Good, W., :No thco4y! .L McLeod,•D Oampbell; M . Moody, 'I. cLl'a>o; T Henderson;" d` cKinnon, 14 M1;Leod, B• Sheriff i•- Fair; --R John= "ston,-RWebstrer Poor G. McLeod: Nnml er'on roll, .49.; at erage .eaten= dance, 42. •Maas •BuxoEss,. teacher, •• DEPARTMENT Sr.'�econd=Excellent, G Jobnaton; E ..Hunter, E aMaClnro,• J Guest, J Scrimgeour, W Joynt, 'M Campbell, C,Trevett,L Horne; -Good C. Webb; Armstrong; QC Moody; R.O4lhe4eer, 3•],Treleaven, • C •Barberi » W Moise,. H Webb,( H McDonald, J McLeod, Huston ;'. Fah', E Johnston, J Newton, F Webster ;: Poor, xG Treleaven,' xG Mutton.' Jr Second—Excellent, L Campbell, E •Irving',• M McMorran; H M• t')uillan, J' Mitchell, 'E Lindsay,: M Habick, W' Gordon • Good,, .0" N orthgott, ' E Rivers, L, McLaren, . G Murchison, D Guest, 11 McKinnon,' J Patterson,: 0 Geddes ;:,''Fair, A Cain, . G Stuart, K Grundy, W Arinstrong; , Poor .r.zF Siddall, I r Hill. ' • 'NoTE-Those names • are • marked' with en -"x" have been: absent' more than aiz clays Number on roll, 47; -averse atten- dance, 45. "Miss;( timaniQds, teacher. • . DEPARTMENT,,I7 ro Sr Par:IX,�~. �E�i.) , :a.�, ,^.w...,.�•,�;,. �. ,.- �P�:,J,14aar3��� G;. Battef,•. A Treleaven, 'W. Brown Good, , l l; Barber, 0 'Grenache,, Joynt,v'D•�1)odds, A Patterson, V Mor- rison, t�btAolean F Cook, L Morrison,, :-HI1ILOSB The'skift of '4the beautiful" which fell on'' Monday night ;:gave;. things ,;quite.a winter -like, appearance. Mr. T. J: Stewart of .Hamiltotiogave oldacquaintances : n'thievicinity a ,call last week: • Mr. Edgar Harrison; who spent f1te, summer months'in . r Z+ucknow � has ra- 'turned to our hamlet•;again. ' . Mr.. A. E. 'Halderiby and . Miss C. McKenzie of. Westford spent Sun- .day at Mr Ed. 'Harrison's " ^ • We are pleased to note tlthat Mrs; Alex. "Hewit't has raenver`ed from"h recent illnes ti. SASOFIEfeD firs, "k�!ilsoui' West,.Watvabpah, left; fpr Chicago ibis;' week to virlit her daughter.: MP? Pritchard And' Mr, Evans, teagherri :`school. �. 12, were visiting friends• hereon Saturday:, , , ' - • WilliannHarris, an old and respegt.' ed reeident of. ,A,sh'field, 'did in• Goderich 0;laat 'week, The deceased at one time was ono of, the wealthiest meq in: Ash6eld. H ,owned the flour mill at Cranston.• The .,'saor(rrnetal "services of •the; Ashfield circuit were held in Zion church last Sunday. Rete Mr. keine of - the Amberley circuit officiated,' The reverend' gentleman gave•' ar ex- cellent diecpurge : apnroprrate for 'thee occasion.. Mr..,J..Joynt has been; engaged in . SL: No. bAshfield,for'the oyear,,l'9b2;,. e: is at present .attending g the MoaQI• s' pool at:Gioderioh TUE:1111ICKKNOW• ` MA11t$i E1� ♦Flour, per 100 lbs; .... $1 85 to' $2 60 '36 Barley . • 40,.. 45 Peas. ti G0 67. Butter per 1b' • ;3. • .15. Eggs per d'oz 14 15 Lard:per 1> , ' •' • ` 14 • 15 .Potatoes p r hu h. • ' 25 .. •25 Apples, per bar el '.. 2.00';. 3 09 ' For full`♦ aoiurate Toronto Man; ket'Report 'e seventh page. RLIQIOUS SERVICES.' METHODIST ,CHURCH..' Rev A Ct Harrle - Pastor- • SABBATH 10 A.it• Claes: 11, A,M. "Christ's taptism " \.. -,7- - ♦The Sower."' • WEEK -NIGHT S1 VICES Monday 85P.11[.—L.eagnr. Wednesday8 i . M. ---Prayer Meeting. - SEAT'S FREE: • ALL WELCOME ST-. PETER'S CHURCH. , SUNDAY',., Sunday School and Bible_C1ass at 9,45: a.in Morning Prayer at111'a.m. Evening Prayer at 7'p.m, Holy Communion first Sunday.'of every month. r Bible •Class :and choir' ,practice• Wed' nesdayevening. at 7.30,p.m.- ' Administrator s Notice. In the matter of' the estate of Samuel Porter, late, of the 0it ` of „Redlands in the •County..of San Bernardino intthe State. of California, I7.. -S., A., Laborer., deceased. ' NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R.S. 0..1897,JChapter-129;-Section 38, and ,amend= ing Acte, that all persons having claims against the estate of the Staid Samuel Porter, who died on or"�abont the 22nd clay of: January A. -D.1899, are required;to:send bv'-poet pre:. .paid or to deliver 'to ,the ' undersigned,: the administrator with the' will annexed, on or before the 15th day of November A. 1). 19o1 their Hames. addressee, descriptions and,a full Statement of particulars. of ,their claims, and. thenatureof the' security- (it any) held by them; duly certified, and that after' the Said day .the administrator will proceed „to di• s ute.the'assets of•theAmid eceased r,g ✓ Aber--PartiesAentlticrl-(tlleretr� a n '_ .,-re � ard:� u�lrlsj2b=xhe.clstiisrisof ;iric $e leen shall have notice;) ' Dated; this 30th day of September A. D,. r 1901 •' :• • 11.L. ADOLPH; Box 262, Brandon, lilaaitoba, • , :: . A'dminiatrator. :Gs Mullin D Mttokinpgn,, E Barber ; Fair, B Alln, N :Hedley,' .' , er : Jr Part II,—=Eacehen 0 How: Colwell had hi' E ,-Apia.; . good, B MallouQh,:, 0 Tre- • • Mr. 'John d noir barn raised. ". I ev. John Maxwell,. who has . been a resident of this place' for .aboutfive years, has resigned the',pastorate with, ,the Presbyterian churches' .on .this. charge.;,. Hifi resignation was occasion- ed:- through 111 health and' :Will 'take effect about ,tannery 1st next: „•Mise 'Hodson of Ri:versdale; spent a few. days 'of last 'week in this vicinity. We'und'erstand it is' the intention' • of our esteemed school. teacher, Mr. W.' A:'Macaipine, to resign his peel tion here at the /close of the• presegt term; '-Mr. Macalpine.has been:a vett' successful teacher• ddring his' three , 'years here and has been a genial:friend -.. a1. 12, Opt.. -....1L _ S,_ _._ _ William H, Montgonirety, .a highly •, renpected young man, .of ,this'l place, gassed over to the silent majority; "on 'Saturday,'' Oot; 26th,.'' at his' father's • hone; after ..an illness of about two months... Deceased was a ,saddler and lvbrked at.his trade irr'Kincardine :for Wale time; and,where, ,' boarding frith e consumptive, he " contrasted , that . dread disease towhich he`felt*,victim,, ' •.Deceased wa�s.4• years (lige.; lie 'was 'only ;married ' a fow months and hie;_ untimely death has Cad a gloorq over leaven, L `Agnew,' T. Ohlheiser, • 1$ Rivers, '`E 'Macdoy, C •Patm'ore, . F smeltzer, W Reid, G Elliott,'G Hill,• Fair, -M^Little, R:Whitley: "Poor, 11'Trevett. Highest Part I.—Excellent; K' Mac- kay,''0 Atoheson, .G .Spindler.; Good; C• Ohlheiser, E Murcbieon, D Moodie; C Geddes, H Reid ;,. Fair,; E'Agnew,, .0 Webster,; J Bennett, A .Campbell,, L Johnstone,' L .Morrison:' Number oh roll,•,82 ; •average . 'atten- dance, 72. Miss •Ai;pionetn, teacher.` MARRIED . Lsi s - Thomsoif—In Culross, on :Wednesday, - October ,23rd, 1901, by the Rev • J:. Max- . well James A. ' Le'es td Sarah, daughter of Mr. Thos. Thomann of Culroae." • KAY—Mobpxetn—At the residence of the officiating' minister, , •Rev.' A. Mackay. • Luoknow, on Wedne'ada , Qctober 30th', 1901, Hugh,Aleicatider Kay of ICincar ',dine. to .Sarah Alin, daughter, of, Mr,' 'Angus 1MIcDongldiof Huron. SentirdeOun--G tavad—On • •Wednesday, Oto. vember 8th; 1901, by Rev. A; Mackay, Lueknow,' at.hie 'residence; Lorne, Sorim- e'eour of West • Wawanosh'• to .Burma Garner of'Auburn, daughter of the; late Mr. John Garner, Birmmgbam,'Ecg, DIED ' •• filoST4Oireni=In Kinloss, on Saturday,-. Oe!. 26th,. 1901, Will Montgomery,. aged' 24 years . . DUBst:t Iii Dungannon; oa • Saturday, 4104, vemnhbr 2nd,1J0t, Edward Dlirnin,. 'aged • 77 geald . • , . MaTrtits Iiilnelcnow,on Moir iOro oven bur Orth .I'OOI,`NeiT Ala tiiia, aged 87 ,, `""years and i'inonths, • • rwo Houses - and • • s+f+++++++++t,}+ ++++++++4+:+++4+++++++ Mei. s TJ'x].(errear' Tsast .� api1e artruie in Nuveber.•. Some hinds you gest are a ,good fit- until you ge3 . thein, washed, but , after , that they are, too small.. , Get Stanfield'.s Unshrinkablo and then you have garment _that .wiiLnot ahrin1, ' have thel in all sizes- ` 'n; men s, In fleece -tilled under- wear we bought some anti big reduction. , Our custQ• X mels, get the benefit, In !:Men's Clothing• ., ° O ercoata We are cutting prices for 4vemher- Save rmone :'•b �`• buying.:fronj us. Don't fora; t the boys' are ,included when R O. cut prices in, cloth hg. ' $ • isprovidedwiththe latesta d most up-to-date g; cods: ,, Our 'Millinery ;Departm We dont buy much at 'a. tim : but we buy often anal•.' teen nothin • but the• best,S( • . .. , � �,.. iss Mathewson 'Will give, .,you satisfaction if,you want' st fish hat. :• us a. call. Y Give t�. :• +,. Wit- lotisT ' +1++++ +++ ♦+++#+t+ iii: • 0 0 a nt• a pair zr of. booth pt' long .A.:n • • • ' T�Agnew' haV••` T s to ,o many of them ma _. ,,n .� : �rou � Went. a '' good .. boot., cheapcall: at Agnew's • ..,. � shoe st ore We have t here. in Split,. Slit. Grain !rice&a�to suit. _lee and Rubber. e. h ave .a 1 0� � � large i -quantity of -bo s'. sc, col shoes that at we guarantee ` to ' . . .ear well for 1.25 per pair . • • . ` take notice' that we have employed' a first -clam repairer�•-... • , .,: t% wv �. neatl a.nd. cheaply. : Anc n ho ,111: repair .Lots for Sale your shoes y p y • 1 dont forget that we. will sew all: shoes •purchased F'or,eale a frame house in good .e,lndition containing seven rooms, kitchen; etc., . and three-quarters of an acre of ground, on the corner/of.Havelock and Gough "streets. in the village; There ;is a good stable and 'young orchard, and never failing spring well on the premises There will eleq lie •eold a frame hones and quarter acre lot on Campbell street: The house rain good repair, and contains .five Toone, kitchen and woodshed, good. Stable and orchard aid .small fruits: ' Apply to SAMUEL BARBER, 0 ••'• • Waterworks; Lucknow. House For Sale The .',indersigned 'offers if commodiniis dwelling and grounds for ale. Large airy rooms heated with furnac : all in first-rate order. 344 sores of land; barn and' sheds,. nearly all kinds of 'fruit trees, fine shade trees brd' and soft water; Thisa property is con- ridered one of the very b 'st , in the village. • If not dispow.e° of in .n f w days, will, rent' house either furnished or nfurnished. 'Terme can be made to • suit.' ma amont down, ballance'yearly payrnent `•if ;necessary, • Apply to G; W. BER F, Lucknow. • . House, For Sale-. The. large and conimodou,i house' on Ross street.' ' Tuff property of the late Mra. James Somerville: Apply to W. CONNELL._ • •Leicester Sheep Por Sale. 4 A number of lambsl"both seies,and six siiearl'ing rams. ,riiOO y .c, •46-52' Ltrcftxow' P.O.) • f-�..o^ -'E• sof-ell?i"ge. , • iR $1.00': YOU CAN ' GET UNTIL •JANUARY .1st' c