Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-08, Page 7�7
. . . . . . . . . . . . ye t, x w
not tell tis h ow t Q c0rne," tliat. counipy, ther6, ,o or
thraQ xMillIo4e.41; the. Ville .4)r.
'You. do
!T44 -94-argo §Ilafl not be, true! oz. y o to a
i this, da
t!"Xb0uq,. lvp paulw,� (al we 0tvt
Idil * come. re-
oCcA4104-, come* better
PentIT19,1. COme'limjlng! , /,After,, all
T P., 9 N A, 9r A Q -N A 1 14, S t3 0 N N 11 br,
trorri of it
that -God -doing for,stx thou$- jnQre exprPuoive. TH M KETS
has, been
N and -years,, sometimes through. patrl- the 1poiv�rfqj� cI1ma,..-. -" 'Vete
I hp ;h , proph-
rp And �Oorn.etlrhes- throgg "inpre,,LQefJ
.. .... ulm�na- "Illultiplied,11 .'Fwaxed eXpeed4ng
P'Aird And At A hroitgii �he.'c'
Vdin, Ots .9
Lrael 0,pp
at t -on Golgotha, Coiupient4ry;_�I. TJ arel lie t jva� fliled AwAtli
tiOn of all the fra'golesi aese
�Nox% i,kt�* ere,
jrop, 114 Wh can 4W -not, tl ��'bo�)k Alleni. to-,. At�-vV4§-tI)_tfio_1Si#d
yQn.9 think 'that lk it@
1. 1" Qod voll avy oil t is
we come yot; Will. a, f hdr'' tIlluat on, or the book, 6 Uri! �fidl At n he� t ; 1� t -,6� e i;
ift Ito 11 -is c jj,e I �t wark,(F(
ir c6ining?,
d" rl�(w genel, Ily were
at vast trMc whigIt-pro aMy lt�wafj.ln (Or- 6haiaged, -11An6thvr king, o
Outt4y, cong A A.' M#
qw *9X= inilorf� with.
conditions te.aoy�,' Th iro. wM a glut Of
4' his Aon. -and Jay out parks white arOSQ;. , llleh�k ,
W044109t9p,, Oct. 20. -In tbIs, sometimes itlaTrned �.vhen L.-tbI k of ine.r. t1nies c pJplPpd; �Tiose PeW.jjip� oacph'." Acib, P IL'y, I�u the,
w I op . r T
ie 'Dr.* Tall" rpe in:,. r fe ;es, and green NOth follage'..M.noce's tj;o4Uoe it with an -ponva,,eiii tidn.,of favor Ono, �Or I lir� week ellzibl
9our; g� calls all, , ople Iii 113 18:,J Pill eO the pr.ces
At , 'will not lbq,-Veady, to, 4 Ad ftll a-spkrkle with. fountains. and With " the ro).'al_ f. , tmi ly from - whom rewl
to, k1a4pe.�4_apd opens I d,66 - (11ccount o p4mea and. n4im �I;i ote&�Iy, Ileef lilod-juarter.41
4 w1f t1i of� meet, Him In tfia' laist day. Afy hgart bor (�r
t tli'p IsrWel'Ite, ad. r
theft not allow his, -soh, to. live III' lite f the, 6.6elyod inugh at-- ilqw OWined 502�, to MZ0. 0/reclua;�
Tex 61 Gpl;60 s no t w th q9d," Come then c 'terh
4XAPP-tiall YI" . ,i . g yi
holl.96- or, wa.1k in the. -.parks 7' Has God 010 ft.tlllily� of JA- lion hey came t�ntion,': 'tbb course,, was short., and Are otro;ipr by tjb,.�.ut, i,,
17 4nd.,bave'At maAe right, Through the to -E& io sh OW Ki h
"Come. -h aad� 11
built this . guise gose merck-bnd Pit' t 'tho'"116401, they A6 -4 state of -pervittide w, OJ NVIleat iv W4te
Christ who died, to save you, come'l, el ... j" ' ' ' - " 19, r
were t1len. very yet 11 4 41 easy
became. I.riereasInglY And. -op- white 4nd 800 jxwliel%. of., red sel,'Iak,
Will",be, thoq r twe Jair0op-, to , his bitter
Iinp lal, tendqr and all, perisuo,4 What Is the, us& inwrittint? The long- tinie, . lindiet the'-spoeuxi blessinli' (if jai
.J - the. 4t d 7Qc �p ii baefiN and'
.01 , children? preesive. it lsl�sqggested f e I., 11.
the word - 11qQznej!1'.. Six hiLfn-. er yqu ',wait the farthiii, off you are and Will A sove,rnmept At 'great 60d, tiley Iti&1�uItiplif3d eke �dj � I qrael, iyero- ))tilish�ils Of g("e. to 640. I�jepr
expense ulld Ilfe-gavl i19 fapt'th4l: thQ childron. of L. a
qtAtlqris '41 . I I
nd deventyl-eight times it, to the'deeper you are down. Strike out h ng and thus the pr6utls�e'to Abraham had' patt, at Vil,;Il
-.90und In beavenl 'You remerp - bet that the coast ',And -W4,s, tbat, qarr non, 11t6rally go." sh,plbllordsl "wail. III *M.i
he Scriplureii.. It standIp. Eit A.few III oil Otba.47" 4
t�ylji6lj 1 .0, 1 leAiyt,. , a 1reas6A: fd� '� the ley n IWO
the. Xxont- gate of the. -Bible, - as U years ago a ct a of Sol
eanl6r 6iLlled the FrInces6 fa I hostfllty� 91jo-ft t1loin, 10y VIOJ'seliing at, 49-J-22 Ao'Zi)b- P� bus'fijel:
st hover unhurt like a,, petrel ovor the, jold�_,
illee`wIth a."c sto' on wildegt. nurgo and* then, WbAn that IV6,; portariep in Computing , t1ko. titno tgR'jlad�' ()at.9
rat nv�tlng -aritediliwlans I , _ , _ l gyptiaPEr.. The-. sbepberd 'kl� were' sieddy, �,000' bu4q)#,
e4t, , rewd of excursignt I
Into Noa�h,s, a .A boat h k f blip'��ediul for 'their Increabe'to Such 4 been the CIO
9 , rec Per bushe
lid, ftr: dtande, - at; 13 rd# sank, In.-the,T114mes, and there as reached the w o,. a a
4 it nquerbrs' of Egypt and, ael:lng at.38 1-21 to; 403
tb& Other gate of the Bible, as'n w diownino Arge numbo� as,. went out "from,
: ` aWful g4crift i of life.. X%6jt. In %tl,e�bfflng; not allow the I I I . .
As a n ere IlCiLted, and even'tlie avo-, B at W" stiiao,y,
.Pt 1h tile ex,odha.-
man'fcom. the- all'ore put out, f t t the, bo;kt 193, lic, israelites, Who fIver at, 51, to. 5',1c.,peir busbe
PLY, peii,ond ''ter 'inviting th6 postm or he, to, seize tbia, I fe line or tak E tiop. Or. V
A the, 41ioi d Ze-Beventy'. So
diltiviiiinH of nd he had a big' 3oit'. 'aiM hQ" r 7e In safety? oba�l,'GO uls-�rjl&. nuinbQi, In- fts,� desplazid !by'therh ay was fitewl�n 20'�'Ioads seld4i
all lat ' or ii96 4�, 16,t
ark 11C 11 �Kp� it so full it would' not hold, another' provide a;t the cost pf.his',only.-SoWs.� sion 'Jobffectual-,- `;rl Qrq,�., A�t $10.50, to
of a aa� or a -, mercy. ome, P pe in
assa in it Intist A'No, liavii. IncitidedUacob -lilm- 'One,lotad Of loose'gtra�w,s
lkl" only i '6t hein the in 'they
16rd of%foxir lettpps,, but liel"5011i F -scape,: for 4a 'slakIn 0-0 t
Ind -As he laid hold of the� oars ss ation e ey it.. It dore Straw -4, o
!o I b4,t It, I'd. not, 4p,hide:,Afte
th . I
1. 1 1 . I f
-quee, �and fi��r�y, tb,,pUll, for,the PhQ leaving hundreds world and thep turn, Vie C
it �i it _nultllbilod.find grew." 7 .led at
n of w.Qrdk 4 Nvill4p !PC, do
t e �r�,t comq4 U 'from't rev, w;ip..e.
"Qh, that 6. J'oaepji. Is Tosep�. 'Auftydn tella f Cbr s-- poa!'l
the eniir� 'iiDtori of. )MniFl�li' vocab- helPlv - droiynIp4 Ire cm! IkA at.. $.t �64 and .0fled out, ha be.,- ieAvOri wak? VI,tfi. -til --all ih.dir Clop
Ulary. ws o ts, seplite . r. It a an bigger bout! ut
you. say "there, are so rnany 11,id now. been game'tim,6 deqf, ao tlazi be- markets.
I hii 04d. .
Leading W,Ijeat
T4 od, I �azn not ths-limited. and, h m4nY t 11 :
Ank, G 14terprotpr a house
0�cean int.w. whlch,.emp hiwtoryo
ties. fqn, ops- _kngs I have to belleve.and so Mi. the Se,46kris of
over . 6 ill t k room- where, a fire "the 'to 'I y adAng, quo. 4-
r1yers. of mean QVhQk words al I can promli;e room for All in thln In -thp -h e.tendiId earti, a, ep n 9 A. t
4nd shit�e of 'A creed t NvIl6se, ro FoIlowiag',are
burhing agai, tQ
I am kept- back." �dtive, but' t 106da' lFosp6l. boat. 11oom, in the Mo6oplittill I., �nstAhe. wall ali4'� tions �at liuportafit. centrea. -daY
hlg beckonis. All. n have., o and*., whoso son, :trying; -to ex Ing of feellni' hAth that Nvord.',� Oqd. Ao' t tllslk it'* b pardonin ., I ec.,
orn.In. hemen. No_ dol, -You.- n ed believe but, two Alm rhitraoli 6f file exodus. CAsh
pQi;rhigr on a e -but t116' more the
'Christ hl;i people -"Ho prob- w t ri .. ...... v ...... 0 'nQf.r . ..
of Iny tgxt,� tA thlqa-,=n ly:,_ t
sometimes, V 'Iso; apply.,the, word b 1 ........
world" to s'sMVQ` innerm tu I -hi
lalia4Lgo Fametljnep� c omfoit. came Into.. OQ
It Pr'AYS, t�qsp who, would like pra, tleal c And to. conslde�r tlie, bayned the fire. Toi ... ........ ....
es. But", isom time1 it- tewtAs and sometim' -uggle of life. and th t. you are,'One.og -them.' It
If -any! ever escape the. qt� a'
d*estrejL�. tiijounds , from the fm1JJ6Oe-1, More ap"d mtghtior�_"Tllcy. terproter -too irlatian.. to ' he
I ha, e not found them.,. They ar6 no you say, "I do believe boh�-of these Dulutli,- No.� I Nor . ......... 69 �7
otlier-tilde' df 7 the wall. wherefie- FILL Dallitli NIDI
the InlyArnong.the prospero s classes. things:"" DO_Y6'U'-TeaJly believe th, ha rl,4on to' at ��Ptpsp'Qrity, for .......
door of t cUurch'and Ooan:' eni :hard 7' 1 one all the fire. The
orta U the �osieph ;in(] to
Mulibs ein', bm �.Why he4lse�
na IQ
fr the, gates s 14, �Xnot ftses: I gle all the With 'all your heart? royal &d'prolijably 1) t i a 'piesslve Oil they' III F
heaven-�- Recte. Sale's. Ntllte.. Cb1
'the gates of It ay Ui till 'the reacRed the. prosper� 'then 'a e asie'd deat�-' into bethro. itudifli ..:but. -ftirn t
heit y you .4 W -p IsIted he
Ln ba r(l Rn�i,
There -is it� d acciesiacht of ali 'and . since, they, have rea6hed:: life. Why, then,, YOU are so oonfivent. O 4 Egyptians who 'had knovin gou�th ;and .495,; 1425 9
eri. , It, is -W�hi:4 the're Ia Winchester.1345 *R84 83,4.,.
dye 66en:perplexi -of the Lord dia."telve sons
.,theheIi*ps8 Of'.mot,Qf daughter A Inighty., hy� laild J aii,d tlilo 1 iist Ihsplrlag�les oil of Goa's
a - Lere a. nic s
-the alr4or ties, anxietibs.'and r ges w
past.an4 ier of m od Of the were ctf-, ctirof t6r 11-1� clIllde6d, alod His albil- 13'righton 1846 *8 34
then, 'You are. an helf,..dran' MFOI -hy the Important. servfbes
0 tawa 560 -.883% 8 0-4,' 8.&4
may ' pro almost enougii-to shatter -the, nervl�'% am Inheritance that will declare st -
futurb. ';C�OMeilf 'You wirfiIrin6d: by. joi460)x - were forgot -7 ity to.bAng 'to! �aiiglit Satn'so M6
noun xid turn thd b n.
ce. It 'CIO thal the': iie�. raf It.would, be. hard , rom now until long h1ter.,the tell. Death most use- Wd �And idtirdfufl�r �iecat�, 'no's
adpades Th L est
e --woes -o The
e. men 0
of God'L you not '.come and All, Daylo V�rbera, e -ob- Toronto JIA1
tirne ank]. eternity shW re t sttiea..ilj� cori6piculties ot the the that, gyptialla as ivell.'as_ r coronet? PI'incL
tAke you ips of -!a
ar, 40
alvay, n -
w y o. you n EXIM cattle, ehole6i-p.
as soon -as 7�ou have tord Alipiglity," � h d 0
its - one syll'abIL-4 Is On 'the Zeuritte iIork-elltes. !"Generatio owti, ot inount
-of saint Ana prc;ol .,It Isthe enough �guc dependent bf their, quiiLber,' -wealth medium . .......... lip 691 - �� to 300
Cesk to attract the, attention jo -to, .41.00,
e Pa4s UpInto the light..
raij;btlest: of. all- s9lIcItwits. pithLar !or of. a t1jers. the e#vles- and Jealousies Export, ........
Hut6hero'cattle pick
Your b6a:t 'is 1apchbred,j to,
are, ODD S, to 400
9- yu -7. lVer6 I flVe
t loo,!36 frpin: their kennl�,1'1 Th�o gieat: 3 25 to $50 ni Just plant your' feet Ive'rige:joln6d t6�
ncIlIbr' and'Aiaui Ifi, e' expr6siquis n do'la ...............
at crime that you -ban commit in the
he M, ind is- 'get hard 'down, atid you I feel - uptlei do 20 to', 3 00',
n et 'gall on that estimation of others is''t-o. 6n betier' give. emplpasig'to. the - fact' .. ........... 2 275,
do 2
halleg'e V kable III- 2'59
,'great, bid;� althibugh., -'a'rft s, 'thi hol of -Akes., �a: I P go r a- :0r: PREAC H R
. t
.,tl�eip E S."
I ddl-, e farthdr e, huia.. Me one, instarice jn. Which crease' 'of 'It)
than doL. They� thinj 'your a'
-lie lifi- Israeliteii,. be�,,qnd all
-e t universe. Feedeira..iiihort-ljoep ...... 3,75
ble -to I ach'�tb;
Will Inot. be a, .-tlon, Is their, subtraction. 1. 3*
n irf,the'itg Cal A In ht spiri,cippeliled',f6r or"din culatlonD. "One 6riginal ,3'23. �shpre. - 1*111.'Aet down the'Ifathom- d*re�l pdrs6ns fbia; goal of Stockers, MW ta'X100 lbs ... ... 3. 25 to'., S 7,J
n ke
silvatio ofThe gospel nd'did, not r I iplleo'thal they, iiib�ease'd 11
and try' to succ 01 t, is for, any rdfLn to. Milch cows, each;;.
Ing 'Ithe Intb-Abila 'sea.. �ss. '�Oiie �eitcheij'it and the other
going tb flalies or. lbelets. 0 * call. � 0 ure'to cubit," thun Sheep, owes per ow
d�pfhs,':_ &PA though I fo r ti"dr6d'and nlnet�wnjpe iLre- nia4t you are 44dono�stat 3 to 31%
u to, th, it dellir- ..........
-aham at, Hran 2
Abi do..bucks.
let ll- the My4v 'd uent. iii, ' too 2 00 to
years:6f your
e all th!�. -and cbrd'�- ti together 'ciiibles It, Would take volumes -to. hold' the: f r'Ova Eg;3fpt `�vas 480. yeatp oq_
V�Il not wItfi': you , I' this ere 'all el' ent e�o
'be s or rages and de: w. thout your I : . . . I I
age , I hve-on btwrd tot *of the t bambi,, 06r ewt ............ 30.0 to 25
sermon. The stateincin ................. 200 to: 10 00
Y. I Jand Df Gb,g
-'All -th r -e:CoMe rreat'-iieace thlsIglo�iou� fi-iipe:� tills? seelined so,
le to touch Ot wOM'en__an'd-Ch,� are- Calves,. per boad. ljo--*6 � 0 fic
Al b" Aom. pOWL famations tliit ha. th� 'to t Elmo. choice. per, !
The Warl'11 �brlght e`Xpectancy) Are 'You iniport'ant* as o. merit 'an 75 006
of. the 'rillgon Is Ili as i6ur success. t,c 1 ifikeir. into :&_-6ount it seen Ho&
coris fed
d1c.1-9-10-R-al WUii�f -j�T_osporFt injg6 07t tliepe�&l -of —great -price evetitloyl.- .51-5 —too-N—
word ie -e 'in have been H69111:11i -a' great' 5 7.5 to atty' stlina
and .conimendito 3 On e,t bepa,us.e_ are� e� e -houlg It 011111
r '11�16n . lirQ. Pf; _f ull' pf annoying d i4t ie -You- too" important. -than. ilk!
r III. e _our_
a: to
it., The Amperittive rhi:iod, -19 ate'dIdsaes' indolent 0 placed,th6 fit:Linber- at 9 -FOU Is'', mor6tis. �and b " �A` ' 116 mantled
no ava. the' -other hand the Uftfortun , r too - proltid to stop: 600 . . . A� I ... . 1 OVF &T
�giies torinaintenanee. P1,01C 'It' lip? wili ;y6u,,-,wear the k -now �S
ot-the.Ap,�rol#late mood'�'Vhen:w have' their str klng-:-� of apother TEN MILMPI
ti Ltii:exi -u, to him, V�ds
f 6press A;vei-h6oa,b�,one-Ivho ba:�l 6h 1
would have people4ivin,il e.q.., Tdw a n, -of ei�ll.-hablt'-.When near by ya acepraing o.,
t 'they and aft I er'a-whilei Js the ay- ma- e ed, Ib mmer thiLt. Zo'uld- Wfth � one� Thc';old whom
cOaX -nothing to sta-it-with h n rp u g k W.1 a n I V ieg
The b
a 'ity t T
canfibt 6�' drive Oifr 'thearts, ',Are 'for a fimilY g%,well stroke' wngp,' the,* ishacklO? 'Will you Joseph. served were erthro*n� au 110, of the ScrIptures tha
like Our stay Ill re., y yna� y,. camp
rison- bf- slni-'-v�hen- here )See Ofr hig fe'et the ,,Wlnr ilpeI
66at-*a friendly knock. until. ch it - dren reaxed and,ediicated and: all -Ontj I '3.-.-:T40 0 fl�
'6oe will 'Ail, at- and fairl z r.'sta . rte'd in, -the, orld,,, and -'to''' .1 k � (h;Lt could uhlo�k j6dr Into -'power, that.Aiad Ino'know1bfte Or a gospe ey ground OP7� lihich he' it6oil '%vas qlal figuires',6n the'al a s
kTn' , , , 1 1. 1 . , I " * flax' ' olLiped.
orce, open bur'dQo would id"all* the rivalries o 110 cu�afe . gai'd shock o In 0. ''
-,tempt M If I . Q! pils �! f Incarceration.?.. No,,, fi6! -or' -br - liitevWt 'Ili 4096011. It Is now t h-- bar e;� -o
the , ai%siffailf 'in priso. our nesal Ekdd'the ncertainty of! crops and akron : ".. I I
gt ti, tArou"ll out' of 'the,: -Pr
Iknd As -the Or '-word "ceiiie'! hag slorn e - ills, - that 'rao V the aid,' grega ion, Bablia. I: e,
"I wWdh, '0. ` " t r e ag(. Plia . b - 1)' eep tirri6s broug1t wtlie �open -7o,
th4olo I seminar the ficiene6sof tariff leg vinbi� during
many -souls , o Ch'rlst,. I opl,irn-sicih wLao, the. gr6at� !Wm6ses
in. their; curo' an pcta:slo hbor.ptrike- an 'exp;
il'�here.arid. Infor d them I present gralp- year f �190.1 �ybun
men' t ree years riment-'of-jillIng �Ip "it-1ree 'grant "of: tho. andI Peter 'crew, a'. ven out
m �efie. Launching txie�rn into ft,'fin6riclal. panic throWn. in 'is i t Sept. .:r to'Oet 31, are
rical n o :a kqoun aln and 'then- i3end down. .1:0. Deal.- as
arethuh7" u -'and 'wept b -Mlet Cirain fioebtor'llotn. e
ministry, wdo," -well - IfI in -so :,might''thinj to.db, and there In, an Aialan-che 'of tower .,xnA-riy � of, Shrewd, 'lidt. tv vir4w.-not %vlst�, 'Sin W c t y. .� - k.
Cal heroes his
tiIey canieach.th6, fidi-, reds, ILA& f, 911 h -a JtI(illcy, is "'at A. P'esb�terk�n total , al�i6umt of graill''aliIiiPod ... .. Come, thou ahi 4 ' r I nister cau-lit c oiihIt to Mr. Horn!s-'stkt&-i R
these. gospel "comes. asu, city. U-11
hdrotnes'Who live unung and di , e and . !aIl- thy house lnto,� the'. . Ark;1' once E a c
.,..4ates for .,the' 11joiy 61fice to and king of. ',.'the Popacy".
'u- ;fiort-7rgbted:. and. wicked tea, million' an'd it
m6nt 9 bve
gh tn- nlionore .,all.3fe abor find
Word What:
:.Say me gh,
-with rl t einiphasla and, in hd nstead or ",the T, half -totat ansouni of
tha, one 11 need whether. up or �.atloa and power are., Iiiavy la den, -and, f7 �,riii- i6u, a6m6tiling. *as wrong,j le or- !.Nvileat &IIIIiIijed I)ojIO&
IWl has such inaman -is pe6ple thoir -fast, friands' alit.1 this IS'
doiI. in, life or 'half way etween, -I- '-,-Como for; 6.11 bIngs', are now; .;
rest' 00 bshels
fashjio as .1. "r. %0
is-�14n,'workand ' that 'theinfibite �: ; n
effipieny, In. Chr Y'�L ...... Come Pa,�Cij,,)
soldce-'of. the Chki4lan -re-' r �, N 111 ji�lck6d bej�atiii;Q W violate
ead with, u's -and' . . . _. ii
ip iver. t6. . I . . we,, c0iiinlou inorl1t,,v.,_QVw*1e8. -TAst eater 'tha
Who, hiis isucIll 0 per ligiAl., And' We employ the. Word ;eC1*OftM2a-W_66Id _bn�_
11 1 1 1
OyQU_gO "bone-and-sde Tj o W1.1
77�� �.�eopide PIV oloa an
I.T. quit
Ine wr0a eternity to. and. thd' brid provelubnt. on tile brig error'."' --A. .'come' and
the: ilg"bt "wient through A er ea. find O�t t� f busine a men Ought to:.. sonieWhat' b6nibai:300 pracher ponip-!
Bradst,re6ts, on Trade.
e,.hurnber o. -let Nin'thaCheare'th, say 'Coxne, Rnd id "1143 "dbelar$d a.t, the �8�eping of
bereavements,- perseptions, W ha ve -been strengtliene& by the lei him, that stein,-- Nv th. h�ur- ;puny ai
no r
the trIas,�,ofr:-twientY orthirty of:God. and tbv, people' 1�ho '0 IiIsL. discOurgei, !'Jae0jo, gold his 1)lkh: Mie, trddei sitU*t1011,.-.t Moat
stroke" of'one. 15�11 in.ii "may bi t ihe Ae�,of th ivh o we i I.
. '1 20 " 9.f Mbseage. lid'
yQwis,booftire' tey Ul -raVens -when' e t to* 'use thetterini-of it. tra 6 paper d . piakb promis" n: oco b be y 'th& A;
e iuni' y Sweet of b6L, a tuned h!s tf- pli or grace ever -� time th 0 av4 r e men "but" everi' f " Iviiyt sal " solinded'
, y ther esources.'gave oilt,baid the Pau"). or d t .�Ilgdod, an.0 a for this.
I the w - 6'rd *,'co armed only*,�N,Ith nieedle:or-Saw.oi-6k OV and lifted nd swung - eas
beret T�ring' 116 ted 'jip outlook.' for general
Ai6vial 0 In one great 61il�ne; 'fill ihe—�hesVns 11' first niOrOL .5.10 , W -.43acou. sold r so
t �ber that. In many P Xou mus remem,, yar(Istick r.r;en or jd�L eL. or I , t b rttl_
&ht,16 gakj� d them , III,
cbme has a ant shoe-4st h ge 0 P
mus c a m 't hougli to pay a 'tr" do .,.1,3:. ry' dvorable.,
ouwith I ce es ia'l.' A': d no them, it is o.1-tilmius tell -and. s
auy', , Q . L - sor before It b" 1� eni'ie' und. �'N�Ith' all" one who,bas heard, the.mighty' chlinbs ail and incrodt;Iouij. took 1XISS I
r ment, ia
to,conquor aI " liffictil0es, the 11ONVI 910V Ile
toiver8 of. Amitbrdam or Glient
r -hedrei
f Iis. If to'. ilJ§..flj 1. 1: 4ezaanf1Jor-gq4eriLI-. liaes-In-whol
fre In the Ke POILCY,
it'lion, ar-, "I 'Toio6to' ke6ps
.left,', -in tl
n' o e gen ca rge. 1 IeM' OW'. (lei; aded thein t 'd sd�ie c to os a
curate census, tbQ, -stillistics Of. hOW exigency. o n need. he Con
-own -proccoled 'to H,131 t
'in- -fraud, in runk-, it jeems o ,m'e I in 'ills mos , i UP
t that Iri Is -$qbb VO
mdny� are d lurch, hdrrs, employfng them, d th ry*61k Ig lie weAher -
n, impurity 'Oi- - ..' S. '. lPa 11 iia: - d' considerh
6nn"S. L In gainbilrig,' A ut the Ivord "60m, �hour. npresent r It. p, �., - ilonn.of B -he pck5p.16 t . Vle cbndl
'e a appiled,� 0 all fi4�vtn....W'bbImtn an d' t of , YOU ., do not a ppear : -o
c. 'those. who need.golace a any, sor e
e,.s ayin "Come,. in
nf t aliA I -g1ve amont to, V61,64'a'd6parted frineds and kindred t
a dc4h, th ky,, ring' . m Wbtbe the publIO works, 111t)414*1; opy ctubtaLToii 4;6r man
you 'the acc urate cenaUa r' stati ties 'n&1hlng-.un1eAs, it b6Lg Uttered by som6' oil W�iiwtly d
have ce.. Th beft y le jinkbis wbo�. never fell, bendin.g_,,ta5L-1Pqsteig, wli8'Pn(-Vn,tIr.hnd st,'cks
of.o how many -one, Who has eXperlenced that S61a 'thrbiles, are." -c for- -hoasonable, goods
the . -word. of frOm, sap,phipe
': r4s s _111011r, W11PS—to tho' lrld6le'nt, o-�dry en -
come; "Come. and That hantInj,' V_' 1, 1 It �at cold ,athor "I
.spread tlie� it, And repett tOuCI1' �Of
9 e-towers'of hea Spur 0 iinguld, All. 'VI L repc citelt winegliaises ."-With me , At th14 lv�fng t ospl, call a non a grea t
Ivory 'bar,"- .'IC6 see -'what lve;- ThcreL
Triei'. Mid e: who hav6' los�prbpiiry en. - totver� of ma�tyNq, t6wer, of Pror: In dn�.iont hI0-b1rtIir4_ttfi't- tor in -let -have 6eeri
tnan� his g with! Is, ."t hat tONI,0.r of wore lifill t y, b4ptives ; 'and IgC
.'�an. 'w. ta- andr-heen, coiiioled bk'iellglon1n thal. or� the .5nille b6ii�:illi r ei,
we In at Pls'gmnibling n pheii, io e xudlbl6 ivalnuj�t�� I
I a e e0 a n 4h
this 6vahe al�j tile pj1zzlt�d,,pte,,j�1Ipr llukried..ol, i k from -b e.,' .'.',"Come -en ter with, me 1he ones 0 ln�lt,6 thloie who thd le- of 11 80M0 Of weve # VOL'
ood,, FCHIA16a that no free cltli6n 0 1 .'.4ouitness'. ThOse -who Iiord �;n the, lam4 are, Chiming' and -a. laig'a- ptoportiqn-bVillearca"11
�dotibtful speoulatlbii.� "C me, ' will' have failed I I: lie 0 J#K1 Irt einplok- wlil [Ind.corn- tot: promp�t d6llveries�' i3howinq hat
rql � I rscts -on 4.0
oge� In e t,t . omet - Come!" Paidq.n 'for - ail, xietIA G1111. mean read th have 1O.4t 'tlielr health..hnd beelf.con- f
',-.Come Me tO TrCa'sllre C,U.10S "SLora k6tallers Are,
Chrl JA hy:-rellgloh are the ones'tq Invite poaqe for, alliiIIL�d heaven fb.r'all wlro on tlj3mil(id of
- inir-EL oL4d thut re-
in -1 L
� F tudonts, In thio hands'
f b those' 'ho -c tting lyr6ken, into,,
A4, am, w ari-Jit poor hedIth. Those come.. C�rdcfirfg "in';mect a steady ex'jja'nd--.'
In a RAY !It iilro the tilb tangile 1rj;l
ith ni. 0 ukh whij ll�ve bereae'tnerits. and *been- .'"When-Mussia Wild li� 6f) -oijf"-f uicq itn(l ier gi o' .1
ithmn— ing, deroand f6ir h'uncerground.11fil. Of the, bIly." If .111: are the firs -thd suffer - Of -s ednsoj . ed Who rn,� L'thd 61illers h d S N 6.' t r,,n_(l e, Th e .
11 Dg a It ri-6 :I 0.e. a feat
are''itl ori thif . i thOse been t; sitli, ffenty thOusand ones 'to Sylnpat.hiso WILI IOn '-And'!bRtcr, "they were 01, t
ar6 'd(p%m. in at Fboil,
tic and t'lw pro5p
alects arb
then: tW hei5anlon o messeb -�-Tho ramr, as fli e - largest
y thOu.sand -fell unde r child or friend, gor Ti great seltement
of -'the word I I r,,,, t I I,, lord to couprogation,
ri i The Ino —The'
was I e 0 Nvllo alloilur that it, wil I th Ig v
es bf us are., tdl�.t '' t �day. aiid,,I.n ran among 0 ille 111 '�Itl 0 - II: country. :13usl
sto[�Y. Or, thb 4
goodl health.aftd'buol.,�11,t oil Ong ",Peace pdaeol" I e senti, hInp.4.,ilot It Wlun�)011 Ing
sh fir
roadhig'09, a. Wife iix-e litildbatid 1 I'a d MIA jour�
Hl San d4i v P"Ictillig in n, Beek a 8"tLea improV
een Own . tir'Ong drink ud'�.he 6 r�hr y ould lit., !us -Order'&! th(I 1 '-en de
ve W - - b ehi di
b li'fe who have , bi fflift weather . a 16.
she went � ta�, the I saloon wilare he'I'dawll or but for the�slas- A.110
-And till up 'and dOwn the dclalv hilt to deliVerles',of - whet. DIIA14:
led,.. 6nd he said; "Give me 'tkining an,,c,., cli 'e a., -td6- cert
Us rul. G to ness -at British Cblumbl, tr.
q,�PaTapment of the Rus.�Ians. Wojnaft illad !.It --.I;
',hur .0 a com� T A -11'a of). It" line to
bi�ok my ))and.!" And the ba�r religion he'
lielp of our holy
it. 'I I0 a; tende �In&ucxllh int.1 Tlrie'bu�kefi4 arb not r v4pre
-set 'f Ir
whvAr te'sponcled, L
Ing. T)i<�re is. 'a �very
-orner f,empt$�_ The suppl�. is not e.N in the,, C That enall,- I. battered do,� I I I ciourag;
Y, ho hlilvVlf U la h� it;6 of nioviw6lit''in -occan freighit -n or'ey, And 10'� roi thoir "There ''fiet 1�a �rhere I just aElmtich'in
,,t-,ftke up 4ere a your w fe o NI, Xbt caret lue
- I'll veliv; o more -�wotinds vidn th( (r linnitit rud WlLI
e o
deYOU, And the -before tile first grave was dut-,,- or th'
sA I d, aL I That'nleant, go honic'� That Mcant theill. ato ahlehte tind n* Cod ac� , t 1 W
(14 M nd M� dbn�t tito I
it art 'the it I-,, - ; t and 'mo mote Imig 'Iliarche c!o to
I)o �'O,u call that my hus- flrbt tea . r r itart . t, Ildhet day, as . one . of be Lbrd'8 s`� 1 i�� alivollefi, or fhe mess60 gen§ - -1 liand.? '%Vhat . blve - You. i bee, dall! at wi'n, oil I,, a, Wtird C�i nd lin n tll'(' illonth
g I through . these � gre
v, or the, fir,�Cfbrt ne: Thosm of I�no
'If with hini? ,14,that: the is ar. ere slightly b�,IUW I. to
I tbat-athe,' Cler Is.,thit pow�r, tfiu� iLd %Vh6 li've felt the'consol 6ey �Tch the Ir I tv rii nP01 In nu r And eat,th nd beav "to T
[odl' NVhat ;bg r6liglop fia;Ve 6. to spepIc out otil eace, be-, to
wee Lft 'a' nd mant reace itaggrcgate indebt.edilvu�
nobl;a o,vu '-exporienciag il�nd' say, t Od A T.'( �hildrt -vile. (f�ug bive vbtf jilvell illin, that Of 'Out ji pori lti6,1 rr �-r' v�, t I
t'has ILI . rne(* rpOlting soill ai�d m P-frdohing,
hiny'. -into aAldnd? Take of 11,11,070,
I7OUX%tI5er1 .01awS off': -'I'll im. vilcold. What dl,4nial uorli of condolo the I Lotd!'t � If YOU Ask ffio. I-INN,b( fliti. Same of I'Vo. IN-itil ce S I
Pto, it orfil:111 to -n r
akes n, tt� I attoniptA ''to 1 Pece?" I a smo L
Ii1a: whL 0 2,
L N� I -ni rrvni
a re lghIlIg him, 3ter they 'spread (Ioe$, pedoe to ki t 11,11. flia -o conilote!, Ithe J)tlo 11
T ie,'.:.br6keh o of (,*6d L I it i't
Nv i th q0t. stick. b 'ties th . (, - o flV_ ck in a"etl! It'll. I A friner, I
a ON:erl I 1 1, r. of It] J� 1qS13 T,) vith ti)Ctl jidi' g"' it cu�k
4to('d Mf thot, Rar oV.
Wbandag6 do not ago., os
in a sribw. qorm 0 1i a, ptatrid ror t eeL.
I to 'In Q wrote IN't, w � Of IN'
[Vt, Jilin b. of 6therS 'fat 26 for 4 7 0
;,s 4ilillons hive 6f*the Night 6o -hi I lic� on and tlofwfl�� , -ord "borne.", lie', Ii, is 1 its Co
niftidst le f�om' 6fl A -tycO W nunibox IV.
been, of 1. 1 i'e, v� I()S fll-71yl, Vow, I* Ivant all t'lle WVIM PY knowing W.hich 'NraY" to gd, his sS rut -of atl�othor Ianil hgrness� this �vord' for g-pml as 'others ktruck the
X nX IN— t I I Z I 1tAt I ra 0�40' lig6l. facbs
T I I!, 11 OW tic IV n vor Vard
it for dlid It' Will he Will folloW this rut, and It tr) tfO t draw thd, 11 . seas. ill take file out,to qatety.", Tr6,IIae,- yca tell Ve Continents fvn(l thO or 111:0 L ��j .<�f r -it Atdw fild 'tened on- un'tIL h6- liet of .14, wo Ilia itwl Ird I M C 611", To Vili rdt r. ,
,I; Tit CmnhoI6 diih Ix t J illd )in tlj6 prece.zj `bt LO ILI
Mime] that that nian 1,4 dot t w f-tthiros 7 har roiim i.,j, �,ffl word the teddeficy qe, ihose wbo' -1 ha 01A. to illort, I I
irig nd .,,I r yoll flllot
th6 forest or (in ..;III o*I", N* II -x. JIM(), mo?i to'givo:11p tho I-Cre thii' oonXq1dd P owir bt,0110't tiltO tl'L� lOve t'lie inoor.j. they I;Ioth, In or ; for 1101111(ig" fwilidon 'of hilt mirn& of r6 itcl�, s�li W, ? III, I I", I- oatL)is by denun- t
er-stappoil In 111c, rotinA IV afrist Iiindf. btrL it the, bla&w 1)"* t'� I V t I t's, 1, 1e't QVe dotll
laot� ie!m Ot ai -( ft,accurrfd ,6 66ni 'to I(till
at, la ltv(v
11iff Cut)$ by the f. V I lf�
-th tr, w 'y I,41t, X� noi Moll g- tempdrw�e f. st,
tv lilt it I tnd by t1`10 t foil 4)6 thqt 'or, tho;i�h ow, not I)olllyj J& IL gdring (einq 1110 t li, ,0): 'who Will, Ill -got 11 Iit t I toq a W.L11XII �
oe 16, 111,11
ista I. -o I ft� I t I IIthr M0, 116t Io IitIaiN'Ll"T'LfwN 'Atli I 1T,
n t116 11Inr,nMq $tar nr .6tir it fhi0'Wh' r1t 1, 'Oil It t1j
�Lvrff thom W! �Iv !"Ti (t.1 Yl poll, n km if
It 'yo
--- - ------