Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-10-11, Page 27, V'�W_ 7 4 7 NY �;, _M11 0M 10 PE100. 'SHOT' :,c f pus'. -5, -M ITIL 'STAT 010, REP r IN 7 A SadAccident Occurg Nea k r Afta� -, Sto n. tho' M'Nolmara s the Boer V 110' 'MOO Rv�y is$ays He is C raz �y V hh'�La' nPers; '�s of m4n urn B, Wat th 04 LI.VE$,0.Nr VATR�.O, OF copeftho RUM0 K I ,FRANK' FISHFR 'r.0 HARDY RRITAIN. P tak angs v. 0 EL AND$'flIVFR. poogl STRUGGLE, OakvJU rof L04004* Qs�,t. 4.-7�Tli.oe,Mldlaud News gjog_r 11LOW , ng, tra erei. 7. pter 'or ativ day, .ken.. OPt, D.. W. Wol- 0 L ndo alar"19.11 one, of" tal� Aoev� spaviilva", Who Cody: Occurred lapAr, li Ad bao be 'n W� Wrlriger :qt, e publ",,t4g !011bolring! aptl it ITIIO�4y prililk F -141110r, 0e; V-Yoar- a, th t.40�� M report1­9V e ental �qb_ P1194 at P.14, son or GoOr*0 Ftolilfr, was accl- . , I i" - 1-1 41 dittolt Of the eat dfth' AndS. XY.Or Poort wi4ler'o the former P a a OA,IN t. an() 101.10 -by, a " ' 0 1 17th, so Rev'eroy, ar y, A, re ec 4 04Zroi y IN" _:AAJL� 0009 *VKmin 1.944,da rup quad X .0 rg H p�aveq 9110K E' 'tra to Lancer$ flered NE �r�o� P be by no� In e THE 0 NOE' P R J .04 !0 HE MAM d�nt�lly silo r&.Id T 0 8 T QRY fif,� . . . fed r, In Trafalgar' undr C �ap growing Ain, saQe, or in0 tl�q� parties to the Phy;lft4lIy ftnd. IS Ii SaIdto be Ma . . . . � �r .. . , : ! .. , 11�edjl pwto at Mod A FOAune 0IO*neii0* In a Qngagi�d la the purS�Lrlt' of' it ag llQ� southern exit a decision on Wer girtar td rt ant oOL r,.P4 -Y he!Irse Vrom 'the imfso terried, t 0ort i 0, be 0 4leLvollo Oat, had b 0 the Jailer Avid Ewiv;j "Ottip sou d tor. 00irlou.:8, hindrance to'�Jlo No 'C on,,the fartai bo � e Thill Pass Pfilli t4o, triorthea ' t In 194rop'(111, In: b,l f a T6xa n. a know In a Nevit Y t fair of, th: Boer Viettin--716ok 01fili as V11,110, H-ciek, to, 0411004 Wt t of es. The. Were nder the, barn a B ork. IloCel. f . . I ; , igh�est. qu to y Lp the M 11191 1ts, helth e"Sig 14 to aYniar_et Square e,it :1111po I d Qj�< New York Krugor-'Vx- b thblat, district. ro�ort�&Yme; ime agq" 0 t -An ay It ter bein r -k' PriseL � t ' *t it -Then liagged. jilzu.: :1 .1. nkL bgTO Wit bVIY tO the Boors 'b6l 9QL fTrltati6ll-and YW 4 g armed witil. a royolve` Talk an dress urned at�thg stake� avo t ocetirred khakIL 91 14. not, er and b Turt, how the aecIde one V oil of w "Cle4ri erolon being, Helena report mistaken. Inter c4tiviep',unX. London Oct. -41f"IThei [,t,hat. �Ioitpk l5qher in the.d6ral-dark- 1. Ed- Col ;4 11 - W4T L ' A, Texan was, At, th.0, toky n, id nee ot z -e exk 9us6: the or nigt Ke . rof d' tpaw. who aasa4.1tod ed to &rrlie front .89ude b Holland r 48,08 to leave 0, I . .. . ��e; ct, ounconQst, Of istaken for'trie, pAtt, and' w a fltvq-�.-ear-old Ida .Ovt6le, in 'Rerepa I NOk duphag tdic' c -0.1 0 t flat U4rdylq 'revolVer 'allat _11 tile .0 1, . I I JLU L . Conduct_q th� �eg' According, To,. A -Xemark -made by'a Spots t1oll, with iII6 reW, Y to Me§l was, the-Aow gee prominent 1 unto d Ischarg-eq by-srIking 00fei-day,. was n fr6l�l,i tii uPg dvor CQpdttfo!IL regar. lato. tIlAt dent,q cancer, br' 'all o,bstacl;. in La' a;%raOb At �1.3t), t1go. ist6p.lif morniiig also L he man 1.�"Iied 3oer,, tIL6 l7prin'elr''Pres�t? ed 'r ake aianother acold ntally' dl 07 Oo itorfible df�dtil �sinco SIICq in �_u nyL qvent lbi-, o'would JI rig; and, rayop�d, taK'Ll'iIppone �ff ho"ie 10 1 0 n tagell, f 'liV'i right hDlpkt n 0 Of these he ILA vo bee fiL 1101l'woroo'lf ,His St,,tick thelad1between"ill" all 00d 0 a J elE:9rpli �.p 0 n report, tha, �6,tur edL nos said the' Gieta' �Brltatu, did', qqj nerre JAIIII to 'rind es piereng his:braln and, hilyinit, goistaret. 4lIou 'rexaa,,"had it PIIOln09raplI-',*1th him" ViQntillue�' secrets 'of th L t three Is had I I & DO [ab C4118 n.-- death (.)a th -t mounted' 10 to d Int court ar llk�l to I brea, Weeks, frout: tho-17111- The crQWd-�was and ro wlip In' 40vance of more-' been,rub 4 trboii,quickl ,Q, that Phonograph 'Went It Uiqlihirt w., a son lor, but. he ConI4 poort. 48*141119 cries; of th' all I ao n9thiLag' ',Th% reSIllt f thL _r The.. e burning,, i4ail. 1 00me rdarly; Midtatte 0 le slloot� rthe hangIng quick-, Offider in' comm COmTnOtI' bo' Raw wifid y Ing.w.as to lmost uhisiga. I� di0persedo clad men miles frora-eamp" e. 406y was iel:r161b, Th ad his m4hil C that. tlie.'% . c the "mind kill, a up, et , ., I , Liston 1 Of liP tiriforturiate- Young, . Pre were abg 2W' me thist 44pd, crl6a' :T r '4069 ;fiot a' ed III t co4ild be )LW�: for n on gar, X t at �hv were ectsne tsppear I In held the ievol*br, a -Iio 444 'eirloe. 116 affairt-an'd they were All,' Of Colonel Corkin; -MPersl lidds to the"LLn, nfask edgy 'f e, wIlICh. I'S not carThey attacked t Torward to roe,ijt� t1rom; 0 following day Ilia ''we it,� lirion ...... eollitnn', hdrodo ad' er medical door about Inque'st Aft the tOWIlil I b�eil- ordered,'an a batte. bwen Y yards d1staTpt, It Texa ej vsAI-erilsing, It a Clogs tdliiarls'.' bv -planatin of iam,. A them at, be;- had the, brlei by t1lb the fl'thP !Ilner4l of nd It k9on, iptellifig of k Frm Indisp6al 161, lZing's lie'. VICtlia take'LIVIII96 to -111 .:Ahe dying'fiegro 113 that plip r TorOnto ;Woi� 6� rifles, Rbodt6d out' a giver[L by ,Sip Francis On gaining -adnAttanto they d& 'DiOn't fire.' Wo are.the 17 110graph., Is Majesty -a mornin :, - L ..' " .. L I 0. neg;oesfor miles arou ddhearid manded at file t lLn is: In on: a . ............ : " * poi Wa'hts $1,50 a Mo In. pf'aL.gUn th Swer wa'fi rifle 1111111-.�e, qf tbtN and hurried to.,ch eircula koys or the Jaller,;and. this t�o ip'.111 .,their' the, Chu pir along - L , . whit"JI, emptied' nlckeis� -.t Pit 'if 'inn a the :to 11our the, dying L OrJC4� "jif it titled memb' d'tllo'Lvnon;-jJley wold Y of t1li cn� lie vitlrio rportia,g to d Id -.no t, ilef 1.119 thl 8 _t I in 6 anoth or bod or of the late Queen egro, got the Islan- 01b 13hd w0irked 'up the a was b VIctorld"3 . it X Urned, at: Paris. There -Whs odseh6ld. glyin nillir Past t ongq, run the cande it of A en to' he camp, anfl-aftioeadhed ALSO CohIc I p6m car osit,lit,'tfictio, DIVORCE.L' r Storig, and, saying that, front tho negrobs. td., COUNSEL FE, mob. g1v It C rear.. jThede men were he&. se er ea come friom tilei -Itlihki-and were Iar ' 1rady d ressed -In t New York,. Oct. 4.--�Hiope ih� - sibility, of no�' coron4 hon th6y inak n Sop'% aelred 111VIligli; is xlgr4h., Thev 4dun't' display' any� actre',sis aiti by . t�� 0 -feeling I th, r. :Quadn G -hu, i. ging or a g& rued, M Ito' enost curl-,, LIC 'There" a en es� Suprent, oborAtI, i'' a Phanco to 6ay oil flia weat'.by M�Ahe$` a,niregried the ke Brady was gile e rise, �vhlcll, salty' 0' listen, to *the orl 0 of,.the., t4la tangi or n---fror� Ho "d -the art, f ri of this re 'He', declaiod ans. 4 'WOrd that 4 sprult month. had' thO Wrong,man,- al- alimPily and; 0750. 1 Y northwout . aho It,was the;* stranielit Right I t1104911 118, Ident' 1110 -main river 0, ln.gL. lif JoIning ever tlunftl feealolin� her suit f or ab-�- vICLI'm and :a rda From yw WIN erisons w 10 �, had" soon tile opridt th annot explain t,� It w 'A'0erdedn, by thileo (114ant. About . W.. Oct 4 J ifted about Vir' Study JLnL PSY f scope, of other a, divorce aggInat ameO.Veld USED ' dlstlngulallo� �h7;. I TO T S%� ND TRIPLETS, P Is the'L That nbgro Jamets *Itll t I'l e d It fill, H-0 askod that. Cky kopje an. 'for my. intellect. A h too, ChOI.o9Y Or A*, and, onQ e I r lla�balld hie has otood a -been 1�11_lroint a ro r 'to Balai6jait'',' CIII0490 report UriD-J0s-' 0�11119� -"90me' money that was'dub liLm, from obou-4 100-yardt9, long uk I o.creLf;t..,L In O%Cor A deeh Evening �Zalfwity be reat do, torin:4tioii; a ti *h on If tbQ,:Mbntana Cohitral. as. der6n.ied. wff.h. he'dink linteili 406, Wet F Thl-si ��, iii pth v vlrlg�,VLcturea were Now''s, 'gay bY,' of No. seat with, that '. phonograph made a, for-* QPb 1300th'164fin _a�ltjkt u4s selling. the tonelit. of L t r 116K 0es, I:'They aidirPt fa�hjon ward Ig ouf 1148..- again. n aicr�, or IT .1len hPuilledup. T rere..The Doers, too, TJ Pnd -of' tleqoccurred I' In PaLis, 'tillso it :IS pop'Q Waoltled'to the pQI tim horrible Rounds W.ainti. oile, -Witrriod youin a 1.1 Silo hei VOm_ 9 ril -at 6 V3. . drini owpersed. a nII tho trii, on, tjila -pooltfon, and I "Would Acf as- deterrent, In' the or-gon, X. J.,' December 19,'1891 -77— future. Th 77 CyL merely Want lief! I�Y. X Buts family. �41a benei Sr1f f-, Me- t W0, 110 era or U. 5 - - tha t kr.. And the' eabImy,� tLLttnelCdd- ti ed to ILL or -.41un. JL wali-Imp. Connell cIl-t th .an, op OiCt� D or�r I been a d Placed a good, from redr that -ahy &D ther c prize fight to llqr,' who ia, reputed to be' fourteen. Children ilon 'fine play or' 11: 18' the Nelon''tist , -an . have It. in a coffin. dbwh T, mprem lass or cjtj�6njj "it .11 . 0 . I YC There -will 'Its bell. tit -ade e- tiltip1l.. to' On the I�n to 'and. lieretatforo fendeira, A porfect,lidil",6-thu WO 000 . 91'Kh king- UU01 �b be. �tn Itli Dec have been im gave.a. een. eiUme 'to aIn re file P I SrRc arat v -defende.r.i. Firtlilly t... Hope a ar open riva 4 at tho: Ormsby 'eknowledges, all jig 26 i s-- -A r- �blp a: e MAN 5 cd,all lts� W 1300tho er ate .p�,ifectly 'llbruied, and Stindemsin tried , redeh�. Id, declared to th Years 0 e cou'rt'she UFO], the kra excellent.' t, 'GAM t Ill the �-Icilnlfy.-df th�e,eamp, 1) t lyrorspec or If t mp, b t.m W;aO 'ItabPY wkth - Ijbr husband are pr4,erly' la4st 'Tanutaty. oil thO 18M of Othat carect.'for. W Idek the t , ten' ov the virdn with, htm :were. fillot down 11101#16,tshe says. lie fitia, B �Ja Un "LLOW of, a ri their and tile careful 1CL rushed ca m -pt 141, no ory oa� Baft' wed hilfi�rlf -�w4z'*Opmded- Th ting r 11ups ng ;Will t t, Wilson,. and M ell, gin, incorne, 'front. fhat ribin 4 ourco -0-revidered ea- ra. UT WILL 8 D OUT AGAINi 8 ' " G:L fit FISA t priovido orcQ4 a Car atid. Cora' Wliaisfilo child, wer' N lisaild, Mph- Div Hotel 'for lem. evilly e dleO bedii seen by ilia t)telr,r legsid,fired,r 614, together,.' Nox,t Ornl�3tfy the"SeqUpl! the re . , . , k. a.: not 0 ... 11,11i man theyi, Mra Wilson e in- wite, since; i .0 in Qana.da,-, .-PIM :�UPOII M -a Or ,Nick- ?tPlAi0ed' to Tlle'pollce [vep'orr:: of Tilly 18thi id his w -here. Q d -adron' ng7u --il a airshi .,% Cond W� TJ that, 0110 had Con: ro'blibed bf.J6 �r­ aft n abqqts. 'to noher. iey,: re-. Issrsda 13 o , n an , tired* qlttcklv"� in lso -ditlaction. A.SIGHT 6101 worth urnoo tli6) FOR �JHE SPE&A'TOIIS, *U UO. er %­'A"v5PY ls,za-,�perptetudi mo ion 4313-7, r 7fikd c6 13 nAilannary 2,2 trial flight on tbs� Tallnbaqher. 1-10 1 Young Earil w6a'ar­ I voir. Vtiy eser-f a.. a plumber -by trbLde JUDGE CHARGED AGAiNST-HER ebted, -but Mrs. Wilson did not the Vienna 0 , this 116 s 'Camol, Operle -a '.T 'went, a I tritight fo New Ork q rrespond-, 44dlti6n t ily but,, jeeport 119U 330t Jllvrt�,;aad hi,7 eut.o:L L_ fit, - � i��- _�__ esu -111-ras -&mail grociory. gtbi (in t Hera .6 trr oront odt o� Lillian Ward who took. orably. *dtthg& an& put his r ver- ;Wore able'tOo-take dway' omy a. raw dict 'tOIIC 11119 the dl v "W064ii and hardly any-ammuniadn' disastrous _�.,A 64' frOmv 'Jefferson fter gdin dIsebarg' Fvay mrff.� batheflno­,F� " Cburlpt,L tance . ce at Or.it jib .41 j Market. Polic6" !d% .e in, charge orce. law, Was auntl It 'to Her Cress at rtedL . . 6, 1. - I , t I -, Von hit 1119 Boottl motor at, full f. . .'' 11 ... fear an Gonicey 'Iter thoi naine 'T''" 4ay 'tild ilrPt twins we egs In re born wI banc[0116ra, hs d out 00 Will. MiQs, gLv6 ad., whibl ons d' he r A0 that apepars. Off",'tlte* th6htr CAUSed"111e, r ku, 1896, Orkisby began: p of go, e hundre& t Sr lig about cartrid 9.. fourid t ui. thirt is 'tlmo gfIIItY of; bikarn ng e,& Tile eaJorto S116 lives, at 11111,C111111:8 to rise an&'iby, ti Y, your'l , e.i, - " , 6 bIlls, orward part.of the'fly I folln th Aparfully A 1. ..Pftefilal !q-',,W6ods emp, y raY left the 9 W 't tile, enenty,,§ caiiiu� Seventy- . Y. 46-� qtentiv Jagnti e's Ivo, centIme res, out r street.; hishol-0 tho, water., aip'Of.'tW�Irfiol weie, born'. u ed Itloo we're, Ivefry,. I the,: ivii6ioi leaVy. 'I'lle and. wounded. rkled off augilt� a -set Of - WJieeIs or ihe S'tate & ca. On : rising. - to tn "standlOg I u f pout of - hei st6rd a t-� Obliged to appear �on t, .1897 bo a sod was,legtilly dirbre according P-okt heripblf machibe ve-ral !;ounds, of 'and by, w to VV Z.0 Q —fosup -its 0 Mic Iw.h , 11, an -rlu' a _e_rCIs ry; His Land. mml.nd produced Wife in a tlrqe,' butL have ..been her, ame) out ttL6 don. -"War on-Wonionl7- As -IIIR p ahe'.0 Ili and T Can Ormiby.'piosn, consIdeied. I k" . 1 . I actrees 'Lma ap i 1. 1 to, 11h .ed li,'m with All parts- ;Dr. ey,qnci hp,car were �nowh6re to nager 'and abd',It jaIlkL'IIk61a off the if The*ater orin,� lv'up his job ln, In. Uni Th'O' Judge' chaiged A�RS.. an ted Stitt` G H TEEN, VO "Le assIs aPt -6y'flire, -be P,,qyedl Jidr in UU8, anti ilg, AFTER El aeon. hue.b t porn manager at t et�ep -deop.�. iCebox\L into' tild 4dinst the 49 a. �,Ralary' oraL, ;"Ok. Herr -Krbsdj,,w to L na, 0 the back r soner, and to is !W was 901119'" takes-il, drive'lis ]MY Ventil-ioo fat was no on �Lil� find In:. Id' hb, -Fluds lee 11 U .-and, eft' r pen- lying machin% carried, dow.a. trtalial -a. poegifar C01112 as e R10, lea. 'dIvOrr-es i6is Anot er-:11l'itiband Livinit. A g(,:i th6 at tanks' 1, tile afid'eyff caus eas ana In debt. Then came hei J11111 fiall -9 ca.., and here Wh .n ci� ;ju v ,Itg: I4c6 r oo t -recognized I cut to find -it,- theicar an.d -the.. poor'. huabad's 'apidEt. df:January' 18th ieders, -bf a not, lie wot, Came to lda 'k It 4nd 'thiSt -sidt. b&dt-are driving wIthodt-rhe" 'she With quIckfairer. tioi: I I the, su�fa6e 8t4l!,Of� this 't be. t It n as '01, July Anad'a. iiaid- bit or! o. a police- she'asayis t116'Poles"011ch tho.' o gra6P Ormsby year Mrs. Mxl.� -116bindtio,' tile erlor. Court by-, man.. logo �. fid IS feer and. -en lie lfqIIen �Appe'. in t stiPtoed, into k ner's ourt, Din-, ad MOM lobtili on year from a� i's c sent had been pvtr4ii E a injoying an - I' or �klaofton WhIere Ormob at. 'sel,�:adnutted ilat I- ncome , ere wit nessies. of thd. y.,was'hard work, 4� g car," hold fill, be-, responded.. in tr%st OIL ,aII.d whispered in 1.118 three'tilliCs fliai 4ward HOd tlLIS.,81del�;of ' I O-p� .111s benefit Fniy� 0 a-ged' V6 -ear.' 'What sl 'Th trlcMh;. Of 9son, clec- to val�l 'the third zi�ay�iago: the secod'hug- R� citir,' for� thot along IV accld�nt' hel rried. �.Ijt ,tIfe tim*t4 0 till "be 19' more 'but Orrasb -started back, with .31 nj Inig, C, 7 than," .70 Is not - on record Allnul- . the at month and '$�750 for - cat ��Olf PAn a I band livqng. thb, laftieir with -Killarney" L . I Ve makiii her la.0151) go try 6 Con ek; and, tile *1 bels of the She w. f fit in an :'Stlataitir.-il and Ils-, Emil Idbo, mar: I ..,Y..T lost, -------------- lir v1 -11-km;wn cOnlinercial Emina 91Y Bg thern, up or Nin &A411 to. a e be He was go rig revo ye rap v6lI6 'Dr. Barnhardt 11a:0ile, I I to r.. otrolt., de4u,,.aLIa8 E whell wht, t should. she, bee',comind lip Pfi he01VII Of oor.,. The V re of WM struck if is wif6 the, at TAC -BY tio(jS.'' aria. reet bat. the when tills- physiol'a. 4 o' I" In g, r v-, towda e wedded oilkbY and car land A girl,.b6WLlhg "Cl sa�llla d I ear,, oher* band,,No;d� died d1ic. left 'Was marrLed'to 'Enilly.t ttli6 tild bottoal' It wll:' ing th6 poop' bollst it's, will fobe 6 until Ito could Wolf, 'is and fitw not bipn heard' of ed Win(Nelip ,T r' There Ur a 86 . a I r on get ` his'breath Orde I in.. g, since.' Nut.a ed,unit will I ithit t ..1130 Calla, 'M� .- r� a it is.'a iosrp� iR fad J61in. Pe iestirictl tq),Lt -19 to ba a 3r, sa d, 'that. I and dow. rl1ame it woman to 'herself h n 86 1. Gr e 1, mrked in ilitli tlla� acclis6d in T Thillo, f iho qii4( gone tlllotlg!l f b !if or ad y worthy, pleto Ihav4.,yojl:,, ja�ntl of 86bemll t6*%ynt, ap, M. RGINAL�REAOINGJS. Two -,a ear-, anneir. and Emmi n. Is' oi- �1,6 tacked by. hogg;, ankl op -7, I re ago 'Mrs. chirped. the y so frightfully. n Poor 'T 900, W41 lo'Barb hard I; wtis of inarri6d, lire' V2 Oung.Woman*I Iilp'tdi:the, curb. ng olof, as she� ed"-th�it�ghe will dle� Mrs. Green- purnstdnees, anA U ;done Mitch to, 'its hei.. disapirseare 'ubd on 'tic ."'iYou thlhk you have- my, jaubting, ta.h gga ntlll�e at- tryi4g -.to Chsmr,0.i'AlJPrf;v,ds of lias� IY4111 fr San b6813-:111mban No. tfirit h Ao.,Mado' a" yardi whea.. tftroe,hogi4 sudd6n thin L k turned 940011.caj., Oct. 4. -denied C for for. upon. hor: antl' kiltic Th had ald 'IV Iher 0 116-iingeld- will nIl1r 1111PIsand' A e Caro The aillmii'4Parentl OON. b!"ore. I -do." donLied artor'ller be jXIrlg 4� 'cam a Bigh i6ri of the EpiWop&I '61 PREPAIRW& SIXTH Ot And' Ivith t down LL a li t rg. BA 0 frenzi6d a4�1 ablised her. nd Ire" a c ed t r a n on, by.. a of. .0ti it took tile dirl .,b'v 'the the bajan�s 0411 to te, ilia had beeli niarrlod,.'t< Malone - in aw(I 6d to t that- ttx p qq -h rl down, fto Y, -%. Mrs. tr I ecl, ill diiro till '187.8 -Green lie rYO­ 5Unday;:to,. 0 the becunie' III 1111 1 . 1 he -Jze� 11,14) of av OUR, 111.11 lien repO'rt 6r:the. Old, think' you -4 maied awl he, riage, froia it t I'Mr-, uin 1i'llen a Ian, froin ,in, managed the marginal vor; ,, 1 1 '1 LLIDEb- WITH -T Rai Jo relidi P Occ lv(;6r.-P ve irlyAdunt reghined c6iliciousness., Gr66 at the JR44t'c6hv0htR)n I r I., Tire ntorvAtl 9 andL Jbhri briash'6d:.6f 't r owoporfrtl ngA y lalso I r te LK- L-itia, Ma oll.of flIlIn.up Petrolt PIOLLEYO: to run for -tf riii.1-sitaid lie Our t '116 had taken 'I wo to. -* 1414 Ik a Utlia hali-, alo.1- Than. Only agO Or 'tho.ecr p th. t, �lp Con P %v ishe Chs I as ivell, rsa�. if attck�d cilpreqce o V I -lit, Hot, ou.tj and gratitetl hcar, wtot she o-Deputle wIn" will 1''w0ight or. *()n of olit., clo, t 0 1.11 bt er.. &i3iLlairiti finaly brought, �Tliero vvio, I I fltll), And the, hilell . r W1 Ah c hidu Of Old kiltjo, iiij, a I at th" llb�gWeke. di-it-Qn ys6fi. rd had to cle a a y. lle r c Th�., : flosh, tag p AImerlicit. . i' Thold f(ir T.. tripped,.,rrob, her 1pi6m Durin-0 tjjt�j, - flop a -n War( the 1) fro 'Wail hit a,mbi-ilati 1. 64116 Iffigil ifgh,� arm and It hatl-,6 611 tuu L W If 01 ta'i v a from Propetily pi.,,j to the 11arld arni sil(l �Ilppsos that* at te fit Oig0 f be, dild les Orth fs one- R�d f pbpw it Lt Ite'll od, t find all 4cu was torn to silly(IN, t P I a ag R'Or sh I --.% 'laot IMNI that flor 110and 'bintf, a -fid ILI' U, Jalinting car. ir Opposed to tht, dear balloon Is filled oifefi,' t000i W, had ever, ........... fy H helait,*; WIIOL by M41- I w ction � oIt soel it 01-U UD o- ------ a n H V, ri7 —1t I an 'Its to di W. e-oftrti 9110 holill(td I' bq 'p'lij 111.0 t strain sillirtivensly. to t E �Wa V. Co lurell, to it it �� : .1 . are ]it aItLt�.JI'hIlIJ(Jrc -11"bilIT ba a. fOf 'of 'd D Of I I - Id intljot irjjllLlfl -prove"&o of t 11111jilli,et 66ni to 'the v 013 on 9 -this pool- C to obill- wri, remoo Iti jilry dred ld!os R It fli�,664 I r N 1. cot� TO -1 "t did'," Ntthi �g of' tlip IrjM(qJ UI 11 100 not ta, in t fio,ys: illat total w� r filaoo, te fr. c LSAI' t y n wl a deep s hJurt Iffl8tafc- to tho ,aclIrin f ad L,,4 61 'I*IVO a, O[Ar Mrs; Dr c) N�" ell -ill C. I ftold 1114 It ta fi.'n�t A fio ('y w(" 'At a, t fo� 1 t car� 4 �vfll of the. owbor. Ito (ILSIAILYM to oftla Dr. ly ;, I'W"ItN q�ot I to V ;norp Veortfil lit tll;tt i 06AR TRUsT PHOID IN S )ATPO -ON '1711E 'WARPT T w4 1`61 In (lot iff., lie q P Murder I N'e NV � Ii. 1111, So.( 'a r3 'd tte I Colin t,ot 'Irit r*r,tlt filln to'?! JoIlrbal of a IV 1), 'tive'rit qi it ,n-,, Lllo elf A it I aff t_trllo'Apio� fit Lc I V -to, fill P0,14 L rl AI r fli.,4 bfi roiv rl f ar I tfit pli(t I, out it] i bio-sken ivtvrlfll to n a ILL.. band or, A. pa,(,, Ito I it (I I 1,1� r rt, ka, in- f sorit bot t. t tonll)t () iliq Ra, k 11 1100 1 111 " t I. n III, ex"I)Iahllagr I6 Grand I' ta:4011 Am r1foi, 4 11 do ellay. .. L coin- -ty bart Oar too': ad'on mrsta L O?i golf (it thig eft, tilt, t0vor 14" X I'' JInIzally $1601, L", to nroqa 'L or tilt $ni k . ..... 1, lit 014 t itgar VL, 1(4 itli IV,, On It or thri 'p M�plo n, 'irtg Jlljf� g'oo oilionbq the. war prLtoll I eI rd (4 of filliKary bpt hill, t;f inorhl �bftt,:6r the af Ive L&I Its. 'b ITITgr tl! t1"it"4 )L"IVO 1 0. �40 10 lit- tVIII )i- I)v t G.ep(;ftIlX)0 I , ­ dLilidtlen or f oftjqtl n btit t . ....... . lik Is.(III ot 11ce0r01117t3 ai! fell t. tile ill�l o�Mrjn an( It ()f oIv.n easo, oRoll or t'171 'gid In or L Wfoi �roat ll,�, juh t 1). 4t r t .. . ..... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 7