Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-11, Page 47, 77477t 4 hibm 1 J I 1 11!:1 N. Oa0. ft RAB VX LL' em AN hnUnTO, XROUX the n4t4ra.Fbeg Q* 00 NhQWii� the. i t, athe.: eAOrmdU1k,..* some" 0"Ols. -Our shop espially eqatp-. bl'obi they,ver, iow4 bed,, for. it general tepair. t , J4�t recoi#'od of Ladle We iineiise. analue to t e it 1� U "!e ONTUR.10 L le to .00 SURIVEYO.W. the:bept ma, r minion p a:fUll pairing, 44 weke q tiI sot kie g of, �spch­ a- ln�gn*ept, dclmoiii as, it SEAFORT P. :0, ASHFIRLP VWXPAt qck,6T* bjiyq'�'Ou d** hat ha q ii or �oforo d t 0 w�jiqli, we ate -,&epatqld� to lu 9 Do We Ifityp some' ee n Odun6il.mot,�.epte,mbet.26tb,;. mqm, p;xa,hal. been (jualled-, in'Lix Thi lin Of 06oft. e,0ugiit at, th.q_driyo rquii the. park the, Royal : , - ' ' I I wbqpls,., e:0�'�ewers and- Tqwnsbili Prtir,0 bialt U, 's All, prese;)C nutep f previo 8, p#irty WqrQL 's�owql- ',tiie �biq 'tr4j. br6asonable pr` gre t: . ...... re therefore,., prepared to gi�e Qux many 'will, be given special iktfpptjon. meeting resa and a4Qptpd..1 Timl �e M heV or for. t of L�cl;�oix. N 8, was pass4d. fi ia�g tile X utbje. be gent-fdr-70ontloontal- Life I the. Arrival Of, t4er ca nefit. 6 offerp 3 for the school eqtions for:the Co'Untj of Huron, aeNo. 1, Unio Plotplet Agorkt, forow bockO 'bis own'bu 9gy �Otir mic-las are the..Io,�est, `4 or Mut WB,QVABAN.Txm ,to give 81�tisfac,, Company. iniothe ho)lpr,. Of t he hqge old cedar 6. t5 ib6l. township: X6ia" xbbers �'Iaew,,.sOck, mills No eq whfoh: is 9owp'7q fe tjn'circum- UOU. -4 ti .2, 3 8-10 mills.; o base, AMMON-, t Their adies A4bb( _C 3I.8-10"mills,; , . I . I I . )rs' 6W 9 A 4401�,ziillo �b mins esIios' wereg'alintere to in, i e 'e -shoeing :Ahd I d h, No 0' 2-3, .1' IR .enera h w:'TXACRUA OF, 'eq i to :R 6 %2,'(mills, No 1_1 240 mills imm se'Ar" s that �he- djfi0`&t pho blicksmitbing brtest na freSb but" �e,, . .. * .. � 4 1. 1 . I , so qcod4, are all'abi� a the present -pri 0., h3 9 Q Qygin, at lasti, t6 it. will­� lye - _�Yitl Q ly 8' 2`3-10 ph, the, ;.:16 'groipbert,*49 pr�JoraA to, photogra, N'bice Cul.tq b i?p ti d h�� ;f t re "Th gh, mi No.. 12, X6.�. 1$,, ce ax, wit two cl the:6 a �itting-jn S�A TRIA notherj3hilinient S iM pq; 6 to-*Iir A at SuA low. pr.iqefj, 's Ha 'a 2 lb,inills Noi 14; No'' 15 the,14ugg'j injhe. boll o4y. ad Some con�­ 84 0. zoills was spent in the p. o. i erva ory !.NO 16 ttipe: B,- SNELGROV ex anfluatins, he big trees o-1.7 -18410, qpQCiar school glades. �Whto. sort un t U CAMPBE LL OT PKNOW o;l -7 Oth-the'Duchess an A WQ�, W�07 as a�uikl,, iin up-t� At stqck flne. miLh'b eb tur fo, No. R&ID XOk�Car71 street. And b L JyWinto Of edtilisq h 3 3.10 mills'. No'. 07,2- 9-10 -mills - aiked many questions respectin,g the b os and sildAs.. W'e,also offer you some Splendid bargains. in 0 rees, 'the maples and. oldr for�s yegerL L for thb fdllow� tation L L 1, floota, and, odg,.of.all,'kinde. W4ibh� L ' LIS 'a �OX anaL girls'. schoo in leather go MUSIC ad 9 rep, king park.—Vauboaver', Xews-A&ertiser, Lodsons'in etv *',,johnsf dtii. rep Vocal and toulvert SR. ad 7 83 James ren� ''s s -No 6,,'Asliffeld 6, n ru on a D t iv n, the stivridbig of, the.papils ohn Siall a the y j LITTL 5, Ashfield, for th sic 179 IT W, mu, a d n of school' section, o, Ate taugh by lvprt, 50p. J, Griffia.. re altmg 402,L. Airing on �vert LI8TONVEL SS-. p9ii inL7 And .,rqp I CLASS pof�ible 600-13L. Jolip ton -1 grad 09L unter P. oh re,, Ed, ing and g�riveoj 45 dre oppu, under, DLeW Middleton IERVE il, 2 U I vert, 530, ;,Jamels Simpson, r agem rs 1,aixing, ulver, .50 J S�E�lon -I E ]�T.- 2, 4190 1, Hackett 300. 3id, E. Its a- Cond d OF. burying! "-Wm. McKnight - Circulars Jre'e, on LEA El 4'Your,. hervels' M Me. p ter ak6sl YoUr Life' ­17uxioit II. -Ma ks pwsible,L.300: M rZeill WGZAL p vert,SR.'9, and .10. 86; W ts 11 r;0 WhiAney,L-repairing:bvidge; SLR.' 9"W61ja k' or BAT -Afarks,l lsible 950�4. Gardner b .. 4 . a ilpatrick 'repiiixing POE 285p Nikon 29T, T 'Rai'd 25 'M 30 CIE tt M.0 121E Gi 16�ter -204. AND, $2. ankr6pkiiing c1fl Se vprt Sit PART fL,�I- jj I _9 resident., cretat.y.. To. 5 . br d $"1 5, aud,for Wavel" W maily women 111o. s orre roun 3 G. Ohneo Orel, attelilp't tile ip ling SR.,;,3 4 68.40 P 'we' kness and'Alf heiviti).' 2 Who" 7 and-, t syinvta lxcrcsilf 0 11, vini,; ide g ln s 150 An& -repairing' oti No .8, Kint S' foe.Ale, in 200 A�rZ% decline are d on 'C ' 'the ooi section y fai t jo 4 OW&U. L. iring' 8 report 0 ':so 16 ll 'The foI16�vink I f h repai 2' .'6ulverts in 'tire: 'stock (if Boot'; Sh66s wA 1119, 1-11fron a (x(od lai d' ' %�. I nd' � t. A, NO. kS tri, . 1, , 'L N ;: . I . . I. . ; I leart, shor,t� 8, KWogs�r th,e.month'of Sept�rnber;- 1, 'e�l) oil eb� :� 2! L L ­ -,rLi6 good buildin McKenzie. W. y f t Overs i otes etc a t. til (I liess of rmh Alsoa qnj r ntoaesar, inp Va!nerbn, Mt Locklia t,4 M.., 01. hatfd and fL t, lic 4n( er t .6, 11 t.'e An'd )ley %via rd -1 dqment� RU IlL, SR., --J t 1.0an'at "') P side ailk all the -atlikll ft( to oheal). eneral st?re with McKinn6n' 1ive vt w Ruthetloi llage, A LiA, er, G.�Rel app y to oFa ruhdolvii'uria :%Culvert,con'. 12L Me onal D d' 3. Johnston T. Phillt.pjs, B. MoDdriald. draw - J A M9K ENZTL 97 -Bjrl�ing"zn, .0 i Kintion, E.,, Lockhkrt,- wtart clilverts, BL. -0aii �n ance yroo Ail 64or, T. -Modat, At /poor. qtiall y Gbrdon..T. Glemin, the'r�Siilt e. and du ectieoirculatio of tb' 'blfjv our 44, .. �V, C heW. B_ : . Kt: arris ;-.repairing cu ve�rt :11 D.' .-P, McD6naId�-'M.,' whii. a wasting aWaY Pf 3 Or.T6. -g egori inspector, $1 5 J.' John. '"dordon, Colirt, Nvll Th'i. .9'tock is 'VeLtly comp, 'L.LTityl H,Taylor.. L N 8 3 0 ori; JR. Hookeridge, is llcreb� given that'a, ces'. ng: the S.Y;Stoln Wit th rent y e Aet'lly his Honor the Jtidgii of the - County, S'S -tivear in - al e dift ]DO -S. st6n work 6125's A.L' oh . lat L - w th 6f Foo PAuir A. MdKiniioil, -R. be.field pursu-mit to, tli3Ontario oter-s' Li h or. slanon.'J. Switzer- vj. t L. and 't'il6L�$f2.40 Courtof'the C6'lftzi is on, G ::; ' ty of t6 Town -PinT 1, McGregor,' M 7olit-wa"U0811, OU e coninaences,oft 2hio Hati V ile'Ali day Calbeif inapqCtori of_ onley—, 1,, at� clock to beat' nd' -uppectot $2 Aichazil ward P determilie Ahe Reid I '__�V' jllij� E. Lftl,�Ilrt F. Me . -of errot r . I I ? I cips M -the Court "EPTE. BERITH Gregor. S S ott. ei _Win. -Me U_Hceketi N 0 HE R.L 'R d lity of W680va;win6sh for 1901. U, 'bY, dit h and jrp'vel, and omissions in the Voters' 14tof the L. " . I � -o T AY, !4uoidj, repairing bridge con. 7,� n6 J. All ��erocns d diteh.03, '%V. 'E MiLqz, t eiwhe�. are ;eqbired to tten(j -at t d hAi ti -t1 0 Ole o1B. $18 40 Thos. Place. c ntinue n I I W. S A1v,3R0STB You strike at th to' ins 6livertj 990 ik The follo"Winj U the ieport of school section, 0 ot" of th6 dig6ase Ole 0. ana, lay it solid foitlidation n hich dcian6il adjourned' th miBef again e' ont4:of 8ejitOmbpr:7-' 6 Killion; for, th. In to build. oozi the -,�elght in osFoux V.:. -"Dena ..McLeqd) '9th. wMie, Me the su on.'cNeekis; ad "flat t-6 neid', bii sts thijfjfS. ,to. off6 I good -you e ome%paftic4l' r.' t and- the �y�'got bri gh Howe hr': Salo" M. MeDiar in fd 8., )Ve h av a A 'ieiieNibd hejhli� and th- ouse and lot:'situate AUCTION SALES' d A, d Cl�&tieet, a very well"laid ollt rO'B*ar Ailli:60rile, and �'sec us. Xo.'' tr6ubl6, to, vibria.'eg the bygiel. iten ce, D i, n wish 6l, �ecu' John Purvis sactionee tend - Mcleod. ad-J;l,fir8t clitsll npair. SpIplidid .9 b M. F, Boo ents:per" dx. Fokicm- ma�crmtosh, H. Look- yeg�etablp den,"hard and �sof t, miater. 'Tbig the follo*in gax qhLbw oods afidt e ices, g4metiO4 .8XI65 on' the )roperty js speciall Well adailt6d,for a Small qjiot 'A. Mae- -SALE" J�Y oney. ke in FO hart, Edith Liti;411 - N'. DUc1htosh Kmily-and %vili be sold'-svorth t rre" W In en. Graham X�ply:.to D. R, >IcINtosu, Luckab%�. e ex.' MeDiar. W. W Oct '10.' XPLO'd - 07a ab, on Thurs 'ao'L - '"4:: . I I , . ; - . , S t 'WIERRY Wra., 0callaghan� lob 90 coA. 14 Form llie WaUrg,. Al �0 E.oUacIntosh, A. M" !L_Tre,,n Mac he Donald. ii 'Pe Greer �'lot.,15 co Hote'l for ONT. at TERMS noeb, on. Saturdily,.Pct. !2, C. CsowsT.61r, teacher.. Tho-Ifolyrood-Wotolt. with tWo 'or fi)rty' n Coll., me acres of land Attachpd­� good I#igin( 4tand� foi Ai5,bly to Rd *ra and Horsemen.. c lin'�Mondgy"'O tL 14. PETER CORRIGAN; Holyrood. CA' MH Y, -ff-,OT Joseph ilsoni'lo.t.48, con., 6,� Wo;,. —c. BALI, is", wanoeb, on Vesday:, Ocbt,� 1*5..- A refiib rlot 3, sM Thomas Wilson, bon,.3, Ash,- d it�qedy_ f'o Inowe your L; bils 'ink aLerjl.� 1,.r6,.ir; the old rl 'fie d,, on W-ediRosdai,' Oct., 1,6. ET Cur AR, 1E _W ell W, 3 ercan I -nic� h6uQb 17.- iS 'so Asy !to N'taish a nos Oct. Wills, Mortgages,' feases,-;A06a- atC�Lsniallcost it -you :call inW­T)Irtvi- son.s,s. iowroama; IdUlto a, on,FL 16 &mph A ;V, Pd R Y W(3 II&VOL It W Lu Melv'* ments, etc-, neatly, ..W. H. in lot 10, c6n. T5j In cattle. n flafl; 0 CE 8 r Ay' 0'6t. 18. .�,a'd S�tnrday d ell a'SsorLe(j:, siock qf KAV9,. lot vritich Geo. Byero, loi 29,'edn. 10j, Gre6- 0oppanies f,,very it can 1A VAA ment In the -i�ari6ts dip#,z6pp� OVV tardily, Oct.' 19_ n every cut ($f Oii, �a I 2jr� 30, con. 4, Kinloss, imu zv,, prr-.;t in Wv�.'Tsyldr scribed It hw; 12 ri, f, ry IS 40 PR S. El. 0 "L"T on sold arar, t i I Y'atildivi . (xv. oak Monday'L .21. gjx i PP( per tll dra. ziav f -the 7(fd do. and.a Paua Reid, �Con.` 9 Ashfiqldi '�5uptry, �'d �, 17 1 11 F r EVREKA V: I BUI e Ii and Oak. D f, -0 Mes A ot,,P2. ia�Tu' d lot j�l 601ii reeping, tlle�`-ci- IzOns, 0, I CUI Mid oa C urround ro 'on W dhes ayi` Oct.,23. ps, e d Bedr6om qul 03 1 ing, coun ry that I haye pUrd ased, th 'h in and Ine r 'M Th)s. 'lot' 25 Dan. 3U0 rmiCkL Co 0TICE rad4y'.L. 60t, 6arried on by,, Reid to on Th-tv 00, ).u.ilding opposite, th'Q 11 C ow post, 1`4er'310th� 16t 80, con' 14 �,Q �o bu as 04i -h 1, . h, , ln,stock' full and w , jt6is; coMPlete oiri'Tusday, Oct.. 29 lines K Vl6ndonie. Hotel HAW FiLock, Tdeawater 6a Wedzilsads; 00' CERIES, CANDWS7, t: �30; 'N8W.'GR0 ON CROCPRY.- CANN9D GOODS IN , : A Tng P V Ug, A K Wfil b6.� R610 ;W` A A C ONFtCTIONERY, VLOUR & F -very 'it vas cohiorkw, 0 an ettal,honor �ktAT Tj it 31, or Townle yepterday: by tho y J�v �ryt , ilg �116 W ..p-to-datd. all �i ':see -tot ours�. another f 611 d hild q Plike and DUcheis 41 deafring,hild to� Acompany thelix in theii cairidge Thelt Cori, trouble W Mjow 7go' ds'. dioubd SfanI6 Tsitk-j Vrlac� Alfoxan,-7 B handle n6diing bqt tb6 b,)jb, erof tkiii d glis ontin dii6thcr, ma Q our Apecial at" ii hilst Loid'Wenl6ck' PEXUANST.I.. .(it t r itg Ue 0 th, R I TXPti thd fatirth occupant k 0. oya NVR gs, �11(1. I I k ih as 6f- :V4 P od it Royt�1111ighaeqses de - reps I UAL W 111g.(, td o4rn their 0 n liv' L hesired to h'aye,�the vorioui, 01 ades of lat 0 4 0 rk'p 8 \ R, A -0 61 6ut,.t them For M' sttatcA oitcnf nd..tbeyt alij�b6-, no 1'es8,. than thtse htis Anti: gjj n ormA i9bi call, or 444 U� ra Pot" ro ko L tre.bs�; On bfie� Of thesd d�da,, ns t1ld 018tT.U11 ft th 4ttibilded 14 g