Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-11-08, Page 6T__ o T 77` 10 f 4 4 �Fv CATTLE FOR P 04 45o 19 ROF 4, 01 + :07AWk-WIZENS� A 7 MAZED., is Ottawa, Qc-�. otes,oll) NE t#16HS. LQ 01409 stiitem64tq�as to tile Cure -AT M, IM ;-powors,pf tile !Pie puppripr staylop )x0ral very bad c4eps'pt BrIgt sto k It's Iming nif by I rl at Holstejns, ake., now beet: tit pwals, )odd's Kldnpy Pills, 1 4 iO- Tble Gi6a t 11, At � tit(' foq 00 4, i,�s�, Case or TY10 lie,matter haw tAkog,'hol il�, �e iiwory and, TO itio, wbok 4 W lgv.e Up holdQmL city to best vidpitc6d by the, -fact hon the list maii� Is, In pIr , y� umna. e_1 6 d'b stops, to. ;1sIder that the papero arel Ovitig Eqpt O Whp er profit test, �gl opot Sti of spape!, o.'A � full deitallqd. account In ',the h4tt beatina. VIC e th p, Mrs. Q u dys of b Is, illor-the'Em inlraculcktis- cures,, J0800 by ten�eeaq and the Guern pr'*p ot 419 gets pot. One of, the,bgsIps. w has , made a '-fine it is ee How0pri. . ),,,t6 rprty-soven. cc a sa7d thing tho W hp ation this, week, Is, that.o Ma, 011611, Of the Guernseys, still 4r. mar he blitht. I Al t� qr,pr a, .4. Ur. Kent, whosi said to� havO be S�oil�d b� t litetaltia in tIIQ fruit trpps ed I gfito DIsease..by Doild's end as best 'cc Pills, Al -64ru, bilt .1 esloPe a,, *;ati 440!' the. twain ArO -mada oner. 31pn, bAvp, bee ac 'that way, ea,glven ter Companion, C4 ell, It In, f'r �q ttng, 0:4 PRESS p by O#er V ter having, be for of the t propilnent. lilj�qjcladg. iis 90013 d9q&I, 411 , JX N ;FQW ntbnoT well' h e st ex st.'' qcp,, 'there Was' W y Ciob-" ic .,tier feed, and drops, thirtyr c9qnte Of this. particular as r 'af terwaras� tit bertt,� the "great wr and the'Nib, Owe p'stittemetits; ma4e by., Mr. exit Ad tier .or the 41 Itel. � f *6ek. r iay small and r, h "A Dept;. Qtta sh pr9qs,1 its he, W which 4,0 Rots to t � �iA, in re _18,Ual. teooed has been. mpdo durIlng: P i Ty orator, of the Engjl_ markable a the week by, the, PpIled 0 1 '*04'144'n _'CQ"rM5 oat Statein nd thrilling st6ry. a'g a unable -to, pro to s light. '�iiqh dN gest,Aer teed,. presumably tile e sil" �ick�y! by'This Papq in 04 Origi�jj %$;j Is trequQntly 0,4110. He�: wait otly. 21 nother to the, case of a. girl tan She bao bee per r. P�4 b Walk AW out In OIL wpo Is worse e itome Is, at 95 d b3ca hick and feverish -1 Lyon e reat, his, city, anit who is age, efn, � has streets of',HaIIf4x, t 91. -been ured �.f Rr�ght' she gave R lb,4. ini -ch'ldreh� Good onq mo�;llhg he to goo Abux, qjdd t'o ha�vo� At on6, nift sirike o ting*, Dlaeasqr l?y 1) It- duck Pills. afte 2' tile. - foll�Lwlljg. ii,ilik in n0vant girl, busl1j.'.pngagpd, odd. a r -00 P-O-� fat., pwae, ng, lit 4116 fam ly i tien. T girl;, tham 24, lloulr&..t -n her , less. In tilird milk four phyiildfans It A give 6A0 p.c. fat; tha riiht of child .4 atural. 6119) v This W is. n -c. fat� e, lilt. 1.6" M,,,, bugo Only velii.rs qf'age, wa Them V, k Y far'thb highest. butter fat, test Btt j* 6 ... of oudetful cases aip tit; t'al PJ om tile -:d' rX seven-, 3 ured f M 0 1190=0 repra: it. Free Briglit's '.pfseape 1�y. Doda's. prtty..' yo ,,spoke, to, her,, toWit !kit, 0 yet by any of, t4e Cows. �!;Frow pilb old a 'Xidney Pills,16 1895?," qf� -'! the 11 k The standing of the1ierds f�,r the illeir-'rights a *C; learn While est 4r, Z a here lu*�OttO..'Ta.; �$oi, a julnute,',' usi�idMr. Kent h�r,' name,. And same Wo. OPWa..- even week talled: Upon her,parbitte 'and prit, a,nd`str6nv $*a1r1u,%, alt libe C I I . b Ow- tin nam. 'WIT 0 promp y., ne. s:fAys ic ni; %a1a, tI grow, t Te� YOU' bb V�ou d like tQ in arry their uptoms'of -j'bur old: kIdn tro07 dtLug4 er g ssinco'had 'the glIgh6ft' EAkj at ery h 941. t, This is prob4bly,.the or., Mr. 'B I�rci%vi eak -.401 A 0, FtOO'l ­e6s, reporter lug Dei�on sitiall Nv. d, "Ic or Pie or'saything like It,??' fL the ex eesloil, ..This Is, so 06ml OR Ono ev6ping, wlis lipdgIn 0 Scotts-. In DoddId Kidney blushing maidens have greatly horrified at bearin t .4; �,,Du n can: stog, Idightes d E oy t are, i u sict I th For tile *6ek efidl.ng October 80t 54 no, Caring , n_ _ Er In 1Pills and nothink tIse'94v6d y6ur If "'r D'.'u ve s nce� �the pdr plotio $4,07 xtg� crewr tool ac!4 se. bilght-, Th�tc and:,rpsitopOd� 'Von to y -present', entst'of. the girl 1ntorm64'the!7oUng aecompftsfied' manner at. big ow, bave%v ake n #6 most intraddl.o.Us, Puri). EpIur go iod�hpaltll 80 . , , I m0n ;:04� 4 no: lobjectio to, wwhlcb�, hadj4pit. k -milk M -d ni,,t-de Till dintint XolIQwIag:,, "aw hild,bould id . I't 9 1 .., the,* .1141 lckpdl his, place nit r L', �1 ch a c d ep n ob6olutjely 'sure. Wlty,,Uiy�wlfe an him &4 a 5on'-Iu-.1aW,-but that lip Into. the middle of next week. Pb.. - 94in over, laigt Uey 'are .-I po. so' 'grateful to KIdn' x f, serving tits minister looking'over, the -keeping ilk Scbtt's Em wait : stay 41 iO'n PIR tliat�we have-, chripteppiff, our would 'have. to lin h6ii -detteon, said, apolo. ttwall, biwt. tile a a pavOr In its, f6fidd dt Win e �Ac6ount 0 tho danilitler- -was,of 6, marriageable age. -wi I ocane, little� gIA,, -born in Ddeemberi. or, 18961, getically: 111,ain really made-a'devided-spurt and tied (110 1�-:: mediciilo, ti by -the natind of 'Dodds.0 I i Cobbett gave the"gIrtall, B-;"- Aicko'�'and whttosjor first- 'placo� -3:6th,. rdln t Ux ag"Alu Ab. le bettor thaili a�ythtnjt I' can tell. , I . f y had,_w.hIcjj-,amo0nted ble. to. enjoy bl, anaI Ueep, ThI -reel ent. -on to., lm;hat..w_e a Ittrillititte nify recov� y O,�'Went Ito religion, Orldtig, aa that- co*�" A�rOltlro4 are Ix 13 It ur Kent, and, "If aper., at 12,1, Ottawaj I N ­ I " - " in th at' cs I, r, O:we m e :)II twbodO,'� Kidney, and, became,- a - do batic In the tam- str ngth .!Mak .1 y 7 in gs. ftqir�th Next tie French prjuojoIn �the, tfly of' a cleirgym6n. Five years later 'nadirtne and tilo Shortlictin� wfifch 33i tWA? Auj�eilOajj 'Bank zi,&t& CobPet �return,pd., to' England And bo tit do Nvork,,. , an . d may gro Printing (joinpany, in oold '!Would you 'be.' w91,11ing It! order to Ing good a to m -V "-do.solemuly Ur published, In. 1895 married' her It �lu �Inakes 6onfirm. o otor 'Stir- Henrjv: Parkes,' xen br Weed pisailig th _9c6tt:s tiC to mak-e qother �Dea -SlrA-,I \was bo altead 0 do you �any than lierda wbirld CtiQ oaarcely. spaLk. above, it whisper,' five Anipi-jea" s Oiylswf! and, toi. lifty fef6qw-m W�kbd'lhiii scrIbIe i a s 11,6i 111kht.,wh,ell uld o6d I,havp: ould he RD okaxsbt. at times t Is AlINTY the 1�eootlwioinqy �,61 M Kid- no bje erid Mr.i'Kent. makes hern �sl.eep, �L _,se&ant girl, who waft i;i fkQ ing fill I obLYW Obt�djned a, lon;-,, lead' in 'Vite Tress' certainly woll 'table, and porsaad6d'.the thel I got no relia W anyt mtnto, itf-; tilai play.4 G' ak ',child awithfiC tho truthIn:every statemoot low fi6r'to, eiit6r his emOloy. This she ONBY� BAD. pa;rt otf; tile It my we ie we tried our igftt'4,D1seai thOy 'polished': about 1iy Case." did,. a3id, for sllol�qime- b relief and:gIr t1jey. rible: baod bf;L:'Br SAW.Two. otiles gave �h6s.bp:.abla to wp hold 'the Wt)tleo ., . ; . tt's Effiii1sion wil 'I I Iret prize pr Ma. e V(. 10 ei for almoid Mr Kent . not -"tile reque >f the positi. of ook In SIr Hcir�'s liouse- complet6' ur in t.l.re buttr OfIt ngtV COW" IS, ilow,:Ilditc make -it ".,catc -up.., enl, the,folloWinir would eatIly recommend I V &I has t to� any- j-elsrt� L;u j 19 lovel for b* OIL or -Out Of tl6agldo the would. prob,alify, ;C�6fifja t one,61feking: from thr t lt�pg' an4,,-ha 'made 'y en al coirivI66tionlalitlest ST . I F VANBIQAXIRK- be 6 vbrtaken by jq6njj�. of'; til r with. -the rest. fier.!-L ady P6xkem,: TEM 1901 tie test wOre continued '10',iGEORGE HENRYKIENT19, 're- ORO his- r This Pic ea ferer Gorvidoe Clifton, 'wh 'Ir I 0 Brow . it tuie represeitti life'and pr.e t; -behIt4' st wy� or 4-itin6tilia. ls'onel of tile finest' fora,few weeks longer.. Tb it, - � ..,! � . ' , Wit deut at 408 Gilmour' street; ln,,,,'tq' the�,T�AdE�11� 6f. 5�0 a top",tto results brougjxt, z , � L , , , , ' �_t ! L list'' Lb6ut, by' t of ott&wa,� Ind In_ex cnce,_.mna�' Swials, ope. or Minn xk the Cl. y, bolookial of I s k el[t "r'y . -ftek -dUTL the we­el4'inrkd_.,_ find Is: ok a edL be tiA 4 pKilitei At 4he'Amerlean;: '64 no lena. than, seven times. 'and It mpper of Ei�eq tottle. in, Tecoverj-`bult ab"O is h'.' -bet - TI Send: fdr free utnpl& -Mny In`the "Id" 0; Oh''ttme I lady �my bek t6d it, was foiir�3 tvin he'-_'w_ou1d not it from, tS Rev. pw, muc. 7�� Le 1,� d6nli thin 'we Will eve br,La.,'G I ..tt Is. vent �Lddy Her esIsie Is: the first In. tile.,,, 28 erItrte r pple, iep emperanc Country, t t els, ae� Cli ton', outlived her k' that r 4 �FdaeyTrcubj —bas, ;L brilary­ 16t 0 ei lirx h a a Vfs rig been iiebessary 'to-re o medl-� for la, C "Mo. TQRQNTP Ols th Use of ag my ji in nim V�hiCftL-�gooe.,.tb--show,.ttin;t the or, by chargUg high prices for the Sor I'd' gii been both and $t. a] tu opt e, bod became 4woll 0 a osidenf"t 11i'Clami6ildIg Thonifge� Day,., t-ve. irulihOr ' it no f L nA did appear, before of ­ther; right toell.drink. 1-belle'Vei that. the lfully fod and lihndl6d. ''For this t4wrrlble isizo, and in became �)�toarfeaj3A.'Blanchet; Commission- fAmQiw-'bpok, "Sanford and MOton,ll 0anadlans"ate thk)� knest race oi'peo- aO ha�rd adand smarto jea;ther,'. or., etc.� ail before him oil'. tha selected two, I poor�' week 'BeauO of of-thEi Hel- Oftolsod nd I belleve'.tha t tk t 6n'ejr6 t0 onfl tal .�t 18 t q porve a UP'j d4te'd lid I mal -Le L'a soieiiiij dpclara� hoinste a;i(ll:one,.fr,6iiil',o,,.tb�ndling,"-y� 1hey Could lip t. -ho moat-jempe, I rate o n h6rd- iwthe best Oow, beating �?' L -C Ron I te339' tion 'r�ijardlug.mY:rec6veiy from jum,'bnd �tdok �tjl is people if, * the. trea Marshall, by five cents. 1EI6 nizat agonizi CIA In 0 h I jow Is tit Th ting habit *as cc etl6dic' he.: 'use -6f as. of- -Ab6liahed--Why 6hould-a- man who' to, p.L �al- _Utjpj:!Lpkoistr6Iohl a Dodd7s: Xfdiie them in turn, One rejeelted. hL9 Butt,., wantstbxi-6 d�ihkltake fivl� and thei octob'ar .$tl'!:' Jetr`9L p- anee� OMpa y jb':j. fitatcl,j>t absolute' Other prom'wed- h' have, y� Pills, and setting' Y, of I HOIRteins, $7.58.; Ayrshires; 0aiiisluillt . hw-[A�6ts and The to marry. im, foith case th.6 stretcher � com COjmA;,; I W.j& 'alfs Ito ;e oG��ernseYs,'OGiGG,*,':I-'reiielI Canadiansi- Via 6Ub3enu6ntl:k her ta,for film'? When ym'kn tPany VIM OW th&t::It. $6.88,.; slic6rt lot irbloh. my --on' account of lils.ebeentrIdtleig. deos FAD bil'IdE, It' 2. declaration'][ too so . mieft L arru..xvhy do you par- I Or Brown ORONT&� $5,.85 ed, $5.03; Poll- 'A'iitliorlz�cd �Caplt 46clar. #Xprassion- and �oter �mus. the- girTs, &iAt'- ilk _tjlOL�senlg&�S8 98, 1 Wit Bet- hitt I- OUSwl' c OR W- lit, bbc 6 ROV61;6l'y' dau�: ot` cantiot' on was and 'permanek- , Courage, and intmao to� avoid It: In . the'li 3 Dalt6fi ciim�wuj 6 Ai3, 1$2 50101 Upon her, pot dies. of idney Pills _!�kllpftttl3i6 -and You. e4niiot mana:ge'L . to. r e eveiy'kood leature bf, Llfo to., 01 �hnd. to ly.'cured,,,bv Dodd' ", . tD j deciding I, 'in Ce Colt tracts, and'guara or us, but tit e ' m both: t, an t your -light Afthard's LI Jjighest :6enefltg, -in regiiA to' to"st gular endo 'giyea me ln, a:, bnaelor,. avoid It In the On 00 My, rL palysiclam att, aftbr thd doet; a suran ad ­td.,mes. and 'ihdiigh' medical �ke Illut Ong owt abd"be sob6 himen1—Curetil Giiiget Upi id dle- Aut mo Arl' th, all"thM r and'le, 1consdita1i were' held' over my 'I ons &Tha�i �1 am n examptes is,thht'of P6t6r_'1he;. Great. s6it ofa lin" ai.e you, at onde thitt owhbsolutely c-.- the f6nndiNr of xt astijeurr" rs and.e ended-, tvro dity''do6tors, not the 1111961ah hogti.o Doe4,9yout; shine,before Kidney Piilg "Ink"ebula 'be" &n6.. My ase grew t,t and Urrible-Poter, Good agents W&'L 1 Empire, the g'rev, 1 �yoru wife and children. I 16ye t6 atteily -the. hpiuse 6 nte"d In this dint Ian, d. a;thWg elm saved my 14!6, How He Scored rCaf_ - Roe the.,11tilb hijdrie� andiher�eby:luxihesitatlngly� ' waa ining 'at. -Ince, out rse9L and' f Pr was gly6n -uo�:iis 'boPeless. My Meholilkof f. , Ile noticed.1 ou'a" of. t to -mee& 'teLLfa co , m ' 03 Drydeiii, . Goo -,BL, W�od tiler when he emiln. who' 11'as'thc -�Pr sldent.,: qoneral-Ma' firm every etatonie.iitLma4e lip m' uA tngii;sh, genU nager. -ey 'and 3'1 le p, Oline, Lw -tackink-, itjloug�h J 1" , don!t recently invitocf�w t,cOrta-'a tiobi what tlj me of Visit oil Fbbruar�r 16th, 1895 0O.ng the aldewAl *ere'told Ing dbetors with hjjM olit the f&n6y of Peter,, eriname. oee.� the 'children. out tb­mdet iim% a �dlnner- lie 4. That 11 thitt It Would dlo: a, tq y short zr,'w.no 4ortha. pain ted .. 9 -:, ',-: 1 C 61 vlt' time., 'She hidbbe�u aoervant- In the h6ue! the. barn cloor, with it buffet in -r her' tu of 'tile Bright's of. _Tljer6 Iq more Catafril n t 9 section cEHhh -eye. rrhi he clalmod"Ict bavo. oy lfe�wsa casually" e rn, iheprl:catol� th I I . dat6 had the alightest syWptom, a. ead. ',Of,t Ime,' or ' aI f iwten- -other diseaees: put, together, a Luthera�n mintsf6ri o bull's ted is t ease, coulltry� than all Ing. a,: newXpaj;tei abIout ib Inoy Tron-b hav- bu:- rg,' and i0ien ift-tt' city ai; c E�wt at`1006 y". enjoy aP and, until the last few yer,rr as 6upposed to be, and Raw a d6scription o it similar ...'Ing ed ', -unremitting good �tur' ; hd� 4Dffered red by the troop of"Ituesta she had IficumbW Fi)ragi-catinni)iybtriaoctorspro� 'nobody believed bi to case In which a pat;1ent. gate 'tps- health. And.having w6rked gtea&.. bF*n, -taken ' pr1s;;,ver by, Goner r6scribed tocal e in al nounced 1� a hvai Oisease. and bet .tile pric Ln Pyst 'mns or supper, 7-timony-of the relief. Pal Ily tillout Interruption fult lf�auer, W -her- 6 rentedics.aud W tav�lilyfatlii tocurewith: i VO d on d 'w '06 met. tzs,bavirl ur'-prhae;, h:iA pssed Ybr.to. 'local, treatnient,- pronounded- - t incurab that, had been ..oftpdted On -film line at- my regular emplo.*ment -.o3 serf !she was. The; the prInc6,` wit, Oil one�of� ciencehio proveriCatin.trrii t6bea,Le0nEt#tE- his "osts acceptinli1fie' put''up, -qiieck Sbnt as twILI rpcelve the Utley. .'by bodd,a_�Kldwy Pills. 1, stitirtied fte-ar Printer everS, woi:Ikla, dity prince pDlltiil�- m-,vXe it present of*her tional disease reoujres�doiistij.0 wilger 1161-llrb�luccld a 'to, ia OF �-an& "Dodd'R Kiddey -7th Afi6 or-eientutaly tiariled-, tfohtl treatment.-JUJI's Catarrh Cure,, k erop a itfactureil by'r., J4 Ch rat 'pill'.'I lsoovierod. 'I t t to the ; ter. renamed her Mtfi�rlu ottstltut,onev -& Co.. Toledo,� Ohio, t ne 1to rove hist Den - Me k rk . ,and she' the on to id 'i 'the better.' After, him " C�bLt nal cure -on the market it A Ae- fi-4t box ;was..,w . on date of, t 'On. e nbehiallyin doscsfroin,io to a. :eY both 991d 'that',­1hci had dOno our gra� Empress of all the! pusslas.. 'he : claim to cili-inge to declaorawto Ilgned aftr i�crine'-I-., I. It. I derfully' That in evidence of' C� teaspoonful. It actd directly on theb'jr.091, and t Od lie "w6n: the. bet.. llm'pro�&dl and At tbe'end of the titude, to. Dodd'&. Kidney PRIE11 mucous surfaceof of the s3ristem. Their.offer one djuner L, bf � , '- 'tile loser the . a was 'to got hundred dollars for'. any cat -e it-( wager. 'havibg sa�ved my life,,my1wite And Send for circulars and testimonials. tboat (had manag�d�.to, to Ciommisbion Me .gh, I was. sure I to, catb' ked 'how.,fils i wen.- agAln. -* I continued taking fuL-k-adluteYestin rG have chilsiefied.a. little,daughi-j-' Use Address. P. J. 01JENEY& CO�j,,Tojedo, 0., fire ortich.,an,axoellent ishot: e..h no%v recognized to answoied: ..LOXDCN U a. -seventeenth box, ter b6rn -us fti'Dec6ilber, of, f ts:Sold,by druf tLnd'I 'i!l5 hovi positIvOy'decla useful and Interesting science. There kan 0 vam, y Pit a are the bcst� sthd.bulle 'at a re by :the name of "Doddo t kit t lie. (166e -that. I, am peifectly, cured'arid eclallsfs In all the'larger cities* distance of 1,000 yards, hfid' then� ded are BP 'ablet to do a wor� with any 6.- That I'llavo,-recommiii "ted the targpt r -p -my,pomr' Dodd!s Xidljey- Pills. on thlo'rq 'of.,tlrai � Atlantic, lis we An, AilleAroulfid,*D]p oinat-4, , %cle 11 1 Ourid"It.", , It ade�q, in te. shop, !and nOL;n r , . I .. _ I � OW' illo, fa 'jjrDpe and otlievIdi.eign .0oun­ Kidney -Pills Undoubtedly in this Ud, elsewherej, tries, Whc,�ake consulted To �1'sa* jou aittling in a car 'Idst I rt.g'hedrd of --my W.6nd6r� kulorly Ili. Allitard!8.1lulment �'-Ca ctira&�md, because rbin strting W110 I livi way as, ladies re, I. dgeapo L from on "o have called oft me. or, written' It a as over. the clnb'wha;tqve'r.: I vantage that Palnils�ey plited, "bu AND'. I make. this solemn Ap. 'to the Inquiring, about, them was the -re, you kn6w, -and 'my"ladle c PER ACPE -AVb to take., themi I took -no tof- it lawye or phyalcidn Owe ad,- LO miMl- fli deAth'by their standlng," "the said rather -frigidly. Per" t Yee.! 'he ye' clariLtIoni' oph6clentions no Is In tile very mo ho 0ood ore'all.yol' A� ARMS 4.3 ly b Ing Alailng folloi�ed,m&rty' of ; and rtb6ve ptoteosto 'the s V thosa 'erato cliarges madb4or 7' w and good. Qeo. wafda, E Pa inents., CataiVatL�cf nd �tic ton Stred. W Cra -rc they have 'been uged ac of)? know of no-casle liable 10010j;.': .11bly1fig the,same to be true, 6 cases. clog nformAtion of on. r 7 %i kllbtaia6d, f oni,the b�,vlrtue of tfio�'ACT 'RE$P.F101Tt. who HavlAg been one,'. of those, who 0 lkee tI bil; tliat hls, -hep nA It nun., �FO P., icl4red b Ig " EXTRA JUDICIAL OATHS. cording., t cKI. shi, Pad be b1cagoo. -Rec6rd-Herald. factory.and schoot, balf inile,,,%vill sell in whole Do not bjen ct�t -I kpow clffi� Y,6ould raillyny, b1f , Wl-'Amitti sbov; ba��ke ORO lingtUti, i'll.en iiflire me, sit the,City' -ed, and p *,V. to a corticir whore, the ft extreuld, ' cases ad %.of Otthwa,'In! the county of, Carter tively of my own peiohal know - ton. 'this* .16th day of " February, ledge Of &6ver*al or in jiurt on term, a An optician Is hn's quoted' a. S, Lar'ges,,tlall Frcerrlatl; Ont. where Dodd'E; Kiney Pills', Ilao In tile Plitt, Re,&QM It.. y tdritilila: ueI�In I �Ien f kbo Llbjj#�iit Cilreti Colds, etb�. r 0 gat actory itti pdrw t4ntha. of tho - XXTAx�rj- _rAjiT hilske eldtheA To ItDICH for H F,"— j NLA in We farnigh vat'n antl VER Pitte,98 than im, n TV lesion 6r, -etc. 'Milke tlllg kelle 11 dtc ra-� I) e0s nd cotrectess 'of .w 1) —7 A V, Thr, Again (006d pay. A tna6hlc at)' other ff rill, and l)xj,IVl,;Ij nt;.Vou in a' Iland k6it. . y,' r NkAfl,' Thor u it 'TfRj.OU r aj,C a h6,cekP 7 -IIST Vl!'RIC.�S-81�ATIO* Free I�rcss In the,article j)uii bit#, donklentlo'61y 'belle Aj, adjubot Miss, %Vtndei�.Wh.v, o the- have' to Standard tie co, DOL. �,Irarorjto, Ont, 3 L true. ii,n(l 0hat deeb to that It poglqess blue 'Vos. Iiaven - n thor new panama, 1 '0 Over ------------- L_ - 11"OP it rar(] ter thdir fashlon,pamphus, Dodd* Xfdnoy Pilig nd n6l�,hlnk force and effect 'its notided the, penctratlit M0 4140111d4d� 6,1111PIcE, of cloth an(I fileasiq fished In 1803 stated most posit S ofL tile game e. 1hati you, mn Are eartri 616o were' dntitl It' buido r oatli and by virtue glanco rom Ap A:vtre Mr. Kholviiit"W'11y, that rppios&nts tett jilig. It lftothpi ed to' the. credit of e le wiiYl; be Itaol. for lcurm cures wind colic having. saved the dying nian's, life, of "Tito cunada E�icicnoe Adt- seems to liavb:? Thit bol, �tog the .Panania Cbnal. dileir; the beat r niccly for diarritce Tw6nty; atically nn4 la�6 appedrs to nsw boille. imd� thig,was most entiffi. five Afr. � Kc�tt In hjs sworn, 'AT 90 F RKS 'y OF I'ag. TAND dorised b: efoe me at 'tlib Cltv read.y6it,thrott�1i and thifough. lit r -'F PAVI�; fli i8s Also Nald 0 Ottawa, In tile, Countj FOA SAIA��)i 'IN statement. The Fl,be Pre f gTpat many years of pTactIdO I've 0 YOcin f6r, ollebtl Otiltolai Q11(ted, 8 - withbut -, qua] Lflcatl6n that the Cure* Carleton, Ahis Bird (fay of Ocf6, v ed thit vo fineot In'the. Nl linglIN, -at Afl!s and J4urope, without dWco'ex ry feviI bitle, Windha, 19 Yrjie�,s frni;; % tcycif I . 11 two rail. bet 4 1 b you III Ut-. lKenf. hs an abw5ftite' anl' W�r.L JOQJ, -(u tity W r. ways. Mj acre4 In a If, 3.1 r'debtors re, o P--pte are �vgmr gla�soqi Illnerl _sder11+e nliresdAbe X (S:rj.) 0, H P' filoatly ptA,bg. I tj ot lermariont, oni� Aa while- T1. MA160 xvm, . Blue, 6YO.� are Ver'.y, attractive, 'but- Nielit --- :ls Our G.ifetossedt. ttjitr(;P.I or Writeft phone W.. r.R . N, ttatL lin Idi!vided into lor,,, ()f 15 l -jj d not, make h, Dworn Is ayei �nre tile. mmit Vdaqflful. . aelim tc �hflit:jlnir , 'I, of lit rcprni.jj1t&tIV(' will CA A, Nort&r dhtAAr*. Thfgf-,,ot ctLejfI R Of a sour. Ain Y( a AgAncy, to tit o r tad'ili, , he 1 1 An cleltIng OxPbelOncS od 4, 11 0 iie :sf, y Ilubile in �atI4 for., b (;m:rPohtar;.P. u, box 4qp, atarlo. -ea� 'Ch� hazel eyc:,� -its t)orn md. denote.1 Y 'felt I fitly cure dough. Witter In U'Urand Forka �8. Otitario ,,,ie. U ane griy P�v sIre ore withstwling, tills, there.werd XothInd could b6, mor 0 convincing ti f6r,,m1islC4 Thaccimmontst eye t ra few as just =n v Id.iiot,bclIcvd that 'a Oution this: plan dedlarhillbir, made by 'Sal at the rar ,3t. 1� bhon forwit ad a rded'to the,lNew One foot In tile gravo 6.9 Ntil�: kent 'and tho'-Free Pkess .. I IS nt 0 1 laiMng' I)I(sased to. be able to present such Mr, the kirldhosi 61'000"of Its adiuIrer,at cure, a complete and:,endplique, dontl ll�,nd 'the! story Is given In Of'j -It O(currtxl to- tIte Pree Prd.,1,s the 611, as follow'a! t' LE' WL0 OL s either dayl th 'tild b4 Inter- Ini I-ent c, , (1��Tnusf thereforbor M_ %.Mgi just rd h 0 "tin old oug in ner v apse on' i G 13 0 estino to enquire, n ow, d ter th 6 1 h& h,pid flit'dt time, ldt kildt utt-viet lit it rest of fibarly, viwen' "yeats, its to how,211r, ever b'6ardot. in; city or f3rovice. bei do '. . . .11 ve r y ( 'ful I r Gnb� day last C­aM Xent� Nvitt; teelffik. I lkalf of, whigh hs �boidn; care- and, � InteecatingL itit , I ).rIcs' v YO -W CA in -n �,jjo wall, 'Ve a , g(JULLli�. L, En lmd re 6, d to* 408 Gilmour f lit ly, Y' sworn -evf; ficild t6, remark, "not �boutl 14 A i . . %3bM 2: P r" N T q reef, ailft� Itt that tddl-088- it r, ree doncle. Charming '­-vaitress' -velkom,' Dfnnd� 2;rd Ton ift xtb6ut 0,0YORg" it at- 'PrOest r(j ortor f.,lon,l. DcK10; K i bood Ifni nilt her regufai C, To 0, A If lindonla At tr tevind t ndIt b6konfing to� UV41n M A Ofiletl(Ift) , ar&Ilt foe t IrIp f, the t rat 11.0 R ' ilchine, A raitio watch,,. 8dtle(l dll(l fom for MV (TAil dntlbgl� and Dar mirler hldr it' edup t -A' R.A RE C 14 A N C F No I) EC t: dYlhry mn', 'aild fhnt to iivo, tit hnd loolI and A0 the 01ClIfY Valfros.4 gat da� por man film fy),IiIt I oned �d &t'li A Ajo Its r f t0 ll, Mite' bean abanO y it g oo lilsh stow bevor 'Ira gave Ifni ittioder 141flIttlo work EUIe, .Vbu Inst any. ' t1mr., froin dnit.tlle�,60ld waters ot t 0, an rL,L' irt& 10 f I _.Ile. ri'VerL Ot. Is, Ono (it 'ff;r W1 lip. -vou w don; ria 64 twtW, too Ili It 'for dor t" rntlit v I n 6 0& b,,,olost lld*st living w -ow a n In I I Iltar, tilptior nit Tenscilor uiicit fits' gaye 11701InCilon I)' to tj�av 6f Ge- tC IF, N T. 14",arl lZolrertI; As ;tit A r. , go.� so O%of if C t nifuligatawfIrt' tpali Ing, to , n go Are vou tile -wit hug er protty majld� '*Wrl 1161)ortss; 6nterpd 6n lita d Aber I; , . 0 (y I NO r .,$Optombor itrr tE5 on 41mir' to, 'rj VOL guo.". t6olit Thad, 'w.al ot bandta " IV J.V f V a illjmt)f�rL of e4gn,jVff To -it I ;� lIliftdUC6 GUS low it) mt�l In eto.wIt + Flam j3rjL I Upollin CatilogUo, says tho �'.Robert: of pee -r. tnat, 'lift "Robortg' of X 6 ft iibA - brow. do d & - i-.10 01, g Clo� lie Itteraturn : ",I ani rtPlIC4 pill'a go tr, t7 I t, trim Moi, t k. I).! ta, 11, N�Oft tian pt t 0 (1 %i,th jjl�; nl an tmn nt '04tV I &�' v, 1,10" fillry t StI tis hin, botil tv Pouo land,, wat.f. Dlly� Ne Jseof 10t; cottagro T04 F WEN, tfund�-(Iil -Dolfa q P -A 17, Y 14 V i 50Z00 Fl� E 'IT T66th P eir DAfOrth! TE' hag dontr, T HIM.' RS P1 0 T c QIXWU,� p etall g V y re� - -------- -­