Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-25, Page 5• • 0.1aFt1 .1 f • ..4s. r• *`�'!"y'�'F�'�d�''(r Pfa.'3%'^v�y�+ an.,�a tYy�i� •!.,'; ' • ' viA.•••N't'•: . . a_ '.„"P, .r:+� .,t�� :.i ,./ )n •and aftozSoptembe1r. and: ll�zl further' notice we will 'close our st each even,in t 6 o;':clack•'p, exceptin ' 'ue„r1 vti •and:••aatifyil: •+mow... ' .4•4•41” • • 4743 On Afareh YS''' ejfilitlq`11 DTI .11 • • Mrs.. Johniiti)n. w:m1(1 have ,Nave(1 bad, she from uo • 14,14N1,1,A, ii,,rttr4V.04'14Yft:.. 41474)..4.,+,711.+++A • • ake as good as the best. .ainen.d. anything better for the whole you can get a good we the trollse _ anon- LaCes -and Insertions. Some: .special values .in Undrwear,, New Table Linens .and ToWelings. peatal. values 'in Victoria: Lawns. • and black, 54 inches wide., Special'at r .. il.00 • 311 clot both kiza.1 tell yon;the ad-.. bo just as .rei)r.ci,geittel'. • .4 • • • • i*efirdej .4 • V at .4 • • • • • V. • 777. • • Try Olir 25o Japan -Tea -- Try.otir Pickles in gizari•jars Tty our Coffee, $eal Brand Try OUr 2.5.c coffee • .Try Our Paradise Currants, reoleane Extra Selected Try ,ogr California 'Evaporated • ' peaches ry Ma,ple Syrup in. betties Try. OUr ChOioe Prunes' 1 INL id- 4,4,... „.•-•=17 ,i j/i177'..":/,:11711 • • • o. • • • • • • • c. 00 FIN • , a, A. elEwri. .w..;'-: . .44 \ We have alarg,e7.8toek of Furniture' -including ". Extension Tables liVi,lidowkallades Curtain -Poles' ' • • •