Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-08-23, Page 9leat) ci'�; L f'roln r the, .4 r b4rp* are testing M4, &vbo, A rH ta I Y, S t ooL.., you, P �,get is -.5tr4140, U Is th -life, Toultil've a ben Y- 1)ft ;I Awl-alm-11% ..4 s! 4 �i- n lips would 4d.1juds l tile -soo et 4 Wt aweet to I iri said, "Ott, how come OW)',, a$ It I; lUbPet to MIR, . I �A, wished, btil)4 -- I be le dust Clitil'evalleY!" AD aug'6js all Around about, the In- ri No. V ill 1 m-llap%. ON Ij 1', P, 1, U. Dolt trlAi pull over you -14 you could, 1 -your . s,t There is ar rid It'a gal -de X pa A' ic ieal d(IMOTINI S 1.0 M 01 slumber th Ila Al `G I'$ Xiviwn, 0,, e: coverlet of giieen grAS-44PIA and Wil-nY4n, -a In, and U4 'r. t &Ustes. "YOU have ZaiotI - "I 'ral '41049'3� 02 and stronf011 .16ri si rind the rarizacXed� of 'tLbr,4.j. how _ _i be :in the the %to fft,,aggered not' ;WIV qujo it 'filufft ea�.ih.. But t1i'll 5 only the tow ti b" Af A ....... beautifully' -was, there." un 41, ,,onttul Scepvs:�' co.mpai,ed Abrah 0 Talm em�I_And It Is t�Lme tomb! I wish I dea4, empr. , I IV., o0j; %jtbQjjgjj, the.' dt-#, I �see all around about jpe wtdow�, witill, knoleurs whi rl�% Lows 'he. Qreat,'R1;14Pr the 917-1 [eb. a has 'Isdp nt see) bujlo�ed or y our MF mortP;, _ThiJ�ihlnjS1 PccuroPd 11 iwd to contra -i _R43 and nua, 1811, hood, and.qWbanageand fe djugL". Ifji requirenl(I of (;od. �ieeldeai chapter regar, lot 't a 9999999", 7. sadness .di9Mppo1n1:niant, perplexity., It spir t�tiejr Ilia W;j A it �aI0lhtAIv1;Qt- Did PeOVe b in �]rtVy a:Udferlce, o, , @ le O;L'.tb(, XA .."j)Ief.�.sedVF ound'ationA )I I � ., ,, )_,.-Not .i!lcit W, could -.ask. all. thA"l borr I . . . 1, : ould to ijahain CR. belve truili'We propexim lovi,.,and beii.n., btif 'kl tr pro) g, irepolr,�,4:-, 'who! liave" felt. noi sor�� j�ldf J), but f 'tile 'd -0, 1� Arches. ot 'V)dt Wry, as. 1, 3., me. of Q d t.b t b.i �' no , digalipOlritMent—if 'I c6lild, 'dome h -.i3f owl" iyh! (3 QIebil would drive qr. d. 144 jyMoh I Pre Ld d nth g. the, 'halle- lJob. X1, A7 rrecis so feted of pial,140 An sion for Alle (16 Y QIUP I., jCallose Dr.' Talh=96 C46 �ikll ther .,.Eaa,, (Id. to E gai, ,a dr medaries IntO to con tri'sV91 prmons' an, 'i are Ind 0,:b011t- tj lilts great' 4i�% .I . '4e. echol Cor.. X. 1,, ut reUglpn an ig eiborta� a to rIg.e;. h.Qyv many WQU e. nojj`or�' ibco d Prayer. rrieev, , ; . ng -q. .1 ;7, - . -v the. ages! AX14' 901 t 0011 0�)11- -tiiro� '�Of tile Mity',( rC tba oy In4pirltig In Mail IB6? Not one' loy Is Avell twfsoe, volprWrits, It as being d6nsf., I we'wmt 'more IIfq .16 es A �w, I'd oW e d.' irlbt�er� ..vs,lth 1141-fe that irpansidii,48,A 'Kal t j)f-';�1le"fulthful shinbW fortli'. stood oof'dol6roUj;, tex 1 009 pUr.jiear_.S-',,- . 1. , 1; th&, itli ty�,e - spi, n - rpi ke, darkness- oA. r ce is I 60nlal �IarO,�: thin jq: get, 13,et- n all o" -d' es . of t #tjjjj.-j*.qrk, The,. j, thils - '"o`f Splc� -eat 00.14MUTI'Mi aid spi 'r ChtU. WpLq� taken., 4�e. tha',. 1) iled. jears.0 Of ci( Idi '111"a, d'fl. bit wen Ill' f 06 iiik6r for, tJlQ�8, "wre tile A .1jell' ­� f;r far-oll-stallit "poor it , a not wantsOnlueb to.be. groarl- nd she. ot a thig t$r .4ges t ere, a riptll)g I . ;, it )ry, to. .a te In, d. a:rld fil�d� , Tile 0 t JeBsoll: 0 1. �Was. th6re.a, OUch�spjce.aS t'. a With -- � 'a and all the t 0ei obiMa Iremer of'tlie th .Am"A elf $hobo. e;Xj body and, it'IA* a.box 40�,e 1 6 b word, and jar to . T��. 1. s tb.e dl�,Ip hIrle I garmentii� yag obr got her crimson of, t1ko, LUVIVIP orre'n( t, b Ing, out thetO 911: 1 'and t 'a )U wbat Is ilia - '' 1 1, :. t 11 panimeut. of ion,' and e f he ca; Way .4s, Inc twft,in htkye you e,he an'4c09M Ugh lip rprn t I I I -ind put I-t�, ill, a Ili's ff, I lot b. at them let ther 911 Ilea down the street toward tbe� tb t. boelf St8_Yc( encWt cemetery of earthly,' jnart.�,rtlqw arid tht!' fra� -49 1 1 1 1.1-1 . - fo give smiles. and. er bav, 00 not -stand An' d' u�llc to -them X$. is, u to ld�the, QnIY- tic ver ou'.0 Is tool -pree o e forest. Q � e .. . .. about. .'chi I prayer of 01 )Vjq. for'US. n I Dri 'h 1. J1I.St-take e tto.t,'..The little re�ts, rende' 15 tie so.ul,� lffeA: of r -it through, the 151"t' orna, puts into'lliter forget to Buell "a 111m, *"on.. King ;:'altd the child, an at. te and the At r Ikehard iFrInIgess Of, 9Y,Pt- wl�etoheflriesw Ck as j&.,-t3c '$p a -and t�pn to it his, bi f their IQ'.k and the J.:tbe. 4 - ay barelleade -e Ing- rinme fulness the'-, A Ira 'a hardness d r� In e "Pillar's of.the po;l4co Arld sa - , .' , 131 -he, ,'OU",, lieliven s�?yours; u"see tb& 11pneer ild that as 'he fr ikincense and thp, .;fiorld 1. t to Bl'�)kls, "sire' Rayne' eterjlo� 'J(,)Y; is YoVrH-_ ;r, adorned. W.Ith, 11,004 Of their; lot; kh( bettet- iny.,li bet And -it: W@,$'$ all(L.'et '14 1' ilil Cod let great o*q her cr$r�- lob. cQueen. Show- thern tl�e peopie lookl4d'oh and saw dolempt1011 at",thif, fo Illys r. Co , r IV la of gold iiianqftLetUTed Ic,wI jqnq*rr6d spices -wh rL Ids. at 0 tha.n. you .'can' iel�l tfi�m t i,)f t 'I NV4 fami�S�L C!ra thre* jay, in tlje� of, .e jeaea, the 4'r-Ight ere pjpt4rfidjbYL-r�3; side of the thtn�, If 443, a t4er to 0 ai� lit _W 'Tell - t1leril good: I n the *koh,- ed'o� atthL'� 1be any bright side.. fat'll r;:I-battle, See hq�;V Ili rj lip there jnL9 sk as. t X7 Y, timep come. for the aethese e� h' h aven man wt 61-1 then nbirtal res it Is- said* the Ole a.,tbe n onday sun hy or Wheri -a of (lei, built.wal 9.. ion goes, 4p., the, ivoy--staIrA Of tea And, tat _�I-a great I j3j�. D pre-� iat eIV0 ilarlwin q.a Wake them Up 01 of. are 'd pear y gatds,%beboId;,_ sacrifice before strcing, pajaiton. for bin thronebetwqen w 'h alrd while Is there, no �appeakrem.ent, ar Ijord, w th 'U"y and sits -the ba* Of the spiring laug be Thy b doWn on �ee. &bout me Olit-thal d he ,Ae 11, T children.of GodAliere Is Imlo jjt� n)adq e�ery Lit of`th�.Ir stol d�, the' dead. his Par L, for -all this sorfo* tha,, Ining gold ? I_v ill be head of the huge beas end helps :Itki the 04�611 Of 'And streets or'sb -to cbljVj� am, On asod ,�ntr, -01 t, c I.. . . ­ I� perlt j1p. in blij h'101oll tolden'bull, t f 'resurrection an llied �o�aid:the tliq, dellIll pa lieat arl -eti. or. AABeti 'Cit. lys tie'. was. i,e po reuril6ri far bey,ond't 7 W , 1 11 - the king aifi SO ar two ways of Meeting tI $489,4-73.2 ere I tbo -three do, , ljosom.:( pr419 q ..d the a tendants of -.L, -of wa nose gid and-; tears. shall hunger. n Bailk. 6,MQUU tile 0 that the caierer the- paiacb into ibeirL house j�k T�roflowlag losing , not r sold et6rday by. for, to Xortah'L 0 Ome ell as to ally: 0 riefter. I alla ira- t %vji�al . celltr� 64 t ry alob, sfieep� 'a oust, as., mu mo?�, nefther The thipil t Impo ia -elev,4� �4- tons a to provide eve e SUrl II&t. on ow,you livej shal'. was a town on t day'; j�,�s and iere In, this them, nor, any 'Ifal do't e J?aLICS1 actually. makes, m1. cit�fi, boidoir of southern hear tho,stalhping $077. and t :d Jerklgltlemi � is' that 6un;dId, -Take mijef.� EflutIC4 'In aw Yot j6oL fine b eS in the t041 n ROLEAN: L t tIJ6,IW1lAj t4 iot 4, tbere�. �N TV . ­ I I . 0711 k 'miserable wretclij and M4 q PEW days was '07 - we lie Ilo ... ... . . ...... Impor'ant officials Another Way S, to'L go. !ado jorli, , "' :L-4. 1:11ret. days, 1 '0 Thqro. is�t, of Lt.,, to make id I CIRL1194 c -he work of 9P; the mc Dulirthi 1� IoUrley for the poor In'A ma4- tion, Ila rd: 0:74.1-4 an the into � the 'abod' of the, atra-W n "The -blessed 6, ivao Lirrte..gIVeR:-for reilec 'not D u I art it oKing SOIOMOn W8,V A. nei'�Lilfphieh seems to gay f I atth Is, thus ill W" poor, �iim§elf..- be kilgiotrabirs", - A) -Ij*Ord -!sent, me. e projorlg_. the stide say.'Arld iped tol hrt ane� I . I . t4 ist. not mot I a graid on 1 and'wherl,' -e for,the gD&d I am going 91, 1_61 96 ilde thal% his W ft- .0�,L;ihan It, s forthe gOdd. - 641. ,-"Perform; a Sol- inarket,her 11'o -day . .... -96 ...... behind the swi to try A Id worsbL. b Bliels. Ve U Goil h ealfri a d Coming -In that. A for apt 144ses of *01, t b T n that you can at UU-10tir')"' 90jol,'stead et hundred D nif6d.grellers"in.purple, as. thfit tpfrtto 'the, gikt will be -as atIocila1le as to Inou n of _�f4)i' ofa �at 400 aud le a qn gjl,the'isibroe ifie',sp4kenard on the feetof C It w4Z E'L Oj� will Pe; a$or ail, hovel afattjy� hatL objghej�. at W. kjAng. wo , rth getting uT, at -6 e, s* ce. sacrilwe( - It eat n ew aT 4i'm I f'r4gro:nt w Ith 'the t allN bushel, and two loaOB7 OP h6 -lo-ox ould t4 qualit'. Now, *,Of spices, 'It(]. it lip' 7- AFE (MIJILL -,noVAIlte most of. -at my text annoUnCe*9, Ila' wood lor ofcl 70c ; rc I -on, f3olomon..:-was iw1i �l tLll(' Wdii e -esen _-'rowned IMA great abundance. ne�jjer �.wasi -there 650 TkIng; I., Aa�L c OX the pi 17) All a libldinix'. 6j, to 72 '.Pa pice as th QUetn of 11�6 4ied �(jpllll 0 'blirley, 4B rye, .ty,. - 11 * thd. ablenaCIPS Of'-hls I- tmy Icllps6d by'hisi g, U�VIILWLL.' 40 iLevv :;rj,.to_ 37c,; IIRY, 0 �and. retinue )VqrQ 'gave to Kin a" 03. sAerflea to w' that all WaEF1110 50 lne*, $10 n4 Why, f ilenda,.. yp.0 kno -j in' jLking ilia fire 3-15 He �Vgs th theologians agree. ni Vlark6. LW � $10 ''.butter, e �4,a �kn*W everyfbIng. '; -tile lxz Lt, tb -jil-e- wq Id nion a .eat, naturalist jamb,--TIIe.teiidP ggb,;, ria .,,j jL-JI to 14c Lite, :4 -fidl, r typo: of oil r rL' CO)II9. 110 d:,tbe type of every i :of To [aid the Queen,,Of Shelba a take Ane,re- iaseeker,� and I jAgo 4alk at &PL' c-11 Ing tba� all the tj LS ils' Bel. and ..deer Ike'd d, Its, arid: sooncibIlity or Say, r liseluti.ne Busin r on the local I -a aqUariu, Isrid cli-sisla i can Ile With forel ' lisn sitikenrd �Lnd'franklncen Bed X7 redel0ts srel! Sh6b, * t .0fere wel a aket' ye as- 'kil" birds, and I Or. bioUgh no' Aijk �,Ith forel which the Queei af rUcti6nate 10'.000 pack imil av au6mandi lip a i6lbrnan�:ptre- m -4i There +h vn IlomfSn :might Valk 01oar -of 'the, sweet spices.o.t. flealersfsa.LUL�ikLlu�,�&t-w-a-s 'Peaches� in lys . 01" t d.- tit t , olie6tion at sh&tP' W. ILI V ajj�l r'ol. �r.(l the'season.� shadowL Christlarilty Is no a-0 pp a �an beg t t d i; joke I �b I L A, in good d& d d JijIjCaIitj&3L*�.'jjJj angu ar 1) ea rp', H %'tbeq, were r�d- flitte �old rea P tl�int LIME) Go awit' 'L �olirdnploglcal tables and dry:e1tfttIstIcs; Y s e� "Our "religion is' 'compared to *ankin- trda ep-, :.a. cqj. w6rc.few,6 Apples, tile w.or j t Y.pp -ta, but h a 'to. 35C. - night_ at - es 0,irft,to e than 'to easier at West c,%p iv r efik. an4- to el;I�s -a d east. GOP as 4r -d rIddl �ense tIflj,fOT thecon a, bundle, of nyrrh� -putiLl ",it b6 made -and guessed. . 110' 411d� shadi; - 'It hU�kieberrlu 'berL ufj�ained by It b if holy -light if peen r t Ejod. to. arid TAwt0V7b0r ig Hirarn. nel-ghlbbr.- used to t' 7"tOLIS6�Y: ()tIl of'. AM g sVqre easier fountains. it if�3 an open lot -full eollwlousa rl";i , each an, .001 iI f 0 ort by� the 16ur, anct a4k, i1dolles, 1A. -a ccillecti. tile of opallne gates. to "Goid's froits':Ware Uni -eat, 16r , !in - he cou'u."Ot Would dod that we. were I TneMariketf.I.- . . I '8_1- of' spice . . - 1 1 .:. I . I . 1 12 . liave jl&dLjL'6t-ISaa1 -riddle. qpices. o,ciur�Dlvlrile. o-,ior -guess. tile., t 'a 'Wilge L�il�'takIng Ito sf�jjj a cattleI f6hojiep? p�r o�� Ij 65 "to $5 ate ngv�r.�YlBtted all tl`16�warld nt�TelltY-f�lv years Of ........ ........ at. course, akdd,-albout the� .in 'at den Balkir. was wise In'tk then; vr6b, :10;_ omedium 4 40 to �:dj faitlA, in UU 330 th;a spjqa� jollid earthlY,,' a,' a lkqila yed equ 1 Export cows ...... i a ro.' Pula no t l3utcheria'cal1610 picked ........ 1L. 4 ind' 9bout the' qkttle. choice ... 400 to 0 throUgHu J. au w he Drn t me cap -10, fitir.4 ........... a 000 39 AP 'It'Les, adof, that king sgreat f Is that the 4 o&Iddles atild nigra -l- that.he ma admine td -us fro ft.ae haj�d-�'The But -until d do 00111110011 ..... I . . ........ . 3 to 7 d- the e'ard of. nan, an .... ................. "Ived, an sprea. are tupWorten arid 3,0. E§tratched ror the,. .300 to &y off south h " 4 .61 v d afen yl6ie -are 'men Who hRv-e E. LjtUa;Ijy done A ad do bull -4. 3 75 W rogers 'With a,few.rid­ polxnd ng,� d6to.riirlatioll. sent messe nkI clImlollili, t rfigard0th, l30ug;export..;heiiI-rY­rerc- 3�50 to, been batterl -8116*6 f'rn tfjj� hegix, loo -upon cvw L 3uU.;..p.ru,,A,Xh�.per .,-. 4 25. vl,ould HIMAO Solp 40- years,' 50 that -6he.�A PUZ;r for' .0 dgery. as'. ULTekl6dy .eep . ............ S-50 to, -dim b Feeders. shorr -flnd�-'Out ' She. f &COS plan, Bel . voo. an '16S. that She years.: On .,gteat IobgL_cjru �aaqrific!e or tlic "dw niediuM.'.., ........... The hIlgel -00 to, have him th6ir life. 13een ji rept"ented ))Y 3 25 thet very person V110. 3 (laun' bed, 0 �Sto�,kerqj loo to 00 lbs ........ 2'25 toll, er things,:"t their feell rd psus, W11. holp sO�.s all :JAI; Ing'; -64ioreand hbiferi3 ........ -45 among oth rn is 'necessary to I this (>ffeT,, oir to. .45 6111,h,co to 3 diamon4 30, 00 netrate iti �Jfe and pibria as mans Aheej�"Owep needId '66111a il"ot' jutliority no C' What a jbia�no 2 50 to that 'd Put It, U d' tO O"Wr h CIO. 01141AIR7. I�:orrn an ........... . 200- to �.rrm,,,eet g6ld L dispos tion an or tile: nant. 116 as­6vek I* took � 0, . 'L co ire, -ee d- and (to it nd ilia e is, null I a an*s:spIrlts? The as if ......... '_'Wby, 4 t lat the�openlng 1[ri'the'(110 the fspat�ie to' th;O'great A101 Lambs, 0", 11 ....... C -NN'lien -do pe'r c;Ivt,- spleerY, or� our - I "'Lilled Unto crawled tIl?0U. ly ..,.on orra en shel' t, geo� 6n, uny side. M ay 0 L- .-Calves, pf :'7 TO ThkAue O3r head...WtL ............ 1hi c I per, ..... to SolomoYl- biin 'if eell choid 0 the,.XleaMM OLI a arne ell riga. ogs, corn ....... 1-1 6 75 W goblet tbjead in thii'dianiond tei al �gain, WUe9,a.nd dft 00' to qt pour there c fill .&II.N-6rance.47L& 0 ijl�t T1 tWedn thd )etrayais worlije og-6,light, per dwID ............. La 01 -ail it, �v I th . eridship, Of Ila fri per cW6. o;.� ......... the�j­l es c J-0 rush ilia f4ts ea, .09 h-skY.ad "tha:t ald',not 1" b a par Wti IminediatelY $0 in dull tifneg I* Ws to! do . flying t as Cheese tlXe amon Put 'a fro 'in our oince and store. a.111 $jnceri y us. .01WIh bcorse�.%alfe I in4tead of being. a -,stupid. best !e.vidence of . bo-kei; cheese ward brought into. Pa. t rk6t to -'day, all, white 'Mucl a -4n njohot �ould be od, arund tile/ prk' hor J.eyer�day I �q it glorious be.ing willing cll�csla mo: itiat whidh Is. clear, 1001916- t -Ith alljor make. jilowliky gpt 1,C on� "Vbe golet'was lions endu u(ming. bettve 1 11 -800� %Vebster 3DO; Haws JL d froi� t116,per qn not to 'Pa -T t AplTatl ,11t.to, ICIng -�ulvnvn, faction.and lilgh rapture.- est to UE,-a­ t1lou jeares with Is", [11bd. - She aL se I Lh-. '1jim.-BensOn In 90 0 girls n 00 L li)6y lJow any 'we hbr.* ;.a'* ItIl i-11 action,: s, dre"�and 50 CirLM to help n girl., X v�as,, acd6pted by s . ,if qle would b -This I �000. chee's Ig 0 ,tiat b ty about qVit the religion Df b ve to or toard her.p. to-�' jio�.W dre tio -to, me., To a helklit 15,00 .,ac- e ce a -.nj�stery AIT e11mbitig i'o Nds. rid �6 -life, he.� T, Says, lie "hit at 9 ,iWute enough i ,�IVIEti6rmueltz In i , Yrole the. se, 'tbeY fith" Ant. t oftejed.,' All spend' the' grmte:f L part of ones From I da f eet'abo h .,w n f 0 6nies tile. storr�bf . , rks 0 r obedleifim; bu, TO mOu2Ltajn9 0 d' to, reach� 1%6 ecpted 'by wl): bred ij.3_8L do,, In. pl dning, or.the., same jG._F6r* 61dis 8 a eW as many WO1nqh stItCljIlg..,.gaTmehts JRjr-allOXI'ths, the ne1011- I wer�. collipe.110 In Or erL Ottawas. -face t, at I o. 4ga.6nd ail a'- tIIj,,sO. ri rd -only two 't .Tnd Dd bad is Of-thO 6aglo of -faitlt he -1110e e. rid -.de- di by a,,10t K001 at ni�)t ithey cpplled�.t -eiV�,agalrl a �borlf, f lost 'pekilendlealar ...rock some. U .ill ngL . :"� b6 I pesterb, rnjg.� 111 L rd terday was t soon a robbed the � alZ- 11 in! la -bAt M elleolge Bo. -Yes abe oti -IjW Newman. With and supervlsin� of huge e;LZ tng Slump iorlog 6,dhea�t. �..k were guilty Jeqt in oh, OnIN111011' in prices dben pO �p ell ig lambs 4rid , I'. �Lle.natkljo or�obedi?ticc, :a fallure. -The wag drWing Off 'hiers �;f :� 1 0, death :Ln. ilia hllek' nthe barn-� Ste gellerss and they tllat� she fardy p �wduld,mean stir QueA Isuboraltiates rarn-Though. hrl4 Of, I SO`j, - rnp?n of other-dopredatiorki in not please :tile.. ter tijnes.,� tie and ooliv. "The R, IZqc, yet tha of er, It ag�Jri -at de"opi'viobYS9 bell Oaks and he acutene d a him it D of had-niall 'was typirled rtOck io"et JU§jL go an. il"; nday* n *n. cild :Wecon�t bX,'4r10&1IH pf'sharp; h lip was gilkillet in ombined 0.11,..c.,for whit M �aN,glcade_ del rLway Wjtjl�. f% niontfi-0 several of.,the I aw, or lit in 'Tho b1olvers C If.!! -1(iondet s an rl -er In I and,.-Yeitr 'Out Until to, get 1 Three '4en, ropo tadde.37s hey, Elio t �thing '-.Ot-'t I h 0.- tile. mea jjt-� sacr',ficle of beasts afor coldred,' at ail 111-ilkeeper. 'IeCkI 'found heelf t Ses and, didrftedaxl,�S, ebarict "n ,Ive BtOOPs; baby t1in krade. -hot 'Slid olat- th t Ad the baqk an t riets' oil Sch Altz and I' -aa* 6r hesA tile hunters a t o for s1lould , Do! jLrIoteers, 'lit odt�a,�o;l (1j'6 eye old-' jfjljkeeper'� babY In one of 'the nestg� iv i3rads Ids, arld Innkeeper, ovntr blazing 5 'L e' open. unfler �tlie Iyid Hbi �njandged, to tm aa and. �Agtb'ra_ On d"'; the:l, A lillileSlk of _h .g 11 Il hoofs, and � 0 , ve bre strict Of thc8d :. L' , Ep J�T&d h and -I 0. r a- UL to rid tile -CO thig' n for . Toronto i9 &IIA-Ma"beeli jaill'ar te -9 aetIVC in ,Japping� , a been far ensigns'and lveejr�_�ojd eaglno� 'aft nof tbe Mosaic td Nylth,, periiin' n .,Chiriat comes of prey. a: ro, of f4fl, satura inblidtorty! 13ut '1� An to bag k)CC011 P14M, -tAnnanlorf andL':Soff Coll joi: qomes t of -Tile t6lltuV3 billrigg, the (Ira. h Iry 0 h-11104. all 0 Co C AM ca ­. . - and er or6r� co 14,jo tL16 nurs, se .6 !in tr.en 0 tar T, A - AN,A . . . . . . . . nnez or 9w. rMet , es Lila 11 midst .9 Lolthrd be wen�qtjjc jro(san� pagi tr al:_ r L ret, I. thron rth1L to Ing Forced 10% , n Ito it ella spA of God's, I. Loll tjj lat tills was tit tell aTOW 9 t 101) 0 living 0 Ing Le "tl fttion lalbs - �a at ill t tiL S VIP,;. for, 111.9 .Apxy to Jo n' f ro litt ortIC6 ibri", IIlt!V 111 t f a I a ibe, 11 V C" - . 11 Court flit; morning losellb Vis 1 )� - Somei, 0116'COtIld 110 glic�'Tlaeo s Intl[ tar Used' as 0 h lodeaugii be dtl:, Old' Chr.14tian lgp. Jay pleaded grailty t6 Ste' tion of blisi. 4. , , German .111 tile. dr. I th" , II L . ila a atMogpbe. Youril to be 0. vay ra I l rd Cililld Iir6ttV­ all a i_ . s - . fnorni'llt. go Whi 91 bag Jr( 0 rrade tocdaPIOS, are.olVIVO -at tl carl it W619 filled $1,04 0. J.he dror aw Lll,' Value ha SO rlany tirlais &Ln, �Vatclj her hopeful when lie n rtick muse hepa by jiti, (,tCl ill I.,nol;W -ibftt to, te Ing'4 A rnan Lot., (sitrist's (I, ending U bec SIMS and ailibell sit bAnd brat Ters tiloso tyl, and sickne, b8 r �Rt. 50) .1, ill. athii police; on rile, ttavehers llaN;e beell 8 140 fie're 1W, ni%Vate.e, he stdc*f, 'it In thp, .1 jifs 'prklcip as somp rand tlie 1)03��q silerated' blib$e -cap il jllogo, oroier, [leg t't ('an laatwd the itqtch this - it .,WvLg 91 0, 'of einWarrion. : td 1. j tll�,, PUYV10 Iles at (ti 811i or aueffed Ila saw the ttor 'smrct4,j:oIlt to ifilifill'od 'Of spices are Op Ar ni, l pas or vi.110.11 wore fill' f.qll X00K 1% C r tian �aa (it L �Iii to netit" the Of 'Ile an h L S coadil. of' all is pan r'y tdo in I. m ii,) learned arti fl, your nian, go to -Ilk, (KI 0A t the p&lace, r 'all llogtlolfl, for willeu i�l bv 14 -k�- rled *Ift� YOU old C1101ti 'r besidi! the stand it 'it Ott. its ncl);S jh6U,art tile 9 fall ttd6 Ore So rtl oil , Brij a on ple lial by' out Ing, ifil of Lt ("It W., '11'61Y "elig all'. ,sLt down 110 hall 14b �erlj emd, lthat' 17 f � drid Open j31bIcr'gq4T be in ol, read or g4 tfia, tile. 11 ' S�q lir IWI'll to ery Of OtIr s0 oneA adand on, obapLet . fter c, aP,' Ile rea on ce ill r 0 11 1.11 IT flirsto fe tr6ublbd 06il Im. o n Cli-ts rie churell, .y (�hoqetl, "Mal to-. njore mOTIVY ilv.tli t n:jthtjld'tjdfll, (Lo'' (Illiret T gZ_r Coulil atford to JWX 1N PRINTIN A 01 hot ail agloNv tv I rp� tcr thing,is need hibil sfia in( �nklnOcr*c an(l j1hi but, ather d t or 'a be/ I tton tO that 900 P d wileti the Clock to litil g,et4ner. �: Ilevillp; it )IN duiy eno , oeltXteeill tonly WO r On. i0I6bVt6 A (I V .1 S 0 (1 to I awbOyfr6m- heills to 1. aq111.11. I though imt L, it (i oit M �yosc' �nd §Ilu.t fl 10 aeIt L arLbb 'sifne, Ora", Nk, jVSVL,4) t 11 C) 0 11 c AlVot(l Lee 111A ght 13 u t in a r IkP it 1)(. 9 1., lie Tit ter 4�d'�y6u iro ali,6c S Q11, Abrall111, 0 'religious t0l Or In 010 aparolle jonged HO T.I rricottr lilliell to dir In th,e ft,4 P'llunded, b�relg 06 f rt, here of, Ehj(,ji Lt t all I arV ba.Vis all y-:rol 44*10' E - I , 0,11 tnol"g;et II'M t. N%*_`Q,1ilc otion, Wilt g1l t d(,plor,(,. [It �,4 t0111' Ih Iittiv 'bt ds polss �N,lrltj'thc Loy i1to 011 t to hAve Jt1g - ()h , IAUn9b' MIA OU1, Ila 1,,v gj) 0 r to ge�, Ifirolligh I y cn n tell YOU itIVVondor that ttle IV 0 fte�' go hqVI lie (If ll.(� 1110"Ill 14, Vl�xlt 10 whotl Ott cf. 11, t it, r you 90 T doth lto being'. 0�n a tliv, -tit, it, %ill -in tVc tj,,rt T Io Of t wh. t t 11, T ST tt1l" j,4 `464. Ill PA .'11ttle VILI'aclt�` .1 lot jua Ijut '%it at tbil; TIJ ill 6 yol DI OkE, sull tTh ils atid I-611 ilia 11TwelitY fliu it titell. vtra tilt' , tr� 9 It n 3 mallift ,s o'Ctho NO' I a1 Ott lt rile 'n fro3in, TjVjI)i't-Vjl,t� ^&bbut to OX - W -Lt 1�1, for, e j,,.qgdftd, not t 1 3L till *11011 tLICO of (, to adqrribratiOn, turnek r Nvn In tit(' 1 l -I, �611, I IT, querrib. Or Pe ' a I ill; j fi nf��q JAIP I ball this M, I't c j,�r"tjje t)tL Lid tjjjj t Leos lie, tt.t),.y)o got J'nt, 1 tV: 0 1, T Ott, L ��Vjj)r id �Iojj l6ok . .1 -6 do 'not trftnt'to t' Alabs,. fOr otba, 0 Ujar, 101� fortlt W3 -1, for tit! cl�jjfc a all IN I n O;A h O� bid-tv n IVIien lb. ,of b6ttl181`10 rile I ba. IlLICAIIPA, t"5 110 (joubt IndiettteS.I; J�y fell Dfor mat, Tic 'lie "Wafig ME,, Lit et lageg tlg�t 1�� othdr ottilt ubo 441 - , j , at �Slltftll In otlle� s f,L ipr etil arid at you go abo (tic, to Of ol rnoro foet, hig t M Ns� zt, Wts, oomowllat,. girnflAr, Tfial -11, lit 1-Wdlil wo Watt Macalulay -allairl i., 'and Trom 010'.top ori ixn,l wjj�rj 116 :.,v�rott vote of ,tjj Of, such day.��L I all iji% springs fee ,'4 oil illv, print-. the ast a Atc6tl of 1*� t lit nl6 n fl )ending. I ou jjat� dome C011ta 11' no,` Ilia e0h6,,b# world nlb ehlir 11 liO .'to ere t into, my 0 'g 1)atfont, Weary. woul, 1,0 h, 1� Etknd- 'o be. 00innion .q 0 tfi&� IeVf��, dnd,an� hitil �OL.'61jiAj&� rONv Crib in thd grol �;ebeo I ade n at hhve �nd drum ng, the Poop] nIfYO you tt to Cortio And Z7. ........... s