Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-18, Page 371M'T�Mllll' 77P M 7 % .4 'N x Wa to 4" Jeal Wit', a jjte, Of, with 91161 or. datk Pill. W114t Ift, t6 'fe F�. Ulid Anguish in it - '' �,W 'Cent a ;a'- � �' " ? orn ()lit p, 'Vef?# Wjth An aQ7, jUUUnetto In e8sed lalso I Yllnitlgr nles h D8400 ivas Suppr gony, 11' orleptale, 434d er, tired, out '=:=-=Z Ch !dish, -Whit 'ry Ju, tll� QVI DA,later Irish I' ­ ' La 0 Ta0a'GO, WJAltO, flandk hii�: �t�O, take A ray (ion' f hot e Pa M-niq ivith the gard In this Keen, .11 Pe e1T. Torture of 'a ess I ..UorZ tVhW h rals'l' 9 aq he conim P 9. b Ila �Vora an 14, , �a Oclor Of tpr Wave Away the ft-vo, a utt,16, 011111 eorge 40 ble, - 44. Annes. th6�, aig. Ali,, the " "EtO too h e4, . Woria ta. of IrPug an e�jp 01>eff To the baCk Or' the Par-" "h' OtMer, 1, aj� no�hinlftq�� -Y"", MY jQve erleace. 16i "t ont 10"I heM-ha old bjInghant, I,"- Rt" I 'Ov T , . 4�0 rustle galety I feare Or , 0 me 'Ix the Myr 90 happ Pa- 79111'. Will heni's too 'A sII8 Will. 1ps'� with burning Ou;rcou4 t -all those deii� j) 111"d It r' CAnCL PSI grown pal,,3,a dplf�jxt ". f� I Amer &Irls' Pugll: - I , f ­ " , dry,, W1 I dn I rIgn"t". � Visa Di Ins Just Wha 11-abs9lutely, delight, In road- D' -11 aln don ferej of a sudi w6pacir-141: -or es sure On knQW'n". though- TiMJ htlave � � eatures, th�y­ y y careful.- No t I$af f L It h and. ate WI; arest, C.r In have, Says Tvxpltj TV It 111113ghaw.,at once,". ber lit we 'the cause of .1 -W6 are. 0 -donit( are 1, Yes "d, it POWs de, Y09, must 99 hb My&O - Only r bar net TO, be lf,L W been, epolving t&- BI dyghlp U '110011venlence. TV And - Illf to jV IlAt .4 _ ke r, ?,p to gOod4. . in t care, you n9flUm Sees tth ove I kvp e. -Is I. M -Mal t o M""' the- d ­' allot a ily h d WrirlitIt, tbai; earesi 4e low, rig to_ one, 1101ir In. ill', World 25C ar 40r--�-G S4�dont -r..,I4. g On. '11 179.0 WIth Wants Wheii . ..!, �`l 13 gle no to�,be� r�ajly es - W6 dj,I'V�6` Ux P!Wder �xS 6 a ?'I �- I' La 6 tr IC. A-rcher r9eliq PM, Q-19 tall, 13 Ili III ng, and ta)t f'ymPatJJz6d' uld ain tn:L , . I . I L , If suddetild llf?� 75c.. ell 'Lire 01`-� I don!t,kn,, "UOrtainly so Captain -1 e, wit arp, aliter 'K. anfj� V16 eon qt, d voice. HALL & IIU J�E;L, shriniiq x V Child b rslj6uld (10 Wlth6ut the do I' rist, te�� `F At times' ein WrIth IL r9r in Itil Good nlgjlt".�l all tforwafjy.,�,, PY, says,, pabl..',. h4t.1-On 4 hapless, -Y RWeet , UP, Arch J3 t ell' go, rou er, and, *0 W , 111L accept, I, M a Oil t,__o U t In sea 7 10 its and drop LM DqAlLe ss *4,-* "Tak ' ill I L nd Vy Pal-ragh, 7 IV411�0 ( � S�s G1Jllan#&'ROft You at th,6409T; of tit olt t illank y S", tnat Will d6 per" lylyj 4 's Lid HJIII R4- ]ter to t Ile, air �8,4 hurrti�ll f1ingjjy�." car 17. �­.ojde or, c, arch"'s full "A'vIr' all(I tuek& tjo - P Qaptai Wa. bpl)i6sa, S- !,011L, wdoe the I al�Y ilmd, tu V.; r4er'."illi el + -7#0 ho� 0 - 4 . L ban &,%t "'19 In dare ­ y". .-TIAR room, IS j1pil . 4M ljorJ6 0, 4, hoi; reqt, Bj�a nllc On whotlLor-I W, + Salt' waft tu r r . " A a pbly-cut no i.*ociq�.e ir dlroz4 It n rl - L R-ttrllnj,,,o ;llt .11, InJidr, ke and a V bchrldalieg. 0 M. 013i gold c ii -,q 'You, ,a Reej 19VV, T real - eybt - V'pl co-, "DOIll let line Tod'hand ton �Us bilt -t� R: h.p' WVRUK, uji, ill -an cannot IlLifftit.!" '0114 Ajfd 4ers* ElGes, SO C1 'at .9 �ayq nitj out ANICe ;go' t<Mch, at t Me, arnd '911 e0fisItIora G of k �tjon rot, oil ;And 110 ral4es III, liat 111)9 hl§ ves lye vrarm, right h AbO, cattlis tbos t 44d gn di a" 'R Ce a III'Lifng I)": Wakev IaT gIr 'kr� Whorl G "lifC; the v , Jll PA,%lon"of bb,� dellA&.1 to in, ray, A: f ajV 'nIj L 's1loullI. 0o r Itil it, g V-111 excitatii an RM!aks' a alit Oti.f. Or V9 f Jodu fr , YOU— "if yolf (101, t 006. 4-1 0 -Is ", air , .1 : - " . " . ­.. . ofti, In 71 )MI4 Is lies.. 1p' syl-van shade: of, 1� hoillf V. latp� linfling'11t); d("" *++,+X on S Mai b 910d Awpeq. an or th� ear,; lv`ill not ta ke the' Oil '00' 'sun and Mg turr to dit-fil -Y.u', %InguiRlii and Q "d I So in i JIP' treacherous, 14 n Ot -rick 1)1110� sky 0' Ills tl� Captain 'Ya I -the Are ovigij, h, aare, t,iltions convantlOna 44kl .011, 'rig- t, and, I quesLt-jon-. parbolipd 11olle you a "Oh, don,t' I ortable, ORA da 'ate4wy "UP., an 4jr 11orqvco, It. will[, Foel' 'd"OURIS t4ai,, X great- OPP?!' 110 asks Ver� for hr . anid 'CaPtaln Laic'.. TyLaterproorB-, ir 0'8001L to 11PL' JlSjja� art "a 'tjj,J,A4'gV th and, Tensile yfae jh��' co Illian It a IQ, Say!% Irl "I"IM the, --6 oo,,j tempered laug !I ,j 111114fdaus, �Arjs�,' 'young woo And I'," lie e n6a6l.— er, rat pit InUell liter Purtly.- *ftjAjr batior 'all, littla, ru'Li r; I iIa 77:7 I I and-z'the _06nt And, Lady Damer; jn� Lae� Into j."jl�lljqn (Tlo-iha __jlirto V1 -­ . . --­ ­­­ I �. ­-, I 1� AmArg, loans In P soverai inarbli - X el.t - ton 01 Tclllflel� parts las yet 0 *M'Ullre An I air. b U�O le(A. '-'%Vllll C4LIiI --";d t(5 at tho lo b 9 veq- 1110 order t est, Plea, it ell 0 in tile broken,, .%lid it 0 cril<,.,l to and Stir''L until frillia'IlL a e Q OW Y, 'n jj�l at t 'b 'ally afriild� (To ano NOU thl-Yfic- Per7 Wet is, nllIg. 4.: to a eare 10 V 'for- n;." her child nthe dehr el till An) Ciunic'nig t1trOugh,',fier ed ej plat nor sin 0-yoli %ady*, Dit, �UPL my eglasoes at tFla ,�ar e raoln ()no , i I I of white Wo -tio go. 11-A 0.( 0 W RMI violet olOudsj. ano' clivorld .0 I am N'dr 't 11, Da 40ar child IDart) acres kls�j,jpg IIr al t $431111 ". ha thy jD`jx'.,) rl Poor child and -oiie6. cas Un "IV ug An(jL' her daniP ore d0t4ifilng 4"tW,. . y S 011 t 8 almost a er )Ills a t P L r . ob] their drlll;� Rob, is L .1viti; Ojr So, Ill. f- it -ov", -0 . I '0C L ne 0 say 1191cle() 0 be happ, `tlit6lage' Inv- so, btit tt car. "Don:t voil -thQu9II marri of iay-o A-Vcs With n.; 'are abo"t ne oi orlotbtrsjje,Iu4,1," 1 .11 , 0" 1 E130 bur It t 4 'ALS jv a Illnet lie -t.t With "S1.4 notAul Archness It Van not. W11080, ce '04 1W 116W WOI1d0fU-jjy'D­`-- ICA,, .1101, cu�t rest. , t1we CO Well Poor utale TVaO are air on" Ora IsAlev Ing hip leads %vq 'Ck to hear D,e T110. �.trutji :eVen it: it- f, t t'j 0 Van I n And and tha�. i ita vied in her 11 J flUs 'alnd 1 . I.;. U01t; I L'. liko, 'to Ito cadJr hlar�led A %'Vlf" I antj watch. 'each, Otbor . ,ar6.., .. . L �10 WOjrqj.i.O lie ttho, t lil I t you Rbe�ik a, "ro, About, to Matry`,.. 114 girl or little .1111) Ming aI ? on- corne. All, 4'rentUres. re e, shou 'to) I You lJvv. 4""CIV that purqf.� 9 some 'MIN call's t 0. that I t, Dapier.follol at I lili a -WHen I dt her., thei Ma txj�- A, a,.sWOet-,a rced,s JIM, booll D 'bc, -her. Le L.1. tsIs; f0d "all Sa.Y9 Ir monI&I r lvVays aat Pure foe Xcopan.-:10f 1116 and Ourse, that de. 61i. (30 -amp tj are a , .. a, 0-11 WIL V'O pen a Ol!wRhuil ari -:6aShmores" It 1'9 t 11 t 110 !n it On. and hi d 'Ures I,:, 4:or -fait sure L Ion of r equa t er t-110 L s An "too, nillell', great dea a �edgel§, of at, IX I's grave- 3R,anca,. if it L ter ourp. in Ile 14-sper ., more WIV qT he, cwo'.-h tattered I Ile L-145 It es n1bt 1beir hilIbiL ome. it row V rtiefji 'T 0 t 60 een th poArn, A HOU ou. '* ;j Lurojzn.,tjk tic nil -rOund th a jr 60 d(M. and eilljl6d js 4`4 t Ulat clro, Ity' - out-loto, -In ienjit�rj.,the seojot e sub- m. Ln-ftO4d d' x MiCir d4inty' boo o 9'nOuther t011 lue' r 51, u'i. a n- (I, t` as T oil gooRP!ri ;v sh dul d 14IM4w d 910 and lihts, ol. Oil a, watery to, sk 1,01. ualla6t S'L�. ItLG malle ieon' Sero t" U W�ll wark. bit t lit$ urul Work t PI�F&Ilce re:, WV1 ,tht4.r j. I SOM-0 -tea ''as bao Wroado ree. tevap-6ra sn Lacy n conles oAre- a 7. Pe "I Lio, 8110 Rtazl4s tj �W '6Areful ,fpr. a. Lit.' 'ter dazeqLyL.,jjSt6,ja a 9W R111, la to I t the pet"ter tn 41001ye, tile tits ,h u -I the ao all te&b. or t-110 long, t Daw , , P A I'Al L h _gpipes Ileav ideal, DIU 1, -or t lie f la, i. rotQ'I St. he tt- 'tre� j little 2t I n Y. a I rkviRe oyont(I I See I;u negfott,t, lWOU 4 here �10 Irut fill n. :J behI,nd',- Cast 13' si ys �Vi t: Ia YOUlig pdople aAjd Wlve TA Vie I ore W& .6 ch- 0 lih'irj, M. 6ula 11'eftnifig Is t ecret,, IrOM 0aeff, Otber.. -And tea a t r s I I a xe tj Of , . ;. . I : .., r aIg 4, ­ , . (1*1111 - tki�: a I Ce tion, t1finiarl Ilk nit 6 * t;,L U1713011, IS In. I r L *. , an -c-. tty J". t d no I�ro Ition a 6VOt 'Ourge, It. n 6vot sa ."narried .13 -room t1te I tail hei hmq� i t ning arotind ft'. S tOra b, aAd ijbld-hg ore I getting a few elf -11 anc 0 i.e., 0, rit says Ing at, 6.., 'be ilM'ziehtl -1 Itof, a Io Q t y . It ."but J14figa toiling "her noise a hers ir'_ Of lgq� t6b ra Ath the 1.7 -,- lit; L '4t'619'; OW -lady �yt Is Jbko to u N1, tho tur ot 116 � I , n C Tra 131 Icky unless you, o ti qn: 11-1,311 Ory Alaft:- (JJOR roll it , ' I ' 3o, .. - I—fit, gu, lloli26 and, wo r a lie . 4 . . � t -PARt;,fOur- atr by .11,igjlt tll,,It I)e.ljn OVe IlgIv., YOU Ould AebOlit' hlf ­ - nl� a I] r, e iri b er 0fIl'O�1­trin!4 10 f;lllbfl..,SO eane a. . g tirqe oI! tjlj� - . I see lie. 16v, argii- b u*14 thaV 10 discord If., .11 aud (lid 9 Carrj6d snall and ji�: t,116. ban - tvvq' iba:rn, -t It ;,. thl courting dIf a fPW piny-rul oil iung or fit, -flonly' do e would of d., b t%gr .11 lleoh).L dirtiou-1 erwar(j thO rrotjI. a. lid enam.-LI, ''add ­­ - " It' onjon �to sit> down ill e flil 4nd 'Its- d 1) farl. uh on th�, b - dilleor ust'o er o s I 0RP farm, I licIpas P-0so t and- phs t Y;".. and li'Qugh d. (aftent tI y: nliaijef' a , aIll 'Lit, 0 or an. It"): Cap eIV 0' lUxtirJOn JVj ill, tit and, nIng.partt is aj, lie, 14 111 or. Uit- Ito . tj I. TV 0. -11OW f 0'r 000�rl!6 tit e -drily n liaby;,f6a: the, at A:bOU t arii he"t . .1 s InUtea il -10 b know. L lVire Cand -Is Do of; 1`10let0atid.- svner or ti, guoss;qd he.wouit *0 t will gnaj can� PtR---4nt(> in, lluclo Y coach c 'tako' Don O'clock. b fg. af to hen,. slill-i's mjbi 1(� t besitla nolly' tile p 'hal§ -gaaiio� of dro 11 -n ad,, -In .'vor tin], 'TA [IS thinks I saI-liere Is ng0 10 11" le ..lilt 3kq by'- 11 Lt- It n gli-t a L y St Wyp; ttit.911 ILI Lars 'tot n t ev It- fro -tut tfi?6 iTpainot Sit J'f6tl �A'WAYS '613 Sitt Ini t Would -not 1), d it sory anIt a i4ough -'.one tbo (,Iutip -ok tIL, P'.,gro-� U d ) If -woo t, tru.�t 16 ahis 0 Pileatfans - C d. s'Ou 41 Raw lid beutif It, kat 9 ;Irl(T-a. t coM_ ra.§0lnatj,n It Ile' "llng ZPu kllzrs(��lj 'to itia" 4 0. n tjlf, reta hitpi led' -be: or.11 met sfq YQ11 . r -fire ls, a d - 'i - a, on A'n, tako it,, i- iNban Pilen"NUh of fu "A When' li I Uhpn.�' car nd. burju a,; Cou si9.0061 but.,of and bn,, �r - -I r WonrlPr Idrive and Be 'rats but the, doc L r , t1188 a until C110- ruddy t irl 11 , cle'n . � I , . it1`1,111 R ell stout all thO a:r6a, of,th" U14jiroldspidna e 91noke- sing. Solis to -1101. Uh ull not leas 1741110 And di rtle,,61 t game, (I'Mrter rattie 11 hdir to geta.-kood a, a if "t thre morp e- Ivottlan 60 S', of Ali It, ay, noth . I,. ee 'r I e A u i I it (], Imotto Inner, �and flette 1110 dri t o I Pt' a -lid S k o. ft00 It on, -the V(1 voll Imn I161 t estic a 6 'is take: iebright tjn6, ..And i0l"It', Os& y �Grjliap t at oltice, nMal aftil tit as tL Is, - bnZiii! .. idedl n u,rg i motdifficult ln ""llu On h. jr, . t . You 1'12. Pudl"fiqe' all ever ntell as jl' to noll, 0 it jVh en jeed a- ad f 0- 7aild ..N-0 it th,.. v -lit of a 7, And big handsol big, itIGit : . le; 1er litlsbatl� -17hbn j3he red I's sort L Ong s� t 11,� - %V7 A Kettles (1, tOV 11) tl"-ck Own, f V Cills tile k ro, bo 1 -8 A6 ;�re- 011eekillifl; I IILJ*,4 1 11 t I ub, Spro. -t flell, 4 settle-, It IronaOl. G 1.11 fall, iralj,,,s j;6,jud L-061, W artractions, OIL buO� Or throb Ta :a if )I � , I .. . I , TTr n" tot. fresh -,jr1dlid ta ontj t - ., -�Of .�brqad, -bjIt-'l Ill O 1.)4 Can ia0 t ni- gs, n d' 1001ts ]!Ito Whea, vpat fresh eig. haw v of, It, - . 4epen 'to o4cferfully !g he est doni�,,S. - , U Ill man !Ahoe& Of " use gig asallme. Pall- or. sh 'usl;es r " 60 out Id s bijit ga mno a 071111.1 lol aspect; bent t mod or t feel& till 'let Au 0 11.0 t. '1xcOVtIbzL,. Eno, evikafig 74 to sit a It fter ll: b Wilen SOMeWhat or cati .!:I, �v failure nj,(,, ,,F,;k h' t eblrd,§ ProfosBlonaj tile Pa sy 'Irldsh: be Lt.lel On& 'Potht, or r r to to �ossful, hvo l(Ijit. gmt- girl'31 -or a Mint' has been ` ' aean :lM0Uldb61aF; g, rot eVen' with every ner, -every stMe ill.(, , , ..'r-Otidly Aritining -PS tile bro-iking, t treLe Autallt �tb Wl r rouliej hed .0 loo , *. A , *rot 1 0 'fo 0 tojil: Ordok" -t. -019,prJulaI It T. 1, S. I'llnee; aha -f)llnLg iltz;band to pLL q ne, 1111fi, Pa, a .1. round llnjf tfi,6 ree jilm' 0 the n Y -Off -tilti-plort- . in ills t' interest Oil In night of lylli6lk 0 it ,, r tte I SMM 'd th - iOr :be", tli6ea Illj on. 'he PIP, ILOILO - �Aa It JILO.r ladyship she oil sit to P t.§ to fo; CM- lionod Trite .0. et P911sidero Or -tit I.q (1, fill, - I . . 11 in I)ly ads t tlio t6 A notint. 1.11-renill-at .at the lit) J2j4rL rtyrdo th 'a, and -ter tilo., b. a llie Orotec th Out th 1 t r, tIA 'Lac-, raO PU bimself t 61 St tile 'Ija "8R':9P it e r b on or eal n J6 IS' cAM Vou .110 r c -a- 60 bpercoolot., a 5or, the Mppj�hlft f -'d- 'real ii�LtiAOS 0118 001bt fil 1 16 ld Oil b Lid subS 16ty that'' ecess, thougli 1 it atiotil, -poll 9 Wall 'ill it, ALIJ the, bar, tilda.110 at t le-tdbnje t.t(jwf let" liu tile n 4-* 1 , . or )is. at: -L q of M t I Ing. fatigi, COOP, I -S If. be Ifi tn ng cyl t bp a I , iij, Ito ill t 0 ot J - tic itPlain' �urr Or into IdOn, 61, w'It IF It ra An Wirslitty 81 Ater all bear isll,. ne(, to t r-exag Xdept , And abild r aphP. 14)1;ltl Nil tof ba w I et vIt I tilt '0 leer t"I'll 01366.1nito": ge1q.Who 1Ire gall. it le,110,M(te t' geti nOsdS rq 11 bjAII63 Who',axei crally in�,ted t Ivy. Site 1 119 all int 1er.: flY, bir P 'J aIId Ing f t@6% t I it Ofgafir'a,"(j hot: tea 1119� 10 f 6f fi 'to 110jil- okt Tit ais,6' -Ind Lr' lalrozp�% I n man aLbat�L L _jr.ei Will 1)(PI 'lling the and grey,cl6th 66stutno. Ill] I holigh ire Of C61irsd An( lip Re-Sh4, t 1. one tiing �l It or, sIt 9,0 rill' In ilea- lilan ci tipt thr'lr. ez- oenough hg do LIP ligi outie- to, all t ko' studs and. thrif '110 'tit bt'a lire, but 0611fal�e Offs cfz�lql 1,16 a`nfj4W Vary It or I _1.&,y It, I'S Will. f 01111 o1V hbVr' y ugh gov L trolig, go at �,riui 7 WilerIL, k or b Of rl ora I it ga. , mlilf,,xion Inir t jj% ng tit 110r, vir, at it, *me.. IV ill- firlillt oe h Oman nAnne r Iaflow ojib" 01 n Ill I t I, -it ni.Vr, dolv, ivltl� le.�'. As .111 dr kd as You (Ivor too 0111.111, dow�, 01) vin its aq o I may y n a . ,tl , on rte t( f, frop, tit 6 fol[Ow 0, rill' It or, jr wl Ill. b iq t 1. ch fill M r, A ell . 11 Alto Vard tJill .111(i 1�§ 0 ithe Z' Itsavoll 'roug IT nquositOn, Of' spbaka aliff y" eon f. An It heir lmli Irh( k to- to bala:nce VIC& hilicc, ' r4ht.alt*6 a lid,,gracefully, to- o r,,.,f r '-'p Ito-Ld to, f escort are 6n bo . I I I ote4.. W6 'no Iflinill tbor. lolll( tongue -1101r. ellougil ge hat an V I Oat' 06 Wife, - " t 0 lie 1, -lich SaALInies bf .0m, W to, fir 11 b v. " IL ­ - lie first 1 o i, Wag 41i� e6ily I T , Pas ttjlo,, dllul�--Ij L� roo'l bunjpljj�', I k, oIaUtjf,. tolve but 13,110; top vil 0, h( 6.) 14, t R so a all tjhjog'� It, Inn I I A of be s D'a L .11, .9'� _I.o x", -or il'111-7 ('It it I of nibit toi�'. hol; hoi�rt itPA f6u, (,f(jaqt 0111 '1- 1 4-40 Is err hipt-buqm ltrinlr s 6L r a11b'r mimi bloottLad . - -bacl—ona -vc('Ptfoju WhOr act ib,� C, crii r V- ebunt a to it IN, at, i t ro soultill 0 -Tile 1) arkoll'id auty I,,,, c SPON OOR SO f - t'it has,.Ago �to 9� lOuwit'll tho Sr�l t, W be ajoij It 1140 bt'X,J, tO iAft 4..Au PlPerg ioOil 1, tel ILL o Mr do"'jutoWn to. 6q,v sfiratiglit! lilt 110 fallon iPl i of) f: thoL I)fg toit .. 1, f -nil 'M ur, I don (),lit, Want cri., 441mzrnmont to tll(o- 1,M) being, it 1`400 an 9ti'lli Wr6stlfi N (1, ful - I t, Anq c oh,l %, crilj a wit* IIIyot It,110 of Ito the Iit tito Oil(, in (Nita., I': ail(i ttall �Vo, t 7 oI'll ro fr11 , 0 '9" ittile .1ott., si ninot6oll cars t ho a aod jjo� ove ry s0 trves ; I It 'J.01 6�, tile uy t 0. n co, yill�bo tl -1 It It (AlladrIlIti Is JIJ7 '19 OI tr, 'Od on I her ro. tr6l ry Vetr lj,,(Il tit( ; Mid' whispel; Proud isplir It rr nian f1mr;-and I81jr Von it -L, 0 1 tl,� ttord X-11nea tonch ()prfrff I'llp. J)'Al(. T011) IlIg h1pliv,boril 'look like far te We. ito offn�' do%,ij I took, Ilk(" ile-6 . I ull 'far fr I Oil (,I q� Ulat loven ', if MMI,4 t as T. y. 'Vo It I IT'Mot FI it Witil t tt I r,., it "11 14 nof & tav lit, 1)(I.gjtl to I I ( tho, . ; I .. I I .. it 11 (1 nor itas 0 I I i I I I . Mafia all mJ'.L:OrS Itanyt Jill ngfr or .4 n ,'Ili sLINIZIng, 1iq tth i pa tl.' S thick, kinci. I t 0 -1 kri a 1; r Wo' tnittilv f n t anuisal t 0 tit till e I fItyljRt, ae 4ro tltcl to it Stan itOtilt, lisia W Nil 11 it 1 'U'llitlig t1ily it .-Or r t 1.1 'Ir LIR in iihgo r It didwt i,�T (I IN I I" f�n VV a in "t Aro n q,,4 o(Nill ILotl(f` 14 y t. t to ilP Iin a t ILI off - 11, t (Is �: . - 11, . : � ' L ' . .. ... in, Pit, n. �.'Whm t I 1.11 r1r,ti t JVJ, n 4U]Is r tto Ili, r. tl,o U rpq to or, as tit zq for "ILZI1.1 Ithn� I01�11 , I It fir t lz;,t r "r6n tMg adly too lf� JL tie till 0